Cal. Code Regs. tit. 17 § 95113

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 25, June 21, 2024
Section 95113 - Petroleum Refineries

The operator of a facility who is required to report under section 95101 of this article, and who is not eligible for abbreviated reporting under section 95103(a), must comply with Subpart Y of 40 CFR Part 98 (40 CFR §§ 98.250 to 98.258) in reporting emissions and other data from petroleum refineries to ARB, except as otherwise provided in this section. Petroleum refinery operators and refiners are considered separate reporting entities for the purposes of this article.

(a)CO2 from Fossil Fuel Combustion. When calculating CO2 emissions from fuel combustion under subpart C as specified at 40 CFR § 98.252(a), the operator must use a method in 40 CFR § 98.33(a)(1) to § 98.33(a)(4) as specified by fuel type in section 95115 of this article. CO2 emissions from refinery fuel gas combustion must be calculated using a Tier 3 or Tier 4 methodology of subpart C, as specified in 40 CFR § 98.252(a).
(b)Monitoring, Data and Records. For each emissions calculation method chosen under section 95113(a), the operator must meet the applicable requirements for monitoring, missing data procedures, data reporting, and records retention that are specified in 40 CFR § 98.34 to § 98.37, except as modified in sections 95113(k), 95115, and 95129 of this article.
(c)Refinery Fuel Gas Sampling. As required by 40 CFR § 98.34(b)(3)(ii)(E), in cases where equipment necessary to perform daily sampling and analysis of carbon content and molecular weight for refinery fuel gas is not in place, such equipment must be installed and procedures established to implement daily sampling and analysis no later than January 1, 2013.
(d)Calculating CO2from Flares. For periods of normal flare operation, the operator must use Equation Y-1a, Y-1b, or Y-2 as specified in 40 CFR § 98.253(b)(ii)(A) or 98.253(b)(ii)(B). For periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction (SSM) during which the operator was unable to measure the parameters required by Equations Y-1a, Y-1b, or Y-2, the operator must determine the quantity of gas discharged to the flare separately for each SSM, and calculate the CO2 emissions as specified in the equation shown below. For SSM periods the operator must use engineering calculations and process knowledge to estimate the carbon content of flared gas as required by § 98.253(b)(iii)(A). The terms of the equation below are defined as they are for Equation Y-3 in 40 CFR § 98.253(b)(iii)(C).

