Article 7 - Procedures for Preparing and Revising City, Regional Agency and County Source Reduction and Recycling Elements, and Household Hazardous Waste Elements and City and County Nondisposal Facility Elements Section 18760 - Applicability Section 18761 - Local Task Force (LTF) Section 18762 - SRRE, HHWE, and NDFE Preparation Section 18763 - Circulation of the Preliminary Draft SRRE and HHWE for Review Section 18764 - Review of the Preliminary Draft SRRE and HHWE Section 18765 - Review of the Final Draft SRRE, HHWE and NDFE Section 18766 - Public Participation; Notice; Local Adoption of SRRE, HHWE and NDFE Section 18766.5 - Revision of the SRRE Prior to Board Approval. [Repealed] Section 18767 - Submittal of City or Regional Agency SRRE, HHWE, and NDFE to the County and County NDFE to the Cities Section 18768 - Submittal of the SRRE, HHWE, and NDFE to the Board Section 18769 - Board Approval of SRREs, HHWEs, and NDFEs Section 18770 - Amendment or Revision, and Resubmittal of the Amended or Revised SRRE, HHWE, and NDFE Section 18770.5 - Board Approval of Revised or Amended SRREs, HHWEs, and NDFEs Section 18771 - Annual Report: Review and Revision of City, Regional Agency or County SRREs. [Repealed] Section 18772 - Board's Biennial Review of the City, Regional Agency, or County SRRE and HHWE Section 18773 - Board Approval of Revised SRRE and HHWE. [Renumbered] Section 18774 - One-Year Time Extension for Meeting Diversion Requirements Section 18774.5 - Two-Year Time Extension for Meeting Diversion Requirements Section 18775 - Reduction in Diversion and Planning Requirements Section 18775.2 - Sludge Diversion Section 18775.4 - Use of Excluded Waste Types for Baseline Diversion Credit