1 | Facility ID Number | 13 | AN | A facility identifier assigned by the local regulator supporting cross-linking of CERS and local data system records. Because CUPAs do not consistently apply the original regulatory definition of this field (2 AN county 3 AN jurisdiction 6 AN facility number), CERS accepts any alphanumeric string up to 13 characters. The original regulator goals of this field are fulfilled through the CERS ID and CERS System Field "FacilityRegulatorKey" (20.0084). | False | |
1a | CERS ID | Cal/EPA assigned, 8- or 9- digit ID assigned to a specific facility that never has leading zeroes (begins at 10000001). Cal/EPA does not anticipate using 9- digit CERS IDs until the year 2020 or beyond. | 9 | N | A CERS ID is a Cal/EPA-assigned, 8- or 9- digit ID to uniquely identify a facility in CERS. The CERS ID should remain unchanged across different owners/operators of a facility. | False |
3 | Business Name | 70 | AN | Full legal name of business. | True | |
606 | Unit ID Number (Onsite Hazardous Waste Facility) | 18 | AN | Unique identification number for unit. The Units can be numbered sequentially, or by any other system as long as the numbers are not repeated or duplicated. | True | |
607 | Unit Type/Tier | a = CESQT | 1 | AN | Unit type under the tiered | True |
(Onsite | b = CESW | permitting program. | ||||
Hazardous | c = CA | |||||
Waste Facility) | d = PBR | |||||
e = CEL | ||||||
608 | Number of Tanks (Onsite Hazardous Waste Facility) | 2 | N | Number of tanks containing hazardous waste. "Tank" means a stationary device, designed to contain an accumulation of hazardous waste which is constructed primarily of non-earthen materials (e.g., wood, concrete, steel, plastic) which provide structural support. | True | |
609 | Number Of Containers/Treat ment Areas | 2 | N | Number of containers and container treatment areas for hazardous waste. "Container" means any device that is open or closed, and portable in which a material can be stored, handled, treated, transported, recycled, or disposed of. "Container treatment area" is the location set aside and used to treat containers, such as drums. | True | |
610 | Unit Name | 30 | AN | Name of treatment unit. A unit is defined as a tank, a container, or a combination of tanks or tank systems and/or containers located together that are used in sequence to treat or accumulate one or more compatible hazardous wastestreams. The devices are either plumbed together or otherwise linked so as to form one system. | False | |
611 | Monthly Treatment Volume | 8 | N | Estimated monthly total volume of hazardous waste treated in each unit. If the volume fluctuates significantly by month, enter the maximum or highest volume treated in any month. | True | |
612 | Unit Of Measure | a = Pounds | 1 | AN | Unit of measure for monthly | True |
b = Gallons | treatment volume. | |||||
613 | Specific Waste Type Treated | Narrative | 150 | AN | Description of the specific waste type(s) treated. For example, if waste qualifies as an aqueous waste with metal or organics, indicate the specific metals or organics. | False |
614 | Treatment Process Description | Narrative | 150 | AN | Description of treatment process(es) used. | True |
615a | Basis for Not Needing Federal | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Basis for determining that a hazardous waste permit is not required under RCRA and the | False |
Permit = Treated waste is not a hazardous waste under federal law (California-only waste) | N = No | federal regulations adopted under RCRA (40 CFR). Only onsite treatment operations that are not required to obtain a federal permit are eligible for the onsite permitting tiers. Indicate at least one reason to prove eligibility for the onsite treatment tiers. Contact the CUPA, DTSC Regional Office, the U.S. EPA's Region IX RCRA Information Line at (415)744-2074, or the U.S. EPA RCRA Hotline at (800)424-9346. | ||||
615b | Basis for Not Needing Federal | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Basis for determining that a hazardous waste permit is not required under RCRA and the | False |
Permit = Treated in waste water treatment units (tanks) and discharged to a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) / sewering agency or under an NPDES permit | N = No | federal regulations adopted under RCRA (40 CFR). Wastewater treatment unit means a device which (1) is part of a wastewater treatment facility regulated under section 402 or 307(b) of the Clean Water Act, and (2) receives and treats or stores an influent wastewater that is a hazardous waste or that generates and accumulates a wastewater treatment sludge that is a hazardous waste or that treats or stores a wastewater treatment sludge which is a hazardous waste, and (3) meets the definition of tank or tank system. This term is defined in 40 CFR 260.10. | ||||
615c | Basis for Not Needing Federal | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Basis for determining that a hazardous waste permit is not required under RCRA and the | False |
Permit = Treatment in elementary Neutralization units | N = No | federal regulations adopted under RCRA (40 CFR). Elementary neutralization unit means a device which: (1) is used for neutralizing wastes that are hazardous only because they exhibit the corrosivity characteristic or they are listed only for this reason: and (2) meets the definition of tank, tank system, container, transport vehicle, or vessel. This term is defined in 40 CFR 260.10. | ||||
