Cal. Code Regs. tit. 28 § 1300.51

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
Section 1300.51 - Application for License as a Health Care Service Plan or Specialized Health Care Service Plan
(a) An application for license as a health care service plan or specialized health care service plan shall be filed in the form specified in subsection (c) and contain the information specified in this section and prepared as required by Rule 1300.51.3.
(b) Applications filed prior to the effective date of subsection (c) (revised plan application form) and which remain pending on that date will be processed; however, amendments to such applications filed prior to licensure shall be filed upon the form specified in subsection (c) in accordance with the instructions specified in Rule 1300.51.3, and in accordance with the correlation table for the old and new applications provided in Form HP 1300.51-COR. Such amendments will be required only to update the information contained in the application and to remedy deficiencies in the information provided therein.
(c) Revised Health Care Service Plan Application Form.

RECEIPT NO.__________LICENSE NO._______________
Date of FilingFILING FEE:__________
(To be completed by Applicant.) Not refundable except pursuant to Section 250.15, Title 10, California Code of Regulations.




A. Identification of Plan
1. Name of Applicant.
a. Legal Name___________________________
b. Please list all fictitious names you intend to use:




2. Applicant's Principal Executive Office.
a. Street Address: ___________________________


b. Mailing Address:


c. Telephone Number:


d. Fax Number:


e. Email Address:____________________________
3. Person who is to receive communications regarding this filing. (Note: Prior to licensure, the Department will correspond only with this person.)
a. Name:


b. Title:


c. Address:



d. Telephone Number:


e. Fax Number:


f. Email Address:
4. EXECUTION: The applicant has duly caused this application to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

___________________________By: ___________________________
(Applicant)(Type the name of the authorized signatory for Applicant or Licensee)
Title: ___________________________

I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I have read this application and the exhibits and attachments thereto and know the contents thereof, and that the statements therein are true and correct.

Executed at (City & State) ______________________________

Executed on (Date) ___________________________________

(Type the Name of the authorized signatory certifying the contents of this e-Filing on behalf of Applicant or Licensee)
Title: ___________________________

B. Type of Filing: Indicate the type of filing by checking the single applicable box in Item Nos. 1-7, below, and listing all Exhibits at Item No. 8 below.
1. [] Original application for a plan license.
2. [] Amendment #__________(2nd, 3rd, etc.) to a pending license application initially filed on__________, Associated Filing No.__________
3. [] Notice of a proposed material modification in the form required by Rule 1300.52.1.
4. [] Amendment #__________(2nd, 3rd, etc.) to a pending notice of material modification initially filed on__________, Associated Filing No.__________.
5. [] Amendment filed by a licensee pursuant to Section 1352(a) because of a change in the information contained in the original application.
6. [] Amendment #__________(2nd, 3rd, etc.) to a pending amendment filed pursuant to section 1352(a) initially filed on__________; Associated Filing No.___.
7. [] Report/Other electronic submission filed by licensee. (Specify type in Exhibit E-1)


8. Scope of Filing: Exhibits included in this filing (Specify subsections, e.g., F-1-f) ___________________________



C. Type of Plan Contract(s): Indicate the type of a plan contract(s) by checking and completing the statements which most nearly describe the plan:
1. [] Full Service Health Plan Contracts, which provide as benefits at least the six basic health care services listed in Section 1345(b) of the Act. (Check types below as appropriate.)

[] Commercial

[] Waxman-Duffy prepaid health plan contract

[] Other Medi-Cal (Explain)____________________________________________________________

[] MediCare Supplement

[] Other (Explain)____________________________________________________________________

2. Specialized Health Plan Contract(s):

[] Dental [] Vision [] Mental Health

[] Other (Explain)_____________________________________________________________________

3. [] Contracts with subscribers and enrollees which are not limited to a single specialized area of health care but do not provide as benefits at least the six basic health care services listed in Section 1345(b) of the Act.
D. Name and address or officer or partner of applicant who is to receive compliance and informational communication from the Department and is responsible for disseminating the same within applicant's organization. (Note: After licensure, and except with respect to amendments and material modifications, the Department will correspond only with this person, unless the Department and applicant agree to other arrangements.)
1. Name:_______________________________________________________________________________
2. Title:_______________________________________________________________________________
3. Address:_______________________________________________________________________________
4. Telephone Number:_______________________________________________________________________________
5. Fax Number:_______________________________________________________________________________
6. Email Address:
E. Other Agencies:
1. If applicant is seeking or intends to seek federal qualification under the Federal Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, check here [].
2. If the applicant has made or intends to make any filing relating to its plan to any other state or federal agency, check here [], and attach Exhibit D-2 identifying each such agency, and the nature, purpose and (projected) date of each such filing.

Additional Exhibits: An original application for health care service plan license must include the completed form specified in this subsection and the exhibits required by Subsection (d).

(d) Exhibits to Plan Application.
E. Summary of Information in Application.
1. Summary Description of Plan Organization and Operation. Provide as Exhibit E-1 a summary description of the organization and operation of applicant's business as a health care service plan, covering the highlights and essential features of the information provided in response to the other portions of this application which is essential or desirable to an effective overview of the applicant health care service plan business.
2. Summary Description of Start-up. Provide as Exhibit E-2 a concise description of applicant's start-up program and its assumptions. Indicate applicant's projected date for the beginning of plan operations, and discuss the factors which require such date.
F. Organization and Affiliated Persons.
1. Type of Organization.
a. Corporation. If applicant is a corporation, and attach as Exhibits F-1-a-i, F-1-a-ii and F-1-a-iii, respectively, the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and the Corporation Information Form. (Form HP 1300.51-A)
b. Partnership. If applicant is a partnership, and attach as Exhibits F-1-b-i, and F-1-b-ii, respectively, the Partnership Agreement, and the Partnership Information Form. (Form HP 1300.51-B)
c. Sole Proprietor. If applicants a sole proprietorship, and attach as Exhibit F-1-c the Sole Proprietorship Information Form. (Form HP 1300.51-C)
d. Other Organization. If applicant is any other type of organization, and attach as Exhibit F-1-d, Articles of Association, trust agreement, or any other applicable documents, and any other organizational documents relating to the conduct of the internal affairs of the applicant, and attach as Exhibit F-1-d-ii the Information Form for other than Corporations, Partnerships, and Sole Proprietorships. (Form HP 1300.51-D)
e. Public Agency. If applicant is a public agency, and attach as Exhibit F-1-e-i a description of the public agency, its legal authority, organization, decision making body. Also attach as Exhibit F-1-e-ii a description of the division or unit of the public agency which is to be responsible for operating the plan, its legal authority, organization, and decision making role. Also attach as Exhibit F-1-e-iii the name and address of the local public agency which is the plan.
f. Individual Information Sheet. Attach as Exhibit F-1-f, an Individual Information Sheet (Form HP 1300.51.1) for each natural person named in any exhibit in Item F-1.
2. Contracts with Affiliated Persons, Principal Creditors and Providers of Administrative Services.
a. Persons to Be Identified. Attach as Exhibit F-2-a list identifying each individual or entity who is a party to a contract with applicant, if such contract is one for the provision of administrative services to the applicant or any such party is an Affiliated Person or Principal Creditor (Rule 1300.45(c) and (n)) or of the applicant. As to each such person, show the following information in columnar form:
(i) The names in alphabetical order.
(ii) The exhibit and page number of the contract (including loans and other obligations).
(iii) The type of contract of loan.
(iv) Each relationship which such individual or entity bears to the applicant (officer, director, partner, trustee, member, Principal Creditor, employee, administrative services provider, health care services provider, or shareholder).
(v) Whether (yes or no) such individual or entity is intended to become a Principal Creditor (Rule 1300.45(n)) of applicant.
(vi) Whether (yes or no) such individual or entity is intended to become an "Affiliated Person" of applicant, or to become an Affiliated Person in any capacity other than that disclosed in item F-2-a-iv.
b. Copies of Contracts. Attach as Exhibit F-2-b a copy of each contract (other than a contract for the provision of administrative services or health care services furnished pursuant to Items K or N below) identified in Item F-2-a. Preceding the first page of each such contract, attach a summary sheet which
(1) identifies the contract,
(2) specifies its terms, including its expiration date, and
(3) if a loan or obligation, specifies the unpaid balance of principal and interest and states whether applicant is in default upon the loan or obligation.
3. Other Controlling Persons. Does any individual or entity not named as a contracting party in Item F-2 or any exhibit thereto have any power, directly or indirectly, to manage, influence, or administer the operation, or to control the operations or decisions, of applicant?

