Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 20, div. 2, ch. 6, art. 2, app A

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Appendix A

Information Requirements for a Corridor Designation Application1

(a) Executive Summary

In a section entitled, "Executive Summary," the application shall contain:

(1) a general description of the proposed transmission corridor, its location, the region in which it is proposed to be located, the immediate vicinity, and the transmission facilities anticipated to be within the corridor;
(2) a summary of the need for the proposed corridor based on the state's needs and objectives as set forth in the latest adopted strategic plan under Section 25324 of the Public Resources Code and any other relevant information provided in the application;
(3) a summary of reasonably foreseeable impacts to the environment or to public health and safety associated with the proposed designation of the corridor for a high-voltage electric transmission line; and
(4) a summary of mitigation measures proposed to avoid or minimize any such impacts to the environment or to public health and safety.
(b) Project Description

In a section entitled, "Project Description," the application shall contain:

(1) a detailed description of the proposed transmission corridor, identifying the corridor's geographic location, direction, length and width;
(2) a detailed description of the setting of the proposed transmission corridor zone;
(3) maps* depicting the region, the vicinity, the proposed transmission corridor, and its immediate surroundings at a scale of 1:24,000 (or another appropriate map scale agreed to by staff), and showing developed areas, including demographic data and location(s) of low-income and minority populations in the vicinity of the proposed corridor, major infrastructure, parks, recreational areas, scenic areas, existing transmission lines within one mile of the center line of the proposed corridor; and any other matters the applicant may wish to include;
(4) full-page color reproductions of photographs showing the features and characteristics of the area within and alongside the proposed corridor;
(5) the center line of the proposed transmission corridor identified by mileposts at appropriate distances and the beginning and ending longitude and latitude of each segment between the mileposts in the proposed corridor; and,
(6) in an appendix to the application, a list of current assessor's parcel numbers and owners' names and addresses for all parcels within and out to 500 feet of the outer boundaries of the proposed transmission corridor.

*All maps depicting the proposed transmission corridor in the application shall show the proposed corridor's center line and outer boundaries and shall conform with the format requirements for such documents under Sections 1209 and 1705.

(c) Conformity with Strategic Plan and Need

In a section entitled, "Conformity with Strategic Plan and Need for Corridor," the application shall contain:

(1) the planning timeframe for the transmission project(s) anticipated to be within the corridor zone proposed for designation;
(2) the objective(s) of locating one or more transmission projects within the proposed corridor zone, for example, to access renewable resources, facilitate bulk power transactions, reliably and efficiently serve projected load growth, coordinate with corridors designated under Section 368 of the Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005, or address issues of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors designated under Section 1221 of the Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005;
(3) a discussion of how each stated objective relates to the applicable strategic plan based on the following:
(A) a discussion of the transmission capacity additions, transmission corridors, and planning timeframes described in the latest strategic plan adopted pursuant to Section 25324 of the Public Resources Code that relate to the transmission corridor zone proposed for designation and
(B) a discussion of the conformity of the proposed transmission corridor zone with all related aspects of the latest adopted strategic plan;
(4) a general description of the transmission facilities that the applicant anticipates would be within the corridor zone, including power lines and voltages, substations, switchyards and other facilities and the reasons for selecting the facilities described;
(5) a discussion of the expected load growth, capacity, and energy levels for the planning timeframe of the transmission project anticipated within the proposed corridor zone;
(6) a discussion of new generating resources and other electricity supplies that are likely to be available in the load area as an alternative to transmission expansion in the planning timeframe and could serve the expected load growth in a manner consistent with the state's energy policies or a discussion of the constraints to the development of local generation resources;
(7) a discussion of the expected energy efficiency and demand reduction measures, as identified in the latest adopted Integrated Energy Policy Report, that are likely to be available in the planning timeframe and could serve as an alternative to transmission expansion;
(8) a discussion of the California Independent System Operator's latest transmission planning results and, if available, the relevant Western Electricity Coordinating Council Regional Planning and Facility Rating Process results, the transmission plans of local publicly owned electric utilities, and other transmission planning studies that have a material bearing on the need of the transmission project(s) that the applicant anticipates within the proposed corridor zone in the planning timeframe; and
(9) a discussion of the need for the proposed corridor zone to achieve the stated objective(s) in subsection (2), given the potential for supply, demand, and efficiency alternatives discussed in subsections (6) and (7) that could also serve the same objective(s).
(d) Corridor Alternatives

