126.01.09 Ark. Code R. 001

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 9, September, 2024
Rule 126.01.09-001 - Arkansas Gas Pipeline Code
§ 192.451Scope

This subpart prescribes minimum requirements for the protection of metallic pipelines from external, internal, and atmospheric corrosion.

§ 192.452How does this subpart apply to converted pipelines and regulated onshore gathering lines?
(a)Converted pipelines. Notwithstanding the date the pipeline was installed or any earlier deadlines for compliance, each pipeline which qualifies for use under this part in accordance with § 192.14 must meet the requirements of this subpart specifically applicable to pipelines installed before August 1, 1971, and all other applicable requirements within 1 year after the pipeline is readied for service. However, the requirements of this subpart specifically applicable to pipelines installed after July 31, 1971, apply if the pipeline substantially meets those requirements before it is readied for service or it is a segment which is replaced, relocated, or substantially altered.
(b)Regulated onshore gathering lines. For any regulated onshore gathering line under § 192.9 existing on April 14, 2006, that was not previously subject to this part, and for any onshore gathering line that becomes a regulated onshore gathering line under § 192.9 after April 14, 2006, because of a change in class location or increase in dwelling density:
(1) The requirements of this subpart specifically applicable to pipelines installed before August 1, 1971, apply to the gathering line regardless of the date the pipeline was actually installed; and
(2) The requirements of this subpart specifically applicable to pipelines installed after July 31,1971, apply only if the pipeline substantially meets those requirements.
§ 192.453General

The corrosion control procedures required by § 192.605(b)(2), including those for design, installation, operation and maintenance of cathodic protection systems, must be carried out by, or under the direction of, a person qualified by experience and training in pipeline corrosion control methods.

§ 192.455External Corrosion Control: Buried or Submerged Pipelines Installed After July 31,1971
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and (f) of this section, each buried or submerged pipeline installed after July 31,1971, must be protected against external corrosion, including the following:
(1) It must have an external protective coating meeting the requirements of § 192.461.
(2) It must have a cathodic protection system designed to protect the pipeline in its entirety in accordance with this subpart, installed and placed in operation within one year after completion of construction.
(b) An operator need not comply with paragraph (a) of this section, if the operator can demonstrate by tests, investigation, or experience in the area of application, including, as a minimum, soil resistivity measurements and tests for corrosion accelerating bacteria, that a corrosive environment does not exist. However, within 6 months after an installation made pursuant to the preceding sentence, the operator shall conduct tests, including pipe-to-soil potential measurements with respect to either a continuous reference electrode or an electrode using close spacing, not to exceed 20 feet (6 meters), and soil resistivity measurements at potential profile peak locations, to adequately evaluate the potential profile along the entire pipeline. If the tests made indicate that a corrosive condition exists, (he pipeline must be cathodically protected in accordance with paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(c) An operator need not comply with paragraph (a) of this section, if the operator can demonstrate by tests, investigation, or experience that:
(1) For a copper pipeline, a corrosive environment does not exist; or
(2) For a temporary pipeline with an operating period of service not to exceed 5 years beyond installation, corrosion during the 5 year period of service of the pipeline will not be detrimental to public safety.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, if a pipeline is externally coated, it must be cathodically protected in accordance with paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(e) Aluminum may not be installed in a buried or submerged pipeline if that aluminum is exposed to an environment with a natural pH in excess of 8, unless tests or experience indicates its suitability in the particular environment involved.
(f) This section does not apply to electrically isolated, metal alloy fittings in plastic pipelines if:
(1) For the size fitting to be used, an operator can show by tests, investigation, or experience in the area of application, that adequate corrosion control is provided by the alloy composition; and
(2) The fitting is designed to prevent leakage caused by localized corrosion pitting.
§ 192.457External Corrosion Control: Buried or Submerged Pipelines Installed Before August 1,1971
(a) Except for buried piping at compressor, regulator, and measuring stations, each buried or submerged transmission line installed before August 1,1971, that has an effective external coating must be cathodically protected along the entire area that is effectively coated, in accordance with this subpart. For the purposes of this subpart, a pipeline does not have an effective external coating if its cathodic protection current requirements are substantially the same as if it were bare. The operator shall make tests to determine the cathodic protection current requirements.
(b) Except for cast iron or ductile iron, each of the following buried or submerged pipelines installed before August 1,1971, must be cathodically protected in accordance with this subpart in areas in which active corrosion is found:
(1) Bare or ineffectively coated transmission lines.
(2) Bare or coated pipes at compressor, regulator, and measuring stations.
(3) Bare or coated distribution lines.
§ 192.459External corrosion control: Examination of buried pipeline when exposed

Whenever an operator has knowledge that any portion of a buried pipeline is exposed, the exposed portion, if bare or the coating is deteriorated, must be examined for evidence of external corrosion. If external corrosion requiring remedial action under §§ 192.483 through 192.489 is found, the operator shall investigate circumferentially and longitudinally beyond the exposed portion (by visual examination, indirect method, or both) to determine whether additional corrosion requiring remedial action exists in the vicinity of the exposed portion.

§ 192.461External Corrosion Control: Protective Coating
(a) Each external protective coating, whether conductive or insulating, applied for the purpose of external corrosion control must:
(1) Be applied on a properly prepared surface;
(2) Have sufficient adhesion to the metal surface to effectively resist underfilm migration of moisture;
(3) Be sufficiently ductile to resist cracking;
(4) Have sufficient strength to resist damage due to handling and soil stress; and
(5) Have properties compatible with any supplemental cathodic protection.
(b) Each external protective coating which is an electrically insulating type must also have low moisture absorption and high electrical resistance.
(c) Each external protective coating must be inspected just prior to lowering the pipe into the ditch and backfilling, and any damage detrimental to effective corrosion control must be repaired.
(d) Each external protective coating must be protected from damage resulting from adverse ditch conditions or damage from supporting blocks.
(e) If coated pipe is installed by boring, driving, or other similar methods, precautions must betaken to minimize damage to the coating during installation.
§ 192.463External Corrosion Control: Cathodic Protection
(a) Each cathodic protection system required by this subpart must provide a level of cathodic protection that complies with one or more of the applicable criteria contained in Appendix D of this subpart. If none of these criteria is applicable, the cathodic protection system must provide a level of cathodic protection at least equal to that provided by compliance with one or more of these criteria.
(b) If amphoteric metals are included in a buried or submerged pipeline containing a metal of different anodic potential:
(1) The amphoteric metals must be electrically isolated from the remainder of the pipeline and cathodically protected; or
(2) The entire buried or submerged pipeline must be cathodically protected at a cathodic potential that meets the requirements of Appendix D of this part for amphoteric metals.
(c) The amount of cathodic protection must be controlled so as not to damage the protective coating or the pipe.
§ 192.465External Corrosion Control: Monitoring
(a) Each pipeline that is under cathodic protection must be tested at least once each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 15 months, to determine whether the cathodic protection meets the requirements of § 192.463. However, if tests at those intervals are impractical for separately protected short sections of mains or transmission lines, not in excess of 100 feet (30 meters), or separately protected service lines, these pipelines may be surveyed on a sampling basis. At least 10 percent of these protected structures, distributed over the entire system must be surveyed each calendar year, with a different 10 percent checked each subsequent year, so that the entire system is tested in each 10 year period.
(b) Each cathodic protection rectifier or other impressed current power source must be inspected six times each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 21/2 months, to insure that it is operating. Evidence of proper functioning may be current output, normal power consumption, a signal indicating normal D.C. power, or satisfactory electrical state of the protected piping.
(c) Each reverse current switch, each diode, and each interference bond whose failure would jeopardize structure protection must be electrically checked for proper performance six times each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 21/2 months. Each other interference bond must be checked at least once each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 15 months.
(d) Each operator shall take prompt remedial action to correct any deficiencies indicated by the monitoring.
(e) After Hie initial evaluation required by §§ 192.455(b) and (c) and 192.457(b), each operator must, not less than every 3 years at intervals not exceeding 39 months, reevaluate its unprotected pipelines and cathodically protect them in accordance with this subpart in areas in which active corrosion is found. The operator must determine the areas of active corrosion by electrical survey. However, on distribution lines and where an electrical survey is impractical on transmission lines, areas of active corrosion may be determined by other means that include review and analysis of leak repair and inspection records, corrosion monitoring records, exposed pipe inspection records, and the pipeline environment. In this section:
(1)Active corrosion means continuing corrosion which, unless controlled, could result in a condition that is detrimental to public safety.
(2)Electrical survey means a series of closely spaced pipe-to-soil readings over a pipeline that are subsequently analyzed to identify locations where a corrosive current is leaving the pipeline.
(3)Pipeline environment includes soil resistivity (high or low), soil moisture (wet or dry), soil contaminants that may promote corrosive activity, and other known conditions that could affect the probability of active corrosion.
§ 192.467External Corrosion Control: Electrical Isolation
(a) Each buried or submerged pipeline must be electrically isolated from other underground metallic structures, unless the pipeline and the other structures are electrically interconnected and cathodically protected as a single unit.
(b) One or more insulating devices must be installed where electrical isolation of a portion of a pipeline is necessary to facilitate the application of corrosion control.
(c) Except for unprotected copper inserted in ferrous pipe, each pipeline must be electrically isolated from metallic casings that are a part of the underground system. However, if isolation is not achieved because it is impractical, other measures must be taken to minimize corrosion of the pipeline inside the casing.
(d) Inspection and electrical tests must be made to assure that electrical isolation is adequate.
(e) An insulating device may not be installed in an area where a combustible atmosphere is anticipated unless precautions are taken to prevent arcing.
(f) Where a pipeline is located in close proximity to electrical transmission tower footings, ground cables or counterpoise, or in other areas where fault currents or unusual risk of lightning may be anticipated, it must be provided with protection against damage due to fault currents or lightning, and protective measures must also be taken at insulating devices.
§ 192.469External Corrosion Control: Test Stations

Each pipeline under cathodic protection required by this subpart must have sufficient test stations or other contact points for electrical measurement to determine the adequacy of cathodic protection.

§ 192.471External Corrosion Control: Test Leads
(a) Each test lead wire must be connected to the pipeline so as to remain mechanically secure and electrically conductive.
(b) Each test lead wire must be attached to the pipeline so as to minimize stress concentration on the pipe.
(c) Each bared test lead wire and bared metallic area at point of connection to the pipeline must be coated with an electrical insulating material compatible with the pipe coating and the insulation on the wire.
§ 192.473External Corrosion Control: Interference Currents
(a) Each operator whose pipeline system is subjected to stray currents shall have in effect a continuing program to minimize the detrimental effects of such currents.
(b) Each impressed current type cathodic protection system or galvanic anode system must be designed and installed so as to minimize any adverse effects on existing adjacent underground metallic structures.
§ 192.475Internal Corrosion Control: General
(a) Corrosive gas may not be transported by pipeline, unless the corrosive effect of the gas on the pipeline has been investigated and steps have been taken to minimize internal corrosion.
(b) Whenever any pipe is removed from a pipeline for any reason, the internal surface must be inspected for evidence of corrosion. If internal corrosion is found:
(1) The adjacent pipe must be investigated to determine the extent of internal corrosion;
(2) Replacement must be made to the extent required by the applicable paragraphs of §§ 192.485, 192.487, or 192.489; and
(3) Steps must be taken to minimize the internal corrosion.
(c) Gas containing more than 0.1 grain of hydrogen sulfide per 100 cubic feet (2.32 milligrams/m3) at standard conditions may not be stored in pipe-type or bottle-type holders.
§ 192.476Internal Corrosion Control: Design and Construction of Transmission line
(a)Design and construction. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each new transmission line and each replacement of line pipe, valve, fitting, or other line component in a transmission line must have features incorporated into its design and construction to reduce the risk of internal corrosion. At a minimum, unless it is impracticable or unnecessary to do so, each new transmission line or replacement of line pipe, valve, fitting or other line component in a transmission line must:
(1) Be configured to reduce the risk that liquids will collect in the line;
(2) Have effective liquid removal features whenever the configuration would allow liquids to collect; and
(3) Allow use of devices for monitoring internal corrosion at locations with significant potential for internal corrosion.
(b)Exceptions to applicability. The design and construction requirements of paragraph (a) of this section do not apply to the following:
(1) Offshore pipeline; and
(2) Pipeline installed or line pipe, valve, fitting or other line component replaced before May 23, 2007.
(c)Change to existing transmission line. When an operator changes the configuration of a transmission line, the operator must evaluate the impact of the change on internal corrosion risk to the downstream portion of an existing onshore transmission line and provide for removal of liquids and monitoring of internal corrosion as appropriate.
(d)Records. An operator must maintain records demonstrating compliance with this section. Provided the records show why incorporating design features addressing paragraph (a)(1), (a)(2), or (a)(3) of this section is impracticable or unnecessary, an operator may fulfil! this requirement through written procedures supported by as-built drawings or other construction records.
§ 192.477Internal Corrosion Control: Monitoring

!f corrosive gas is being transported, coupons or other suitable means must be used to determine the effectiveness of the steps taken to minimize internal corrosion. Each coupon or other means of monitoring internal corrosion must be checked two times each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 71/2 months.

§ 192.479Atmospheric Corrosion Control: General
(a) Each operator must clean and coat each pipeline or portion of pipeline that is exposed to the atmosphere, except pipelines under paragraph (c) of this section.
(b) Coating material must be suitable for the prevention of atmospheric corrosion.
(c) Except portions of pipelines in offshore splash zones or soil-to-air interfaces, the operator need not protect from atmospheric corrosion any pipeline for which the operator demonstrates by test, investigation, or experience appropriate to the environment of the pipeline that corrosion will-
(1) Only be a light surface oxide; or
(2) Not affect the safe operation of the pipeline before the next scheduled inspection.
§ 192.481Atmospheric Corrosion Control: Monitoring
(a) Each operator must inspect each pipeline or portion of pipeline that is exposed to the atmosphere for evidence of atmospheric corrosion, as follows:

If the pipeline is located......

Then the frequency of inspections is:


At least once every 3 calendar years, but with intervals not exceeding 39 months.


At least once each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 15 months.

(b) During inspections the operator must give particular attention to pipe at soil-to-air interfaces, under thermal insulation, under disbonded coatings, at pipe supports, in splash zones, at deck penetrations, and in spans over water.
(c) If atmospheric corrosion is found during an inspection, the operator must provide protection against the corrosion as required by § 192.479.
§ 192.483Remedial Measures: General
(a) Each segment of metallic pipe that replaces pipe removed from a buried or submerged pipeline because of external corrosion must have a properly prepared surface and must be provided with an external protective coating that meets the requirements of § 192.461.
(b) Each segment of metallic pipe that replaces pipe removed from a buried or submerged pipeline because of external corrosion must be cathodically protected in accordance with this subpart.
(c) Except for cast iron or ductile iron pipe, each segment of buried or submerged pipe that is required to be repaired because of external corrosion must be cathodically protected in accordance with this subpart.
§ 192.485Remedial Measures: Transmission Lines
(a)General corrosion. Each segment of transmission line with general corrosion and with a remaining wall thickness less than that required for the MAOP of the pipeline must be replaced or the operating pressure reduced commensurate with the strength of the pipe based on actual remaining wall thickness. However, corroded pipe may be repaired by a method that reliable engineering tests and analyses show can permanently restore the serviceability of the pipe. Corrosion pitting so closely grouped as to affect the overall strength of the pipe is considered general corrosion for the purpose of this paragraph.
(b)Localized corrosion pitting. Each segment of transmission line pipe with localized corrosion pitting to a degree where leakage might result must be replaced or repaired, or the operating pressure must be reduced commensurate with the strength of the pipe, based on the actual remaining wall thickness in the pits.
(c) Under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the strength of pipe based on actual remaining wall thickness may be determined by the procedure in ASME/ANSI B31G or the procedure in AGA Pipeline Research Committee Project PR 3-805 (with RSTRENG disk). Both procedures apply to corroded regions that do not penetrate the pipe wall, subject to the limitations prescribed in the procedures.
§ 192.487Remedial Measures: Distribution Lines Other Than Cast Iron or Ductile Iron Lines
(a)General corrosion. Except for cast iron or ductile iron pipe, each segment of generally corroded distribution line pipe with a remaining wall thickness less than that required for the MAOP of the pipeline, or a remaining wall thickness less than 30 percent of the nominal wall thickness, must be replaced. However, corroded pipe may be repaired by a method that reliable engineering tests and analyses show can permanently restore the serviceability of the pipe. Corrosion pitting so closely grouped as to affect the overall strength of the pipe is considered general corrosion for the purpose of this paragraph.
(b)Localized corrosion pitting. Except for cast iron or ductile iron pipe, each segment of distribution line pipe with localized corrosion pitting to a degree where leakage might result must be replaced or repaired.
§ 192.489Remedial Measures: Cast Iron and Ductile Iron Pipelines.
(a)General graphitization. Each segment of cast iron or ductile iron pipe on which general graphitization is found to a degree where a fracture or any leakage might result, must be replaced.
(b)Localized graphitization. Each segment of cast iron or ductile iron pipe on which localized graphitization is found to a degree where any leakage might result, must be replaced or repaired, or sealed by internal sealing methods adequate to prevent or arrest any leakage.
§ 192.490Direct assessment.

Each operator that uses direct assessment as defined in § 192.903 on an onshore transmission line made primarily of steel or iron to evaluate the effects of a threat in the first column must carry out the direct assessment according to the standard listed in the second column. These standards do not apply to methods associated with direct assessment, such as close interval surveys, voltage gradient surveys, or examination of exposed pipelines, when used separately from the direct assessment process.



External corrosion

§ 192.9252

Internal corrosion in pipelines that transport dry gas

§ 192.927

Stress corrosion cracking

§ 192.929

1 For lines not subject to subpart O of this part, the terms "covered segment" and "covered pipeline segment" in §§ 192.925, 192.927, and 192.929 refer to the pipeline segment on which direct assessment is performed.
2 In § 192.925(b), the provision regarding detection of coating damage applies only to pipelines subject to subpart O of this part.
§ 192.491Corrosion Control Records.
(a) Each operator shall maintain records or maps to show the location of cathodically protected piping, cathodic protection facilities, other than unrecorded galvanic anodes installed before August 1, 1971, and neighboring structures bonded to the cathodic protection system.
(b) Each of the following records must be retained for as long as the pipeline remains in service:
(1) Each record or map required by paragraph (a) of this section;
(2) Records of each test, survey, or inspection required by this subpart, in sufficient detail to demonstrate the adequacy of corrosion control measures or that a corrosive condition does not exist.
§ 192.501Scope

This subpart prescribes minimum leak-test and strength-test requirements for pipelines.

§ 192.503General Requirements
(a) No person may operate a new segment of pipeline, or return to service a segment of pipeline that has been relocated or replaced, until:
(1) It has been tested in accordance with this subpart and § 192.619 to substantiate the maximum allowable operating pressure; and
(2) Each detected leak has been eliminated.
(b) The test medium must be liquid, air, natural gas, or inert gas that is:
(1) Compatible with the material of which the pipeline is constructed;
(2) Relatively free of sedimentary materials; and
(3) Except for natural gas, nonflammable.
(c) Except as provided in § 192.505(a), if air, natural gas, or inert gas is used as the test medium, the following maximum hoop stress limitations apply:

Class location

Maximum hoop stress allowed as percentage of SMYS

Natural Gas

Air or inert gas













(d) Each joint used to tie-in a test segment of pipeline is excepted from the specific test requirements of this subpart, but each non-welded joint must be leak tested at not less than its operating pressure.
§ 192.505Strength Test Requirements for Steel Pipeline to Operate at a Hoop Stress of 30 Percent or More of SMYS
(a) Except for service lines, each segment of a steel pipeline that is to operate at a hoop stress of 30 percent or more SMYS must be strength tested in accordance with this section to substantiate the proposed maximum allowable operating pressure. In addition, in a Class 1 or Class 2 location, if there is a building intended for human occupancy within 300 feet (91 meters) of a pipeline, a hydrostatic test must be conducted to a test pressure of at least 125 percent of maximum operating pressure on that segment of the pipeline within 300 feet (91 meters) of such a building, but in no event may the test section be less than 600 feet (183 meters) unless the length of the newly installed or relocated pipe is less than 600 feet (183 meters). However, if the buildings are evacuated while the hoop stress exceeds 50 percent of SMYS, air or inert gas may be used as the test medium.
(b) In a Class 1 or Class 2 location, each compressor station, regulator station, and measuring station. must be tested to at least Class 3 location test requirements.
(c) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, the strength test must be conducted by maintaining the pressure at or above the test pressure for at least 8 hours.
(d) If a component other than pipe is the only item being replaced or added to a pipeline, a strength test after installation is not required, if the manufacturer of the component certifies that:
(1) The component was tested to at least the pressure required for the pipeline to which it is being added;
(2) The component was manufactured under a quality control system that ensures that each item manufactured is at least equal in strength to a prototype and that the prototype was tested to at least the pressure required for the pipeline to which it is being added; or
(3) The component carries a pressure rating established through applicable ASME/ANSI, MSS specifications, or by unit strength calculations as described in § 192.143.
(e) For fabricated units and short sections of pipe, for which a post installation test is impractical, a preinstallation strength test must be conducted by maintaining the pressure at or above the test pressure for at least 4 hours.
§ 192.507Test Requirements for Pipelines to Operate at a Hoop Stress Less Than 30 Percent of SMYS and at or Above 100 P.S.I. (689 kPa) Gage

Except for service lines and plastic pipelines, each segment of a pipeline that is to be operated at a hoop stress less than 30 percent of SMYS and at or above 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage must be tested in accordance with the following:

(a) The test procedure used must reasonably ensure discovery of leaks in the segment being tested.
(b) if, during the test, the segment is to be stressed to 20 percent or more of SMYS and natural gas, inert gas, or air is the test medium:
(1) A leak test must be made at a pressure between 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage and the pressure required to produce a hoop stress of 20 percent of SMYS; or
(2) The line must be walked to check for leaks while the hoop stress is held at approximately 20 percent of SMYS.
(c) The pressure must be maintained at or above the test pressure for at least 1 hour.
§ 192.509Test Requirements for Pipelines to Operate Below 100 P.S.I. (689 kPa) Gage

Except for service lines and plastic pipelines, each segment of a pipeline that is to be operated below 100 p.s.i.g.. must be leak tested in accordance with the following:

(a) The test procedure used must reasonably ensure discovery of leaks in the segment being tested.
(b) Each main that is to be operated at less than 1 p.s.i. (6.9 kPa) gage must be tested to at least 10 p.s.i. (69 kPa) gage and each main to be operated at or above 1 p.s.i. (6.9 kPa) gage must be tested to at least 90 p.s.i. (621 kPa) gage.
§ 192.511Test Requirements for Service Lines
(a) Each segment of a service line (other than plastic) must be leak tested in accordance with this section before being placed in service. If feasible, the service line connection to the main must be included in the test; if not feasible, it must be given a leakage test at the operating pressure when placed in service.
(b) Each segment of a service line (other than plastic) intended to be operated at pressure of less than 1 p.s.i. (6.9 kPa) gage shall be given a leak test at a pressure of 10 p.s.i. (69 kPa) gage. This test shall be conducted with a 3 inch (76 millimeters) dial gauge with a maximum scale of 30 p.s.i. (207 kPa) gage. This test may be conducted with a mercury gauge capable of testing to 10 inches (254 millimeters) of mercury.
(c) Each segment of a service line (other than plastic) intended to be operated at a pressure of at least 1 p.s.i. (6.9 kPa) gage but not more than 40 p.s.i. (276 kPa) gage must be given a leak test at a pressure of not less than 50 p.s.i. (345 kPa) gage on a 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage scale gauge.
(d) Each segment of a service line (other than plastic) intended to be operated at pressures of more than 40 p.s.i.g.. must be tested to at least 90 p.s.i.g.. on 100 p.s.i.g.. scale gauge, except that each segment of a steel service line stressed to 20 percent or more of SMYS must be tested in accordance with § 192.507.
(e) The test procedure used must reasonably ensure discovery of leaks in the segment being tested.
§ 192.513Test Requirements for Plastic Pipelines
(a) Each segment of a plastic pipeline must be tested in accordance with this section.
(b) The test procedure used must reasonably ensure discovery of leaks in the segment being tested.
(c) The test pressure must be at least 150 percent of the maximum operating pressure or 50 p.s.i. (345 kPa) gage whichever is greater. However, the maximum test pressure may not be more than three times the pressure determined under § 192.121, at a temperature not less than the pipe temperature during the test.
(d) During the test, the temperature of thermoplastic material may not be more than 100°F(38°C), or the temperature at which the material's long-term hydrostatic strength has been determined under the listed specification, whichever is greater.
§ 192.515Environmental Protection and Safety Requirements
(a) In conducting tests under this subpart, each operator shall ensure that every reasonable precaution is taken to protect its employees and the general public during the testing. Whenever the hoop stress of the segment of the pipeline being tested will exceed 50 percent of SMYS, the operator shall take all practicable steps to keep persons not working on the testing operation outside of the testing area until the pressure is reduced to or below the proposed maximum allowable operating pressure.
(b) The operator shall insure that the test medium is disposed of in a manner that will minimize damage to the environment.
(a) Each operator shall make and retain for the useful life of the pipeline, a record of each test performed under §§ 192.505 and 192.507. The record must contain at least the following information:
(1) The operator's name, the name of the operator's employee responsible for making the test and the name of any test company used.
(2) Test medium used.
(3) Test pressure.
(4) Test duration.
(5) Pressure recording charts or other records of pressure readings.
(6) Evaluation variations, whenever significant for the particular test.
(7) Leaks and failures noted and their disposition.
(b) Each operator must maintain a record of each test required by §§ 192.509,192.511, and 192.513 for at least 5 years.

