Last page instructs how to use income limits to determine applicant eligibility and calculate affordable housing cost and rent
Number of Persons in Household: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
Alameda County Area | Acutely Low | 16350 | 18700 | 21000 | 23350 | 25200 | 27100 | 28950 | 30800 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 32700 | 37400 | 42050 | 46700 | 50450 | 54200 | 57950 | 61650 |
$155,700 | Very Low Income | 54500 | 62300 | 70100 | 77850 | 84100 | 90350 | 96550 | 102800 |
Low Income | 84600 | 96650 | 108750 | 120800 | 130500 | 140150 | 149800 | 159500 | |
Median Income | 109000 | 124550 | 140150 | 155700 | 168150 | 180600 | 193050 | 205500 | |
Moderate Income | 130800 | 149500 | 168150 | 186850 | 201800 | 216750 | 231700 | 246650 | |
Alpine County Area | Acutely Low | 12550 | 14300 | 16100 | 17900 | 19350 | 20750 | 22200 | 23650 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 22200 | 25400 | 28550 | 31700 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$119,300 | Very Low Income | 37000 | 42250 | 47550 | 52850 | 57050 | 61300 | 65550 | 69750 |
Low Income | 59200 | 67650 | 76100 | 84550 | 91350 | 98100 | 104850 | 111650 | |
Median Income | 83500 | 95450 | 107350 | 119300 | 128850 | 138400 | 147950 | 157500 | |
Moderate Income | 100200 | 114500 | 128850 | 143150 | 154600 | 166050 | 177500 | 188950 | |
Amador County Area | Acutely Low | 10700 | 12250 | 13750 | 15300 | 16500 | 17750 | 18950 | 20200 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 21200 | 24200 | 27250 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$101,900 | Very Low Income | 35300 | 40350 | 45400 | 50400 | 54450 | 58500 | 62500 | 66550 |
Low Income | 56450 | 64550 | 72600 | 80650 | 87150 | 93600 | 100050 | 106500 | |
Median Income | 71350 | 81500 | 91700 | 101900 | 110050 | 118200 | 126350 | 134500 | |
Moderate Income | 85600 | 97850 | 110050 | 122300 | 132100 | 141850 | 151650 | 161450 | |
Butte County Area | Acutely Low | 10150 | 11600 | 13050 | 14500 | 15650 | 16800 | 18000 | 19150 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 19050 | 21800 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$96,600 | Very Low Income | 31750 | 36300 | 40850 | 45350 | 49000 | 52600 | 56250 | 59850 |
Low Income | 50750 | 58000 | 65250 | 72500 | 78300 | 84100 | 89900 | 95700 | |
Median Income | 67600 | 77300 | 86950 | 96600 | 104350 | 112050 | 119800 | 127500 | |
Moderate Income | 81150 | 92700 | 104300 | 115900 | 125150 | 134450 | 143700 | 153000 | |
Calaveras County Area | Acutely Low | 10100 | 11550 | 13000 | 14450 | 15600 | 16750 | 17900 | 19050 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 20050 | 22900 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$96,200 | Very Low Income | 33400 | 38150 | 42900 | 47650 | 51500 | 55300 | 59100 | 62900 |
Low Income | 53400 | 61000 | 68650 | 76250 | 82350 | 88450 | 94550 | 100650 | |
Median Income | 67350 | 76950 | 86600 | 96200 | 103900 | 111600 | 119300 | 127000 | |
Moderate Income | 80800 | 92350 | 103900 | 115450 | 124700 | 133900 | 143150 | 152400 | |
Colusa County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Contra Costa County | Acutely Low | 16350 | 18700 | 21000 | 23350 | 25200 | 27100 | 28950 | 30800 |
Area | Extremely Low | 32700 | 37400 | 42050 | 46700 | 50450 | 54200 | 57950 | 61650 |
Median Income: | Very Low Income | 54500 | 62300 | 70100 | 77850 | 84100 | 90350 | 96550 | 102800 |
$155,700 | Low Income | 84600 | 96650 | 108750 | 120800 | 130500 | 140150 | 149800 | 159500 |
Median Income | 109000 | 124550 | 140150 | 155700 | 168150 | 180600 | 193050 | 205500 | |
Moderate Income | 130800 | 149500 | 168150 | 186850 | 201800 | 216750 | 231700 | 246650 | |
Del Norte County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
El Dorado County Area | Acutely Low | 11950 | 13700 | 15400 | 17100 | 18450 | 19850 | 21200 | 22550 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 24750 | 28300 | 31850 | 35350 | 38200 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$113,900 | Very Low Income | 41300 | 47150 | 53050 | 58950 | 63650 | 68400 | 73100 | 77850 |
