Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 515.4 - Mwr-Augmentations(a) Augmentation Definition.(1) An augmentation is defined as a supplemental allocation provided for a Veterans Home to fund an extraordinary expense from the MWR Fund in response to an unforeseen and unplanned circumstance as determined by the Secretary. Augmentations shall not replace the Veterans Home's annual allocation.(2) Subject to approval by the Secretary, augmentations are intended to provide the Veterans Home with additional funding for a good or service tailored to the Veterans Home's MWR programs that is neither accounted for in the Veterans Home's budget, nor anticipated during the Veterans Home's budget preparation period.(b) Augmentation Determination by the Veterans Home.(1) The MWR Advisory Committee may submit proposals to the Veterans Home Administrator for an augmentation request. However, the request shall not include a procurement for goods or services that would normally be funded and accounted for during the budget cycle, and/or included in the Veterans Home's budget submission.(c) Augmentation Requests. (1) The Veterans Home's Administrator shall prepare an augmentation request for the Secretary, using the Augmentation Request Template. The request shall include the following: (B) Purpose of the augmentation request.(C) Explanation why the augmentation request cannot be funded within the current budget.(D) Impact to the Veterans Home's member community.(E) Veterans Home Administrator's signature.(d) Review and Action of Augmentation Requests.(1) When considering augmentation requests from the Veterans Homes, the Secretary shall review the recommendations from the Veterans Home's Administrator.(2) The Secretary shall determine whether the factors cited in the Administrator's augmentation request are sufficient to approve the augmentation pursuant to MVC 1047.(3) When an augmentation request is approved, the Headquarters Accounting Office shall give the State Controller's Office notice to disburse the approved augmentation from the MWR Fund to the Veterans Home's MWRO Fund.(4) When an augmentation request is approved, the Headquarters Homes Division leadership shall submit a notice to all MWR Advisory Committees in all Veterans Homes in the Veterans Home system, detailing the amount of the augmentation, the Veterans Home, and the purpose for the augmentation.(5) When an augmentation request is disapproved, the Headquarters Homes Division leadership shall give notice to the Veterans Home Administrator.(e) Augmentation Receipts. (1) The Veterans Home shall acknowledge receipt of the augmentation via a memorandum signed by the Veterans Home's Administrator, on the Veterans Home's official letterhead, acknowledging the receipt of the augmentation and the deposit of the funds into the Veterans Home's MWRO Fund.(2) The Veterans Home shall submit a copy of the receipt acknowledgement memorandum to the MWR Advisory Committee.Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 12, § 515.4
1. New section filed 3-19-2019; operative 7-1-2019 (Register 2019, No. 12).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending section heading filed 5-23-2019 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2019, No. 21). Note: Authority cited: Sections 79.3 and 1047, Military and Veterans Code. Reference: Sections 1047, 1048 and 1049, Military and Veterans Code.
1. New section filed 3-19-2019; operative 7/1/2019 (Register 2019, No. 12).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending section heading filed 5-23-2019 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2019, No. 21).