Cal. Code Regs. tit. 25 § 7688

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 7688 - Application Requirements
(a) Application shall be made on form HCD 779, "Rental Loan Application, California Housing Rehabilitation Program (CHRP)," dated 12/89, as set forth in subsection (b). This form is provided by the department.
(b) HCD 779, "Rental Loan Application, California Housing Rehabilitation Program (CHRP)," 12/89:

HCD 779, 12/89



Loan for (check all applicable): _____ Acquisition _____ Refinancing _____ Seismic Rehabilitation _____ General Rehabilitation _____ Conversion _____ Reconstruction _____ for Residential Hotel _____ for Single Family Rental _____ for Multi-Family Rental _____ for Group Home _____ for Congregate Home _____ Building includes nonresidential space

1. Name _____________________________
2. Address ___________________________


3. Phone () ___________________________
4. Chief Executive (if applicable) ______________


5. Years in Existence (if applicable) __________
6. Contact Person ________________________ Phone () ________________________
7. The Applicant is a (check one):

[ ]individual[ ]joint venture
[ ]limited partnership[ ]limited equity housing
[ ]for-profit corporationcooperative
[ ]public agency[ ]Indian reservation or
[ ]nonprofit corporationrancheria
[ ]general partnership[ ]other (specify)

8. Is any transfer of ownership to any other entity (e.g. syndication) planned prior to post-rehabilitation occupancy? Yes _____ No _____
9. Unless applicant is a public agency, label as "1: FINANCIALS." If joint venture, include separate documents for each partner. If partnership, include statements for the general partners.
10. Complete enclosed Development Qualifications form. Attach and label as "2: DEVELOPMENT QUALIFICATIONS."
11. Proposed term of loan and term of rent and occupancy restrictions:
A. Rehabilitation only: () 20 years () other:
B. Acquisition/Refinancing & Rehabilitation: () 30 years () other:
C. How many years in addition to the minimum required by Section 7676(a) of the regulations are you committing to maintain rent and occupancy restrictions similar to program restrictions?
1. Project Name _________________________
2. Location _____________________________


3. Assembly District: _______________ Senate District: _______________
4. Amount and use of CHRP funds (complete after completing Section III, page 9):

Construction Fees$___________________________
Carrying Charges$___________________________
General Dev Costs (except admin.)$___________________________
Syndication Costs$___________________________
Admin. Costs$___________________________

5. Describe below the tenant population expected to reside in the development after completion of rehabilitation. Specify any proposed limits on occupancy. (Sections 7681 and 7682 of the CHRP regulations list the program's requirements.) (Add pages if necessary.)
6. Is the residential portion of the structure currently vacant?

Yes ___ No ___

Is the nonresidential portion of the structure currently vacant? Yes ___ No ___

If yes to either of the above:

When did it become vacant?

What was its last use?

a. For all projects, attach and label the endorsed from "3: OCCUPANCY & RELOCATION."
b. Include in Attachment 3, one copy of the tenant notice provided to the occupants of each residential unit, as required in Section 7685(c) and (f) of the CHRP Regulations.
c. Include in Attachment 3, general description of the applicant's plan for providing relocation benefits or avoiding displacement, indicating whether tenants will need to move from the building, whether any relocation units have been identified, who will be supervising and conducting the relocation effort, and related information. Identify all planned measures that will minimize the cost and extent of relocation.
7. Number and type of units. See NOFA for definitions of "assisted," "lower-income," and "very low-income." If more than one site, show totals below and information for each site separately as "4: UNITS."