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(e)Calculating CO2from FCCUs and Fluid Coking. The requirements of 40 CFR § 98.253(c)(2) apply under this article regardless of the rated capacity of a fluid catalytic cracking unit or a fluid coking unit. The operator may not use Equation Y-8 or the option provided under 40 CFR § 98.253(c)(3) for units with rated capacities of 10,000 barrels per stream day or less.
(f)Uncontrolled Blowdown Systems. When calculating CH4 emissions for uncontrolled blowdown systems as required by 40 CFR § 98.253(k), the operator must use the methods for process vents in 40 CFR § 98.253(j).
(g)Data Reporting Requirements for Flares. When the operator has calculated flare emissions for SSM periods using the modified equation specified in section 95113(d), the operator reporting data under the requirements of 40 CFR § 98.256(e)(8) must report only the total number of SSM events, the volume of gas flared, and the average molecular weight and carbon content of the flare gas for each SSM event, using the units specified.
(h)Data Reporting Requirements for FCCUs and Coking Units. When the operator has calculated CO2 from fluid catalytic cracking units or fluid coking units consistent with section 95113(e), the operator shall not report the data required by 40 CFR § 98.256(f)(9).
(i)Data Reporting Requirements for Uncontrolled Blowdown Systems. When the operator has calculated CH4 from uncontrolled blowdown systems consistent with section 95113(g), the operator must report the information required for process vents in 40 CFR § 98.256 (l), as applicable, in lieu of the information required by 40 CFR § 98.256(m)(2).
(j)Records that must be retained. In addition to the requirements of 40 CFR § 98.257, for each process vent for which the concentration of CO2, N2O and CH4 are determined to be below the thresholds in 40 CFR § 98.253(j), the operator must maintain records of the method used to determine the CO2, N2O, and CH4 concentrations, and all supporting documentation necessary to demonstrate that the thresholds in 40 CFR § 98.253(j) are not exceeded during the data year pursuant to the record keeping requirements of section 95105.
(k)Missing Data Substitution Procedures. The operator must comply with 40 CFR § 98.255 when substituting for missing data, except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (1)-(2) below.
(1) To substitute for missing data for emissions reported under section 95115 of this article (stationary combustion units and units using continuous emissions monitoring systems), the operator must follow the requirements of section 95129 of this article.
(2) For all other data required for emissions calculations in this section, the operator must follow the requirements of paragraphs (A)-(C) below.
(A) If the analytical data capture rate is at least 90 percent for the data year, the operator must substitute for each missing value using the best available estimate of the parameter, based on all available process data.
(B) If the analytical data capture rate is at least 80 percent but not at least 90 percent for the data year, the operator must substitute for each missing value with the highest quality assured value recorded for the parameter during the given data year, as well as the two previous data years.
(C) If the analytical data capture rate is less than 80 percent for the data year, the operator must substitute for each missing value with the highest quality assured value recorded for the parameter in all records kept according to section 95105(a).
(l)Additional Product and Process Data.
(1)Refinery Products. For each material in Table 2-1, as defined in the U.S. Energy Information Administration Glossary (May 27, 2016), which is hereby incorporated by reference, the operator must report the annual on-site production amount and the annual amount of product produced elsewhere and brought on-site. Amounts must be reported in standard cubic feet for gaseous products, barrels for liquid products, and short tons for solid products. The methods for reporting production and receipts on Part 5 of the federal Energy Information Agency's Form EIA-810 that are described by the Monthly Refinery Report Instructions for Form EIA-810 (Revised 2013), which is hereby incorporated by reference, must be used to report on-site production amounts and amounts produced elsewhere and brought on-site. These reported on-site production quantities and quantities of material produced elsewhere and brought on-site are not covered product data and will not be subject to review for material misstatement under the requirements of section 95131(b)(12).
(2)Calcined coke. The operator must report the annual mass (metric tons) of calcined coke produced on-site during the data year. The operator must specify whether the calciner is integrated with the petroleum refinery operation.
(3)Complexity Weighted Barrel (CWB) Calculation.
(A)Reporting CWB Throughputs. The operator must report the annual throughput for each CWB unit in Table 2-2 of this section using the units specified in Table 2-2 of this section. Liquid throughput volumes must be reported at standard conditions of 60 °F and atmospheric pressure. The volume correction from nonstandard conditions must be calculated by the methods described in the American Petroleum Institute (API) Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 11 -- Physical Properties Data (May 2004), the American Society of Testing and Materials Standard Guide for Use of the Petroleum Measurement Tables, ASTM D1250-08 (Reapproved 2013)) or the American Petroleum Institute Technical Data Book (-- Petroleum Refining (Sixth Edition, April 1997), all three of which are hereby incorporated by reference, or by comparable means that can be demonstrated to a verifier to be consistent with these standard methods. Reported throughputs based on feed must include only fresh feed and exclude recycled streams, except for reported throughputs for the CWB units "C4 Isomer Production" and "C5/C6 Isomer Production -- including ISOSIV," which may include recycled material. The coke-on-catalyst volume percent also must be reported for each catalytic cracking unit. Beginning with data year 2013, CWB throughputs are considered covered product data and subject to the accuracy requirements of section 95103(k).
(B)Total facility CWB. The total facility CWB production must be calculated according to the following formula.

CWBTotal = CWBProcess + CWBOff-Sites + CWBNon-Crude Sensible Heat

Where CWBTotal is the total complexity weighted barrels for a petroleum refinery, and CWBProcess, CWBOff-Sites, and CWBNon-Crude Sensible Heat must be calculated as follows:

CWBProcess = £(CWBFactor x Throughput)

CWBOff-Sites = (0.327) x (Total Refinery Input in thousands of barrels per year) + (0.0085) x (CWBProcess)

CWBNon-Crude Sensible Heat = (0.44) x (Non-Crude Input in thousands of barrels per year)

In these equations, CWBFactor is the CWB Factor for a CWB unit from Table 2-2 of this section. Throughput is the process throughput for each CWB unit identified in Table 2-2 of this section reported pursuant to section 95113 (l)(3)(A). Total Refinery Input and Non-Crude Input are the annual volumes of raw materials as defined in section 95102(c) and must be reported in units of thousands of barrels per year. Total facility CWB is covered product data and subject to material misstatement evaluation during verification.