This subpart prescribes minimum requirements for increasing maximum allowable operating pressures (uprating) for pipelines.

§ 192.553General
(a) Pressure increases. Whenever the requirements of this subpart require that an increase in operating pressure be made in increments, the pressure must be increased gradually, at a rate that can be controlled, and in accordance with the following:
(1) At the end of each incremental increase, the pressure must be held constant while the entire segment of pipeline that is affected is checked for leaks.
(2) Each leak detected must be repaired before a further pressure increase is made, except that a leak determined not to be potentially hazardous need not be repaired, if it is monitored during the pressure increase and it does not become potentially hazardous.
(b) Records. Each operator who uprates a segment of pipeline shall retain for the life of the segment a record of each investigation required by this subpart, of ail work performed, and of each pressure test conducted, in connection with the uprating.
(c) Written plan. Each operator who uprates a segment of pipeline shall establish a written procedure that will ensure that each applicable requirement of this subpart is complied with.
(d) Limitation on increase in maximum allowable operating pressure. Except as provided in § 192.555(c), a new maximum allowable operating pressure established under this subpart may not exceed the maximum that would be allowed under § 192.619 and 192.621 for a new segment of pipeline constructed of the same materials in the same location. However, when uprating a steel pipeline, if any variable necessary to determine the design pressure under the design formula (§ 192.105) is unknown, the MAOP may be increased as provided in § 192.619(a)(1).
§ 192.555Uprating To a Pressure That Will Produce a Hoop Stress of 30 Percent or More of SMYS in Steel Pipelines
(a) Unless the requirements of this section have been met, no person may subject any segment of a steel pipeline to an operating pressure that will produce a hoop stress of 30 percent or more of SMYS and that is above the established maximum allowable operating pressure.
(b) Before increasing operating pressure above the previously established pressure the operator shall:
(1) Review the design, operating and maintenance history and previous testing of the segment of pipeline and determine whether the proposed increase is safe and consistent with the requirements of this part; and
(2) Make any repairs, replacements, or alterations in the segment of pipeline that are necessary for safe operation at the increased pressure.
(c) After complying with paragraph (b) of this section, an operator may increase the maximum allowable operating pressure of a segment of pipeline constructed before September 12,1970, to the highest pressure that is permitted under § 192.619, using as test pressure the highest pressure to which the segment of pipeline was previously subjected (either in a strength test or in actual operation).
(d) After complying with paragraph (b) of this section, an operator that does not qualify under paragraph (c) of this section may increase the previously established maximum allowable operating pressure if at least one of the following requirements is met:
(1) The segment of pipeline is successfully tested in accordance with the requirements of this part for a new line of the same material in the same location.
(2) An increased maximum allowable operating pressure may be established for a segment of pipeline in a Class 1 location if the line has not previously been tested, and if:
(i) It is impractical to test it in accordance with the requirements of this part;
(ii) The new maximum operating pressure does not exceed 80 percent of that allowed for a new line of the same design in the same location; and
(iii) The operator determines that the new maximum allowable operating pressure is consistent with the condition of the segment of pipeline and the design requirements of this part.
(e) Where a segment of pipeline is uprated in accordance with paragraph (c) or (d)(2) of this section, the increase in pressure must be made in increments that are equal to:
(1) 10 percent of the pressure before the uprating; or
(2) 25 percent of the total pressure increase, whichever produces the fewer number of increments.
§ 192.557Uprating Steel Pipelines to a Pressure That Will Produce a Hoop Stress Less Than 30 Percent of SMYS; Plastic, Cast Iron, and Ductile Iron Pipelines
(a) Unless the requirements of this section have been met, no person may subject:
(1) A segment of steel pipeline to an operating pressure that will produce a hoop stress less than 30 percent of SMYS and that is above the previously established maximum allowable operating pressure; or
(2) A plastic, cast iron, or ductile iron pipeline segment to an operating pressure that is above the previously established maximum allowable operating pressure.
(b) Before increasing operating pressure above the previously established maximum allowable operating pressure, the operator shall:
(1) Review the design, operating, and maintenance history of the segment of pipeline;
(2) Make a leakage survey (if it has been more than 1 year since the last survey) and repair any leaks that are found, except that a leak determined not to be potentially hazardous need not be repaired if it is monitored during the pressure increase and it does not become potentially hazardous;
(3) Make any repairs, replacements or alterations in the segment of pipeline that are necessary for safe operation at the increased pressure;
(4) Reinforce or anchor offsets, bends and dead ends in pipe joined by compression couplings or bell and spigot joints to prevent failure of the pipe joint, if the offset, bend or dead end is exposed in an excavation;
(5) Isolate the segment of pipeline in which the pressure is to be increased from any adjacent segment that will continue to be operated at a lower pressure; and
(6) If the pressure in mains or service lines, or both, is to be higher than the pressure delivered to the customer, install a service regulator on each service line and test each regulator to determine that it is functioning. Pressure may be increased as necessary to test each regulator, after a regulator has been installed on each pipeline subject to the increased pressure.
(c) After complying with paragraph (b) of this section, the increase in maximum allowable operating pressure must be made in increments that are equal to 10 p.s.i. (69 kPa) gage or 25 percent of the total pressure increase, whichever produces the fewer number of increments. Whenever the requirements of paragraph (b)(6) of this section apply, there must be at least two approximately equal incremental increases.
(d) If records for cast iron or ductile iron pipeline facilities are not complete enough to determine stresses produced by internal pressure, trench loading, rolling loads, beam stresses, and other bending loads, in evaluating the level of safety of the pipeline when operating at the proposed increased pressure, the following procedures must be followed:
(1) In estimating the stresses, if the original laying conditions cannot be ascertained, the operator shall assume that cast iron pipe was supported on blocks with tamped backfill and that ductile iron pipe was laid without blocks with tamped backfill.
(2) Unless the actual maximum cover depth is known, the operator shall measure the actual cover in at least three places where the cover is most likely to be greatest and shall use the greatest cover measured.
(3) Unless the actual nominal wall thickness is known, the operator shall determine the wall thickness by cutting and measuring coupons from at least three separate pipe lengths. The coupons must be cut from pipe lengths in areas where the cover depth is most likely to be the greatest. The average of all measurements taken must be increased by the allowance indicated in the following table:

Pipe Size Inches (millimeters)

ALLOWANCE Inches (millimeters) Cast Iron Pipe

Cast Iron Pipe

Ductile iron pipe

Pit Cast Pipe


Cast Pipe

3-8 (76-203)




10-12 (254 to 305)




14-24 (356 to 610)




30-42 (762 to 1067)




48 (1219)




54-60 (1372 to 1524)




(4) For cast iron pipe, unless the pipe manufacturing process is known, the operator shall assume that the pipe is pit cast pipe with a bursting tensile strength of 11,000 p.s.i. (76 MPa) gage and a modulus of rupture of 31,000 p.s.i. (214 MPa) gage.
§ 192.601Scope

This subpart prescribes minimum requirements for the operation of pipeline facilities.

§ 192.603 General Provisions.
(a) No person may operate a segment of pipeline unless it is operated in accordance with this subpart.
(b) Each operator shall keep records necessary to administer the procedures established under § 192.605.
(c) The Administrator or the State Agency that has submitted a current certification under the pipeline safety laws (49 U.S.C. 60101et seq) with respect to the pipeline facility governed by an operator's plans and procedures may, after notice and opportunity for hearing as provided in 49 CFR 190.237 or the relevant State procedures, require the operator to amend its plans and procedures as necessary to provide a reasonable level of safety.
§ 192.605Procedural Manual for Operations, Maintenance, and Emergencies
(a) General. Each operator shall prepare and follow for each pipeline, a manual of written procedures for conducting operations and maintenance activities and for emergency response. For transmission lines, the manual must also include procedures for handling abnormal operations. This manual must be reviewed and updated by the operator at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year. This manual must be prepared before operations of a pipeline system commence. Appropriate parts of the manual must be kept at locations where operations and maintenance activities are conducted.
(b) Maintenance and normal operations. The manual required by paragraph (a) of this section must include procedures for the following, if applicable, to provide safety during maintenance and operations:
(1) Operating, maintaining, and repairing the pipeline in accordance with each of the requirements of this subpart and subpart M of this part.
(2) Controlling corrosion in accordance with the operations and maintenance requirements of subpart 1 of this part.
(3) Making construction records, maps, and operating history available to appropriate personnel.
(4) Gathering of data needed for reporting incidents under Part 191 in a timely and effective manner.
(5) Starting up and shutting down any part of the pipeline in a manner designed to assure operation within the MAOP limits prescribed by this part, plus the build-up allowed for operation of pressure-limiting and control devices.
(6) Maintaining compressor stations, including provisions for isolating units or sections of pipe and for purging before returning to service.
(7) Starting, operating and shutting down gas compressor units.
(8) Periodically reviewing the work done by operator personnel to determine the effectiveness, and adequacy of the procedures used in normal operation and maintenance and modifying the procedures when deficiencies are found.
(9) Taking adequate precautions in excavated trenches to protect personnel from the hazards of unsafe accumulations of vapor or gas, and making available when needed at the excavation emergency rescue equipment, including a breathing apparatus and, a rescue harness and line.
(10) Systematic and routine testing and inspection of pipe-type or bottle-type holders including:
(i) Provision for detecting external corrosion before the strength of the container has been impaired;
(ii) Periodic sampling and testing of gas in storage to determine the dew point of vapors contained in the stored gas which, if condensed, might cause internal corrosion or interfere with the safe operation of the storage plant; and
(iii) Periodic inspection and testing of pressure limiting equipment to determine that it is in safe operating condition and has adequate capacity.
(11) Responding promptly to a report of a gas odor inside or near a building, unless the operator's emergency procedures under § 192.615(a)(3) specifically apply to these reports.
(c) Abnormal operations. For transmission lines, the manual required by subparagraph (a) of this paragraph must include procedures for the following to provide safety when operating design limits have been exceeded:
(1) Responding to, investigating, and correcting the cause of:
(i) Unintended closure of valves or shutdowns;
(ii) Increase or decrease in pressure or flow rate outside normal operating limits;
(iii) Loss of communications;
(iv) Operation of any safety device; and
(v) Any other foreseeable malfunction of a component, deviation from normal operation, or personnel error which may result in a hazard to persons or property.
(2) Checking variations from normal operation after abnormal operation has ended at sufficient critical locations in the system to determine continued integrity and safe operation.
(3) Notifying responsible operator personnel when notice of an abnormal operation is received.
(4) Periodically reviewing the response of operator personnel to determine the effectiveness of the procedures controlling abnormal operation and taking corrective action where deficiencies are found.
(5) The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to natural gas distribution operators that are operating transmission fines in connection with their distribution system.
(d) Safety-related condition reports. The manual required by subparagraph (a) of this paragraph must include instructions enabling personnel who perform operation and maintenance activities to recognize conditions that potentially may be safety-related conditions that are subject to the reporting requirements of § 191.23.
(e) Surveillance, emergency response, and accident investigation. The procedures required by §§ 192.613(a), 192.615, and 192.617 must be included in the manual required by paragraph (a) of this section.
§ 192.607[Removed and Reserved]
§ 192.609Change in Class Location: Required Study

Whenever an increase in population density indicates a change in class location for a segment of an existing steel pipeline operating at hoop stress that is more than 40 percent of SMYS, or indicates that the hoop stress corresponding to the established maximum allowable operating pressure for a segment of existing pipeline is not commensurate with the present class location, the operator shall immediately make a study to determine:

(a) The present class location for the segment involved;
(b) The design, construction, and testing procedures followed in the original construction, and a comparison of these procedures with those required for the present class location by the applicable provisions of this part;
(c) The physical condition of the segment to the extent it can be ascertained from available records;
(d) The operating and maintenance history of the segment;
(e) The maximum actual operating pressure and the corresponding operating hoop stress, taking pressure gradient into account, for the segment of pipeline involved; and
(f) The actual area affected by the population density increase, and physical barriers or other factors which may limit further expansion of the more densely populated area.
§ 192.611Change in Class Location: Confirmation or Revision of Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
(a) If the hoop stress corresponding to the established maximum allowable operating pressure of a segment of pipeline is not commensurate with the present class location, and the segment is in satisfactory physical condition, the maximum allowable operating pressure of that segment of pipeline must be confirmed or revised according to one of the following requirements:
(1) If the segment involved has been previously tested in place for a period of not less than 8 hours, the maximum allowable operating pressure is 0.8 times the test pressure in Class 2 locations, 0.667 times the test pressure in Class 3 locations, or 0.555 times the test pressure in Class 4 locations. The corresponding hoop stress may not exceed 72 percent of the SMYS of the pipe in Class 2 locations, 60 percent of SMYS in Class 3 locations, or 50 percent of SMYS in Class 4 locations.
(2) The maximum allowable operating pressure of the segment involved must be reduced so that the corresponding hoop stress is not more than that allowed by this part for new segments of pipelines in the existing class location.
(3) The segment involved must be tested in accordance with the applicable requirements of Subpart J of this part, and its maximum allowable operating pressure must then be established according to the following criteria:
(i) The maximum allowable operating pressure after the requalification test is 0.8 times the test pressure for Class 2 locations, 0.667 times the test pressure for Class 3 locations, and 0.555 times the test pressure for Class 4 locations.
(ii) The corresponding hoop stress may not exceed 72 percent of the SMYS of the pipe in Class 2 locations, 60 percent of SMYS in Class 3 locations, or 50 percent of SMYS in Class 4 locations.
(b) The maximum allowable operating pressure confirmed or revised in accordance with this section, may not exceed the maximum allowable operating pressure established before the confirmation or revision.
(c) Confirmation or revision of the maximum allowable operating pressure of a segment of pipeline in accordance with this section does not preclude the application of §§ 192.553 and 192.555.
(d) Confirmation or revision of the maximum allowable operating pressure that is required as a result of a study under § 192.609 must be completed within 24 months of the change in class location. Pressure reduction under paragraph (a) (1) or (2) of this section within the 24-month period does not preclude establishing a maximum allowable operating pressure under paragraph (a)(3) of this section at a later date.
§ 192.613Continuing Surveillance
(a) Each operator shall have a procedure for continuing surveillance of its facilities to determine and take appropriate action concerning changes in class location, failures, leakage history, corrosion, substantial changes in cathodic protection requirements, and other unusual operating and maintenance conditions.
(b) If a segment of pipeline is determined to be in unsatisfactory condition but no immediate hazard exists, the operator shall initiate a program to recondition or phase out the segment involved, or, if the segment cannot be reconditioned or phased out, reduce the maximum allowable operating pressure in accordance with §§ 192.619(a) and (b).
§ 192.614Damage Prevention Program
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, each operator of a buried pipeline must carry out, in accordance with this section, a written program to prevent damage to that pipeline from excavation activities. For the purpose of this section, the term "excavation activities" include excavation, blasting, boring, tunneling, backfilling, the removal of the above ground structures by either explosive or mechanical means, and other earth moving operations.
(b) An operator may comply with any of the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section through participation in a public service program, such as a one-call system, but such participation does not relieve the operator of responsibility for compliance with this section. However, an operator must perform the duties of paragraph (c)(3) of this section through participation in a one-call system, if that one-call system is a qualified one-call system. In areas that are covered by more than one qualified one-call system, an operator need only join one of the qualified one-call systems if there is a central telephone number for excavators to call for excavation activities, or if the one-call systems in those areas communicate with one another. An operator's pipeline system must be covered by a qualified one-call system where there is one in place. For the purpose of this section, a one-call system is considered a "qualified one-call system" if it meets the requirements of section (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section.
(1) The state has adopted a one-call damage prevention program under 49 CFR § 198.37; or
(2) The one-call system:
(i) Is operated in accordance with 49 CFR § 198.39;
(ii) Provides a pipeline operator an opportunity similar to a voluntary participant to have a part in management responsibilities; and
(iii) Assesses a participating pipeline operator a fee that is proportionate to the costs of the one-call system's coverage of the operator's pipeline.
(c) The damage prevention program required by paragraph (a) of this section must, at a minimum:
(1) Include the identity, on a current basis, of persons who normally engage in excavation activities in the area in which the pipeline is located.
(2) Provides for notification of the public in the vicinity of the pipeline and actual notification of the persons identified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section of the following as often as needed to make them aware of the damage prevention program:
(i) The program's existence and purpose; and
(ii) How to learn the location of underground pipelines before excavation activities are begun.
(3) Provide a means of receiving and recording notification of planned excavation activities.
(4) If the operator has buried pipelines in the area of excavation activity, provide for actual notification of persons who give notice of their intent to excavate of the type of temporary marking to be provided and how to identify the markings.
(5) Provide for temporary marking of buried pipelines in the area of excavation activity before, as far as practical, the activity begins.
(6) Provide as follows for inspection of pipelines that an operator has reason to believe could be damaged by excavation activities:
(i) The inspection must be done as frequently as necessary during and after the activities to verify the integrity of the pipeline; and
(ii) In the case of blasting, any inspection must include leakage surveys.
(d) A damage prevention program under this section is not required for pipelines to which access is physically controlled by the operator.
(e) Pipelines operated by persons other than municipalities (including operators of master meters) whose primary activity does not include the transportation of gas need not comply with the following:
(1) The requirement of paragraph (a) of this section that the damage prevention program be written; and
(2) The requirements of paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section.
§ 192.615Emergency Plans
(a) Each operator shall establish written procedures to minimize the hazard resulting from a gas pipeline emergency. At a minimum, the procedures must provide for the following:
(1) Receiving, identifying, and classifying notices of events which require immediate response by the operator.
(2) Establishing and maintaining adequate means of communication with appropriate fire, police, and other public officials.
(3)Prompt and effective response to a notice of each type of emergency, including the following:
(i) Gas detected inside or near a building.
(ii) Fire located near or directly involving a pipeline facility.
(iii) Explosion occurring near or directly involving a pipeline facility.
(iv) Natural disaster.
(4) The availability of personnel, equipment, tools, and materials, as needed at the scene of an emergency.
(5) Actions directed toward protecting people first and then property.
(6) Emergency shutdown and pressure reduction in any section of the operator's pipeline system necessary to minimize hazards to life or property.
(7) Making safe any actual or potential hazard to life or property.
(8) Notifying appropriate fire, police, and other public officials of gas pipeline emergencies and coordinating with them both planned responses and actual responses during an emergency.
(9) Safely restoring any service outage.
(10) Beginning action under § 192.617, if applicable, as soon after the end of the emergency as possible.
(b) Each operator shall:
(1) Furnish its supervisors who are responsible for emergency action a copy of that portion of the latest edition of the emergency procedures established under paragraph (a) of this section as necessary for compliance with those procedures.
(2) Train the appropriate operating personnel to assure that they are knowledgeable of the emergency procedures and verify that the training is effective.
(3) Review employee activities to determine whether the procedures were effectively followed in each emergency.
(c) Each operator shall establish and maintain liaison with appropriate fire, police, and other public officials to:
(1) Learn the responsibility and resources of each government organization that may respond to a gas pipeline emergency;
(2) Acquaint the officials with the operator's ability in responding to a gas pipeline emergency;
(3) Identify the types of gas pipeline emergencies of which the operator notifies the officials; and
(4) Plan how the operator and officials can engage in mutual assistance to minimize hazards to life or property.
(d) Maintain a current map of the entire gas system or sectional maps of large systems. These maps will be of sufficient detail to approximate the location of mains and transmission lines.
(e) Identify all key valves which may be necessary for the safe operation of the system. The location of these valves shall be designated on appropriate records, drawings or maps.
§ 192.616Public Awareness
(a) Except for an operator of a master meter or petroleum gas system covered under paragraph (j) of this section, each pipeline operator must develop and implement a written continuing public education program that follows the guidance provided in the American Petroleum Institute's (API) Recommended Practice (RP) 1162 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).
(b) The operator's program must follow the general program recommendations of API RP 1162 and assess the unique attributes and characteristics of the operator's pipeline and facilities.
(c) The operator must follow the general program recommendations, including baseline and supplemental requirements of API RP 1162, unless the operator provides justification in its program or procedural manual as to why compliance with all or certain provisions of the recommended practice is not practicable and not necessary for safety.
(d) The operator's program must specifically include provisions to educate the public, appropriate government organizations, and persons engaged in excavation related activities on:
(1) Use of a one-call notification system prior to excavation and other damage prevention activities;
(2) Possible hazards associated with unintended releases from a gas pipeline facility;
(3) Physical indications that such a release may have occurred;
(4) Steps that should be taken for public safety in the event of a gas pipeline release; and
(5) Procedures for reporting such an event.
(e) The program must include activities to advise affected municipalities, school districts, businesses, and residents of pipeline facility locations.
(f) The program and the media used must be as comprehensive as necessary to reach all areas in which the operator transports gas.
(g) The program must be conducted in English and in other languages commonly understood by a significant number and concentration of the non-English speaking population in the operator's area.
(h) Operators in existence on June 20,2005, must have completed their written programs no later than June 20,2006. The operator of a master meter or petroleum gas system covered under paragraph (j) of this section must complete development of its written procedure by June 13, 2008. Upon request, operators must submit their completed programs to PHMSA or, in the case of an intrastate pipeline facility operator, the appropriate State agency.
(i) The operator's program documentation and evaluation results must be available for periodic review by appropriate regulatory agencies.
(j) Unless the operator transports gas as a primary activity, the operator of a master meter or petroleum gas system is not required to develop a public awareness program as prescribed in paragraphs (a) through (g) of this section. Instead the operator must develop and implement a written procedure to provide its customers public awareness messages twice annually. If the master meter or petroleum gas system is located on property the operator does not control, the operator must provide similar messages twice annually to persons controlling the property. The public awareness message must include:
(1) A description of the purpose and reliability of the pipeline;
(2) An overview of the hazards of the pipeline and prevention measures used;
(3) Information about damage prevention;
(4) How to recognize and respond to a leak; and
(5) How to get additional information.
§ 192.617Investigation of Failures

Each operator shall establish procedures for analyzing accidents and failures, including the selection of samples of the failed facility or equipment for laboratory examination, where appropriate, for the purpose of determining the causes of the failure and minimizing the possibility of a recurrence.

§ 192.619What is the maximum allowable operating pressure for steel or plastic pipelines?
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no person may operate a segment of steel or plastic pipeline at a pressure that exceeds the lowest of the following:
(1) The design pressure of the weakest element in the segment, determined in accordance with Subparts C and D of this part. However, for steel pipe in pipelines being converted under § 192.14 or uprated under subpart K of this part, if any variable necessary to determine the design pressure under the design formula (§ 192.105) is unknown, one of the following pressures is to be used as design pressure:
(i) Eighty percent of the first test pressure that produces yield under section N5 of Appendix N of ASME B31.8 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), reduced by the appropriate factor in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section; or
(ii) If the pipe is 12 3/4 in. (324 mm) or less in outside diameter and is not tested to yield under this paragraph, 200 p.s.i. (1379 kPa).
(2) The pressure obtained by dividing the pressure to which the segment was tested after construction as follows:
(i) For plastic pipe in all locations, the test pressure is divided by a factor of 1.5.
(ii) For steel pipe operated at 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage or more, the test pressure is divided by a factor determined in accordance with the following table:

Class location

Factors Segment-

Installed before (Nov.12, 1970)

Installed after (Nov. 11, 1970)

Converted under §192.14

















(3) The highest actual operating pressure to which the segment was subjected during the 5 years preceding the applicable date in the second column. This pressure restriction applies unless the segment was tested according to the requirements in paragraph (a)(2) of this section after the applicable date in the third column or the segment was uprated according to the requirements in subpart K of this part:

Pipeline segment

Pressure date

Test date

-Onshore gathering line that first became subject to this part (other than § 192.612) after April 13, 2006.

-Onshore transmission line that was a gathering line not subject to this part before March 15, 2006.

March 15, 2006, or date line becomes subject to this part, whichever is later.

5 years preceding applicable date in second column.

Offshore gathering lines ..........

July 1, 1976

July 1, 1971

All other pipelines...............

