Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 25, div. 1, ch. 3, subch. 2, art. 2, subart. 2, pt. 3282

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Part 3282
Subpart A. General and Organization
3282.1. Scope and Purpose.
(a) The National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (Title VI of Pub. L. 93-383, 88 Stat. 700, 42 U.S.C. 5401, et seq.) (hereinafter referred to as the Act), requires the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development to establish Federal mobile home construction and safety standards and to issue regulations to carry out the purpose of the Act. The standards promulgated pursuant to the Act appear at Part 280 of Chapter II of this title, and apply to all mobile homes manufactured for sale to purchasers in the United States on or after the effective date of the standards (June 15, 1976). A mobile home is manufactured on or after June 15, 1976, if it enters the first stage of production on or after that date.
(b) The Secretary is also authorized by the Act to conduct inspections and investigations necessary to enforce the standards, to determine that a mobile home fails to comply with an applicable standard or contains a defect or an imminent safety hazard, and to direct the manufacturer to furnish notification thereof, and in some cases, to remedy the defect or imminent safety hazard. The purpose of this part is to prescribe procedures for the implementation of these responsibilities of the Secretary under the Act through the use of private and state inspection organizations and cooperation with State mobile home agencies. It is the policy of the Department to involve State agencies in the enforcement of the Federal mobile home standards to the maximum extent possible consistent with the capabilities of such agencies and the public interest.
3282.2. Program Implementation and Authority.
(a) The Secretary has delegated to the Assistant Secretary for Consumer Affairs and Regulatory Functions all of the authority to exercise the responsibilities of the Secretary under the Act except the power to sue and be sued.
(b) The Secretary has further authorized the Assistant Secretary to re-delegate any of the delegated authority to employees of the Department.
3282.3. Establishment of Office.

There is established, as a unit subordinate to the Assistant Secretary for Consumer Affairs and Regulatory Functions, the Office of Mobile Home Standards.

3282.4. Director.

The Office Of Mobile Home Standards is headed by the Director, who shall be named by the Assistant Secretary for Consumer Affairs and Regulatory Functions.

3282.5. Principal Divisions.

The following Divisions have been established within the Office of Mobile Home Standards:

(a) Standards Coordination and Liaison Division.
(b) Enforcement and State Liaison Division.
(c) Investigation and Data Collection Division.
3282.6. Separability of Provisions.

If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other portion of Part 3282 shall, for any reason, be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined by its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.

3282.7. Definitions.

The definitions in this subpart are those common to all subparts of the regulations.

(a) "Act" means the National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, Title VI of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5401 et seq.).
(b) "Add-on" means any structure (except a structure designed or produced as an integral part of a mobile home) which, when attached to the basic mobile home unit, increases the area, either living or storage, of the mobile home.
(c) "Alteration" means the replacement, addition, and modification, or removal of any equipment or installation after sale by a manufacturer to a dealer or distributor but prior to sale by a dealer to a purchaser which may affect the construction, fire safety, occupancy, plumbing, heat-producing or electrical system. It includes any modification made in the mobile home which may affect the compliance of the home with the standards, but it does not include the repair or replacement of a component or appliance requiring plug-in to an electrical receptacle where the replaced item is of the same configuration and rating as the one being replaced. It also does not include the addition of an appliance requiring "plug-in" to an electrical receptacle, which appliance was not provided with the mobile home by the manufacturer, if the rating of the appliance does not exceed the rating of the receptacle to which it is connected.
(d) "Certification label" see "label."
(e) "Certification Report" means the report prepared by an IPIA (see definition z) for each mobile home manufacturing plant under3282.203 in which the IPIA provides a complete description of the initial comprehensive inspection of the plant, an evaluation of the quality assurance program under the approved quality assurance manual, and the identity of the DAPIA (see definition z) which approved the designs and quality assurance manual used in the plant. Where appropriate under 3282.362(b)(5), the certification report may be made by a DAPIA.
(f) "Component" means any part, material or appliance which is built in as an integral part of the mobile home during the manufacturing process.
(g) "Cost Information" means information submitted by a manufacturer under Section 607 of the Act with respect to alleged cost increases resulting from action by the Secretary, in such form as to permit the public and the Secretary to make an informed judgment on the validity of the manufacturer's statements. Such term includes both the manufacturer's cost and the cost to retail purchasers.
(h) "Date of Manufacture" means the date on which the label required by 3282.205(c), is affixecd to the mobile home.
(i) "Dealer" means any person engaged in the sale, leasing, or distribution of new mobile homes primarily to persons who in good faith purchase or lease a mobile home for purposes other than resale.
(j) "Defect" means a failure to comply with an applicable Federal mobile home safety and construction standard that renders the mobile home or any part or component thereof not fit for the ordinary use for which it was intended, but does not result in an unreasonable risk of injury or death to occupants of the affected mobile home. See related definitions of "imminent safety hazard" (definition q), "noncompliance" (definition x), and "serious defect" (definition ff).
(k) "Department" means the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(l) "Design" means drawings, specifications, sketches and the related engineering calculations, tests and data in support of the configurations, structures and systems to be incorporated in mobile homes manufactured in a plant.
(m) "Director" means the Director of the Office of Mobile Home Standards.
(n) "Distributor" means any person engaged in the sale and distribution of mobile homes for resale.
(o) "Failure to Conform" means an imminent safety hazard related to the standards, a serious defect, defect, or noncompliance and is used as a substitute for all of those terms.
(p) "HUD" means the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(q) "Imminent Safety Hazard" means a hazard that presents an imminent and unreasonable risk of death or severe personal injury that may or may not be related to a failure to comply with an applicable Federal mobile home construction or safety standard. See related definitions of "defect" (definition j), "noncompliance" (definition x) and "serious defect" (definition ff).
(r) "Joint Monitoring Team" means a monitoring team composed of personnel provided by the various State Administrative Agencies, or by HUD or its contract agent, operating under a contract with HUD for the purpose of monitoring, or otherwise aiding in the enforement of the Federal standards.
(s) "Label" or "certification label" means the approved form of certification by the manufacturer that, under 3282.362(c)(2)(i), is permanently affixed to each transportable section of each mobile home manufactured for sale to a purchaser in the United States.
(t) "Manufacturer" means any person engaged in manufacturing or assembling mobile homes, including any person engaged in importing mobile homes for resale.
(u) "Mobile Home" means a structure, transportable in one or more sections, which when erected on site measures eight body feet or more in width and thirty-two body feet or more in length, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling, with or without a permanent foundation, when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein.
(v) "Mobile Home Construction" means all activities relating to the assembly and manufacture of a mobile home including but not limited to those relating to durability, quality, and safety.
(w) "Mobile Home Safety" means the performance of a mobile home in such a manner that the public is protected against any unreasonable risk of the occurrence of accidents due to the design or construction of such mobile home, or any unreasonable risk of death or injury to the user or to the public if such accidents do occur.
(x) "Noncompliance" means a failure of a mobile home to comply with a Federal mobile home construction or safety standard that does not constitute a defect, serious defect, or imminent safety hazard. See related definitions or "Defect" (definition j), "imminent safety hazard" (definition q), and "serious defect" (definition ff).
(y) "Owner" means any person purchasing a mobile home from any other person after the first purchase of the mobile home, in good faith, for purposes other than resale.
(z) "Primary Inspection Agency" (IPA) means a State or private organization that has been accepted by the Secretary in accordance with the requirements of Subpart H of this Part. There are two types of PIA:
(1) Design Approval PIA (DAPIA), which evaluates and approves or disapproves mobile home designs and quality control procedures, and
(2) Production Inspection PIA (IPIA), which evaluates the ability of mobile home manufacturing plants to follow approved quality control procedures and provides ongoing surveillance of the manufacturing process. Organizations may act as one or both of these types.
(aa) "Purchaser" means the first person purchasing a mobile home in good faith for purposes other than resale.
(bb) "Quality Assurance Manual" means a manual, prepared by each manufacturer for its manufacturing plants and approved by a DAPIA which contains: a statement of the manufacturer's quality assurance program, a chart of the organization showing, by position, all personnel accountable for quality assurance, a lsit of tests and test equipment required, a station-by-station description of the manufacturing process, a list of inspections required at each station, and a list by title of personnel in the manufacturer's organization to be held responsible for each inspection. Where necessary, the quality assurance manual used in a particular plant shall contain information specific to that plant.
(cc) "To Red Tag" means to affix a notice to a mobile home which has been found to contain an imminent safety hazard or a failure to conform with any applicable standard. A "red tag" is the notice so affixed to the mobile home.
(dd) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
(ee) "Secretary's Agent" means a party operating as an independent contractor under a contract with HUD.
(ff) "Serious Defect" means any failure to comply with an applicable Federal mobile home construction and safety standard that renders the mobile home or any part thereof not fit for the oridinary use for which it was intended and which results in an unreasonable risk of injury or death to occupants of the affected mobile home.
(gg) "Standards" means the Federal mobile home construction and safety standards promulgated under section 604 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5403, as Part 280 of these regulations.
(hh) "State" includes each of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Canal Zone, and American Samoa.
(ii) "State Administrative Agency" (SAA) means an agency of a State which has been approved or conditionally approved to carry out the State plan for enforcement of the standards pursuant to section 623 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5422, and Subpart G of this part.
(jj) "State Plan Application" means the application of any State organization which is submitted to the Secretary for approval as a State Administrative Agency under Subpart G.
(kk) "System" means a set or arrangement of materials or components related or connected as to form an operating entity, i.e., heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems, evaporative coolers.
(ll) "Title I" means Title I of the National Housing Act, 12 U.S.C. 1701, which authorizes HUD to insure loans made for the purchase of mobile homes that are certified as meeting HUD requirements for dwelling quality and safety.
(mm) "United States District Courts" means the Federal district courts of the United States and the United States courts of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Canal Zone, and American Samoa.
3282.8. Applicability.
(a) Mobile Homes. This part applies to all mobile homes that enter the first stage of production on or after June 15, 1976, and to all mobile homes that enter the first stage of production before June 15, 1976, to which labels are applied under 3282.205(d).
(b) States. This Part applies to States that desire to assume responsibility under the Federal mobile home construction and safety standards enforcement program. It includes requirements which must be met in order for State agencies to be approved by the Secretary under Section 623(c) of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5422(c). It also includes requirements for States wishing to act as primary inspection agencies, as defined in 3282.7, or to participate in monitoring activities under 3282.308.
(c) Primary Inspection and Engineering Organizations. This Part applies to each private inspection and engineering organization that wishes to qualify as a primary inspection agency under Subpart H.
(d) Mobile Home Manufacturers. This Part applies to all manufacturers producing mobile homes for sale in the United States. It includes:
(1) Inspection procedures to be carried out in the manufacturing plants.
(2) Procedures by which a manufacturer obtains approval of mobile home designs.
(3) Procedures by which a manufacturer obtains approval of manufacturing quality control and assurance programs.
(4) Procedures by which a manufacturer may obtain production inspections and certification labels for its mobile homes.
(e) Mobile Home Dealers and Distributors. This Part applies to any person selling, leasing, or distributing new mobile homes for use in the United States. It includes prohibitions of the sale of new mobile homes to which labels have not been affixed pursuant to Subpart H of these regulations or that have been altered, damaged, or otherwise caused not to be in compliance with the Federal standards.
(f) Purchasers, Owners and Consumers. This Part applies to purchasers, owners and consumers of mobile homes in that it sets out procedures to be followed when purchasers, owners and consumers complain to manufacturers, States, the Secretary or others concerning problems in mobile homes for which remedies are provided under the Act.
(g) Recreational Vehicles. Recreational vehicles do not fall within the definition of mobile homes and are not subject to these regulations. A recreational vehicle is a vehicle, regardless of size, which is not designed to be used as a permanent dwelling, and in which the plumbing, heating, and electrical systems contained therein may be operated without connection to outside utilities and which are self propelled or towed by a light duty vehicle.
(h) Imported Mobile Homes. Imported mobile homes are covered by the regulations except as modified by regulations promulgated jointly by the Secretary and the Secretary of the Treasury.
(i) Export Mobile Homes. Mobile homes intended solely for export are not governed by this Part or by Part 280 of this title if a label or tag stating that the mobile home is intended solely for export is placed on the mobile home or the outside of the container, if any, in which it is to be exported. However, any mobile home so tagged or labeled that is not exported but is sold to a purchaser in the United States is subject to this Part and Part 280 of this title.
(j) Add-on. An add-on added by the dealer or some other party not the manufacturer (except where the manufacturer acts as a dealer) as part of a simultaneous transaction involving the sale of a new mobile home, is not governed by the standards and is not subject to these regulations. However, the addition of the add-on must not affect the ability of the basic mobile home to comply with the standards. If the addition of an add-on causes the basic mobile home to fail to conform to the standards, sale, lease, and offer for sale or lease of the home is prohibited until the mobile home is brought into conformance with the standards. While the standards do not govern add-ons, the Secretary has the authority to promulgate standards for add-ons and may do so in the future.
(k) A structure (including an expandable room, tip-out, or tag- along unit) which is designed and produced as an integral part of a mobile home when assembled on site, is governed by the standards and these regulations regardless of the dimensions of such structure.
(l) Multifamily Homes. Mobile homes designed and manufactured with more than one separate living unit are not covered by the standards and these regulations.
(m) Modular Homes. Modular homes that fall within the defintion of "mobile home" set out at 3282.7(u) are not covered by these regulations if they are exempt from the standards under 24 C.F.R. 280.7.
3282.9. Computation of Time.

In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by these regulations, the day of the act or event from which the designated period of time begins to run, shall not be included in the computation. The last day of the period so computed shall be included unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, in which event the period runs until the end of the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. When the period of time prescribed or allowed is less than 7 days, intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays shall be exluded in the computation. When the period of time prescribed or allowed is more than 7 days, intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays shall be included in the computation. As used in this section "legal holiday" includes New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and any other day appointed as a holiday by the President or the Congress of the United States.

3282.10. Civil and Criminal Penalties.

Failure to comply with these regulations may subject the party in question to the civil and criminal penalties provided for in Section 611 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5410.

3282.11. Preemption and Reciprocity.
(a) No State mobile home standard regarding mobile home construction and safety which covers aspects of the mobile home governed by the Federal standards shall be established or continue in effect with respect to mobile homes subject to the Federal standards and these regulations unless it is identical to the Federal standards.
(b) No State may require, as a condition of entry into or sale in the State, that a mobile home which has been certified as in conformance with the Federal standards by the application of the label required by 3282.362(c)(2)(i) be subjected to state inspection to determine compliance with any standard covering any aspect of the mobile home covered by the Federal standard, except that a State may inspect a home to determine compliance with the Federal standard or an identical State standard if a transition certification label has been affixed to the home under 3282.207. Nor may any State require that a State label certifying comformance to the Federal standard or an identical standard be placed on the mobile home, except that such a label may be required where a transition certification label has been affixed to the home under 3282.207. Certain actions which States are permitted to take are set out in 3282.303 of Subpart G of this Part.
(c) States may participate in the enforcement of the Federal standards enforcement program under these regulations either as SAAs or PIAs or both. These regulations establish the exclusive system for enforcement of the Federal standards. No State may establish or keep in effect, through a building code enforcement system or otherwise, procedures or requirements which constitute systems for enforcement of the Federal standards or of identical State standards which are outside the system established in these regulations or which go beyond this system to require remedical actions which are not required by the Act and these regulations. However, a State may establish or continue in force consumer protections, such as warranty requirements, which do not constitute systems of enforcement of the Federal standards regardless of whether the State qualifies as an SAA or PIA.
(d) Except where a state is inspecting or providing a State label for a mobile home to which a transition certification label has been applied under 3282.207, and except where a State is providing one of the services mentioned in 3283.303, and except where a State is acting as a PIA, no State may charge a fee for any services provided under these regulations. Further, no State may charge a fee which is designed simply to replace revenues lost when this program replaces the State program or a fee which burdens interstate commerce, or a fee which, in itself or as it is administered, constitutes a system of enforcement of the Federal standards or of an identical State standard.
Subpart B. Formal Procedures
3282.51. Scope.

This subpart contains rules of procedure generally applicable to the transaction of official business under the National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, including the rules governing public availability of information.

3282.52. Address of Communications.

Unless otherwise specified, communications shall be addressed to the Director, Office of Mobile Home Standards, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20410.

3282.53. Service of Process on Foreign Manufacturers and Importers.
(a) Designation of agent for service. Any manufacturer, before offering a mobile home for importation into the United States, shall designate an agent upon whom service of all processes, notices, orders, decisions, and requirements may be made for and on behalf of such manufacturers as provided in section 612(e) of the Act and in this section. The agent may be an individual, a firm, or a domestic corporation. Changes in the designation of agents shall be made in accordance with the provisions of 3282.53(b).
(b) Form and contents of designation of agent. The designation shall be in writing, dated, and signed by the manufacturer and the designated agent. The designation shall be made in legal form required to make it valid and binding on the manufacturer under the laws, corporate by-laws, or other requirements governing the making of the designation by the manufacturer at the place and time where it is made and the person or persons signing the designation shall certify that it is so made. The designation shall disclose the full legal name, principal place of business, and mailing address of both the manufacturer and the designated agent.
(c) Method of Service. Service of any process, notice, order, requirements, or decision specified in section 612(e) of the Act may be made by registered or certified mail addressed to the agent with return receipt requested, or in any other manner authorized by law. If service cannot be effected on the designated agent for any reason, service may be made to the Secretary by registered or certified mail.
3282.54. Public Information.
(a) General. Subject to the provisions of 24 CFR Part 15 covering the production or disclosure of material or information and the provisions of 24 CFR Part 16 at 40 FR 39729 relating to the Privacy Act, and except as otherwise provided by paragraphs (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the Secretary may make available to the public:
(1) Any information which may indicate the existence of an imminent safety hazard, and
(2) Any information which may indicate the failure of a mobile home to comply with applicable mobile home construction and safety standards, and
(3) Such other information as the Secretary determines is necessary to carry out the Secretary's functions under the Act.
(b) Protected Information. Data and information submitted or otherwise provided to the Secretary or an agent of the Secretary or a PIA or SAA which fall within the definitions of a trade secret or confidential commercial or financial information are exempt from disclosure under this section, only if the party submitting or providing the information so requests under paragraph (c). However, the Secretary may disclose such information to any porson requesting it after deletion of the portions which are exempt, or in such combined or summary form as does not disclose the portions which are exempt from disclosure or in its entirety in accordance with section 614 of the Act, U.S.C. 5413.
(c) Obtaining Exemption. Any party submitting any information to the Secretary in any form under this Part, or otherwise in relation to the program established by the Act shall, if the party desires the information to be exempt from disclosure, at the time of submittal of the information or at any time thereafter, request that the information or any part thereof be protected from disclosure.

The request for nondisclosure shall include the basis for the request under the Act or other authority and complete justification supporting the claim that the material should be exempt from disclosure. The request should also include a statement of the information in such combined or summary form that alleged trade secrets or other protected information and the identity of the submitting party would not be disclosed. This request need not be made with respect to information which was submitted to the Secretary, an SAA or a PIA prior to the effective date of these regulations.