If the appropriate response to this item is "yes," attach as Exhibit F-3 a statement identifying each such person or entity and explaining fully, and summarizing every contract or other arrangement or understanding (if any) with each such person. (Each such contract should be submitted pursuant to Subsection F-2 or Subsection G-2, as appropriate.)

4. Criminal, Civil and Administrative Proceedings. Within the preceding 10 years, has the applicant, its management company, or any Affiliate of the applicant (Rule 1300.45(c)), or any controlling person, officer, director or other person occupying a principal management or supervisory position in such plan, management company or Affiliate, or any person intended to hold such a relationship or position, been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to a crime, or been held to have committed any act involving dishonesty, fraud or deceit in a judicial or administrative proceeding to which such person was a party?

If "yes," attach a separate exhibit as to each such person designated Exhibit F-4, identifying such person and fully explaining the crime or act committed. Also, attach a copy of the exhibit for an individual to any Individual Information Sheet required by Item F-1-f for such individual.

5. Employment of Barred Persons. Has the plan engaged or does the plan intend to engage, as an officer, director, employee, associate, or provider, any person named in any order of the Director pursuant to Section 1386(c) or Section 1388(d) of the Act? If the appropriate response to this item is "yes," attach as Exhibit F-5 a statement identifying each such person and explaining fully.
G. Miscellaneous.
1. Consent to Service of Process. If applicant is not a California corporation, attach as Exhibit G-1 a Consent to Service of Process, in the form required by Rule 1300.51.2.
2. Disclosure of Financial Information. Attach as Exhibit G-2, authorizations for the disclosure of financial records of the applicant, and of any association, partnership or corporation controlling, controlled by or otherwise affiliated with the applicant pursuant to Section 1351.1 of the Act. (See Items F-3 and F-5.)


H. Geographical Area Served.

Note: The applicant is required to demonstrate that, throughout the geographic regions designated as the plan's Service Area, a comprehensive range of primary, specialty, institutional and ancillary services are readily available at reasonable times to all enrollees and, to the extent feasible, that all services are readily accessible to all enrollees.

For the purpose of evaluating the geographic aspects of availability and accessibility, consideration will be given to the actual and projected enrollment of the plan based on the residence and place of work of enrollees within and, if applicable, outside the service area, including the individual and group enrollment projections furnished in Items CC, DD and EE of this application.

An applicant for plan license must demonstrate compliance with the accessibility requirement in each of the areas specified in paragraphs (i) through (iv) below, either by demonstrating compliance with the standard specified in such paragraphs or, in the alternative, by presenting other information demonstrating compliance with reasonable accessibility pursuant to Rule 1300.67.2.1.

(i) Primary Care Providers. All enrollees have a residence or workplace within 30 minutes or 15 miles of a contracting or plan-operated primary care provider in such numbers and distribution as to accord to all enrollees a ratio of at least one primary care provider (on a full-time equivalent basis) to each 2,000 enrollees.
(ii) Hospitals. In the case of a full-service plan, all enrollees have a residence or workplace within 30 minutes or 15 miles of a contracting or plan-operated hospital which has a capacity to serve the entire dependent enrollee population based on normal utilization, and, if separate from such hospital, a contracting or plan-operated provider of all emergency health care services.
(iii) Hospital Staff Privileges. In the case of a full-service plan, there is a complete network of contracting or plan-employed primary care physicians and specialists each of whom has admitting staff privileges with at least one contracting or plan-operated hospital equipped to provide the range of basic health care services the plan has contracted to provide.
(iv) Ancillary Services. Ancillary laboratory, pharmacy and similar services and goods dispensed by order or prescription by the primary care provider are available from contracting or plan-operated providers at locations (where enrollees are personally served) within a reasonable distance from the primary care provider.
1. Description of Service Area. As Exhibit H-1, attach a narrative description of the applicant's service area and the geographic area in which its enrollees (actual and/or projected) live and work and list all U.S. Postal ZIP Code numbers included in the service areas. If the applicant has more than one service area, each service area should be separately described. To the extent possible, service areas should be delineated by political or natural boundaries. (If applicant uses sub-service areas or regions within its service areas for the purpose of allocating the provision of health care services by providers to enrollees, include that information in the description of the considerations which underlie the geographic distribution of the applicant's contracting and plan-operated providers.)
2. Map of Service Area. As Exhibit H-2, attach a map or maps upon which the information specified below is indicated by the specified system of symbols. The map(s) employed should be of convenient size and of the largest scale sufficient to include the applicant's entire service area and the surrounding area in which the actual or projected enrollees live or work. The use of good-quality city street maps or the street and highway maps available for various metropolitan areas, and regions of the state, such as are commonly available from automobile associations or retail service stations is preferred. The map or maps should show the following information:
a. Such geographic detail, including highways and major streets, as is generally portrayed on the kinds of maps referred to above.
b. The boundaries of applicant's service area.
c. The location of any contracting or plan-operated hospital and, if separate, each contracting or plan operated emergency health care facility. Hospitals are to be designated by an "H" and emergency care facilities by an "E."
d. The location of primary care providers, designated by a "P." For convenience, the primary care providers within any mile-square area may be considered as being at one location within that area.
e. The location of all other contracting or plan-operated health care providers including the following: Dental, designated by a "D." Pharmacy, designated by an "Rx." Laboratory, designated by an "L." Eye Care, designated by an "O." Specialists and ancillary health care providers, designated by an "S."
f. The location of all subscriber groups which have submitted letters of intent or interest to join the applicant's plan designated by a "G." (See Item CC-3.)
3. Index to Map. As Exhibit H-3, attach an index to the map or maps furnished as Exhibit H-2 which shows, for each symbol placed on the map for a hospital, emergency care facility, primary care provider or ancillary provider, the following information:
a. For each hospital, its total beds and the number of beds available to enrollees of the plan.
b. For each symbol for primary care providers, the number of full-time equivalent primary care providers represented by that symbol.
c. For each interested subscriber group, the name of the group and the projected number of enrollees from that group.
I. Description of Health Care Arrangements.