July 1, 1970

July 1, 1965

(4) The pressure determined by the operator to be the maximum safe pressure after considering the history of the segment, particularly known corrosion and the actual operating pressure.
(b) No person may operate a segment to which paragraph (a)(4) of this section is applicable, unless over-pressure protective devices are installed on the segment in a manner that will prevent the maximum allowable operating pressure from being exceeded, in accordance with § 192.195.
(c) The requirements on pressure restrictions in this section do not apply in the following instance. An operator may operate a segment of pipeline found to be in satisfactory condition, considering its operating and maintenance history, at the highest actual operating pressure to which the segment was subjected during the 5 years preceding the applicable date in the second column of the table in paragraph (a)(3) of this section. An operator must still comply with § 192.611.
(d) The maximum allowable operating pressure shall be designated following the above procedures and posted on system maps, drawings, regulator stations or other appropriate records.
§ 192.621Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure: High-Pressure Distribution Systems
(a) No person may operate a segment of a high pressure distribution system at a pressure that exceeds the lowest of the following pressures, as applicable:
(1) The design pressure of the weakest element in the segment, determined in accordance with Subparts C and D of this part.
(2) 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage for a segment of a distribution system otherwise designed to operate at over 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage, unless the service lines in the segment are equipped with service regulators or other pressure limiting devices in series that meet the requirements of § 192.197(c).
(3) 25 p.s.i. (172 kPa) gage in segments of cast iron pipe in which there are unreinforced bell and spigot joints.
(4) The pressure limits to which a joint could be subjected without the possibility of its parting.
(5) The pressure determined by the operator to be the maximum safe pressure after considering the history of the segment, particularly known corrosion and the actual operating pressures.
(b) No person may operate a segment of pipeline to which paragraph (a)(5) of this section applies, unless overpressure protective devices are installed on the segment in a manner that will prevent the maximum allowable operating pressure from being exceeded, in accordance with § 192.195.
(c) The maximum allowable operating pressure shall be designated following the above procedures and posted on system maps, drawings, regulator stations or other appropriate records.
§ 192.622Maximum Actual Operating Pressure: High-Pressure Distribution Systems
(a) Each operator shall establish a maximum actual operating pressure if the actual operating pressure is less than the established maximum allowable operating pressure. The maximum actual operating pressure will be the pressure for orifice sizing in customer regulators as required by § 192.197. The maximum actual operating pressure may be increased to a pressure not exceeding the maximum allowable operating pressure during emergency operating conditions. Normal seasonal gas demands are not considered emergency operating conditions. Upon termination of the emergency the pressure must be reduced to a pressure not exceeding the established maximum actual operating pressure. The maximum actual operating pressure shall be posted on system maps, drawings, regulator stations or other appropriate records.
(b) Before increasing the established maximum actual operating pressure, under normal conditions, the operator shall:
(1) Calculate the rated capability of each overpressure control device installed at each customer's service.
(2) If the overpressure control device is not capable of maintaining a safe pressure to the customer's gas utilization equipment, a new or additional device must be installed to provide a safe pressure to the customer.
§ 192.623Maximum and Minimum Allowable Operating Pressure: Low-Pressure Distribution Systems
(a) No person may operate a low-pressure distribution system at a pressure high enough to make unsafe the operation of any connected and properly adjusted low-pressure gas burning equipment.
(b) No person may operate a low-pressure distribution system at a pressure lower than the minimum pressure at which the safe and continuing operation of any connected and properly adjusted low-pressure gas burning equipment can be assured.
(c) The maximum allowable operating pressure shall be designated following the above procedures and posted on system maps, drawings, regulator stations or other appropriate records.
§ 192.625Odorization of Gas
(a) A combustible gas in a distribution line must contain a natural odorant or be odorized so that at a concentration in air of one-fifth of the lower explosive limit, the gas is readily detectable by a person with a normal sense of smell.
(b) After December 31,1976, a combustible gas in a transmission line in a Class 3 or Class 4 location must comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section unless:
(1) At least 50 percent of the length of the line downstream from that location is in a Class 1 or Class 2 location;
(2) The line transports gas to any of the following facilities which received gas without an odorant from that line before May 5,1975;
(i) An underground storage field;
(ii) A gas processing plant;
(iii) A gas dehydration plant; or
(iv) An industrial plant using gas in a process where the presence of an odorant:
(A) Makes the end product unfit for the purpose for which it is intended;
(B) Reduces the activity of a catalyst; or
(C) Reduces the percentage completion of a chemical reaction;
(3) In the case of a lateral line which transports gas to a distribution center, at least 50 percent of the length of that fine is in a Class 1 or Class 2 location; or
(4) The combustible gas is hydrogen intended for use as a feedstock in a manufacturing process.
(c) In the concentrations in which it is used, the odorant in combustible gases must comply with the following:
(1) The odorant must not be harmful to persons, materials, or pipes.
(2) The products of combustion from the odorant may not be toxic when breathed nor may they be corrosive or harmful to those materials to which the products of combustion will be exposed.
(d) The odorant may not be soluble in water to an extent greater than 2.5 parts to 100 parts by weight.
(e) Equipment for odorization must introduce the odorant without wide variations in the level of odorant.
(f) To assure the proper concentration of odorant in accordance with this section, each operator must conduct periodic sampling of combustible gases using an instrument capable of determining the percentage of gas in air at which the odor becomes readily detectable.
(g) Each operator shall conduct an odorant concentration test by performing a room odorant test or measuring with an instrument designed for this purpose. Systems odorized by centrally located equipment and designed to provide properly odorized gas to a large number of customers, shall have test points at key locations where odorant concentration tests shall be taken. These test points shall be designated in such a manner to allow sampling of gas at the furthest points from the odorizer(s). These tests shall be conducted at intervals not exceeding 3 months and recorded. As a minimum, records of the most current and previous test shall be maintained by the operator.
(h) Individual taps from unodorized facilities shall be provided with odorization equipment of proper size and serviced frequently enough to ensure an ample supply at all times. Odorant concentration test of this type facility shall be conducted each six months by an acceptable method, Odorant test records of the most current and previous test of each customer shall be maintained by the operator.
§ 192.627Tapping Pipelines Under Pressure

Each tap made on a pipeline under pressure must be performed by a crew qualified to make hot taps.

§192.629Purging of Pipelines
(a) When a pipeline is being purged of air by use of gas, the gas must be released into one end of the tine in a moderately rapid and continuous flow. If gas cannot be supplied in sufficient quantity to prevent the formation of a hazardous mixture of gas and air, a slug of inert gas must be released into the line before the gas.
(b) When a pipeline is being purged of gas by use of air, the air must be released into one end of the line in a moderately rapid and continuous flow. If air cannot be supplied in sufficient quantity to prevent the formation of a hazardous mixture of gas and air, a slug of inert gas must be released into the line before the air.
(c) When a low pressure gas system is being purged of water by natural gas, the allowable operating pressure may not be exceeded. If the pressure required to purge the water exceeds the established maximum allowable operating pressure, air will be used to purge the system.
§ 192.701Scope

This subpart prescribes minimum requirements for maintenance of pipeline facilities.

§ 192.703General
(a) No person may operate a segment of pipeline, unless it is maintained in accordance with this subpart.
(b) Each segment of pipeline that becomes unsafe must be replaced, repaired, or removed from service.
(c) Hazardous leaks must be repaired promptly.
§ 192.705Transmission Lines: Patrolling
(a) Each operator shall have a patrol program to observe surface conditions on and adjacent to the transmission line right-of-way for indications of leaks, construction activity, and other factors affecting safety and operation.
(b) The frequency of patrols is determined by the size of the line, the operating pressure, the class location, terrain, weather, and other relevant factors, but intervals between patrols may not be longer than prescribed in the following table:

Maximum interval between patrols

Class location of line

At highway and railroad crossings

At all other places

1, 2......................

7 1/2 months, but at least twice each calendar year.

15 months, but at least once each calendar year.


4 1/2 months, but at least four times each calendar year.

7 1/2 months, but at least twice each calendar year.


4 1/2 months, but at least four times each calendar year.

4 1/2 months, but at least four times each calendar year.

(c) Methods of patrolling include walking, driving, flying or other appropriate means of traversing the right-of-way.
§ 192.706Transmission Lines: Leakage Surveys

Leakage surveys of a transmission line must be conducted at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year. However, in the case of a transmission line which transports gas in conformity with § 192.625 without an odor or odorant, leakage surveys using leak detector equipment must be conducted:

(a) In Class 3 locations, at intervals not exceeding 1/2 months, but at least twice each calendar year; and
(b) In Class 4 locations, at intervals not exceeding 41/2 months, but at least four times each calendar year.
§ 192.707Line Markers for Mains and Transmission Lines
(a)Buried pipelines. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a line marker must be placed and maintained as close as practical over each buried main and transmission line:
(1) At each crossing of a public road and railroad; and
(2) Wherever necessary to identify the location of the transmission line or main to reduce the possibility of damage or interference. When a pipeline crosses a divided roadway, a marker shall be placed on each side of the roadway.
(b)Exceptions for buried pipelines. Line markers are not required for the following pipelines:
(1) Mains and transmission lines located at crossings of or under waterways and other bodies of water.
(2) Mains in Class 3 or Class 4 locations where a damage prevention program is in effect under § 192.614:
(3) Transmission lines in Class 3 or 4 locations where placement of a tine marker is impractical.
(c)Pipelines above ground. Line markers must be placed and maintained along each section of a main and transmission line that is located above-ground in an area accessible to the public.
(d)Marker warning. The following must be written legibly on a background of sharply contrasting color on each line marker:
(1) The word "Warning", "Caution", or "Danger", followed by the words "Gas Pipeline" all of which, except for markers in heavily developed urban areas, must be in letters at least one inch (25 millimeters) high with one-quarter inch (6.4 millimeters) stroke.
(2) The name of the operator and the telephone number (including area code) where the operator can be reached at all times.
§ 192.709Transmission Lines: Record-Keeping

Each operator shall maintain the following records for transmission lines for the periods specified:

(a) The date, location, and description of each repair made to pipe (including pipe-to-pipe connections) must be retained for as long as the pipe remains in service.
(b) The date, location, and description of each repair made to parts of the pipeline system other than pipe must be retained for at least 5 years. However, repairs generated by patrols, surveys, inspections, or tests required by subparts L and M of this part must be retained in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) A record of each patrol, survey, inspection, and test required by subparts L and M of this part must be retained for at least 5 years or until the next patrol, survey, inspection, or test is completed, whichever is longer.
§ 192.711Transmission Lines: General Requirements for Repair Procedures
(a) Each operator shall take immediate temporary measures to protect the public whenever:
(1) A leak, imperfection, or damage that impairs its serviceability is found in a segment of steel transmission line operating at or above 40 percent of the SMYS; and
(2) It is not feasible to make a permanent repair at the time of discovery. As soon as feasible, the operator shall make permanent repairs.
(b) Except as provided in § 192.717(b)(3), no operator may use a welded patch as a means of repair.
§ 192.713Transmission Lines: Permanent Field Repair of Imperfections and Damages
(a) Each imperfection or damage that impairs the serviceability of pipe in a steel transmission line operating at or above 40 percent of SMYS must be-
(1) Removed by cutting out and replacing a cylindrical piece of pipe; or
(2) Repaired by a method that reliable engineering tests and analyses show can permanently restore the serviceability of the pipe.
(b) Operating pressure must be at a safe level during repair operations.
§ 192.715Transmission Lines: Permanent Field Repair of Welds

Each weld that is unacceptable under § 192.241(c) must be repaired as follows:

(a) If it is feasible to take the segment of transmission line out of service, the weld must be repaired in accordance with the applicable requirements of § 192.245.
(b) A weld may be repaired in accordance with § 192.245 while the segment of transmission line is in service if:
(1) The weld is not leaking;
(2) The pressure in the segment is reduced so that it does not produce a stress that is more than 20 percent of the SMYS of the pipe; and
(3) Grinding of the defective area can be limited so that at least 1/8 inch (3.2 millimeters) thickness in the pipe weld remains.
(c) A defective weld which cannot be repaired in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b) of this section must be repaired by installing a full encirclement welded split sleeve of appropriate design.
§ 192.717Transmission Lines: Permanent Field Repair of Leaks

Each permanent field repair of a leak on a transmission line must be made by-

(a) Removing the leak by cutting out and replacing a cylindrical piece of pipe; or
(b) Repairing the leak by one of the following methods:
(1) Install a full encirclement welded split sleeve of appropriate design, unless the transmission line is joined by mechanical couplings and operates at less than 40 percent of SMYS.
(2) If the leak is due to a corrosion pit, install a properly designed bolt-on-leak clamp.
(3) If the leak is due to a corrosion pit and on pipe of not more than 40,000 p.s.i. (267 Mpa) SMYS, fillet weld over the pitted area a steel plate patch with rounded corners, of the same or greater thickness than the pipe, and not more than one-half of the diameter of the pipe in size.
(4) If the leak is on a submerged offshore pipeline or submerged pipeline in inland navigable waters, mechanically apply a full encirclement split sleeve of appropriate design.
(5) Apply a method that reliable engineering tests and analyses show can permanently restore the serviceability of the pipe.
§ 192.719Transmission Lines: Testing of Repairs
(a) Testing of replacement pipe. If a segment of transmission line is repaired by cutting out the damaged portion of the pipe as a cylinder, the replacement pipe must be tested to the pressure required for a new line installed in the same location. This test may be made on the pipe before it is installed.
(b) Testing of repairs made by welding. Each repair made by welding in accordance with §§ 192.713, 192.715, and 192.717 must be examined In accordance with § 192.241.
§ 192.721Distribution Systems: Patrolling
(a) The frequency of patrolling mains must be determined by the severity of the conditions which could cause failure or leakage, and the consequent hazards to public safety.
(b) Mains in places or on structures where anticipated physical movement or external loading could cause failure or leakage must be patrolled -
(1) In business districts, at intervals not exceeding 4 1/2 months, but at least 4 times each calendar year; and
(2) Outside business districts, at intervals not exceeding 7 1/2 months, but at least twice each calendar year.
§ 192.723Distribution Systems: Leakage Surveys and Procedures
(a) Each operator of a distribution system shall conduct periodic leakage surveys in accordance with this section. These surveys must be performed by, or under the direct supervision of, personnel trained and qualified in both the use of appropriate equipment and the classification of leaks. In addition, maps that approximate the location of the mains and transmission lines being surveyed must be available.
(b) The type and scope of the leakage control program must be determined by the nature of the operations and the local conditions, but it must meet the following minimum requirements.
(1) A leakage survey with leak detector equipment shall be conducted in business districts including test of the atmosphere in electric, gas, sewer, telephone, and water system manholes, at cracks in pavement and sidewalks and at other locations providing an opportunity for finding gas leaks. This survey shall be performed with a flame ionization unit or a gas detector at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year.
(2) A leakage survey with leak detector equipment must be conducted outside business districts as frequently as necessary, but at intervals not exceeding 5 years. However, for cathodically unprotected distribution lines subject to § 192.465(e) on which electrical surveys for corrosion are impractical, survey intervals may not exceed 3 years.
(i) A leakage survey of all underground natural gas distribution systems outside of a business district, that are owned/operated or the responsibility of a public or municipal utility shall be performed as frequently as necessary but at intervals not exceeding five (5) calendar years.
(ii) A leakage survey of all underground natural gas distribution systems, not owned nor the responsibility of a public or municipal utility and used to transport gas from a master meter or utility company gas main to multiple buildings, shall be performed as frequently as necessary but at intervals not exceeding five (5) years. Owners/operators of these systems shall be responsible to ensure these surveys are accomplished.
(c) The type and scope of the surveys required in (i) and (ii) above, must ensure detection, location, evaluation and classification of any gas leakage. The following methods may be employed depending on the design and size of the system or facility:
(1) Flame Ionization Detector.
(2) Combustible Gas Indicator (includes bar holing).
(3) Pressure Drop or No Flow. Only to be used to establish the presence or absence of leakage on a distribution system. Where leakage is indicated, further evaluation by another detection method must be accomplished to locate, evaluate and classify leaks. When this method is used to verify no leakage exists a test record certified by a qualified person, organization or agency, must be retained with records of survey.

NOTE: Test duration must be of sufficient length to detect leakage, and the following should be considered:

Volume under test and the time for the test medium to become temperature stabilized.

(d) All leaks detected shall be classified to assure a standardized priority of repair is established. There is no precise means presently developed to accurately classify teaks, however, there are four general categories that must be considered when judging the severity of gas leaks:
(1) Proportion. The quantity of gas escaping based on gas indicator readings, pressure of line or container from which gas is escaping and concentration of odor.
(2) Location. The centralized location of escaping gas; under buildings and paved surfaces, near occupied buildings, near source of ignition or in open areas where the concentration of gas is improbable.
(3) Dispersion. The areas to which escaping gas may spread. Based on depth of line, type of soil, pressure, surface cover, moisture, frozen soil and other soil conditions.
(4) Evaluation. All factors must be evaluated, applying experience and good judgement in arriving at the proper classification.
(e) To standardize leak classification, using the above factors, all leaks shall be classified in the following categories:
(1) Class 1. Leaks that represent an existing or probable hazard to persons or property and requires immediate repair or continuous action until the hazardous condition no longer exists.
(2) Class 2. Leaks that are considered non-hazardous at the time of detection, but could become hazardous if repair is not accomplished in a reasonable length of time. Repair as soon as possible, but within a period not to exceed five months.
(3) Class 3. Leaks that are non-hazardous at the time of detection and can be expected to remain non-hazardous. These leaks should be re-evaluated during the next scheduled survey. Repair as time and expenditures permit.
(f) In addition to leak surveys, any leak or gas odor reported from the public, fire, police or other authorities or notification of damage to facilities by outside sources shall require prompt investigation. Thorough investigations shall be performed on all suspected leaks to determine the degree of existing hazard to person or property. This includes entering structures in a reported or suspected leakage area and checking for presence of gas.
(1) Leaks reported on customer's piping shall be investigated by trained and qualified employees who must judge the degree of hazard and establish the required repair priority. If a hazardous leak exists on customer's piping, the service shall be immediately terminated upstream of the leak. If the leak is not presently hazardous but may become hazardous, the customer shall be given a reasonable time to repair the leak.
(g) A leak repair record shall be made for every leak detected or identified. Leaks discovered on customer's piping, downstream of the meter, shall be documented on operator's service orders and retained until the customer's piping has been repaired to the satisfaction of the operator. Corrosion leaks shall be documented on permanent records and shall be retained for as long as the segment of pipeline on which the leak was located is in service. As a minimum, leak records other than corrosion shall be maintained on the two most current leak surveys. Each leak record shall contain, as a minimum, the following:
(1) Date leak discovered.
(2) Location.
(3) Classification.
(4) Cause of leak.
(5) Initials of person making the repair or responsible for maintaining the records of work accomplished.
(h) Leaks may be reclassified by responsible and suitable experienced persons whose name shall appear on the documents.
§ 192.725Test Requirements for Reinstating Service Lines
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each disconnected service line must be tested in the same manner as a new service line, before being reinstated.
(b) Each service line temporarily disconnected from the main must be tested from the point of disconnection to the service line valve in the same manner as a new service line, before reconnecting. However, if provisions are made to maintain continuous service, such as installation of a bypass, any part of the original service line used to maintain continuous service need not be tested.
§ 192.727Abandonment or Deactivation of Facilities
(a) Each operator shall conduct abandonment or deactivation of pipelines In accordance with the requirements of this section.
(b) Each pipeline abandoned in place must be disconnected from all sources and supplies of gas, purged of gas, and the ends sealed. However, the pipeline need not be purged when the volume of gas is so small that there is no potential hazard.
(c) Except for service tines, each inactive pipeline that is not being maintained under this part must be disconnected from all sources and supplies of gas, purged of gas, and the ends sealed. However, the pipeline need not be purged when the volume of gas is so small that there is no potential hazard.
(d) Whenever service to a customer is discontinued, one of the following must be complied with:
(1) The valve that is closed to prevent the flow of gas to the customer must be provided with a locking device or other means designed to prevent the opening of the valve by persons other than those authorized by the operator.
(2) A mechanical device or fitting that will prevent the flow of gas must be installed in the service line or in the meter assembly.
(3) The customer's piping must be physically disconnected from the gas supply and the open pipe ends sealed.
(e) If air is used for purging, the operator shall ensure that a combustible mixture is not present after purging.
(f) Each abandoned vault must be filled with a suitable compacted material.
(g) For each abandoned offshore pipeline facility or each abandoned onshore pipeline facility that crosses over, under or through a commercially navigable waterway, the last operator of that facility must file a report upon abandonment of that facility.
(1) The preferred method to submit data on pipeline facilities abandoned after October 10,2000 is to the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) in accordance with the NPMS "Standards for Pipeline and Liquefied Natural Gas Operator Submissions." To obtain a copy of the NPMS Standards, please refer to the NPMS homepage at http://www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov or contact the NPMS National Repository at 703-317-3073. A digital data format is preferred, but hard copy submissions are acceptable if they comply with the NPMS Standards. In addition to the NPMS-required attributes, operators must submit the date of abandonment, diameter, method of abandonment, and certification that, to the best of the operator's knowledge, ail of the reasonably available information requested was provided and, to the best of the operator's knowledge, the abandonment was completed in accordance with applicable laws. Refer to the NPMS Standards for details in preparing your data for submission. The NPMS Standards also include details of how to submit data. Alternatively, operators may submit reports by mail, fax or e-mail to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, PHP-10, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590; fax (202) 366-4566; e-mail InformationResourcesManager@phmsa.dot.gov. The information in the report must contain all reasonably available information related to the facility, including information in the possession of a third party. The report must contain the location, size, date, method of abandonment, and a certification that the facility has been abandoned in accordance with all applicable laws.
(2) [Reserved].
§ 192.731Compressor Stations: Inspection and Testing of Relief Devices.
(a) Except for rupture discs, each pressure relieving device in a compressor station must be inspected and tested in accordance with §§ 192.739 and 192.743, and must be operated periodically to determine that it opens at the correct set pressure.
(b) Any defective or inadequate equipment found must be promptly repaired or replaced.
(c) Each remote control shutdown device must be inspected and tested, at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year, to determine that it functions properly.
§ 192.735Compressor Stations: Storage of Combustible Materials.
(a) Flammable or combustible materials in quantities beyond those required for everyday use, or other than those normally used in compressor buildings, must be stored a safe distance from the compressor building.
(b) Above-ground oil or gasoline storage tanks must be protected in accordance with National Fire Protection Association Standard No. 30.
§ 192.736Compressor Stations: Gas Detection.
(a) Not later than September 16,1996, each compressor building in a compressor station must have a fixed gas detection and alarm system, unless the building is:
(1) Constructed so that at least 50 percent of its upright side area is permanently open; or
(2) Located in an unattended field compressor station of 1,000 horsepower (746 kW) or less.
(b) Except when shutdown of the system is necessary for maintenance under paragraph (c) of this section, each gas detection and alarm system required by this section must:
(1) Continuously monitor the compressor building for a concentration of gas in air of not more than 25 percent of the lower explosive limit; and
(2) If that concentration of gas is detected, warn persons about to enter the building and persons inside the building of the danger.
(c) Each gas detection and alarm system required by this section must be maintained to function properly. The maintenance must include performance tests.
§ 192.739Pressure Limiting and Regulating Stations: Inspection and Testing.
(a) Each pressure limiting station, relief device (except rupture discs), and pressure regulating station and its equipment must be subjected, at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year, to inspections and tests. These inspections and tests shall include the following:
(1) Pressure regulating devices.
(i) Each regulator must be inspected to ensure it is in good working order, controls pressure and capacity within acceptable limits for the system in which it is installed.
(ii) Shuts off pressure within acceptable limits.
(iii) Second stage regulator will withstand and control first stage inlet pressure if a relief valve is not installed between regulators.
(iv) Properly installed control lines, controllers, actuators and protected from conditions that may prevent proper operation.
(v) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, set to control or relieve at the correct pressure consistent with the pressure limits of § 192.201(a); and
(2) Pressure limiting and relief devices.
(i) Monitor regulators tested for proper operating parameters.
(ii) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section set to control or relieve at the correct pressure consistent with the pressure limits of § 192,201 (a); and
(iii) Vent stacks are free of obstructions, properly routed, vented outside of building and vents adequately covered.
(iv) Block valves connecting relief devices to a system shall be locked in the open position and block valves in manually-fed above ground bypasses shall be locked in the closed position.
(b) For steel pipelines whose MAOP is determined under § 192.619(c), if the MAOP is 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage or more, the control or relief pressure limit is as follows:

If the MAOP produces a hoop stress that is:

Then the pressure limit is:

Greater than 72 percent of SMYS

MAOP plus 4 percent

Unknown as a precentage of SMYS

A pressure that will prevent unsafe operation of the pipeline considering its operating and maintenance history and MAOP

§ 192.741Pressure Limiting and Regulating Stations: Telemetering or Recording Gauges
(a) Each distribution system supplied by more than one district pressure regulating station must be equipped with telemetering or recording pressure gauges to indicate the gas pressure in the district.
(b) On distribution systems supplied by a single district pressure regulating station, the operator shall determine the necessity of installing telemetering or recording gauges in the district, taking into consideration the number of customers supplied, the operating pressures, the capacity of the installation, and other operating conditions.
(c) If there are indications of abnormally high or low pressure, the regulator and the auxiliary equipment must be inspected and the necessary measures employed to correct any unsatisfactory operating conditions.
§ 192.743Pressure Limiting and Regulating Stations: Capacity of Relief Devices
(a) Pressure relief devices at pressure limiting stations and pressure regulating stations must have sufficient capacity to protect the facilities to which they are connected. Except as provided in § 192.739(b), the capacity must be consistent with the pressure limits of § 192.201(a). This capacity must be determined at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year, by testing the devices in place or by review and calculations.
(b) If review and calculations are used to determine if a device has sufficient capacity, the calculated capacity must be compared with the rated or experimentally determined relieving capacity of the device for the conditions under which it operates. After the initial calculations, subsequent calculations need not be made if the annual review documents that parameters have not changed to cause the rated or experimentally determined relieving capacity to be insufficient.
(c) If a relief device is of insufficient capacity, a new or additional device must be installed to provide the capacity required by paragraph (a) of this section.
§ 192.745Valve Maintenance: Transmission Lines
(a) Each valve, the use of which may be necessary for the safe operation of a transmission line, must be identified and readily accessible. These valves must be inspected, lubricated when necessary and partially operated at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year.
(b) Each operator must take prompt remedial action to correct any valve found inoperable, unless the operator designates an alternative valve.
§ 192.747Valve Maintenance: Distribution Systems
(a) Each valve, the use of which may be necessary for the safe operation of a distribution system must be identified and readily accessible. These valves must be inspected, lubricated when necessary and partially operated at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year.
(b) Each operator must take prompt remedial action to correct any valve found inoperable, unless the operator designates an alternative valve.
§192.749Vault Maintenance
(a) Each vault housing pressure regulating and pressure limiting equipment, and having a volumetric internal content of 200 cubic feet (5.66 cubic meters) or more, must be inspected, at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year, to determine that it is in good physical condition and adequately ventilated.
(b) If gas is found in the vault, the equipment in the vault must be inspected for leaks, and any leaks found must be repaired.
(c) The ventilating equipment must also be inspected to determine that it is functioning properly.
(d) Each vault cover must be inspected to assure that it does not present a hazard to public safety.
§ 192.751Prevention of Accidental Ignition

Each operator shall take steps to minimize the danger of accidental ignition of gas in any structure or area where the presence of gas constitutes a hazard of fire or explosion, including the following:

(a) When a hazardous amount of gas is being vented into open air, each potential source of ignition must be removed from the area and a fire extinguisher must be provided.
(b) Gas or electric welding or cutting may not be performed on pipe or on pipe components that contain a combustible mixture of gas and air in the area of work.
(c) Post warning signs, where appropriate.
§ 192.753Caulked Bell and Spigot Joints
(a) Each cast iron caulked bell and spigot joint that is subject to pressures of more than 25 p.s.i. (172kPa) gage must be sealed with:
(1) A mechanical leak clamp; or
(2) A material or device which:
(i) Does not reduce flexibility of the joint;
(ii) Permanently bonds, either chemically or mechanically, or both, with the bell and spigot metal surfaces or adjacent pipe metal surfaces; and
(iii) Seals and bonds in a manner that meets the strength, environmental, and chemical compatibility requirements of §§ 192.53(a) and (b) and § 192.143.
(b) Each cast iron caulked bell and spigot joint that is subject to pressures of 25 p.s.i. (172kPa) gage or less and is exposed for any reason must be sealed by a means other than caulking.
§ 192.755Protecting Cast Iron Pipelines.