Low Income | 66050 | 75450 | 84900 | 94300 | 101850 | 109400 | 116950 | 124500 | |
Median Income | 79750 | 91100 | 102500 | 113900 | 123000 | 132100 | 141250 | 150350 | |
Moderate Income | 95700 | 109350 | 123050 | 136700 | 147650 | 158550 | 169500 | 180450 | |
Fresno County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Glenn County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Humboldt County Area | Acutely Low | 9300 | 10600 | 11950 | 13250 | 14300 | 15350 | 16450 | 17500 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18550 | 21200 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$88,300 | Very Low Income | 30950 | 35350 | 39750 | 44150 | 47700 | 51250 | 54750 | 58300 |
Low Income | 49500 | 56550 | 63600 | 70650 | 76350 | 82000 | 87650 | 93300 | |
Median Income | 61800 | 70650 | 79450 | 88300 | 95350 | 102450 | 109500 | 116550 | |
Moderate Income | 74150 | 84750 | 95350 | 105950 | 114450 | 122900 | 131400 | 139850 | |
Imperial County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Inyo County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Kern County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Kings County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Lake County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Lassen County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Los Angeles County | Acutely Low | 10350 | 11800 | 13300 | 14750 | 15950 | 17100 | 18300 | 19450 |
Area | Extremely Low | 29150 | 33300 | 37450 | 41600 | 44950 | 48300 | 51600 | 54950 |
Median Income: | Very Low Income | 48550 | 55450 | 62400 | 69350 | 74900 | 80450 | 86000 | 91550 |
$98,200 | Low Income | 77700 | 88800 | 99900 | 110950 | 119850 | 128750 | 137600 | 146500 |
Median Income | 68750 | 78550 | 88400 | 98200 | 106050 | 113900 | 121750 | 129600 | |
Moderate Income | 82500 | 94300 | 106050 | 117850 | 127300 | 136700 | 146150 | 155550 | |
Madera County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Marin County Area | Acutely Low | 19600 | 22400 | 25200 | 28000 | 30250 | 32500 | 34700 | 36950 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 41150 | 47000 | 52900 | 58750 | 63450 | 68150 | 72850 | 77550 |
$186,600 | Very Low Income | 68550 | 78350 | 88150 | 97900 | 105750 | 113600 | 121400 | 129250 |
Low Income | 109700 | 125350 | 141000 | 156650 | 169200 | 181750 | 194250 | 206800 | |
Median Income | 130600 | 149300 | 167950 | 186600 | 201550 | 216450 | 231400 | 246300 | |
Moderate Income | 156750 | 179100 | 201500 | 223900 | 241800 | 259700 | 277650 | 295550 | |
Mariposa County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Mendocino County | Acutely Low | 9500 | 10850 | 12200 | 13550 | 14650 | 15700 | 16800 | 17900 |
Area | Extremely Low | 19000 | 21700 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
Median Income: | Very Low Income | 31650 | 36200 | 40700 | 45200 | 48850 | 52450 | 56050 | 59700 |
$90,400 | Low Income | 50650 | 57850 | 65100 | 72300 | 78100 | 83900 | 89700 | 95450 |
Median Income | 63300 | 72300 | 81350 | 90400 | 97650 | 104850 | 112100 | 119350 | |
Moderate Income | 75950 | 86800 | 97650 | 108500 | 117200 | 125850 | 134550 | 143200 | |
Merced County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Modoc County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Mono County Area | Acutely Low | 11150 | 12700 | 14300 | 15900 | 17150 | 18450 | 19700 | 21000 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 19650 | 22450 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$105,900 | Very Low Income | 32700 | 37400 | 42050 | 46750 | 50450 | 54200 | 57950 | 61700 |
Low Income | 52350 | 59800 | 67300 | 74800 | 80750 | 86750 | 92750 | 98750 | |
Median Income | 74150 | 84700 | 95300 | 105900 | 114350 | 122850 | 131300 | 139800 | |
Moderate Income | 88950 | 101700 | 114400 | 127100 | 137250 | 147450 | 157600 | 167750 | |