Note: Providers of Health Care Services. The information in this item is for the purpose of assessing the adequacy of the applicant's health care provider arrangements.

If the service area of the plan and the distribution of its enrollees is so geographically limited that all plan health care providers are readily available and accessible to all enrollees, no geographic division of the provider information required in this part need be made.

However, if applicant's service area is divided into separate provider networks for regions within the service area, the information required in this Item-1 must be furnished separately for each such region and provider network.

1. Physicians Services.
a. Individual Physicians. As Exhibit I-1-a list all individuals who provide covered physician services as employees of the plan or, whether directly or through an association or other entity, as contracting providers: For each physician, furnish the following information.
(i) Name.
(ii) License Number.
(iii) Type of service as determined by board certification and eligibility. Primary care physicians should be designated as general practice, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology and internal medicine. Specialists should be designated as allergy, anesthesiology, dermatology, cardiology and other internal medicine specialists, neonatology, neurology, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, pathology, psychiatry, radiology, surgeries, otolaryngology, urology, and other designated as appropriate.
(iv) The plan-owed or contracting hospitals at which the physician has admitting staff privileges.
(v) The professional address of the physician.
(vi) The physician's relationship to the plan (employed by or contracting with the plan, or contracting through an IPA or one of the parties identified in Item I-1-a.
(vii) The percentage of the physician's time allocated to enrollees of the plan.
(viii) The business hours of the physician's office (i.e., Monday through Friday 8-5, closed Wednesdays).
b. Physician Associations. For all entities other than individuals or independent practice associations who contract with applicant to provide physician services, and each plan-operated facility at which physician services are rendered by employees of the plan, as Exhibit I-1-b furnish the following information for each such contractor or facility:
(i) The name of the contractor or facility.
(ii) The street address of the contractor or facility at which the physician services are rendered for the particular region or provider network.
(iii) The type of entity (professional corporation, sole proprietor, partnership, etc.).
(iv) The number of physicians rendering services for the plan by reason of such contract or by employment at such facility, and the number of "full-time equivalent" physicians being provided to enrollees of the plan.
2. Hospitals. Attach as Exhibit I-2 a list of all hospitals which are operated by or contract with the plan. Provide the following information for each hospital:
a. Its legal name and any "dba" (fictitious name under which it does business).
b. Its address.
c. Its license number.
d. Whether it is a member of the American Hospital Association, whether it is currently accredited by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals, (JCAH) and the expiration date of its current accreditation.
e. Its bed capacity and rate of occupancy.
f. Its emergency room capabilities.
g. A list and full description of all services available to enrollees. Applicant may use a JCAH form or the equivalent.
h. Its relationship with applicant (owned by, contracting provider, joint venture with applicant, etc.).
3. All Other Providers of Health Care Services. Attach as Exhibit I-3 a list of all providers of health care service contracting with or owned by the applicant which are not included in the physician and hospital listings. For each such provider, furnish the following information:
a. The legal name of the provider and any "dba."
b. Its address.
c. Its license number.
d. The health care services it provides to enrollees of the plan (e.g., home health agencies, ambulance company, laboratory, pharmacy, skilled nursing facility, surgi-center, mental health, family planning, etc.).
e. Its hours of operation and the provision made for after-hours service.
f. An appropriate measure of the provider's capacity to provide health care service, the existing utilization of such services by other than enrollees of the plan and the projected use of the services by enrollees.
g. The provider's relationship to the plan (owned by, contracting with, etc.).
4. Calculation of Provider-Enrollee Ratios. As Exhibit I-4, furnish a calculation of the adequacy of the applicant's provider arrangements for each region or provider network within applicant's service area. This should be based on the full range of the health care services covered by the applicant's full-service or specialized plan contracts, the extent to which contracting and planned-owned or employed providers are available to provide such services, the enrollee population served by such providers and the adequacy of the provider system in each category based on standard utilization data. Assumptions employed in such calculations should be stated, including the extent to which paraprofessionals and allied health personnel will be used by applicant or providers and the protocols and method of supervision of such personnel.
5. Applicant's Standards of Accessibility. Attach as Exhibit I-5 a detailed description of the applicant's standards with respect to the accessibility and its procedures for monitoring the accessibility of services. Standards should be expressed in terms of the level of accessibility which the applicant has as its objective and the minimum level of accessibility below which corrective action will be taken. Cover each of the following:
a. the availability of appointments for primary care and specialty services,
b. the availability of after hours and emergency services,
c. an assessment of probable patient waiting times for scheduled appointments,
d. the proximity of specialists, hospitals, etc. to sources of primary care, and
e. a description of applicant's system for monitoring and evaluating accessibility. (Discuss applicant's system for monitoring problems that develop, including telephone inaccessibility, delayed appointment dates, waiting time for appointments, other barriers to accessibility, and any problems or dissatisfaction identified through complaints from contracting providers or grievances from subscribers or enrollees.)
f. the contractual arrangements utilized by the applicant to assure the monitoring of accessibility and conformance to standards of accessibility by contracting providers.
6. Referrals. Attach as Exhibit I-6 a detailed description of applicant's system of documentation of referrals to physicians or other health professionals. Include:
a. the provisions made for written documentation of the referral policies and procedures,
b. the procedures for following up on contracting and noncontracting referrals, including turnaround times, and
c. applicant's arrangements for paying for services delivered by noncontracting providers.
J. Internal Quality of Care Review System.

Applicant is required to demonstrate that it has a system for the review of the quality of health care to identify, evaluate and remedy problems relating to access, continuity and quality of care, utilization and the cost of services. The following exhibits require a description and explanation of the system, including narrative, organization and process charts and review criteria. See Rule 1300.70.

1. Organization and Operation. As Exhibit J-1, furnish a description of the basic structure, organization and authority of the applicant's quality of care review system, including:
a. An organization chart showing the key persons, the committees and bodies responsible for the conduct of the review system, the provisions for support staff and the relationship of such persons, committees and bodies to the general organization of the plan. See Item J-4 below.
b. A narrative explanation of the review system covering the matters depicted in the organization chart and the following: the key persons involved, their titles and their qualification; the extent and type of support staff; the areas of authority and responsibility of the key persons and the committees, if divided among persons and committees; the frequency of meetings of the committees and the portion of their time devoted to the review system by key persons. See Item J-4 below.
2. Standards and Norms. Attach as Exhibit J-2 a description of the standards and norms of the system (including any measurement of deviation in their application), and indicate how these standards and norms will be communicated to providers.
3. Operation of System. Attach as Exhibit J-3 a description of the operation of the review system, including the frequency and scope of audits, the utilization of the audit results and the procedures and methods for the enforcement of the standard and norms of the system.
4. Administration of System by Providers. If portions of the review system are administered by contracting providers, by affiliates of the applicant or by other persons who are not officers or employees of the applicant, attach Exhibit J-4 identifying those portions of the system together with the providers, affiliates or persons administering them on behalf of the applicant, and describe and furnish copies of the contractual provisions which assure the maintenance of the system to the standards of the applicant and those of the Act and the rules thereunder.
5. Monitoring of Provider Administration. Attach as Exhibit J-5, a description of the contractual arrangements which will be employed to enable the plan to monitor, and require, compliance with the quality of care review system, to the extend such system is administered by such contracting providers.
K. Contracts with Providers.
1. Copies of Contracts. Attach as Exhibit K-1 a copy of each contract made, or to be made, between applicant and each provider of health care services. If a contract shows the payment to be rendered a provider, delete such minimum portion of the contract as is necessary to prevent disclosure of such information, by blanking out or other suitable means.
a. If standard form contracts are used, only a specimen of each type of form contract need be filed together with any variations to be used in the terms and provisions of such standard forms, other than in the amount of payments to providers.
b. The contracts and other information submitted in this exhibit will be available for public inspection (see Section 1351(d)).
2. Compliance with Requirements. Attach as Exhibit K-2 a statement in tabular form for each provider contract, and for each standard form contract and its variations, if any, specifying the provisions of such contract which comply with the following provisions of the act and rules:

Section 1379

Rule 1300.67.1(a) and (c)

Rule 1300.67.2(b), (c) and (f)

Rule 1300.67.4(a)(9) and (10)

Rule 1300.67.8(a), (b), (c) and (d)

Rule 1300.68

Rule 1300.70

Rule 1300.51, Item J-5

3. Compensation of Health Care Providers. Attach as Exhibit K-3 one copy of the following provisions from each provider contract, or proposed provider contract, from which payment information was deleted in Exhibit K-1 and clearly mark the extracts from each contract "confidential":
a. The title page of the contract or other information sufficient to identify the contract submitted as Exhibit K-1 to which the extract relates and the providers who are parties.
b. The effective date of the contract and its expiration date.
c. The provisions describing the mechanism by which payments are to be rendered to the provider, including any risk sharing arrangement, clearly identified by the name of the provider.
d. The provider's signature on the execution page of the contract, with the name of the provider typed beneath the signature.


L. Organization Chart.

Attach as Exhibit L an organization chart which shows the lines of responsibility and authority in the administration of the applicant's business as a health care service plan. One chart should be limited to the applicant itself, showing its management and operational structure, including the names and titles of key positions and its board. If necessary, a second chart should show the total management structure of the business in all areas, and including the key positions and departments of the applicant and those in any affiliate and/or contracting provider of health care and/or administrative services, including but not limited to the particular management functions required in the administration of a health care delivery system. The charts are to show the names of the corporations, partnerships and other entities involved in such administration, their boards, committees, and key management positions involved, giving the names of the boards, committees and positions and the persons serving therein.

M. Narrative Information.
1. Attach as Exhibit M-1 a narrative explanation of the organization chart, including the responsibility and authority of each entity, board, committee and position and identifying the persons who serve on such boards and committees and in such positions.
2. Attach as Exhibit M-2, a statement as to each individual who is a member of a board or committee or who occupies a position specified in Exhibit L and Exhibit M-1, covering the following:
a. Name.
b. Each position (e.g., director, officer, committee member, key management personnel and the managers of key departments) such person holds which is indicated in Exhibits L and M-1, whether with applicant, an affiliate or a contracting provider of health, administrative or other services. Also state the person's principal responsibilities and authority in each position, and the portion of the individual's time devoted to each principal function.
c. A resume or similar description of such person's training and experience during the preceding five years (or longer, if desired) which are relevant to the duties and responsibility in applicant's business as a health care service plan.
N. Contracts for Administrative Services.
1. As Exhibit N-1, attach a copy of each contract which applicant has for administrative or management services, or consulting contracts, or which applicant intends to have for the Health Plan.
2. As Exhibit N-2, describe applicant's administrative arrangements to monitor the proper performance of such contracts and the provisions which are included in them to protect applicant, its plan business and its enrollees and providers in the event there is a failure of performance or the contract is terminated.
O. Attach as Exhibit O a statement describing how the Health Plan organization will provide for separation of medical services from fiscal and administrative management to assure that medical decisions will not be unduly influenced by fiscal and administrative management. Describe what controls will be put into place to assure compliance with this requirement. Refer to appropriate items in Exhibit "J," Internal Quality of Care Review System.


Note: In Items P and Q, the applicant is required to include as exhibits copies of the health care service contracts it will issue, including standard form contracts and any variations in the provisions of those forms. In addition, the applicant is required to identify the particular provisions of these contracts which comply with the provisions of the Act and rules listed at the end of this note, or which vary from those provisions. The applicant is also required to explain its proposed variations (if any) from the Act or rules, giving the reasons and justifications for such variances.

The provisions of the Act and rules required to be covered in the information furnished pursuant to Items P and Q are the following:

All Plan Contracts

Section 1345 (definitions)

Section 1362 (definitions)

Section 1363 (only if used for evidence of coverage)

Section 1365

Section 1367. 6

Section 1367. 8

Section 1373

Section 1373. 4

Rule 1300.45 (definitions)

Rule 1300. 63(a) (only if used as evidence of coverage)

Rule 1300.63.1 (only if used as evidence of coverage)

Rule 1300.63.2 (only if used as evidence of coverage)

Rule 1300.67. 4

Rule 1300. 68(b)

Group Contracts Only

Section 1367. 2

Section 1367. 3

Section 1367. 5

Section 1367. 7

Section 1373. 1

Section 1373. 2

Section 1373. 5

Section 1373. 6

Section 1374

Section 1374. 10

P. Group Health Care Service Plan Contracts.
1. Copies of Contracts. Attach as Exhibit P-1 a copy of each group contract which is to be issued by applicant. With respect to contracts based on a standard form, only a specimen of each standard form need be submitted, accompanied by Exhibit P-2.
2. Variations in Standard Form. Attach as Exhibit P-2, if applicant uses standard form group contracts, a schedule or explanation of the variations which will be made in the terms and provisions of such contracts when issued. If no variations will be made, so state.
3. Compliance with Requirements. Attach as Exhibit P-3 a schedule in tabular form for each group contract and each standard form group contract, identifying the particular provision of such contract which complies with each relevant provision of the Act and the rules listed in the preface note to this part, covering also any variations made in standard form contracts. As to any provision which varies from the applicable provision of the Act or rules, identify such provision in Exhibit P-3 and furnish Exhibit P-4.
4. Variance with Requirements. As Exhibit P-4, attach a statement with respect to each variance which the applicant proposes to make from the Act or rules in its group contracts, indicating the reasons for the variance and, if applicable, the circumstances under which the variance from the Act or rules is proposed to be used.
Q. Individual Health Care Service Plan Contracts.
1. Copies of Contracts. Attach as Exhibit Q-1 a copy of each individual contract which is to be issued by applicant. With respect to contracts based on a standard form, only a specimen of each standard form need be submitted, accompanied by Exhibit Q-2.
2. Variations in Standard Form. Attach as Exhibit Q-2, if applicant uses standard from individual contracts, a schedule or explanation of the variations which will be made in the terms and provisions of such contracts when issued. If no variations will be made from the standard form, so state.
3. Compliance with Requirements. Attach as Exhibit Q-3 a schedule in tabular form for such individual contract and each standard form individual contract, identifying the particular provision of such contract which complies with each relevant provision of the Act and rules listed in the preface note to this part, covering also any variations to be made in standard form contracts. As to any provision which varies from the applicable provision of the Act or rules, identify such provision in Exhibit Q-3 and furnish Exhibit Q-4.
4. Variance from Requirements. As Exhibit Q-4, attach a statement with respect to each variance which the applicant proposes to make from the Act or rules in its individual plan contracts, indicating the reasons for the variance and, if applicable, the circumstances under which the variance from the Act or rules is proposed to be used.
R. (Reserved for future use.)
S. Disclosure Forms.
1. Attach as Exhibit S-1 a copy of each disclosure form which applicant proposes to use, and identify by name and by exhibit number the contract or contracts in Exhibit P-1 or Q-1 with which the disclosure form will be used. If the disclosure forms vary in text, format and arrangement in a manner which may make it difficult to identify and compare alternatives and their effect upon the contract, include an explanation which indicates how such difficulties will be avoided.
2. Attach as Exhibit S-2 a statement in tabular form for each disclosure form submitted as Exhibit S-1 above, identifying the section, paragraph, or page number of the disclosure form which shows compliance with each of the following sections of the Act or rules (following the parenthetical instructions set forth in the note immediately preceding Item P above, if there are multiple disclosure forms):