When an operator has knowledge that the support for a segment of a buried cast iron pipeline is disturbed:

(a) That segment of the pipeline must be protected, as necessary, against damage during the disturbance by:
(1) Vibrations from heavy construction equipment, trains, trucks, buses or blasting;
(2) Impact force by vehicles;
(3) Earth movement;
(4) Apparent future excavations near the pipeline; or
(5) Other foreseeable outside forces which may subject that segment of the pipeline to bending stress.
(b) As soon as feasible, appropriate steps must be taken to provide permanent protection for the disturbed segment from damage that might result from external toads, including compliance with applicable requirements of §§ 192.317(a), 192.319, and 192.361(b) - (d).
SUBPART NQualification of Pipeline Personnel
(a) This subpart prescribes the minimum requirements for operator qualification of individuals performing covered tasks on a pipeline facility.
(b) For the purpose of this subpart, a covered task is an activity, identified by the operator, that:
(1) Is performed on a pipeline facility;
(2) Is an operations or maintenance task;
(3) Is performed as a requirement of this part; and
(4) Affects the operation or integrity of the pipeline.

Abnormal operating condition means a condition identified by the operator that may indicate a malfunction of a component or deviation from normal operations that may:

(a) Indicate a condition exceeding design limits; or
(b) Result in a hazard(s) to persons, property, or the environment.

Evaluation means a process, established and documented by the operator, to determine an individual's ability to perform a covered task by any of the following:

(a) Written examination;
(b) Oral examination;
(c) Work performance history review;
(d) Observation during:
(1) Performance on the job,
(2) On the job training, or
(3) Simulations;
(e) Other forms of assessment.

Qualified means that an individual has been evaluated and can:

(a) Perform assigned covered tasks; and
(b) Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
§ 192.805Qualification program

Each operator shall have and follow a written qualification program. The program shall include provisions to:

(a) Identify covered tasks;
(b) Ensure through evaluation that individuals performing covered tasks are qualified;
(c) Allow individuals that are not qualified pursuant to this subpart to perform a covered task if directed and observed by an individual that is qualified;
(d) Evaluate an individual if the operator has reason to believe that the individual's performance of a covered task contributed to an incident as defined in Part 191;
(e) Evaluate an individual if the operator has reason to believe that the individual is no longer qualified to perform a covered task;
(f) Communicate changes that affect covered tasks to individuals performing those covered tasks;
(g) Identify those covered tasks and the intervals at which evaluation of the individual's qualifications is needed;
(h) After December 16. 2004, provide training, as appropriate, to ensure that individuals performing covered tasks have the necessary knowledge and skills to perform the tasks in a manner that ensures the safe operation of pipeline facilities; and
(i) After December 16,2004, notify the Administrator or a state agency participating under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 601 if the operator significantly modifies the program after the Administrator or state agency has verified that it complies with this section.

Each operator shall maintain records that demonstrate compliance with this subpart.

(a) Qualification records shall include:
(1) Identification of qualified individual(s);
(2) Identification of the covered tasks the individual is qualified to perform;
(3) Date(s) of current qualification; and
(4) Qualification method (s).
(b) Records supporting an individual's current qualification shall be maintained while the individual is performing the covered task. Records of prior qualification and records of individuals no longer performing covered tasks shall be retained for a period of five years.
§ 192.809General.
(a) Operators must have a written qualification program by April 27, 2001. The program must be available for review by the Administrator or by a state agency participating under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 601 if the program is under the authority of that state agency.
(b) Operators must complete the qualification of individuals performing covered tasks by October 28, 2002.
(c) Work performance history review may be used as a sole evaluation method for individuals who were performing a covered task prior to October 26,1999.
(d) After October 28, 2002, work performance history may not be used as a sole evaluation method.
(e) After December 16, 2004 observation of on-the-job performance may not be used as the sole method of evaluation.
§ 192.901What do the regulations in this subpart cover?

This subpart prescribes minimum requirements for an integrity management program on any gas transmission pipeline covered under this part. For gas transmission pipelines constructed of plastic, only the requirements in §§ 192.917,192.921, 192.935 and 192.937 apply.

§ 192.903What definitions apply to this subpart?

The following definitions apply to this subpart.

Assessment is the use of testing techniques as allowed in this subpart to ascertain the condition of a covered pipeline segment.

Confirmatory direct assessment is an integrity assessment method using more focused application of the principles and techniques of direct assessment to identify internal and external corrosion in a covered transmission pipeline segment.

Covered segment or covered pipeline segment means a segment of gas transmission pipeline located in a high consequence area. The terms gas and transmission line are defined in the Definitions section.

Direct assessment is an integrity assessment method that utilizes a process to evaluate certain threats (i.e., external corrosion, internal corrosion and stress corrosion cracking) to a covered pipeline segment's integrity. The process includes the gathering and integration of risk factor data, indirect examination or analysis to identify areas of suspected corrosion, direct examination of the pipeline in these areas, and post assessment evaluation.

High consequence area means an area established by one of the methods described in paragraphs (1) or (2) as follows:

(1) An area defined as-
(i) A Class 3 location under § 192.5; or
(ii) A Class 4 location under § 192.5; or
(iii) Any area in a Class 1 or Class 2 location where the potential impact radius is greater than 660 feet (200 meters), and the area within a potential impact circle contains 20 or more buildings intended for human occupancy; or
(iv) Any area in a Class 1 or Class 2 location where the potential impact circle contains an identified site.
(2) The area within a potential impact circle containing-
(i) 20 or more buildings intended for human occupancy, unless the exception in paragraph (4) applies; or
(ii) An identified site.
(3) Where a potential impact circle is calculated under either method (1) or (2) to establish a high consequence area, the length of the high consequence area extends axially along the length of the pipeline from the outermost edge of the first potential impact circle that contains either an identified site or 20 or more buildings intended for human occupancy to the outermost edge of the last contiguous potential impact circle that contains either an identified site or 20 or more buildings intended for human occupancy. (See Figure E.l.A. in Appendix E.)
(4) If in identifying a high consequence area under paragraph (1)(iii) of this definition or paragraph (2)(i) of this definition, the radius of the potential impact circle is greater than 660 feet (200 meters), the operator may identify a high consequence area based on a prorated number of buildings intended for human occupancy within a distance 660 feet (200 meters) from the centerline of the pipeline until December 17, 2006. If an operator chooses this approach, the operator must prorate the number of buildings intended for human occupancy based on the ratio of an area with a radius of 660 feet (200 meters) to the area of the potential impact circle (i.e., the prorated number of buildings intended for human occupancy is equal to 20 x (660 feet [or 200 meters]) / ( potential impact radius in feet [or meters])2).

Identified site means each of the following areas:

(a) An outside area or open structure that is occupied by twenty (20) or more persons on at least 50 days in any twelve (12)- month period. (The days need not be consecutive). Examples include but are not limited to, beaches, playgrounds, recreational facilities, camping grounds, outdoor theaters, stadiums, recreational areas near a body of water, or areas outside a rural building such as a religious facility; or
(b) A building that is occupied by twenty (20) or more persons on at least five (5) days a week for ten (10) weeks in any twelve (12)- month period. (The days and weeks need not be consecutive). Examples include, but are not limited to, religious facilities, office buildings, community centers, general stores, 4-H facilities, or roller skating rinks; or
(c) A facility occupied by persons who are confined, are of impaired mobility, or would be difficult to evacuate. Examples include but are not limited to hospitals, prisons, schools, day-care facilities, retirement facilities or asststed-living facilities.

Potential impact circle is a circle of radius equal to the potential impact radius (PIR).

Potential impact radius (PIR) means the radius of a circle within which the potential failure of a pipeline could have significant impact on people or property. PIR is determined by the formula r = 0.69 * (square root of (p*d2)), where 'r' is the radius of a circular area in feet surrounding the point of failure, 'p' is the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) in the pipeline segment in pounds per square inch and 'd' is the nominal diameter of the pipeline in inches.

Note: 0.69 is the factor for natural gas. This number will vary for other gases depending upon their heat of combustion. An operator transporting gas other than natural gas must use section 3.2 of ASME/ANSI B31.8S-2001 (Supplement to ASME B31.8; (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7)) to calculate the impact radius formula.

Remediation is a repair or mitigation activity an operator takes on a covered segment to limit or reduce the probability of an undesired event occurring or the expected consequences from the event.

§ 192.905How does an operator identify a high consequence area?
(a)General. To determine which segments of an operator's transmission pipeline system are covered by this subpart, an operator must identify the high consequence areas. An operator must use method (1) or (2) from the definition in § 192.903 to identify a high consequence area. An operator may apply one method to its entire pipeline system, or an operator may apply one method to individual portions of the pipeline system. An operator must describe in its integrity management program which method it is applying to each portion of the operator's pipeline system. The description must include the potential impact radius when utilized to establish a high consequence area. (See Appendix E.I. for guidance on identifying high consequence areas.)
(1)Identified sites. An operator must identify an identified site, for purposes of this subpart, from information the operator has obtained from routine operation and maintenance activities and from public officials with safety or emergency response or planning responsibilities who indicate to the operator that they know of locations that meet the identified site criteria. These public officials could include officials on a local emergency planning commission or relevant Native American tribal officials.
(2) If a public official with safety or emergency response or planning responsibilities informs an operator that it does not have the information to identify an identified site, the operator must use one of the following sources, as appropriate, to identify these sites.
(i) Visible marking (e.g., a sign); or
(ii) The site is licensed or registered by a Federal, State, or local government agency; or
(iii) The site is on a list (including a list on an internet web site) or map maintained by or available from a Federal, State, or local government agency and available to the general public.
(c)Newly-identified areas. When an operator has information that the area around a pipeline segment not previously identified as a high consequence area could satisfy any of the definitions in § 192.903, the operator must complete the evaluation using method (1) or (2). If the segment is determined to meet the definition as a high consequence area, it must be incorporated into the operator's baseline assessment plan as a high consequence area within one year from the date the area is identified.
§ 192.907What must an operator do to implement this subpart?
(a)General. No later than December 17, 2004, an operator of a covered pipeline segment must develop and follow a written integrity management program that contains all the elements described in § 192.911 and that addresses the risks on each covered transmission pipeline segment. The initial integrity management program must consist, at a minimum, of a framework that describes the process for implementing each program element, how relevant decisions will be made and by whom, a time line for completing the work to implement the program element, and how information gained from experience will be continuously incorporated into the program. The framework will evolve into a more detailed and comprehensive program. An operator must make continual improvements to the program.
(b)Implementation Standards. In carrying out this subpart, an operator must follow the requirements of this subpart and of ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) and its appendices, where specified. An operator may follow an equivalent standard or practice only when the operator demonstrates the alternative standard or practice provides an equivalent level of safety to the public and property. !n the event of a conflict between this subpart and ASME/ANSI B31.8S, the requirements in this subpart control.
§ 192.909How can an operator change its integrity management program?
(a)General. An operator must document any change to its program and the reasons for the change before implementing the change.
(b)Notification. An operator must notify OPS, in accordance with § 192.949, of any change to the program that may substantially affect the program's implementation or may significantly modify the program or schedule for carrying out the program elements. An operator must also notify a State or local pipeline safety authority when either a covered segment is located in a State where OPS has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate covered segment is regulated by that State. An operator must provide the notification within 30 days after adopting this type of change into its program.
§ 192.911What are the elements of an integrity management program?

An operator's initial integrity management program begins with a framework (see § 192.907) and evolves into a more detailed and comprehensive integrity management program, as information is gained and incorporated into the program. An operator must make continual improvements to its program. The initial program framework and subsequent program must, at minimum, contain the following elements. (When indicated, refer to ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) for more detailed information on the listed element.)

(a) An identification of all high consequence areas, in accordance with § 192.905.
(b) A baseline assessment plan meeting the requirements of §§ 192.919 and 192.921.
(c) An identification of threats to each covered pipeline segment, which must include data integration and a risk assessment. An operator must use the threat identification and risk assessment to prioritize covered segments for assessment (§ 192.917) and to evaluate the merits of additional preventive and mitigative measures (§ 192,935) for each covered segment.
(d) A direct assessment plan, if applicable, meeting the requirements of § 192.923, and depending on the threat assessed, of §§ 192.925,192.927, or 192.929.
(e) Provisions meeting the requirements of § 192,933 for remediating conditions found during an integrity assessment.
(f) A process for continual evaluation and assessment meeting the requirements of § 192.937.
(g) If applicable, a plan for confirmatory direct assessment meeting the requirements of § 192.931.
(h) Provisions meeting the requirements of § 192.935 for adding preventive and mitigative measures to protect the high consequence area.
(i) A performance plan as outlined in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 9 that includes performance measures meeting the requirements of § 192.945.
(j) Record keeping provisions meeting the requirements of § 192.947.
(k) A management of change process as outlined in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 11.
(I) A quality assurance process as outlined in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 12.
(m) A communication plan that includes the elements of ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 10, and that includes procedures for addressing safety concerns raised by -
(1) OPS; and
(2) a State or local pipeline safety authority when a covered segment is located in a State where OPS has an interstate agent agreement.
(n) Procedures for providing (when requested), by electronic or other means, a copy of the operator's risk analysis or integrity management program to -
(1) OPS; and
(2) A State or local pipeline safety authority when a covered segment is located in a State where OPS has an interstate agent agreement.
(o) Procedures for ensuring that each integrity assessment is being conducted in a manner that minimizes environmental and safety risks.
(p) A process for identification and assessment of newly-identified high consequence areas. (See § 192.905 and §192.921.)
§ 192.913When may an operator deviate its program from certain requirements of this subpart?
(a)General. ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) provides the essential features of a performance-based or a prescriptive integrity management program. An operator that uses a performance-based approach that satisfies the requirements for exceptional performance in paragraph (b) of this section may deviate from certain requirements in this subpart, as provided in paragraph (c) of this section.
(b)Exceptional performance. An operator must be able to demonstrate the exceptional performance of its integrity management program through the following actions.
(1) To deviate from any of the requirements set forth in paragraph (c) of this section, an operator must have a performance-based integrity management program that meets or exceed the performance-based requirements of ASME/ANSI B31.8S and includes, at a minimum, the following elements -
(i) A comprehensive process for risk analysis;
(ii) All risk factor data used to support the program;
(iii) A comprehensive data integration process;
(iv) A procedure for applying lessons learned from assessment of covered pipeline segments to pipeline segments not covered by this subpart;
(v) A procedure for evaluating every incident, including its cause, within the operator's sector of the pipeline industry for implications both to the operator's pipeline system and to the operator's integrity management program;
(vi) A performance matrix that demonstrates the program has been effective in ensuring the integrity of the covered segments by controlling the identified threats to the covered segments;
(vii) Semi-annual performance measures beyond those required in § 192.945 that are part of the operator's performance plan. (See § 192.911(1).) An operator must submit these measures, by electronic or other means, on a semi-annual frequency to OPS in accordance with § 192.951; and
(viii) An analysis that supports the desired integrity reassessment interval and the remediation methods to be used for all covered segments.
(2) In addition to the requirements for the performance-based plan, an operator must -
(i) Have completed at least two integrity assessments on each covered pipeline segment the operator is including under the performance-based approach, and be able to demonstrate that each assessment effectively addressed the identified threats on the covered segment.
(ii) Remediate all anomalies identified in the more recent assessment according to the requirements in § 192.933, and incorporate the results and lessons learned from the more recent assessment into the operator's data integration and risk assessment.
(c)Deviation. Once an operator has demonstrated that it has satisfied the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section, the operator may deviate from the prescriptive requirements of ASME/ANSI B31.8S and of this subpart only in the following instances.
(1) The time frame for reassessment as provided in § 192,939 except that reassessment by some method allowed under this subpart (e.g., confirmatory direct assessment) must be carried out at intervals no longer than seven years;
(2) The time frame for remediation as provided in § 192.933 if the operator demonstrates the time frame will not jeopardize the safety of the covered segment.
§ 192.915What knowledge and training must personnel have to carry out an integrity management program?
(a)Supervisory personnel. The integrity management program must provide that each supervisor whose responsibilities relate to the integrity management program possesses and maintains a thorough knowledge of the integrity management program and of the elements for which the supervisor is responsible. The program must provide that any person who qualifies as a supervisor for the integrity management program has appropriate training or experience in the area for which the person is responsible.
(b)Persons who carry out assessments and evaluate assessment results. The integrity management program must provide criteria for the qualification of any person -
(1) Who conducts an integrity assessment allowed under this subpart; or
(2) Who reviews and analyzes the results from an integrity assessment and evaluation; or
(3) Who makes decisions on actions to be taken based on these assessments.
(c)Persons responsible for preventive and mitigative measures. The integrity management program must provide criteria for the qualification of any person -
(1) Who implements preventive and mitigative measures to carry out this subpart, including the marking and locating of buried structures; or
(2) Who directly supervises excavation work carried out in conjunction with an integrity assessment.
§ 192.917How does an operator identify potential threats to pipeline integrity and use the threat identification in its integrity program?
(a)Threat identification. An operator must identify and evaluate all potential threats to each covered pipeline segment. Potential threats that an operator must consider include, but are not limited to, the threats listed in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 2, which are grouped under the following four categories:
(1) Time dependent threats such as internal corrosion, external corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking;
(2) Static or resident threats, such as fabrication or construction defects;
(3) Time independent threats such as third party damage and outside force damage; and
(4) Human error.
(b)Date gathering and integration. To identify and evaluate the potential threats to a covered pipeline segment, an operator must gather and integrate existing data and information on the entire pipeline that could be relevant to the covered segment. In performing this data gathering and integration, an operator must follow the requirements in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 4. At a minimum, an operator must gather and evaluate the set of data specified in Appendix A to ASME/ANSI B31.8S, and consider both on the covered segment and similar non-covered segments, past incident history, corrosion control records, continuing surveillance records, patrolling records, maintenance history, internal inspection records and all other conditions specific to each pipeline.
(c)Risk assessment. An operator must conduct a risk assessment that follows ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 5, and considers the identified threats for each covered segment. An operator must use the risk assessment to prioritize the covered segments for the baseline and continual reassessments (§§ 192.919, 192.921, 192.937), and to determine what additional preventive and mitigative measures are needed (§192.935) for the covered segment.
(d)Plastic Transmission Pipeline. An operator of a plastic transmission pipeline must assess the threats to each covered segment using the information in sections 4 and 5 of ASME B31.8S, and consider any threats unique to the integrity of plastic pipe.
(e)Actions to address particular threats. If an operator identifies any of the following threats, the operator must take the following actions to address the threat.
(1)Third party damage. An operator must utilize the data integration required in paragraph (b) of this section and ASME/ ANSI B31.8S, Appendix A7 to determine the susceptibility of each covered segment to the threat of third party damage. If an operator identifies the threat of third party damage, the operator must implement comprehensive additional preventive measures in accordance with § 192.935 and monitor the effectiveness of the preventive measures. If, in conducting a baseline assessment under § 192.921, or a reassessment under § 192.937, an operator uses an internal inspection tool or external corrosion direct assessment, the operator must integrate data from these assessments with data related to any encroachment or foreign line crossing on the covered segment, to define where potential indications of third party damage may exist in the covered segment. An operator must also have procedures in its integrity management program addressing actions it will take to respond to findings from this data integration.
(2)Cyclic fatigue. An operator must evaluate whether cyclic fatigue or other loading condition (including ground movement, suspension bridge condition) could lead to a failure of a deformation, including a dent or gouge, or other defect in the covered segment. An evaluation must assume the presence of threats in the covered segment that could be exacerbated by cyclic fatigue. An operator must use the results from the evaluation together with the criteria used to evaluate the significance of this threat to the covered segment to prioritize the integrity baseline assessment or reassessment.
(3)Manufacturing and construction defects. If an operator identifies the threat of manufacturing and construction defects [including seam defects) in the covered segment, an operator must analyze the covered segment to determine the risk of failure from these defects. The analysis must consider the results of prior assessments on the covered segment. An operator may consider manufacturing and construction related defects to be stable defects if the operating pressure on the covered segment has not increased over the maximum operating pressure experienced during the five years preceding identification of the high consequence area. If any of the following changes occur in the covered segment, an operator must prioritize the covered segment as a high risk segment for the baseline assessment or a subsequent reassessment.
(i) Operating pressure increases above the maximum operating pressure experienced during the preceding five years;
(ii) MAOP increases; or
(iii) The stresses leading to cyclic fatigue increase.
(4)ERW pipe. If a covered pipeline segment contains low frequency electric resistance welded pipe (ERW), lap welded pipe or other pipe that satisfies the conditions specified in ASME/ANSI B31.8 S, Appendices A4.3 and A4.4, and any covered or non covered segment in the pipeline system with such pipe has experienced seam failure, or operating pressure on the covered segment has increased over the maximum operating pressure experienced during the preceding five years, an operator must select an assessment technology or technologies with a proven application capable of assessing seam integrity and seam corrosion anomalies. The operator must prioritize the covered segment as a high risk segment for the baseline assessment or a subsequent reassessment.
(5)Corrosion. If an operator identifies corrosion on a covered pipeline segment that could adversely affect the integrity of the line (conditions specified in § 192.933), the operator must evaluate and remediate, as necessary, all pipeline segments (both covered and non-covered) with similar material coating and environmental characteristics. An operator must establish a schedule for evaluating and remediating, as necessary, the similar segments that is consistent with the operator's established operating and maintenance procedures under Part 192 for testing and repair.
§ 192.919What must be in the baseline assessment plan?