Monterey County Area | Acutely Low | 10850 | 12400 | 13950 | 15500 | 16750 | 18000 | 19200 | 20450 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 27800 | 31800 | 35750 | 39700 | 42900 | 46100 | 49250 | 52720 |
$103,200 | Very Low Income | 46350 | 53000 | 59600 | 66200 | 71500 | 76800 | 82100 | 87400 |
Low Income | 74150 | 84800 | 95400 | 105950 | 114450 | 122950 | 131400 | 139900 | |
Median Income | 72250 | 82550 | 92900 | 103200 | 111450 | 119700 | 127950 | 136200 | |
Moderate Income | 86700 | 99100 | 111450 | 123850 | 133750 | 143650 | 153550 | 163500 | |
Napa County Area | Acutely Low | 13600 | 15550 | 17500 | 19450 | 21000 | 22550 | 24100 | 25650 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 30850 | 35250 | 39650 | 44050 | 47600 | 51100 | 54650 | 58150 |
$129,600 | Very Low Income | 51400 | 58700 | 66100 | 73400 | 79300 | 85150 | 91050 | 96900 |
Low Income | 82150 | 93900 | 105650 | 117350 | 126750 | 136150 | 145550 | 154900 | |
Median Income | 90700 | 103700 | 116650 | 129600 | 139950 | 150350 | 160700 | 171050 | |
Moderate Income | 108850 | 124400 | 139950 | 155500 | 167950 | 180400 | 192800 | 205250 | |
Nevada County Area | Acutely Low | 11850 | 13500 | 15200 | 16900 | 18250 | 19600 | 20950 | 22300 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 21900 | 25000 | 28150 | 31250 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$112,500 | Very Low Income | 36500 | 41700 | 46900 | 52100 | 56300 | 60450 | 64650 | 68800 |
Low Income | 58350 | 66700 | 75050 | 83350 | 90050 | 96700 | 103400 | 110050 | |
Median Income | 78750 | 90000 | 101250 | 112500 | 121500 | 130500 | 139500 | 148500 | |
Moderate Income | 94500 | 108000 | 121500 | 135000 | 145800 | 156600 | 167400 | 178200 | |
Orange County Area | Acutely Low | 13550 | 15500 | 17400 | 19350 | 20900 | 22450 | 24000 | 25550 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 33150 | 37900 | 42650 | 47350 | 51150 | 54950 | 58750 | 62550 |
$129,000 | Very Low Income | 55250 | 63100 | 71050 | 78900 | 85250 | 91550 | 97850 | 104150 |
Low Income | 88400 | 101000 | 113650 | 126250 | 136350 | 146450 | 156550 | 166650 | |
Median Income | 90300 | 103200 | 116100 | 129000 | 139300 | 149650 | 159950 | 170300 | |
Moderate Income | 108350 | 123850 | 139300 | 154800 | 167200 | 179550 | 191950 | 204350 | |
Placer County Area | Acutely Low | 11950 | 13700 | 15400 | 17100 | 18450 | 19850 | 21200 | 22550 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 24750 | 28300 | 31850 | 35350 | 38200 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$113,900 | Very Low Income | 41300 | 47150 | 53050 | 58950 | 63650 | 68400 | 73100 | 77850 |
Low Income | 66050 | 75450 | 84900 | 94300 | 101850 | 109400 | 116950 | 124500 | |
Median Income | 79750 | 91100 | 102500 | 113900 | 123000 | 132100 | 141250 | 150350 | |
Moderate Income | 95700 | 109350 | 123050 | 136700 | 147650 | 158550 | 169500 | 180450 | |
Plumas County Area | Acutely Low | 9700 | 11100 | 12450 | 13850 | 14950 | 16050 | 17150 | 18300 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 19400 | 22150 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$92,400 | Very Low Income | 32250 | 36850 | 41450 | 46050 | 49750 | 53450 | 57150 | 60800 |
Low Income | 51600 | 59000 | 66350 | 73700 | 79600 | 85500 | 91400 | 97300 | |
Median Income | 64700 | 73900 | 83150 | 92400 | 99800 | 107200 | 114600 | 121950 | |
Moderate Income | 77650 | 88700 | 99800 | 110900 | 119750 | 128650 | 137500 | 146400 | |
Riverside County Area | Acutely Low | 10250 | 11700 | 13200 | 14650 | 15800 | 17000 | 18150 | 19350 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 21550 | 24600 | 27700 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$97,500 | Very Low Income | 35900 | 41000 | 46100 | 51250 | 55350 | 59450 | 63550 | 67650 |
Low Income | 57400 | 65600 | 73800 | 82000 | 88600 | 95150 | 101650 | 108250 | |
Median Income | 68250 | 78000 | 87750 | 97500 | 105300 | 113100 | 120900 | 128700 | |