(d) Information submitted in opposition to action of the Secretary under Section 607(a) of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5406(a). Notice of the availablility of any information submitted under Section 607 of the Act shall be published in the Federal Register promptly after its receipt and after any determination by the Secretary regarding a manufacturer's request for exemption from disclosure under that section.
(e) Request for Information from PIAs or SAAs. Whenever a PIA or SAA receives requests for disclosure of information, it shall disclose the information unless the party from which the information was originally obtained has submitted to the PIA or SAA a request that the information not be disclosed under paragraph (c) of this section, except that the PIA or SAA shall be governed by the provisions of 24 CFR, Part 16, (Sec. 40 F.R. 39729) relating to the Privacy Act which may limit the disclosure of information. If a request for nondisclosure under paragraph (c) has been received with respect to information whose disclosure is requested, the PIA or SAA shall refer the matter to the Secretary within 5 days of the request for disclosure. If a PIA or SAA receives a request for disclosure of information related to this program, which information was submitted to the PIA or SAA prior to the effective date of these regulations, the PIA or SAA shall refer the request for nondisclosure and required information to the Secretary.
Subpart C. Rules and Rulemaking Procedures
3282.101. Scope and Purpose.

This subpart prescribes procedures that apply to the formulation, issuance, amendment and revocation of rules pursuant to the National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974. Rulemaking under the Act is also subject to the provisions of 24 CFR Part 10.

3282.102. Regulatory Docket.

Information and data deemed relevant by the Secretary relating to rulemaking actions, including notices of proposed rulemaking, comments received in response to notices, petitions for rulemaking and reconsideration, denials of petitions for rulemaking and reconsideration, and final rules are maintained by the Rules Docket Clerk, Office of the Secretary, Room 10141, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20410. All communications with respect to rulemaking shall be sent to the Rules Docket Clerk at the above address.

3282.103. Initiation of Rulemaking.
(a) The issuance, amendment or repeal of any rule may be proposed upon the initiative of the Secretary or upon the petition of any interested person showing reasonable grounds therefor.
(b) Petitions for rulemaking by interested persons.
(1) Each petition filed under this subsection:
(i) Shall set forth the text or substance of the rule or amendment proposed, or specify the rule that the petitioner seeks to have repealed, as the case may be;
(ii) Shall explain the interest of the petitioner in the action requested;
(iii) Shall contain any information and arguments available to the petitioner to support the action sought; and
(iv) Should be identified as a petition for rulemaking submitted under this subpart.
(2) The Secretary shall respond to a petition submitted under this section within 180 days of receipt thereof by granting or denying the petition or scheduling a public hearing or other appropriate proceeding, except that this time limit may be exceeded where necessary to assure full resolution of the issues involved on the basis of adequate information. Unless the Secretary otherwise specifies, no public hearing, argument or other proceedings shall be held on a petition before its disposition under this subsection. If the Secretary determines that the petition contains adequate justification, the Secretary shall initiate rulemaking action under this subpart. If the Secretary determines that the petition does not justify rulemaking, the Secretary shall deny the petition and notify the petitioner.
3282.104. Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.

An Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is a notice in which the Secretary indicates that consideration is being given to proposing a rule and through which the public is given an early opportunity to participate in decisions as to whether a rule change is necessary and what the content of the new rule should be. The Advance Notice is published in the Federal Register and it explains the possible need for rulemaking and the issues which may be involved. Where possible, it includes specific questions to which the Secretary needs answers in order to develop a proposed rule under 3282.105. The Secretary will use the Advance Notice whenever, in the judgment of the Secretary, it is appropriate and practicable in developing rules under this subpart.

3282.105. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
(a) A notice of proposed rulemaking shall be issued and interested persons invited to participate in the process of formulation of rules under applicable provisions of the Act, unless the Secretary, for good cause, finds that notice is impractical, unnecessary or contrary to the public interest, and incorporates that finding and a brief statement of the reasons therefor in the rule.
(b) Each notice of proposed rulemaking shall be published in the Federal Register, and shall include:
(1) A statement of the nature of the proposed rulemaking;
(2) A reference to the authority under which it is issued;
(3) A description of the subjects and issues involved or the substance and terms of the proposed rule;
(4) A statement of the time within which written comments must be submitted;
(5) A statement of the time and place of the public rulemaking proceedings, if any.
3282.106. Participation by Interested Persons.

Any interested person may participate in the process of formulating, amending or repealing a rule by submitting comments in writing containing information, views or arguments.

3282.107. Contents of Written Comments.

Comments should be clearly organized so that the Secretary can determine which points made in the comment relate to which aspects of the proposed rule or Advanced Notice. They should include documentation of all factual assertions. It is requested, but not required, that 10 copies be submitted, incorporation of material by reference should be avoided. However, if such incorporation is necessary, the incorporated material should be identified with respect to document and page.

3282.108. Considerattion of Comments Received.

All timely comments shall be considered before final action is taken on a rulemaking proposal. Comments filed late may be considered as far as practicable.

3282.109. Additional Rulemaking Proceedings.

The Secretary may initiate any further rulemaking proceedings that the Secretary finds necessary or desirable.

3282.110. Effective Date of Standards.

Each order establishing, amending or revoking a Federal mobile home construction and safety standard shall specify the date such standard is to take effect, which shall not be sooner than 180 days or later than one year after the date such order is issued, unless the Secretary finds, for good cause shown, that an earlier or later effective date is in the public interest, and publishes the reasons for such findings.

3282.111. Petitions for Reconsideration of Final Rules.
(a) Definition. A petition for reconsideration of a final rule issued by the Secretary is a request in writing from any interested person which must be received not later than 60 days after publication of the rule in the Federal Register. The petition shall state that it is a petition for reconsideration of a final rule, and shall contain an explanation as to why compliance with the rule is not practicable, is unreasonable, or is not in the public interest. If the petitioner requests the consideration of additional facts, the petitioner shall state the reason they were not presented to be treated as petitions for rulemaking.
(b) Proceedings on Petitions for Reconsideration. The Secretary may grant or deny, in whole or in part, any petition for reconsideration without further proceedings. The Secretary may issue a final decision on reconsideration without further proceeding, or may provide such opportunity to submit comments or information and data as the Secretary deems appropriate.
(c) Unless the Secretary determines otherwise, the filing of a petition under this section does not stay the effectiveness of the rule in question.
(d) Any party seeking to challenge any rule or regulation issued under the Act, except orders issued under section 604, 42 U.S.C. 5403, if the challenge is brought before the expiration of the 60 day period set out in paragraph (a), shall file a timely petition for reconsideration under this section prior to seeking any other remedy.
3282.112. Rulemaking on the Basis of Cost Information Submitted.

Whenever the Secretary proposed to establish, amend or revoke a standard on the basis of cost information submitted by a manufacturer in opposition to any action of the Secretary under Section 604, 42 U.S.C. 5403, or any other provision of the Act, the Secretary shall publish a notice of such proposed action and the reasons therefor in the Federal Register a least 30 days in advance of making a final determination in order to allow interested parties an opportunity to comment.

Subpart D. Hearings, Presentations of Views, and Investigations
3282.113. Interpretive Bulletins.

When appropriate, the Secretary shall issue interpretive bulletins interpreting the standards under the authority of Section 280.1(b) and (c) of this chapter or interpreting the provisions of this part. Issuance of interpretive bulletins shall be treated as rulemaking under this subpart unless the Secretary deems such treatment not to be in the public interest and the interpretation is not required by 24 CFR Part 10 or any other applicable statutes or regulations to be treated as rulemaking. All interpretive bulletins shall be indexed and made available to the public at the Office of Mobile Home Standards and a copy of the index shall be published periodically in the Federal Register.

3282.151. Applicability and Scope.
(a) This subpart sets out procedures to be followed when an opportunity to present views provided for in the Act is requested by a party entitled to one under the Act. Those situations arise whenever the Secretary contemplates injunctive action under Section 612(a), 42 U.S.C. 5410(a) of the Act, whenever the Secretary contemplates making an administrative determination of imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance under Section 615(e), 42 U.S.C. 5414(e) whenever there is a question as to who should bear the responsibility for correction under Section615(g), 42 U.S.C. 5414(g) whenever the Secretary contemplates rejecting a State plan under Section 623(d), 42 U.S.C. 5422(d), and whenever the Secretary contemplates withdrawal of approval of a State plan under Section 623(f), 42 U.S.C. 5422(f). Section 3282.152 provides for two types or procedures which may be followed in these cases, one informal and nonadversary. It also sets out criteria to govern which type of procedure will be followed in particular cases.
(b) The procedures of 3282.152 also apply to:
(1) Proceedings held by the Secretary whenever the suspension or disqualification of a primary inspection agency, which has been granted final approval, is recommended under 3282.356 of these regulations, and
(2) Resolution of disputes where an SAA or manufacturer disagrees with a determination of a DAPIA under 3282.361 that a mobile home design does or does not conform to the standards or that a quality assurance manual is or is not adequate with a decision by an IPIA to red tag or not to red tag or to provide or not to provide a certification label for a mobile home under 3282.362 when the IPIA believes that the mobile home does or does not conform to the standards.
(c) This subpart also sets out procedures which the Secretary may follow in holding hearings and carrying out inspections and investigations authorized by Section 614(c) of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5413(c), or otherwise. Generally, the provisions of 3282.153 apply to these proceedings, though the procedures set out in 3282.152 may also be followed, as may other procedures which the Secretary deems appropriate.
(d) The procedures set out in 3282.152 shall also be followed whenever State Administrative Agencies hold hearings or presentations of views under 3282.309.
(e) To the extent that these regulations provide for hearings or presentation of views for parties which would otherwise qualify for hearings under 24 CFR Part 24, the procedures of 24 CFR Part 24 shall not be available and shall not apply.
3282.152. Procedures for Hearings and for the Presentation of Views.
(a) Policy. All Hearings and Presentations of Views under this subpart shall be public, unless, for good cause, the Secretary determines it is in the public interest that the proceedings should be closed. If the Secretary determines that a proceeding should be closed, the Secretary shall state and make publicly available the basis for that determination.
(b) Request. Upon receipt of a request for a Hearing or Presentation of Views under this subpart, the Secretary shall either grant the relief for which the Hearing or Presentation of Views is requested or shall issue a notice under paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) Notice. When the Secretary decides to conduct a Hearing or Presentation of Views under this section, the Secretary shall provide notice as follows:
(1) Except where the need for swift resolution of the question involved prohibits it, notice of a proceeding hereunder shall be published in the Federal Register at least 10 days prior to the date of the proceeding. In any case, notice shall be provided to interested persons to the maximum extent practicable. Direct notice shall be sent by certified mail to the parties involved in the hearing.
(2) The notice, whether published or mailed, shall include a statement of the time, place and nature of the proceeding; reference to the authority under which the proceeding will be held; a statement of the subject matter of the proceeding, the parties and issues involved; and a statement of the manner in which interested persons shall be afforded the opportunity to participate in the hearing.
(3) The notice shall designate the official who shall be the presiding officer for the proceedings and to whom all inquiries should be directed concerning such proceedings.
(4) The notice shall state whether the proceeding shall be held in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (f)--(Presentation of Views) or paragraph (g)--(Hearings) of this section, except that when the Secretary makes the determinations provided for in Sections 623(d) and 624(f) of the Act, the requirements of paragraph (g) of this section shall apply. In determining whether the requirements of paragraphs (f) or (g) of this section shall apply, the Secretary shall consider the following:
(i) The necessity for expeditious action;
(ii) the risk of injury to affected members of the public;
(iii) the economic consequences of the decisions to be rendered; and
(iv) such other factors as the Secretary deems appropriate.
(d) Department Representative. If the Department is to be represented by Counsel, such representation shall be by a Department hearing attorney designated by the General Counsel.
(e) Reporting and Transcription. Oral proceedings shall be stenographically or mechanically recorded and transcribed under the supervision of the presiding officer, unless the presiding officer and the parties otherwise agree, in which case a summary approved by the presiding officer shall be kept. The original transcript or summary shall be a part of the record and the sole official transcript, or summary. A copy of the transcript or summary shall be available to any person at a fee established by the Secretary, which fee the Secretary may waive in the public interest. Any information contained in the transcript or summary which would be exempt from required disclosure under 3282.54 of these regulations may be protected from disclosure if appropriate under that section upon a request for such protection under 3282.54(c).
(f) Presentation of Views.
(1) A Presentation of Views may be written or oral, and may include an opportunity for an oral presentation, whether requested or not, whenever the Secretary concludes that an oral presentation would be in the public interest, and so states in the notice. A presiding officer shall preside over all oral presentations held under this subsection. The purpose of such presentations shall be to gather information to allow fully informed decision making. Presentations of Views shall not be adversary proceedings. Oral presentations shall be conducted in an informal but orderly manner.

The presiding officer shall have the duty and authority to conduct a fair proceeding, to take all necessary action to avoid delay, and to maintain order. In the absence of extraordinary circumstances, the presiding officer at an oral Presentation of Views shall not require that testimony be given under oath or affirmation, and shall not permit either cross-examination of witnesses by other witnesses or their representatives, or the presentation of rebuttal testimony by persons who have already testified. The rules of evidence prevailing in courts of law or equity shall not control the conduct of oral presentation of views.

(2) Within 10 days after a Presentation of Views, the presiding officer shall refer to the Secretary all documentary evidence submitted, the transcript, if any, a summary of the issues involved and information presented in the Presentation of Views and the presiding official's recommendations with the rationale therefor. The presiding officer shall make any appropriate statements concerning the apparent veracity of witnesses or the validity of factual assertions which may be within the competence of the presiding officer. The Secretary shall issue a Final Determination concerning the matters at issue within 30 days of receipt of the presiding officer's summary. The Final Determination shall include:
(i) a statement of findings, with specific references to principal supporting items of evidence in the record and conclusions, as well as the reasons or basis therefor, upon all of the material issued of fact, law, or discretion as presented on the record, and
(ii) an appropriate order. Notice of Final Determination shall be given in writing and transmitted by certified mail, return receipt requested, to all participants in the presentation of views. The Final Determination shall be conclusive, with respect to persons whose interests were represented.
(g) Hearings.
(1) A Hearing is an adversary proceeding and includes an opportunity for the oral presentation of evidence. All witnesses shall testify under oath or affirmation which shall be administered by the presiding officer. Participants shall have the right to present such oral or documentary evidence and to conduct such cross-examination as the presiding officer determines is required for a full and true disclosure of the facts. The presiding officer shall receive relevant and material evidence, rule upon offers of proof and exclude all irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence. However, the technicalities of the rules of evidence prevailing in courts of law or equity shall not control the conduct of a hearing. The presiding officer shall take all necessary action to regulate the course of the Hearing to avoid delay and to maintain order. The presiding officer may exclude the attorney or witness from further participation in the particular Hearing and may render a decision adverse to the interests of the excluded party in his absence.
(2) Decision. The presiding officer shall make and file an initial written decision on the matter in question. The decision shall be filed within 10 days after completion of the hearing. The decision shall include:
(i) a statement of findings of fact, with specific references to principal supporting items of evidence in the record and conclusions, as well as the reasons or basis therefor, upon all of the material issues of law or discretion presented on the record, and
(ii) an appropriate order. The presiding officer's decision shall be final and shall constitute the Final Determination of the Secretary unless reversed or modified within 30 days by the Secretary. Notice of the Final Determination shall be given in writing, and transmitted by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to all participants in the proceeding. The Final Determination shall be conclusive with respect to persons whose interests were represented.
3282.153. Public Participation in Hearings or Presentation of Views.
(a) Any interested persons may participate in writing, in any Hearings or Presentation of Views held under the provisions of paragraphs (f) or (g) of 3282.152. The presiding officer shall consider to the extent practicable any such written materials.
(b) Any interested person may participate in the oral portion of any Hearing or Presentation of Views held under paragraphs (f) and (g) of 3282.152 unless the presiding officer determines that such participation should be limited or barred so as not to unduly prejudice the rights of the parties directly involved or unnecessarily delay the proceedings.
3282.154. Petitions for Hearings or Presentations of Views, and Requests for Extraordinary Interim Relief.

Any person entitled to a Hearing or Presentation of Views under subsection (f) or subsection (g) of 3282.152 to address issued as provided for in subsection (a) of 3282.151 may petition the Secretary to initiate such Hearing or Presentation of Views. The petition may be accompanied by a request that the Secretary provide such interim relief as may be appropriate pending the issuance of a Final Determination or Decision. No interim relief will be granted absent extraordinary cause shown. Upon receipt of a petition, the Secretary shall grant the petition and issue the notice provided for in paragraph (b) of 3282.152 for Hearing or Presentation of Views, and grant, deny or defer decision of any request for interim relief.

3282.155. Investigations.
(a) In connection with a formal investigation or inquiry involving an alleged or suspected violation or threatened violation of the Act or rules and regulations, the Secretary may permit any person to file with the Secretary a signed statement setting forth facts and circumstances known to such person and relevant to the investigation or inquiry.
(b) Subpoenas in investigations. The Secretary may issue subpoenas relating to any matter under investigation for any or all of the following reasons:
(1) Requiring testimony to be taken by interrogatories or depositions.
(2) Requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses at a specific time and place.
(3) Requiring access to, examination of, and the right to copy documents, books, records, and papers.
(4) Requiring the production of documents, books, records, and papers at a specific time and place.
(c) Investigational hearings.For the purpose of taking the testimony of witnesses and receiving documents and other data relating to any subject under investigation, hearings may be conducted by the Secretary in the course of any investigation. These hearings will be stenographically or mechanically reported. Testimony of witnesses shall be under oath or affirmation. Unless the Secretary determines otherwise for good cause, these hearings shall be public.
(d) Rights of witnesses in investigations.
(1) Any person compelled to testify or to submit data in connection with any investigation shall be entitled, on payment of lawfully prescribed costs, to purchase a copy of any data submitted by him and of his own testimony as stenographically or mechanically reported, except that in a nonpublic proceeding the witness may for good cause be limited to inspection of the official transcript of his testimony.
(2) Any witness summoned under Section 614(c)(1) of the Act shall be paid the same fees and mileage that are paid witnesses in the courts of the United States.
(3) Any witness compelled to appear in person in an investigative hearing may be accompanied, represented, and advised by counsel as follows:
(i) Counsel for a witness may advise his client, in confidence, and upon initiative of either himself or the witness, with respect to any question asked of his client; and, if the witness refuses to answer a question, the counsel may briefly state on the record if he has advised his client not to answer the question and the legal grounds for such refusal.
(ii) Where it is claimed that the testimony or other evidence sought from a witness is outside the scope of the investigation, or it is claimed that the witness is privileged to refuse to answer a question or to produce other evidence, counsel for the witness may object on the record to the question or requirement and may briefly and precisely state the grounds therefor.
(iii) Objections interposed under the rules in this subpart wil be continuing objections throughout the course of the proceedings, and repetitious or cumulative statement of an objection or of the grounds therefore, in such cases, is unnecessary.
(iv) Motions challenging the authority of the Secretary to conduct the investigation or the sufficiency or legality of the subpoena must be addressed to the Secretary in advance of the proceeding. Copies of such motions may be filed with the presiding official at the proceeding as part of the record of the investigation, and argument in support thereof may be allowed if it will not unduly delay the proceeding.
(v) Upon completion of the examination of a witness, counsel for the witness may request that the presiding official permit the witness to clarify any of his answers on the record in order that specified points of ambiguity, equivocation, or incompleteness may be corrected. The granting or denial of such request in whole or in part, shall be within the sole discretion of the presiding official. However, the reasons for any denial of a request shall be given by the presiding official and shall be included in the record of the proceedings.
(vi) The presiding officer shall take all necessary action to regulate the course of the proceeding to avoid delay and to maintain order. If necessary to maintain order, the presiding officer may exclude the attorney or witness from further participation in the particular investigation and may render a decision adverse to the interests of the excluded party in that party's absence.
(e) In the case of contumacy of the witness or the witness' refusal to obey a subpoena or order of the Secretary, the United States district court for the jurisdiction in which an inquiry is carried on may issue an order requiring compliance therewith; and any failure to obey the court may be punished by such court as a contempt thereof.
3282.156. Petitions for Investigations.
(a) Any person may petition the Secretary in writing to open an investigation into whether noncompliances, defects, serious defects, or imminent safety hazards exist in mobile homes. A petition shall include the reasons that the petitioner believes warrant an investigation,and it shall state any steps which have previously been taken to remedy the situation. The petition shall include all information known to the petitioner concerning the identity of mobile homes which may be affected and where those mobile homes were manufactured. The Secretary shall respond to petitions concerning alleged imminent safety hazards and serious defects within 60 days and to petitions alleging the existence of defects or noncompliances within 120 days.
(b) Any person may petition the Secretary in writing to undertake an investigation for the purpose of determining whether a primary inspection agency should be disqualified. The petition shall set out all facts and information on which the petition is based and a detailed statement of why such information justifies disqualification. The Secretary shall consider such petitions when making determinations on final acceptance and continued acceptance. The Secretary shall respond to such petition within 120 days.
Subpart E. Manufacturer Inspection and Certification Requirements
3282.201. Scope and Purpose.
(a) This subpart sets out requirements which must be met by manufacturers of mobile homes for sale to purchasers in the United States with respect to certification of mobile home designs, inspections of designs, quality assurance programs, and mobile home production, and certification of mobile homes. Other than references and a general description of responsibilities, this subpart does not set out requirements with respect to remedial actions or reports which must be taken or filed under the Act and these regulations.
(b) The purpose of this subpart is to require manufacturers to participate in a system of design approvals and inspections which serve to assist them in assuring that mobile homes which they manufacture will conform to Federal standards. Such approvals and inspections provide significant protection to the public by decreasing the number of mobile homes with possible defects in them, and provide protection to manufacturers by reducing the number of instances in which costly remedial actions must be undertaken after mobile homes are sold.
3282.202. Primary Inspection Agency Contracts.

