Regional Board Resolution No. R1 2003-0052, adopted on June 26, 2003 by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, modifies the Beneficial Uses Chapter (Chapter 2) of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) by (1) updating the Beneficial Use Table 2-1 to include the Calwater classification system and a more refined level of beneficial use designation; (2) recognizing four existing beneficial uses of waters in the region (WET, WQE, FLD, and CUL); (3) recognizing two existing water body categories in the region (groundwater and wetlands); (4) modifying the existing beneficial use definition (COMM) for clarity; and (5) a beneficial use recognizing the existing "Subsistence Fishing" (FISH) use in the region.
This update meets the requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA), which requires that States designate beneficial uses for surface waters at a minimum, for the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish and wildlife, recreation in and on the water, use of water for public water supplies, and agricultural, industrial, and navigational purposes (CWA § 101 and § 303). Beneficial uses must be designated and periodically updated for all waters of the State. Flexibility inherent in the State process allows for the refinement and clarification of specific uses, which has been realized with this Basin Plan update. The amendment also brings the beneficial use designations up to date, to reflect the current state of knowledge of the existing and potential uses of the waters in the region, and makes the general previous designations more specific.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 23, § 3905