Moderate Income | 81900 | 93600 | 105300 | 117000 | 126350 | 135700 | 145100 | 154450 | |
Sacramento County | Acutely Low | 11950 | 13700 | 15400 | 17100 | 18450 | 19850 | 21200 | 22550 |
Area | Extremely Low | 24750 | 28300 | 31850 | 35350 | 38200 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
Median Income: | Very Low Income | 41300 | 47150 | 53050 | 58950 | 63650 | 68400 | 73100 | 77850 |
$113,900 | Low Income | 66050 | 75450 | 84900 | 94300 | 101850 | 109400 | 116950 | 124500 |
Median Income | 79750 | 91100 | 102500 | 113900 | 123000 | 132100 | 141250 | 150350 | |
Moderate Income | 95700 | 109350 | 123050 | 136700 | 147650 | 158550 | 169500 | 180450 | |
San Benito County Area | Acutely Low | 14750 | 16850 | 18950 | 21050 | 22750 | 24400 | 26100 | 27800 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 25700 | 29400 | 33050 | 36700 | 39650 | 42600 | 47340 | 52720 |
$140,200 | Very Low Income | 42850 | 49000 | 55100 | 61200 | 66100 | 71000 | 75900 | 80800 |
Low Income | 68550 | 78350 | 88150 | 97950 | 105800 | 113600 | 121450 | 129300 | |
Median Income | 98150 | 112150 | 126200 | 140200 | 151400 | 162650 | 173850 | 185050 | |
Moderate Income | 117750 | 134600 | 151450 | 168250 | 181700 | 195150 | 208650 | 222100 | |
San Bernardino County | Acutely Low | 10250 | 11700 | 13200 | 14650 | 15800 | 17000 | 18150 | 19350 |
Area | Extremely Low | 21550 | 24600 | 27700 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
Median Income: | Very Low Income | 35900 | 41000 | 46100 | 51250 | 55350 | 59450 | 63550 | 67650 |
$97,500 | Low Income | 57400 | 65600 | 73800 | 82000 | 88600 | 95150 | 101650 | 108250 |
Median Income | 68250 | 78000 | 87750 | 97500 | 105300 | 113100 | 120900 | 128700 | |
Moderate Income | 81900 | 93600 | 105300 | 117000 | 126350 | 135700 | 145100 | 154450 | |
San Diego County Area | Acutely Low | 12550 | 14350 | 16150 | 17950 | 19400 | 20800 | 22250 | 23700 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 31850 | 36400 | 40950 | 45450 | 49100 | 52750 | 56400 | 60000 |
$119,500 | Very Low Income | 53050 | 60600 | 68200 | 75750 | 81850 | 87900 | 93950 | 100000 |
Low Income | 84900 | 97000 | 109150 | 121250 | 130950 | 140650 | 150350 | 160050 | |
Median Income | 83650 | 95600 | 107550 | 119500 | 129050 | 138600 | 148200 | 157750 | |
Moderate Income | 100400 | 114700 | 129050 | 143400 | 154850 | 166350 | 177800 | 189300 | |
San Francisco County | Acutely Low | 19600 | 22400 | 25200 | 28000 | 30250 | 32500 | 34700 | 36950 |
Area | Extremely Low | 41150 | 47000 | 52900 | 58750 | 63450 | 68150 | 72850 | 77550 |
Median Income: | Very Low Income | 68550 | 78350 | 88150 | 97900 | 105750 | 113600 | 121400 | 129250 |
$186,600 | Low Income | 109700 | 125350 | 141000 | 156650 | 169200 | 181750 | 194250 | 206800 |
Median Income | 130600 | 149300 | 167950 | 186600 | 201550 | 216450 | 231400 | 246300 | |
Moderate Income | 156750 | 179100 | 201500 | 223900 | 241800 | 259700 | 277650 | 295550 | |
San Joaquin County | Acutely Low | 10900 | 12450 | 14000 | 15550 | 16800 | 18050 | 19300 | 20550 |
Area | Extremely Low | 20250 | 23150 | 26050 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
Median Income: | Very Low Income | 33750 | 38600 | 43400 | 48200 | 52100 | 55950 | 59800 | 63650 |
$103,800 | Low Income | 54000 | 61700 | 69400 | 77100 | 83300 | 89450 | 95600 | 101800 |
Median Income | 72650 | 83050 | 93400 | 103800 | 112100 | 120400 | 128700 | 137000 | |
Moderate Income | 87200 | 99650 | 112100 | 124550 | 134500 | 144500 | 154450 | 164400 | |
San Luis Obispo | Acutely Low | 13200 | 15100 | 16950 | 18850 | 20350 | 21850 | 23350 | 24900 |
County Area | Extremely Low | 26750 | 30600 | 34400 | 38200 | 41300 | 44350 | 47400 | 52720 |
Median Income: | Very Low Income | 44600 | 50950 | 57300 | 63650 | 68750 | 73850 | 78950 | 84050 |
$125,600 | Low Income | 71350 | 81550 | 91700 | 101900 | 110100 | 118250 | 126350 | 134500 |
Median Income | 87900 | 100500 | 113050 | 125600 | 135650 | 145700 | 155750 | 165800 | |