# Before Rehabilitation

# After Rehabilitation

TypeLower- Income UnitsOther UnitsTotalAssisted LowerAssisted Very LowNon- AssistedTotal
Res. Hotel Units (SRO)______________________________________________________________________
Studio/efficiency units______________________________________________________________________
1 bedroom units______________________________________________________________________
2 bdrm. units______________________________________________________________________
3 bdrm. units______________________________________________________________________
Other (specify)______________________________________________________________________


Unit Description:# Before Rehabilitation# After Rehabilitation
Bedrooms occupied by tenants______________________________________________________
Bedrooms occupied by resident staff______________________________________________________
Tenants Description:
Low-income tenants______________________________________________________
Very low-income tenants______________________________________________________
Resident staff (if applicable)______________________________________________________

8. Type of construction:

[ ] wood frame

[ ] reinforced brick or other reinforced masonry

[ ] unreinforced brick or other unreinforced masonry

[ ] other (specify)

9. If unreinforced brick or other unreinforced masonry:
a. Are CHRP funds being requested for seismic rehabilitation improvements? (See Section 7675 of the regulations)

Yes ___ No ___

b. If yes, have you been notified that the building is on the local jurisdiction listing of potentially hazardous buildings?

Yes ___ No ___

c. If yes to b., provide a letter or other notification regarding your building being on the list of potentially hazardous buildings and provide a letter from an appropriate local government official stating that the jurisdiction is in compliance with Section 8875.2 of the Government Code or Section 19163 of the Health and Safety Code. Label "5: SEISMIC INFORMATION."
10. Number of parcels _____; Number of structures _____; Number of stories per structure _____;
11. Age of structure(s) _____ years
12. Does the project currently include both residential and nonresidential uses? Yes ___ No ___
13. Will it have both uses after rehabilitation? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, describe existing and proposed non-residential uses:
a. Gross floor area of structure before rehabilitation:

Assisted Residential Uses ___ square feet (___%)

Nonassisted Residential Uses ___ square feet (___%)

Nonresidential Uses ___ square feet (___%)

TOTAL _______________ square feet 100%

b. Gross floor area of structure after completion of rehabilitation:

Assisted Residential Uses ___

Nonassisted Residential uses ___ square feet (___%)

Nonresidential uses ___ square feet (___%)

TOTAL ___ square feet 100%

15. Are there and/or will there be any specific amenities supplied to the tenants with cost included in the rent (e.g. linen service, furniture or appliances)?

Yes ___ No ___

If yes, describe:

16. In an attachment labeled "6: CONSTRUCTION."
a. Describe the existing condition of each of the following components of your building (structural, plumbing, heating, roofing, doors, walls, electrical, foundation and mechanical.) Include a description of the need in each unit.
b. Include all inspection reports received in the last 12 months from local housing and building code officials, pest control services, roofing inspectors, etc.
c. Describe, by component, the proposed construction or repair work, and all work directly related to the construction or repair. If appropriate, provide schematic or other plans related to the work.
d. Consistent with 16.c. above, provide a line item cost estimate, using the enclosed format (Rehabilitation Cost Estimate) or a similar format. Prorate costs that cannot be directly associated with one use or another based on the gross floor area occupied by each use. Proration is governed by Sections 7674(c) and 7675(c) of the regulations.
e. If seismic reinforcement is planned, provide a separate line item estimate for all work directly related to the seismic reinforcement. Follow the format described in (d) above. Include costs for the seismic work itself, and for all demolition, wall repair, and similar work directly related to the seismic work.
f. Identify the person(s) responsible for preparing the above items, and attach a resume of their experience.
17. For projects limiting occupancy in the manner described in I.B. 5. above:
a. Describe all state and local licenses required to operate the project, and list the licensing authorities:





b. List below all services to be provided project residents beyond those customarily provided in furnished apartments. Provide name, contact person, and phone number for organizations providing these services.
c. List below expected sources of funds that will be used to support the services identified above, and indicate for each (1) the expected funding amount during the first two operating years and (2) the name and phone number of a contact person.
d. If available, attach letters of intent or support from each funding source listed in (c) above. Label as "7: SERVICES LETTER."
18. If CHRP funds are being requested for sponsor administrative costs, attach an itemized statement of expenses incurred to date and a budget for anticipated future expenses. Include a detailed narrative and explanation. Label "8: ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES." If the requested administrative costs exceed 10% of the loan, include the justification required by Section 7680(d) of the regulations.
19. Attach a copy of a letter from the applicant to the head of local legislative body (city council, county board, etc.) notifying it of the application and describing the location, size, and type of proposed project, and proposed tenant population. Pursuant to section 50861(c) of the Health and Safety Code, the letter must also request that the local government submit to the Department a report on the actions it is taking to implement its housing element, including policies or programs especially targeted towards providing housing for lower-income households. (Applicants who are local governments must submit the report as part of this Attachment.) Indicate on the copy the date that the letter was mailed. Label "9: LOCAL LETTER."
A. Current owner of record
B. Date of purchase (if owned by applicant)
C. Provide a current (no more than six months old) Preliminary Title Report (PTR) and label "10: PTR." If the applicant is the current owner, the PTR should show them as such.
D. Include a site map clearly showing the location of the project, public transportation routes that serve it, and nearby schools, recreation facilities, shopping areas, medical facilities, other facilities, and employment in relation to the needs of the tenants. Label as "11: MAP." In this attachment describe any adverse environmental conditions on or near the site (e.g. asbestos, 100 year flood zone, toxic wastes), any proposed mitigations, and the costs attributable to such mitigations (including handling and disposal of toxic/hazardous materials) found in Attachment 6, or include a statement that there are not adverse environmental conditions.
E. Check if any of the following is required:
1. _____ Rezoning from zone to zone
2. _____ General plan change
3. _____ Conditional use permit
4. _____ Environmental review
5. _____ Redevelopment Agency Approval
6. _____ HUD and/or FmHA Approval
7. Other:
1. Date option, purchase agreement, lease, disposition and development agreement, land sales contract, or other enforceable agreement was: Entered into _____ Terminates _____
2. Attach a copy of the above agreement. Label "12: ACQUISITION AGREEMENT."
3. Complete enclosed Comparable Sales form or an appraisal of the project that was prepared within the last 12 months. Attach and label "13: COMPARABLE SALES/APPRAISAL."

For buildings with non-assisted units and/or non-residential use, prorate costs that cannot be directly attributed to one use or another based on the gross floor area occupied by each.

On a separate sheet labeled "14: DEVELOPMENT COSTS," describe the basis for each line item of cost.

Assisted UnitsNon-assisted UnitsNon- residentialTotal
A. Purchase Price$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
B. Refinancing$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
C. Construction (from I.B. 16.d. above)$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
D. Construction Fees$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
1. Local Permits & Fees$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
2. Architectural and Engineering Fees$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
3. Phase I Environmental Study$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
4. Other (Specify)$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
SUBTOTAL$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
E. Carrying Charges$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
1. Construction Loan Fees and Interest$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
2. Other Loan Debt Service During Construction$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
3. Property Taxes During Construct$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
4. Insurance during Construction$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
5. Other:$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
SUBTOTAL$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
F. General Development Costs
1. Permanent Lender Financing Fees$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
2. Appraisal$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
3. Legal$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
4. Fixtures$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
5. Furniture$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
6. Rent-up Vacancy Loss$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
7. Other Rent-up Costs$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
8. Title & Escrow Fees$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
9. Tenant Relocation$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
10. Sponsor Admin.$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
SUBTOTAL$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
G. Syndication Costs
1. Bridge Loan Interest$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
2. Legal$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
4. Financial Consultant$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
5. Syndication Fee and Offering Costs$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
6. Other$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
SUBTOTAL$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
H. TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS (TDC)$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
I. TDC Per Unit/Bedroom (Bedroom in group/congregate home)$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____
J. TDC Per Sq. Ft. of Building Area$ _____$ _____$ _____$ _____


If refinancing of existing debt is proposed, provide the requested information for all existing financing and label 15: EXISTING DEBT. Include copies of all notes, deeds of trust, and regulatory agreements secured against the property. In an attachment labeled "16: PERMANENT FINANCING," provide requested information for all permanent loans (including CHRP) and all grants which will be recorded against the property after rehabilitation. If interim financing will be necessary, please provide the requested information for all interim loans and label "17: INTERIM FINANCING." Include any commitment letters or letters of intent that have been received.


