A statement of local agency deposits shall contain the total of local agency deposits and the total of secured local agency deposits held by the depository as of the most reasonably current date; and in case the depository maintains more than one security pool, the total of local agency deposits and the total of secured local agency deposits held on such date which are secured by the security pool from which the withdrawal is to be made; provided, however, that the totals of secured local agency deposits may be omitted, in which case the totals of secured local agency deposits shall be deemed to be the same as the corresponding totals of local agency deposits for purposes of such statement of deposits. For purposes of this Section, the "most reasonably current date" is the latest date as of which the depository, exercising due diligence, can determine the totals of local agency deposits and the totals of secured local agency deposits held by it; provided, however, that in no event shall such date precede by more than five days the day on which the statement of local agency deposits is presented to the agent of depository.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 2, § 16003.3.4