Section 1345 (definitions)

Section 1362 (definitions)

Section 1363(a)(1) through (8)

Section 1363(a)(10)

Section 1378(g) (if disclosing group contract)

Rule 1300. 67(a)(1)

Rule 1300. 63(b)(1) through (14)

T. Evidence of Coverage.
1. Attach as Exhibit T-1 a copy of each evidence of coverage which applicant proposes to use. Each evidence of coverage should relate to one form of plan contract which must be identified by name and by exhibit number; however, an evidence of coverage for alternative plans or options will be permitted if presented in a manner which clearly identifies the alternatives and their effect upon the contract and if the alternative contracts are clearly identified by name or exhibit number.
2. Attach as Exhibit T-2 a statement in tabular form for each evidence of coverage submitted as Exhibit T-1 above, the section, paragraph, or page number of the evidence of coverage which shows compliance with each of the following sections of the Act or rules (following the parenthetical instructions set forth in the note immediately preceding Item P above, if there are multiple evidences of coverage):

Section 1345 (definitions)

Section 1362 (definitions)

Rule 1300.63(a)(1)

Rule 1300.63.1(b)(1) and (2)

Rule 1300.62.2(b)(1) and (2)

Rule 1300.63.2(c)(1) through (16)

Rule 1300.69(i)

U. Combined Evidence of Coverage and Disclosure Forms.

Applicant may combine the evidence of coverage and disclosure form into one document if it complies with each of the requirements set forth in Rule 1300.63.2.

1. Attach as Exhibit U-1 a copy of each combined evidence of coverage and disclosure form. Each combined evidence of coverage and disclosure form should relate to one form of plan contract; however, a combined evidence of coverage and disclosure form offering alternative plans or options will be permitted if presented in a manner which clearly identifies the alternatives and their effect upon the contract.
2. Attach as Exhibit U-2 a statement in tabular form for each combined evidence of coverage and disclosure form submitted as Exhibit U-1 above, the section, paragraph or page number which shows compliance with each of the following sections of the Act or Rules (following the parenthetical instructions set forth in the note immediately preceding Item P above, if there are multiple combined evidences of coverage and disclosure forms):

Section 1345 (definitions)

Section 1362 (definitions)

Rule 1300.63. 2(b)(1) and (2)

Rule 1300.63. 2(c)(1) through (27)

Rule 1300. 69(i)

V. Advertising.

Attach as Exhibit V a copy of any advertising which is subject to Section 1361 of the Act and which applicant proposes to use. With respect to each proposed advertisement indicate the contract(s) by name and by exhibit number(s) to which said advertisement relates and identify the segment of the public to which the advertisement is directed.

W. Enrollee/Subscriber Grievance Procedures.
1. Attach as Exhibit W-1 a copy of its written grievance procedure adopted or to be adopted by applicant to comply with all of the provisions of Section 1368 of the Act and Rules 1300.68, 1300.85 and 1300.85.1.
2. Attach as Exhibit W-2, copies of the compliant forms and the written explanation of its grievance procedure which the plan will make available to enrollees and subscribers.
3. If the written procedure furnished as Exhibit W-1 does not identify the key personnel of applicant and provider organizations that will be responsible for carrying out its grievance procedures and the review of its results, attach Exhibit W-3 giving the name and title of each such person and identifying their responsibility for carrying out the procedure.
X. Public Policy Participation.
1. If applicant is in compliance with the requirements of the Federal Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 and intends to rely on such compliance to satisfy the provisions of Section 1369 of the Act, attach as Exhibit X-1 documentation necessary to validate compliance with the Health Maintenance Organization Act.
2. Unless applicant has satisfied the provisions of Section 1369 of the Act in the manner indicated in Subsection X-1, above, attach as Exhibit X-2 a description of applicant's procedures to permit subscribers and enrollees to participate in establishing the public policy of the plan, including at least the following:
a. the composition of applicant's governing board,
b. the composition of the standing committee established which shall participate in establishing the public policy of the plan as defined in Section 1369 of the Act, the frequency of said committee's meetings, the frequency of receipt by applicant's governing body of said committee's reports and recommendations, and the procedures established by the governing body for dealing with such reports and recommendations;
c. the means by which subscribers and enrollees participating in established public policy will be given access to information and information regarding the specific nature and volume of complaints received by applicant and their disposition;
d. specific identification by name and section or paragraph number of pertinent provisions of applicant's bylaws and/or other governing documents (as submitted in response to Item F) which set forth the procedures for public policy participation for subscribers and enrollees; and
e. the manner and frequency with which applicant will furnish to its subscribers and enrollees a description of its system for their participation in establishing public policy and communicate material changes affecting public policy to subscribers and enrollees.


Y. Marketing of Group Contracts.

Attach as Exhibit Y a statement describing the methods by which applicant proposes to market group contracts, including the use of employee or contracting solicitors or solicitor firms, their method or form of compensation and the methods by which applicant will obtain compliance with Rules 1300.59, 1300.61, 1300.76.2, and 1300.85.1.

Z. Marketing of Individual Contracts.

Attach as Exhibit Z a statement describing the methods by which applicant proposes to market individual plan contracts, including the use of employee or contracting solicitors or solicitor firms, their method or form of compensation and the methods by which applicant will obtain compliance with Rules 1300.59, 1300.61, 1300.76.2, and 1300.85.1.

AA. Supervision of Marketing.

Attach as Exhibit AA a statement setting forth applicant's internal arrangements to supervise the marketing of its plan contracts, including the name and title of each person who has primary management responsibility for the employment and qualification of solicitors, advertising, contracts with solicitors and solicitor firms and for monitoring and supervising compliance with contractual and regulatory provisions.

BB. Solicitation Contracts.
1. Attach as Exhibit BB-1 a list of all persons (other than any employee of the plan whose only compensation is by salary) soliciting or agreeing to solicit the sale of plan contracts on behalf of the applicant. For each such person, identify by exhibit number that person's contract furnished pursuant to Item BB-2 and, if such contract does not show the rate of compensation to be paid, specify the person's rate of compensation.
2. Attach as Exhibit BB-2, a copy of each contract or proposed contract between applicant and the persons named in Exhibit BB-1 for soliciting the sale of or selling plan contracts on behalf of applicant. If a standard form contract is used, furnish a specimen of the form, identify the provision and terms of the form which may be varied and include a copy of each variation.
3. If the rate of compensation for any solicitor or for any plan contract exceeds 5 percent of the prepaid or periodic charge for the contract(s) on an annual basis, attach as Exhibit BB-3 a statement explaining and justifying the rate of compensation in each such case.
CC. Group Contract Enrollment Projections.

