Section 92307 - EvaluationThe evaluation plan shall include, but not be limited to the following:
(a) A description of the baseline data and information collected about the availability or provision of health care delivery, or both, prior to utilization of trainee. The actual baseline data shall be collected and submitted in writing to the program within six (6) months after the project is initially approved.(b) A description of baseline data and information to be collected about trainee performance, acceptance, and cost effectiveness.(c) A description of the methodology to be used in collecting and analyzing the data about trainee performance, acceptance, and cost effectiveness.(d) The data required in (b) and (c) shall be submitted in writing to the program at least annually or as requested by program staff.(e) The evaluation plan shall include provision for reviewing and modifying the project's objectives and methodology at least annually. Results of this evaluation and project modification shall be reported to program staff in writing.(f) The evaluation plan shall include provision for retaining for two (2) years after completion of the pilot project all raw data about trainees and the implementation of the project.Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 22, § 92307
1. Amendment filed 7-29-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No. 31).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending NOTE filed 2-28-2007 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2007, No. 9). Note: Authority cited: Sections 127010 and 128155, Health and Safety Code; and Section 11152, Government Code. Reference: Sections 128155 and 128165, Health and Safety Code.
1. Amendment filed 7-29-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No. 31).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending Note filed 2-28-2007 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2007, No. 9).