Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 18, §§ 25137-8.2

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 40, October 4, 2024
Section 25137-8.2 - Motion Picture and Television Film Producers, Distributors, and Television Networks - Apportionment of Income
(a) In General. When a business entity in the business of producing or distributing motion picture, film, or television programming, or television commercials, whether broadcast or telecast through the public airwaves, by cable, direct or indirect satellite transmission, or any other means of communication, either through a network (including owned and affiliated stations) or through an affiliated, unaffiliated, or independent television broadcasting station has income from sources both within and without this state, the amount of business income from sources within this state shall be determined pursuant to this regulation. This regulation does not apply to a business entity that earns receipts from the provision of cable television services.
(b) Definitions.

For purposes of this regulation only, the following definitions shall apply.

(1) "Advertising revenue" includes advertising from all sources, including but not limited to online advertisements, embedded advertisements, product placement, barter transactions, and the sale of air time used for advertising purposes.
(2) "Cable television services" means the transmission to subscribers of video programming or other programming service over a cable system.
(3) A "distributor" is a business entity that, upon completion of production, licenses a film for exhibition by a related or unrelated third party. The distributor may also develop and fund the campaign to market the film. A theater that exhibits the film is not a distributor based upon that fact. A producer may also be a distributor if it licenses its own films or those of others for exhibition.
(4) "Film" means the physical embodiment of a play, story, or other literary, commercial, educational, or artistic work, produced for telecast, as a motion picture, video tape, disc, or any other type of format or medium.
(A) A "film" is deemed to be tangible personal property.
(B) "Film" does not include video cassettes or discs sold for personal use.
(C) Each episode of a series of films produced for television shall constitute a separate film notwithstanding that the series relates to the same principal subject and is produced during one or more television seasons.
(5) A "producer" is a business entity that develops and creates motion picture, television, or web-based content.
(6) "Release date" means the date on which a film is placed in service. A film is placed in service when it is first telecast or exhibited to the primary audience for which the film was created. Thus, a motion picture theater film is placed in service when it is first publicly exhibited for entertainment purposes and an educational film is placed in service when it is first exhibited for instructional purposes. Each episode of a television series is placed in service when it is first telecast. A film is not placed in service merely because it is completed and therefore in a condition or state of readiness and availability for telecast or exhibition, or merely because it is telecast or exhibited to prospective exhibitors, sponsors, or purchasers, or it is shown in a "sneak preview" before a select audience.
(7) "Rent" shall include license fees for the exhibition or telecast of films.
(8) A "subscriber" to a subscription television telecaster is the individual residence or other outlet that is the ultimate recipient of the transmission.
(9) "Tangible personal property" used in the business, whether owned or rented, shall include but is not limited to sets, props, wardrobes, and other similar equipment.
(10) "Telecast" means the transmission of an electronic signal or other signal by radiowaves or microwaves or by wires, lines, coaxial cables, wave guides, fiber optics, satellite transmissions directly or indirectly to viewers or subscribers, or by any other means of communication.
(c) Apportionment of Business Income. The property, payroll, and sales factor of the apportionment formula for motion picture and television film producers, distributors and television networks shall be computed pursuant to Sections 25128 through 25137 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto except as provided in this regulation. Income from new technologies, including but not limited to video streaming and online websites, to the extent they are utilized by motion picture and television film producers, producers of television commercials and television networks to produce business income, shall be treated in a manner consistent with this regulation.
(1) Property Factor.
(A) In General.
(i) In the case of rented studios, the net annual rental rate shall include only the amount of the basic or flat rental charge by the studio for the use of a stage and other permanent equipment. Other equipment such as sound recording equipment rented from other sources or from the studio that is not covered in the basic or flat rental charge and used for one week or longer (even though rented on a day-to-day basis) shall be included. Lump-sum net rental payments for a period that encompasses more than a single income year shall be assigned ratably over the rental period.
(ii) The value of the films shall:
(I) be the original cost of producing the film as determined for federal income tax purposes, before any adjustment for federal credits that have not been claimed for state purposes, and
(II) include talent salaries.
(iii) The value of a film shall not be included in the property factor until its release date.
(iv) Video cassettes and discs shall be included in the property factor at their inventory cost as shown in the taxpayer's books and records.
(B) Denominator.
