Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 14, div. 2, ch. 1, app A

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Appendix A - Designated Positions and Retired Annuitants Filling Such Positions Under the Conflict-of-Interest Code of the Department of Conservation

The following positions are hereby required to file statements of economic interests in accordance with the disclosure category indicated:

PositionDisclosure Category
All Exempt positions .................................................... 1
All Career Executive Assignment (CEA) positions .................................................... 1
Executive Division
Director (Exempt) .................................................... 1
Chief Deputy Director (Exempt) .................................................... 1
Chief Scientific and Data Advisor (CEA) .................................................... 1
Carbon Management Policy Advisor (CEA) .................................................... 1
Technical Outreach Coordinator (CEA) .................................................... 1
Members, State Mining and Geology Board (Exempt) .................................................... 1
Executive Officer / Special Representative, State Mining and Geology Board (Exempt) .................................................... 1
Senior Engineering Geologist, State Mining and Geology Board .................................................... 2,3,4,5,6,7
Staff Services Analyst, State Mining and Geology Board .................................................... 3
Staff Services Manager (all levels) (EEO Officer) .................................................... 1
Administrative Assistant (all levels) .................................................... 1
Division of Mine Reclamation
Supervisor of Mine Reclamation (Exempt) .................................................... 1
All positions in the following Office of Mine Reclamation classifications or series:
Environmental Program Manager (all levels) .................................................... 2,3
Senior Engineering Geologist .................................................... 2,3
Engineering Geologist (all levels) .................................................... 2,3
Staff Services Manager (all levels) .................................................... 2,3
Environmental Planner (all levels) .................................................... 3
Associate Environmental Planner (all levels) .................................................... 3
Senior Environmental Scientist (Supervisory) .................................................... 1
Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist) .................................................... 3, 7
Environmental Scientist (all levels) .................................................... 3
Research Data Specialist (all levels) .................................................... 3
Associate Governmental Program Analyst .................................................... 2, 3
Staff Services Analyst .................................................... 3
Landscape Associate .................................................... 3
Staff Management Auditor .................................................... 3
Legal Office
Chief Counsel (Exempt) .................................................... 1
All positions in the following Legal Office classifications or series:
Assistant Chief Counsel (Exempt) .................................................... 1
Attorney (all levels) .................................................... 2,3,4,5,6,7
Senior Legal Analyst .................................................... 2,3,4,5,6,7
Legal Analyst .................................................... 2,3,4,5,6,7
Staff Services Manager (all levels) .................................................... 2,3,4,5,6,7
Associate Governmental Program Analyst .................................................... 2
Office of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs
Assistant Director, Office of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs (Exempt) .................................................... 1
All employees in the following Office of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs classifications or series:
Staff Services Manager (all levels) .................................................... 2, 3,4,5,6,7
Associate Governmental Program Analyst .................................................... 2, 3,4,5,6,7
Staff Services Analyst .................................................... 2, 3,4,5,6,7
Research Data Specialist (all levels) .................................................... 3,4,5,6,7
Public Affairs Office
Assistant Director of Communications (Exempt) .................................................... 7
All employees in the following Public Affairs Office classifications or series: Information Officer (all levels) .................................................... 7
Division of Land Resource Protection
Division Director, Division of Land Resource Protection (Exempt) .................................................... 1
All positions in the following Division of Land Resource Protection classifications or series:
Senior Environmental Scientist .................................................... 6
Environmental Scientist .................................................... 6
Senior Environmental Planner .................................................... 6
Associate Environmental Planner .................................................... 6
Environmental Planner .................................................... 6
Associate Governmental Program Analyst .................................................... 6
Staff Services Analyst .................................................... 7
Staff Services Manager (all levels) .................................................... 6
Research Data Analyst (all levels) .................................................... 6
Research Data Specialist (all levels) .................................................... 6
Division of Administration
Division Director, Division of Administration (CEA) .................................................... 1
Business Services and Performance Review Unit
All positions in the following Division of Administration, Business Services and Performance Review Unit classifications or series:
Staff Services Manager (all levels) .................................................... 2
Associate Governmental Program Analyst .................................................... 2