In a section entitled, "Corridor Alternatives," the application shall contain:

(1) identification of a reasonable range of alternative corridors that could achieve the basic objectives of the proposed corridor;
(2) a discussion of how the proposed corridor and alternatives were selected, the criteria used to reject alternatives, and an explanation why the proposed corridor is superior to the alternatives; and
(3) a screening-level analysis of a reasonable range of alternative corridors, considering the impacts of each alternative on visual resources, land use, biological resources, cultural resources, and any other impacts that could be significant. Alternatively, an application may provide justification for why there are no feasible alternatives that might reasonably be considered for the proposed corridor.
(e) General Environmental Information Requirements

An application for designation of an electric transmission corridor zone shall provide information addressing potential direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts in all the subject areas identified in the following sections for the proposed transmission corridor zone. The required information shall be provided in sufficient detail to allow determination of the suitability of the proposed transmission corridor zone with respect to reasonably foreseeable environmental, public health and safety, land use, and economic impacts from the future construction, operation, and maintenance of a transmission line within the corridor zone. With respect to potentially significant impacts, each technical area shall also discuss mitigation measures and any monitoring plans to verify the effectiveness of the mitigation.

(f) Water and Soil Resources

In a section entitled, "Water and Soil Resources," the application shall include:

(1) a general narrative description of the hydrologic setting of the proposed transmission corridor zone, including a discussion of any water-related special status areas within, or contiguous to, the corridor zone;
(2) a topographic map, at a scale of 1:24,000 (or another appropriate scale agreed to by staff), showing major water bodies and any identified special status areas within, or contiguous to, the proposed transmission corridor zone. Water-related special status areas may include, but are not limited to, a wild and scenic river; outstanding national resource water; significant natural area, special aquatic site, research natural area, special interest area, and area of critical environmental concern;
(3) a discussion of potential impacts to water resources within, or contiguous to, the proposed transmission corridor zone, that may occur from the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the corridor zone, including anticipated impacts associated with waste discharges, water runoff, drainage, ground water recharge, erosion patterns and the physical or chemical conditions of existing water bodies;
(4) a discussion of what measures could be taken to avoid or mitigate any significant adverse impacts to water resources that are identified;
(5) a discussion of whether any of the water-related special status areas identified could be adversely affected by the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the corridor zone and what measures could be taken to avoid or mitigate significant impacts;
(6) a general narrative description of the topography, major soil types, erosion potential, and agricultural land uses within, or contiguous to, the proposed transmission corridor zone, including a discussion of any special or unique soil areas within, or contiguous to, the corridor zone;
(7) a topographic map, at a scale of 1:24,000 (or another appropriate scale agreed to by staff), showing major soil types and any identified special or unique soil areas within, or contiguous to, the proposed transmission corridor zone, including, but not limited to, areas designated as prime agricultural soil or soil of statewide importance, areas containing expansive soils or soils subject to hydrocompaction, contaminated soils, and areas underlain by naturally occurring asbestos;
(8) a discussion of potential impacts to soil resources within, or contiguous to, the proposed transmission corridor zone, that may occur from the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the transmission corridor zone, including anticipated impacts on soil loss from wind or water erosion, impacts to existing agricultural practices, and potential changes to the soil-vegetation system;
(9) a discussion of what measures could be taken to avoid or mitigate any adverse impacts to soil resources that are identified;
(10) a discussion of whether any of the special or unique soil areas identified could be adversely affected by the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the corridor zone and what measures could be taken to avoid or mitigate significant impacts; and
(11) all assumptions, evidence, references, and calculations used to support the descriptions, discussions, and analyses required in this section.
(g) Waste Management

In a section entitled, "Waste Management," the application shall include:

(1) a discussion of any contaminated soil or contaminated water within, or contiguous to, the transmission corridor zone that could adversely affect the environment or public health and safety due to the future construction, operation or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the proposed transmission corridor zone and what measures could be taken to avoid or mitigate significant impacts;
(2) a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the proposed transmission corridor using methods prescribed by the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) document entitled "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process" (Designation: E 1527-05); or an equivalent method agreed upon by the applicant and the staff that provides similar documentation of the potential level and extent of site contamination; and
(3) all assumptions, evidence, references, and calculations used to support the descriptions, discussions, and analyses required in this section.
(h) Biological Resources

In a section entitled, "Biological Resources," the application shall describe the biological resource setting of the proposed transmission line corridor zone and include all of the following:

(1) a discussion and map of sensitive biological resource areas including, but not limited to, wetlands and riparian habitat, areas covered by a Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Communities Conservation Plan, or similar regional or local habitat protection program, and any area designated as a wildlife refuge or any other special designation;
(2) a list of sensitive species and their habitat known to occur or likely to occur within the proposed corridor zone and within 1 mile of the transmission corridor zone plotted on maps at a scale of 1:24,000 (or another appropriate scale agreed to by staff) or aerial photographs of an appropriate scale;
(3) a discussion of potentially significant biological resource impacts that are reasonably foreseeable from future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the corridor zone and mitigation measures to minimize or avoid potentially significant impacts;
(4) a list of biological resource-related state and federal permits that are likely to be required for the transmission corridor and the state and federal laws that are applicable to each permit; and
(5) a list of all who prepared the Biological Resources section and their qualifications.
(i) Cultural Resources

In a section entitled, "Cultural Resources," the application shall describe the cultural resources setting of the proposed transmission corridor zone and include all of the following:

(1) a discussion of cultural resource information regarding the proposed transmission corridor provided by the California Historical Resources Information System, which is maintained by the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Historic Preservation, through contracts with independent regional Information Centers*,
(2) topographic maps at a scale of 1:24,000 showing the proposed corridor zone, areas already surveyed for cultural resources, and locations of known cultural resources*,
(3) a discussion of sacred lands data base information provided by the Native American Heritage Commission*;
(4) a discussion of contacts made with Native Americans identified by the Native American Heritage Commission and information about locations of archaeological and sacred sites*;
(5) a discussion of known and reasonably foreseeable cultural resource impacts that could be adversely affected from the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the corridor zone and measures that could be taken to mitigate any adverse impacts; and
(6) a list all who prepared the Cultural Resources section and their qualifications. (Include information indicating that they meet the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards as referenced in the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 61, section 61.3.)

* Any submittal that contains information about the locations of archaeological sites must be submitted under confidential cover and only a Cultural Resources Specialist is authorized to review confidential cultural resources submittals.

(j) Land Use

In a section entitled, "Land Use," the application shall include:

(1) a general description of existing and future land uses adopted by any federal, state, regional, and local planning agency/authority within the proposed transmission corridor zone;
(2) a map, at a scale of 1:24,000 (or another appropriate scale agreed to by staff), showing existing and future land uses and any identified special status areas within, or contiguous to, the proposed transmission corridor zone;
(3) the identification of special status areas, if any, within the proposed corridor zone and within one mile of the outer boundaries of the proposed corridor; special status areas include, but are not limited to, areas designated by the California Coastal Commission, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, and Delta Protection Commission; farmland designated as prime, of statewide importance, or unique by the California Department of Conservation; Federal, State, regional, county and city parks; wilderness, scenic or natural reserves; areas for wildlife protection, recreation, and historic preservation; mineral resource lands; Native American lands; military lands, and airports;
(4) a discussion of whether any of the special status areas identified could be adversely affected by the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the proposed transmission corridor zone and what measures could be taken to avoid or mitigate significant impacts.
(5) a discussion of the potential impacts to present and foreseeable land uses within, or contiguous to, the proposed corridor zone, that may occur from the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the corridor zone; such discussion should include anticipated impacts on residential, recreational, scenic, agricultural, natural resource protection, educational, religious, cultural, and historic areas, military and airport operations, special status areas, and any other area of unique land uses;
(6) a discussion of what measures could be taken to avoid or mitigate potentially significant adverse impacts;
(7) a discussion of any city- or county-designated transmission corridors located anywhere within the local jurisdiction that would be traversed by the proposed corridor;
(8) a discussion of any designated transmission corridors on state or federally managed lands within all counties affected by the corridor;
(9) a discussion of any local, state, or federal laws, ordinances, regulations, or standards that promote or discourage electric transmission lines in specific areas of the affected jurisdictions or that place restrictions on any electric transmission lines to be built within the proposed corridor;
(10) a discussion of any plan changes (e.g., city/county general plan, State Park general plan, National Forest plan, etc.) being considered by affected local, state, and federal jurisdictions that may present an obstacle to the proposed transmission corridor;
(11) on a map at a scale of 1:24,000 (or another appropriate map scale agreed to by staff), identification of any local, state, or federal designated transmission corridors discussed above, and any city sphere-of-influence boundaries; and
(12) all assumptions, evidence, and references used to support the descriptions, discussions, and analyses required in this section.
(k) Traffic and Transportation

