Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 3311.1 - Vehicle Safety Systems Inspection Station Performance and Work Area, and Vehicle Safety Systems Technician Requirement(a) This Article shall supersede the provisions related to lamp and brake adjusting stations and adjusters in Articles 2, 3, and 4 of this Division on September 27, 2024.(b) All inspections of vehicle safety systems for the purpose of issuing any certificate of compliance under section 9888.6 of the Code shall be performed at vehicle safety systems inspection stations by vehicle safety systems technicians licensed under and in compliance with this Article and section 9888.5 of the Code.(c) Vehicle safety systems technicians shall perform all vehicle safety systems inspections in accordance with the requirements and procedures prescribed in the document entitled "Vehicle Safety Systems Inspection Manual", dated September 2023 [New], which is hereby incorporated by reference.(d) No vehicle safety systems technician shall enter any vehicle identifying information, as specified in this section, for any vehicle other than the one being inspected, or any false vehicle identifying information about the vehicle being inspected, into the BAR-Safety Inspection System (as used in this article hereafter, "BAR-SIS") described in the Vehicle Safety Systems Inspection Manual specified in this section.(e) The inspection, specified in subdivision (c) of this section, for which a vehicle safety systems inspection station is licensed, shall be performed only in an area of the station the Bureau has approved during the initial on-site licensing inspection referenced in section 3312.1 of this Article. The inspection area shall be within a building and be large enough to accommodate the motor vehicle being inspected. The Bureau shall make an exception to the inspection area requirements of this subdivision by approving a work area adjacent to a building for purposes of inspecting vehicle safety systems on buses, trucks, truck tractors, trailers, and semitrailers during the initial on-site licensing inspection. Any such exception shall be documented on the report of the initial on-site licensing inspection, referenced in section 3312.1 of this Article, by the Bureau's representative and include a description of location and approximate size of the adjacent work area.(f) A licensed vehicle safety systems inspection station shall afford the Bureau or its representative access to the station's premises and its inspection area, as specified in subdivision (e) of this section, during normal business hours, and any time vehicle safety systems inspections are being performed.Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 16, § 3311.1
Note: Authority cited: Sections 9882 and 9888.5, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 9884.7, 9888.2 and 9888.5, Business and Professions Code.
1. New article 2.5 (sections 3311.1-3314.2) and section filed 3-27-2024; operative 3/27/2024 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2024, No. 14).