(C)Correction to CWBFactorfor Fluid Catalytic Cracking. The following equation must be used to adjust CWBFactor for Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) units and mild residual FCC units that result in coke on the catalyst:

CWBFactor,FCC = CWBFactor + (A x COC)


CWBFactor,FCC = The corrected CWB factor used to calculate the contribution to CWBProcess for a fluid catalytic cracking unit.

CWBFactor = The uncorrected CWB factor for a catalytic cracking unit from Table 2-2 of this section.

A = The coke-on-catalyst factor for a fluid catalytic cracking unit listed in the fourth column of Table 2-2 of this section.

COC = The coke-on-catalyst volume percent reported to three significant figures and calculated by:

COC = 100 x (Volume of coke consumed in the FCC)/(Volume of fresh feed to the FCC)

(D)Density. In cases where a density measurement is needed for purposes of converting a throughput from barrel to mass units, the following applies:
1. For a throughput with a known density, utilize the applicable default value from Section 3-1, Physical Constants of Organic Compounds, of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton 83rd Edition, 2002 - 2003, incorporated herein by reference;
2. If the throughput density is not known, it must be determined following the requirements of section 95103(k).
(E)Measurement Accuracy. All throughputs must follow the accuracy requirements outlined in sections 95103(k)(1)-(10). No single refinery activity may be reported under more than one CWB function.
(m)Reporting to Support the Cost of Implementation Fee Regulation. The operator must report the volume of:
(1) CARBOB, as defined by "California reformulated gasoline blendstock for oxygenate blending" in section 95202 of the AB 32 Cost of Implementation Fee Regulation, produced and imported for use in California and the designated volume of oxygenate associated with the reported CARBOB;
(2) Finished California gasoline, as defined by "California gasoline" in section 95202 of the AB 32 Cost of Implementation Fee Regulation, produced and imported for use in California; and
(3) California Diesel, as defined by "California diesel fuel" in section 95202 of the AB 32 Cost of Implementation Fee Regulation, produced and imported for use in California and the volume of biodiesel and/or renewable diesel associated with the reported fuels.

Table 2-1. Refinery Products


EIA Product Code

Petroleum Coke, Marketable021
Still Gas045
NGPL and LRG - Ethane/Ethylene, TOTAL (includes EIA Product Codes 631 and 641)108
Finished Aviation Gasoline111
Aviation Gasoline Blending Components112
Motor Gasoline Blending Components - Gasoline Treated as Blendstock117
Motor Gasoline Blending Components - Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (RBOB)118
Finished Motor Gasoline - Reformulated, Blended with Fuel Ethanol125
Finished Motor Gasoline - Reformulated, Other127
Finished Motor Gasoline - Conventional, Other130
Motor Gasoline Blending Components - All Other Motor Gasoline Blending Components138
Motor Gasoline Blending Components - Conventional Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (CBOB)139
Renewable Fuels - Fuel Ethanol141
Finished Motor Gasoline - Conventional, Blended with Fuel Ethanol (Greater than Ed55)149
Finished Motor Gasoline - Conventional, Blended with Fuel Ethanol (Ed55 and Lower)166
Renewable Fuels - Biomass-Based Diesel Fuel203
Renewable Fuels - Other Renewable Diesel Fuel205
Renewable Fuels - Other Renewable Fuels207
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel, TOTAL (includes EIA Product Codes 217 and 218)213
NGPL and LRG* - Pentanes Plus220
NGPL and LRG* - Butane/Butylene, TOTAL (includes EIA Product Codes 249, 633, and 643)244
NGPL and LRG* - Isobutane/Isobutylene, TOTAL (includes EIA Product Codes 247, 634 and 644)245
NGPL and LRG* - Propane/Propylene, TOTAL (includes EIA Product Codes 632 and 642)246
Distillate Fuel Oil - Ultra Low Sulfur (sulfur content < 15 ppm)465
Distillate Fuel Oil - Low Sulfur (15 ppm [LESS THAN EQUAL TO] sulfur content [LESS THAN EQUAL TO] 500 ppm)466
Distillate Fuel Oil - High Sulfur (sulfur content > 500 ppm)467
Residual Fuel Oil, TOTAL (includes EIA Product Codes 508, 509, and 510)511
Unfinished Oils - Naphthas and Lighter820
Petrochemical Feedstocks - Naphtha, end-point < 401 °F822
Petrochemical Feedstocks - Other Oils, end-point >= 401 °F824
Unfinished Oils - Kerosene and Light Gas Oils830
Unfinished Oils - Heavy Gas Oils840
Unfinished Oils - Residuum850
Lubricants, TOTAL (includes EIA Product Codes 852 and 853)854
Asphalt and Road Oil931