An operator must include each of the following elements in its written baseline assessment plan:

(a) Identification of the potential threats to each covered pipeline segment and the information supporting the threat identification. (See §192.917.);
(b) The methods selected to assess the integrity of the line pipe, including an explanation of why the assessment method was selected to address the identified threats to each covered segment. The integrity assessment method an operator uses must be based on the threats identified to the covered segment. (See § 192.917.) More than one method may be required to address all the threats to the covered pipeline segment;
(c) A schedule for completing the integrity assessment of all covered segments, including, risk factors considered in establishing the assessment schedule;
(d) If applicable, a direct assessment plan that meets the requirements of §§ 192.923, and depending on the threat to be addressed, of § 192.925, § 192.927, or § 192.929; and
(e) A procedure to ensure that the baseline assessment is being conducted in a manner that minimizes environmental and safety risks.
§ 192.921How is the baseline assessment to be conducted?
(a)Assessment methods. An operator must assess the integrity of the line pipe in each covered segment by applying one or more of the following methods depending on the threats to which the covered segment is susceptible. An operator must select the method or methods best suited to address the threats identified to the covered segment (See § 192.917).
(1) Internal inspection tool or tools capable of detecting corrosion, and any other threats to which the covered segment is susceptible. An operator must follow ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 6.2 in selecting the appropriate internal inspection tools for the covered segment.
(2) Pressure test conducted in accordance with subpart J of this part. An operator must use the test pressures specified in Table 3 of section 5 of ASME /ANSI B31.8S, to justify an extended reassessment interval in accordance with § 192.939.
(3) Direct assessment to address threats of external corrosion, internal corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking. An operator must conduct the direct assessment in accordance with the requirements listed in §192.923 and with, as applicable, the requirements specified in §§ 192.925,192.927 or 192.929;
(4) Other technology that an operator demonstrates can provide an equivalent understanding of the condition of the line pipe. An operator choosing this option must notify the Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) 180 days before conducting the assessment, in accordance with § 192.949. An operator must also notify a State or local pipeline safety authority when either a covered segment is located in a State where OPS has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate covered segment is regulated by that State.
(b)Prioritizing segments. An operator must prioritize the covered pipeline segments for the baseline assessment according to a risk analysis that considers the potential threats to each covered segment. The risk analysis must comply with the requirements in § 192.917.
(c)Assessment for particular threats. In choosing an assessment method for the baseline assessment of each covered segment, an operator must take the actions required in § 192.917(e) to address particular threats that it has identified.
(d)Time period. An operator must prioritize all the covered segments for assessment in accordance with § 192.917 (c) and paragraph (b) of this section. An operator must assess at least 50% of the covered segments beginning with the highest risk segments, by December 17, 2007. An operator must complete the baseline assessment of all covered segments by December 17, 2012.
(e)Prior assessment. An operator may use a prior integrity assessment conducted before December 17,2002 as a baseline assessment for the covered segment, if the integrity assessment meets the baseline requirements in this subpart and subsequent remedial actions to address the conditions listed in § 192.933 have been carried out. In addition, if an operator uses this prior assessment as its baseline assessment, the operator must reassess the line pipe in the covered segment according to the requirements of § 192.937 and § 192.939.
(f)Newly identified areas. When an operator identifies a new high consequence area (see § 192.905), an operator must complete the baseline assessment of the line pipe in the newly identified high consequence area within ten (10) years from the date the area is identified.
(g)Newly installed pipe. An operator must complete the baseline assessment of a newly installed segment of pipe covered by this subpart within ten (10) years from the date the pipe is installed. An operator may conduct a pressure test in accordance with paragraph (a)(2) of this section, to satisfy the requirement for a baseline assessment.
(h)Plastic transmission pipeline. If the threat analysis required in § 192.917(d) on a plastic transmission pipeline indicates that a covered segment is susceptible to failure from causes other than third-party damage, an operator must conduct a baseline assessment of the segment in accordance with the requirements of this section and of § 192.917. The operator must justify the use of an alternative assessment method that will address the identified threats to the covered segment.
§ 192.923How is direct assessment used and for what threats?
(a)General. An operator may use direct assessment either as a primary assessment method or as a supplement to the other assessment methods allowed under this subpart. An operator may only use direct assessment as the primary assessment method to address the identified threats of external corrosion (ECDA), internal corrosion (ICDA), and stress corrosion cracking (SCCDA).
(b)Primary Method. An operator using direct assessment as a primary assessment method must have a plan that complies with the requirements in -
(1) ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 6.4; NACE RP0502-2002 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7); and § 192.925 if addressing external corrosion (ECDA).
(2) ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 6.4 and Appendix B2, and § 192.927 if addressing internal corrosion (ICDA).
(3) ASME/ANSI B31.8S Appendix A3, and § 192.929 if addressing stress corrosion cracking (SCCDA).
(c)Supplemental method. An operator using direct assessment as a supplemental assessment method for any applicable threat must have a plan that follows the requirements for confirmatory direct assessment in § 192.931.
§ 192.925What are the requirements for using External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA)?
(a)Definition. ECDA is a four-step process that combines preassessment, indirect inspection, direct examination, and post assessment to evaluate the threat of external corrosion to the integrity of a pipeline.
(b)General requirements. An operator that uses direct assessment to assess the threat of external corrosion must follow the requirements in this section, in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 6.4, and in NACE RP0502-2002 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). An operator must develop and implement a direct assessment plan that has procedures addressing preassessment, indirect examination, direct examination, and post-assessment. If the ECDA detects pipeline coating damage, the operator must also integrate the data from the ECDA with other information from the data integration (§ 192.917(b)) to evaluate the covered segment for the threat of third party damage, and to address the threat as required by § 192.917 (e)(1).
(1)Preassessment in addition to the requirements in ASME/ANSI B31.8S section 6.4 and NACE RP0502-2002, section 3, the plan's procedures for preassessment must include -
(i) Provisions for applying more restrictive criteria when conducting ECDA for the first time on a covered segment; and
(ii) The basis on which an operator selects at least two different, but complementary indirect assessment tools to assess each ECDA Region. If an operator utilizes an indirect inspection method that is not discussed in Appendix A of NACE RP0502-2002, the operator must demonstrate the applicability, validation basis, equipment used, application procedure, and utilization of data for the inspection method.
(2)Indirect examination. In addition to the requirements in ASME/ANSI B31.8S section 6.4 and NACE RP0502-2002, section 4, the plan's procedures for indirect examination of the ECDA regions must include -
(i) Provisions for applying more restrictive criteria when conducting ECDA for the first time on a covered segment;
(ii) Criteria for identifying and documenting those indications that must be considered for excavation and direct examination. Minimum identification criteria include the known sensitivities of assessment tools, the procedures for using each tool, and the approach to be used for decreasing the physical spacing of indirect assessment tool readings when the presence of a defect is suspected;
(iii) Criteria for defining the urgency of excavation and direct examination of each indication identified during the indirect examination. These criteria must specify how an operator will define the urgency of excavating the indication as immediate, scheduled or monitored; and
(iv) Criteria for scheduling excavation of indications for each urgency level.
(3) Direct examination. In addition to the requirements in ASME/ANSI B31.8S section 6.4 and NACE RP0502-2002, section 5, the plan's procedures for direct examination of indications from the indirect examination must include -
(i) Provisions for applying more restrictive criteria when conducting ECDA for the first time on a covered segment;
(ii) Criteria for deciding what action should be taken if either:
(A) Corrosion defects are discovered that exceed allowable limits (Section of NACE RP0502-2002), or
(B) Root cause analysis reveals conditions for which ECDA is not suitable (Section 5.6.2 of NACE RP0502-2002);
(iii) Criteria and notification procedures for any changes in the ECDA Plan, including changes that affect the severity classification, the priority of direct examination, and the time frame for direct examination of indications; and
(iv) Criteria that describe how and on what basis an operator will reclassify and reprioritize any of the provisions that are specified in section 5.9 of NACE RP0502-2002.
(4)Post assessment and continuing evaluation. In addition to the requirements in ASME/ANSI B31.8S section 6.4 and NACE RP0502-2002, section 6, the plan's procedures for post assessment of the effectiveness of the ECDA process must include-
(i) Measures for evaluating the long-term effectiveness of ECDA in addressing external corrosion in covered segments; and
(ii) Criteria for evaluating whether conditions discovered by direct examination of indications in each ECDA region indicate a need for reassessment of the covered segment at an interval less than that specified in § 192.939. (See Appendix D of NACE RP0502-2002.).
§ 192.927What are the requirements for using Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA)?
(a)Definition. Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA) is a process an operator uses to identify areas along the pipeline where fluid or other electrolyte introduced during normal operation or by an upset condition may reside, and then focuses direct examination on the locations in covered segments where internal corrosion is most likely to exist. The process identifies the potential for internal corrosion caused by microorganisms, or fluid with CO2. O2, hydrogen sulfide or other contaminants present in the gas.
(b)General requirements. An operator using direct assessment as an assessment method to address internal corrosion in a covered pipeline segment must follow the requirements in this section and in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 6.4 and Appendix B2. The ICDA process described in this section applies only for a segment of pipe transporting nominally dry natural gas, and not for a segment with electrolyte nominally present in the gas stream. If an operator uses ICDA to assess a covered segment operating with electrolyte present in the gas stream, the operator must develop a plan that demonstrates how it will conduct ICDA in the segment to effectively address internal corrosion, and must provide notification in accordance with § 192.921 (a)(4) or § 192.937(c)(4).
(c)The ICDA plan. An operator must develop and follow an ICDA plan that provides for preassessment, identification of ICDA regions and excavation locations, detailed examination of pipe at excavation locations, and post-assessment evaluation and monitoring.
(1)Preassessment. In the preassessment stage, an operator must gather and integrate data and information needed to evaluate the feasibility of ICDA for the covered segment, and to support use of a model to identify the locations along the pipe segment where electrolyte may accumulate, to identify ICDA regions, and to identify areas within the covered segment where liquids may potentially be entrained. This data and information includes, but is not limited to -
(i) All data elements listed in Appendix A2 of ASME/ANSI B31.8S;
(ii) Information needed to support use of a model that an operator must use to identify areas along the pipeline where internal corrosion is most likely to occur. (See paragraph (a) of this section.) This information, includes, but is not limited to, location of all gas input and withdrawal points on the line; location of all low points on covered segments such as sags, drips, inclines, valves, manifolds, dead-legs, and traps; the elevation profile of the pipeline in sufficient detail that angles of inclination can be calculated for all pipe segments; and the diameter of the pipeline, and the range of expected gas velocities in the pipeline;
(iii) Operating experience data that would indicate historic upsets in gas conditions, locations where these upsets have occurred, and potential damage resulting from these upset conditions; and
(iv) Information on covered segments where cleaning pigs may not have been used or where cleaning pigs may deposit electrolytes.
(2)ICDA region identification. An operator's plan must identify where all ICDA Regions are located in the transmission system, in which covered segments are located. An ICDA Region extends from the location where liquid may first enter the pipeline and encompasses the entire area along the pipeline where internal corrosion may occur and where further evaluation is needed. An ICDA Region may encompass one or more covered segments. In the identification process, an operator must use the model in GRI 02-0057, "Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment of Gas Transmission Pipelines - Methodology," (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). An operator may use another model if the operator demonstrates it is equivalent to the one shown in GRl 02-0057. A model must consider changes in pipe diameter, locations where gas enters a line (potential to introduce liquid) and locations down stream of gas draw-offs (where gas velocity is reduced) to define the critical pipe angle of inclination above which water film cannot be transported by the gas.
(3)Identification of locations for excavation and direct examination. An operator's plan must identity the locations where internal corrosion is most likely in each ICDA region. In the location identification process, an operator must identify a minimum of two locations for excavation within each ICDA Region within a covered segment and must perform a direct examination for internal corrosion at each location, using ultrasonic thickness measurements, radiography, or other generally accepted measurement technique. One location must be the low point (e.g., sags, drips, valves, manifolds, dead-legs, traps) within the covered segment nearest to the beginning of the ICDA Region. The second location must be further downstream, within a covered segment, near the end of the ICDA Region. If corrosion exists at either location, the operator must-
(i) evaluate the severity of the defect (remaining strength) and remediate the defect in accordance with § 192.933;
(ii) as part of the operator's current integrity assessment either perform additional excavations in each covered segment within the ICDA region, or use an alternative assessment method allowed by this subpart to assess the line pipe in each covered segment within the ICDA region for internal corrosion; and
(iii) evaluate the potential for internal corrosion in all pipeline segments (both covered and non-covered) in the operator's pipeline system with similar characteristics to the ICDA region containing the covered segment in which the corrosion was found, and as appropriate, remediate the conditions the operator finds in accordance with § 192.933.
(4)Post-assessment evaluation and monitoring. An operator's plan must provide for evaluating the effectiveness of the ICDA process and continued monitoring of covered segments where internal corrosion has been identified. The evaluation and monitoring process includes-
(i) Evaluating the effectiveness of ICDA as an assessment method for addressing internal corrosion and determining whether a covered segment should be reassessed at more frequent intervals than those specified in § 192.939. An operator must carry out this evaluation within a year of conducting an ICDA; and
(ii) Continually monitoring each covered segment where internal corrosion has been identified using techniques such as coupons, UT sensors or electronic probes, periodically drawing off liquids at low points and chemically analyzing the liquids for the presence of corrosion products. An operator must base the frequency of the monitoring and liquid analysis on results from all integrity assessments that have been conducted in accordance with the requirements of this subpart, and risk factors specific to the covered segment. If an operator finds any evidence of corrosion products in the covered segment, the operator must take prompt action in accordance with one of the two following required actions and remediate the conditions the operator finds in accordance with § 192.933.
(A) Conduct excavations of covered segments at locations downstream from where the electrolyte might have entered the pipe; or
(B) Assess the covered segment using another integrity assessment method allowed by this subpart.
(5)Other requirements. The ICDA plan must also include -
(i) Criteria an operator will apply in making key decisions (e.g., ICDA feasibility, definition of ICDA Regions, conditions requiring excavation) in implementing each stage of the ICDA process;
(ii) Provisions for applying more restrictive criteria when conducting ICDA for the first time on a covered segment and that become less stringent as the operator gains experience; and
(iii) Provisions that analysis be carried out on the entire pipeline in which covered segments are present, except that application of the remediation criteria of § 192.933 may be limited to covered segments.
§ 192.929What are the requirements for using Direct Assessment for Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCCDA)?
(a)Definition. Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment (SCCDA) Is a process to assess a covered pipe segment for the presence of SCC primarily by systematically gathering and analyzing excavation data for pipe having similar operational characteristics and residing in a similar physical environment.
(b)General Requirements. An operator using direct assessment as an integrity assessment method to address stress corrosion cracking in a covered pipeline segment must have a plan that provides, at minimum, for -
(1)Data gathering and integration. An operator's plan must provide for a systematic process to collect and evaluate data for all covered segments to identify whether the conditions for SCC are present and to prioritize the covered segments for assessment. This process must include gathering and evaluating data related to SCC at all sites an operator excavates during the conduct of its pipeline operations where the criteria in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), Appendix A3.3 indicate the potential for SCC. This data includes at minimum, the data specified in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, Appendix A3.
(2)Assessment method. The plan must provide that if conditions for SCC are identified in a covered segment, an operator must assess the covered segment using an integrity assessment method specified in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, Appendix A3, and remediate the threat in accordance with ASME/ANSI B31.8S, Appendix A3, section A3.4.
§ 192.931How may Confirmatory Direct Assessment (CDA) be used?

An operator using the confirmatory direct assessment (CDA) method as allowed in § 192.937 must have a plan that meets the requirements of this section and of § 192.925 (ECDA) and § 192.927 (ICDA).

(a)Threats. An operator may only use CDA on a covered segment to identify damage resulting from external corrosion or internal corrosion.
(b)External corrosion plan. An operator's CDA plan for identifying external corrosion must comply with § 192.925 with the following exceptions.
(1) The procedures for indirect examination may allow use of only one indirect examination tool suitable for the application.
(2) The procedures for direct examination and remediation must provide that -
(i) All immediate action indications must be excavated for each ECDA region; and
(ii) At least one high risk indication that meets the criteria of scheduled action must be excavated in each ECDA region.
(c)Internal corrosion plan. An operator's CDA plan for identifying internal corrosion must comply with § 192.927 except that the plan's procedures for identifying locations for excavation may require excavation of only one high risk location in each ICDA region.
(d)Defects requiring near-term remediation. If an assessment carried out under paragraph (b) or (c) of this section reveals any defect requiring remediation prior to the next scheduled assessment, the operator must schedule the next assessment in accordance with N ACE RP 0502-2002 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 6.2 and 6.3. If the defect requires immediate remediation, then the operator must reduce pressure consistent with § 192.933 until the operator has completed reassessment using one of the assessment techniques allowed in § 192.937.
§ 192.933What actions must be taken to address integrity issues?
(a)General requirements. An operator must take prompt action to address all anomalous conditions the operator discovers through the integrity assessment. In addressing all conditions, an operator must evaluate all anomalous conditions and remediate those that could reduce a pipeline's integrity. An operator must be able to demonstrate that the remediation of the condition will ensure the condition is unlikely to pose a threat to the integrity of the pipeline until the next reassessment of the covered segment.
(1)Temporary pressure reduction. If an operator is unable to respond within the time limits for certain conditions specified in this section, the operator must temporarily reduce the operating pressure of the pipeline or take other action that ensures the safety of the covered segment. An operator must determine any temporary reduction in operating pressure required by this section using ASME/ANSI B31G (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) or AGA Pipeline Research Committee Project PR-3-805 ("RSTRENG," incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) or reduce the operating pressure to a level not exceeding 80 percent of the level at the time the condition was discovered. (See appendix A to this part for information on availability of incorporation by reference information.) An operator must notify PHMS A in accordance with § 192.949 if it cannot meet the schedule for evaluation and remediation required under paragraph (c) of this section and cannot provide safety through temporary reduction in operating pressure or other action. An operator must also notify a State pipeline safety authority when either a covered segment is located in a State where PHMSA has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate covered segment is regulated by that State.
(2)Long-term pressure reduction. When a pressure reduction exceeds 365 days, the operator must notify PHMSA under§ 192.949 and explain the reasons for the remediation delay. This notice must include a technical justification that the continued pressure reduction will not jeopardize the integrity of the pipeline. The operator also must notify a State pipeline safety authority when either a covered segment is located in a State where PHMSA has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate covered segment is regulated by that State.
(b)Discovery of condition. Discovery of a condition occurs when an operator has adequate information about a condition to determine that the condition presents a potential threat to the integrity of the pipeline. A condition that presents a potential threat includes, but is not limited to, those conditions that require remediation or monitoring listed under paragraphs (d)(1) through (d)(3) of this section. An operator must promptly, but no later than 180 days after conducting an integrity assessment, obtain sufficient information about a condition to make that determination, unless the operator demonstrates that the 180-day period is impracticable.
(c)Schedule for evaluation and remediation. An operator must complete remediation of a condition according to a schedule prioritizing the conditions for evaluation and remediation. Unless a special requirement for remediating certain conditions applies, as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, an operator must follow the schedule in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 7, Figure 4. If an operator cannot meet the schedule for any condition, the operator must explain the reasons why it cannot meet the schedule and how the changed schedule will not jeopardize public safety.
(d)Special requirements for scheduling remediation.
(1)Immediate repair conditions. An operator's evaluation and remediation schedule must follow ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 7 in providing for immediate repair conditions. To maintain safety, an operator must temporarily reduce operating pressure in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section or shut down the pipeline until the operator completes the repair of these conditions. An operator must treat the following conditions as immediate repair conditions:
(i) A calculation of the remaining strength of the pipe shows a predicted failure pressure less than or equal to 1.1 times the maximum allowable operating pressure at the location of the anomaly. Suitable remaining strength calculation methods include, ASME/ANSI B31G; RSTRENG; or an alternative equivalent method of remaining strength calculation. These documents are incorporated by reference and available at the addresses listed in Appendix A to Part 192.
(ii) A dent that has any indication of metal loss, cracking or a stress riser.
(iii) An indication or anomaly that in the judgment of the person designated by the operator to evaluate the assessment results requires immediate action.
(2)One-year conditions. Except for conditions listed in paragraph (d)(1) and (d)(3) of this section, an operator must remediate any of the following within one year of discovery of the condition:
(i) A smooth dent located between the 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock positions (upper 2/3 of the pipe) with a depth greater than 6% of the pipeline diameter (greater than 0.50 inches in depth for a pipeline diameter less than Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 12).
(ii) A dent with a depth greater than 2% of the pipeline's diameter (0.250 inches in depth for a pipeline diameter less than NPS 12) that affects pipe curvature at a girth weld or at a longitudinal seam weld.
(3)Monitored conditions. An operator does not have to schedule the following conditions for remediation, but must record and monitor the conditions during subsequent risk assessments and integrity assessments for any change that may require remediation:
(i) A dent with a depth greater than 6% of the pipeline diameter (greater than 0.50 inches in depth for a pipeline diameter less than NPS 12) located between the 4 o'clock position and the 8 o'clock position (bottom 1/3 of the pipe).
(ii) A dent located between the 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock positions (upper 2/3 of the pipe) with a depth greater than 6% of the pipeline diameter (greater than 0.50 inches in depth for a pipeline diameter less than Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 12), and engineering analyses of the dent demonstrate critical strain levels are not exceeded.
(iii) A dent with a depth greater than 2% of the pipeline's diameter (0.250 inches in depth for a pipeline diameter less than NPS 12) that affects pipe curvature at a girth weld or a longitudinal seam weld, and engineering analyses of the dent and girth or seam weld demonstrate critical strain levels are not exceeded. These analyses must consider weld properties.
§ 192.935What additional preventive and mitigative measures must an operator take?
(a)General Requirements. An operator must take additional measures beyond those already required by Part 192 to prevent a pipeline failure and to mitigate the consequences of a pipeline failure in a high consequence area. An operator must base the additional measures on the threats the operator has identified to each pipeline segment. (See § 192.917.) An operator must conduct, in accordance with one of the risk assessment approaches in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 5, a risk analysis of its pipeline to identify additional measures to protect the high consequence area and enhance public safety. Such additional measures include, but are not limited to, installing Automatic Shut-off Valves or Remote Control Valves, installing computerized monitoring and leak detection systems, replacing pipe segments with pipe of heavier wall thickness, providing additional training to personnel on response procedures, conducting drills with local emergency responders and implementing additional inspection and maintenance programs.
(b)Third Party Damage and Outside Force Damage.
(1)Third party damage. An operator must enhance its damage prevention program, as required under § 192.614 of this part, with respect to a covered segment to prevent and minimize the consequences of a release due to third party damage. Enhanced measures to an existing damage prevention program include, at a minimum-
(i) Using qualified personnel (see § 192.915) for work an operator is conducting that could adversely affect the integrity of a covered segment, such as marking, locating, and direct supervision of known excavation work.
(ii) Collecting in a central database information that is location specific on excavation damage that occurs in covered and non covered segments in the transmission system and the root cause analysis to support identification of targeted additional preventative and mitigative measures in the high consequence areas. This information must include recognized damage that is not required to be reported as an incident under Part 191.
(iii) Participating in one-call systems in locations where covered segments are present.
(iv) Monitoring of excavations conducted on covered pipeline segments by pipeline personnel. If an operator finds physical evidence of encroachment involving excavation that the operator did not monitor near a covered segment, an operator must either excavate the area near the encroachment or conduct an above ground survey using methods defined in NACE RP-0502-2002 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). An operator must excavate, and remediate, in accordance with ANSI/ASME B31.8S and § 192.933 any indication of coating holidays or discontinuity warranting direct examination.
(2)Outside force damage. If an operator determines that outside force (e.g., earth movement, floods, unstable suspension bridge) is a threat to the integrity of a covered segment, the operator must take measures to minimize the consequences to the covered segment from outside force damage. These measures include, but are not limited to, increasing the frequency of aerial, foot or other methods of patrols, adding external protection, reducing external stress, and relocating the line.
(c)Automatic shut-off valves (ASV) or Remote control valves (RCV). If an operator determines, based on a risk analysis, that an ASV or RCV would be an efficient means of adding protection to a high consequence area in the event of a gas release, an operator must install the ASV or RCV. In making that determination, an operator must, at least, consider the following factors - swiftness of leak detection and pipe shutdown capabilities, the type of gas being transported, operating pressure, the rate of potential release, pipeline profile, the potential for ignition, and location of nearest response personnel.
(d)Pipelines operating below 30% SMYS. An operator of a transmission pipeline operating below 30% SMYS located in a high consequence area must follow the requirements in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this section. An operator of a transmission pipeline operating below 30% SMYS located in a Class 3 or Class 4 area but not in a high consequence area must follow the requirements in paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2) and (d)(3) of this section.
(1) Apply the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (b)(1)(iii) of this section to the pipeline; and
(2) Either monitor excavations near the pipeline, or conduct patrols as required by § 192.705 of the pipeline at bi-monthly intervals. If an operator finds any indication of unreported construction activity, the operator must conduct a follow up investigation to determine if mechanical damage has occurred.
(3) Perform semi-annual leak surveys (quarterly for unprotected pipelines or cathodically protected pipe where electrical surveys are impractical).
(e)Plastic transmission pipeline. An operator of a plastic transmission pipeline must apply the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1)(i), (b)(1)(iii) and b(1)(iv) of this section to the covered segments of the pipeline.
§ 192.937What is a continual process of evaluation and assessment to maintain a pipeline's integrity?
(a)General. After completing the baseline integrity assessment of a covered segment, an operator must continue to assess the line pipe of that segment at the intervals specified in § 192.939 and periodically evaluate the integrity of each covered pipeline segment as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. An operator must reassess a covered segment on which a prior assessment is credited as a baseline under § 192.921 (e) by no later than December 17,2009. An operator must reassess a covered segment on which a baseline assessment is conducted during the baseline period specified in § 192.921 (d) by no later than seven years after the baseline assessment of that covered segment unless the evaluation under paragraph (b) of this section indicates earlier reassessment.
(b)Evaluation. An operator must conduct a periodic evaluation as frequently as needed to assure the integrity of each covered segment. The periodic evaluation must be based on a data integration and risk assessment of the entire pipeline as specified in § 192.917. For plastic transmission pipelines, the periodic evaluation is based on the threat analysis specified in § 192.917(d). For all other transmission pipelines, the evaluation must consider the past and present integrity assessment results, data integration and risk assessment information (§ 192.917), and decisions about remediation (§ 192.933) and additional preventive and mitigative actions (§ 192.935). An operator must use the results from this evaluation to identify the threats specific to each covered segment and the risk represented by these threats.
(c)Assessment methods. In conducting the integrity reassessment, an operator must assess the integrity of the line pipe in the covered segment by any of the following methods as appropriate for the threats to which the covered segment is susceptible (see § 192.917), or by confirmatory direct assessment under the conditions specified in § 192.931.
(1) Internal inspection tool or tools capable of detecting corrosion, and any other threats to which the covered segment is susceptible. An operator must follow ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 6.2 in selecting the appropriate internal inspection fools for the covered segment.
(2) Pressure test conducted in accordance with subpart J of this part. An operator must use the test pressures specified in Table 3 of section 5 of ASME/ANSI B31.8S, to justify an extended reassessment interval in accordance with § 192.939.
(3) Direct assessment to address threats of external corrosion, internal corrosion, or stress corrosion cracking. An operator must conduct the direct assessment in accordance with the requirements listed in § 192.923 and with as applicable, the requirements specified in §§ 192.925, 192.927 or 192.929;
(4) Other technology that an operator demonstrates can provide an equivalent understanding of the condition of the line pipe. An operator choosing this option must notify the Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) 180 days before conducting the assessment, in accordance with § 192.949. An operator must also notify a State or local pipeline safety authority when either a covered segment is located in a State where OPS has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate covered segment is regulated by that State.
(5) Confirmatory direct assessment when used on a covered segment that is scheduled for reassessment at a period longer than seven years. An operator using this reassessment method must comply with § 192.931.
§ 192.939What are the required reassessment intervals?