1. Lender Branch: _______________ Branch: _____ Phone # _______________
2. Loan Terms $ __________, at ___%, amortized over ___ years: Due in ___ years. ARM Loan terms: _________________________
3. Date of Loan _______________
4. Negative Amortization: ___ yes ___ no
5. Current Unpaid Principal Balance $ _____ Prepayment penalty: ___ yes ___ no ___
6. Amount of balloon payment, if applicable. $ __________.
7. Debt Service: P & I? __________ or Interest only? __________

Payment = $ _____ /mo, $ _____ /yr.

8. Status of application and approval timeline: _______________
9. Order of recordation: _______________ Security for loan: _______________
10. Conditions of funding: _______________


1. Donor: __________ Contact: _______________ Phone: __________
2. Amount: $ _______________ Name of program, terms and limitations


3. Status of Application and Approval Timeline: Owner Cash Contributions for Residential Portion of Project (including gross syndication income) Amount:

_______________ Sources: _______________

For rehabilitation-only projects, owner's estimate of current property value minus current outstanding debt: $

Sources Unsuccessfully Attempted

List any funds (loans, grants, or other) that you attempted to obtain but were unsuccessful, and the reason for denial:

NOTE: If your project will have both of the following:

(1) nonresidential uses; and
(2) loans beside CHRP which require periodic payments, you must allocate funds between residential and nonresidential uses. This is necessary to ensure that residential debt service payments are appropriately subtracted from residential income cash to establish the amount available for return on cash investment. (See V.D. below.) For guidance in making this calculation, please contact CHRP staff.

Provide estimates for the first year following the completion of rehabilitation. On a separate sheet, labeled "18: OPERATING EXPENSES," describe the basis for the estimate for each line item.

In program-based projects described in I.B.17. above, show expenses for all direct and supportive tenant services in the residential column. Income to pay for services should be shown separate from rent as miscellaneous income.

a. Sponsor Overhead$ _______$ __________$ _____
b. Contractor Management Fee$ _______$ __________$ _____
a. Marketing Expense$ _______$ __________$ _____
b. Audit$ _______$ __________$ _____
c. Legal$ _______$ __________$ _____
d. Miscellaneous$ _______$ __________$ _____
e. TOTAL ADMIN.$ _______$ __________$ _____
3. SPONSOR SALARIES AND BENEFITS (include value of rent discounts)
a. On-Site or Off-Site Manager$ _______$ __________$ _____
b. Asst. Manager$ _______$ __________$ _____
c. Grounds & Maintenance Personnel$ _______$ __________$ _____
d. Desk Clerks$ _______$ __________$ _____
e. Janitorial Personnel$ _______$ __________$ _____
f. Housekeepers$ _______$ __________$ _____
g. Services Staff$ _______$ __________$ _____
h. Other$ _______$ __________$ _____
i. TOTAL SALARIES AND BENEFITS$ _______$ __________$ _____
a. Supplies$ _______$ __________$ _____
b. Elevator Maintenance$ _______$ __________$ _____
c. Pest Control$ _______$ __________$ _____
d. Grounds Contract$ _______$ __________$ _____
e. Painting and Decorating (interior only)$ _______$ __________$ _____
f. Other$ _______$ __________$ _____
g. TOTAL MAINTENANCE$ _______$ __________$ _____
a. Trash Removal$ _______$ __________$ _____
b. Electricity$ _______$ __________$ _____
c. Water and Sewer$ _______$ __________$ _____
d. Gas$ _______$ __________$ _____
e. TOTAL UTILITIES$ _______$ __________$ _____
Property and Liability Insurance$ _______$ __________$ _____
a. Real Estate Taxes$ _______$ __________$ _____
b. Business License$ _______$ __________$ _____
c. TOTAL TAXES$ _______$ __________$ _____
a. Food$ _______$ __________$ _____
b. Support Services Contracts$ _______$ __________$ _____
c.$ _______$ __________$ _____
d.$ _______$ __________$ _____
e.$ _______$ __________$ _____
9. TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES$ _______ $ __________$ _____
B. FIRST YEAR INCOME $ _______$ __________$ _____
Note: Refer to Definition of Rent in Section 7671(y) of the Regulations.

