Cal. Code Regs. tit. 10 § 2105.15

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 2105.15 - Bail Course Approval/Renewal Application

State of CaliforniaDepartment of Insurance
Bail Course Approval/Renewal Application
LIC001B (Rev. 06/2006)


Producer Licensing Bureau--Education Section


SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-4309

Information (916) 492-3064

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A.For Contact Courses:
1. ___ A detailed statement on how the course is relevant to bail topics and products.
2. ___ A detailed outline of approximately one page per hour of instruction including the time each topic is being presented.
3. ___ A copy of all materials presented to each student if a detailed outline is not submitted with application.
4. ___ An agenda showing the beginning and ending times, breaks, and time allotted for exams, if applicable.
5. ___ A completed Class Presentation Schedule form for each presentation.
6. ___ A current authorization letter from the author or publisher if using another vendor's source material as the basis for the course.
7. ___ California prelicensing curriculum and educational objectives with every line page-referenced to the source book(s) used. (For Prelicensing Courses Only)
B. For Correspondence or Internet Courses:
1. ___ A detailed statement on how the course is relevant to bail topics and products.
2. ___ Audio cassette, video tape, computer diskette, text book for the course or copy of the text cover, copyright page and table of contents if using another vendor's pre-approved material/book
3. ___ Internet courses must include your Internet address, security measures, log-on and password for our review of course(s). Answers to exam questions must reference section and screen for answer source.
4. ___ An examination with the questions not in chapter order.
5. ___ Answers to all exam questions with page and paragraph referencing to the source book(s) used.
6. ___ A current authorization letter from the author or publisher if using another vendor's source material.
7. ___ Copy of instruction sheet sent to students.
8. ___ For an Internet course, a description of the measures the provider will employ to ensure that students are actively engaged in course material for the entirety of the prescribed time.


I certify under penalty of perjury that I have read and understand the information and requirements contained in this application, that all statements are true and nothing has been withheld which would influence a complete evaluation of this course.

Original Signature of Provider DirectorDate


Printed Name of Provider Director



This form must be completed by each entity desiring a bail course to be approved or renewed for prelicensing or continuing education.

Please send the completed application, other required attachments and the following NON-REFUNDABLE filing fee as stated Section 1751.1 of the California Insurance Code on the Schedule of Fees to:

California Department of InsuranceFiling Fees:
Producer License Bureau--Education Section$32 per Continuing Education Course Approval
P.O. Box 957$64 per Prelicensing Education Course Approval
Sacramento, CA 95812-0957$13 per Continuing Education Course Renewal
$32 per Prelicensing Education Course Renewal
Make checks payable to:
California Department of Insurance

Attach additional sheets if more space is needed to answer questions.

Course applications must be received in this office at least 30 days prior to the first course presentation date. Course advertisements for pending courses must clearly state that the course has been submitted and is pending approval, if the course application is complete and submitted within the appropriate time frame.

Education Section Inquiries: (916) 492-3064

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 10, § 2105.15

1. New section filed 8-20-2007; operative 9-19-2007 (Register 2007, No. 34).

Note: Authority cited: Section 1812, Insurance Code. Reference: Section 1810.7, Insurance Code.

1. New section filed 8-20-2007; operative 9-19-2007 (Register 2007, No. 34).