Section 13602 - Exterior Requirements(a) The name and address of the person operating the mobile food preparation unit shall be plainly indicated on each side of the exterior of the vehicle in letters of contrasting colors at least three inches high with a minimum 3/8 inch-wide stroke. Any of the following three methods are acceptable: (1) The name, street address, and city of the person in whose name the license is issued. Listing of the phone number is optional with the owner or operator of the vehicle.(2) The name of the owner or operator, or his business name and city, providing they are listed in the telephone directory.(3) The name of the operator or owner of the vehicle, or his business name, and the address of the commissary from which the vehicle is serviced.(b) Entrance doors to food preparation areas shall be self-closing and kept closed when not being used.(c) Compressor units that are not an integral part of equipment, auxiliary engines, generators, etc., shall be installed in an area that is completely separated from food preparation and food storage and which is accessible from outside the unit for proper cleaning and maintenance. The food preparation and storage area shall be so constructed so as to be rodent proof.(d) The exterior of the mobile food preparation unit and the surrounding area, as relating to the operation of the unit, shall be maintained in a sanitary condition by the operator of the unit. No attachment (such as a can opener) shall be mounted on the exterior of the mobile food preparation unit. Adequate waste containers shall be furnished for the use of customers. These containers shall be of easily cleanable construction and furnished with a tight-fitting cover and shall be kept clean.Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 17, § 13602
1. Amendment of subsections (a) and (d) filed 11-28-72; effective thirtieth day thereafter. Approved by Building Standards Commission November 10, 1972 (Register 72, No. 49).