Article 10 - Appointments
- Section 243 - Good Faith Appointment Requirements
- Section 243.1 - Adverse Actions for Violations of Good Faith
- Section 243.2 - Voiding of Unlawful Appointments
- Section 243.3 - Compensation or Reimbursement for Voided Appointments
- Section 243.4 - Remedial Measures
- Section 243.5 - Right to Respond; Right to Appeal
- Section 243.6 - Right to Reimbursement Hearing; Petition for Reconsideration
- Section 248 - Appointments and Classification Plan
- Section 249 - Job-Related Criteria
- Section 249.1 - Advertising for Job Vacancies
- Section 249.1.1 - Job Announcements
- Section 249.1.2 - Job Applications
- Section 249.1.3 - Timely Filing of Job Applications
- Section 249.2 - Postings of Job Announcements on Websites or by Other Electronic Means
- Section 249.3 - Conditions for Not RE-Announcing a Job Vacancy
- Section 249.4 - Verification of Minimum Qualifications Prior to Appointment
- Section 249.5 - Employment Inquiries
- Section 249.6 - Redaction of Confidential Information on Candidate Documentation
- Section 249.7 - Non-Disclosure of a Candidate's List Eligibility
- Section 249.8 - Holds on Employees
- Section 250 - Determining Merit and Fitness During the Hiring Process
- Section 250.1 - Skills-Based Certification
- Section 250.2 - Hires from Certified Employment Lists
- Section 251 - Request for Certification
- Section 252 - To Fill New Positions
- Section 253 - Certification to 60-Day Position
- Section 254 - Appointment Following Certification
- Section 254.1 - Designation of Classes as Professional, Scientific, Administrative, Management or Executive
- Section 254.2 - Three Rank Certification
- Section 255 - Certification in Case of Waiver. [Repealed]
- Section 256 - Certification to Laborers' Positions. [Repealed]
- Section 257 - Cancellation of Request for Certification. [Repealed]
- Section 258 - Time Periods for Replies to Employment Inquiries Following Certification
- Section 259 - Failure to Respond to Telegram. [Repealed]
- Section 260 - Failure to Respond
- Section 260.1 - Decline a Job Offer or Failure to Appear for Work or Job Interview
- Section 261 - Waiver of Certification
- Section 261.1 - Waiver of Contact
- Section 262 - [Repealed]
- Section 263 - Appointment Substantiation
- Section 264 - Certification from Comparable List
- Section 265 - Employment List with Three or Fewer Names
- Section 265.1 - Counting Time for Temporary Appointments
- Section 266 - Correction of Appointments. [Repealed]
- Section 266.1 - Remedial Measures. [Repealed]
- Section 266.2 - Right to Respond. [Repealed]
- Section 266.3 - Right to Appeal. [Repealed]
- Section 275 - Transferring into State Civil Service
- Section 276.2 - Transferring into State Civil Service. [Repealed]
- Section 277 - Change in Time Base
- Section 279.1 - Definition of a Personal Services Contract. [Renumbered]
- Section 279.2 - Undercut of State's Wage in Cost-Savings Based Contracts. [Renumbered]
- Section 279.3 - Affirmative Action Impact. [Renumbered]
- Section 279.4 - Amount of Savings. [Renumbered]