615d | Basis for Not Needing Federal | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Basis for determining that a hazardous waste permit is not required under RCRA and the | False |
Permit = Treatment in a Totally Enclosed Treatment Facility | N = No | federal regulations adopted under RCRA (40 CFR). Totally enclosed treatment facility means a facility for the treatment of hazardous waste which is directly connected to an industrial production process and which is constructed and operated in a manner which prevents the release of any hazardous waste or any constituent thereof into the environment during treatment. This term is defined in 40 CFR 260.10. | ||||
615e | Basis for Not Needing | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Basis for determining that a hazardous waste permit is not required under RCRA and the | False |
FederalPermit = Federal Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (generated 100kg, approximately 27 gallons, or less of hazardous waste in a calendar month) | N = No | federal regulations adopted under RCRA (40 CFR). See description in item 615a above. Federal conditionally exempt small quantity generator (generated 100 kg, approximately 27 gallons, or less of hazardous waste in a calendar month). | ||||
615f | Basis for Not Needing | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Basis for determining that a hazardous waste permit is not required under RCRA and the | False |
FederalPermit = Treatment in an Accumulation Tank or Container within 90 days for over 1000 kg/month Generators and 180 or 270 days for Generators of 100 to 1000 kg/month | N = No | federal regulations adopted under RCRA (40 CFR). See description in item 615a above. | ||||
615g | Basis for Not Needing | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Basis for determining that a hazardous waste permit is not required under RCRA and the | False |
FederalPermit = Recyclable Materials are Reclaimed to Recover Silver or other Precious Metals | N = No | federal regulations adopted under RCRA (40 CFR). See description in item 615a above. | ||||
615h | Basis for Not Needing | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Basis for determining that a hazardous waste permit is not required under RCRA and the | False |
FederalPermit = Empty Container Rinsing and/or Treatment | N = No | federal regulations adopted under RCRA (40 CFR). See description in item 615a above. | ||||
615i | Basis for Not Needing Federal | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Description of basis for determining that a hazardous waste permit is not required under | False |
Permit = Other | N = No | RCRA and the federal regulations adopted under RCRA (40 CFR). See item 615a above. | ||||
615i-a | Basis For Not Needing Federal Permit - Other Description | Narrative | 30 | AN | Basis For Not Needing Federal Permit - Other Description | False |
616a | Residuals Management | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Residual management options. If any hazardous residuals are disposed or hauled offsite, indicates | False |
Description = Discharge non-hazardous aqueous waste to POTW or sewer | N = No | where the waste is sent. | ||||
616b | Residuals Management | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Residual management options. If any hazardous residuals are disposed or hauled offsite, indicates | False |
Description = Discharge non-hazardous aqueous waste under a NPDES permit | N = No | where the waste is sent. | ||||
616c | Residuals Management | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Residual management options. If any hazardous residuals are disposed or hauled offsite, indicates | False |
Description = Dispose of Non-hazardous Solid Waste Residues at an Offsite Location | N = No | where the waste is sent. | ||||
616d | Residuals Management | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Residual management options. If any hazardous residuals are disposed or hauled offsite, indicates | False |
Description = Offsite-Recycling | N = No | where the waste is sent. | ||||
616e | Residuals Management | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Residual management options. If any hazardous residuals are disposed or hauled offsite, indicates | False |
Description = Thermal Treatment | N = No | where the waste is sent. | ||||
616f | Residuals Management | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Residual management options. If any hazardous residuals are disposed or hauled offsite, indicates | False |
Description = Disposal to Land | N = No | where the waste is sent. | ||||
616g | Residuals Management | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Residual management options. If any hazardous residuals are disposed or hauled offsite, indicates | False |
Description = Further Treatment | N = No | where the waste is sent. | ||||
616h | Residuals Management Description = Other Method of Disposal | Narrative | 30 | AN | Residual management options. If any hazardous residuals are disposed or hauled offsite, indicates where the waste is sent. | False |
616h-a | Residuals Management | Y = Yes | 1 | AN | Residuals Management Other Method of Disposal | False |
Other Method of Disposal | N = No | |||||
617 | Secondary Containment Installation Date | YYYY-MM-DD | 10 | D | Date secondary containment installed. | False |
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 27, div. 3, 1, ch. 4, 4