Moderate Income | 105500 | 120550 | 135650 | 150700 | 162750 | 174800 | 186850 | 198900 | |
San Mateo County Area | Acutely Low | 19600 | 22400 | 25200 | 28000 | 30250 | 32500 | 34700 | 36950 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 41150 | 47000 | 52900 | 58750 | 63450 | 68150 | 72850 | 77550 |
$186,600 | Very Low Income | 68550 | 78350 | 88150 | 97900 | 105750 | 113600 | 121400 | 129250 |
Low Income | 109700 | 125350 | 141000 | 156650 | 169200 | 181750 | 194250 | 206800 | |
Median Income | 130600 | 149300 | 167950 | 186600 | 201550 | 216450 | 231400 | 246300 | |
Moderate Income | 156750 | 179100 | 201500 | 223900 | 241800 | 259700 | 277650 | 295550 | |
Santa Barbara County | Acutely Low | 12500 | 14300 | 16050 | 17850 | 19300 | 20700 | 22150 | 23550 |
Area | Extremely Low | 34200 | 39050 | 43950 | 48800 | 52750 | 56650 | 60550 | 64450 |
Median Income: | Very Low Income | 56950 | 65050 | 73200 | 81300 | 87850 | 94350 | 100850 | 107350 |
$119,100 | Low Income | 91200 | 104250 | 117300 | 130350 | 140800 | 151250 | 161600 | 172050 |
Median Income | 83350 | 95300 | 107200 | 119100 | 128650 | 138150 | 147700 | 157200 | |
Moderate Income | 100050 | 114300 | 128600 | 142900 | 154350 | 165750 | 177200 | 188650 | |
Santa Clara County | Acutely Low | 19350 | 22100 | 24900 | 27650 | 29850 | 32050 | 34300 | 36500 |
Area | Extremely Low | 38750 | 44250 | 49800 | 55300 | 59750 | 64150 | 68600 | 73000 |
Median Income: | Very Low Income | 64550 | 73750 | 82950 | 92150 | 99550 | 106900 | 114300 | 121650 |
$184,300 | Low Income | 102300 | 116900 | 131500 | 146100 | 157800 | 169500 | 181200 | 192900 |
Median Income | 129000 | 147450 | 165850 | 184300 | 199050 | 213800 | 228550 | 243300 | |
Moderate Income | 154800 | 176900 | 199050 | 221150 | 238850 | 256550 | 274250 | 291900 | |
Santa Cruz County Area | Acutely Low | 13950 | 15900 | 17900 | 19900 | 21500 | 23100 | 24700 | 26250 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 38050 | 43500 | 48950 | 54350 | 58700 | 63050 | 67400 | 71750 |
$132,800 | Very Low Income | 63400 | 72450 | 81500 | 90550 | 97800 | 105050 | 112300 | 119550 |
Low Income | 101750 | 116250 | 130750 | 145300 | 156950 | 168550 | 180200 | 191800 | |
Median Income | 92950 | 106250 | 119500 | 132800 | 143400 | 154050 | 164650 | 175300 | |
Moderate Income | 111550 | 127500 | 143400 | 159350 | 172100 | 184850 | 197600 | 210350 | |
Shasta County Area | Acutely Low | 9400 | 10750 | 12100 | 13450 | 14550 | 15600 | 16700 | 17750 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18750 | 21400 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$89,800 | Very Low Income | 31200 | 35650 | 40100 | 44550 | 48150 | 51700 | 55250 | 58850 |
Low Income | 49950 | 57050 | 64200 | 71300 | 77050 | 82750 | 88450 | 94150 | |
Median Income | 62850 | 71850 | 80800 | 89800 | 97000 | 104150 | 111350 | 118550 | |
Moderate Income | 75450 | 86200 | 97000 | 107750 | 116350 | 125000 | 133600 | 142250 | |
Sierra County Area | Acutely Low | 9450 | 10800 | 12150 | 13500 | 14600 | 15650 | 16750 | 17800 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18900 | 21600 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$90,000 | Very Low Income | 31500 | 36000 | 40500 | 45000 | 48600 | 52200 | 55800 | 59400 |
Low Income | 50400 | 57600 | 64800 | 72000 | 77800 | 83550 | 89300 | 95050 | |
Median Income | 63000 | 72000 | 81000 | 90000 | 97200 | 104400 | 111600 | 118800 | |
Moderate Income | 75600 | 86400 | 97200 | 108000 | 116650 | 125300 | 133900 | 142550 | |
Siskiyou County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Solano County Area | Acutely Low | 11900 | 13600 | 15300 | 17000 | 18350 | 19700 | 21100 | 22450 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 26450 | 30200 | 34000 | 37750 | 40800 | 43800 | 47340 | 52720 |
$113,200 | Very Low Income | 44050 | 50350 | 56650 | 62900 | 67950 | 73000 | 78000 | 83050 |
Low Income | 70450 | 80500 | 90550 | 100650 | 108700 | 116750 | 124850 | 132850 | |