Each manufacturer shall enter into a contract or other agreement with as many Design Inspection Primary Inspection Agencies (DAPIAs) as it wishes and with enough Production Inspection Primary Inspection Agencies (IPIAs) to provide IPIA services for each manufacturing plant as set out in this subpart and in subpart H of this Part. In return for the services provided by the DAPIAs and IPIAs, each manufacturer shall pay such reasonable fees as are agreed upon between the manufacturer and the primary inspection agency or, in the case of a State acting as an exclusive IPIA under 3282.3 such fees as may be established by the State.

3282.203. DAPIA Services.
(a) Each manufacturer shall have each mobile home design and each quality assurance manual which it intends to follow approved by a DAPIA under 3282.361. The manufacturer is free to choose which DAPIA will evaluate and approve its designs and quality assurance materials. The manufacturer may obtain design and quality assurance manual approval from a single DAPIA regardless of the number of plants in which the design and quality assurance manual will be followed. A manufacturer may also obtain approval for the same design and quality assurance manual from more than one DAPIA. The choice of which DAPIA or DAPIAs to employ is left to the manufacturer.
(b) The manufacturer shall submit to the DAPIA such information as the DAPIA may require in order to carry out design approvals. This information shall, except where the manufacturer demonstrates to the DAPIA that it is not necessary, include the following:
(1) Construction drawings and/or specifications showing structural details and layouts of frames, floors, wall and roofs, and chasis; material specifications, framing details, door locations, etc., for each floor plan proposed to be manufactured,
(2) Structural analysis and calculations, test data and/or other accepted engineering practices used by the manufacturer to validate the design,
(3) Complete heat loss calculations for each significant variation of home design,
(4) Floor plans showing room arrangement and sizes, window sizes, emergency exits and locations, locations of smoke detectors, fixed appliance range hoods, and other standard related aspects of the mobile home that can be shown on the floor plans,
(5) Diagrams of the fuel supply system, potable water system and drain, waste and vent systems. The diagrams shall specify the types of materials used, types of fittings and methods of installing required safety equipment,
(6) Wiring diagrams, including circuit allocation of electrical load and branch circuit calculations, a table of the branch circuit protection provided, the type of wiring used, and wiring methods,
(7) Details showing the design of air supply and return systems,
(8) Details of chassis construction, components, connections and running gear including rating capacities of tires,
(9) A list of fixed and portable appliances furnished with the mobile home, including type of appliance, rating of appliance, and applicable minimum and maximum performance ratings and/or energy requirements,
(10) Detailed manufacturer installation instructions including specifications and procedures for the erection and hook-up of the home at its permanent location, and
(11) Reports of all tests that were run to validate the conformance of the design to the standards.
(c) The manufacturer shall submit to the DAPIA such information as the DAPIA may require in order to carry out quality assurance manual approvals. At a minimum, this information shall include the quality assurance manual for which approval is sought. That manual shall include the manufacturer's quality assurance program, an organizational chart showing the accountability, by position, of the manufacturer's quality control personnel, a description of production tests and test equipment required for compliance with the standards, a station-by-station description of the manufacturing process, a list of quality control inspections required by the manufacturer at each station, and identification by title of each person who will be held accountable for each quality control inspection.
(d) Manufacturers may be required to furnish supplementary information to the DAPIA if the design information or the quality assurance manual is not complete or if any information is not in accordance with accepted engineering practice.
(e) When a manufacturer wishes to make a change in an approved design or quality assurance manual, the manufacturer shall obtain the approval of the DAPIA which approved the design or manual prior to production for sale. The procedures for obtaining such approval are set out in 3282.361.
(f) The information to be submitted to a DAPIA under 3282.203(b) and (c) may be prepared by the manufacturer's staff or outside consultants, including other DAPIAs. However, a DAPIA may not perform design or quality assurance manual approvals for any manufacturer whose design or manual has been created or prepared in whole or in part by members of the DAPIA's organization or of any affiliated organization.
(g) Each manufacturer shall maintain a copy of the drawings, specifications, and sketches from each approved design received from a DAPIA under 3282.361(b)(4) in each plant in which mobile homes are being produced to the design. Each manufacturer shall also maintain in each manufacturing plant a copy of the approved quality assurance manual received from a DAPIA under 3282.361(c)(3) that is being followed in the plant. These materials shall be kept current and shall be readily accessible for use by the Secretary or other parties acting under these regulations.
3282.204. IPIA Services.
(a) Each manufacturer shall obtain the services of an IPIA as set out in 3282.362 for each manufacturing plant operated by the manufacturer.
(b) The manufacturer shall make available to the IPIA operating in each of its plants a copy of the drawings and specifications from the DAPIA approved design and the quality assurance manual for that plant, and the IPIA shall perform an initial factory inspection as set out in 3282.362(b). If the IPIA issues a deviation report after the initial factory inspection, the manufacturer shall make any corrections or adjustments which are necessary to conform with the DAPIA approved designs and manuals. After the corrections required by the deviation report are completed to the satisfaction of the IPIA, the IPIA shall issue the certification report as described in 3282.362(b)(2). In certain instances a DAPIA may provide the certification report. (See 3282.362). The manufacturer shall maintain a current copy of each certification report in the plant to which the certification report relates.
(c) After the certification report has been signed by the IPIA, the manufacturer shall obtain labels from the IPIA and shall affix them to completed mobile homes as set out in 3282.362(c)(2). During the initial factory certification, the IPIA may apply labels to mobile homes which it knows to be in compliance with the standards if it is performing complete inspections of all phases of production of each mobile home and the manufacturrer authorizes it to apply labels.
(d) During the course of production the manufacturer shall maintain a complete set of approved drawings, specifications, and approved design changes for the use of the IPIA's inspector and always available to that inspector when in the manufacturing plant.
(e) If, during the course of production, an IPIA finds that a failure to conform to a standard exists in a mobile home in production, the manufacturer shall correct the failure to conform in any mobile homes still in the factory and held by distributors or dealers and shall carry out remedial actions under 3282.404 and 3282.405 with respect to any other mobile homes which may contain the same failure to conform.
3282.205. Certification Requirements.
(a) Every manufacturer shall make a record of the serial number of the first mobile home started in the first station of the assembly line on June 15, 1976 and a duly authorized representative of the manufacturer shall certify that the first mobile home and all subsequent mobile homes in the sequence of production manufactured on or after June 15, 1976, have been constructed in accordance with the Federal standards. The manufacturer shall furnish a copy of that certification to the IPIA for the purpose of determining which mobile homes are subject to the notification and correction requirements of subpart I of these regulations. If the manufacturer does not have the services of an IPIA and is using transition certification labels under 3282.207, it shall keep a certified record of mobile homes produced on or after June 15, 1976, and furnish that record to the IPIA that performs the first plant approval or the Secretary if the manufacturer discontinues production at the expiration of the transition period.
(b) Every manufacturer of mobile homes shall certify on the data plate as set out in Section 280.5 of Chapter II of 24 CFR and 3282.362(c)(3) that the mobile home is designed to comply with the Federal mobile home construction and safety standards in force at the time of manufacture in addition to providing other information required to be completed on the data plate.
(c) Every manufacturer of mobile homes shall furnish to the dealer or distributor of each such mobile home produced by such manufacturer a certification that such mobile home, to the best of the manufacturer's knowledge and belief, conforms to all applicable Federal construction and safety standards. Such certification shall be in the form of the label provided by the IPIA under 3282.362(c)(2), except when the manufacturer provides the label under 3282.207. Such labels shall be affixed only at the end of the last stage of production of the mobile home.
(d) The manufacturer shall apply a label required or allowed by these regulations only to mobile homes that it knows by its inspections to be in compliance with the standards. The manufacturer shall affix the transition certification label allowed by 3282.207 only to mobile homes that enter the first stage of production on or after June 15, 1976. The manufacturer may affix the label described in 3282.362(c)(2) to mobile homes that enter the first stage of production prior to June 15, 1976, only under all of the following circumstances.
(1) No such labels are affixed to any mobile homes prior to June 15, 1976.
(2) The labels are obtained only through the procedures set forth in subpart H of this part pursuant to the full range of services provided by primary inspection agencies.
(3) The manufacturer keeps a record of all mobile homes that enter the first stage of production prior to June 15, 1976, and to which labels are affixed under this provision.
(4) The manufacturer certifies the accuracy of the record required under paragraph (d)(3), immediately above, and provides a copy of that certification to the IPIA that provides production inspections in that plant in which those mobile homes are manufactured.
(5) The manufacturer pays the monitoring inspection fee required by 3282.210 for each mobile home to which a label is affixed under this provision.
(6) The manufacturer agrees that all mobile homes that it labels under this provision shall be subject to the requirements of the Act and these regulations, and particularly to the remedial provisions of subpart I of this part.
(7) The manufacturer obtains the agreement of the State in which the mobile homes are manufactured that the State will accept such mobile homes as if they had entered into the first stage of production on or after June 15, 1976, including agreement by the State not to require any State label for such mobile homes and not to require any inspections or charge any fees that would not be allowed with respect to mobile homes that enter the first stage of production on or after June 15, 1976.
(8) No other label relating to any aspects of the mobile home covered by the Federal standards is affixed to the mobile homes.
3282.206. Disagreement with IPIA or DAPIA.

Whenever a manufacturer disagrees with a finding by a DAPIA or an IPIA acting in accord with subpart H of this Part, the manufacturer may request a hearing or presentation of views as provided in 3282.152. The manufacturer shall not, however, produce mobile homes pursuant to designs which have not been approved by a DAPIA or produce mobile homes which the relevant IPIA believes not to conform to the standards unless and until:

(a) the Secretary determines that the manufacturer is correct in believing the design of the mobile home conforms to the standards; or
(b) extraordinary interim relief is granted under 3282.154; or
(c) the DAPIA or IPIA otherwise resolves the disagreement. These prohibitions shall not apply to manufacturers acting under the transition certification program set out in 3282.207.
3282.207. Transition Certification Program.
(a) If a manufacturer cannot contract for the services of a DAPIA or IPIA such manufacturer shall notify the Secretary and any State with an approved SAA into which it intends to ship mobile homes that it will apply transition certification labels under this section to a specified number of mobile homes for a specified period of time until it can obtain the necessary PIA services. The use of transition certification labels shall be limited to the time required to obtain PIA services, and in no case shall it extend beyond 90 days after the effective date of the standards. The manufacturer may continue to use certification labels during this 90 day period only it if is acting diligently to obtain necessary PIA services as quickly as possible. The Secretary may monitor manufacturers' performance under this section.
(b) Mobile homes bearing a transition certification label may be subject to such reasonable inspections and reasonable inspection fees as States may require, though no State may require any design approval or require a mobile home to meet a standard other than the Federal standard. A State may prohibit the entry into or sale in the State of a mobile home certified under this subsection if the State has inspected the mobile home and found a failure to conform to the federal standards. If a State, through inspections under this subsection, finds that a manufacturer or a particular plant is consistently producing homes which fail to conform to the standard, the State shall so inform the Secretary, who shall take appropriate action; including seeking injunctive relief to halt production, if necessary. A State may not prohibit entry into or sale in the State of a mobile home unless the State has inspected that home and found a failure to conform.
(c) A manufacturer acting under this section is not subject to the labeling provisions of 3282.362(c)(2) of this part or Section280.7 of Part 280 of Chapter II of 24 CFR.
(d) Transition certification labels shall be handled as follows:
(1) The transition certification label shall be 1 1/2 in. by 4 in. in size and shall either be typed on a piece of paper hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic with a 1/4 in. border of clear plastic around the paper, or printed on adhesive backed aluminum foil. The paper sealed in plastic shall be permanently attached to the mobile home by means of 4 blind rivets, drive screws, or other means that render it difficult to remove without being defaced. The adhesive backed foil shall be permanently attached to the mobile home by placing it on a surface which is suitable for the adhesive. The label number shall be a sequential 4 digit number which the manufacturer shall type sequentially on each label used.
(2) The transition certification label shall be supplied by the manufacturer and located as specified in 3282.362(c)(2)(i)(E).
(3) Transition certification labels that are damaged, destroyed, or otherwise made illegible or removed may be replaced by the manufacturer with new transition certification labels of a different serial number. They shall not be replaced by labels of the type described 3282.361(c).
(e) The manufacturer shall furnish a data plate as specified in 3282.362(c)(3), except that after "design approval by," the manufacturer shall insert the term "none."
(f) The manufacturer acting under this section shall submit copies of designs to the Secretary or the Secretary's agent. Authority: Section 625 of the National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, 42 USC 5424, and section 7(d), Department of Housing and Urban Development Act, 42 USC 3535(d).
3282.208. Remedial Actions--General Description.
(a) Notification. A manufacturer may be required to provide formal notice to mobile home owners and dealers, as set out in subpart I of this Part, if the manufacturer, the Secretary, or a State Adminstrative Agency determines under that subpart that an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance exists or may exist in a mobile home produced by that manufacturer.
(b) Correction. A manufacturer may be required to correct imminent safety hazards and serious defects which the manufacturer or the Secretary determines under subpart I exist in mobile homes produced by the manufacturer. This correction would be carried out in addition to the sending of formal notice as described in paragraph (a).
(c) Cooperation. The manufacturer shall be responsible for working with the DAPIA, IPIA, any SAA, the Secretary, and the Secretary's agent as necessary in the course of carrying out investigations and remedial actions under subpart I.
(d) Avoidance of Formalities. The provisions for notification and required corrected outlined in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section and described more fully in subpart I may be waived or avoided in certain circumstances under that subpart.
3282.209. Report Requirements.

The manufacturer shall submit reports to the PIAs, SAAs, and the Secretary as required by subpart L of these regulations.

3282.210. Payment of Monitoring Fee.
(a) Each manufacturer shall pay the monitoring fee established under 3282.455 and 3282.307 for each mobile home which it manufactures under the Federal standards.
(b) The monitoring fee shall be paid in the form of a check made payable to the Secretary or the Secretary's agent as follows:
(1) When the first set of labels is obtained from an IPIA under 3282.262(c)(2), the manufacturer shall give to the IPIA the required check in the amount of the number of labels received plus the number of mobile homes to which transition certification labels have been applied multiplied by the amount of the fee per mobile home.
(2) When the second set of labels is obtained, the manufacturer shall pay an amount equal to the number of labels received multiplied by the amount of the fee per mobile home, except that the manufacturer shall receive a credit equal to the amount paid by the manufacturer in the first payment which was greater than the amount determined by the number of mobile homes to which the labels were applied multiplied by the amount of the fee per mobile home. This credit results because the monitoring inspection fee is to be paid for each mobile home rather than for each transportable section of a mobile home.
(3) Each time a set of labels is obtained, the manufacturer shall make a payment as determined in paragraph (2) above, and if a credit is greater than the amount to be paid, the credit shall carry over until it is exhausted.
3282.211. Record of Purchasers.
(a) Information requirements for purchasers.
(1) Every manufacturer of mobile homes shall, for each mobile home manufactured under the Federal standards, provide with the mobile home a booklet containing at least 3 detachable cards as described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. On the front of the booklet, in bold faced type, shall be printed the following language:

"Keep this booklet with your mobile home.

Title VI of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 provides you with protection against certain construction and safety hazards in your mobile home. To help assure your protection, the manufacturer of your mobile home needs the information which these cards, when completed and mailed, will supply. If you bought your home from a dealer, please be sure that your dealer has completed and mailed a card for you. If you acquired your home from someone who is not a dealer, you should promptly fill out and send a card to the manufacturer. It is important that you keep this booklet and give it to any person who buys the mobile home from you."

(2) The detachable cards shall contain blanks for the following information:
(i) Name and address of the dealer or other person selling the mobile home to the purchaser;
(ii) Name and complete mailing address of the mobile home purchaser;
(iii) Address where the mobile home will be located, if not the same as item (ii);
(iv) Date of sale to the purchaser;
(v) Month, day and year of manufacture;
(vi) Identification number of the mobile home;
(vii) Model and/or type designation of the mobile home as provided by the manufacturer; and
(viii) A designation of the zones for which the mobile home is equipped, as set forth in Section 280.305 of Chapter II of this title.

Additionally, the cards shall have the name and address of the manufacturer printed clearly on the reverse side and shall contain adequate postage or business reply privileges to ensure return to the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall have the responsibility for filling in the blanks on the cards for items (v), (vi), (vii), and (viii).

