Cal. Code Regs. tit. 23 § 3682.5

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 3682.5 - Invalidation and Issuance of a New Operator-in-Training Certificate
(a) Operator-in-training certificates are valid only while the operator-in-training is in training at the wastewater treatment plant for which the certificate was issued. When the training ceases, the chief plant operator shall return the certificate to the Office of Operator Certification within 30 days with a statement as to the amount of qualifying experience the operator-in-training acquired before training ceased.
(b) Except as provided in subdivision (c), if a Grade I operator-in-training certificate is returned to the Office of Operator Certification because the operator-in-training is no longer being trained at the wastewater treatment plant for which the certificate was issued, or if a Grade I operator-in-training certificate is not renewed for any reason, the operator-in-training may apply for a new certificate at any time in accordance with this article, provided the operator-in-training:
(1) has passed an examination at the Grade I level or higher and the operator-in-training's examination results have not expired; or
(2) held all previous Grade I operator-in-training certificates for a total of less than 24 months and does not have one year of full-time qualifying experience.
(c) A Grade I operator-in-training certificate issued pursuant to subdivision (b)(2), shall be valid for a maximum of 24 months, including the time the applicant held all previous Grade I operator-in-training certificates.
(d) If a Grade II through Grade V operator-in-training certificate is returned to the Office of Operator Certification because the operator-in-training is no longer being trained at the wastewater treatment plant for which the certificate was issued, or if a Grade II through Grade V operator-in-training certificate is not renewed for any reason, the operator-in-training may apply for a new certificate at any time in accordance with this article, provided the operator-in-training has passed an examination at that grade level or higher and the operator-in-training's examination results have not expired.
(e) Time and experience acquired under a previous operator-in-training certificate shall be credited to a new certificate issued pursuant to this section.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 23, § 3682.5

1. New section filed 1-28-2013; operative 4-1-2013 (Register 2013, No. 5).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 1058 and 13627, Water Code. Reference: Section 13627, Water Code.

1. New section filed 1-28-2013; operative 4-1-2013 (Register 2013, No. 5).