Cal. Code Regs. tit. 16 § 1659.33
The executive director is authorized to determine when and against whom a citation will be issued and to issue citations containing orders of abatement and fines against persons, partnerships, corporations or associations who are performing or who have performed services for which licensure as an osteopathic physician and surgeon under the Medical Practice Act is required. The executive director is authorized to issue citations and orders of abatement and levy fines only in the case of (a) an osteopathic physician and surgeon who has practiced with a delinquent license or (b) an applicant for licensure who practices prior to issuance of a license. Each citation issued shall contain an order of abatement. Where appropriate, the executive director shall levy a fine for such unlicensed activity in accordance with subdivision (b)(3) of Section 125.9 of the code. The provisions of Sections 1659.30 and 1659.32 shall apply to the issuance of citations for unlicensed activity under this subsection. The sanction authorized under this section shall be separate from and in addition to any other civil or criminal remedies.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 16, § 1659.33
Note: Authority cited: Osteopathic Act (Initiative Measure, Stats. 1923, p.cxiii), Section 1; and Section 3600- 1, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 125.9 and 148, Business and Professions Code.