Note: All projections required by Items CC, DD, EE and HH are to cover the period commencing from its commencement of operations as a licensed health care service plan until the applicant's financial statement projections under Item HH demonstrate that it has reached the break-even point (or for one year, whichever is longer) and for an additional period of one year thereafter. For the initial period, all projections are to be on a monthly basis. For the additional year, all projections are to be on a quarterly basis.

1. Projections. Attach as Exhibit CC-1 projections of applicant's enrollments under group contracts for the periods specified in the above note. (Medi-Cal, Medicare, and Medicare supplemental programs are to be treated as individual contracts under Item DD below.) Exhibit CC-1 is to contain the following information with respect to each anticipated group contract:
a. The name of the group.
b. The number of potential subscribers in the group.
c. The locations within and around applicant's service area in which the potential subscribers and enrollees live and work.
d. The estimated date (or period after licensing) for entry into the group contract.
e. Identification of the plan contract anticipated with the group, by reference to Exhibit P-1. If more than one type of group contract is expected with a group, each contract must be covered separately.
f. The projected number of (1) subscribers and (2) enrollees (including subscribers), on a monthly basis for the initial period specified in the above note and quarterly for the following year.
g. State whether the contract will be "community rated" or "experience rated."
h. Evaluation of the competition for each group.
2. Substantiation of Projections. Attach as Exhibit CC-2 for each group contract specified in Exhibit CC-1 a description of the facts and assumptions used in connection with the information specified in that exhibit and include documentation of the source and validity of such facts and assumptions.
3. Letters of Interest. Attach as Exhibit CC-3 letters of interest or intent from each group listed in Exhibit CC-1, on the letterhead of the group and signed by its representative.
DD. Individual Contract Enrollment Projections.
1. Projections. Attach as Exhibit DD-1 a projection of applicant's sales of individual contracts for the periods specified in the note in Item CC above. Programs involving Medi-Cal, Medicare and Medicare supplemental coverages are to be treated as individual contracts. The exhibit is to contain the following information as to each type of individual contract:
a. A description (e.g., ethnic, demographic, economic, etc.) of each target population.
b. The estimated number of persons in each target population.
c. The distribution of the target population within and around applicant's service area.
d. The projected number of (1) subscribers and (2) enrollees (including subscribers) expected to be obtained from each target population, on a monthly basis for the initial period and quarterly for the following year.
e. State whether the contract will be "community rated" or "experience rated."
f. Evaluation of the competition within the target area.
2. Substantiation of Projections. Attach as Exhibit DD-2 a statement of the facts and assumptions employed with respect to the information furnished for each contract and target population listed in Exhibit DD-1 and furnish documentation, including reliable market surveys, validating the facts and assumptions.
EE. Summary Enrollment Projections.

Attach as Exhibit EE summary enrollment projections on a monthly basis for the initial period specified in the note to Item CC and on a quarterly basis for the following year. Such enrollment projections should reflect the breakdown of enrollment by groups, individuals, Medi-Cal, Medicare, and others.

FF. Prepaid and Periodic Charges.
1. Determination of Prepaid Charges. Attach as Exhibit FF-1, a description of the method used by applicant to determine the prepaid or periodic charges fixed for individual and group contracts, including the method by which administrative and other indirect costs are allocated. Describe the facts and assumptions upon which such charges are based (e.g., contract mix, family size) and furnish supporting documentation to substantiate the validity of the facts and assumptions used.
2. Schedule of Prepaid Charges. Attach as Exhibit FF-2-a complete schedule of the prepaid or periodic charges assessed subscribers under each group contract identified in response to Item P and attach as Exhibit FF-2-b a schedule of the prepaid or periodic charges assessed subscribers under each individual contract identified in response to Item Q.
3. Collection of Prepaid Charges. Attach as Exhibit FF-3 a description of the manner in which applicant will collect prepaid and periodic charges and copayments from subscribers and enrollees under its group and individual contracts. If prepaid or periodic charges will be paid by subscribers to an entity other than the plan, identify the entity and specify the measures used by the plan to safeguard and account for such funds (see Rules 1300.76.2, 1300.85 and 1300.85.1).


GG. Current Financial Viability, Including Tangible Net Equity.
1. Financial Statements.
a. Attach as Exhibit GG-1-a the most recent audited financial statements of applicant, accompanied by a report, certificate, or opinion of an independent certified public accountant or independent public accountant, together with all footnotes to said financial statements.
b. If the financial statements attached as Exhibit GG-1-a are for a period ended more than 60 days before the date of filing of this application, also attach as Exhibit GG-1-b financial statements prepared as of date no later than 60 days prior to the filing of this application consisting of at least a balance sheet, a statement of income and expenses, and any accompanying footnotes; these more recent financial statements need not be audited, so long as they are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
2. Tangible Net Equity. Attach as Exhibit GG-2 a calculation of applicant's tangible net equity in accordance with Rule 1300.76, based on the most recent balance sheet submitted as Exhibit GG-1-a or b above.
HH. Projected Financial Viability
1. Attach as Exhibit HH-1, the following projected financial statements of the applicant reflecting actual and projected changes which have, or which are expected to occur between the date of its most recent financial statements furnished pursuant to Item GG and the date specified for the commencement of its operations as a plan in Item E above. The projected financial statements must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and on a basis consistent with the financial statements supplied in Item GG.
a. Applicant's projected balance sheet as of the start up date of the plan. (See Item E)
b. Applicant's projected statement of income and expenses covering the period between the date of the most recent financial statements furnished in Item GG and the date specified in Item E.
c. A calculation of applicant's projected tangible net equity in accordance with Rule 1300.76 as of the date specified in Item E and in accordance with its projected balance sheet.
2. Attach as Exhibit HH-2, projected financial statements as of the close of each month during applicant's initial period of operations, as defined in the note to Item CC, and as of the close of each quarter for the following year, prepared on a consistent basis with the financial statements furnished for Item HH-1, including the following:
a. Applicant's projected balance sheet as of the close of such month or quarter.
b. Applicant's projected statement of income and expense for such month or quarter.
c. Applicant's projected cash-flow statement for such month or quarter.
d. A calculation of applicant's tangible net equity pursuant to Rule 1300.76 as of such month or quarter.
e. A calculation of applicant's administrative costs pursuant to Rule 1300.78 for such month or quarter.
3. Furnish the following information to substantiate the assumptions and conclusions upon which the projections required by Items HH-1 and HH-2 are based:
a. Attach as Exhibit HH-3-a the complete results of feasibility studies obtained by applicant as normally required by conventional lending institutions, including at least the following: legal, marketing/enrollment, providers and financial.
b. Attach as Exhibit HH-3-b an actuarial report which includes at least the following information for all enrollees reflected in Exhibit EE as covered by contracts which are community rated:
(i) Utilization rates for each medical expense item reflected in applicant's income statements furnished pursuant to Item HH-2, expressed in terms of utilization units per member per month, including the methodology and source of data used to determine such rates.
(ii) The cost per utilization unit for each medical expense item reflected in the income statement, including the methodology and source of data used to determine such costs.
(iii) The per member per month cost for each medical expense item.
(iv) The methodology and source of data used to estimate copayments, coordination of benefits, and reinsurance recoveries, including the expression of such items on a per member per month basis.
(v) Inflation estimates used in the projections and the source utilized to determine such estimates.
c. For each contract which is designated as experience rated (as summarized in Exhibit EE) attach as Exhibit HH-3-c an actuarial report for the contract which conforms to the requirements stated in Item HH-3-b.
d. Attach as Exhibit HH-3-d a summary schedule which reflects the breakdown of the total revenue and expense included in the projected income statements in Exhibit HH-2-b by community rated contacts and experience rated contracts.
e. As Exhibit HH-3-e the assumptions made by the applicant to determine the time lag between the delivery by covered health care services and applicant's payment for those services. Also indicate all other assumptions made in preparing the projected cash flow statements in Item HH-2-c.
f. Attach as Exhibit HH-3-f-i a detailed description of any measures taken or proposed to be taken by applicant to maintain compliance with the tangible net equity requirement under Rule 1300.76 and the financial viability requirement under Rule 1300.76.1 in view of losses and expenditures prior to reaching a break-even point in its operations. This information should include a schedule setting forth the amounts of any additional needed funding and the dates when such amounts will be infused into applicant. If such arrangements involve arrangements for additional capital, to subordinate or postpone the payment of accounts, notes or other obligations of the plan or other agreements, cite the exhibit numbers of such agreements and identify their applicable provisions, if supplied elsewhere in the application, or if not otherwise furnished, attach copies of such agreements or proposed agreements, identifying the parties thereto and their relationship to the plan and its affiliates.