In a section entitled, "Traffic and Transportation," the application shall include:

(1) a general description of the regional transportation setting of the proposed transmission corridor zone, including all existing and planned state highways and freeways within the proposed corridor zone and within 0.5 miles of the outer boundaries of the corridor;
(2) identification of any airport within 20,000 feet of a proposed transmission corridor, and any heliport within 5,000 feet of a proposed corridor (or planned or proposed airport runway or an airport runway under construction, that is the subject of a notice or proposal on file with the Federal Aviation Administration);
(3) identification of any designated airport safety zone, airport influence area, or airport referral area within or contiguous to the proposed transmission corridor;
(4) identification of any restricted military airspace within or contiguous to the proposed transmission corridor;
(5) a discussion of how the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the proposed corridor zone would affect what is identified above in subsections (1) through (4);
(6) a discussion of what measures could be taken to avoid or mitigate potentially significant adverse impacts from the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the proposed corridor;
(7) all assumptions, evidence, and references used to support the descriptions, discussions, and analyses required in this section; and
(8) a map, at a scale of 1:24,000 (or another appropriate scale agreed to by staff), showing the transportation facilities identified above.
(l) Visual Resources

In a section entitled, "Visual Resources," the application shall include:

(1) a general narrative description of the regional visual setting of the proposed transmission corridor zone, including the visual properties of the topography, vegetation, and any modifications to the landscape as a result of human activities;
(2) a discussion of special status areas, if any, within or visible from the proposed corridor zone that could be adversely affected by the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the corridor zone; special status areas include, but are not limited to, areas designated by the California Coastal Commission; state, regional, county and city parks; wilderness, scenic or natural reserves; scenic vistas or scenic resource areas; State Scenic Highways; National Scenic Byways; and All-American Roads;
(3) a discussion of whether any of the special status areas identified could be adversely affected by the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the proposed transmission corridor zone, and what measures could be taken to avoid or mitigate significant impacts;
(4) a topographic map, at a scale of 1:24,000 (or another appropriate scale agreed to by staff), showing the special status areas within or contiguous to, the proposed transmission corridor zone;
(5) a discussion of the potential visual impacts that may occur from the future construction, operation, or maintenance of electric transmission line structures within the corridor zone. The discussion should include anticipated impacts on visually sensitive areas, including, but not limited to, residential, recreational, coastal, and scenic areas, travelers on scenic roadways, and special status areas. The discussion shall also indicate what measures could be taken to avoid or mitigate any potentially significant adverse impacts; and
(6) all assumptions, evidence, and references used to support the descriptions, discussions, and analyses required in this section.


1 The requirements in this Appendix apply also to a motion by the Energy Commission to designate a transmission corridor zone.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 20, div. 2, ch. 6, art. 2, app A

Note: Authority cited: Section 25218(e), Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 25331, Public Resources Code; and Section 15084, Title 14, California Code of Regulations.