Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14 § 28.95
Spears, harpoons and bow and arrow fishing tackle may be used for taking all varieties of skates, rays, and sharks, except white sharks. Harpoons may be used to assist in taking Pacific halibut as specified in Section 28.20. Such gear may not be possessed or used within 100 yards of the mouth of any stream in any ocean waters north of Ventura County, nor aboard any vessel on any day or on any trip when broadbill swordfish or marlin have been taken. Bow and arrow fishing tackle may be used to take fin fish other than giant (black) sea bass, garibaldi, gulf grouper, broomtail grouper, trout, salmon, broadbill and white shark.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 14, § 28.95
2. Amendment of section and NOTE filed 12-27-2012; operative 1-1-2013 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2012, No. 52).
3. Amendment of section and NOTE filed 4-28-2015; operative 4-28-2015 pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 202 and Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2015, No. 18).
4. Change without regulatory effect amending NOTE filed 8-8-2019 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2019, No. 32).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 200, 205, 219, 265 and 275, Fish and Game Code. Reference: Sections 110, 200, 201, 205, 219, 265, 270 and 275, Fish and Game Code.
2. Amendment of section and Note filed 12-27-2012; operative 1-1-2013 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(Register 2012, No. 52).
3. Amendment of section and Note filed 4-28-2015; operative 4/28/2015 pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 202 and Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2015, No. 18).
4. Change without regulatory effect amending Note filed 8-8-2019 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2019, No. 32).