For Group and Congregate Homes Only:

No. of OccupantsNo. of BedroomsMonthly Rent Per Bedroom or Tenant (Circle One)Monthly Total
Tenants$ ________
Staff$ ________
Monthly Potential Income--Assisted Units $ __________ x 12 months = $ __________
For all Other Projects (take information from Attachment 3.):
Monthly Potential Income--Assisted Units $ __________ x 12 months = $ __________
Monthly Potential Income--Nonassisted Units$ __________ x 12 months = $ __________

Complete enclosed Comparable Rental Form. Attach and label "19: RENT COMPARABLES."

Annual Potential Income-- Assisted Units$ ____________________$ _____
Plus: Annual Potential Income-- Nonassisted Units$ ____________________$ _____
Plus: Nonresidential Rental Income_________$ __________$ _____
Plus: Misc. Income (laundry, phone, charges for voluntary) services, etc.$ ________$ __________$ _____
Total Gross Potential Income$ ________$ __________$ _____
Less: Vacancy Loss($ _______)($ _________)($ ____)
Effective Gross Income from Operations$ ________$ __________$ _____
Less: Unpaid Rent Loss($ _______)($ _________)($ ____)
Plus: Rental Subsidies or Program
Service Funds$ ________$ __________$ _____
Total Effective Income$ ________$ __________$ _____

If more than 10% of total effective income is nonresidential rental income, attach information on the lease terms for at least three comparable nonresidential spaces. Attach and label "20: NONRESIDENTIAL COMPARABLES." For each comparable nonresidential space, specify:

1. Street address.
2. Name and type of current tenant.
3. Rentable square feet.
4. Lease terms, including rent amount, whether NNN or other, annual increase provisions, and lease beginning and ending dates.
5. Number of parking spaces.
6. Vacancy rate.

List all reserve accounts$ ____________________$ _____
Annual Operating Reserve Deposits$ ____________________$ _____
Annual Replacement Reserve Deposits$ ________$ __________$ _____
TOTAL RESERVE DEPOSITS$ ________$ __________$ _____


Total Effective Income (from B)$ ________$ _________$ _____
Less: Total Operating Expenses (line A.9)($ ________)($ _________)($ _____)
Net Operating Income$ ________$ _________$ _____
Less: CHRP Debt Service($ ________)($ _________)($ _____)
Less: Other Debt Service (Specify)($ ________)($ _________)($ _____)
Less: Other Debt Service (Specify)($ ________)($ _________)($ _____)
Less: Reserve Deposits (from C)($ ________)($ _________)($ _____)
Available for Distributions, Residual Receipts, and/or Prepayments$ ________$ _________$ _____
Distributions($________)($ _________)($ _____)
CHRP Prepayments($ ________)($ _________)($ _____)
Incentive Payments$ ________$ _________$ _____
Residual Receipts Payments$ ________$ _________$ _____
Debt Service Coverage Ratio
(Total Net Operating Income/
Total Debt Service) ________________________________________%


The applicant plans to (check one):

1. Manage the project.
2. Contract with a currently unidentified management firm or other organization to operate and manage the project.
3. Contract with an identified firm.

If (1) or (3), complete and attach the enclosed Management Qualifications form, labeled "21: MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS." If (2), attach a description of when and how a firm will be selected. Label "22: MANAGEMENT SELECTION."


Attach appropriate parts of local housing element and other documentation, labeled "23: NEED," regarding all of the following indicators of the need for rental housing in the area of the project. Where available, provide neighborhood-level data instead of or in addition to data for larger areas.

1. Market-rate rents for typical (e.g., 1 or 2 bedroom) units.
2. Length of subsidized housing waiting lists, and length of wait for households on these lists.
3. Percent of total rental units that are substandard.
4. Loss or threatened loss of subsidized rental units due to demolition, foreclosure, or subsidy termination.

If the project will serve a special tenant group, such as households with a particular disability, include in the above attachment documentation of the need for housing serving this special tenant group in the area of the project.


Check the applicable statements and attach documentation, such as applicable parts of the housing element or a letter from a local public agency, supporting the checked statement. Label "24: LOCAL PROGRAMS."