(3) The manufacturer shall maintain all cards received so that the manufacturer has a readily accessible record of the current purchaser or owner and the current address of all mobile homes manufactured by it for which a card has been received.
Subpart F. Dealer and Distributor Responsibilities
3282.251. Scope and Purpose.
(a) This subpart sets out the responsibilities which shall be met by distributors and dealers with respect to mobile homes manufactured after the effective date of the standards for sale to purchasers in the United States. It prohibits the sale, lease, or offer for sale or lease of mobile homes known by the distributor or dealer not to be in conformance with the standards, and it includes responsibilities for maintaining certain records and assisting in the gathering of certain information.
(b) The purpose of this subpart is to inform distributors and dealers when they may sell mobile homes, when they are prohibited from selling mobile homes, and what they may do in order to prepare a mobile home for sale if it is not in conformance with the standards.
(c) For purposes of this Part, any manufacturer or distributor who sells, leases, or offers for sale or lease a mobile home to a purchaser shall be a dealer for purposes of that transaction.
3282.252. Prohibition of Sale.
(a) No distributor or dealer shall make use of any means of transportation affecting interstate or foreign commerce or the mails to sell, lease, or offer for sale or lease in the United States any mobile home manufactured on or after the effective date of an applicable standard unless:
(1) There is affixed to the mobile home a label certifying that the mobile home conforms to applicable standard as required by 3282.205(c), and
(2) The distributor or dealer, acting as a reasonable distributor or dealer, does not know that the mobile home does not conform to any applicable standards.
(b) This prohibition applies to any affected mobile homes until the completion of the entire sales transaction. A sales transaction with a purchaser is considered completed when all the goods and services that the dealer agreed to provide at the time the contract was entered into have been provided. Completion of a retail sale will be at the time the dealer completes set-up of the mobile home if the dealer has agreed to provide the set-up, or at the time the dealer delivers the home to a transporter, if the dealer has not agreed to transport or set up the mobile home, or to the site if the dealer has not agreed to provide set-up.
(c) This prohibition of sale does not apply to mobile homes which are placed in production prior to the effective date of the standards, and it does not apply to "used" mobile homes which are being sold or offered for sale after the first purchase in good faith for purposes other than the resale.
3282.253. Removal of Prohibition of Sale.
(a) If a distributor or dealer has a mobile home in its possession or a mobile home with respect to which the sales transaction has not been completed, and the distributor or dealer, acting as a reasonable distributor or dealer, knows as a result of notification by the manufacturer or otherwise that the mobile home contains a failure to conform or imminent safety hazard, the distributor or dealer may seek the remedies available to him under 3282.415.
(b) When, in accordance with 3282.415, a manufacturer corrects a failure to conform to the applicable standard or an imminent safety hazard, the distributor or dealer, acting as a reasonable distributor or dealer, may accept the remedies provided by the manufacturer as having corrected the failure to conform or imminent safety hazard. The distributor or dealer, therefore, may sell, lease, or offer for sale or lease any mobile home so corrected by the manufacturer.
(c) When a distributor or dealer is authorized by a manufacturer to correct a failure to conform to the applicable standard or an imminent safety hazard and completes the correction in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, the distributor or dealer may sell, lease or offer for sale or lease the mobile home in question, provided that the distributor or dealer, acting as a reasonable distributor or dealer knows that the mobile home conforms to the standards. A distributor or dealer and a manufacturer, at the manufacturer's option, may agree in advance that the distributor or dealer is authorized to make such corrections as the manufacturer believes are within the expertise of the dealer.
(d) If the corrections made under paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section do not bring the mobile home into conformance or correct the imminent safety hazard, the provisions of 3282.415 will continue in effect prior to completion of the sales transaction.
3282.254. Distributor and Dealer Alterations.
(a) If a distributor or dealer alters a mobile home in such a way as to create an imminent safety hazard or to create a condition which causes a failure to conform with applicable Federal standards, the mobile home affected may not be sold, leased, or offered for sale or lease.
(b) After correction by the distributor or dealer of the failure to conform or imminent safety hazard, the corrected mobile home may be sold, lease, or offered for sale or lease.
(c) Distributors and dealers shall maintain complete records of all alterations made under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
3282.255. Completion of Information Card.
(a) Whenever a distributor or dealer sells a mobile home subject to the standards to a purchaser, the distributor or dealer shall fill out the card with information provided by the purchaser and shall send the card to the manufacturer. (See 3282.211)
(b) Whenever a distributor or dealer sells a mobile home to an owner which was originally manufactured under the standards, the distributor or dealer shall similarly use one of the detachable cards which was originally provided with the mobile home. If such a card is no longer available, the distributor or dealer shall obtain the information which the card would require and send it to the manufacturer of the mobile home in an appropriate format.
3282.256. Distributor or Dealer Complaint Handling.
(a) When a distributor or dealer believes that a mobile home in its possession which it has not yet sold to a purchaser contains an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance, the distributor or dealer shall refer the matter to the manufacturer for remedial action under 3282.415. If the distributor or dealer is not satisfied with the action taken by the manufacturer, it may refer the matter to the SAA in the state in which the mobile home is located, or to the Secretary if there is no such SAA.
(b) Where a distributor or dealer receives a consumer complaint or other information concerning a mobile home sold by the distributor or dealer, indicating the possible existence of an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance in the mobile home, the distributor or dealer shall refer the matter to the manufacturer.
Subpart G. State Administrative Agencies
3282.301. General--Scope.

This subpart sets out procedures to be followed and requirements to be met by States which wish to participate as State Administrative Agencies (SAA) under the Federal standards enforcement program. Requirements relating to State which wish to participate as primary inspection agencies under the Federal standards enforcement program are set out in Subpart H of this part. Requirements which States must meet in order to receive full or conditional approval as SAAs and the responsibilities of such agencies are set out in 3282.302. Reporting requirements for approved and conditionally approved SAAs are set out in Subpart L.

3282.302. State Plan.

A State wishing to qualify and act as a SAA under this subpart shall make a State Plan Application under this section. The State Plan Application shall be made to the Director, Office of Mobile Home Standards, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20410, and shall include:

(a) An original and one copy of a cover sheet which shall show the following:
(1) The name and address of the State agency designated as the sole agency responsible for administering the plan throughout the state,
(2) The name of the administrator in charge of the agency,
(3) The name, title, address, and phone number of the person responsible for handling consumer complaints concerning standards related problems in mobile homes under subpart I of this part,
(4) A list of personnel who will carry out the State Plan,
(5) The number of mobile home manufacturing plants presently operating in the State,
(6) The estimated total number of mobile homes manufactured in the State per year,
(7) The estimated total number of mobile homes set up in the State per year, and
(8) A certifcation signed by the administrator in charge of the designated State agency stating that, if it is approved by the Secretary, the State plan will be carried out in full, and that the regulations issued under the Act shall be followed.
(b) An original and one copy of appropriate materials which:
(1) Demonstrate how the designed State agency shall assure effective handling of consumer complaints and other information referred to it that relate to noncompliances, defects, serious defects, and imminent safety hazards as set out in subpart I of this Part, including the holding of hearings and presentations of views and the fulfilling all other responsibilities of SAAs as set out in that subpart I,
(2) Provide that personnel of the designated agency shall, under State law or as agents of HUD, have the right at any reasonable time to enter and inspect all factories, warehouses, or establishments in the State in which mobile homes are manufactured,
(3) Provide for the imposition under State authority of civil and criminal penalties which are identical to those set out in Section611 of the Act, 42 USC 5410, except that civil penalties shall be payable to the State rather than to the United States,
(4) Provide for the notification and correction procedures under subpart I of this Part where the State Administrative Agency is to act under that subpart by providing for and requiring approval by the State Administrative Agency of the plan for notification and correction described in 3282.410, including approval of the number of units that may be affected and the proposed repairs, and by providing for approval of corrective actions where appropriate under subpart I,
(5) Provide for oversight by the SAA of (i) remedial actions carried out by manufacturers for which the SAA approved the plan for notification or correction under 3282.405, or 3282.407, or for which the SAA has waived formal notification under 3282.405 or 3282.407, and (ii) a manufacturer's handling of consumer complaints and other information under 3282.404 as to plants located within the State.
(6) Provide for the setting of monitoring inspection fees in accordance with guidelines established by the Secretary and provide for participation in the fee distribution system set out in 3282.307,
(7) Contain satisfactory assurances in whatever form is appropriate under State law that the designated agency has or will have the legal authority necessary to carry out the State plan as submitted for full or conditional approval,
(8) Contain satisfactory assurances that the designated agency has or will have, in its own staff or provided by other agencies of the State or otherwise, the personnel, qualified by education or experience necessary to carry out the State plan,
(9) Include the resumes of administrative personnel in policy making positions and of all inspectors and engineers to be utilized by the designated agency in carrying out the State plan,
(10) Include a certification that none of the personnel who may be involved in carrying out the State plan in any way are subject to any conflict of interest of the type discussed in 3282.359 or otherwise, except that members of councils, committees, or similar bodies providing advice to the designated agency are not subject to the requirement,
(11) Include an estimate of the cost to the State of carrying out all activities called for in the State plan, under this section and 3282.303, which estimate shall be broken down by particular function and indicate the correlation between the estimate and the number of mobile homes manufactured in the State and the number of mobile homes imported into the State, and the relationship of these factors to any fees currently charged and any fees charged during the preceding two calendar years. A description of all current and past State activities with respect to mobile homes shall be included with this estimate,
(12) Give satisfactory assurances that the State plan shall devote adequate funds to carrying out its state plan,
(13) Indicate that State Law requires manufacturers, distributors, and dealers in the State to make reports pursuant to Section 614 of the Act 42 U.S.C. 5413 and this chapter of these regulations in the same manner and to the same extent as if the State plan were not in effect,
(14) Provide that the designated agency shall make reports to the Secretary as required by subpart L of this Part in such form and containing such information as the Secretary shall from time to time require.
(c) A State plan may be given conditional approval if all of the requirements of the previous paragraphs except (b)(2), (b)(3), (b)(6), or (b)(13) are met. When conditional approval is given, the State shall not be considered approved under Section 623 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5422, but it will participate in all phases of the programs as called for in its State plan. Conditional approval shall last a maximum of three years, by which time all requirements shall have been met for full approval, or conditional approval shall lapse.
(d) If a State wishes to discontinue participation in the Federal enforcement program as an SAA, it shall provide the Secretary with a minimum of 90 days notice.
(e) A State which wishes to act as an exclusive IPIA under 3282.352 shall so indicate in its State plan, and shall include in the information provided under subsection (b)(11) of this section, the fee schedule for its activities as an IPIA and the relationship between the proposed fees and the other information provided under that subsection.

The State shall submit to the Secretary before June 15, 1976, a Statement of its intent to act as an exclusive IPIA. It shall also submit its State Plan Application no later than July 15, 1976. The State shall also demonstrate in its State Plan Application that it has the present capability to act as an IPIA for all plants operating in the State. Where the intent to act as an exclusive IPIA is not indicated by June 15, 1976, the State may not act as an exclusive IPIA act for three years, from that date. A state so precluded may apply for exclusive IPIA status as of June 15, 1979. Where the State does not demonstrate that it has the present capability to act as an exclusive IPIA the State shall also be so precluded, unless the Secretary determines in the public interest that the State has an acceptable plan for meeting this requirement, in which case the State may act as an exclusive IPIA only when it has the required capability. If the Secretary determines that the fees to be charged by a State acting as an IPIA are unreasonable, the Secretary shall not grant the State status as an exclusive IPIA.

3282.303. State Plan -Suggested Provisions.

The following are not required to be included in the State plan, but they are urged as necessary to provide full consumer protection and assurance of mobile home safety:

(a) Provision for monitoring of dealers' lots within the State for transit damage, seal tampering, and dealer performance generally,
(b) Provision of approvals of all alterations made to certified mobile homes by dealer in the State. Under this program, the State would assure that alterations did not result in the failure of the mobile home to comply with the standards,
(c) Provision for monitoring of the installation of mobile homes set up in the State to assure that the homes are properly installed and, where necessary, tied down,
(d) Provision for inspection of used mobile homes and requirements under State authority that used mobile homes meet a minimal level of safety and durability at the time of sale, and,
(e) Provision for regulation of mobile home transportation over the road to the extent that such regulation is not preempted by Federal authority.
3282.304. Inadequate State Plan.

If the Secretary determines that a State plan submitted under this subpart is not adequate, the designated State agency shall be informed of the additions and corrections required for approval. A revised State plan shall be submitted within 30 days of receipt of such determination. If the revised State plan is inadequate or if the State fails to resubmit within the 30 day period or otherwise indicates that it does not intend to change its State plan as submitted, the Secretary shall notify the designated State agency that the State plan is not approved and that it has a right to a hearing on the disapproval in accordance with Subpart D of this Part.

3282.305. State Plan Approval.

The Secretary's approval or conditional approval of a State Plan Application shall qualify that State to perform the functions for which it has been approved.

3282.306. Withdrawal of State Approval.

The Secretary shall, on the basis of reports submitted by the State, and on the basis of HUD monitoring, make a continuing evaluation of the manner in which each State is carrying out its State plan and shall submit the reports of such evaluation to the appropriate committees of the Congress. Whenever the Secretary finds, after affording due notice and opportunity for a hearing in accordance with Subpart D of this Part, that in the administration of the State program there is a failure to comply substantially with any provision of the State plan or that the State plan has become inadequate, the Secretary shall notify the State of withdrawal of approval or conditional approval of the State program. The State program shall cease to be in effect at such time as the Secretary may establish.

3282.307. Monitoring Inspection Fee Establishment and Distribution.
(a) Each approved State shall establish a monitoring inspection fee in an amount established by the Secretary. This monitoring inspection fee shall be an amount paid by each mobile home manufacturer in the State for each mobile home produced by the manufacturer in that State. In non-approved and conditionally-approved State, this monitoring inspection fee shall be set by the Secretary.
(b) The monitoring inspection fee shall be paid by the manufacturer to the Secretary or the Secretary's agent, who shall distribute the fees collected from all mobile home manufacturers among the approved and conditionally-approved States based on the number of new mobile homes whose first location after leaving the manufacturing plant is on the premises of the distributor, dealer, or purchaser in that State, and the extent of participation of the State in the joint team monitoring program set out in 3282.309(a).
3282.308. State Participation in Monitoring of Primary Inspection Agencies.
(a) An SAA may provide personnel to participate in joint monitoring of primary inspection agencies as set out in Subpart J. If an SAA wishes to do so, it must include in its State plan a list of what personnel would be supplied for the teams, their qualifications, and how many person-years the State would supply. All personnel will be suject to approval by the Secretary or the Secretary's agent. A person-year is 2,080 hours of work.
(b) If an SAA wishes to monitor the performance of primary inspection agencies acting within the State, it must include in its State plan a description of how extensively, how often, and by whom this will be carried out. This monitoring shall be coordinated by the Secretary, or the Secretary's agent with monitoring carried out by joint monitoring teams, and in no event shall an SAA provide monitoring where the State is also acting as a primary inspection agency.
3282.309. Hearings and Presentations of Views Held by SAAs.
(a) When an SAA is the appropriate agency to hold a hearing or presentation of views under 3282.407 of subpart I, the SAA shall follow the procedures set out in 3282.1512 and 3282.153, with the SAA acting as the Secretary otherwise would under that section. Where 3282.152 requires publication of notice in the Federal Register, the SAA shall, to the maximum extent possible, provide equivalent notice throughout the state by publication in a newspaper or newspapers having state-wide coverage or otherwise. The determination of whether to provide a presentation of views under 3282.153(f) or a hearing section under 3282.152(g) is left to the SAA.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of 3282.152(f)(2) and (g)(2) relating to the conclusive effect of a final determination, any party, in a proceding held at an SAA under this section, including specifically the owners of affected mobile homes, States in which affected mobile homes are located, consumer groups representing affected owners and manufacturers (but limited to parties with similar substantial interest) may appeal to the Secretary in writing any Final Determination by an SAA which is adverse to the interest of that party. This appeal on the record shall be made within 30 days of the date on which the Final Determination was made by the SAA.
Subpart H. Primary Inspection Agencies
3282.351. General.
(a) This subpart sets out the requirements which must be met by States or private organizations which wish to qualify as primary inspection agencies under these regulations. It also sets out the various functions which will be carried out by primary inspection agencies.
(b) There are four basic functions which are performed by primary inspection agencies:

((1) approval of the manufacturer's mobile home design to assure that it is in compliance with the standard, (2) approval of the manufacturer's quality control program to assure that it is compatible with the design (3) approval of the manufacturer's plant facility and manufacturing process to assure that the manufacturer can perform its approved quality control program and can produce mobile homes in conformance with its approved design, and (4) performance of ongoing inspections of the manufacturing process in each manufacturing plant to assure that the manufacturer is continuing to perform its approved quality control program and, with respect to those aspects of mobile homes inspected, is continuing to produce mobile homes in performance with its approved designs and in conformance with the standards (see 3282.362(c)(1)).

(c) There are two types of primary inspection agencies which perform these functions:
(1) those which approve designs and quality control programs (Design Approval Primary Inspection Agencies--DAPIAs) and
(2) those which approve plants and perform ongoing inspections in the manufacturing plants (Production Inspection Primary Agencies--IPIAs).
(d) States and private organizations whose submissions under this subpart are acceptable shall be granted provisional acceptance. Final acceptance shall be conditioned upon adequate performance, which will be determined through monitoring of the actions of the primary inspection agencies. Monitoring of all primary inspection agencies shall be carried out as set out in Subpart J. HUD accepted agencies can perform DAPIA functions for any manufacturer in any State and IPIA functions in any State except those in which the State has been approved to act as the exclusive IPIA under 3282.352.
(e) Primary inspection agencies approved under this subpart may contract with mobile home manufacturers (see 3282.202) to provide the services set out in this subpart. Any PIA which charges fees which are excessive in relation to the services rendered shall be subject to disqualification under 3282.356.
3282.352. State Exclusive IPIA Functions.
(a) Any State which has an approved State Administrative Agency may, if accepted as an IPIA, act as the exclusive IPIA within the State. A State which acts as an IPIA but is not approved as an SAA may not act as the exclusive IPIA in the State. A State which acts as an exclusive IPIA shall be staffed to provide IPIA services to all manufacturers within the state and may not charge unreasonable fees for those services.
(b) State which wish to act as exclusive IPIAs shall apply for approval to do so in their State plan applications. They shall specify the fees they will charge for IPIA services and shall submit proposed fee revisions to the Secretary prior to instituting any change in fees. If at any time the Secretary finds that those fees are not commensurate with the fees generally being charged for similar services, the Secretary will withhold or revoke approval to act as an exclusive IPIA. States acting as DAPIAs and also as exclusive IPIAs shall establish separate fees for the two functions and shall specify what additional services (such as approval of design changes and full time inspections) these fees cover. As provided in 3282.302(b)(II), each State shall submit fee schedules for its activities and, where appropriate, the fees presently charged for DAPIA and IPIA services, and any fees charged for DAPIA and IPIA services during the preceding two calendar years.
(c) A State's status as an exclusive IPIA in the State shall commence upon approval of the State Plan Application and acceptance of the State's submission under 3282.355, except as provided herein. Where a State was approved to provide IPIA functions under the Title I program, the State's status as an exclusive IPIA shall commence on the date the State submits to the Secretary a statement that it intends to act as an exclusive IPIA, but only if it affirms that the State has the present capacity to provide IPIA services for all manufacturing plants in the State. If the State indicates its desire to act as an exclusive IPIA, though it does not have the present capacity to do so, but affirms that it will within 90 days have the capacity to provide IPIA services to all manufacturers in the State, then the State's status as an exclusive IPIA shall commence on the date the state affirms it will have such capacity. Continuation of such a State's status as an exclusive IPIA is conditioned upon submittal of the State Plan Application as required by 3282.302(e) and upon final approval of that application. It is also conditioned upon the State adequately fulfilling its affirmation to provide IPIA services to all manufacturing plants in the State. Where a private organization accepted or provisionally accepted as an IPIA under this Subpart operating in a manufacturing plant within the State on the date the State's status as an exclusive IPIA would commence under this paragraph, the organization may provide IPIA services in that plant for 90 days after that date.
3282.353. Submission Format.

