(a) As used in these regulations, words in the singular shall include the plural and words in the plural shall include the singular, unless the context otherwise requires. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Article, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) "Advisory Staff" means the Commission's Executive Officer and his or her designees. The Advisory Staff provides legal and technical advice to the Commission related to an enforcement matter under this Article.(2) "Commission" means the California State Lands Commission.(3) "Commissioner" means a California State Lands Commissioner specified in Section 6101 of the Public Resources Code, or a designated alternate under Section 7.6 of the Government Code.(4) "Commission Authorization" means a currently valid and unexpired, written and executed authorization to occupy State Lands, issued by the Commission.(5) "Commission Meeting" means a regularly-noticed public meeting of the Commission.(6) "Day" means calendar day. If a deadline falls on a weekend or state holiday, then the deadline will be deemed to be the next business day.(7) "Enforcement Staff' means the Chief or Assistant Chief of the Commission's Land Management Division and his or her designees. The Enforcement Staff is responsible for issuing the Notice of Violation and representing Commission staff before the Commission.(8) "Mail" means to send documents via the United States Postal Service, or reputable private carrier. The Respondent and Enforcement Staff may, and are encouraged to agree to service by electronic means including electronic mail or facsimile. Where such an agreement exists, "Mail" will include the agreed to method of electronic transmission. As between the Enforcement Staff, Advisory Staff, and/or the Commission, "Mail" includes any means reasonably calculated to ensure the documents arrive at their destination including hand delivery or courier.(9) "Notice of Violation" means the Notice of Violation (SLC 100.202 Rev. 09/2016) hereby incorporated by reference.(10) "Presiding Officer" means the Commissioner designated to conduct the hearings under this Article.(11) "Respondent" shall mean a person or entity suspected of violating Section 6224.3 of the Public Resources Code.(12) "State Lands" means land under Commission jurisdiction, held in fee by the state of California. "State Lands" excludes those lands legislatively granted in trust to local jurisdictions, and lands where the underlying fee is not held by the state, but a public trust easement exists.(13) "Structure" means any human construction, including but not limited to: buildings, boat houses, docks, piers, buoys, revetments, fill, pilings, pipelines, groins, jetties, seawalls, breakwaters, bulkheads; along with all similar constructions.Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 2, § 3001
1. New section filed 9-7-2016; operative 1-1-2017 (Register 2016, No. 37).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending subsection (a)(9) filed 11-17-2016 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2016, No. 47). Note: Authority cited: Sections 6108 and 6224.5, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 7.6, Government Code; Sections 6101, 6102, 6216, 6224.3, 6224.4, 6224.5, 6301 and 8705, Public Resources Code.
1. New section filed 9-7-2016; operative 1/1/2017 (Register 2016, No. 37).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending subsection (a)(9) filed 11-17-2016 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2016, No. 47).