An operator must comply with the following requirements in establishing the reassessment interval for the operator's covered pipeline segments.

(a)Pipelines operating at or above 30% SMYS. An operator must establish a reassessment interval for each covered segment operating at or above 30% SMYS in accordance with the requirements of this section. The maximum reassessment interval by an allowable reassessment method is seven years. if an operator establishes a reassessment interval that is greater than seven years, the operator must, within the seven-year period, conduct a confirmatory direct assessment on the covered segment, and then conduct the follow-up reassessment at the interval the operator has established. A reassessment carried out using confirmatory direct assessment must be done in accordance with § 192.931. The table that follows this section sets forth the maximum allowed reassessment intervals.
(1)Pressure test or internal inspection or other equivalent technology. An operator that uses pressure testing or internal inspection as an assessment method must establish the reassessment interval for a covered pipeline segment by -
(i) Basing the interval on the identified threats for the covered segment (see § 192.917) and on the analysis of the results from the last integrity assessment and from the data integration and risk assessment required by § 192.917; or
(ii) Using the intervals specified for different stress levels of pipeline (operating at or above 30% SMYS) listed in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 5, Table 3.
(2)External Corrosion Direct assessment. An operator that uses ECDA that meets the requirements of this subpart must determine the reassessment interval according to the requirements in paragraphs 6.2 and 6.3 of NACE RP0502-2002 (incorporated by reference, see §192.7).
(3)Internal Corrosion or SCC Direct Assessment. An operator that uses ICDA or SCCDA in accordance with the requirements of this subpart must determine the reassessment interval according to the following method. However, the reassessment interval cannot exceed those specified for direct assessment in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 5, Table 3.
(i) Determine the largest defect most likely to remain in the covered segment and the corrosion rate appropriate for the pipe, soil and protection conditions;
(ii) Use the largest remaining defect as the size of the largest defect discovered in the SCC or ICDA segment; and
(iii) Estimate the reassessment interval as half the time required for the largest defect to grow to a critical size.
(b)Pipelines Operating Below 30% SMYS. An operator must establish a reassessment interval for each covered segment operating below 30% SMYS in accordance with the requirements of this section. The maximum reassessment interval by an allowable reassessment method is seven years. An operator must establish reassessment by at least one of the following -
(1) Reassessment by pressure test, internal inspection or other equivalent technology following the requirements in paragraph (a)(1) of this section except that the stress level referenced in (a)(1) (ii) would be adjusted to reflect the lower operating stress level. If an established interval is more than seven years, the operator must conduct by the seventh year of the interval either a confirmatory direct assessment in accordance with § 192.931, or a low stress reassessment in accordance with § 192.941.
(2) Reassessment by ECDA following the requirements in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(3) Reassessment by ICDA or SCCDA following the requirements in paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(4) Reassessment by confirmatory direct assessment at 7-year intervals in accordance with § 192.931, with reassessment by one of the methods listed in (b)(1)-(b)(3) of this section by year 20 of the interval.
(5) Reassessment by the low stress assessment method at 7-year intervals in accordance with § 192.941 with reassessment by one of the methods listed in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section by year 20 of the interval.
(6) The following table sets forth the maximum reassessment intervals. Also refer to Appendix E.11 for guidance on Assessment Methods and Assessment Schedule for Transmission Pipelines Operating Below 30% SMYS. In case of conflict between the rule and the guidance in the Appendix, the requirements of the rule control. An operator must comply with the following requirements in establishing a reassessment interval for a covered segment: An operator must comply with the following requirements in establishing a reassessment interval for a covered segment:

Maximum Reassessment Interval

Assessment Method

Pipeline operating at or above 50% SMYS

Pipeline operating at or above 30% SMYS, up to 50% SMYS

Pipeline operating below 30% SMYS

Internal Inspection Tool, Pressure Test or Direct Assessment

10 years(*)------------

15 years(*)-----------

20 years.(**)

Confirmatory Direct Assessment

7 years-----------------

7 years----------------

7 years.

Low stress Reassessment

Not applicable---------

Not applicable-------

7 years + ongoing actions specified in §192.941.

(*) A Confirmatory direct assessment as described in § 192.931 must be conducted by year 7 in a 10-year interval and years 7 and 14 of a 15-year interval.

(**) A low stress reassessment or Confirmatory direct assessment must be conducted by years 7 and 14 of the interval.

§ 192.941What is a low stress reassessment?
(a)General. An operator of a transmission line that operates below 30% SMYS may use the following method to reassess a covered segment in accordance with § 192.939. This method of reassessment addresses the threats of external and internal corrosion. The operator must have conducted a baseline assessment of the covered segment in accordance with the requirements of §§192.919 and 192.921.
(b)External Corrosion. An operator must take one of the following actions to address external corrosion on the low stress covered segment.
(1)Cathodically Protected Pipe. To address the threat of external corrosion on cathodically protected pipe in a covered segment, an operator must perform an electrical survey (i.e. indirect examination tool/method) at least every 7 years on the covered segment. An operator must use the results of each survey as part of an overall evaluation of the cathodic protection and corrosion threat for the covered segment. This evaluation must consider, at minimum, the leak repair and inspection records, corrosion monitoring records, exposed pipe inspection records, and the pipeline environment.
(2)Unprotected Pipe or Cathodically Protected Pipe Where Electrical Surveys are Impractical. If an electrical survey is impractical on the covered segment an operator must -
(i) Conduct leakage surveys as required by § 192.706 at 4-month intervals; and
(ii) Every 18 months, identify and remediate areas of active corrosion by evaluating leak repair and inspection records, corrosion monitoring records, exposed pipe inspection records, and the pipeline environment.
(c)Internal Corrosion. To address the threat of internal corrosion on a covered segment, an operator must-
(1) Conduct a gas analysis for corrosive agents at least once each calendar year;
(2) Conduct periodic testing of fluids removed from the segment. At least once each calendar year test the fluids removed from each storage field that may affect a covered segment; and
(3) At least every seven (7) years, integrate data from the analysis and testing required by paragraphs (c)(1)-(c)(2) with applicable internal corrosion leak records, incident reports, safety-related condition reports, repair records, patrol records, exposed pipe reports, and test records, and define and implement appropriate remediation actions.
§ 192.943When can an operator deviate from these reassessment intervals?
(a)Waiver from reassessment interval in limited situations. In the following limited instances, OPS may allow a waiver from a reassessment interval required by § 192.939 if OPS finds a waiver would not be inconsistent with pipeline safety.
(1)Lack of internal inspection tools. An operator who uses internal inspection as an assessment method may be able to justify a longer reassessment period for a covered segment if internal inspection tools are not available to assess the line pipe. To justify this, the operator must demonstrate that it cannot obtain the internal inspection tools within the required reassessment period and that the actions the operator is taking in the interim ensure the integrity of the covered segment.
(2)Maintain product supply. An operator may be able to justify a longer reassessment period for a covered segment if the operator demonstrates that it cannot maintain local product supply if it conducts the reassessment within the required interval.
(b)How to apply. If one of the conditions specified in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section applies, an operator may seek a waiver of the required reassessment interval. An operator must apply for a waiver in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 60118(c), at least 180 days before the end of the required reassessment interval, unless local product supply issues make the period impractical. If local product supply issues make the period impractical, an operator must apply for the waiver as soon as the need for the waiver becomes known.
§ 192.945What methods must an operator use to measure program effectiveness?
(a)General. An operator must include in its integrity management program methods to measure, on a semi-annual basis, whether the program is effective in assessing and evaluating the integrity of each covered pipeline segment and in protecting the high consequence areas. These measures must include the four overall performance measures specified in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 9.4, and the specific measures for each identified threat specified in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, Appendix A. An operator must submit the four overall performance measures, by electronic or other means, on a semi-annual frequency to OPS in accordance with § 192.951. An operator must submit its first report on overall performance measures by August 31, 2004. Thereafter, the performance measures must be complete through June 30 and December 31 of each year and must be submitted within 2 months after those dates.
(b)External Corrosion Direct assessment. In addition to the general requirements for performance measures in paragraph (a) of this section, an operator using direct assessment to assess the external corrosion threat must define and monitor measures to determine the effectiveness of the ECDA process. These measures must meet the requirements of § 192.925.
§ 192.947 What records must an operator keep?

An operator must maintain, for the useful life of the pipeline, records that demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this subpart. At minimum, an operator must maintain the following records for review during an inspection.

(a) A written integrity management program in accordance with § 192.907;
(b) Documents supporting the threat identification and risk assessment in accordance with § 192.917;
(c) A written baseline assessment plan in accordance with § 192.919;
(d) Documents to support any decision, analysis and process developed and used to implement and evaluate each element of the baseline assessment plan and integrity management program. Documents include those developed and used in support of any identification, calculation, amendment, modification, justification, deviation and determination made, and any action taken to implement and evaluate any of the program elements;
(e) Documents that demonstrate personnel have the required training, including a description of the training program, in accordance with § 192.915;
(f) Schedule required by § 192.933 that prioritizes the conditions found during an assessment for evaluation and remediation, including technical justifications for the schedule.
(g) Documents to carry out the requirements in §§ 192.923 through 192.929 for a direct assessment plan;
(h) Documents to carry out the requirements in § 192.931 for confirmatory direct assessment;
(i) Verification that an operator has provided any documentation or notification required by this subpart to be provided to OPS, and when applicable, a State authority with which OPS has an interstate agent agreement, and a State or local pipeline safety authority that regulates a covered pipeline segment within that State.
§ 192.949How does an operator notify PHMSA

An operator must provide any notification required by this subpart by -

(a) Sending the notification to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, PHP-10, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590;
(b) Sending the notification by fax to (202) 366-4566; or
(c) Entering the information directly on the Integrity Management Database (IMDB) Web site at http://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/gasimp/.
§ 192.951Where does an operator file a report?

An operator must send any performance report required by this subpart to the Information Resources Manager-

(a) By mail to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, PHP-10, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590;
(b) Via fax to (202) 366-4566; or
(c) Through the online reporting system provided by PHMSA for electronic reporting available at the PHMSA Home Page at http://phmsa.dot.gov.



I. Listed Pipe Specifications.

API 5L-Steel Pipe, "API Specification for Line Pipe" (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

ASTM A53/A53M-SteeI Pipe, "Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless" (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

ASTM A106-Steel Pipe, "Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service" (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

ASTM A333/A333M-Steel Pipe, "Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low Temperature Service" (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

ASTM A381-Steel pipe, "Standard Specification for Metal-Arc-Welded Steel Pipe for Use with High-Pressure Transmission Systems" (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

ASTM A671-Steel pipe, "Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures" (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

ASTM A672-Steel pipe, "Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion- Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures" (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

ASTM A691-Steel pipe "Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe, Electric-Fusion-Welded for High Pressure Service at High Temperatures" (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

ASTM D2513-Thermoplastic pipe and tubing, "Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings" (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

ASTM D2517-Thermosetting plastic pipe and tubing, "Standard Specification Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings" (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

II.Steel Pipe of Unknown or Unlisted Specification.
A.Bending Properties. For pipe 2 inches (51 millimeters) or less in diameter, a length of pipe must be cold bent through at least 90 degrees around a cylindrical mandrel that has a diameter 12 times the diameter of the pipe, without developing cracks at any portion and without opening the longitudinal weld. For pipe more than 2 inches (51 millimeters) in diameter, the pipe must meet the requirements of the flattening tests set forth in ASTM A53 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) except that the number of tests must be at least equal to the minimum required in paragraph ll-D of this appendix to determine yield strength.
B.Weldability. A girth weld must be made in the pipe by a welder who is qualified under subpart E of this part. The weld must be made under the most severe conditions under which welding will be allowed in the field and by means of the same procedure that will be used in the field. On pipe more than 4 inches (102 millimeters) in diameter, at least one test weld must be made for each 100 lengths of pipe. On pipe 4 inches (102 millimeters) or less in diameter, at least one test weld must be made for each 400 lengths of pipe. The weld must be tested in accordance with API Standard 1104 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). If the requirements of API Standard 1104 cannot be met, weldability may be established by making chemical tests for carbon and manganese, and proceeding in accordance with section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). The same number of chemical tests must be made as are required for testing a girth weld.
C.Inspection. The pipe must be clean enough to permit adequate inspection. It must be visually inspected to ensure that it is reasonably round and straight and there are no defects which might impair the strength or tightness of the pipe.
D.Tensile properties. If the tensile properties of the pipe are not known, the minimum yield strength may be taken as 24,000 p.s.i. (165 MPa) or less, or the tensile properties may be established by performing tensile test as set forth in API Specification 5L (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). All test specimens shall be selected at random and the following number of tests must be performed.

Number of Tensile Tests - All Sizes

10 lengths or less

1 set of tests for each length.

11 to 100 lengths

1 set of tests for each 5 lengths, but not less than 10 tests.

Over 100 lengths

1 set of tests for each 10 lengths, but not less than 20 tests.

If the yield-tensile ratio, based on the properties determined by those tests, exceeds 0.85, the pipe may be used only as provided in § 192.55 (c).

III.Steel Pipe Manufactured Before November 12, 1970, to Earlier Editions of Listed Specifications.

Steel pipe manufactured before November 12,1970, in accordance with a specification of which a later edition is listed in Section I of this appendix, is qualified for use under this part if the following requirements are met:

A.Inspection. The pipe must be clean enough to permit adequate inspection. It must be visually inspected to ensure that it is reasonably round and straight and that there are no defects which might impair the strength or tightness of the pipe.
B.Similarity of specification requirements. The edition of the listed specification under which the pipe was manufactured must have substantially the same requirements with respect to the following properties as a later edition of that specification listed in Section I of this appendix:
(1) Physical (mechanical) properties of pipe, including yield and tensile strength, elongation, and yield to tensile ratio, and testing requirements to verify those properties.
(2) Chemical properties of pipe and testing requirements to verify those properties.
C.Inspection or test of welded pipe. On pipe with welded seams, one of the following requirements must be met:
(1) The edition of the listed specification to which the pipe was manufactured must have substantially the same requirements with respect to nondestructive inspection of welded seams and the standards for acceptance or rejection and repair as a later edition of the specification listed in Section I of this appendix.
(2) The pipe must be tested in accordance with Subpart J of this part to at least 1.25 times the maximum allowable operating pressure if it is to be installed in a Class 1 location and to at least 1.5 times the maximum allowable operating pressure if it is to be installed in a Class 2, 3 or 4 location. Notwithstanding any shorter time period permitted under Subpart J of this part, the test pressure must be maintained for at least 8 hours.


I.Basic Test.

The test is made on pipe 12 inches (305 millimeters) or less in diameter. The test weld must be made with the pipe in a horizontal fixed position so that the test weld includes at least one section of overhead position welding. The beveling, root opening and other details must conform to the specifications of the procedure under which the welder is being qualified. Upon completion, the test weld is cut into four coupons and subjected to a root bend test. If, as a result of this test, two or more of the four coupons develop a crack in the weld material or between the weld material and base metal, that is more than 1/8 inch (3.2 millimeters) long in any direction, the weld is unacceptable. Cracks that occur on the corner of the specimen during testing are not considered. A welder who successfully passes a butt-weld qualification test under this section shall be qualified to weld on all pipe diameters less than or equal to 12 inches.

II.Additional Tests for Welders of Service Line Connections to Mains.

A service line connection fitting is welded to a pipe section with the same diameter as a typical main. The weld is made in the same position as it is made in the field. The weld is unacceptable if it shows a serious undercutting or if it has rolled edges. The weld is tested by attempting to break the fitting off the run pipe. The weld is unacceptable if it breaks and shows incomplete fusion, overlap, or poor penetration at the junction of the fitting and run pipe.

III.Periodic Tests for Welders of Small Service Lines.

Two samples of the welder's work, each about 8 inches (203 millimeters) long with the weld located approximately in the center, are cut from steel service line and tested as follows:

(1) One sample is centered in a guided bend testing machine and bent to the contour of the die for a distance of 2 inches (51 millimeters) on each side of the weld. If the sample shows any breaks or cracks after removal from the bending machine, it is unacceptable.
(2) The ends of the second sample are flattened and the entire joint subjected to a tensile strength test. If failure occurs adjacent to or in the weld metal, the weld is unacceptable. If a tensile strength testing machine is not available, this sample must also pass the bending test prescribed in Subparagraph (1) of this paragraph.


I.Criteria for Cathodic Protection.
A. Steel, cast iron, and ductile iron structures.
(1) A negative (cathodic) voltage of at least 0.85 volt, with reference to a saturated copper-copper sulfate half cell. Determination of this voltage must be made with the protective current applied, and in accordance with Sections II and IV of this appendix.
(2) A negative (cathodic) voltage shift of at least 300 millivolts. Determination of this voltage shift must be made with the protective current applied, and in accordance with Sections II and IV of this appendix. This criterion of voltage shift applies to structures not in contact with metal of different anodic potentials.
(3) A minimum negative (cathodic) polarization voltage shift of 100 millivolts. This polarization voltage shift must be determined in accordance with Sections III and IV of this appendix.
(4) A voltage at least as negative (cathodic) as that originally established at the beginning of the Tafel segment of the E-log-I curve. This voltage must be measured in accordance with Section IV of this appendix.
(5) A net protective current from the electrolyte into the structure surface as measured by an earth current technique applied at predetermined current discharge (anodic) points of the structure.
B. Aluminum structures.
(1) Except as provided in Subparagraphs (3) and (4) of this paragraph, a minimum negative (cathodic) voltage shift of 150 millivolts, produced by the application of protective current. The voltage shift must be determined in accordance with Sections II and IV of this appendix.
(2) Except as provided in Subparagraphs (3) and (4) of this paragraph, a minimum negative (cathodic) polarization voltage shift of 100 millivolts. This polarization voltage shift must be determined in accordance with Sections III and IV of this appendix.
(3) Notwithstanding the alternative minimum criteria in Subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this paragraph, aluminum, if cathodically protected at voltages in excess of 1.20 volts as measured with reference to a copper-copper sulfate half cell, in accordance with Section IV of this appendix, and compensated for the voltage (IR) drops other than those across the structure-electrolyte boundary, may suffer corrosion resulting from the buildup of alkali on the metal surface. A voltage in excess of 1.20 volts may not be used unless previous test results indicate no appreciable corrosion will occur in the particular environment.
(4) Since aluminum may suffer from corrosion under high pH conditions, and since application of cathodic protection tends to increase the pH at the metal surface, careful investigation or testing must be made before applying cathodic protection to stop pitting attack on aluminum structures in environments with a natural pH in excess of 8.
C. Copper structures. A minimum negative (cathodic) polarization voltage shift of 100 millivolts. This polarization voltage shift must be determined in accordance with Sections III and IV of this appendix.
D. Metals of different anodic potentials. A negative (cathodic) voltage, measured in accordance with Section IV of this appendix, equal to that required for the most anodic metal in the system must be maintained. If amphoteric structures are involved that could be damaged by high alkalinity covered by Subparagraphs (3) and (4) of paragraph B of this section, they must be electrically isolated with insulating flanges, or the equivalent.
II.Interpretation of Voltage Measurement. Voltage (IR) drops other than those across the structure-electrolyte boundary must be considered for valid interpretation of the voltage measurement in paragraphs A(1) and (2) and paragraph B(1) of Section I of this appendix.
III.Determination of Polarization Voltage Shift. The polarization voltage shift must be determined by interrupting the protective current and measuring the polarization decay. When the current is initially interrupted, an immediate voltage shift occurs. The voltage reading after the immediate shift must be used as the base reading from which to measure polarization decay in paragraphs A(3), B(2), and C of Section I of this appendix.
IV.Reference Half Cells.
A. Except as provided in paragraphs B and C of this section, negative (cathodic) voltage must be measured between the structure surface and a saturated copper-copper sulfate half cell contacting the electrolyte.
B. Other standard reference half cells may be substituted for the saturated copper-copper sulfate half cell. Two commonly used reference half cells are listed below along with their voltage equivalent to -0.85 volt as referred to a saturated copper-copper sulfate half cell:
(1) Saturated KCI calomel half cell: -0.78 volt.
(2) Silver-silver chloride half cell used in sea water: -0.80 volt.
C. In addition to the standard reference half cells, an alternate metallic material or structure may be used in place of the saturated copper sulfate half cell if its potential stability is assured and if its voltage equivalent referred to a saturated copper-copper sulfate half cell is established.


I.Guidance on Determining a High Consequence Area

To determine which segments of an operator's transmission pipeline system are covered for purposes of the integrity management program requirements, an operator must identify the high consequence areas. An operator must use method (1) or (2) from the definition in § 192.903 to identify a high consequence area. An operator may apply one method to its entire pipeline system, or an operator may apply one method to individual portions of the pipeline system. (Refer to figure E.I.A for a diagram of a high consequence area).

Determining High Consequence Area

Click here to view image

Figure E.I.A

II.Guidance on Assessment Methods and Additional Preventive and Mitigative Measures for Transmission Pipelines
(a) Table E.ll.1 gives guidance to help an operator implement requirements on additional preventive and mitigative measures for addressing time dependent and independent threats for a transmission pipeline operating below 30% SMYS not in an HCA (i.e. outside of potential impact circle) but located within a Class 3 or Class 4 Location.
(b) Table E.ll.2 gives guidance to help an operator implement requirements on assessment methods for addressing time dependent and independent threats for a transmission pipeline in an HCA.
(c) Table E.II.3 gives guidance on preventative & mitigative measures addressing time dependent and independent threats for transmission pipelines that operate below 30% SMYS, in HCAs.

Table E.II.1

Preventive and Mitigative Measures for Transmission Pipelines Operating Below 30% SMYS not in an HCA but in a Class 3 or Class 4 Location

Click here to view image

Table E.II.2

Assessment Requirements for Transmission Pipelines in HCAs (Re-assessment intervals are maximum allowed)

Click here to view image

Table E.II.3

Preventative & Mitigative Measures addressing Time Dependent and independent Threats for Transmission Pipelines that Operate Below 30% SMYS, in HCAs

Click here to view image

Subpart A General
§ 193.2001Scope of part
(a) This part prescribes safety standards for LNG facilities used in the transportation of gas by pipeline that is subject to the pipeline safety laws (49 U.S.C. 60101et seq.)and Part 192 of this chapter.
(b) This part does not apply to:
(1) LNG facilities used by ultimate consumers of LNG or natural gas.
(2) LNG facilities used in the course of natural gas treatment or hydrocarbon extraction which do not store LNG.
(3) In the case of a marine cargo transfer system and associated facilities, any matter other than siting pertaining to the system or facilities between the marine vessel and the last manifold (or in the absence of a manifold, the last valve) located immediately before a storage tank.
(4) Any LNG facility located in navigable waters (as defined in Section 3(8) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(8)).
§ 193.2003 [Reserved]
§ 193.2005 Applicability
(a) Regulations in this part governing siting, design, installation, or construction of LNG facilities (including material incorporated by reference in these regulations) do not apply to LNG facilities in existence or under construction when the regulations go into effect.
(b) If an existing LNG facility (or facility under construction before March 31,2000 is replaced, relocated or significantly altered after March 31, 2000, the facility must comply with the applicable requirements of this part governing, siting, design, installation, and construction, except that:
(1) The siting requirements apply only to LNG storage tanks that are significantly altered by increasing the original storage capacity or relocated, and
(2) To the extent compliance with the design, installation, and construction requirements would make the replaced, relocated, or altered facility incompatible with the other facilities or would otherwise be impractical, the replaced, relocated, or significantly altered facility may be designed, installed, or constructed in accordance with the original specifications for the facility, or in another manner subject to the approval of the Administrator.
§ 193.2007 Definitions

As used in this part:

Administrator means the Administrator, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration or his or her delegate.

