Cal. Code Regs. tit. 20 § 2911
The Commission may on its own motion, or as a result of a request from any person, including, but not limited to, a member of the public, staff, or other agency, conduct a complaint or investigation proceeding, or both, pursuant to Chapter 2, Article 4, to determine a local publicly owned electric utility's compliance with this chapter. In conducting such a proceeding, the Commission may require the production of information and documents beyond those made available to the public during consideration of the covered procurement or submitted with the compliance filing, including, but not limited to, contracts, staff assessments and reports to the utility's governing board, land use and air quality permits, continuous emissions monitoring data, and other information or documents that may aid in assessing compliance with this chapter.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 20, § 2911
Note: Authority cited: Sections 25213 and 25218(e), Public Resources Code; and Section 8341, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Section 8341, Public Utilities Code.