Section 30313.10 - Therapeutic Calibration Physicist Requirements(a) A person who performs as a TCP, as defined in section 30306, shall be authorized by the Department as a TCP pursuant to section 30313.15 and: (1) Be certified by: (A) The American Board of Radiology in Therapeutic Medical Physics;(B) American Board of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology Physics; or(C) Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine in Radiation Oncology Physics; or(2) Have at least a graduate degree in medical physics, health physics, a physical science, or engineering from an accredited college or university and have completed, within five years preceding the date of application: (A) At least 2,000 hours of training, and at least 2,000 hours of work experience. The training and work experience shall be in therapeutic medical physics. Training is completion of non-supervised didactic, self-study, or online coursework approved, or obtained through a program accredited, by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physicists Educational Programs, Inc. (CAMPEP). Work Experience is experience obtained while under supervision of a TCP. None of the required training hours may be counted as meeting the required work experience hours, or vice versa, except as follows: 1. Completion of a CAMPEP-accredited medical physics residency program: 2,000 hours shall be applied to the required training hours, and 1,000 hours shall be applied to the required work experience hours. The remaining work experience hours shall be under supervision of a TCP.2. Partial completion of a CAMPEP-accredited medical physics residency program: Completed coursework in therapeutic medical physics shall apply first to the required 2,000 hours of training. If that completed coursework satisfies all of the required training hours and excess coursework hours remain, then the excess coursework hours, but not more than 500 coursework hours, shall be applied to the required 2,000 hours of work experience. The remaining work experience hours shall be under supervision of a TCP.Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 17, § 30313.10
1. New section filed 5-13-2020; operative 10-1-2020 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(2) (Register 2020, No. 20). Note: Authority cited: Sections 114975, 115000 and 131200, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 115060, 131050, 131051 and 131052, Health and Safety Code.
1. New section filed 5-13-2020; operative 10/1/2020 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(2) (Register 2020, No. 20).