(i) All real property and tangible property (other than films), whether owned or rented, that is used in the business shall be included in the denominator.
(ii) Films, other than films the cost of which is expensed for California tax purposes at the time of production, shall be included in the property factor at original cost for twelve years beginning with the release date.
(iii) Films of a topical nature including news or current event programs, sporting events or interview shows, the cost of which is expensed for California tax purposes at the time of production, shall be included in the property factor at original cost for one year beginning with the release date.
(iv) All other films, other than those included in the denominator under clause (ii) or (iii) of this subparagraph, shall be aggregated and treated as a single film property that shall be included in the property factor. Such property shall be valued at eight times the gross receipts generated during the income year from the theater distribution, network television, television syndication, cable or satellite television, subscription and the marketing of video cassettes and discs through licensing or direct selling, or similar receipts, but in no event in an amount greater than the total original cost of such aggregated film property.
(C) Numerator.
(i) If tangible property (other than films) is located or used in this state for part of the income year, its value shall be determined by applying the ratio which the number of days the property is located or used in this state bears to the total number of days such property was owned or rented during the income year.
(ii) The total value of films that are included in the property factor under subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be attributed to this state in the same ratio that the total receipts from such films as determined in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (3) of this subsection pertaining to the sales factor bears to the total of such receipts everywhere.
(2) Payroll Factor.
(A) In General.
(i) The denominator shall include all compensation paid to employees during the income years, including talent salaries. Residual and profit participation payments constitute compensation paid to employees.
(ii) The amount paid to a corporation for providing the services of an actor or director who is an employee of such corporation or for loaning the services of an actor of director who is under contract with such corporation shall, if substantial, be included in the producer's payroll factor as if the amount paid was compensation paid to an employee of the producer.
(B) Numerator. Compensation of employees in the production of a film on location shall be attributed to the state where the services are or were performed. Compensation of all other employees shall be governed by Regulations 25132 and 25133.
(3) Sales Factor.
(A) The numerator shall include all gross receipts derived by the taxpayer from sources within this state including, but not limited to, the following:
(i) Gross receipts, including advertising revenue, from films in release to theaters and television stations located in this state.
(ii) Gross receipts, including advertising revenue, from films in release to or by a television network for network telecast shall be attributed to this state in the ratio that the audience for such network stations (owned and affiliated) located in California bears to the total audience for all such network stations (owned and affiliated) everywhere. The audience shall be determined by rate card values published annually in the Television & Cable Factbook (, if available, or by other published market surveys, or if none is available, by population data published by the United States Census Bureau, provided that the source selected is consistently used from year to year for that purpose.
(iii) Gross receipts, including advertising revenue, from films in release to subscription television telecasters shall be attributed to this state in the ratio that the subscribers for such telecaster located in California bears to the total subscribers of such telecaster everywhere. If the number of subscribers cannot be determined accurately from records maintained by the taxpayer, the ratio shall be determined on the basis of the applicable year's statistics on subscribers published in Cable Vision, International Thompson Communication Inc., Denver, Colorado, if available, or by other published market surveys, or, if none is available, by population data published by the United States Census Bureau for all states in which the telecaster has subscribers, provided that the source selected is consistently used from year to year for that purpose.
(iv) Receipts from sales and rentals, licensing or other disposition of video cassettes and discs or any other format or medium intended for personal use shall be included in the numerator of the sales factor as provided in Regulations 25135 and 25136.
(d) This regulation applies to taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2011. For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2013, pursuant to Section 25128.7, Revenue and Taxation Code, only the receipts factor references in this regulation are applicable, unless subdivision (b) of Section 25128, Revenue and Taxation Code, applies.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 18, §§ 25137-8.2

1. New section filed 3-26-2012; operative 4-25-2012 (Register 2012, No. 13).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending subsection (d) filed 12-9-2013 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2013, No. 50).

Note: Authority cited: Section 19503, Revenue and Taxation Code. Reference: Section 25137, Revenue and Taxation Code.

1. New section filed 3-26-2012; operative 4-25-2012 (Register 2012, No. 13).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending subsection (d) filed 12-9-2013 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2013, No. 50).