Median Income | 79250 | 90550 | 101900 | 113200 | 122250 | 131300 | 140350 | 149400 | |
Moderate Income | 95100 | 108700 | 122250 | 135850 | 146700 | 157600 | 168450 | 179300 | |
Sonoma County Area | Acutely Low | 13500 | 15400 | 17350 | 19250 | 20800 | 22350 | 23850 | 25400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 29050 | 33200 | 37350 | 41500 | 44850 | 48150 | 51500 | 54800 |
$128,400 | Very Low Income | 48450 | 55350 | 62250 | 69150 | 74700 | 80250 | 85750 | 91300 |
Low Income | 77500 | 88600 | 99650 | 110700 | 119600 | 128450 | 137300 | 146150 | |
Median Income | 89900 | 102700 | 115550 | 128400 | 138650 | 148950 | 159200 | 169500 | |
Moderate Income | 107850 | 123300 | 138700 | 154100 | 166450 | 178750 | 191100 | 203400 | |
Stanislaus County Area | Acutely Low | 9750 | 11100 | 12500 | 13900 | 15000 | 16100 | 17250 | 18350 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 19150 | 21900 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$92,600 | Very Low Income | 31900 | 36450 | 41000 | 45550 | 49200 | 52850 | 56500 | 60150 |
Low Income | 51050 | 58350 | 65650 | 72900 | 78750 | 84600 | 90400 | 96250 | |
Median Income | 64800 | 74100 | 83350 | 92600 | 100000 | 107400 | 114800 | 122250 | |
Moderate Income | 77750 | 88900 | 100000 | 111100 | 120000 | 128900 | 137750 | 146650 | |
Sutter County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Tehama County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Trinity County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Tulare County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 | |
Tuolumne County Area | Acutely Low | 10250 | 11700 | 13200 | 14650 | 15800 | 17000 | 18150 | 19350 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 20350 | 23250 | 26150 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$97,700 | Very Low Income | 33900 | 38750 | 43600 | 48450 | 52350 | 56200 | 60100 | 63950 |
Low Income | 54250 | 62000 | 69750 | 77450 | 83650 | 89850 | 96050 | 102250 | |
Median Income | 68400 | 78150 | 87950 | 97700 | 105500 | 113350 | 121150 | 128950 | |
Moderate Income | 82100 | 93800 | 105550 | 117250 | 126650 | 136000 | 145400 | 154750 | |
Ventura County Area | Acutely Low | 13200 | 15100 | 16950 | 18850 | 20350 | 21850 | 23350 | 24900 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 29550 | 33800 | 38000 | 42200 | 45600 | 49000 | 52350 | 55750 |
$125,600 | Very Low Income | 49250 | 56300 | 63350 | 70350 | 76000 | 81650 | 87250 | 92900 |
Low Income | 78800 | 90050 | 101300 | 112550 | 121600 | 130600 | 139600 | 148600 | |
Median Income | 87900 | 100500 | 113050 | 125600 | 135650 | 145700 | 155750 | 165800 | |
Moderate Income | 105500 | 120550 | 135650 | 150700 | 162750 | 174800 | 186850 | 198900 | |
Yolo County Area | Acutely Low | 12300 | 14050 | 15800 | 17550 | 18950 | 20350 | 21750 | 23150 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 24250 | 27700 | 31150 | 34600 | 37400 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$117,000 | Very Low Income | 40400 | 46150 | 51900 | 57650 | 62300 | 66900 | 71500 | 76100 |
Low Income | 64600 | 73800 | 83050 | 92250 | 99650 | 107050 | 114400 | 121800 | |
Median Income | 81900 | 93600 | 105300 | 117000 | 126350 | 135700 | 145100 | 154450 | |
Moderate Income | 98300 | 112300 | 126350 | 140400 | 151650 | 162850 | 174100 | 185350 | |
Yuba County Area | Acutely Low | 9250 | 10550 | 11900 | 13200 | 14250 | 15300 | 16350 | 17400 |
Median Income: | Extremely Low | 18450 | 21100 | 25820 | 31200 | 36580 | 41960 | 47340 | 52720 |
$87,900 | Very Low Income | 30800 | 35200 | 39600 | 43950 | 47500 | 51000 | 54500 | 58050 |
Low Income | 49250 | 56250 | 63300 | 70300 | 75950 | 81550 | 87200 | 92800 | |
Median Income | 61550 | 70300 | 79100 | 87900 | 94950 | 101950 | 109000 | 116050 | |
Moderate Income | 73850 | 84400 | 94950 | 105500 | 113950 | 122400 | 130800 | 139250 |
Eligibility Determination:
Use household size income category figures in this chart.