Ambient vaporizer means a vaporizer which derives heat from naturally occurring heat sources, such as the atmosphere, sea water, surface waters, or geothermal waters.

Cargo transfer system means a component, or system of components functioning as a unit, used exclusively for transferring hazardous fluids in bulk between a tank car, tank truck, or marine vessel and a storage tank.

Component means any part, or system of parts functioning as a unit, including, but not limited to, piping, processing equipment, containers, control devices, impounding systems, lighting, security devices, fire control equipment, and communication equipment, whose integrity or reliability is necessary to maintain safety in controlling, processing, or containing a hazardous fluid.

Container means a component other than piping that contains a hazardous fluid.

Control system means a component, or system of components functioning as a unit, including control valves and sensing, warning, relief, shutdown, and other control devices, which is activated either manually or automatically to establish or maintain the performance of another component.

Controllable emergency means an emergency where reasonable and prudent action can prevent harm to people or property.

Design pressure means the pressure used in the design of components for the purpose of determining the minimum permissible thickness or physical characteristics of its various parts. When applicable, static head shall be included in the design pressure to determine the thickness of any specific part.

Determine means make an appropriate investigation using scientific methods, reach a decision based on sound engineering judgment, and be able to demonstrate the basis of the decision.

Dike means the perimeter of an impounding space forming a barrier to prevent liquid from flowing in an unintended direction.

Emergency means a deviation from normal operation, a structural failure, or severe environmental conditions that probably would cause harm to people or property.

Exclusion zone means an area surrounding an LNG facility in which an operator or government agency legally controls all activities in accordance with § 193.2057 and § 193.2059 for as long as the facility is in operation.

Fail-safe means a design feature which will maintain or result in a safe condition in the event of malfunction or failure of a power supply, component, or control device.

g means the standard acceleration of gravity of 9.806 meters per second2 (32.17 feet per second)2.

Gas, except when designated as inert, means natural gas, other flammable gas, or gas which is toxic or corrosive.

Hazardous fluid means gas or hazardous liquid.

Hazardous liquid means LNG or a liquid that is flammable or toxic.

Heated vaporizer means a vaporizer which derives heat from other than naturally occurring heat sources.

impounding space means a volume of space formed by dikes and floors which is designed to confine a spill of hazardous liquid.

Impounding system includes an impounding space, including dikes and floors for conducting the flow of spilled hazardous liquids to an impounding space.

Liquefied natural gas or LNG means natural gas or synthetic gas having methane (CH4) as its major constituent which has been changed to a liquid.

LNG facility means a pipeline facility that is used for liquefying natural gas or synthetic gas or transferring, storing, or vaporizing liquefied natural gas.

LNG plant means an LNG facility or system of LNG facilities functioning as a unit.

m3 means a volumetric unit which is one cubic meter, 6.2898 barrels, 35.3147 ft.3, or 264.1720 U.S. gallons, each volume being considered as equal to the other.

Maximum allowable working pressure means the maximum gage pressure permissible at the top of the equipment, containers or pressure vessels while operating at design temperature.

Normal operation means functioning within ranges of pressure, temperature, flow, or other operating criteria required by this part.

Operator means a person who owns or operates an LNG facility.

Person means any individual, firm, joint venture, partnership, corporation, association, state, municipality, cooperative association, or joint stock association and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, or personal representative thereof.

Pipeline facility means new and existing piping, rights-of-way, and any equipment, facility, or building used in the transportation of gas or in the treatment of gas during the course of transportation.

Piping means pipe, tubing, hoses, fittings, valves, pumps, connections, safety devices or related components for containing the flow of hazardous fluids.

Storage tank means a container for storing a hazardous fluid.

Transfer piping means a system of permanent and temporary piping used for transferring hazardous fluids between any of the following: Liquefaction process facilities, storage tanks, vaporizers, compressors, cargo transfer systems, and facilities other than pipeline facilities.

Transfer system includes transfer piping and cargo transfer system.

Vaporization means an addition of thermal energy changing a liquid to a vapor or gaseous state.

Vaporizer means a heat transfer facility designed to introduce thermal energy in a controlled manner for changing a liquid to a vapor or gaseous state.

Waterfront LNG plant means an LNG plant with docks, wharves, piers, or other structures in, on, or Immediately adjacent to the navigable waters of the United States or Puerto Rico and any shore area immediately adjacent to those waters to which vessels may be secured and at which LNG cargo operations may be conducted.

§ 193.2009Rules of regulatory construction
(a) As used in this part:
(1)Includes means including but not limited to;
(2)May means is permitted to or is authorized to;
(3)May not means is not permitted to or is not authorized to; and
(4)Shall or must is used in the mandatory and imperative sense.
(b) In this part:
(1) Words importing the singular include the plural; and
(2) Words importing the plural include the singular.
§ 193.2011Reporting

Leaks and spills of LNG must be reported in accordance with the requirements of Part 191 of this chapter.

§ 193.2013Incorporation by reference
(a) Any document or portion thereof incorporated by reference in this part is included in this part as though it were printed in full. When only a portion of a document is referenced, then this part incorporates only that referenced portion of the document and the remainder is not incorporated. Applicable editions are listed in paragraph (c) of this section in parentheses following the title of the referenced material. Earlier editions listed in previous editions of this section may be used for components manufactured, designed, or installed in accordance with those earlier editions at the time they were listed. The user must refer to the appropriate previous edition of 49 CFR for a listing of the earlier editions.
(b) All incorporated materials are available for inspection in the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, PHP-30, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030 or go to:

http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federaI_regulations/lBR locations.html.

Documents incorporated by reference are available from the publishers as follows:

A. American Gas Association (AGA), 400 North Capitol Street, NW., Washington, DC 20001.
B. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Parallel Centre, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191-4400.
C. ASME International (ASME), Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990.
D. Gas Technology Institute (GTI, 1700 S. Mount Prospect Road, Des Plaines, IL 60018.
E. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101.
(c) Documents incorporated by reference.

Source and name of referenced material

49 CFR reference

A. American Gas Association (AGA):

(1) "Purging Principles and Practices," (3rd edition, 2001)..

§§ 193.2513; 193.2517; 193.2615.

B. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE):

(1) SEI/ASCE 7-02 "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures," (2002 edition).

§ 193.2067.

C. ASME International (ASME):

(1) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, "Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels," (2004 edition, including addenda through July 1, 2005).

§ 193.2321

(2) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 2, "Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels-Alternative Rules,: (2004 edition, including addenda through July 1,2005).


D. Gas Technology Institute (GTI):

(1) GRI-89/0176 "LNGFlRE" A Thermal Radiation Model for LNG Fires," (June 29,1990)...........................

§ 193.2057.

(2) GTI-04/0049 (April 2004) "LNG Vapor Dispersion Prediction with the DEGADIS 2.1: Dense Gas Dispersion Model for LNG Vapor Dispersion".

§ 193.2059.

(3) GRl-96/0396.5 "Evaluation of Mitigation Methods for Accidental LNG Releases, Volume 5: Using FEM3A for LNG Accident Consequence Analyses," (April 1997).

§ 193.2059

E. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

(1) NFPA 59A (2001) "Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)."

§§ 193.2019; 193.2051; 193.2057; 193.2059; 193.2101; 193.2301; 193.2303; 193.2401; 193.2521; 193.2639; 193.2801.

§ 193.2015[Reserved]
§ 193.2017Plans and procedures.
(a) Each operator shall maintain at each LNG plant the plans and procedures required for that plant by this part. The plans and procedures must be available upon request for review and inspection by the Administrator or any State Agency that has submitted a current certification or agreement with respect to the plant under the pipeline safety laws (49 U.S.C. 60101et seq.). In addition, each change to the plans or procedures must be available at the LNG plant for review and inspection within 20 days after the change is made.
(b) The Administrator or the State Agency that has submitted a current certification under section 5(a) of the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act with respect to the pipeline facility governed by an operator's plans and procedures may, after notice and opportunity for hearing as provided in 49 CFR 190.237 or the relevant State procedures, require the operator to amend its plans and procedures as necessary to provide a reasonable level of safety.
(c) Each operator must review and update the plans and procedures required by this part-
(1) When a component is changed significantly or a new component is installed; and
(2) At intervals not exceeding 27 months, but at least once every 2 calendar years.
§ 193.2019Mobile and temporary LNG facilities.
(a) Mobile and temporary LNG facilities for peakshaving application, for service maintenance during gas pipeline systems repair/alteration, or for other short term applications need not meet the requirements of this part if the facilities are in compliance with applicable sections of NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013).
(b) The state agency having jurisdiction over pipeline safety in the State in which the portable LNG equipment is to be located must be provided with a location description for the installation at least 2 weeks in advance, including to the extent practical, the details of siting, leakage containment or control, fire fighting equipment, and methods employed to restrict public access, except that in the case of emergency where such notice is not possible, as much advance notice as possible must be provided.
Subpart BSiting Requirements
§ 193.2051Scope.

Each LNG facility designed, constructed, replaced, relocated or significantly altered after March 31, 2000 must be provided with siting requirements in accordance with the requirements of this part and of NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013). In the event of a conflict between this part and NFPA 59A, this part prevails.

§ 193.2057Thermal radiation protection.

Each LNG container and LNG transfer system must have a thermal exclusion zone in accordance with section of NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013) with the following exceptions:

(a) The thermal radiation distances shall be calculated using Gas Research Institute's (GRI) report GRI-89/0176 (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013), which is also available as the "LNGFIRE III" computer model produced by GRI. The use of other alternate models which take into account the same physical factors and have been validated by experimental test data shall be permitted subject to the Administrator's approval.
(b) In calculating exclusion distances, the wind speed producing the maximum exclusion distances shall be used except for wind speeds that occur less than 5 percent of the time based on recorded data for the area.
(c) In calculating exclusion distances, the ambient temperature and relative humidity that produce the maximum exclusion distances shall be used except for values that occur less than five percent of the time based on recorded data for the area.
§ 193.2059Flammable vapor-gas dispersion protection.

Each LNG container and LNG transfer system must have a dispersion exclusion zone in accordance with sections and of NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013) with the following exceptions:

(a) Flammable vapor-gas dispersion distances must be determined in accordance with the model described in the Gas Research Institute report GRl-89/0242 (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013), "LNG Vapor Dispersion Prediction with the DEGADIS Dense Gas Dispersion Model." Alternatively, in order to account for additional cloud dilution which may be caused by the complex flow patterns induced by tank and dike structure, dispersion distances may be calculated in accordance with the model described in the Gas Research Institute report GRI 96/0396.5 (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013), "Evaluation of Mitigation Methods for Accidental LNG Releases. Volume 5: Using FEM3A for LNG Accident Consequence Analyses". The use of alternate models which take into account the same physical factors and have been validated by experimental test data shall be permitted, subject to the Administrator's approval.
(b) The following dispersion parameters must be used in computing dispersion distances:
(1) Average gas concentration in air = 2.5 percent.
(2) Dispersion conditions are a combination of those which result in longer predicted downwind dispersion distances than other weather conditions at the site at least 90 percent of the time, based on figures maintained by National Weather Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce, or as an alternative where the model used gives longer distances at lower wind speeds, Atmospheric Stability (Pasquill Class) F, wind speed = 4.5 miles per hour (2.01 meters/sec) at reference height of 10 meters, relative humidity = 50.0 percent, and atmospheric temperature = average in the region.
(3) The elevation for contour (receptor) output H = 0.5 meters.
(4) A surface roughness factor of 0.03 meters shall be used. Higher values for the roughness factor may be used if it can be shown that the terrain both upwind and downwind of the vapor cloud has dense vegetation and that the vapor cloud height is more than ten times the height of the obstacles encountered by the vapor cloud.
(c) The design spill shall be determined in accordance with section of NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013).
§ 193.2061 - 193.2065 [Reserved]
§ 193.2067Wind forces.
(a) LNG facilities must be designed to withstand without loss of structural or functional integrity;
(1) The direct effect of wind forces;
(2) The pressure differential between the interior and exterior of a confining, or partially confining, structure; and
(3) In the case of impounding systems for LNG storage tanks, impact forces and potential penetrations by wind borne missiles.
(b) The wind forces at the location of the specific facility must be based on one of the following:
(1) For shop fabricated containers of LNG or other hazardous fluids with a capacity of not more than 70,000 gallons, applicable wind load data in SEI/ASCE 7-02 (incorporated by reference, see §193.2013).
(2) For all other LNG facilities:
(i) An assumed sustained wind velocity of not less than 150 miles per hour, unless the Administrator finds a lower velocity is justified by adequate supportive data; or
(ii) The most critical combination of wind velocity and duration, with respect to the effect on the structure, having a probability of exceedance in a 50-year period of 0.5 percent or less, if adequate wind data are available and the probabilistic methodology is reliable.
§ 193.2069 - 193.2073[Reserved]
Subpart CDesign
§ 193.2101Scope.

Each LNG facility designed after March 31, 2000 must comply with requirements of this part and of NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013). In the event of a conflict between this part and NFPA 59A, this part prevails.


§ 193.2103 - 193-2117[Reserved].
§ 193.2119Records.

Each operator shall keep a record of all materials for components, buildings, foundations, and support systems, as necessary to verify that material properties meet the requirements of this part. These records must be maintained for the life of the item concerned.

Design of Components and Buildings

§ 193.2121 - 193.2153[Reserved].

Impoundment Design and Capacity

§ 193.2155Structural requirements.
(a) The structural members of an impoundment system must be designed and constructed to prevent impairment of the system's performance reliability and structural integrity as a result of the following:
(1) The imposed loading from-
(i) Full hydrostatic head of impounded LNG;
(ii) Hydrodynamic action, including the effect of any material injected into the system for spill control;
(iii) The impingement of the trajectory of an LNG jet discharged at any predictable angle; and,
(iv) Anticipated hydraulic forces from a credible opening in the component or item served, assuming that the discharge pressure equals design pressure.
(2) The erosive action from a spill, including jetting of spilling LNG, and any other anticipated erosive action including surface water runoff, ice formation, dislodgment of ice formation, and snow removal.
(3) The effect of the temperature, any thermal gradient, and any other anticipated degradation resulting from sudden or localized contact with LNG.
(4) Exposure to fire from impounded LNG or from sources other than impounded LNG.
(5) If applicable, the potential impact and loading on the dike due to-
(i) Collapse of the component or item served or adjacent components; and
(ii) If the LNG facility adjoins the right-of-way of any highway or railroad, collision by or explosion of a train, tank car, or tank truck that could reasonably be expected to cause the most severe loading.
(b) An LNG storage tank must not be located within a horizontal distance of one mile (1.6 km) from the ends, or 1/4 mile (0.4 km) from the nearest point of a runway, whichever is longer. The height of LNG structures in the vicinity of an airport must also comply with Federal Aviation Administration requirements in 14 CFR Section 1.1.
§ 193.2157 - 193.2159 [Reserved].
§ 193.2161Dikes; general.

An outer wall of a component served by an impounding system may not be used as a dike unless the outer wall is constructed of concrete.

§ 193.2163 - 193.2165 [Reserved].
§ 193.2167Covered systems.

A covered impounding system is prohibited except for concrete wall designed tanks where the concrete wall is an outer wall serving as a dike.

§ 193.2169 - 193.2171[Reserved].
§ 193.2173Water removal.
(a) Impoundment areas must be constructed such that all areas drain completely to prevent water collection. Drainage pumps and piping must be provided to remove water from collecting in the impoundment area. Alternative means of draining may be acceptable subject to the Administrator's approval.
(b) The water removal system must have adequate capacity to remove water at a rate equal to 25% of the maximum predictable collection rate from a storm of 10-year frequency and 1-hour duration, and other natural causes. For rainfall amounts, operators must use the "Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States" published by the National Weather Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
(c) Sump pumps for water removal must-
(1) Be operated as necessary to keep the impounding space as dry as practical; and
(2) If sump pumps are designed for automatic operation, have redundant automatic shutdown controls to prevent operation when LNG is present.
§ 193.2175 - 193.2179[Reserved].
§ 193.2181Impoundment capacity; LNG storage tanks.

Each impounding system serving an LNG storage tank must have a minimum volumetric liquid impoundment capacity of:

(a) 110 percent of the LNG tank's maximum liquid capacity for an impoundment serving a single tank;
(b) 100 percent of all tanks or 110 percent of the largest tank's maximum liquid capacity, whichever is greater, for the impoundment serving more than one tank; or
(c) If the dike is designed to account for a surge in the event of catastrophic failure, then the impoundment capacity may be reduced to 100 percent in lieu of 110 percent.
§ 193.2183 - 193.2185[Reserved].

LNG Storage Tanks

§ 193.2187Nonmetallic membrane liner.

A flammable nonmetallic membrane liner may not be used as an inner container in a storage tank.

§ 193.2189 - 193.2233[Reserved].
Subpart DConstruction
§ 193.2301Scope.

Each LNG facility constructed after March 31, 2000 must comply with requirements of this part and of NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013). In the event of a conflict between this part and NFPA 59A, this part prevails.

§ 193.2303Construction acceptance.

No person may place in service any component until it passes all applicable inspections and tests prescribed by this subpart and NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013).

§ 193.2304Corrosion control overview.
(a) Subject to paragraph (b) of this section, components may not be constructed, repaired, replaced, or significantly altered until a person qualified under § 193.2707(c) reviews the applicable design drawings and materials specifications from a corrosion control viewpoint and determines that the materials involved will not impair the safety or reliability of the component or any associated components.
(b) The repair, replacement, or significant alteration of components must be reviewed only if the action to be taken-
(1) Involves a change in the original materials specified;
(2) Is due to a failure caused by corrosion; or
(3) Is occasioned by inspection revealing a significant deterioration of the component due to corrosion.
§ 193.2305 - 193.2319 [Reserved].
§ 193.2321Nondestructive tests.

The butt welds in metal shells of storage tanks with internal design pressure above 15 p.s.i.g. must be radiographically tested in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (Section VIII Division 1), except that hydraulic load bearing shells with curved surfaces that are subject to cryogenic temperatures, 100 percent of both longitudinal (or meridional) and circumferential (or latitudinal) welds must be radiographically tested.

§ 193.2323 - 193.2329[Reserved].
Subpart EEquipment

After March 31, 2000, each new, replaced, relocated or significantly altered vaporization equipment, liquefaction equipment, and control systems must be designed, fabricated, and installed in accordance with requirements of this part and of NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013). In the event of a conflict between this part and NFPA 59A, this part prevails.


§193.2403 - 193.2439[Reserved].
§193.2441Control center.

Each LNG plant must have a control center from which operations and warning devices are monitored as required by this part. A control center must have the following capabilities and characteristics:

(a) It must be located apart or protected from other LNG facilities so that it is operational during a controllable emergency.
(b) Each remotely actuated control system and each automatic shutdown control system required by this part must be operable from the control center.
(c) Each control center must have personnel in continuous attendance while any of the components under its control are in operation, unless the control is being performed from another control center which has personnel in continuous attendance.
(d) If more than one control center is located at an LNG plant, each control center must have more than one means of communication with each other center.
(e) Each control center must have a means of communicating a warning of hazardous conditions to other locations within the plant frequented by personnel.
§193.2445Sources of power.
(a) Electrical control systems, means of communication, emergency lighting, and firefighting systems must have at least two sources of power which function so that failure of one source does not affect the capability of the other source.
(b) Where auxiliary generators are used as a second source of electrical power-
(1) They must be located apart or protected from components so that they are not unusable during a controllable emergency; and
(2) Fuel supply must be protected from hazards.
Subpart FOperations
§ 193.2501Scope.

This subpart prescribes requirements for the operation of LNG facilities

§ 193.2503Operating procedures.

Each operator shall follow one or more manuals of written procedures to provide safety in normal operation and in responding to an abnormal operation that would affect safety. The procedures must include provisions for:

(a) Monitoring components or buildings according to the requirements of § 193.2507.
(b) Startup and shutdown, including for initial startup, performance testing to demonstrate that components will operate satisfactory in service.
(c) Recognizing abnormal operating conditions.
(d) Purging and inserting components according to the requirements of § 193.2517.
(e) In the case of vaporization, maintaining the vaporization rate, temperature and pressure so that the resultant gas is within limits established for the vaporizer and the downstream piping.
(f) In the case of liquefaction, maintaining temperatures, pressures, pressure differentials and flow rates, as applicable, within their design limits for:
(1) Boilers;
(2) Turbines and other prime movers;
(3) Pumps, compressors, and expanders;
(4) Purification and regeneration equipment; and
(5) Equipment within cold boxes.
(g) Cooldown of components according to the requirements of § 193.2505.
§ 193.2505Cooldown.
(a) The cooldown of each system of components that is subjected to cryogenic temperatures must be limited to a rate and distribution pattern that keeps thermal stresses within design limits during the cooldown period, paying particular attention to the performance of expansion and contraction devices.
(b) After cooldown stabilization is reached, cryogenic piping systems must be checked for leaks in areas of flanges, valves, and seals.
§ 193.2507Monitoring operations.

Each component in operation or building in which a hazard to persons or property could exist must be monitored to detect fire or any malfunction or flammable fluid that could cause a hazardous condition. Monitoring must be accomplished by watching or listening from an attended control center for warning alarms, such as gas, temperature, pressure, vacuum, and flow alarms, or by conducting an inspection or test at intervals specified in the operating procedures.

§ 193.2509Emergency procedures.
(a) Each operator shall determine the types and places of emergencies other than fires that may reasonably be expected to occur at an LNG plant due to operating malfunctions, structural collapse, personnel error, forces of nature, and activities adjacent to the plant.
(b) To adequately handle each type of emergency identified under paragraph (a) of this section and each fire emergency, each operator shall follow one or more manuals of written procedures. The procedures must provide for the following:
(1) Responding to controllable emergencies, including notifying personnel and using equipment appropriate for handling the emergency.
(2) Recognizing an uncontrollable emergency and taking action to minimize harm to the public and personnel, including prompt notification of appropriate local officials of the emergency and possible need for evacuation of the public in the vicinity of the LNG plant.
(3) Coordinating with appropriate local officials in preparation of an emergency evacuation plan, which sets forth the steps required to protect the public in the event of an emergency, including catastrophic failure of an LNG storage tank.
(4) Cooperating with appropriate local officials in evacuations and emergencies requiring mutual assistance and keeping these officials advised of:
(i) The LNG plant fire control equipment, its location, and quantity of units located throughout the plant;
(ii) Potential hazards at the plant, including fires;
(iii) Communication and emergency control capabilities at the LNG plant; and,
(iv) The status of each emergency.
§ 193.2511Personnel safety.
(a) Each operator shall provide any special protective clothing and equipment necessary for the safety of personnel while they are performing emergency response duties.
(b) All personnel who are normally on duty at a fixed location, such as a building or yard, where they could be harmed by thermal radiation from a burning pool of impounded liquid, must be provided a means of protection at that location from the harmful effects of thermal radiation or a means of escape.
(c) Each LNG plant must be equipped with suitable first-aid material, the location of which is clearly marked and readily available to personnel.
§ 193.2513Transfer procedures.
(a) Each transfer of LNG or other hazardous fluid must be conducted in accordance with one or more manuals of written procedures to provide for safe transfers.
(b) The transfer procedures must include provisions for personnel to:
(1) Before transfer, verify that the transfer system is ready for use, with connections and controls in proper positions, including if the system could contain a combustible mixture, verifying that it has been adequately purged in accordance with a procedure which meets the requirements of AGA "Purging Principles and Practice."
(2) Before transfer, verify that each receiving container or tank vehicle does not contain any substance that would be incompatible with the incoming fluid and that there is sufficient capacity available to receive the amount of fluid to be transferred.
(3) Before transfer, verify the maximum filling volume of each receiving container or tank vehicle to ensure that expansion of the incoming fluid due to warming will not result in overfilling or overpressure;
(4) When making bulk transfer of LNG into a partially filled (excluding cooldown heel) container. determine any differences in temperature or specific gravity between the LNG being transferred and the LNG already in the container and, if necessary, provide a means to prevent rollover due to stratification.
(5) Verify that the transfer operations are proceeding within design conditions and that overpressure or overfilling does not occur by monitoring applicable flow rates, liquid levels, and vapor returns.
(6) Manually terminate the flow before overfilling or overpressure occurs; and,
(7) Deactivate cargo transfer systems in a safe manner by depressurizing, venting, and disconnecting lines and conducting any other appropriate operations.
(c) In addition to the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section, the procedures for cargo transfer must be located at the transfer area and include provisions for personnel to:
(1) Be in constant attendance during all cargo transfer operations;
(2) Prohibit the backing of tank trucks in the transfer area, except when a person is positioned at the rear of the truck giving instructions to the driver;
(3) Before transfer, verify that:
(i) Each tank car or tank truck complies with applicable regulations governing its use;
(ii) All transfer hoses have been visually inspected for damage and defects;
(iii) Each tank truck is properly immobilized with chock wheels, and electrically grounded; and,
(iv) Each tank truck engine is shut off unless it is required for transfer operations;
(4) Prevent a tank truck engine that is off during transfer operations from being restarted until the transfer lines have been disconnected and any released vapors have dissipated;
(5) Prevent loading LNG into a tank car or tank truck that is not in exclusive LNG service or that does not contain a positive pressure if it is in exclusive LNG service, until after the oxygen content in the tank is tested and if it exceeds 2 percent by volume, purged in accordance with a procedure that meets the requirements of AGA "Purging Principles and Practice";
(6) Verify that all transfer lines have been disconnected and equipment cleared before the tank car or tank truck is moved from the transfer position; and,
(7) Verify that transfers into a pipeline system will not exceed the pressure or temperature limits of the system.
§ 193.2515Investigations of failures.
(a) Each operator shall investigate the cause of each explosion, fire, or LNG spill or leak which results in:
(1) Death or injury requiring hospitalization; or
(2) Property damage exceeding $10,000.
(b) As a result of the investigation, appropriate action must be taken to minimize recurrence of the incident.
(c) If the Administrator or relevant state agency under the pipeline safety laws (49 U.S.C. 60101et seq.) investigates an incident, the operator involved shall make available all relevant information and provide reasonable assistance in conducting the investigation. Unless necessary to restore or maintain service, or for safety, no component involved in the incident may be moved from its location or otherwise altered until the investigation is complete or the investigating agency otherwise provides. Where components must be moved for operational or safety reasons, they must not be removed from the plant site and must be maintained intact to the extent practicable until the investigation is complete or the investigating agency otherwise provides.
§ 193.2517Purging.