If any funding is to be obtained from an entity other than a national bank or a bank incorporated under the laws of this state, attach as Exhibit HH-3-f-ii a copy of such entity's most recent annual audited and quarterly unaudited financial statements.

4. Reimbursements. Attach as Exhibit HH-4 the following information regarding applicant's projected reimbursements:
a. Monthly and quarterly projections as specified in the note to Item CC for each of the following (see instruction in Item 4-b):
(i) Payments to reimburse noncontracting providers for covered health care services furnished to enrollees (see Section 1377(a)).
(ii) Payments to reimburse enrollees for covered health care services furnished by noncontracting providers (see Section 1377(a)).
(iii) Total reimbursements for services by noncontracting providers (1) plus (2) (see Section 1377(a)).
(iv) Fee-for-service payments to reimburse contracting providers for covered health care services.
(v) Total reimbursements (3) plus (4).
(vi) Total expenditures by applicant for covered health care services.
(vii) The ratio of total reimbursements to total health care expenditures (5) divided by (6).
(viii) The ratio of reimbursements for services by noncontracting providers to total expenditures (3) divided by (6).
b. Describe and substantiate the facts and assumptions upon which the projections are based, including those for fee-for-service payments to contracting providers and document the source and validity of such assumptions. (Actuarial studies or comparable information should be furnished in response to these items.)
c. If the ratio of total reimbursements to total expenditures in Item 4-a (viii) exceeds 10%, specify the measures by which applicant will comply with Section 1377(a) of the Act and Rules 1300.77 and 1300.77.3. If applicant will maintain reserves as specified in Section 1377(a)(1) of the Act, specify the size of the reserve and the fiscal impact upon applicant arising from its maintenance.
d. If the ratio of total reimbursements to total expenditures in Item 4-a(vii) exceeds 10%, specify the measures by which applicant will comply with Section 1377(b) of the Act and Rules 1300.77.1, 1300.77.2 and 1300.77.3.
5. Administrative Costs. If applicant's administrative costs (as defined in Rule 1300.78) as projected for its initial period of operation (as specified in the Note to Item CC and calculated pursuant to Item HH-2-e) exceed 25% of the prepaid or periodic charges paid by or on behalf of subscribers, and if such administrative costs exceed 20% of such charges for the following year, attach as Exhibit HH-5 a calculation of the percentage of administrative costs to such charges for both such periods and furnish information which explains the necessity for the level of administrative costs projected and the manner in which applicant will reduce such costs to not more than 15% of such charges within five years after licensure.
6. Provision for Extraordinary Losses. The following requirements require an initial applicant to submit legible copies of the actual policies of insurance (including any riders or endorsements) or specimen copies of the policies of insurance which show all of the terms and conditions of coverage, or with respect to those items expressly allowing for self-insurance, allow applicant to provide evidence of self-insurance at least as adequate as insurance coverage.
a. Attach as Exhibit HH-6-a evidence of adequate insurance coverage or self-insurance to respond to claims for damages arising out of furnishing health care services (malpractice insurance).
b. Attach as Exhibit HH-6-b evidence of adequate insurance coverage or self-insurance to respond to claims for tort claims, other than with respect to claims for damages arising out of furnishing health care services.
c. Attach as Exhibit HH-6-c evidence of adequate insurance coverage or self-insurance to protect applicant against losses of facilities upon which it has the risk of loss due to fire or other causes. Identify facilities covered by individual policies and indicate the basis upon which applicant believes that the insurance thereon is adequate.
d. Attach as Exhibit HH-6-d, evidence of fidelity bond coverage for at least the amounts specified in Rule 1300.76.3, in the form of a primary commercial blanket bond or a blanket position bond written by an insurer licensed by the California Insurance Commissioner, providing 30 days' notice to the Director of the Department of Managed Health Care prior to cancellation, and covering each officer, director, trustee, partner and employee of the plan, whether or not compensated.
e. Attach as Exhibit HH-6-e evidence of adequate workmen's compensation insurance coverage against claims which may arise against applicant.
II. Fiscal Arrangements.
1. Maintenance of Financial Viability. Attach as Exhibit II-1 a statement describing applicant's arrangements to comply with Section 1375.1(b) of the Act and Rule 1300.75.1(a)(2). If applicant will maintain insurance under these provisions, furnish a specimen of the policy, the name of the insurer and the premium cost to the policy.
2. Capitation Payments to Providers. If applicant intends to pay some or all providers on a capitation basis, attach as Exhibit II-2 a statement indicating the percentage of contracting providers who will be compensated on that basis, a description of the method used to determine and adjust the capitation rates, and substantiate by means of calculations or other information that such capitation rates are adequate to reasonably assure the continuance of the applicant/provider relationship.
3. Risk of Insolvency. Attach as Exhibit II-3 a description of the manner in which applicant will provide for each of the following in the event of applicant's insolvency:
a. The continuance of benefits to enrollees for the duration of the contract period for which payment has been made.
b. The continuance of benefits to enrollees until their discharge, for those enrollees confined in an in-patient health care facility on the date of insolvency.
c. Payments to noncontracting providers for services rendered.
4. Provider Claims. Attach as Exhibit II-4 a statement describing applicant's system for processing claims from contracting providers and noncontracting providers for payment, and from subscribers and enrollees for reimbursement, including, the rules defining applicant's obligation to reimburse, the standards and procedures for applicant's claims processing system (including receipt, identification, handling, screening, and payment of claims), the timetable for processing claims, procedures for monitoring the claims processing system, and procedures for reviewing the claims processing system in view of complaint from contracting or noncontracting providers or grievances from subscribers or enrollees. The records maintained regarding fee-for-service reimbursements must be in accordance with the provisions of Rule 1300.77.4.
5. Other Business. If the applicant is or will engage in any business other than as a health care service plan, attach as Exhibit II-5 a statement describing such other business, its relationship to applicant's business as a plan, and the anticipated financial risks and liabilities of such other business. If the financial statements and projections in Exhibits GG-1-a, GG-1-bb, HH-1 and HH-2 do not include such other business, explain.
(e) Information Forms Required by Item F-1 of Subsection (d):
(1) Corporation Information Form.




