Cal. Code Regs. tit. 2 § 2175

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 2175 - Manual Content
(a) The manual shall be arranged in a logical order and with clearly defined tabs for quick reference to emergency plans and procedures, a comprehensive table of contents and numbered pages.
(b) Each manual shall as a minimum include the following:
(1) Location: Appropriate maps, charts and geographic descriptions shall be included, indicating clearly the location of the facility and its relationship to nearby geographic features.
(2) Ownership and Responsibility: Information shall be included identifying the owner or owners of the facility and all those who may be responsible for the operation of the facility or for implementation of operation or contingency plans. Addresses and telephone numbers shall be included and kept current for each person or entity listed.
(3) Purpose: The manual shall include general explanations of the purposes of the facility and its various components.
(4) Personnel: A listing of operating staff positions shall be provided, showing the chain of command and the responsibility of each position. Employee qualifications for responsible positions must be outlined and staffing levels of the facility must be justified. On any facility which does not maintain 24-hour surveillance, justification and description of safety and security systems shall be discussed.
(5) Description of Operations:
(A) The manual shall include plot plans of the facility and flow diagrams for each of the production flow streams, including oil, gas, and water injection. Each major component and associated equipment including, but not limited to, wells, piping, process vessels, tanks compressors, pumps, and alarm, control and safety systems shall be narratively described, including function, capacity, physical size and pressure rating.
(B) Detailed information regarding preventives maintenance programs and procedures shall be provided.
(6) Personnel Safety: Detailed information shall be provided regarding equipment and procedures employed for the purpose of ensuring personnel safety, including, but not limited to, information concerning the following:
(A) Personnel safety;
(B) Safety responsibilities of each personnel position;
(C) Training;
(D) Safety Drills;
(E) Inspection of Personnel Safety Equipment; and
(F) Compliance with applicable provisions of Division 5 of the Labor Code and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
(7) Systems Safety: Detailed information shall be provided regarding equipment and procedures employed for the purpose of preventing oil discharges or other accidents which may harm or threaten public health and safety or the environment, including, but not limited to, information concerning the following:
(A) Systems Safety Equipment;
(B) Systems Safety Training;
(C) All operations and procedures employed for the prevention of oil discharges or other pollution; and
(D) Inspection and testing of system safety equipment and operations.
(8) Automatic Control Systems and Equipment: Subsection (b)(7) shall include information concerning the identification, use and operation of any safety equipment that can be operated remotely, automatically, or by pre-program and any appropriate manual override information. The following information should be included:
(A) Normal process and operation;
(B) Safety shut-down; and
(C) Emergency shut-down
(9) Production Processing: All production streams must be identified, with the minimum following information included for each fluid:
(A) Chemical makeup;
(B) Fluid volumes;
(C) Pressures;
(D) Flow rates;
(E) Temperatures;
(F) Appearance;
(G) Odor;
(H) Instructions for safe emergency handling; and
(I) Any hazards which might be encountered in dealing with the fluid.
(10) Oil Spill Contingency and Hazardous Materials Plans: The manual shall include or have attached (or otherwise incorporate by reference) copies of the following:
(A) Any oil spill contingency plan required under the lease issued by the Commission or under Chapter 7.4 of Division 1 of Title 2 (§§8670.1et seq.) of the Government Code; and
(B) For each fluid identified under subsection (b)(9) of this section, any business plan for responding to hazardous materials releases required under Chapter 6.95 of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code.
(11) Fire Fighting Response: The manual shall also include information regarding response to fire, including at minimum the following:
(A) Information regarding primary response, including, but not limited to, detailed descriptions of response equipment and their use and operation, personnel, training, drills, communications equipment and procedures, and evacuation plans; and
(B) Information regarding secondary response, including, but not limited to, detailed descriptions of response equipment and their use and operation, use of mutual aid organization or cooperatives for fire suppression, interagency agreements or memoranda of understanding, and communications equipment and procedures.
(12) Other Emergency Response Plans.
(A) In addition to the plans set forth in subsections (b)(10) and (b)(11) of this section, any other emergency response plans shall also be included in or attached (or otherwise incorporate by reference) to the manual.
(B) Every plan submitted shall have included or attached the names and telephone and facsimile numbers of all relevant contact personnel with the facility operator, State and Federal response agencies, local fire, police, and medical responders, security personnel, and mutual aid cooperatives or organizations.
(C) Among the additional plans to be submitted shall be at minimum the following:
1. A Well Control Plan (Drilling and Workover);
2. A Critical Operations and Curtailment Plan (Drilling & Production, or substantial construction project);
3. An H2S Contingency Plan (if applicable);
4. A Facility Emergency Evacuation Plan;
5. Natural Disaster Response Plans; and
6. Security Plans
(13) Communication System: The manual shall describe in detail how communications systems employed at the facility provide for redundancy and interface with other area facilities, emergency responders, and agencies.
(14) Operational Support: The manual shall also include a description of normal and emergency operational support, including, but not limited to, the type and use of helicopters and vessels.
(A) Helicopters
(B) Boats & Vessels
(C) Other
(15) Other Information: The manual shall also include any other information necessary or appropriate for the Commission and for those working at the facility to know and understand the equipment, operations and systems employed at the facility both for ordinary operations, generally, and for the specific purpose of preventing harm to public health and safety or to the environment.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 2, § 2175

1. New section filed 9-8-93; operative 10-8-93 (Register 93, No. 37).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 6108, 6216, 8755, 8756, and 8758, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 6108, 6216, 6873(b), 8755 and 8758, Public Resources Code.

1. New section filed 9-8-93; operative 10-8-93 (Register 93, No. 37).