* NGPL and LRG = Natural Gas Plant Liquids and Liquefied Refinery Gases

Table 2-2. CWB Units and Factors

CWB Unit

Throughput Basis

Unit of Measure

CWB Factor

EIA Number

Process Subtypes

Atmospheric Crude DistillationFeedthousands of barrels/year1401Mild Crude Unit, Standard Crude Unit
Vacuum DistillationFeedthousands of barrels/year0.91402Mild Vacuum Fractionation, Standard Vacuum Column, Vacuum Fractionating Column, Vacuum Flasher Column,
Heavy Feed Vacuum Unit
VisbreakerFeedthousands of barrels/year1.6403Processing Atmospheric Residual (w/o a Soaker Drum), Processing Atmospheric Residual (with a Soaker Drum), Processing Vacuum Bottoms Feed (w/o a Soaker Drum), Vacuum Bottoms Feed (with a Soaker Drum)
Delayed CokerFeedthousands of barrels/year2.55405Delayed Coking
Fluid CokerFeedthousands of barrels/year10.3404Fluid Coking
FlexicokerFeedthousands of barrels/year23.6Flexicoking
Fluid Catalytic CrackingFeedthousands of barrels/yearCoke-on-Catalyst Factor = 1.041407Fluid Catalytic Cracking (Feed ConCarbon <2.25 wt%)
Mild Residual FCCFeedthousands of barrels/yearCoke-on-Catalyst Factor = 1.1075Mild Residualuum Catalytic Cracking (Feed ConCarbon 2.25-3.5 wt %)
Other FCCFeedthousands of barrels/year4.65Houdry Catalytic Cracking
Other FCCFeedThermofor Catalytic Cracking
Thermal CrackingFeedthousands of barrels/year2.95406Thermal Cracking
Naphtha/Distillate HydrocrackerFeedthousands of barrels/year3.15439/440Mild Hydrocracking (Normally less than 1,500 psig and consumes between 100 and 1,000 SCF H2)
Severe Hydrocracking
Naphtha Hydrocracking
Residual Hydrocracker (H-Oil; LC-Fining and Hycon)Feedthousands of barrels/year4.4441H-Oil
LC-FiningTM and Hycon
Naphtha HydrotreaterFeedthousands of barrels/year0.91420/425/426Benzene Saturation
Desulfurization of C4-C6 Feeds
Conventional Naphtha Hydrotreating
Diolefin to Olefin Saturation of Gasoline
FCC Gasoline Hydrotreating with Minimum Octane Loss
Olefinic Alkylation of Thio Sulfur
Selective Hydrotreating of Pyrolysis Gasoline/Naphtha Combined with Desulfurization
Pyrolysis Gasoline/Naphtha Desulfurization
Selective Hydrotreating of Pyrolysis Gasoline/Naphtha Combined with Desulfurization
Reactor for Selective Hydrotreating
S-Zorb[T] Process
Aromatic Saturation of Kerosene
Kerosene HydrotreaterFeedthousands of barrels/year0.75421Conventional Hydrotreating of Kerosene/Jet Fuel
High Severity Hydrotreating Kerosene/Jet Fuel
Aromatic Saturation of Distillates
Conventional Distillate Hydrotreating
High Severity Distillate Hydrotreating
Diesel/Selective HydrotreaterFeedthousands of barrels/year0.9422/423Ultra-High Severity Hydrotreating
Middle Distillate Dewaxing
S-Zorb[T] Process
Diolefin to Olefin Saturation of Alkylation Feed
Selective Hydrotreating of C3-C5 Streams for Alkylation
Residual HydrotreaterFeedthousands of barrels/year1.8424Desulfurization of Atmospheric Residual
Desulfurization of Vacuum Residual
VGO HydrotreaterFeedthousands of barrels/year1413Hydrodesulfurization/denitrification
Reformer - including AROMAXFeedthousands of barrels/year3.5430/431Continuous Regeneration, Cyclic, Semi-Regenerative, and AROMAX
Solvent DeasphalterFeedthousands of barrels/year2.8432Conventional Solvent, Supercritical Solvent
C5+ AlkylateAlkylation with Hydrofluoric Acid
Alkylation with Sulfuric Acid
Alkylation/Poly/DimersolC5+ Productthousands of barrels/year5415Polymerization C3 Olefin Feed
Polymerization C3/C4 Feed
C4 Isomer ProductionFeedthousands of barrels/year1.25615/644C4 Isomerization
C5/C6 Isomer Production - including ISOSIVFeedthousands of barrels/year1.8438C5/C6 Isomerization