States and private organizations which wish to act as primary inspection agencies shall submit to the Director, Office of Mobile Home Standards, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20410, an application which includes the following:

(a) A cover sheet which shall show the following:
(1) Name and address of the party making the application;
(2) The capacity (DAPIA, IPIA) in which the party wishes to be approved to act;
(3) A list of the key personnel who will perform the various functions required under these regulations;
(4) The number of mobile home manufacturers and manufacturing plants for which the submitting party proposes to act in each of the capacities for which it wishes to be approved to act;
(5) The estimated total number of mobile homes produced by those manufacturers and in those plants per year;
(6) The number of years the propose primary inspection agency has been actively engaged in the enforcement of mobile home standards;
(7) A certification by the party applying that it will follow the Federal Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards set out at 24 CFR Part 280 and any interpretations of those standards which may be made by the Secretary; and
(8) Whether the submitting party is approved to act as a primary inspection agency under the Title I program, and if so, in what capacity.
(b) A detailed schedule of fees to be charged broken down by the services for which they will be charged.
(c) A detailed description of how the submitting party intends to carry out all of the functions for which it wishes to be approved under this subpart, with appropriate cross-references to sections of this subpart, including examples and complete descriptions of all reports, tests, and evaluations which the party would be required to make. Where appropriate, later sections of this subpart identify particular items which must be included in the submission. The Secretary may request further detailed information, when appropriate.
(d) A party wishing to be approved as a DAPIA shall submit a copy of a mobile home design that it has approved (or if it has not approved a design, one that it has evaluated and a deviation report showing where the design is not in conformance with the standards) and a copy of a quality assurance manual that it has approved (or if it was not approved a manual, one that it has evaluated and a deviation report showing where the manual is inadequate).
(e) A party wishing to be approved as an IPIA shall submit a copy of a certification report which it has prepared for a mobile home plant or, if it has not prepared such a report, an evaluation of a manufacturing plant which it has inspected with a description of what changes shall be made before a certification report can be issued. A party that has not previously inspected mobile homes may nevertheless be accepted on the basis of the qualifications of its personnel and its commitment to perform the required functions.
(f) A primary inspection agency which has been approved under the Title I program, shall submit a statement reaffirming all commitments made under Title I, names and resumes of new key personnel, a certification that it will enforce the standard in accordance with these regulations, and a statement of fees as required by 3282.353(b).
3282.354. Submittal of False Information or Refusal to Submit Information.

The submittal of false information or the refusal to submit information required under this subpart may be sufficient cause for the Secretary to revoke or withhold acceptance.

3282.355. Submission Acceptance.
(a) A party whose submission is determined by the Department to be adequate shall be granted provisional acceptance until December 15, 1976, or for a six months period from the date of such determination, whichever is later.
(b) A party that has been accepted as a primary inspection agency under the Title I program shall be granted provisional acceptance for 30 days as of the effective date of these regulations. This provisional acceptance shall be extended to December 15, 1976, when the submission required by 3282.353(f) has been made, within 30 days of the effective date of these regulations.
(c) Final acceptance of a party to act as a primary inspection agency will be contingent upon adequate performance during the period of provisional acceptance as determined through monitoring carried out under Subpart J and upon satisfactory acceptance under 3282.361(e) or 3282.362(e). Final acceptance shall be withheld if performance is inadequate.
(d) Continued acceptance as a primary inspection agency shall be contingent upon continued adequacy of performance as determined through monitoring carried out under Subpart J. If the Secretary determines that a primary inspection agency that has been granted final acceptance is performing inadequately, the Secretary shall suspend the acceptance, and the primary inspection agency shall be entitled to a hearing or presentation of views as set out in Subpart D of this part.
3282.356. Disqualification and Requalification of Primary Inspection Agencies.
(a) The Secretary, based on monitoring reports or other reliable information, may determine that a primary inspection agency which has been accepted under this subpart is not adequately carrying out one or more of its required functions. In so doing, the Secretary shall consider the impact of disqualification on manufacturers and other affected parties and shall seek to assure that the manufacturing process is not unnecessarily disrupted thereby. Whenever the Secretary disqualifies a primary inspection agency under this section, the primary inspection agency shall have a right to a hearing or presentation of views under Subpart D of this part.
(b) Interested persons may petition the Secretary to disqualify a primary inspection agency under the provisions of 3282.156(b).
(c) A primary inspection agency which has been disqualified under paragraph (a) may resubmit an application under 3282.353. The submission shall include a full explanation of how problems or inadequacies which resulted in disqualifications have been rectified and how the primary inspection agency shall assure that such problems shall not recur.
(d) When appropriate, the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register or otherwise make available to the public for comment a disqualified PIA's application for requalification, subject to the provisions of 3282.54.
3282.357. Background and Experience.

All private organizations shall submit statements of the organizations' experience in the housing industry, including a list of housing products, equipment, and structures for which evaluation, testing and follow-up inspection services have been furnished. They shall also submit statements regarding the length of time these services have been provided by them. In addition, all such submissions shall include a list of other products for which the submitting party provides evaluation, inspection, and listing or labeling services and the standard applied to each product, as well as the length of time it has provided these additional services.

3282.358. Personnel.
(a) Each primary inspection agency shall have qualified personnel capable of carrying out all of the functions for which the primary inspection agency is seeking to be approved or disapproved. Where a State intends to act as the exclusive IPIA in the State,it shall show that it has adequate personnel to so act in all plants in the State.
(b) Each submission shall indicate the total number of personnel employed by the submitting party, the number of personnel available for this program, and the locations of the activities of the personnel to be used in the program.
(c) Each submission shall include the names and qualifications of the administrator and the supervisor who will be directly responsible for the program, and resumes of their experience.
(d) Each submission shall contain the information set out in paragraphs (d)(1) through (d)(9) of this section. Depending upon the functions (DAPIA, or IPIA) to be undertaken by a particular primary inspection agency, some of the categories of personnel listed may not be required. In the cases, the submission should indicate which of the categories of information are not required and explain why they are not needed. The submission should identify which personnel will carry out each of the functions the party plans to perform. The qualifications of the personnel to perform one or more of the functions will be judged in accordance with the requirements of ASTM Standard E-541 except that the requirement for registration as a professional engineer or architect may be waived for personnel whose qualifications by experience or education equal those of a registered engineer or architect. The categories of personnel to be included in the submission are as follows:
(1) The names of engineers practicing structural engineering who will be involved in the evaluation, testing, or follow-up inspection services, and resumes of their experience.
(2) The names of engineers practicing mechanical engineering who will be involved in the evaluation, testing, or follow-up inspection services and resumes of their experience.
(3) The names of engineers practicing electrical engineering who will be involved in the evaluation, testing, or follow-up inspection services and resumes of their experience.
(4) The names of engineers practicing fire protection engineering who will be involved in the evaluation, testing, or follow-up inspection services, and resumes of their experience.
(5) The names of all other engineers assigned to this program, the the capacity in which they will be employed, and resumes of their experience.
(6) The names of all full-time and part-time consulting architects and engineers, their registration, and resumes of their experience.
(7) The names of inspectors and other technicians along with resumes of experience and a description of the type of work each will perform.
(8) A general outline of the applicant agency's training program for assuring that all inspectors and other technicians are properly trained to do each specific job assigned.
(9) The names and qualifications of individuals serving on advisory panels that assist the applicant agency in making its policies conform with the public interest in the field of public health and safety.
(e) All information required by this section shall be kept current. The Secretary shall be notified of any change in personnel or management or change of ownership or state jurisdiction within 30 days of such change.
3282.359. Conflict of Interest.
(a) All submissions by private organizations shall include a statement that the submitting party is independent in that it does not have any actual or potential conflict of interest and is not affiliated with or influenced or controlled by any producer, supplier, or vendor of products in any manner which might affect its capacity to render reports of findings objectively and without bias.
(b) A private organization shall be judged to be free of conflicting affiliation, influence, and control if it demonstrates compliance with all of the following criteria:
(1) It has no managerial affiliation with any producer, supplier, or vendor of products for which it performs PIA services, and is not engaged in the sale or promotion of any such product or material;
(2) The results of its work do not accrue financial benefits to the organization via stock ownership of any producer, supplier or vendor of the products involved;
(3) Its directors and other management personnel and its engineers and inspectors involved in certification activities hold no stock in and receive no stock option or other benefits, financial, or otherwise, from any producer, supplier, or vendor of the product involved, other than compensation under 3282.202 of this part;
(4) The employment security status of its personnel is free of influence or control of any producer, supplier, or vendor, and
(5) It does not perform design or quality assurance manual approval services for any manufacturer whose design or manual has been created or prepared in whole or in part by engineers of its organization or engineers of any affiliated organization.
(c) All submissions by States shall include a statement that personnel who will be in any way involved in carrying out the State plan of PIA function are free of any conflict of interest except that with respect to members of councils, committees or similar bodies providing advice to the designated agency are not subject to this requirement.
3282.360. PIA Acceptance of Product Certification Programs or Listings.

In determining whether products to be included in a mobile home are acceptable under the standards set out in Part 280 of Chapter II of 24 CFR, all PIAs shall accept all product verification programs, labelings, and listings unless the PIA has reason to believe that a particular certification is not acceptable in which case, the PIA shall so inform the Secretary and provide the Secretary with full documentation and information on which it bases its belief. Pending a determination by the Secretary, the PIA shall provisionally accept the certification. The Secretary's determination shall be binding on all PIAs.

3282.361. Design Approval Primary Inspection Agency (DAPIA).
(a) General.
(1) The DAPIA selected by a manufacturer under Section 3282.203 shall be responsible for evaluating all mobile home designs submitted to it by the manufacturer and for assuring that they conform to the standards. It shall also be responsible for evaluating all quality control programs submitted to it by the manufacturer by reviewing the quality assurance manuals in which the programs are set out to assure that the manuals reflect programs whcih are compatible with the designs to be followed and which commit the manufacturer to make adequate inspections and tests of every part of every mobile home produced.
(2) A design or quality assurance manual approved by a DAPIA shall be accepted by all IPIAs acting under 3282.362 who deal with the design, quality assurance manual, or mobile homes built to them, and by all other parties, as, respectively, being in conformance with the Federal standards or as providing for adequate quality control to assure conformance. However, each design and quality assurance manual is subject to review and verification by the Secretary or the Secretary's agent at any time.
(b) Designs.
(1) In evaluating designs for compliance with the standards, the DAPIA will not allow any deviations from accepted engineering practice standards for design calculations or any deviations from accepted test standards, except that the DAPIA, for good cause, may request the Secretary to accept innovations which are not yet accepted practices. Acceptances by the secretary shall be published in the form of interpretive bulletins, where appropriate.
(2) The DAPIA shall require the manufacturer to submit floor plans and specific information for each mobile home design or variation which the DAPIA is to evaluate. It shall also require the submission of drawings, specifications, calculations, and test records of the structural, electrical and mechanical systems of each such mobile home design or variation. The manufacturer need not supply duplicate information where systems are common to several floor plans. Each DAPIA shall develop and carry out procedures for evaluating original mobile home designs by requiring manufacturers to submit necessary drawings and calculations as it deems necessary. Where compliance with the standards cannot be determined on the basis of drawings and calculations, the DAPIA shall require any necessary tests to be carried out at its own facility, at separate testing facilities or at the manufacturer's plant.
(3) Design Deviation Report. After evaluating the manufacturer's design, the DAPIA shall furnish the manufacturer with a design deviation report which specifies in detail, item by item with appropriate citations to the standards, the specific deviations in the manufacturer's design which must be rectified in order to produce mobile homes which comply with the standards. The design deviation report may acknowledge the possibility of alternative designs, tests, listings, and certifications and state the conditions under which they will be acceptable. The design deviation report shall, to the extent practicable, be complete for each design evaluated in order to avoid repeated rejections and additional costs to the manufacturer.
(4) Design Approval. The DAPIA shall signify approval of a design by placing its stamp of approval or authorized signature on each drawing and each sheet of test results. The DAPIA shall clearly cross-reference the calculations and test results to applicable drawings. The DAPIA may require the manufacturer to do the cross-referencing if it wishes. It shall indicate on each sheet how any deviations from the standards have been or shall be resolved. Within 5 days after approving a design, the DAPIA shall forward a copy of the design to the manufacturer and the Secretary or the Secretary's agent (prior to the effective date of the standards the latter copy shall go to the Secretary).

The DAPIA shall maintain a complete up-to-date set of approved designs and design changes approved under paragraph (b)(5) which it can duplicate and copies of which it can furnish to interested parties as needed when disputes arise.

(5) Design Change Approval. The DAPIA shall also be responsible for approving all changes which a manufacturer wishes to make in a design approved by the DAPIA. In reviewing design changes, the DAPIA shall respond as quickly as possible to avoid disruption of the manufacturing process. Within 5 days after approving a design change, the DAPIA shall forward a copy of this change to the manufacturer and the Secretary or the Secretary's agent as set out in paragraph (b)(4) of this section to be included in the design to which the change was made.
(c) Quality Assurance Manuals.
(1) In evaluating a quality assurance manual, the DAPIA shall identify any aspects of designs to be manufactured under the manual which require special quality control procedures. The DAPIA shall determine whether the manual under which a particular design is to be manufactured reflects those special procedures, and shall also determine whether the manuals which it evaluates provide for such inspections and testing of each mobile home so that the manufacturer, by following the manual, can assure that each mobile home it manufactures will conform to the standards. The manual shall, at a minimum, include the information set out in 3282.203(c).
(2) Manual Deviation Report. After evaluating a manufacturer's quality assurance manual, the DAPIA shall furnish the manufacturer with a manual deviation report which specifies in detail any changes which a manufacturer must make in order for the quality assurance manual to be acceptable. The manual deviation report shall, to the extent practicable, be complete for each design in order to avoid repeated rejections and additional costs to the manufacturer.
(3) Manual Approval. The DAPIA shall signify approval of the manufacturer's quality assurance manual by placing its stamp of approval or authorized signature on the cover page of the manual. Within 5 days of approving a quality assurance manual, the DAPIA shall forward a copy of the quality assurance manual to the manufacturer and the Secretary or the Secretary's agent (prior to the effective date of the standards, the latter copy shall go to the Secretary). The DAPIA shall maintain a complete up-to-date set of approved manuals and manual changes approved under paragraph (c)(4) of this section which it can duplicate and copies of which it can furnish to interested parties as needed when disputes arise.
(4) Manual Change Approval. Each change the manufacturer wishes to make in its quality assurance manual shall be approved by the DAPIA. Within 5 days after approving a manual change, the DAPIA shall forward a copy of the change to the manufacturer and the Secretary or the Secretary's agent as set out in paragraph (c)(3) of this section to be included in the manual to which the change was made.
(d) Special provision--Title I approvals. A design that has been approved by an organization accepted by the Secretary prior to June 15, 1976, under the Title I program need not be reevaluated, but it shall be revised to bring it into conformance with the Federal standards. When the DAPIA that approved a Title I design to the ANSI Standard has approved the design changes that bring the design into conformance with the Federal standards, that design shall be considered approved for purposes of these regulations. Quality assurance manuals that have been approved under the Title I program shall be considered approved for purposes of these regulations. The DAPIA that approved the Title I design and any required design changes or the quality assurance manual shall assure that copies of each are distributed as new designs, manuals, and changes will be accomplished under paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. New copies need not be distributed to parties which already have copies.
(e) Requirements for Full Acceptance--DAPIA.
(1) Before granting full acceptance to a DAPIA, the Secretary or the Secretary's agent shall review and evaluate at least one complete design and one quality assurance manual which has been approved by the DAPIA. These shall be designs and manuals approved to the Federal standards, and they shall be chosen at random from those approved by the DAPIA during the period of provisional acceptance.
(2) If the Secretary determines that a design or quality assurance manual shows an inadequate level of performance, the Secretary or the Secretary's agent shall carry out further evaluations. If the Secretary finds the level of performance to be unacceptable, the Secretary shall not grant full acceptance. If full acceptance has not been granted by the end of the provisional acceptance period, provisional acceptance shall lapse unless the Secretary determines that the failure to obtain full acceptance resulted from the fact that the Secretary or her agent has not had adequate time in which to complete an evaluation.
3282.362. Production Inspection Primary Inspection Agencies (IPIAs).
(a) General.
(1) IPIA Responsibilities. An IPIA selected by a manufacturer under 3282.204 to act in a particular manufacturing plant shall be responsible for assuring:
(i) That the plant is capable of following the quality control procedures set out in the quality assurance manual to be following in that plant;
(ii) That the plant continues to follow the quality assurance manual;
(iii) That any part of any mobile home that it actually inspects conforms with the design, or where the design is not specific with respect to an aspect of the standards, to the standards, and
(iv) That whenever it finds a mobile home in production which fails to conform to the design or where the design is not specific, to the standards, the failure to conform is corrected before the mobile home leaves the manufacturing plant; and
(v) That if a failure to conform to the design, or where the design is not specific, to the standards, is found in one mobile home, all other homes still in the plant which the IPIA's records or the records of the manufacturer indicate might not conform to the design or to standards are inspected and, if necessary, brought up to the standards before they leave the plant.

The IPIA is also generally responsible for reviewing and concurring in or disputing manufacturer determinations of the number of mobile homes affected under 3282.404 and for otherwise fulfilling its responsibilities set out in Subpart I. The IPIA shall also make any reports called for under Subpart I.

