Pursuant to the State of Arkansas Act 870 of 1989 and the enactment of roll call the Solid Waste Management Board has passed and approved the attached By-Laws on the_________day of August, 2014, by the designated membership body representing the counties of Calhoun, Columbia, Dallas, Miller, Ouachita, and Union.
To insure the protection of the public health and environmental quality through the development and maintenance of Regional Solid Waste Management Planning for the counties and municipalities of Southwest Arkansas.
The Solid Waste Planning Board shall be responsible for overseeing and implementing the following planning controls and authorities for the units of local government comprising the six county solid waste district.
The assessment shall be presented to the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) as required.
The Assessment shall include, at the minimum, the following:
In accordance with the provisions of Act 870 of 1989, the membership body of the Solid Waste Planning Board shall consist of the following elected officials and selected private sector representatives.
The County Judge of each county within the District, with the initial Board appointments as follows:
Calhoun County Columbia County
Dallas County
Miller County Ouachita County
Union County
The Mayor of the largest city in each county of the District, with the initial Board appointments as follows:
Calhoun County | Hampton |
Columbia County | Magnolia |
Dallas County | Fordyce |
Miller County | Texarkana |
Ouachita County | Camden |
Union County | El Dorado |
These 12 members of the Board, as selected by definition of the Act, shall serve during the term of their office.
The Board shall select one (1) additional member from the six (6) county District who is an owner or operator of private sector landfill to serve on the Board. The Person so selected shall serve a term of three (3) years. (Member at large - no vote).
The Board shall select up to three (3) additional members from the general public to serve on the Board. The terms for the general public members shall be staggered three (3) year terms, except the initial terms for the general public members shall be for one (1), two (2) and three (3) years as determined by lot. The District has determined that general public members should be chosen to represent the general areas of environmental protection, business/industry, and agriculture.
The initial one (1) year term shall have an anniversary date of June 30, 2014; Two (2) year terms shall have an anniversary date of June 30, 2015; Three (3) year terms shall have an Three (3) year terms shall have an anniversary date of June 30, 2016.
Owner or Operator of private sector landfill, with the initial Board appointments as follows: Mr. Mike Howell, WCA
Three additional members from general public, with the initial Board appointments as follows:
Richard Metzelars, Arkansas Recycling Coalition
City of Smackover
Eddie Sullivan, Highland Industrial Park, Inc.
The Solid Waste Planning Board shall elect from and by the general membership of the Board a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The initial terms of office shall expire January, 1991 and shall commence from that date for one year terms. The officers will have the following duties:
A quorum of the Solid Waste Planning Board shall consist of a minimum of six (6) members representing not less than three (3) of the six (6) counties. No official business shall be conducted by the board without a quorum present and recorded.
Any action of the Board of Directors may be taken by a simple majority vote of the Board with a quorum present.
Roberts Rule of Order shall govern all meetings of the Board.
Each representative shall have one (1) vote. Proxy votes shall be allowed if the proxy is presented to the Board Secretary prior to the meeting. The proxy shall identify the specific agenda item and must be voted by the Chairman of the Board.
All meeting, transactions and business conducted by the Board will be open to the general public and said notices of meetings will be mailed to the press to insure compliance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
Individual members of the Board shall receive no compensation for attendance at any meeting of the membership, and shall receive no other salary or compensation for service as a member of the Board other than reimbursement of actual expenses incurred.
194.00.14 Ark. Code R. 001