1. The jurisdiction's housing element identifies the tenant population of this project as a special needs group.
2. The project has received a commitment of financial or nonfinancial assistance from a local public agency.
3. The project has received a commitment for financial or nonfinancial assistance in support of lower income housing from a program that is not operated by a local public agency.
4. The project is eligible for financial or nonfinancial assistance under a local agency program in support of lower income housing, but has not received a commitment.
5. The project is located in a city or county that has programs in support of lower income housing, but is ineligible for these programs.
6. None of the above apply.

NOTE: The Department will determine compliance of the jurisdiction's housing element with State law pursuant to Section 7689(d)(4) of the regulations.


I certify that the above and attached information and statements are true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.

(Signature of Chief Executive/Owner)(Date)


(Name Typed)



(Name of Applicant)

(Applicant Letterhead)



WHEREAS, The State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development, Division of Community Affairs, has issued a NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY UNDER THE CALIFORNIA HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM (CHRP): and

WHEREAS, ______________________________ (name of applicant) is a _______________ (state type of sponsor--public entity, nonprofit corporation, for-profit corporation, partnership, etc.), and has applied for a CHRP loan to assist a substandard structure; and

WHEREAS, ____________________ (title of officer(s) who will act on behalf of Applicant) is/are designated as the officer(s) who can act on behalf of _______________ (name of Applicant) and will sign all necessary documents required to complete the application and award process.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors (or authorizing body of governmental entity) of _______________ (name of Applicant) hereby authorizes _______________ (Title of Officer) to apply for and accept the loan in an amount not to exceed $ __________, and to execute a State of California Standard Agreement, other required State documents, and any amendments thereto.

DATE: ______________________________ SIGNED: ______________________________


(Printed or typed Name and Title of person signing)


Development Name ___________________________________

Applicant __________________________________________________

1. In the space below, identify the key members of the project development team. For each, indicate what their involvement is, current relationship with the sponsor, their employment status, etc., and attach a resume or qualifications statement for each.
2. Using the format shown below, describe rental housing projects similar to the proposed development that the development team owns or has developed.

* * *

Development Name ______________________________

Address __________________________________________________

Number of Units: Subsidized: _____ Market: _____ Total: _____

Subsidy Program: _________________________

Major ConstructionMajor Permanent

Date Major Permanent Loan was Committed:_______/ _______/_______
Date Major Permanent Loan was Closed and Recorded:_______/ _______/_______
Construction Complete Date:_______/ _______/_______
Date Substantially Occupied:_______/ _______/_______

New Construction _______________ or Rehabilitation _______________

Building Type: ___________________________________

* * *

Development Name ____________________ Address ____________________

Number of Units: Subsidized: _____ Market: _____ Total: _____

Subsidy Program: ______________________________

Major Construction __________ Major Permanent

Lender:___________________________ ___________________________Lender:
Contact:___________________________ ___________________________Contact:
Phone:___________________________ ___________________________Phone:

Developed only? Yes/No

Developed and currently owned? Yes/No

Didn't develop but currently owned? Yes/No

Date Major Permanent Loan was Committed:_______/ _______/_______
Date Major Permanent Loan was Closed and Recorded:_______/ _______/_______
Construction Complete Date:_______/ _______/_______
Date Substantially Occupied:_______/ _______/_______

New Construction _____ or Rehabilitation _____ Building Type: _____

Click here to view image

(May be used as part of Attachment 6)


