Cal. Code Regs. tit. 20 § 2901

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 37, September 13, 2024
Section 2901 - Definitions
(a) "Annualized plant capacity factor" means the ratio of the annual amount of electricity produced, measured in kilowatt hours, divided by the annual amount of electricity the powerplant could have produced if it had been operated at its maximum permitted capacity during all hours of the year, expressed in kilowatt hours.
(b) "Baseload generation" means electricity generation from a powerplant that is designed and intended to provide electricity at an annualized plant capacity factor of at least 60 percent.
(c) "Combined-cycle natural gas" means a powerplant that employs a combination of one or more natural gas turbines and one or more steam turbines in which electricity is produced in the steam turbine from otherwise lost waste heat exiting from one or more of the gas turbines.
(d) "Covered procurement" means:
(1) A new ownership investment in a baseload generation powerplant, or
(2) A new or renewed contract commitment, including a lease, for the procurement of electricity with a term of five years or greater by a local publicly owned electric utility with:
(A) a baseload generation powerplant, unless the powerplant is deemed compliant, or
(B) any generating units added to a deemed-compliant baseload generation powerplant that combined result in an increase of 50 MW or more to the powerplant's rated capacity.
(e) "Deemed-compliant powerplant" means any combined cycle natural gas powerplant that was in operation, or for which the Commission had granted a certificate pursuant to Chapter 6 of the Warren-Alquist State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Act on or before June 30, 2007.
(f) "Dispatchable renewable resource" means any renewable resource that is not an intermittent renewable resource.
(g) "Generating unit" means any combination of physically connected generator(s), reactor(s), boiler(s), combustion turbine(s), or other prime mover(s) operated together to produce electric power.
(h) "Intermittent renewable resource" means a solar, wind, or run-of-river hydroelectricity powerplant.
(i) "Local publicly owned electric utility" or "POU" means a "local publicly owned electric utility" as defined in Public Utilities Code Section 224.3.
(j) "New ownership investment" means:
(1) Any investments in construction of a new powerplant;
(2) The acquisition of a new or additional ownership interest in an existing non-deemed compliant powerplant previously owned by others;
(3) Any investment in generating units added to a deemed-compliant powerplant, if such generating units result in an increase of 50 MW or more to the powerplant's rated capacity; or
(4) Any investment in an existing, non-deemed compliant powerplant owned in whole or part by a local publicly owned electric utility that:
(A) is designed and intended to extend the life of one or more generating units by five years or more, not including routine maintenance;
(B) results in an increase in the rated capacity of the powerplant, not including routine maintenance; or
(C) is designed and intended to convert a non-baseload generation powerplant to a baseload generation powerplant.
(k) "Permitted capacity" means the rated capacity of the powerplant unless the maximum output allowed under the operating permit is the effective constraint on the maximum output of the powerplant.
(l) "Powerplant" means a facility for the generation of electricity, and is:
(1) a single generating unit; or
(2) multiple generating units that meet the following conditions:
(A) the generating units are co-located;
(B) each generating unit utilizes the same fuel and generation technology; and
(C) one or more of the generating units are operationally dependent on another.
(m) "Rated capacity" means the powerplant's maximum rated output. For combustion or steam generating units, rated capacity means generating capacity and shall be calculated pursuant to Section 2003.
(n) "Specified contract" means a contract that only provides for electricity from one or more identified powerplant(s).
(o) "Unspecified energy" means energy purchased from unspecified resources.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 20, § 2901

1. New section filed 10-16-2007; operative 10-16-2007 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2007, No. 42).
2. Amendment of subsection (i) and NOTE filed 8-28-2014; operative 10-1-2014 (Register 2014, No. 35).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25213 and 25218(e), Public Resources Code; and Section 8341, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 224.3, 8340 and 8341, Public Utilities Code.

1. New section filed 10-16-2007; operative 10-16-2007 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2007, No. 42).
1. New section filed 10-16-2007; operative 10-16-2007 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2007, No. 42).
2. Amendment of subsection (i) and Note filed 8-28-2014; operative 10/1/2014 (Register 2014, No. 35).