The production of blackberry nursery stock is an important industry in Arkansas. Diseases such as rust, anthracnose, crown gall and viruses, as well as pests such as cane borers and nematodes pose a threat to the blackberry nursery industry. To prevent the spread of these problems by nursery stock, the following certification regulations shall apply to the production and sale of certified blackberry nursery stock in Arkansas.
Board means the Arkansas State Plant Board.
Blackberry means cultivated Rubus species and related plants that are considered blackberry botanically.
Cane cutting is a cane section of two or more nodes or buds (length 4-6 inches) to be transplanted to produce a plant.
Crown is the persistent (perennial) base of the plant; the junction between canes and roots (some varieties have buds that arise primarily from the crown).
Director means the director of the State Plant Board or his duly appointed representative.
Hardwood cutting is taken from a mature woody stem for the purpose of propagation.
Indicator plant means any herbaceous or woody plant used to index or determine virus infection.
Indexing is a procedure to determine virus or other pathogen infection by inoculation from the plant to be tested to an indicator plant (grafted onto plant to be tested) or by any other approved method.
Mericlones are plants clonally propagated from a single meristem tip.
Micropropagation is plant multiplication in vitro. Blackberry is propagated in tissue culture by aseptic transfer of meristem tip cultures to produce Nuclear stocks.
Nodal cutting is a cane cutting with a single node to produce a plant.
One-year-old plants means well rooted plants that have developed during one growing season.
Primocane (succulent plants) is the current season's growth that develops from root or basal crown buds.
Root cuttings is a root section with one or more buds.
Softwood cutting is taken from a green, immature, actively growing stem of a woody plant during spring or early summer for the purpose of propagation.
Succulent plant means a small, actively growing plant that is developing from root buds, not having passed through a dormant period.
Virus infected (affected) means presence of a virus (es) or yellows disease agent in a plant or plant part. The word "virus" shall be used hereafter to include yellows disease.
Virus-like means a disorder of genetic or non transmissible origin, or a graft-transmissible disorder resembling a virus disease, including but not limited to diseases caused by viroids and phytoplasmas
Nuclear stock shall be derived from plants that have been micropropagated, indexed, apparently free from other pests, and evaluated in field tests for trueness-to-variety. Nuclear stock may exist as in-vitro tissue culture plantlets or potted plants in a screened greenhouse. Sources of plants grown as nuclear stock must be approved by the State Plant Board.
Foundation stock is produced from Nuclear stock and grown in a greenhouse or screenhouse to exclude insects.
Registered stock is produced from Foundation stock in greenhouse, screenhouse, or field.
Certified stock is produced from Registered stock in greenhouse, screenhouse, or field.
crown and cane gall infections and other disorders. The Board may conduct additional inspections if deemed necessary.
Factor | Foundation Stock | Registered Stock | Certified Stock |
Anthracnose | 0 | 2.0 | 5.0 |
Crown and cane gall | 0 | 0.1 | 1.0 |
Nematodes | 0 | 0.05 | 0.1 |
Rust, systemic | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Virus diseases | 0 | 0.05 | 0.5 |
Other diseases | 0 | 0.2 | 0.5 |
Varietal mixture | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Root, cane or crown inhabiting insects | 0 | 0.05 | 0.1 |
209.02.04 Ark. Code R. 010