Only entities or individuals maintaining a valid Office of State Fire Marshal importer/exporter's license may import Snap Caps into California and may sell Snap Caps only to entities or individuals maintaining a valid Office of State Fire Marshal wholesaler's license.
Only entities or individuals maintaining a valid Office of State Fire Marshal wholesaler's license or Party Popper/Snap Cap Distributor permit may sell Snap Caps to a retail outlet. Entities or individuals maintaining a Party/Snap Cap Distributor Permit may purchase Snap Caps only from an individual or entity maintaining a valid Office of State Fire Marshal wholesaler's license and may sell Snap Caps only to retail outlets.
Only entities or individuals maintaining either a valid Office of State Fire Marshal wholesaler's or importer/exporter's license or Party Popper/Snap Cap Distributor Permit may transport, or cause to be transported, for sale, Snap Caps within California.
All wholesaler licenses and Party Popper/Snap Cap Distributor permitees must file with the Office of State Fire Marshal by the close of the month immediately following each quarter, a list of the names and addresses of all retail outlets to whom they sold Snap Caps in the preceding quarter. Retail outlets holding valid Office of State Fire Marshal retail sales licenses for the sale of Safe and Sane fireworks within the State for the period of 12:00 noon on the 28th of June through 12:00 noon on the 6th of July of that calendar year, as is required by Health and Safety Code Section 12599, need not appear on this list filed with the Office of State Fire Marshal as required by this Section.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 19, § 986.8