POX Syngas for FuelProductmillions of standard cubic feet/year12.75POX Syngas for Fuel
POX Syngas for FuelAir Separation Unit
Sulfur RecoveryProduct Sulfurthousands of long tons/year140435Sulfur Recovery Unit
Tail Gas Recovery Unit
Sulfur SprungH2S Springer Unit
Aromatics Solvent Extraction: Extraction Distillation
Aromatics Solvent Extraction: Liquid/Liquid Extraction
Aromatics Production (All)Feedthousands of barrels/year3.3437Aromatics Solvent Extraction: Liq/Liq w/ Extr. Distillation
Benzene Column
Toluene Column
Xylene Rerun Column
Heavy Aromatics Column
HydrodealkylationFeedthousands of barrels/year2.5Hydrodealkylation
Toluene Disproportionation/TransalkylationFeedthousands of barrels/year1.9Toluene Disproportionation / Transalkylation
Cyclohexane productionCyclohexane Productthousands of barrels/year2.8Cyclohexane
Xylene IsomerizationFeedthousands of barrels/year1.9Xylene Isomerization
Paraxylene ProductionParaxylene Productthousands of barrels/year6.5Paraxylene Adsorption
thousands of barrels/yearParaxylene Crystallization
Feedthousands of barrels/yearXylene Splitter
thousands of barrels/yearOrthoxylene Rerun Column
Ethylbenzene ProductionEthylbenzene Productthousands of barrels/year1.6Ethylbenzene Manufacture
Feedthousands of barrels/yearEthylbenzene Distillation
Cumene ProductionCumene Productthousands of barrels/year5Cumene
Lubricant Solvent ExtractionFeedthousands of barrels/year2.2815/854Extraction: Solvent is Duo-Sol, Furfural, NMP, Phenol, or SO2
Lubricant Solvent DewaxingFeedthousands of barrels/year4.55Dewaxing: Solvent is Chlorocarbon, MEK/Toluene, MEK/MIBK, or Propane
Lubricant Catalytic DewaxingFeedthousands of barrels/year1.6Catalytic Wax Isomerization and Dewaxing, Selective Wax Cracking
Lubricant HydrocrackingFeedthousands of barrels/year2.5Lube Hydrocracker with Multifraction Distillation, Lube Hydrocracker with Vacuum Stripper
Lubricant Wax DeoilingProductthousands of barrels/year11.8Deoiling: Solvent is Chlorocarbon, MEK/Toluene, MEK/MIBK, or Propane
Lube Hydrofinishing with Vacuum Stripper
Lubricant and Wax HydrofiningFeedthousands of barrels/year1.15Lube Hydrotreating with Multi-Fraction Distillation, Lube Hydrotreating Vacuum Stripper
Wax Hydrofinishing with Vacuum Stripper, Wax Hydrotreating with Multi-Fraction Distillation, Wax Hydrotreating with Vacuum Stripper
Asphalt ProductionTotal Asphalt Productionthousands of barrels/year2.7931Asphalt Production
Distillation Units
OxygenatesProductthousands of barrels/year4.9Extraction Units
Methanol SynthesisProductthousands of barrels/year-36Methanol Synthesis
DesalinationProductmillions of gallons/year32.7Desalination
Special FractionationFeedthousands of barrels/year0.8All Special Fractionation ex Solvents, Propylene, and Aromatics
Propane/Propylene Splitter (Propylene Production)Feedthousands of barrels/year2.1Chemical Grade
Polymer Grade
Fuel Gas Sales Treating & Compression (hp)Horsepowerhp0.92Fuel Gas Sales Treating & Compression
Ammonia Recovery UnitProductthousands of short tons/year453Ammonia Recovery Unit: PHOSAM
Cryogenic LPG RecoveryFeedmillions of standard cubic feet/year0.25Cryogenic LPG Recovery
Flare Gas RecoveryFeedmillions of standard cubic feet/year0.13Flare Gas Recovery
Flue Gas DesulfurizingFeedmillions of standard cubic feet/year0.02Flue Gas Desulfurizing
CO2 LiquefactionCO2 productthousands of short tons/year-160.CO2 Liquefaction
1 Standard cubic feet are dry @ 60° F and 14.696 psia or 15 °C and 1 atmosphere.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 17, § 95113

