Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 3390 - Background Investigations
- Section 3391 - Employee and Appointee Conduct
- Section 3392 - Employee Discipline
- Section 3392.1 - Investigation Findings
- Section 3392.2 - Corrective Action
- Section 3392.3 - Adverse Action
- Section 3392.4 - Adverse Action Penalties
- Section 3392.5 - Employee Disciplinary Matrix
- Section 3392.6 - Statutes of Limitation
- Section 3392.7 - Setting the Effective Date of the Action
- Section 3392.8 - Skelly Hearing
- Section 3392.9 - Use of Administrative Time Off
- Section 3392.10 - Temporary Involuntary Transfer
- Section 3393 - Uniforms, Badges, and Insignia
- Section 3394 - Distractions
- Section 3395 - Alertness
- Section 3396 - Address and Telephone
- Section 3397 - Emergencies
- Section 3398 - Visiting
- Section 3399 - Transactions
- Section 3400 - Familiarity
- Section 3401 - Employee and Incarcerated/Supervised Person Relations
- Section 3401.5 - Staff Sexual Misconduct
- Section 3401.6 - Staff Sexual Harassment
- Section 3402 - Central File
- Section 3403 - Communications. [Renumbered]
- Section 3404 - Hiring of Ex-Offenders
- Section 3404.1 - Approval of Ex-Offender Employees Transactions
- Section 3405 - Legal Assistance to Incarcerated and Supervised Persons
- Section 3406 - Committed Relatives and Friends of Employees
- Section 3407 - State Supplies
- Section 3408 - Vehicles
- Section 3409 - Gratuities
- Section 3410 - Intoxicants and Drugs
- Section 3410.1 - Search of Employees, Contractors, Attorneys, and Volunteers for Contraband and Illegal Drugs
- Section 3410.2 - Passive Alert Canine Searches of Employees, Contractors, Attorneys, and Volunteers
- Section 3411 - Reporting of Arrest, Conviction, Civil or Administrative Adjudication, Change in Weapons or Driving Status
- Section 3412 - Department Authorization of off-Duty Concealed Firearms
- Section 3413 - Incompatible Activity
- Section 3413.1 - Compensation for Witnesses
- Section 3414 - Identification Card
- Section 3415 - Employees of Other Agencies
- Section 3416 - Conflict of Interest Code. [Repealed]
- Section 3417 - Citizen's Complaints