(2) No more than one IPIA shall operate in any one manufacturing plant, except that where a manufacturer decides to change from one IPIA to another, the two may operate in the plant simultaneously for a limited period of time to the extent necessary to assure a smooth transition.
(b) Plant Approval.
(1) Each IPIA shall, with respect to each manufacturing plant for which it is responsible, evaluate the quality control procedures being followed by the manufacturer in the plant to determine whether those procedures are consistent with and fulfill the procedures set out in the DAPIA approved quality assurance manual being followed in the plant. As part of this evaluation, and prior to the issuance of any labels to the manufacturer, the IPIA shall make a complete inspection of the manufacture of at least one mobile home through all of the operations in the manufacturer's plant. The purpose of this initial factory inspection is to determine whether the manufacturer is capable of producing mobile homes in conformance with the approved design and, to the extent the design is not specific with respect to an aspect of the standards, with the standards and to determine whether the manufacturer's quality control procedures as set out in the quality assurance manual plant equipment, and personnel, will assure that such conformance continues. This inspection should be made by one or more qualified engineers who have reviewed the approved design and by an inspector who has been carefully briefed by the engineers on the restrictive aspects of the design. The mobile home shall be inspected to the approved design for the home except that where the design is not specific with respect to any aspect of the standards, the inspection shall be to the standards as to that aspect of the mobile home. If the first mobile home inspected fails to conform to the design or, with respect to any aspect of the standards not specifically covered by the design, to the standards, additional units shall be similarly inspected until the IPIA is satisfied that the manufacturer is conforming to the approved design, or where the design is not specific with respect to an aspect of the standards, to the standards and quality assurance manual.
(2) Certification Report. If, on the basis of the initial comprehensive factory inspection required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the IPIA determines that the manufacturer is performing adequately, the IPIA shall prepare and forward to the manufacturer, to HUD, and to HUD's agent a certification report as described in this paragraph (b)(2). The issuance of the certification report is a prerequisite to the commencement of production surveillance under paragraph (c) of this section in the plant for which the report is issued. At the time the certification report is issued, the IPIA may provide the manufacturer with a two to four week supply of labels to be applied to mobile homes produced in the plant. The IPIA shall maintain a copy of each certification report which it issues.
(3) The certification report shall include:
(i) The name of the DAPIA which approved the manufacturer's design and quality assurance manual and the dates of those approvals,
(ii) The names and titles of the IPIA engineers and inspectors who performed the initial comprehensive inspection,
(iii) A full report of inspections made, serial numbers inspected, any failures to comply which were observed, corrective actions taken, and dates of inspections, and
(iv) A certification that at least one mobile home has been completely inspected in all phases of its production in the plant, that the manufacturer is performing in conformance with the approved designs and quality assurance manual and, to the extent the design is not specific with respect to any aspects of the standards, with the standards, and the IPIA is satisfied that the manufacturer can produce mobile homes in conformance with the designs, and where the designs are not specific, with the standards on a continuing basis.
(4) Inadequate Manufacturer Performance. Where an IPIA determines that the performance of a manufacturer is not yet adequate to justify the issuance of a certification report and labels to the manufacturer, the IPIA may label mobile homes itself by using such of its personnel as it deems necessary to perform complete inspections of all phases of production of each mobile home being produced and labeling only those determined after any necessary corrections to be in conformance with the design and, as appropriate, with the standards. This procedure shall continue until the IPIA determines that the manufacturer's performance is adequate to justify the issuance of a certification report.
(5) Transition Provision.
(i) Prior to the effective date of the standards, when the IPIA finds that it does not have adequate staff to perform the initial comprehensive inspection in a manufacturing plant soon enough for that manufacturer to be in production on the effective date of the standards, or after the effective date of the standards with respect to a manufacturer which is acting under the transition certification process set out in 3282.207, the IPIA may arrange to have a DAPIA perform the initial comprehensive in-factory inspection under paragraph (b)(1) and issue the certification report under paragraph (b)(2). The IPIA shall then issue a two-to-four-week supply of labels to be used beginning on the effective date of the standards. If the DAPIA is unable to complete the initial comprehensive factory inspection and issue the certification report prior to the effective date of the standards, the DAPIA shall submit a deviation report to the IPIA listing all conditions that shall be corrected in the factory prior to the issuance of the certification report and labels. Upon receipt of the DAPIA's deviation report, the IPIA may initiate full-time inspection in the factory with such personnel as it deems necessary to provide complete inspections of mobile homes in production, and it shall apply labels to those mobile homes that it knows by its own inspections to be in conformance with the design and, as appropriate under paragraph (b)(1), with the standards. The IPIA shall continue its full-time inspection in the plant until all deviations cited by the DAPIA have been corrected and the IPIA is satisfied that the manufacturer is conforming to the approved designs and quality assurance manual and as appropriate under paragraph (b)(1), with the standards. When these conditions have been met the IPIA shall issue the certification report and a two-to-four-week supply of labels to the manufacturer to be used prior to the commencement of production surveillance under paragraph (c) of this section.
(ii) A certification report for a particular plant accepted under the Title I program shall be accepted as a certification report under paragraph (b)(2). The IPIA which originally issued the certification report or a different IPIA acting for the manufacturer under this section shall assure that copies of it are distributed as new reports would be under paragraph (b)(2), except that copies need not be distributed to parties which already have copies.
(c) Production Surveillance.
(1) After it has issued a certification report under subsection (b) of this section, the IPIA shall carry out ongoing surveillance of the manufacturing process in the plant. The IPIA shall be responsible for conducting representative inspections to assure that the manufacturer is performing its quality control program pursuant to and consistent with its approved quality assurance manual and to assure that whatever part of a mobile home is actually inspected by the IPIA is fully in conformance with the design and, as appropriate under paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section, with the standards before a label is issued for or placed on that mobile home. The surveillance visits shall commence no later than that date on which the IPIA determines they must commence so that the IPIA can assure that every mobile home to be produced after the effective date of the standards to which a label provided for in paragraph (c)(2) of this section is affixed, is inspected in at least one stage of its production. The frequency of subsequent visits to the plant shall continue to be such that every mobile home is inspected at some stage in its production. In the course of each visit, the IPIA shall make a complete inspection of every phase of production and of every visible part of every mobile home which is at each stage of production. The inspection shall be made to the approved design except where the design is not specific with respect to an aspect of the standards, in which case the inspection of that aspect of the mobile home shall be made to the standards. The IPIA shall assure that no label is placed on any mobile home which it finds fails to conform with the approved design or, as appropriate, the standards in the course of these inspections and shall assure that no labels are placed on other mobile homes still in the plant which may also not conform until those homes are inspected and if necesary corrected to the design or the standards. If an IPIA finds a mobile home that fails to conform to the design, or as appropriate under paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section, to the standards, the IPIA may, in addition to withholding the label for the unit, proceed to red tag the home until the failure to conform is corrected. Only the IPIA is authorized to remove a red tag. When mobile homes repeatedly fail to conform to the design, or as appropriate under paragraph (a)(1)(iii), to the standards in the same assembly station or where there is evidence that the manufacturer is ignoring or not performing under its approved quality assurance manual, the IPIA shall increase the frequency of these inspections until it is satisfied that the manufacturer is performing to its approved quality assurance manual. Failure to perform to the approved manual justifies withholding labels until an adequate level of performance is attained. As part of its function of assuring quality control, the IPIA shall inspect materials in storage and test equipment used by the manufacturer at least once a month, and more frequently if unacceptable conditions are observed. With the prior approval of the Secretary, an IPIA may decrease the frequency of any inspections.
(2) Labeling.
(i) Labels Required.
(A) The IPIA shall continuously provide the manufacturer with a two-to-four-week supply (at the convenience of the IPIA and the manufacturer) of the labels described in this subsection, except that no labels shall be issued for use when the IPIA is not present if the IPIA is not satisfied that the manufacturer can and is producing mobile homes which conform to the design and, as appropriate, to the standards. Where necessary, the IPIA shall reclaim labels already given to the manufacturer. In no event shall the IPIA allow a label to be affixed to a mobile home if the IPIA believes that the mobile home fails to conform to the design, or, where the design is not specific with respect to an aspect of the standards, to the standards. Labels for such mobile homes shall be provided only after the failure to conform has been remedied, or after the Secretary has determined that there is no failure to conform.
(B) Except where a manufacturer acts under the transition certification program under 3282.207 a permanent label shall be affixed to each transportable section of each mobile home for sale or lease to a purchaser in the United States in such a manner that removal will damage the label so that it cannot be reused. This label is provided by the IPIA and is separate and distinct from the data plate which the manufacturer is required to provide under Section 280.5 of Chapter II of 24 CFR.
(C) The label shall read as follows:


(D) The label shall be 2 in. by 4 in. in size and shall be permanently attached to the mobile home by means of 4 blind rivets, drive screws, or other means that render it difficult to remove without defacing it. It shall be etched on .032 in. thick aluminum plate. The label number shall be etched or stamped with a 3 letter IPIA designation which the Secretary shall assign and a 6 digit number which the label supplier shall stamp sequentially on labels supplied to each IPIA.
(E) The label shall be located at the tail-light end of each transportable section of the mobile home approximately one foot up from the floor and one foot in from the road side, or as near that location on a permanent part of the exterior of the mobile home as practicable. The roadside is the right side of the mobile home when one views the mobile home from the tow bar end of the mobile home. It shall be applied to the mobile home unit in the manufacturing plant by the manufacturer or the IPIA, as appropriate.
(F) The label shall be provided to the manufacturer only by the IPIA. The IPIA shall provide the labels in sequentially numbered series. The IPIA may obtain labels from the Secretary or the Secretary's agent, or where the IPIA obtains the prior approval of the Secretary, from a label manufacturer. However, if the IPIA obtains labels directly from a label supplier, those labels must be sequentially numbered without any duplication of label numbers.
(G) Whenever the IPIA determines that a mobile home which has been labeled, but which has not yet been released by the manufacturer may not conform to the design or, as appropriate under paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section, to the standards, the IPIA by itself or through an agent shall red tag the mobile home. Where the IPIA determines that a mobile home which has been labeled and released by the manufacturer, but not yet sold to a purchaser (as described in 3282.525(b)) may not conform, the IPIA may, in its discretion, proceed to red tag the mobile home. Only the IPIA is authorized to remove red tags, though it may do so through agents which is deems qualified to determine that the failure to conform has been corrected. Red tags may be removed when the IPIA is satisfied, through inspections, assurances from the manufacturer, or otherwise, that the affected homes conform.
(H) Labels that are damaged, destroyed, or otherwise made illegible or removed shall be replaced by the IPIA, after determination that the mobile home is in compliance with the standards, by a new label of a different serial number. The IPIA's labeling record shall be permanently marked with the number of the replacement label and a corresponding record of the replacement label.
(ii) Label Control. The labels used in each plant shall be under the direct control of the IPIA acting in that plant. They shall be provided to the manufacturer only by the IPIA. The IPIA shall assure that the manufacturer does not use any other label to indicate conformance to the standards. This paragraph (c)(2)(ii) does not apply to transition-certification labels used under 3282.207.
(A) The IPIA shall be responsible for obtaining labels. Labels shall be obtained from HUD or its agent, or with the approval of the Secretary, from a label manufacturer. The labels shall meet the requirements of this section. Where the IPIA obtains labels directly from a label manufacturer, the IPIA shall be responsible for assuring that the label manufacturer, the IPIA shall be responsible for assuring that the label manufacturer does not provide labels directly to the manufacturer of mobile homes. If the label manufacturer fails to supply correct labels or allows labels to be released to parties other than the IPIA, the IPIA shall cease dealing with the label manufacturer.
(B) The labels shall be shipped to and stored by the IPIA's at a location which permits ready access to manufacturing plants under its surveilance. The labels shall be stored under strict security and inventory control. They shall be released only by the IPIA to the manufacturer under these regulations.
(C) The IPIA shall be able to account for all labels which it has obtained through the date on which the mobile home leaves the manufacturing plant, and it shall be able to identify the serial number of the mobile home to which each particular label is affixed.
(D) The IPIA shall keep in its central record office a list of the serial numbers of labels issued from the label producer to the IPIA and by the IPIA to the manufacturing plant.
(E) Failure to maintain control of labels through the date the mobile home leaves the manufacturing plant and failure to keep adequate records of which label is on which mobile home shall render the IPIA subject to disqualification under 3282.356.
(3) Data Plate.
(i) The IPIA shall assure that each mobile home produced in each manufacturing plant under its surveillance is supplied with a data plate which meets the requirements of this section and of Section 280.5 of Chapter II or 24 CFR. The data plate shall be furnished by the manufacturer and affixed inside the mobile home on or near the main electrical distribution panel. The data plate shall contain the following information:
(A) The name and address of the manufacturing plant in which the mobile home was manufactured,
(B) The serial number and model designation of the unit and the date the unit was manufactured,
(C) The statement "This mobile home is designed to comply with the Federal Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards in force at the time of manufacture,"
(D) A list of major factory-installed equipment including the manufacturer's name and the model designation of each appliance,
(E) Reference to the structural zone and wind zone for which the home is designed and duplicates of the maps as set forth in Section280.305(c)(4) of Chapter II of 24 CFR. The information may be combined with the heating/cooling certificate and insulation zone maps required by Sections280.510 and 280.511 of Chapter II of 24 CFR,
(F) The statement "design approval by" followed by the name of the DAPIA which approved the design,
(ii) A copy of the data plate shall be furnished to the IPIA, and the IPIA shall keep a permanent record of the data plate as part of its labeling record so that the information is available during the life of the mobile home in case the data plate in the mobile home is defaced or destroyed.
(d) Permanent Records. The IPIA shall maintain the following records as appropriate:
(1) Records of all labels issued, applied, removed, and replaced by label number, mobile home serial number, mobile home type, manufacturer's name, dealer destination, and copies of corresponding data plates.
(2) Records of all mobile homes which are red tagged, and the status of each home.
(3) Records of all inspections made at each manufacturing plant on each mobile home serial number, each failure to conform found, and the action taken in each case.
(4) Records of all inspections made at other locations of mobile homes identified by manufacturer and serial number, all mobile homes believed to contain the same failure to conform, and the action taken in each case.

All records shall specify the precise section of the standard which is in question and contain a clear and concise explanation of the process by which the IPIA reached any conclusions. All records shall be traceable to specific mobile home serial numbers and through the manufacturer's records to dealers and purchasers.

(e) Requirements for Full Acceptance--IPIA.
(1) Before granting full acceptance to an IPIA, the Secretary or the Secretary's agent shall review and evaluate at least one certification report which has been prepared by the IPIA during the period of provisional acceptance. The Secretary or the Secretary's agent shall also review in depth the IPIA's administrative capabilities and otherwise review the IPIA's performance of its responsibilities under these regulations.
(2) Where the Secretary determines on the basis of these reviews that an IPIA is not meeting an adequate level of performance, the Secretary or the Secretary's agent shall carry out further evaluations. If the Secretary finds the level of performance to be unacceptable, the Secretary shall not grant full acceptance. If full acceptance has not been granted by the end of the provisional acceptance period, provisional acceptance shall lapse unless the Secretary determines that the failure to obtain full acceptance resulted from the fact that the Secretary or the Secretary's agent has not had adequate time in which to complete and evaluation.
3282.363. Right of Entry and Inspection.

Each primary inspection agency shall secure from each manufacturer and manufacturing plant under its surveillance an agreement that the Secretary, the State Administrative Agency and the primary inspection agency have the right to inspect the plant and its mobile home inspection, labeling, and delivery records, and any of its mobile homes in the hands of dealers or distributors at any reasonable time.

3282.364. Inspection Responsibilites and Coordination

All primary inspection agencies shall be responsible for acting as necessary under their contractual commitment with the manufacturer to determine whether alleged failures to conform to the standards may exist in mobile homes produced under their surveillance and to determine the source of the problems. The DAPIA may be required to examine the designs in question or the quality assurance manual under which the mobile homes were produced. The IPIA may be required to reexamine the quality control procedures which it has approved to determine if they conform to the quality assurance manual, and the IPIA shall have primary responsibility for inspecting actual units produced and, where necessary, for inspecting units released by the manufacturer. All primary inspection agencies acting with respect to particular manufacturer or plant shall act in close coordination so that all necessary functions are performed effectively an efficiently.

3282.365. Forwarding Monitoring Fee.

The IPIA shall, whenever it provides labels to a manufacturer, obtain from the manufacturer the monitoring fee to be forwarded to the Secretary's agent as set out in 3282.210. If a manufacturer fails to provide the monitoring fee as required by 3282.210 to be forwarded by the IPIA under this section, the IPIA shall immediately inform the Secretary; or the Secretary's agent.

Subpart I. Consumer Complaint Handling and Remedial Actions
3282.401. Scope.
(a) This subpart sets out procedures to be followed by parties acting under these regulations, and in particular by manufacturers, State Administrative Agencies, primary inspection agencies, and the Secretary, when they receive a consumer complaint or other information indicating the possible existence of an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance in a mobile home which has been sold or otherwise released by a manufacturer to another party. The information as used herein includes knowledge of an imminent safety hazard or failure to conform to the standards found in the plant which may exist in any mobile home already sold or released by the manufacturer. This subpart governs how the information is to be handles, what remedial actions may be required, and how and by whom those remedial actions shall be taken.
(b) Nothing in this subpart or in these regulations shall limit the rights of the purchaser under any contract or applicable law.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of 3282.404-3282.407, no manufacturer may be required to act under those sections with respect to noncompliances or defects until September 15, 1976, except as stated in this paragraph. However, each manufacturer shall retain all consumer complaints and other information received by the manufacturer before that date that indicate the possible existence of noncompliances or defects and maintain complete records of the manufacturer's response, if any. The Secretary and State Administrative Agencies that would act under 3282.404-3282.407 with respect to noncompliances and defects shall forward complaints and other information to the manufacturers as they would under 3282.406(a), but shall not require that any action be taken by the manufacturer until September 15, 1976, if the manufacturer responds under 3282.406(a), but shall not require that any action be taken by the manufacturer until September 15, 1976, if the manufacturer responds under 3282.406(b) that the information does not relate to a serious defect or imminent safety hazard and the SAA or the Secretary agrees. September 15, 1976, shall be considered to be the date on which consumer complaints and other information were received by the manufacturer for purposes of computing the time periods within which actions must be taken under 3282.404-3282.407 with respect to those complaints and other information relating to noncompliances or defects received before September 15, 1976.
3282.402. Purpose.

The purpose of subpart is to establish a system under which the protections of the Act are provided with a minimum of formality and delay in the majority of cases, but in which the rights of all parties are protected.

