Each housing sponsor of a rental housing development shall submit, together with its affirmative marketing program, proposed grievance procedures for resolving complaints by the housing sponsor concerning the housing sponsor's tenants and by its tenants concerning the housing sponsor or the housing sponsor's other tenants. The proposed procedures shall be reviewed by and subject to the approval of agency, which shall require such modifications in the procedures prior to approval as may be necessary or appropriate in the circumstances. The procedures shall contain such informal and/or formal mechanisms for dispute resolution as are appropriate given the nature of the housing sponsor, the size and nature of the housing development, and the characteristics of the tenants (including the extent of English language fluency).
A written copy of the procedures as approved shall be given to each tenant at the time of admission to the housing development and at such times as the procedures are changed or amended thereafter.
Neither utilization of nor participation in such dispute resolution procedures shall constitute a waiver of, or affect in any manner whatever, any rights the tenant or the housing sponsor may have to a trial de novo or judicial review in any judicial proceedings, which may thereafter be brought in the matter. The procedures specified in this section shall be in addition to the eviction hearings procedure required by Section 11406.
Where appropriate the grievance procedures shall provide that any unresolved disputes shall be referred to the agency for its recommendation of a proposed resolution of the dispute.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 25, § 11403