1. New section filed 12-2-2008; operative 1-1-2009 (Register 2008, No. 49).
2. Amendment of section heading, section and NOTE filed 12-14-2011; operative 1-1-2012 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2011, No. 50).
3. Amendment of subsection (l)(1), new subsection (l)(1)(A) and amendment of subsection (l)(2) filed 12-19-2012; operative 1-1-2013 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2012, No. 51).
4. Amendment filed 12-31-2013; operative 1-1-2014 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2014, No. 1).
5. Repealer of subsections (l)(1)(A) and (l)(3)(C), new subsections (l)(1)-(2), subsection renumbering, amendment of newly designated subsections (l)(3)(A) and (l)(5)-(l)(5)(B), new subsections (l)(5)(C)-(m)(3) and amendment of Table 1 filed 12-31-2014; operative 1-1-2015 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2015, No. 1).
6. Amendment of subsections (k)(2), (l)(1)-(2), repealer of subsections (l)(3)-(4), subsection relettering, amendment of newly designated subsections (l)(3)(A)-(C) and (l)(3)(E), and amendment of subsections (m)-(m)(3), including new table 2-1 and renumbering and amendment of former table 2-1 as table 2-2, filed 9-1-2017; operative 1-1-2018 (Register 2017, No. 35).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 39600, 39601, 39607, 39607.4 and 41511, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 38530, 39600 and 41511, Health and Safety Code.

1. New section filed 12-2-2008; operative 1-1-2009 (Register 2008, No. 49).
2. Amendment of section heading, section and Note filed 12-14-2011; operative 1-1-2012 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2011, No. 50).
3. Amendment of subsection (l)(1), new subsection (l)(1)(A) and amendment of subsection (l)(2) filed 12-19-2012; operative 1-1-2013 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2012, No. 51).
4. Amendment filed 12-31-2013; operative 1-1-2014 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2014, No. 1).
5. Repealer of subsections (l )(1)(A) and (l )(3)(C), new subsections (l )(1)-(2), subsection renumbering, amendment of newly designated subsections (l )(3)(A) and (l )(5)-(l )(5)(B), new subsections (l )(5)(C)-(m)(3) and amendment of Table 1 filed 12-31-2014; operative 1/1/2015 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2015, No. 1).
6. Amendment of subsections (k)(2), (l)(1)-(2), repealer of subsections (l)(3)-(4), subsection relettering, amendment of newly designated subsections (l)(3)(A)-(C) and (l)(3)(E), and amendment of subsections (m)-(m)(3), including new table 2-1 and renumbering and amendment of former table 2-1 as table 2-2, filed 9-1-2017; operative 1/1/2018 (Register 2017, No. 35).