3282.403. Consumer Complaint and Information Referral.
(a) Consumer complaints or other information relating to possible imminent safety hazards or to possible failures to conform to the Federal standards should be sent directly to the manufacturer of the mobile home in question. It is the policy of these regulations that all consumer complaints or other information indicating the possible existence of an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance should be referred to the manufacturer of potentially affected mobile homes as early as possible so that the manufacturer can begin to take any necessary remedial actions.
(b) When a consumer complaint or other information indicating the possible existence of a failure to conform or imminent safety hazard is received by a State Administrative Agency concerning a mobile home not located in that state or is received by the Secretary, the SAA or the Secretary shall forward the complaint or other information to the SAA of the State in which the mobile home in question is located unless it appears from the complaint or otherwise that the mobile homes containing the same possible failure to conform or imminent safety hazards are located in more than one State. If it appears that possibly affected mobile homes are located in more than one State, the complaint shall be forwarded to the SAA of the State where the homes were manufactured, unless it further appears that the mobile homes were manufactured in more than one State, in which case the complaint shall be forwarded to the Secretary. If the complaint or information concerns a mobile home located in the State, the SAA shall act under this subpart. Where there is no SAA in the state in which the allegedly affected mobile homes are located or manufactured, as appropriate, the complaint shall be sent to the Secretary, and the Secretary shall act under this subpart. In all cases, a copy of the complaint or other information shall simultaneously be sent to the manufacturer of the mobile homes that may be affected.
3282.404. Manufacturer Initiated Response.
(a) Whenever a manufacturer receives from a source other than the Secretary or a State Administrative Agency a consumer complaint or other information which indicates the possible existence of an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance in a mobile home which has been sold or otherwise released by the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall investigate the possible existence of the imminent safety hazard or failure to conform in the mobile home or homes to which the complaint or information relates.
(b) Within 10 days of receipt of the complaint or other information, the manufacturer by investigation of the complaint, inspection of the mobile home, or otherwise shall determine whether or not an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect or noncompliance exists in the mobile home.
(1) If the manufacturer determines that no imminent safety hazard, serious defect, or noncompliance exists, the manufacturer shall, on or before the tenth day after receipt of the complaint or other information, mail or otherwise communicate the manufacturer's determination to any complaining or inquiring parties and keep a permanent record of the determination and the action taken.
(2) If the manufacturer determines that an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance exists, the manufacturer shall, within 5 days of making the determination, search its records and take such other steps as may be necessary to determine whether or not the imminent safety hazard or failure to conform is unique to the complaint of mobile home.
(c) The manufacturer may determine that an imminent safety hazard or failure to conform is unique to a mobile home if the cause of the imminent safety hazard or failure to conform is not likely to result in the same or a similar problem in one or more other mobile homes. Each determination that no other mobile homes are affected shall be concurred in or disputed by the IPIA in the plant in which the affected mobile home was manufactured.
(1) If the IPIA disputes the determination of uniqueness, the manufacturer shall proceed as it would under paragraph (d) of this section.
(2) If the IPIA concurs in the determination of uniqueness.
(i) The manufacturer shall correct the imminent safety hazard or failure to conform within 30 days of the date on which the manufacturer determined the existence of an imminent safety hazard or failure to conform to the standards so that the mobile home is brought into conformance with the standards in effect at the time the mobile home was manufactured and any imminent safety hazard or failure to conform is removed, and,
(A) The manufacturer shall keep complete records of all determinations and corrections made under this paragraph (c)(2)(i). These records shall include the date the complaint was received, the action taken and the date the action was completed, and the appropriate statement under 3282.413(b);
(B) These records shall be subject to oversight by an SAA or the Secretary, and an incorrect determination or inadequate repair may subject the manufacturer to a requirement to act further under 3282.405, 3282.406, or 3282.407;
(C) The manufacturer need make no further reports or actions taken hereunder; or
(ii) The manufacturer shall proceed as it would under section (d) of this section.
(d) If the manufacturer determines that the imminent safety hazard or failure to conform may not be unique to one mobile home, the manufacturer shall, within 5 days of the date on which the determination of nonuniqueness is made under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, report the existence of the imminent safety hazard or failure to conform and identity of the units which may be affected. The manufacturer, in determining what mobile homes are affected, shall check mobile homes manufactured in all other plants in which the same factors which caused the original imminent safety hazard or failure to conform may exist or have existed. The manufacturer shall attach to the report a statement from the IPIA in each such plant that it concurs in or disputes the manufacturer's determination of which homes are affected. This report shall be sent to the State Administrative Agency of the State in which the affected mobile homes are located unless they are located in more than one State, in which case the report shall be sent to the State Administrative Agency of the State where the mobile homes were manufactured, except that where the mobile homes were manufactured in more than one State, the report shall be sent to the Secretary. Where there is no State Administrative Agency in the appropriate State under the previous sentence, the report shall be sent to the Secretary. At the same time that this report is being submitted, the manufacturer shall proceed under 3282.405.
3282.405. Notification Pursuant to Manufacturer's Determination.
(a) When a manufacturer determines that an imminent safety hazard, serious defect or defect may exist under 3282.404(b)(2) and does not act under 3282.404(c)(2)(i), the manufacturer shall prepare and submit a plan as set out in 3282.410 to the same agency to which the report required by 3282.404(d) was submitted.
(1) In cases in which the manufacturer has proceeded under 3282.404(c)(2)(ii), this plan shall be submitted within 5 days of the determination of the possible existence of an imminent safety hazard or serious defect and within 10 days of the determination of the possible existence of a defect.
(2) In cases where the manufacturer has proceeded under 3282.404(d), the plan shall be submitted within 5 days of the due date of the report required by that sectionif the plan concerns an imminent safety hazard or serious defect or within 10 days if the plan concerns a defect.
(b) All plans for notification and correction shall meet the requirements of 3282.410 and shall be available for public inspection.
(c) After any necessary consultation with the manufacturer, the SAA or the Secretary to which the plan was sent shall approve the plan as submitted or make whatever modifications the SAA or the Secretary deems necessary, and shall notify the manufacturer of such approval or modification. The manufacturer shall be responsible of such approval or modification. The manufacturer shall be responsible for carrying out the plan as approved or modified by the SAA or the Secretary. If the manufacturer believes that the plan as modified and approved by the SAA or the Secretary is incorrect and wishes to contest the modification, the manufacutrer shall so inform the SAA or the Secretary within 5 days of the SAA or the Secretary approval of the plan as modified. The SAA or the Secretary shall, if it does not accept the manufacturer's position, act as follows:
(1) If the manufacturer contends that the mobile home contains a defect rather than an imminent safety hazard or serious defect as the SAA or the Secretary contends, the SAA or the Secretary shall refer the matter to the Secretary for determination under 3282.407(a).
(2) If the manufacturer contends that the number of units affected is different from that stated by the SAA or the Secretary or that the contents of the notice or the correction are different fromwhat the SAA or the Secretary would require, then:
(i) If the SAA or the Secretary and the manufacturer agree that a defect exists, the SAA or the Secretary shall make Preliminary Determination under 3282.407(b), and the parties shall proceed under that section, or
(ii) If the SAA or the Secretary and the manufacturer agree that an imminent safety hazard or serious defect exists, the SAA or the Secretary shall refer the matter to the Secretary for action under 3282.407(a).

However, in any case in which the only question in dispute is whether more units are affected than the manufacturer has stated in hits plan, the manufacturer shall carry out the plan with respect to those units covered by it if the plan is otherwise acceptable, and time limits applicable to this action shall run from the date of imminent safety hazard, serious defect, or defect.

(d) The manufacturer may undertake any corrections required by this subpart prior to approval of the plan. However, actions taken under this paragraph are subject to review by the agency that approved the plan under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, and if found unacceptable, shall not fulfill the requirement of this section.
(e) The formal notification requirements which would result from any determination by the manufacturer under this section may be waived by the SAA or the Secretary that would otherwise approve the plan under paragraph (a)(3) of this section upon receipt of satifactory assurances from the manufacturer that:
(1) The manufacturer has identified all possibility affected mobile homes which have been sold to purchasers, dealers and distributors;
(2) The manufacturer has corrected, at the manufacturer's expense, all affected mobile homes; and
(3) The repairs, in the SAA or the Secretary's judgment, are adequate to remove the imminent safety hazards or failure to conform. The manufacturer may, before acting under this paragraph (c), to obtain the concurrence in the proposed corrections from the SAA or the Secretary that would otherwise approve the plan under paragraph (a)(3) of this section. All actions taken under this paragraph (b) by the manufacturer shall be completed within 30 days of the decision of the manufacturer to act under this 3282.405 if the problem is an imminent safety hazard or serious defect or 60 days if the problem is a defect unless the SAA or the Secretary which would have approved the plan under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, agrees to a longer period of time in extraordinary circumstances.
3282.406. SAA or Secretarial Initiated Response.
(a) When a consumer complaint or other information indicating the possible existence of an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance is referred to the Secretary or an SAA under 3282.403(b), the Secretary or SAA shall expeditiously contact the manufacturer of the mobile home or homes in question. The Secretary or SAA must provide the manufacturer all information which it has concerning the possible imminent safety hazard or failure to conform and shall inform the manufacturer that the manufacturer shall report to the Secretary or SAA within 10 days of the contact as specified in paragraph (b) of this section. The SAA or the Secretary may extend the time period fo 20 days upon satisfactory indications by the manufacturer that it is diligently investigating the situation, except that such extension shall not be granted if it is not the interest of the purchasers or owners.
(b) The manufacturer shall respond to the SAA or the Secretary which contacted it under paragraph (a) of this section within 10 days of the contact (unless an extension is granted). In this report the manufacturer shall indicate whether it knew of the complaint or information and
(1) If it knew of the complaint or information, or other complaints or information relating to the problem, what actions it has taken and the reasons therefor.
(2) If it did not know of the complaint or information, whether the manufacturer has classified the problem to which the complaint or information relates as an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance, with the reasons for this classification or whether the manufacturer has determined that the problem complained of fits none of these classifications.
(c) If the manufacturer determines and responds under paragraph (b)(2) of this section that there is an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance in the mobile homes, it shall proceed under 3282.404(b)(2), and if the manufacturer further proceeds under 3282.404(d), the manufacturer shall send a copy of the report required by that section to the SAA or the Secretary which forwarded the complaint or information to it under paragraph (a) of this section concerning the same imminent safety hazard or failure to conform.
(d) If the manufacturer determines and reports under paragraph (b)(2) of this section that no imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance exists in the complaint of mobile home or homes, the SAA or the Secretary to which the response is made under paragraph (b)(2) shall proceed as follows:
(1) If the SAA or the Secretary on the basis of the information reported by the manufacturer and any other information the SAA or the Secretary may have, agrees with the determination of the manufacturer, the SAA or the Secretary shall so inform the manufacturer and the complainants and shall consider the matter closed.
(2) If the SAA or the Secretary is not convinced by the information submitted by the manufacturer or otherwise believes that further investigation is necessary, the SAA or the Secretary shall investigate and, within day of receipt the manufacturer's report, shall inform the manufacturer of the results of its investigation.
(i) If the SAA or the Secretary agrees with the manufacturer's determination, it shall act as it would under paragraph (d)(1).
(ii) If the SAA or the Secretary believes that an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance exists, it shall so inform the manufacturer, and the manufacturer may act as it would under paragraph (c) of this section. If the manufacturer does not choose to act under that paragraph, the SAA or the Secretary shall proceed under 3282.407, including holding any requested hearing or presentation of views, making any Preliminary or Final Determination, and approving any plan for notification correction.
(e) The manufacturer may obtain from any SAA to which a copy of the response required under paragraph (b)(2) of this section is sent approval of proposed corrections for only those mobile homes located in that state to which the complaint or information forwarded by the SAA to the manufacturer related but only for these mobile homes. If the manufacturer properly effects corrections pursuant to such approval, the manufacturer need not modify the correction at a later time despite the fact that the plan which is approved under 3282.405(a)(3) or 3282.407(a)(3) or (b)(3) contains different specifications for the correction. If a manufacturer provides correction under this paragraph, such correction does not constitute an admission by the manufacturer that an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance exists, and it is not a concession by the manufacturer that the approved corrections are appropriate or necessary in any other mobile home. However, actions taken under this paragraph are subject to review by the SAA or the Secretary that approved the plan under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, and if found unacceptable, shall not fulfill the requirements of this section.
(f) An SAA or the Secretary acting under paragraph (a) of this section or under 3282.407 may, if at any point after contacting the manufacturer it determines that the consumer complaint or other information about which it has contacted the manufacturer (i) relates to a noncompliance of such a minor or technical nature that its existence will not contribute to the deterioration of the mobile home and will not interfere with the use and enjoyment of the mobile home, or (ii) does not constitute a failure to conform or imminent safety hazard, inform the manufacturer and any complainants of this determination and cease further action under this section or 3282.407.
3282.407. Notification Pursuant to Administrative Determination.
(a) Imminent Safety Hazards and Serious Defects. The Secretary shall act under this paragraph upon receipt of the opinion of an SAA that an imminent safety hazard or serious defect exists in one or more mobile homes and upon forming an opinion under 3282.406(d)(2)(ii) that an imminent safety hazard or serious defect exists. The Secretary may also act upon the receipt of any other information indicating the possible existence of an imminent safety hazard or serious defect. Only the Secretary may make Preliminary and Final Determinations that an imminent safety hazard or serious defect exists.
(1) Preliminary Procedures. Upon receipt of any information indicating the possible existence of an imminent safety hazard or serious defect, but where such information is not adequate to support a Preliminary Determination of an imminent safety hazard or serious defect under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the Secretary shall direct the manufacturer to furnish information with respect to the imminent safety hazard or serious defect, including information about the mobile homes potentially affected, within a time prescribed by the Secretary. If the manufacturer fails to furnish information within such time or if, after a consideration of the manufacturer's reponse or other information the Secretary may receive or obtain, the Secretary is satisfied than an imminent safety hazard or serious defect may exist, the Secretary shall make a Preliminary Determination of an imminent safety hazard or serious defect under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(2) Preliminary Determination.
(i) Whenever the Secretary determines that there is reason to believe than imminent safety hazard or serious defect in a mobile home, the Secretary shall make a preliminary determination to that effect. The Secretary shall within 5 days notify the manufacturer of such preliminary determination and inform the manufacturer that it may request a hearing or presentation of views under Subpart D to establish that there is no such imminent safety hazard or serious defect.
(ii) Notice shall be sent by certified mail and shall include:
(A) The preliminary determination made by the Secretary;
(B) The factual basis for the determination;
(C) The date on which the determination was made;
(D) The identifying criteria of the mobile homes that may be affected.

The notice shall inform the manufacturer that the preliminary determination of the Secretary shall become final unless the manufacturer responds within 5 days after the receipt of such notice and requests a hearing or presentation of views to rebut the Secretary's determination. The Secretary shall further notify the manufacturer as to whether such imminent safety hazard or serious defect is one which the manufacturer may be required to correct at the manufacturer's expense pursuant to 3282.408. The manufacturer shall also be advised in the notice that any information upon which the Preliminary Determination has been used, such as test results and records of investigations, shall be available for inspection by the manufacturer.

(iii) Promptly upon receipt of a manufacturer's request for a hearing or presentation of views, one shall be provided pursuant to 3282.152.
(3) Final Determination. If the manufacturer fails to respond to the Secretary's notice of Preliminary Determination or if the Secretary decides that the views and evidence presented by the manufacturer or others are insufficient to rebut the preliminary determination, the Secretary shall make a final determination than an imminent safety hazard or serious defect exists. In the event of a final determination, the Secretary shall direct the manufacturer to furnish notification and, where applicable, to correct the defect or hazards and to submit a plan in accordance with 3282.410. The Secretary's order shall be published in the Federal Register.
(b) Defects and Noncompliances. The SAA or the Secretary identified by 3282.404(d) may make a Preliminary Determination that a defect or noncompliance exists in one or more mobile homes sold or otherwise released by the manufacturer or proceed under this section where an appropriate preliminary determination has been made under 3282.405(a)(3)(ii) or a tentative finding has been made under 3282.406(d)(2)(ii), or where the SAA or the Secretary, as appropriate otherwise has information which indicates the possible existence of a defect or noncompliance.
(1) Preliminary Determination.
(i) Whenever the SAA or the Secretary acting under this paragraph determines that there is reason to believe that one or more mobile homes contain a defect or noncompliance and makes a preliminary determination to that effect, under this section or whenever the SAAor the Secretary acting under this section receives the preliminary determination of another SAA or the Secretary under 3282.405(a)(3)(ii), the SAA or the Secretary shall notify the manufacturer within 10 days of such preliminary determination and inform the manufacturer that it may request a hearing or presentation of views under subpart D to establish that there is no such defect or noncompliance.
(ii) Notice shall be sent to the manufacturer by certified mail and shall include:
(A) The preliminary determination made by the SAA or the Secretary;
(B) The factual basis for the determination;
(C) The date on which the determination was made;
(D) The identifying criteria of the mobile homes known to be affected.

The notice shall inform the manufacturer that the preliminary determination of defect or noncompliance shall become final unless the manufacturer responds within 5 days after receipt of such notice and requests a hearing or presentation of views to rebut the SAA or the Secretary's determination. The notice shall also state that any information upon which the preliminary determination of noncompliance or defect has been based, such as test results and records of investigations, shall be available for inspection by the manufacturer.

(iii) Promptly upon receipt of a manufacturer's request for a hearing or presentation of views, one shall be held pursuant to 3282.152.
(2) Final Determination.

If the manufacturer fails to respond to the notice of preliminary determination, or, if the SAA or the Secretary decides that the views and evidence presented by the manufacturer or others are insufficient to rebut the Preliminary Determination, the agency shall make a final determination that a defect or noncompliance exists. In the event of a Final Determination, the SAA or the Secretary shall direct the manufacturer to furnish notification and to submit a plan in accordance with 3282.410.

(3) Appeals. When an SAA has made a final determination that a defect or noncompliance exists, the manufacturer within 10 days after the receipt of the notice of such final determination, may request an appeal to the Secretary under 3282.309.
(c) Waiver. The formal notification requirements would result from a determination made under this section may be waived by the SAA or the Secretary handling the matter upon receipt of satisfactory assurances from the manufacturer that:
(1) The manufacturer has identified all affected mobile homes which have been sold to purchasers, dealers and distributors;
(2) The manufacturer has performed the correction, at the manufacturer's expense, on all affected mobile homes; and
(3) The repairs, in the SAA or the Secretary's judgment, are adequate to meet the problem.

The manufacturer may, before acting under this subsection (c) obtain the concurrence of the SAA or the Secretary. Any action taken under this subsection (c) shall be completed within 30 days of the date of a final Determination of imminent safety hazard or serious defect or 60 days of the date of a final determination of defect or noncompliance unless the SAA or Secretary agrees to a longer period of time in extraordinary circumstances.

3282.408. Required Manufacturer Correction.
(a) A manufacturer required to furnish notification under 3282.405 or 3282.407 shall correct, at its expense, any imminent safety hazard or serious defect which can be related to an error in design or assembly of the mobile home by the manufacturer, including an error in design or assembly of any component or system incorporated in the mobile home by the manufacturer.
(b) Where the manufacturer questions whether correction is required under paragraph (a) of this section, the Secretary shall provide an opportunity for a hearing or presentation of views at which interested persons may present oral and written views prior to the issuance of an order directing the manufacturer to provide correction at its expense. The procedures of 3282.152 shall apply to any proceedings which may be conducted under this section.

To the maximum extent possible, actions taken under this section shall be coordinated with actions taken under 3282.407 so that only one hearing need be held to determine both whether a defect or imminent safety hazard exists and whether correction is required.

3282.409. Reimbursement for Prior Correction by Owner.
(a) A manufacturer, required to correct under 3282.408, shall provide reimbursement for reasonable cost to an owner of an affected mobile home who chose to make the correction. Any dispute over the amount to be reimbursed shall be referred by the manufacturer to the SAA where the mobile home is located, or the Secretary if there is no SSA in that state, and the decision of the SAA or the Secretary shall be administratively Final.
(b) Whenever a manufacturer who agreed voluntarily to correct under 3282.405(b) or 3282.407(c) finds that the owner of an affected mobile home has already corrected the failure to conform or imminent safety hazard, the manufacturer shall reimburse the owner in an amount equal to the reasonable cost to the manufacturer of making the correction.
3282.410. Manufacturer's Plan for Notification and Correction.
(a) The plan required to be submitted by 3282.405(a) and 3282.407(a)(3) and (b)(3) shall indicate how the manufacturer will fulfill its responsibilities under this section. The plan shall include a copy of the notice which meets the requirements of 3282.411.
(b) Time and manner of notification.
(1) If not waived notification of an imminent safety hazard shall be communicated within 5 days after receipt of the order approving the manufacturer's plan for notification and remedy, except that the notification shall be furnished within a shorter period if there is incorporated in the order a finding that such period is in the public interest.
(2) Notice of serious defects, defects or noncompliances shall be mailed or otherwise communicated within 10 days after receipt of the order approving the manufacturer's plan for notification shall be furnished within a shorter period if there is incorporated in the order a finding that such period is in the public interest.
(3) The plan shall provide for notification to be accomplished:
(i) By mail to the first purchaser (not including any dealer or distributor of such manufacturer) of each mobile home containing the imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance, and any subsequent purchaser to whom any warranty provided by the manufacturer or required by Federal, State or local law on such mobile home has been transferred, to the extent feasible;
(ii) By mail to any other person who is a registered owner of each mobile home containing the imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, noncompliance and whose name has been ascertain pursuant to 3283.211;
(iii) By mail or other more expeditious means to the dealers or distributors of such manufacturer to whom such mobile home was delivered. Where a serious defect of imminent safety hazard is involved, notification shall be sent by certified mail if it is mailed.
3282.411 Contents of Notice.