Staff Services Analyst .................................................... 2
Fiscal Services (Accounting Office and Budget Office)
All positions in the following Division of Administration, Fiscal Services classifications or series:
Staff Services Manager (all levels) .................................................... 1
Staff Services Analyst .................................................... 2
Accounting Administrator (all levels) .................................................... 2
Senior Accounting Officer .................................................... 2
Accounting Officer (all levels) .................................................... 2
Associate Budget Analyst .................................................... 2
Associate Governmental Program Analyst .................................................... 2
Associate Accounting Analyst .................................................... 2
Human Resources Office
Staff Services Manager II .................................................... 1
Associate Industrial Hygienist .................................................... 2
Labor Relations Specialist .................................................... 2
Enterprise Technology Services Division
(Chief Information Officer (CEA) Services Division (CEA) .................................................... 1
All positions in the following Enterprise Technology Services Division classifications or series:
Information Technology Supervisor (all levels) .................................................... 5
Information Technology Manager (all levels) .................................................... 5
Information Technology Specialist (all levels) .................................................... 5
Information Technology Associate .................................................... 5
Staff Services Analyst .................................................... 5
Associate Governmental Program Analyst .................................................... 5
California Geological Survey
State Geologist (CEA) .................................................... 1
All positions in the following California Geological Survey classifications or series:
Chief Deputy, California Geological Survey (CEA) .................................................... 1
Senior Geologist .................................................... 3 and 7
Senior Civil Engineer .................................................... 3 and 7
Civil Engineer .................................................... 3 and 7
Research Data Supervisor (all levels) .................................................... 3 and 7
Seismologist (all levels) .................................................... 3 and 7
Staff Services Manager (all levels) .................................................... 3 and 7
Engineering Geologist (all levels) .................................................... 3 and 7
Staff Electronics Instrumentation Engineer .................................................... 3 and 7
Librarian .................................................... 7
Senior Precision Electronics Specialist .................................................... 3 and 7
Associate Governmental Program Analyst .................................................... 3 and 7
Associate Oil and Gas Engineer .................................................... 3 and 7
Geologic Energy Management Division
State Oil and Gas Supervisor (Exempt) .................................................... 1
Chief Deputy (Exempt) .................................................... 1
Deputy Director (Programs) (CEA) .................................................... 1
Deputy Supervisor of Policy and Administration (Exempt) .................................................... 1
Area District Deputy (CEA) .................................................... 1
Public Outreach Coordinator (CEA) .................................................... 1
All positions in the following Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources classifications or series:
Supervising Oil and Gas Engineers .................................................... 1
Senior Oil and Gas Engineers .................................................... 1
Associate Oil and Gas Engineers .................................................... 4
Energy and Mineral Resources Engineer .................................................... 4
Oil and Gas Technician .................................................... 4
Research Data Supervisor (all levels) .................................................... 4 and 7
Research Data Specialist (all levels) .................................................... 4
Research Data Analyst (all levels) .................................................... 4
Research Manager .................................................... 4 and 7
Associate Governmental Program Analyst .................................................... 4
Staff Services Analyst .................................................... 4
Associate Environmental Planner .................................................... 4
Environmental Program Manager .................................................... 4
Engineering Geologist .................................................... 4
Staff Services Manager (all levels) .................................................... 4 and 7
Senior Environmental Scientist .................................................... 4 and 7
Environmental Scientist .................................................... 4
Consultants/New Positions
Consultants/New Positions (Department-wide) .................................................... *

* Consultants and new positions are "designated employees" for the purposes of these provisions and shall disclose pursuant to the broadest disclosure category in the Code, subject to the following limitation: The Director may determine in writing that a particular consultant or new position, although a "designated employee," is hired to perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and thus is not required to fully comply with the disclosure requirements described in this section. This written determination shall include a description of the consultant's or new position's duties and, based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure required. The Director's determination is a public record and shall be retained for public inspection in the same manner and location as this Conflict of Interest Code.