Determine eligibililty based on actual number of persons in household and total of gross income for all persons.
Determination of Income Limit for Households Larger than Eight Persons:
Per person (PP) adjustment above 8:
Nine Person Calculation -- Example County
EXAMPLE | 4 persons | 8% PP Adj | + 8 persons | =9 persons |
Acutely Low Income | 13,200 | 1056 | 17,400 | 18,450 |
Extremely Low Income | 31,200 | 2496 | 52,720 | 55,200 |
Very Low Income | 43,950 | 3516 | 58,050 | 61,550 |
Lower Income | 70,300 | 5624 | 92,800 | 98,400 |
Moderate Income | 105,500 | 8440 | 139,250 | 147,700 |
Ten Person Calculation -- Example County
4 persons | 8 person + | 8% Adj x 2 | =10 persons |
13,200 | 17,400 | 2112 | 19,500 |
31,200 | 52,720 | 4992 | 57,700 |
43,950 | 58,050 | 7032 | 65,100 |
70,300 | 92,800 | 11248 | 104,050 |
105,500 | 139,250 | 16880 | 156,150 |
Calculation of Housing Cost and Rent:
Refer to Heath & Safety Code Sections 50052.5 and 50053. Use benchmark household size and multiply against applicable percentages defined in H&SC using Area Median Income identified in this chart.
Determination of Household Size:
For projects with no federal assistance, household size is set at number of bedrooms in unit plus one.
For projects with federal assistance, household size may be set by multiplying 1.5 by the number of bedrooms in unit.
HUD Income Limits release: 4/1/2024
HUD FY 2024 California median incomes:
State median income: $111,300
Metropolitan county median income: $111,900
Non-metropolitan county median income: $87,900
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 25, § 6932
Note: Authority cited: Section 50093, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 50063.5, 50079.5, 50093, 50105 and 50106, Health and Safety Code.
Note: Authority cited: Section 50093, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 50063.5, 50079.5, 50093, 50105 and 50106, Health and Safety Code.
2. Repealer and new section filed 5-19-83 as an emergency; effective upon filing (Register 83, No. 21). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 9-16-83.
3. Certificate of Compliance transmitted to OAL 8-29-83 and filed 10-19-83 (Register 83, No. 43).
4. Repealer and new section filed 7-23-84 as an emergency; effective upon filing (Register 84, No. 30). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 11-20-84.
5. Certificate of Compliance filed 11-6-84 (Register 84, No. 45)
6. Amendment filed 2-21-86 as an emergency; effective upon filing (Register 86, No. 8). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 6-23-86.
7. Certificate of Compliance filed 5-1-86 (Register 86, No. 18).
8. Amendment filed 3-9-87 as an emergency; effective upon filing (Register 87, No. 11). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 7-7-87.
9. Certificate of Compliance filed 6-9-87 (Register 87, No. 25).
10. Amendment filed 2-25-88 as an emergency; operative 2-25-88 (Register 88, No. 10). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 6-24-88.
11. Certificate of Compliance transmitted to OAL 5-3-88 and filed 5-27-88 (Register 88, No. 23).
12. Amendment filed 7-13-88 as an emergency; operative 7-13-88 (Register 88, No. 29). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 11-10-88.