The notice shall include the following:

(a) An opening statement: "This notice is sent to you in accordance with the requirements of the National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974."
(b) The following statement, as appropriate: "(Manufacturer's name or the Secretary, or the appropriate SAA)" has determined that:
(1) An imminent safety hazard may exist in (identifying criteria of mobile home).
(2) A serious defect may exist in (identifying criteria of mobile home).
(3) A defect may exist in (identifying criteria of mobile home).
(4) (Identifying criteria of mobile home) may not comply with an applicable Federal Mobile Home Construction or Safety Standard.
(c) A clear description of the imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance which shall include:
(1) The location of the imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance in the mobile home;
(2) A description of any hazards, malfunctions, deterioration or other consequences which may result from the imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance;
(3) A statement of the conditions which may cause such consequences to arise; and
(4) Precautions if any, that the owner should take to reduce the chance that the consequences will arise before the mobile home is repaired.
(d) An evaluation of the risk to mobile home occupants' safety and the durability of the mobile home reasonably related to such imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance, including:
(1) The type of injury which may occur to occupants of the mobile home;
(2) The types of injuries which have occurred, including particularly any deaths, which appear to have resulted from the imminent safety hazard, defect or noncompliance; and
(3) Whether there will be any warning that a dangerous occurrence may take place and what that warning would be, and any signs which the owner might see, hear, smell, or feel which might indicate danger or deterioration of the mobile home as a result of the imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance.
(e) A statement of the measures needed to repair the imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance, in accordance with whichever of the following is appropriate:
(1) Where the manufacturer must bring the mobile home into compliance with applicable standards and correct the imminent safety hazard, have it corrected at no cost to the owner pursuant to 3282.408, the statement shall include:
(i) A statement that the correction will be made at the manufacturer's expense;
(ii) A general description of the work involved in the repair;
(iii) The manufacturer's estimates of the date on which the cturer's manufacturer's agents will make the repair;
(iv) The method by which the owner will be contacted further when the repair date is to be carried out;
(v) The manufacturer's estimate of the time reasonably necessary to perform the labor required to correct the imminent safety hazard or serious defect;
(vi) Any other information set out in the plan for notification which may be helpful to the owner.
(2) When the manufacturer does not bear the cost of repair, the notifications shall include:
(i) A statement that the manufacturer is not required by the Act to remedy without charge;
(ii) A description, including approximate price, of all material that must be added or replaced;
(iii) A description of any modifications that must be made to existing materials;
(iv) A detailed description, including appropriate illustrations, of each step required for correction;
(v) The manufacturer's estimate of the time reasonably necessary to perform the labor required to correct the defect;
(3) Where a determination has been made that notification is required, but a final determination has not been made as to the manufacturer's responsibility to bear the cost of correction, the Secretary may, after providing an opportunity for a hearing or presentation of views under 3282.152, direct the manufacturer to issue a notification with a statement that the issue is being considered and, that a further notification will be sent when a determination has been made under 3282.408.
(f) A statement informing the owner that he may submit a complaint to the Secretary if the owner believes that:
(1) The notification or the remedy described therein is inadequate; or
(2) The manufacturer has failed or is unable to remedy the problem in accordance with his notification; or
(3) The manufacturer has failed or is unable to remedy within a reasonable time after the owner's first attempt to obtain remedy; or
(g) A statement that any actions taken by the manufacturer under the Act in no way limit the rights of the owner or any other person under any contract or other applicable law and that the owner may have further rights under contract or other applicable law.
3282.412. Time for Implementation of Plan.

The manufacturer's plan submitted under 3282.410 shall provide for implementation of notification and correction actions as follows:

(a) Imminent safety hazards. Implementation of the plan for notification and correction shall be completed within 30 days from the date of discovery or Final Determination of an imminent safety hazard or serious defect.
(b) Defects and Noncompliances. Implementation of the manufacturer's plan for notification shall be completed within 60 days from the date of discovery or final determination of defect or noncompliance.
(c) The Secretary may grant an extension of time for implementing the plan where the manufacturer shows good cause for the delay and the Secretary determines the extension is justified as extraordinary circumstances. When the Secretary grants an extension, the Secretary shall notify the manufacturer and publish notice of such extension in the Federal Register. The manufacturer shall implement its plan for notification and correction as approved by the Secretary.
3282.413. Completion of Remedial Actions and Report.
(a) Where a manufacturer is required to provide notification under this subpart, the manufacturer shall maintain in its files for five years from the date the notification campaign is completed a copy of the notice sent and a complete list of the people and their addresses.
(b) Where a manufacturer is required to provide correction under 3282.408, or where the manufacturer otherwise corrects under 3282.404(c)(2)(i), 3282.405(b) or 3282.407(c), the manufacturer shall maintain in its file, for five years from the date the correction campaign is completed, one of the following, as appropriate:
(1) A statement signed by the owner to the effect that the problem appears to have been corrected and that the owner is satisfied with the correction,
(2) Where the owner refuses to sign such a statement, a certification by the manufacturer that the repair was made to the standards in effect at the time the mobile home was manufactured, that any imminent safety hazard has been eliminated, and that the owner has refused to sign the statement in the previous paragraph, or
(3) Where the owner refuses to allow the manufacturer to repair the home, a certification by the manufacturer that it has informed the owner of the problem which may exist in the mobile home, that it has informed the owner of any risk to safety or durability of the mobile home which may result from the problem, and that the manufacturer has attempted to repair the problems only to have the owner refuse the repair.
(c) If any actions taken under 3282.404(c)(2)(i), 3282.405(b) or 3282.407(c) are found by the SAA of the State in which the home is located or by the Secretary not to meet the standards or otherwise not to be adequate under the approved plan, the manufacturer may be required to provide notification or correction pursuant to this subpart.
(d) If, in the course of making corrections under any of the provisions of this subpart, the manufacturer creates an imminent safety hazard or serious defect the manufacturer shall correct the imminent safety hazard or serious defect under 3282.408.
(e) Upon completion of an approved plan and upon completion of any remedial actions under this subpart except repairs made under 3282.404(c)(2)(i), the manufacturer shall, within 30 days of the time limits set out in 3282.412, provide a complete report of the section taken to the agency which provided the plan under 3282.405 or 3282.410 or which would have approved the plan had one been required and any agency which contacted the manufacturer under 3282.406(a) concerning the problem. This report shall identify by serial numbers the homes affected.

The number of homes found to have the failure to conform or imminent safety hazard, and where in the distribution chain (manufacturer, distributor, dealer, purchaser, owner) they were found.

3282.414. Replacement or Repurchase of Mobile Home from Purchaser.
(a) Whenever an imminent safety hazard or serious defect which must be corrected by the manufacturer at his expense under 3282.408 is of such severity that it cannot be repaired within 60 days in accordance with Section 615(i) of the Act, the Secretary may require--
(1) That the mobile home be replaced by the manufacturer with a mobile home substantially equal in size, equipment, and quality, and either new or in the same condition the defective mobile home would have been in at the time of discovery of the imminent safety hazard or serious defect had the imminent safety hazard or serious defect not existed; or
(2) That the manufacturer take possession of the mobile home and refund the purchase price in full, less a reasonable allowance for depreciation based on actual use if the home has been in the possession of the owner for more than one year. Such depreciation shall be based upon an appraisal system approved by the Secretary, and shall not take into account damage or deterioration resulting from the imminent safety hazard or serious defect.
(b) In determining whether to order replacement or refund by the manufacturer, the Secretary shall consider:
(1) The threat of injury or death to mobile home occupants;
(2) Any costs and inconvenience to mobile home owners which will result from the lack of adequate repair within the specified period;
(3) The expense to the manufacturer;
(4) Any obligations imposed on the manufacturer under contract or other applicable law of which the Secretary has knowledge; and
(5) Any other relevant factors which may be brought to the attention of the Secretary.
(c) In those situations where under contract or other applicable law the owner has the right of election between replacement and refund, the manufacturer shall inform the owner of such right of election and shall inform the Secretary of the election, if any, by the owner.
(d) This section applies where an attempted correction of an imminent safety hazard or serious defect relieves the safety problem but does not bring the home in conformity to the standards.
(e) Where replacement or refund by the manufacturer is ordered under this section, it shall be carried out within 30 days of the Secretary's order to replace the mobile home or refund the purchase price unless the Secretary, for good cause shown, grants an extension of time for implementation of such order and publishes notice of such extension in the Federal Register.
3282.415. Mobile Homes in the Hands of Dealers and Distributors.
(a) The manufacturer is responsible for correcting any failures to to conform and imminent safety hazards which exist in mobile homes which have been sold or otherwise released to a distributor or dealer but which have not yet been sold to a purchaser. This section sets out the procedures to be followed by dealers and distributors for handling mobile homes in such cases.
(b) Whenever a dealer or distributor finds a problem in a mobile home which the manufacturer is responsible for correcting under paragraph (a) of this section, the dealer or distributor shall contact the manufacturer, provide full information concerning the problem, and request appropriate action by the manufacturer in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. Where the manufacturer agrees to correct, the manufacturer shall maintain a complete record of its actions. Where the manufacturer authorizes the dealer to make the necessary corrections on a reimbursable basis, the dealer or distributor shall maintain a complete record of its actions. Agreement by the manufacturer to correct or to authorize corrections on a reimbursable basis under this subsection constitutes a determination of the Secretary for purposes of Section 613(b) of the act with respect to judicial review of the amount which the manufacturer agrees to reimburse the dealer or distributor for corrections.
(c) Upon a final determination by the Secretary or a State Administrative Agency under 3282.407, or upon a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that a mobile home fails to conform to the standard or contains an imminent safety hazard after such mobile home is sold or otherwise resold by a manufacturer to a distributor or a dealer and prior to the sale of such mobile home by such distributor or dealer to a purchaser, the manufacturer shall have the option either to:
(1) Immediately furnish, at the manufacturer's expense, to the purchasing distributor or dealer the conforming part or parts or equipment for installation by the distributor or dealer on or in such mobile home, and shall reimburse such distributor or dealer for the reasonable value of such installation plus a reasonable reimbursement of not less than one per centrum per month of the manufacturer's or distributor's selling price prorated from the date of receipt by certified mail of notice of noncompliance to the date such mobile home is brought into compliance with the standards, so long as the distributor or dealer proceeds with reasonable diligence with the installation after the part or component is received; or
(2) Immediately repurchase, at the manufacturer's expense, such mobile home from such distributor or dealer at the price paid by such distributor or dealer, plus all transportation charges involved and a reasonable reimbursement of not less than one per cent per month of such price paid prorated from the date of receipt by certified mail of notice of the imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect or noncompliance to the distributor. The value of such reasonable reimbursements as specified in this paragraph shall be fixed by mutual agreement of the parties or by a court in an action brought under Section 613(b) of the Act.
(d) This section shall not apply to any mobile home purchased by a dealer or distributor which has been leased by such dealer or distributor to a tenant for purposes other than resale. In that instance the dealer or distributor has the remedies available to a purchaser under this subpart.
3282.416. Notices, Bulletins and Other Communications.

Each manufacturer shall, at the time of dispatch, furnish to the Secretary a true or representative copy of all notices, bulletins, and other written communications to the dealers or distributors of such manufacturer or purchasers or owners of mobile homes of such manufacturer regarding any serious defect or imminent safety hazard which may exist in any such mobile homes produced by such manufacturer. Manufacturers shall keep complete records of all other communications with dealers, owners, and purchasers regarding insignificant noncompliances, noncompliances, and defects.

3282.417. Supervision of Notification and Correction Actions.
(a) The IPIA in each manufacturing plant shall be responsible for assuring that notifications are sent to all owners, purchasers, dealers, or distributors of whom the manufacturer has knowledge under 3282.418 or otherwise as required by these regulations, and the IPIA shall be responsible for assuring that the required corrections are carried out by auditing the certifications required by 3282.412.
(b) The SAA or Secretary to which the report required by 3282.413(e) is sent shall be responsible for assuring through oversight that remedial actions described in the report have been carried out as described in the report.
(c) The SAA of the state in which an affected mobile home is located may inspect that mobile home to determine whether any required correction is carried out to the approved plan or, if there is no plan, to the standards or other approval obtained by the manufacturer under 3282.405(b) or 3282.407(c).
Subpart J. Monitoring of Primary Inspection Agencies
3282.451. General.

The actions of all primary inspection agencies accepted under Subpart H shall be monitored by the Secretary or the Secretary's agent to determine whether the PIAs are fulfilling their responsibilities under these regulations. This monitoring shall be carried out primarily through joint monitoring teams made up of personnel supplied by SAAs and by the Secretary or the Secretary's agent. Monitoring parties shall make recommendations to the Secretary with respect to final acceptance of PIAs under 3282.361(e) and 3282.362(e), continued acceptance, and disqualification or requalification under 3282.356, and with respect to any changes which PIAs should make in their operations in order to continue to be approved. Based on this monitoring, the Secretary shall determine whether PIAs should continued to be approved under these regulations.

3282.452. Participation in Monitoring.
(a) Joint Monitoring Teams.
(1) The Secretary or the Secretary's agent shall develop and coordinate joint monitoring teams which shall be made up of qualified personnel provided by SAAs and by the Secretary or the Secretary's agent. The Secretary or the Secretary's agent shall determine whether personnel are qualified based on education or experience.
(2) The joint monitoring teams will operate generally on a regional basis. To the extent possible the teams shall be so scheduled that personnel provided by an SAA will be monitoring operations in mobile home plants from which mobile homes are shipped into their State.
(3) Personnel from an SAA shall not participate on joint monitoring teams operating within their State.
(4) States are encouraged but not required to participate on joint monitoring teams.
(b) State Monitoring. A state may carry out monitoring of IPIA functions at plant facilities within the State if the State is not acting as an IPIA. Where a State wishes to carry out monitoring activities it shall do so in coordination with the Secretary and the Secretary's agent. To the extent that the State is performing adequate monitoring, the frequency of the joint team monitoring may be reduced to one visit per year consistent with the requirements of 3282.453.
(c) Review of Staff Capability. The monitoring party shall review the capability of the PIA's staff to perform the functions it is required to perform.
(d) Review of Interpretations. The monitoring party shall review all records of interpretations of the standards made by the PIA to determine whether they are consistent and to determine whether there are any conflicts which should be referred to the Secretary for determination.
(e) DAPIA. Monitoring parties shall review on a random basis at least 10 percent of the design and quality assurance manual approvals made by each DAPIA in each year.
(f) IPIA. The monitoring parties shall assure that the IPIAs are carrying out all of the functions for which they have been accepted. In particular, they shall assure that the manufacturing process is as stated in the certification reports, that the IPIAs are carrying out the required number of inspections, that inspections are effective, and that the IPIAs are maintaining complete label control as required by 3282.362. A monitoring team shall monitor the IPIA's office procedures, files, and label control and the monitoring team shall send copies of its report to the Secretary or the Secretary's agent, which shall send copies to all monitoring teams which monitor the operations of the subject IPIA.
(g) Remedial Actions. The monitoring parties shall review the remedial action records of the manufacturers and of the primary inspection agencies closely to determine whether the primary inspection agencies have been carrying out their responsibilities with respect to remedial actions.
3282.453. Frequency and Extent of Monitoring.
(a) The actions of all primary inspection agencies shall be monitored at a frequency adequate to assure that they are performing consistently and fulfilling their responsibilities under these regulations. Every aspect of the primary inspection agencies' performance shall be monitored.
(b) Frequency of monitoring. The performance of each primary inspection agency shall be monitored during its period of provisional acceptance by a complete review of its records and, in the case if IPIAs, by a complete inspection of the operations of at least one manufacturing plant which it has approved or in which it is operating. After the initial inspection, the performance of each primary inspection agency shall be monitored four times a year, except that the number of monitoring visits may be decreased to a minimum of one per year if the performance of the primary inspection agency is deemed by the Secretary or the Secretary's agent to be superior, and it may be increased as necessary if performance is suspect. There shall be a minimum of one review per year of the records of each primary inspection agency, and there shall be more reviews as needed.
3282.454. Monitoring Inspection Fee.
(a) There is hereby established a monitoring inspection fee of $19.00 which is to be paid by manufacturers for each mobile home manufactured in non-approved and conditionally approved states as described in 3282.210.
(b) The monitoring inspection fee to be established by approved states under 3282.307(a) shall be in the amount of $19.00 per mobile homes produced therein.
Subpart K. Departmental Oversight
3282.501. General.

The Secretary shall oversee the performance of SAAs, the Secretary's agent, and primary inspection agencies as follows:

(a) The Secretary shall review SAA reports to ensure that States are taking appropriate actions with regard to the enforcement of the standards and with respect to the functions for which they are approved under these regulations.
(b) The Secretary shall review monitoring reports submitted by the Secretary's agent to determine that it is performing in accordance with the contract between it and the Secretary.
(c) The Secretary shall review monitoring reports to determine whether PIAs are fulfilling their responsibilities under these regulations.
(d) The Secretary shall make random visits for the purpose of overseeing the activities of SAAs and the Secretary's agent.
(e) The Secretary shall take such other actions to oversee the system established by these regulations as it deems appropriate.
(f) All records maintained by all parties acting under these regulations with respect to those actions shall be available to the Secretary, or the Secretary's agent, and where appropriate, SAAs and PIAs for review at any reasonable time.
3282.502. Departmental Implementation.

To the extent that SAAs or any parties contracting with the Secretary do not perform functions called for under these regulations, those functions shall be carried out by the Secretary with its own personnel or through other appropriate parties.

3282.503. Determinations and Hearings.

The Secretary shall make all the determinations and hold such hearings as are required by these regulations, and the Secretary shall resolve all disputes arising under these regulations.

Subpart L. Manufacturer, IPIA and SAA Reports
3282.551. Scope and Purpose.

This subpart describes the reports which shall be submitted by manufacturers, PIAs and SAAs as part of the system of enforcement established under these regulations. Additional reports described in Subpart I are required when corrective actions are taken under that subpart.

3282.552. Manufacturer Reports for Joint Monitoring Fees.

For each month, the manufacturer shall submit to the IPIA in each of its manufacturing plants a report that includes the serial numbers of each mobile home manufactured at that plant during that preceding month, and the State of first location, after leaving the manufacturing plant, of such mobile homes. The State of first location for the purpose of this report is the State of the premises of the distributor, dealer or purchaser to whom the mobile home is first shipped. The report for each month shall be submitted by the tenth day of the following month.

3282.553. IPIA Reports.

Each IPIA shall submit by the twentieth day of each month to each SAA, or if no SAA to the Secretary, in each state where it is engaged in the inspection of manufacturing plants, a report of the operations of each manufacturer in that State for the preceding month which includes the following information:

(a) the number of single-wide and double-wide mobile homes labeled in the preceding month;
(b) the number of inspection visits made to each manufacturing plant in the preceding month; and
(c) the number of mobile homes with a failure to conform to the standards or an imminent safety hazard during the preceding month found in the manufacturing plant.

The manufacturers report for the preceding month described in 3282.552 shall be attached to each such IPIA report as an appendix thereto.

3282.554. SAA Reports.

Each SAA shall submit, prior to the last day of each month, to the Secretary a report covering the preceding month which includes:

(a) The description and status of all presentations of views, hearings and other legal actions during the preceding month; and
(b) The description of the SAA's oversight activities and findings regarding consumer complaints, notification and correction actions during the preceding month. The IPIA report for the preceding month described in 3282.553, as well as the reports described in 3282.413 and manufacturer reports under 3282.404(d), which were received during the preceding month, shall be attached to each such SAA report as an appendix thereto.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 25, div. 1, ch. 3, subch. 2, art. 2, subart. 2, pt. 3282

1. Amendment of quoted Sections 3282.7, 3282.8, 3282.205, 3282.207 and 3282.401 filed 9-8-76 as procedural and organizational; effective upon filing (Register 76, No. 37).
2. Amendment filed 6-9-77; designated effective 9-1-77 (Register 77, No. 24).
3. Editorial correction restoring inadvertently omitted quoted sections 3282.303-3282.306 (Register 96, No. 37).