Assisted Units +Nonassisted +Nonresidential =Total
1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (permits, equipment rental, testing services, security, scaffolding, temporary utilities, final clean-up costs)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
2. SITE WORK (sewage & drainage, fumigation, grading, site improvements, demolition, landscaping, asbestos and other hazardous material removal)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
3. CONCRETE___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
4. MASONRY (trash dumpster enclosure, brick fireplaces, sand blasting, masonry restoration and/or cleaning)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
5. METALS (structural metal framing, metal joists, metal fabrications, gutters & downspouts)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
6. CARPENTRY (fences, cabinetry, framing, plastic laminate, fasteners & adhesives, millwork moldings)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
7. THERMAL/MOISTURE PROTECTION CONTROL (insulation, roofing and siding, flashing & sheetmetal, roof vents, skylights, sealants)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
8. DOORS, WINDOWS, & GLASS (includes hardward and weatherstripping)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
9. FINISHES (lath, plater, & gypsum board, tile, floor and wall coverings, painting)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
10. SPECIALTIES (toilet & bath accessories, fireplaces, signs, telephone enclosures, mail boxes, lockers)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
11. EQUIPMENT/APPLIANCES (food service equipment, disposal units, exhaust fans, waste handling equipment)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
12. FURNISHINGS (manufactured cabinets, casework, furniture, window treatments)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
13. SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION (storage tanks, dumb waiters, misc.)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
14. CONVEYING SYSTEMS (elevators, trash or linen chutes)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
15. MECHANICAL (plumbing, gas lines, heating & A/C, bathroom fixtures, pumps, water heaters, fire extinguishing systems)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
16. ELECTRICAL (lighting, detection systems, sound systems)___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
17. CONTINGENCY___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
18. OVERHEAD & PROFIT___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$
TOTAL PROJECT REHAB COSTS: ___________________________$ ___________________________$ ___________________________$___________________________$


(1) A separate itemized line item budget for seismic rehab. improvements (if using Prop. 84 money) must be included.

(To be used as Attachment 13)


Instructions: Complete only if no appraisal done in the last 12 months is available. Show information for three recently sold properties comparable to the proposed project in its before-rehabilitation condition.

Distance from Project_________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Sale_________________________________________________________________________________
Approximate Building Age_________________________________________________________________________________
Unit Make-up:_________________________________________________________________________________
3-Br +_________________________________________________________________________________
Vacancy Rate_________________________________________________________________________________
Gross Building Area_________________________________________________________________________________
Rentable Nonresidential Area_________________________________________________________________________________
Price/Square Foot_________________________________________________________________________________
Condition of Property_________________________________________________________________________________
Other Remarks_________________________________________________________________________________

(To be used as Attachment 19)


Instructions: Do not complete for group or congregate home projects. For other projects, copy this form and provide requested information for at least three comparable market-rate rental projects.


Date of Survey:


Project Name/Address:


Manager/Management Agent:









Unit TypeSROBed roomBed roomBed roomBed roomBed room
Rental Range for Available or Recently Rented Units______________________________
Number of Units______________________________

RENTAL POLICIES: Lease: Yes _____ No _____

Period __________ Type __________


MOVE-IN COSTS (Fees, Deposits, First/Last Month Rent):



Tenant Characteristics (e.g., senior, disabled):

Utilities Paid by Tenant: Gas _____ Electricity _____

Water ___ None ___


Front Desk Clerks: __________ Full-time Guards: __________


Part-time Guards:




Project Amenities:


Current Number of Vacancies:

(To be used as Attachment 21)


1. Loan Applicant/Building Owner:

Proposed Development Name:

2. Proposed Management Organization:

Year Founded:

Year Property Management Activities were Begun:

Contact Person:Phone:

3. Type of Organization (check applicable space)

For-Profit Corporation __________ Nonprofit Corporation __________

Partnership ____________________ Public Agency ____________________

Individual ____________________

Other (specify) ____________________

4. Organization's Office Locations:

_________________________ Address and Phone Number

_________________________ Territory and Major Cities Covered

Principal Office

Office Intended to Serve this Development

Number of miles from office to proposed development

5. Current Organization Staff
a. Total number of employees of firm involved in direct management activities:
b. Attach duty statements, and, where available, resumes for any property managers and other key line-level management personnel who would be likely to participate in management activities of this development. (This can include sponsor staff and board members.)
6. Have any licenses, certificates or accreditations ever been revoked, suspended, restricted or in any manner limited or terminated for any employee, associate or principal of your organization? (Answer in the affirmative even if license has been restored.)

