Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 335 - Labeling of Tents(a) Each section of top and sidewall in large tents shall have a durable label, permanently affixed, bearing the following information: (1) The Seal of Registration.(2) If treated fabric, the name and registration number of the approved application concern and approved chemical used, and the date of treatment.(3) If registered fabric, the trade name and registration number of the approved fabric, and the date of production. In lieu of attached labels, the required information may be applied directly to the fabric by print, stamp or stencil.
(b) Small tents shall have a permanently affixed label bearing the information in subsection (a), or shall comply with the provisions specified in CPAI-84 (1975) which reads as follows: (1) Certification. A statement that the materials used in the manufacturer of the item meet the flame resistance requirements of CPAI-84.(2) Manufacturer Identification. An identification of the manufacturer of the item. If the item bears a private label, it shall identify the private labeler and shall also contain a code mark which will permit the seller of the item to identify the manufacturer to the purchaser upon request.(3) Code Number. A number enabling the manufacturer to identify from his records the suppliers and suppliers' lot numbers of the certified materials used in the item. The manufacturer shall also maintain records identifying the parties to whom he sold camping tentage. Further, he shall maintain records identifying items manufactured from lots of certified material. Records shall be maintained for four (4) years.(4) Warning Label. 24 pt. type | | | WARNING |
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12 pt. type | This tent is made with flame resistant fabric which meets CPAI-84 specifications. It is not fire proof. The fabric will burn if left in continuous contact with any flame source. |
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| The application of any foreign substance to the tent fabric may render the flame resistant properties ineffective. |
This warning label or its equivalent must be permanently affixed to the tent at one conspicuous location, and must contain block letters on a white background. The first paragraph of the body of the label must be placed in a conspicuous location on each carton containing the tent.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 19, § 335
1. Amendment filed 10-4-84; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 84, No. 40). Note: Authority cited: Section 13116, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 13115- 13116 and 13119, Health and Safety Code.
1. Amendment filed 10-4-84; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 84, No. 40).