13. Certificate of Compliance transmitted to OAL 9-30-88 and filed 10-26-88 (Register 88, No. 45).
14. Amendment filed 3-30-89; operative 3-30-89 (Register 89, No. 13).
15. Amendment filed 4-16-90; operative 4-16-90 (Register 90, No. 17).
16. Change without regulatory effect amending section filed 6-18-91 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 91, No. 38).
17. Change without regulatory effect amending section filed 7-21-92; operative 7-21-92 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 92, No. 30).
18. Change without regulatory effect amending section filed 6-3-93; operative 5-5-93 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 93, No. 23).
19. Change without regulatory effect amending section filed 7-26-94 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 94, No. 30).
20. Change without regulatory effect amending section filed 3-29-95 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 95, No. 13).
21. Change without regulatory effect amending section filed 2-28-96 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 96, No. 9).
22. Change without regulatory effect repealing section and adopting new section filed 2-18-97 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 97, No. 8).
23. Change without regulatory effect repealing section and adopting new section filed 3-3-98 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 98, No. 10).
24. Repealer and new section filed 3-17-99; operative 3-17-99. Submitted to OAL for printing only (Register 99, No. 12).
25. Change without regulatory effect repealing and adopting new section filed 4-26-2000 and amended action filed 4-28-2000 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2000, No. 17).
26. Change without regulatory effect repealing section and adopting new section filed 5-31-2001 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2001, No. 22).
27. Repealer and new section filed 4-4-2002; operative 4-4-2002. Submitted to OAL for printing only (Register 2002, No. 14).
28. Change without regulatory effect repealing section and adopting new section filed 5-5-2003 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2003, No. 19).
29. Change without regulatory effect repealing section and adopting new section filed 4-6-2004 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2004, No. 15).
30. Change without regulatory effect repealing and adopting new section filed 4-7-2005 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2005, No. 14).
31. Change without regulatory effect repealing and adopting new section filed 5-15-2006 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2006, No. 20).
32. Repealer and new section filed with OAL 4-18-2007; filed with Secretary of State 5-23-2007; operative on filing with OAL pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093(c). Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093(c) (Register 2007, No. 21).
33. Repealer and new section filed with OAL 3-11-2008; filed with Secretary of State 4-1-2008; operative on filing with OAL pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093(c) (Register 2008, No. 14).
34. Repealer and new section filed with OAL 4-3-2009; filed with Secretary of State 5-13-2009; operative on filing with OAL pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093(c) (Register 2009, No. 20).
35. Repealer and new section filed with OAL 6-17-2010; filed with Secretary of State 7-19-2010; operative on filing with OAL pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093(c) (Register 2010, No. 30).
36. Repealer and new section filed with OAL 7-13-2011; filed with Secretary of State 8-2-2011; operative on filing with OAL pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093(c) (Register 2011, No. 31).
37. Repealer and new section filed with OAL 2-1-2012; filed with Secretary of State 3-13-2012; operative on filing with OAL pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093(c). Exempt from OAL review pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2012, No. 11).
38. Repealer and new section filed 3-27-2013; operative 2-13-2013 pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2013, No. 13).
39. Repealer and new section filed 3-24-2014; operative 2-28-2014 pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093(Register 2014, No. 13).
40. Repealer and new section filed 5-26-2015; operative 4/15/2015 pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2015, No. 22).
41. Repealer and new section filed 7-5-2016; operative 5/20/2016 pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093. Amendment filed without review by OAL pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2016, No. 28).
42. Repealer and new section filed 7-12-2017; operative 6/8/2017 pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093. Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2017, No. 28).
43. Repealer and new section filed 6-4-2018; operative 4/26/2018. Submitted to OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2018, No. 23).
44. Repealer and new section filed 5-21-2019; operative 5/6/2019. Submitted to OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2019, No. 21).
45. Repealer and new section filed 6-9-2020; operative 4/29/2020. Submitted to OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2020, No. 24).
46. Repealer and new section filed 6-4-2021; operative 4/27/2021. Submitted to OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2021, No. 23).
47. Repealer and new section filed 1-25-2022; operative 12/29/2021. Submitted to OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2022, No. 4).
48. Repealer and new section filed 6-27-2022; operative 5/13/2022. Submitted to OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2022, No. 26).
49. Repealer and new section filed 6-27-2023; operative 6/6/2023. Submitted to OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2023, No. 26).
50. Repealer and new section filed 6-20-2024; operative 5/9/2024. Submitted to OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 (Register 2024, No. 25).