EXHIBIT F-1-a-iii

To be used in response to Item F-1-a of Form HP 1300.51.

1. Name of Applicant (as in Item 1-a):


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names

2. State of Incorporation:


3. Date of Incorporation:


Full Date--Month, Day, Year

4. Is applicant a nonprofit corporation?

[] Yes [] No

5. Is applicant exempted from taxation as a nonprofit corporation?

[] Yes [] No

6. Names of principal officers, directors and shareholders: List (a) each person who is a director or principal officer or who performs similar functions or duties and (b) each person who holds of record or beneficially over 5% of the voting securities of applicant or over 5% of applicant's equity securities. If this is an amended exhibit, place an asterisk (*) before the names for whom a change in title, status or stock ownership is being reported and a double asterisk (**) before the names of persons which are added to those furnished in the most recent previous filing.


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names

Title or Status:___________________________

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, YearPercentage


Class of Equity or Security: ___________________________


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names


Title or Status: ___________________________

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, YearPercentage

Class of Equity or Security: ___________________________


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names

Title or Status: ___________________________

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, YearPercentage

Class of Equity or Security: ___________________________

7. If this is an amended exhibit, list below the names reported in the most recent filing of this exhibit which are deleted by this amendment:
(2) Partnership Information Form.





To be used in response to Item F-1-b of Form HP 1300.51.

1. Name of Applicant (as in Item 1-a):


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names

2. State of organization:


3. Date of organization:


Full Date--Month, Day, Year

4. Names of Partners and Principal Management: List all general, limited and special partners and all persons who perform principal management functions. If this is an amended exhibit, place an asterisk (*) before the names of persons for whom a change in title, status or partnership interest is being reported and place a double asterisk (**) before the names of persons which are added to those furnished in the most recent previous filing.


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names

Title or Duties:___________________________

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, YearCapital Contribution Percentage

Type of Partner: ___________________________

Full Name--First Middle and Last Names


Title or Duties: ___________________________

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, YearCapital Contribution Percentage

Type of Partner: ___________________________

Full Name--First Middle and Last Names


Title or Duties: __________________________

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, YearCapital Contribution Percentage

Type of Partner: ___________________________

5. If this is an amended exhibit, list below the names reported in the most recent filing of this exhibit which are deleted by this amendment:
(3) Sole Proprietor Information Form.





To be used in response to Item F-1-c of Form HP 1300.51.

1. Name of Applicant (as in Item 1-a):


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names

2. Residence Address:


Street Address or P O Box Number


City, State ZIP Code

3. Names of persons performing principal management functions: List each person who occupies a principal management position or who performs principal management functions for the applicant. If this is an amended exhibit, place an asterisk (*) before the names of persons for whom a change in title or duties is being reported and place a double asterisk (**) before the names of persons which are being added to those furnished in the most recent previous filing of this exhibit.


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names

Title or Duties: ___________________________

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, Year


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names

Title or Duties: ___________________________

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, Year


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names


Title or Duties:

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, Year

4. If this is an amended exhibit, list below the names reported in the most recent filing of this exhibit which are deleted by this amendment:
(4) Information Form for Miscellaneous Types of Entities.





To be used in response to Item F-1-d of Form HP 1300.51.

1. Name of Applicant (as in Item 1-a):


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names

2. State of organization:


3. Date of organization:


Full Date--Month Day, Year

4. Form of Organization (describe briefly):








5. Names of Principal Officers and Beneficial Owners: List below the names of (a) each person who is a principal officer or trustee of the applicant or who performs principal management functions, and (b) each person who owns of record or beneficially over 5% of any class of equity security of the applicant. If this is an amended exhibit, place an asterisk (*) before the name of each person for whom a change in title, status or interest is reported, and a double asterisk (**) before the name of persons which are added to those reported in the most recent previous filing.


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names


Title or Duties: ___________________________

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, YearClass Percentage

Class of Equity or Security: ___________________________


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names

Title or Duties: ___________________________

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, YearClass Percentage

Class of Equity or Security: ___________________________


Full Name--First Middle and Last Names


Title or Duties: ___________________________

Relationship Beginning

Date--Month Day, YearClass Percentage


Class of Equity or Security:___________________________

6. If this is an amended exhibit, list below the names reported in the most recent filing of this exhibit which are deleted by this amendment:




Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 28, § 1300.51

Note: Authority cited: Section 1344, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 1351, 1351.1, 1352, 1359, 1363, 1367, 1367.2, 1367.3, 1367.4, 1367.5, 1367.6, 1367.7, 1367.8, 1367.9, 1367.15, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1370.1, 1373, 1373.1, 1373.2, 1373.4, 1373.5, 1373.6, 1373.7, 1373.8, 1374, 1374.7, 1374.10, 1374.11, 1374.12, 1375.1, 1376, 1378, 1386, 1399.62 and 1399.63, Health and Safety Code.

Note: Authority cited: Section 1344, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 1351, 1351.1, 1352, 1359, 1363, 1367, 1367.2, 1367.3, 1367.4, 1367.5, 1367.6, 1367.7, 1367.8, 1367.9, 1367.15, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1370.1, 1373, 1373.1, 1373.2, 1373.4, 1373.5, 1373.6, 1373.7, 1373.8, 1374, 1374.7, 1374.10, 1374.11, 1374.12, 1375.1, 1376, 1378, 1386, 1399.62 and 1399.63, Health and Safety Code.

1. Amendment of Item 23-C filed 12-20-77 as an emergency; effective upon filing (Register 77, No. 52).
2. Amendment filed 6-2-78; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 78, No. 22).
3. Amendment of Item 23 filed 1-12-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No. 3).
4. Amendment of Item 22-G filed 6-29-84; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 84, No. 26).
5. Amendment filed 12-17-85; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 85, No. 51).
6. Change without regulatory effect amending subsection (c) filed 4-4-2000 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2000, No. 14).
7. Change without regulatory effect amending subsections (c), (d)F.5., (d)HH.6.d., (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3) and (e)(4) filed 7-18-2000 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2000, No. 29).
8. Change without regulatory effect amending subsection (d)HH.6.d., (e)(1)-(4)(forms), filed 11-21-2002 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2002, No. 47).
9. Amendment of subsection (c) filed 10-26-2004; operative 11-25-2004 (Register 2004, No. 44).
10. Amendment of subsections (d)H. and (d)H.(iv) filed 3-6-2024; operative 3/6/2024. Submitted to OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3). Exempt from the APA pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 1367.03, subsections (f)(3) and (f)(5) (Register 2024, No. 10).