Department of Conservation

Disclosure Categories

Disclosure Category 1:

A designated employee in this category must report all investments, business positions, interests in real property, and sources of income, including gifts, loans and travel payments.

Disclosure Category 2:

A designated employee in this category, must report all income (including gifts, loans, and travel payments) from any business entity that provides services, supplies, materials, machinery, or equipment of the type used by the Department of Conservation. These employees must also report all investments and business positions in any business entity that provides services, supplies, materials, machinery, or equipment of the type used by the Department of Conservation.

Disclosure Category 3:

A designated employee in this category must report real property that may be affected by or subject to any provisions, guidelines, rules, regulations, or policies adopted, enforced or promulgated by the California Geological Survey, the Division of Mine Reclamation or the State Mining and Geology Board. A designated employee in this category must also report all investments and business positions in, and income (including gifts, loans, and travel payments) from, any business entity of the type that may be affected by or subject to any provisions, guidelines, rules, regulations, or policies adopted, enforced or promulgated by the California Geological Survey, the Division of Mine Reclamation, or the State Mining and Geology Board. This includes, but is not limited to, business entities of the type that are regularly engaged in: real estate development, mining, quarrying, mineral refining or smelting operations, logging operations, geothermal and petroleum development, or public utility facility development; or the manufacturing, distribution, sale, repair, or advertising of products for use in exploration, development and design criteria, and construction of facilities; or projects involving siting investigations or land use.

Disclosure Category 4:

A designated employee in this category must report real property that may be affected by or subject to any provisions, guidelines, rules, regulations, or policies adopted, enforced or promulgated by the California Geologic Energy Management Division. A designated employee in this category must also report all investments and business positions in, and income (including gifts, loans, and travel payments) from, any business entity of the type that may be affected by or subject to any provisions, guidelines, rules, regulations, or policies adopted, enforced or promulgated by the California Geologic Energy Management Division. This includes, but is not limited to, business entities of the type that are regularly engaged in: the extraction and/or production of oil, gas or geothermal resources; or providing consulting, research or other contractual services to companies sponsoring such developments; or the manufacturing, distribution, sale, repair or advertising of products for use in exploration, development and design criteria, and construction of facilities; or projects involving siting investigations or land use.

Disclosure Category 5:

A designated employee in this category must report all investments and business positions in, and income (including gifts, loans, and travel payments) from, sources of the type that provide equipment, hardware, software, facilities, supplies, training, consulting, or services related to information technology, geographical information systems, electronic records storage, audio, video, multimedia, and telecommunications, of the type used by the Department of Conservation.

Disclosure Category 6:

A designated employee in this category must report real property that may be affected by or subject to any provisions, guidelines, rules, regulations, or policies adopted, enforced or promulgated by the Division of Land Resource Protection. A designated employee in this category must also report all investments and business positions in, and income (including gifts, loans, and travel payments) from, any source of the type that may be affected by or subject to any provisions, guidelines, rules, regulations, or policies adopted, enforced or promulgated by the Division of Land Resource Protection. This includes, but is not limited to, sources of the type that are involved in the Williamson Act program or are recipients of grants from the Division of Land Resource Protection.

Disclosure Category 7:

A designated employee in this category must report all income (including gifts, loans, and travel payments) from any business entity that provides services, supplies, materials, machinery, or equipment of the type used by the division in which they are employed. These employees must also report all investments and business positions in any business entity that provides services, supplies, materials, machinery, or equipment of the type used by their division.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 14, div. 2, ch. 1, app A

Note: Authority cited: Sections 87300 and 87306, Government Code. Reference: Sections 87300- 87302 and 87306, Government Code.