___ YES If "YES," please provide complete details on a separate sheet.

___ NO

7. Attach a schedule with the following information for all housing developments the organization has managed and currently manages:
a. Development Name and Address
b. Total Number of Units
c. Number of units subsidized through a government program. List subsidy source/program name.
d. Building Type (e.g., high-rise)
e. Date this organization began management
f. Name, address, and phone number of owner
g. Name and phone number of project leader contact person familiar with the development.
h. Type of Housing (e.g., elderly, family, cooperative, group home)
i. Current vacancy rate and physical condition of property.
8. Contract Status
a. How many property management contracts held by the Organization over the past three years have been terminated prior to their expiration dates? _______________
b. How many property management contracts held by the Organization over the past three years were not renewed upon expiration? _______________

Please attach names and addresses of these developments and their mortgagors, as well as reasons and circumstances surrounding such termination(s) and non-renewals.

9. Has the Organization or any of its present personnel ever been involved in a governmental or judicial action concerning a violation of "Fair Housing" laws?

___ YES If "YES," please describe.

___ NO


Does the Organization carry at its expense fidelity bonds or other insurance for protection of owner's interests? Please describe.

_____ YES _____ NO __________ If "YES," state:

(1) Amount of Bond: $ __________
(2) Name of Bonding Co.:
b. If "NO," is the Organization eligible for a fidelity bond?

_____ YES _____ NO

c. Does the Organization carry at its expense any other insurance for protection of owner's interests? If so, what?
11. Describe planned on-site staff for the project being applied for, including duties and work hours:
12. Describe your plans to train staff to manage the development in accordance with the requirements of the California Housing Rehabilitation Program:
13. Attach a copy of the Organization's most recent financial statement.
(c) A complete application shall consist of the following:
(1) a fully completed form HCD 779, "Rental Loan Application, California Housing Rehabilitation Program (CHRP)," 12/89, accompanied by all attachments relevant to the project under consideration; and
(2) any other information the department may require in order to determine the eligibility or feasibility of the proposed project, to evaluate or rank the proposed project, or to determine that the applicant is capable of owning, managing and rehabilitating a rental housing development.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 25, § 7688

1. New section filed 6-12-89 as an emergency pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50668.5(g); operative 6-12-89 (Register 89, No. 24). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or the regulation will be repealed on 10-10-89. For history of former subchapter 8 (sections 7700-7714.5, not consecutive), see Register 85, No. 33.
2. New section refiled 10-6-89 as an emergency pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50668.5(g) and Government Code section 11346.1(h); operative 10-10-89 (Register 89, No. 42). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 2-7-90.
3. New section refiled 2-5-90 as an emergency pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50668.5(g) and Government Code section 11346.1(h); operative 2-7-90 (Register 90, No. 6). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 6-7-90.
4. Amendment of subsections (a)-(c) filed 3-5-90 as an emergency pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50668.5(g); operative 3-5-90 (Register 90, No. 12). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 7-3-90.
5. Certificate of Compliance as to 2-5-90 and 3-5-90 orders including amendment transmitted to OAL 5-22-90 and filed 5-29-90 (Register 90, No. 29).

Note: Authority cited: Section 50668.5, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 50661, 50668.5, and 50669, Health and Safety Code.

1. New section filed 6-12-89 as an emergency pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50668.5(g); operative 6-12-89 (Register 89, No. 24). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or the regulation will be repealed on 10-10-89. For history of former subchapter 8 (sections 7700-7714.5, not consecutive), see Register 85, No. 33.
2. New section refiled 10-6-89 as an emergency pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50668.5(g) and Government Code section 11346.1(h); operative 10-10-89 (Register 89, No. 42). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 2-7-90.
3. New section refiled 2-5-90 as an emergency pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50668.5(g) and Government Code section 11346.1(h); operative 2-7-90 (Register 90, No. 6). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 6-7-90.
4. Amendment of subsections (a)-(c) filed 3-5-90 as an emergency pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50668.5(g); operative 3-5-90 (Register 90, No. 12). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 7-3-90.
5. Certificate of Compliance as to 2-5-90 and 3-5-90 orders including amendment transmitted to OAL 5-22-90 and filed 5-29-90 (Register 90, No. 29).