When necessary for safety, components that could accumulate significant amounts of combustible mixtures must be purged in accordance with a procedure which meets the provisions of the AGA "Purging Principles and Practice" after being taken out of service and before being returned to service.

§ 193.2519Communication systems.
(a) Each LNG plant must have a primary communication system that provides for verbal communications between all operating personnel at their work stations in the LNG plant.
(b) Each LNG plant in excess of 70,000 gallons (265,000 liters) storage capacity must have an emergency communication system that provides for verbal communications between all persons and locations necessary for the orderly shutdown of operating equipment and the operation of safety equipment in time of emergency. The emergency communication system must be independent of and physically separated from the primary communication system and the security communication system under § 193.2909.
(c) Each communication system required by this part must have an auxiliary source of power, except sound-powered equipment.
§ 193.2521Operating records.

Each operator shall maintain a record of results of each inspection, test and investigation required by this subpart. For each LNG facility that is designed and constructed after March 31, 2000 the operator shall also maintain related inspection, testing, and investigation records that NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013) requires. Such records, whether required by this part or NFPA 59A, must be kept for a period of not less than five years.

Subpart GMaintenance
§ 193.2601Scope.

This subpart prescribes requirements for maintaining components at LNG plants.

§ 193.2603General.
(a) Each component in service, including its support system, must be maintained in a condition that is compatible with its operational or safety purpose by repair, replacement, or other means.
(b) An operator may not place, return, or continue in service any component which is not maintained in accordance with this subpart.
(c) Each component taken out of service must be identified in the records kept under § 193.2639.
(d) If a safety device is taken out of service for maintenance, the component being served by the device must be taken out of service unless the same safety function is provided by an alternate means.
(e) If the inadvertent operation of a component taken out of service could cause a hazardous condition, that component must have a tag attached to the controls bearing the words "do not operate" or words of comparable meaning.
§ 193.2605Maintenance procedures.
(a) Each operator shall determine and perform, consistent with generally accepted engineering practice, the periodic inspections or tests needed to meet the applicable requirements of this subpart and to verify that components meet the maintenance standards prescribed by this subpart.
(b) Each operator shall follow one or more manuals of written procedures for the maintenance of each component, including any required corrosion control. The procedure must include:
(1) The details of the inspections or tests determined under paragraph (a) of this section and their frequency of performance; and
(2) A description of other actions necessary to maintain the LNG plant in accordance with the requirements of this subpart.
(c) Each operator shall include in the manual required by paragraph (b) of this section instructions enabling personnel who perform operation and maintenance activities to recognize conditions that potentially may be safety-related conditions that are subject to the reporting requirements of § 191.23 of this subchapter.
§ 193.2607Foreign material.
(a) The presence of foreign material, contaminants, or ice shall be avoided or controlled to maintain the operational safety of each component.
(b) LNG plant grounds must be free from rubbish, debris, and other material which present a fire hazard. Grass areas on the LNG plant grounds must be maintained in a manner that does not present a fire hazard.
§ 193.2609Support systems.

Each support system or foundation of each component must be inspected for any detrimental change that could impair support.

§ 193.2611Fire protection.
(a) Maintenance activities on fire control equipment must be scheduled so that a minimum of equipment is taken out of service at any one time and is returned to service in a reasonable period of time.
(b) Access routes for movement of fire control equipment within each LNG plant must be maintained to reasonably provide for use in all weather conditions.
§ 193.2613Auxiliary power sources.

Each auxiliary power source must be tested monthly to check its operational capability and tested annually for capacity. The capacity test must take into account the power needed to start up and simultaneously operate equipment that would have to be served by that power source in an emergency.

§ 193.2615Isolating and purging.
(a) Before personnel begin maintenance activities on components handling flammable fluids which are isolated for maintenance, the component must be purged in accordance with a procedure which meets the requirements of AGA "Purging Principles and Practice," unless the maintenance procedures under § 193.2605 provide that the activity can be safely performed without purging.
(b) If the component or maintenance activity provides an ignition source, a technique in addition to isolation valves (such as removing spool pieces or valves and blank flanging the piping, or double block and bleed valving) must be used to ensure that the work area is free of flammable fluids.
§ 193.2617Repairs.
(a) Repair work on components must be performed and tested in a manner which:
(1) As far as practicable, complies with the applicable requirements of Subpart D of this part; and
(2) Assures the integrity and operational safety of the component being repaired.
(b) For repairs made while a component is operating, each operator shall include in the maintenance procedures under § 193.2605 appropriate precautions to maintain the safety of personnel and property during repair activities.
§ 193.2619 Control systems.
(a) Each control system must be properly adjusted to operate within design limits.
(b) if a control system is out of service for 30 days or more, it must be inspected and tested for operational capability before returning it to service.
(c) Control systems in service, but not normally in operation, such as relief valves and automatic shutdown devices, and control systems for internal shutoff valves for bottom penetration tanks must be inspected and tested once each calendar year, not exceeding 15 months, with the following exceptions:
(1) Control systems used seasonally, such as for liquefaction or vaporization, must be inspected and tested before use each season.
(2) Control systems that are intended for fire protection must be inspected and tested at regular intervals not to exceed 6 months.
(d) Control systems that are normally in operation, such as required by a base load system, must be inspected and tested once each calendar year but with intervals not exceeding 15 months.
(e) Relief valves must be inspected and tested for verification of the valve seat lifting pressure and reseating.
§ 193.2621 Testing transfer hoses.

Hoses used in LNG or flammable refrigerant transfer systems must be:

(a) Tested once each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 15 months, to the maximum pump pressure or relief valve setting; and
(b) Visually inspected for damage or defects before each use.
§ 193.2623Inspecting LNG storage tanks.

Each LNG storage tank must be inspected or tested to verify that each of the following conditions does not impair the structural integrity or safety of the tank:

(a) Foundation and tank movement during normal operation and after a major meteorological or geophysical disturbance.
(b) Inner tank leakage.
(c) Effectiveness of insulation.
(d) Frost heave.
§ 193.2625Corrosion protection.
(a) Each operator shall determine which metallic components could, unless corrosion is controlled, have their integrity or reliability adversely affected by external, internal, or atmospheric corrosion during their intended service life.
(b) Components whose integrity or reliability could be adversely affected by corrosion must be either-
(1) Protected from corrosion in accordance with §§ 193.2627 through 193.2635, as applicable; or
(2) Inspected and replaced under a program of scheduled maintenance in accordance with procedures established under § 193.2605.
§ 193.2627Atmospheric corrosion control.

Each exposed component that is subject to atmospheric corrosive attack must be protected from atmospheric corrosion by:

(a) Material that has been designed and selected to resist the corrosive atmosphere involved; or
(b) Suitable coating or jacketing.
§ 193.2629External corrosion control; buried or submerged components.
(a) Each buried or submerged component that is subject to external corrosive attack must be protected from external corrosion by:
(1) Material that has been designed and selected to resist the corrosive environment involved; or
(2) The following means:
(i) An external protective coating designed and installed to prevent corrosion attack and to meet the requirements of § 192.461 of this chapter; and
(ii) A cathodic protection system designed to protect components in their entirety in accordance with the requirements of § 192.463 of this chapter and placed in operation before October 23,1981, or within 1 year after the component is constructed or installed, whichever is later.
(b) Where cathodic protection is applied, components that are electrically interconnected must be protected as a unit.
§ 193.2631Internal corrosion control.

Each component that is subject to internal corrosive attack must be protected from internal corrosion by:

(a) Material that has been designed and selected to resist the corrosive fluid involved; or
(b) Suitable coating, inhibitor, or other means.
§ 193.2633Interference currents.
(a) Each component that is subject to electrical current interference must be protected by a continuing program to minimize the detrimental effects of currents.
(b) Each cathodic protection system must be designed and installed so as to minimize any adverse effects it might cause to adjacent metal components.
(c) Each impressed current power source must be installed and maintained to prevent adverse interference with communications and control systems.
§ 193.2635Monitoring corrosion control.

Corrosion protection provided as required by this subpart must be periodically monitored to give early recognition of ineffective corrosion protection, including the following, as applicable:

(a) Each buried or submerged component under cathodic protection must be tested at least once each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 15 months, to determine whether the cathodic protection meets the requirements of § 192.463 of this chapter.
(b) Each cathodic protection rectifier or other impressed current power source must be inspected at least six times each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 2% months, to ensure that it is operating properly.
(c) Each reverse current switch, each diode, and each interference bond whose failure would jeopardize component protection must be electrically checked for proper performance at least six times each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 21/2 months. Each other interference bond must be checked at least once each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 15 months.
(d) Each component that is protected from atmospheric corrosion must be inspected at intervals not exceeding 3 years.
(e) If a component is protected from internal corrosion, monitoring devices designed to detect internal corrosion, such as coupons or probes, must be located where corrosion is most likely to occur. However, monitoring is not required for corrosion resistant materials if the operator can demonstrate that the component will not be adversely affected by internal corrosion during its service life. Internal corrosion control monitoring devices must be checked at least two times each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 71/2 months.
§ 193.2637Remedial measures.

Prompt corrective or remedial action must be taken whenever an operator learns by inspection or otherwise that atmospheric, external, or internal corrosion is not controlled as required by this subpart.

§ 193.2639Maintenance records.
(a) Each operator shall keep a record at each LNG plant of the date and type of each maintenance activity performed on each component to meet the requirements of this part. For each LNG facility that is designed and constructed after March 31, 2000 the operator shall also maintain related periodic inspection and testing records that NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013) requires. Maintenance records, whether required by this part or NFPA 59A, must be kept for a period of not less than five years.
(b) Each operator shall maintain records or maps to show the location of cathodically protected components, neighboring structures bonded to the cathodic protection system, and corrosion protection equipment.
(c) Each of the following records must be retained for as long as the LNG facility remains in service:
(1) Each record or map required by paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) Records of each test, survey, or inspection required by this subpart in sufficient detail to demonstrate the adequacy of corrosion control measures.
Subpart HPersonnel Qualifications and Training
§ 193.2701Scope.

This subpart prescribes requirements for personnel qualifications and training.

§ 193.2703Design and fabrication.

For the design and fabrication of components, each operator shall use-

(a) With respect to design, persons who have demonstrated competence by training or experience in the design of comparable components.
(b) With respect to fabrication, persons who have demonstrated competence by training or experience in the fabrication of comparable components.
§ 193.2705Construction, installation, inspection, and testing.
(a) Supervisors and other personnel utilized for construction, installation, inspection, or testing must have demonstrated their capability to perform satisfactorily the assigned function by appropriate training in the methods and equipment to be used or related experience and accomplishments.
(b) Each operator must periodically determine whether inspectors performing construction, installation, and testing duties required by this part are satisfactorily performing their assigned function.
§ 193.2707Operations and maintenance.
(a) Each operator shall utilize for operation or maintenance of components only those personnel who have demonstrated their capability to perform their assigned functions by-
(1) Successful completion of the training required by §§ 193.2713 and 193.2717;
(2) Experience related to the assigned operation or maintenance function; and,
(3) Acceptable performance on a proficiency test relevant to the assigned function.
(b) A person who does not meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section may operate or maintain a component when accompanied and directed by an individual who meets the requirements.
(c) Corrosion control procedures under § 193.2605(b), including those for the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of cathodic protection systems, must be carried out by, or under the direction of, a person qualified by experience and training in corrosion control technology.
§ 193.2709Security.

Personnel having security duties must be qualified to perform their assigned duties by successful completion of the training required under § 193.2715.

§ 193.2711Personnel health.

Each operator shall follow a written plan to verify that personnel assigned operating, maintenance, security, or fire protection duties at the LNG plant do not have any physical condition that would impair performance of their assigned duties. The plan must be designed to detect both readily observable disorders, such as physical handicaps or injury, and conditions requiring professional examination for discovery.

§ 193.2713Training; operations and maintenance.
(a) Each operator shall provide and implement a written plan of initial training to instruct-
(1) All permanent maintenance, operating, and supervisory personnel-
(i) About the characteristics and hazards of LNG and other flammable fluids used or handled at the facility, including, with regard to LNG, low temperatures, flammability of mixtures with air, odorless vapor, boiloff characteristics, and reaction to water and water spray;
(ii) About the potential hazards involved in operating and maintenance activities; and,
(iii) To carry out aspects of the operating and maintenance procedures under §§ 193.2503 and 193.2605 that relate to their assigned functions; and
(2) All personnel-
(i) To carry out the emergency procedures under § 193.2509 that relate to their assigned functions; and
(ii) To give first-aid; and,
(3) All operating and appropriate supervisory personnel-
(i) To understand detailed instructions on the facility operations, including controls, functions, and operating procedures; and
(ii) To understand the LNG transfer procedures provided under § 193.2513.
(b) A written plan of continuing instruction must be conducted at intervals of not more than 2 years to keep all personnel current on the knowledge and skills they gained in the program of initial instruction.
§ 193.2715Training; security.
(a) Personnel responsible for security at an LNG plant must be trained in accordance with a written plan of initial instruction to:
(1) Recognize breaches of security;
(2) Carry out the security procedures under § 193.2903 that relate to their assigned duties;
(3) Be familiar with basic plant operations and emergency procedures, as necessary to effectively perform their assigned duties; and,
(4) Recognize conditions where security assistance is needed.
(b) A written plan of continuing instruction must be conducted at intervals of not more than 2 years to keep all personnel having security duties current on the knowledge and skills they gained in the program of initial instruction.
§ 193.2717Training; fire protection.
(a) All personnel involved in maintenance and operations of an LNG plant, including their immediate supervisors, must be trained according to a written plan of initial instruction, including plant fire drills, to:
(1) Know the potential causes and areas of fire;
(2) Know the types, sizes, and predictable consequences of fire; and
(3) Know and be able to perform their assigned fire control duties according to the procedures established under § 193.2509 and by proper use of equipment provided under § 193.2801.
(b) A written plan of continuing instruction, including plant fire drills, must be conducted at intervals of not more than 2 years to keep personnel current on the knowledge and skills they gained in the instruction under paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) Plant fire drills must provide personnel hands-on experience in carrying out their duties under the fire emergency procedures required by § 193.2509.
§ 193.2719Training; records.
(a) Each operator shall maintain a system of records which-
(1) Provide evidence that the training programs required by this subpart have been implemented; and
(2) Provide evidence that personnel have undergone and satisfactorily completed the required training programs.
(b) Records must be maintained for 1 year after personnel are no longer assigned duties at the LNG plant.
Subpart I Fire Protection
§ 193.2801Scope

Each operator must provide and maintain fire protection at LNG plants according to sections 9.1 through 9.7 and section 9.9 of NFPA 59A (incorporated by reference, see § 193.2013). However, LNG plants existing on March 31, 2000, need not comply with provisions on emergency shutdown systems, water delivery systems, detection systems, and personnel qualification and training until September 12, 2005.

§ 193.2803 - 193.2821[Reserved]
Subpart JSecurity
§ 193.2901Scope

This subpart prescribes requirements for security at LNG plants. However, the requirements do not apply to existing LNG plants that do not contain LNG.

§ 193.2903Security procedures

Each operator shall prepare and follow one or more manuals of written procedures to provide security for each LNG plant. The procedures must be available at the plant in accordance with § 193.2017 and include at least:

(a) A description and schedule of security inspections and patrols performed in accordance with §193.2913;
(b) A list of security personnel positions or responsibilities utilized at the LNG plant;
(c) A brief description of the duties associated with each security personnel position or responsibility;
(d) Instructions for actions to be taken, including notification of other appropriate plant personnel and law enforcement officials, when there is any indication of an actual or attempted breach of security;
(e) Methods for determining which persons are allowed access to the LNG plant;
(f) Positive identification of all persons entering the plant and on the plant, including methods at least as effective as picture badges; and,
(g) Liaison with local law enforcement officials to keep them informed about current security procedures under this section.
§ 193.2905Protective enclosures.
(a) The following facilities must be surrounded by a protective enclosure:
(1) Storage tanks;
(2) Impounding systems;
(3) Vapor barriers;
(4) Cargo transfer systems;
(5) Process, liquefaction, and vaporization equipment;
(6) Control rooms and stations;
(7) Control systems;
(8) Fire control equipment;
(9) Security communications systems; and,
(10) Alternative power sources.

The protective enclosure may be one or more separate enclosures surrounding a single facility or multiple facilities.

(b) Ground elevations outside a protective enclosure must be graded in a manner that does not impair the effectiveness of the enclosure.
(c) Protective enclosures may not be located near features outside of the facility, such as trees, poles, or buildings, which could be used to breach the security.
(d) At least two accesses must be provided in each protective enclosure and be located to minimize the escape distance in the event of emergency.
(e) Each access must be locked unless it is continuously guarded. During normal operations, an access may be unlocked only by persons designated in writing by the operator. During an emergency, a means must be readily available to all facility personnel within the protective enclosure to open each access.
§ 193.2907Protective enclosure construction
(a) Each protective enclosure must have sufficient strength and configuration to obstruct unauthorized access to the facilities enclosed.
(b) Openings in or under protective enclosures must be secured by grates, doors or covers of construction and fastening of sufficient strength such that the integrity of the protective enclosure is not reduced by any opening.
§ 193.2909Security communications

A means must be provided for:

(a) Prompt communications between personnel having supervisory security duties and law enforcement officials; and
(b) Direct communications between all on-duty personnel having security duties and all control rooms and control stations.
§ 193.2911Security lighting

Where security warning systems are not provided for security monitoring under § 193.2913, the area around the facilities listed under § 193.2905(a) and each protective enclosure must be illuminated with a minimum in service lighting intensity of not less than 2.2 lux (0.2 ftc) between sunset and sunrise.

§ 193.2913Security monitoring

Each protective enclosure and the area around each facility listed in § 193.2905(a) must be monitored for the presence of unauthorized persons. Monitoring must be by visual observation in accordance with the schedule in the security procedures under § 193.2903(a) or by security warning systems that continuously transmit data to an attended location. At an LNG plant with less than 40,000 m3 (250,000 bbl) of storage capacity, only the protective enclosure must be monitored.

§ 193.2915Alternative power sources

An alternative source of power that meets the requirements of § 193.2445 must be provided for security lighting and security monitoring and warning systems required under §§ 193.2911 and 193.2913.

§ 193.2917 Warning signs
(a) Warning signs must be conspicuously placed along each protective enclosure at Intervals so that at least one sign is recognizable at night from a distance of 30 m (100 ft.) from any way that could reasonably be used to approach the enclosure.
(b) Signs must be marked with at least the following on a background of sharply contrasting color: The words "NO TRESPASSING", or words of comparable meaning.
Subpart AGeneral
§ 199.1Scope
(a) This part requires operators of pipeline facilities subject to part 192,193, or 195 of this chapter to test covered employees for the presence of prohibited drugs and alcohol.
§ 199.2Applicability
(a) This part applies to pipeline operators only with respect to employees located within the territory of the United States, including those employees located within the limits of the "Outer Continental Shelf as that term is defined in the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331).
(b) This part does not apply to any person for whom compliance with this part would violate the domestic laws or policies of another country.
(c) This part does not apply to covered functions performed on-
(1) Master meter systems, as defined in § 191.3 of this chapter; or
(2) Pipeline systems that transport only petroleum gas or petroleum gas/air mixtures.
§ 199.3Definitions

As used in this part

"Accident" means an incident reportable under Part 191 involving gas pipeline facilities or LNG facilities.

"Administrator" means the Administrator, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration or his or her delegate.

"Covered employee, employee, or individual to be tested" means a person who performs a covered function, including persons employed by operators, contractors engaged by operators, and persons employed by such contractors.

"Covered function" means an operations, maintenance, or emergency-response function regulated by part 192,193, or 195 of this chapter that is performed on a pipeline or on an LNG facility.

"DOT Procedures" means the Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs published by the Office of the Secretary of Transportation in part 40 of this title.

"Fail a drug test" means that the confirmation test result shows positive evidence of the presence under DOT Procedures of a prohibited drug in an employee's system.

"Operator" means a person who owns or operates pipeline facilities subject to Part 192.

"Pass a drug test" means that initial testing or confirmation testing under DOT Procedures does not show evidence of the presence of a prohibited drug in a person's system.

"Performs a covered function" includes actually performing, ready to perform, or immediately available to perform a covered function.

"Positive rate for random drug testing" means the number of verified positive results for random drug tests conducted under this part plus the number of refusals of random drug tests required by this part, divided by the total number of random drug tests results (i.e., positives, negatives, and refusals) under this part.

"Prohibited drug" means any of the following substances specified in Schedule I or Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) : marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, and phencyclidine (PCP).

"Refuse to submit, refuse, or refuse to take" means behavior consistent with DOT Procedures concerning refusal to take a drug test or refusal to take an alcohol test.

"State agency" means an agency of any of the several states, the District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico that participates under the pipeline safety laws (49 U.S.C. 60101et seq.).

§ 199.5DOT Procedures.

The anti-drug and alcohol programs required by this part must be conducted according to the requirements of this part and DOT Procedures. Terms and concepts used in this part have the same meaning as in DOT Procedures. Violations of DOT Procedures with respect to anti-drug and alcohol programs required by this part are violations of this part.

§ 199.7Stand-down waivers.
(a) Each operator who seeks a waiver under §40.21 of this title from the stand-down restriction must submit an application for waiver in duplicate to the Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20590.
(b) Each application must-
(1) Identify §40.21 of this title as the rule from which the waiver is sought;
(2) Explain why the waiver is requested and describe the employees to be covered by the waiver;
(3) Contain the information required by §40.21 of this title and any other information or arguments available to support the waiver requested; and
(4) Unless good cause is shown in the application, be submitted at least 60 days before the proposed effective date of the waiver.
(c) No public hearing or other proceeding is held directly on an application before its disposition under this section. If the Associate Administrator determines that the application contains adequate justification, he or she grants the waiver. If the Associate Administrator determines that the application does not justify granting the waiver, he or she denies the application. The Associate Administrator notifies each applicant of the decision to grant or deny an application.
§ 199.9Preemption of State and local laws.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, this subpart preempts any State or local law, rule, regulation, or order to the extent that:
(1) Compliance with both the State or local requirement and this subpart is not possible;
(2) Compliance with the State or local requirement is an obstacle to the accomplishment and execution of any requirement in this subpart; or
(3) The State or local requirement is a pipeline safety standard applicable to interstate pipeline facilities.
(b) This subpart shall not be construed to preempt provisions of State criminal law that impose sanctions for reckless conduct leading to actual loss of life, injury, or damage to property, whether the provisions apply specifically to transportation employees or employers or to the general public.
Subpart BDrug Testing
§ 199.100Purpose

The purpose of this subpart is to establish programs designed to help prevent accidents and injuries resulting from the use of prohibited drugs by employees who perform covered functions for operators of certain pipeline facilities subject to part 192,193. or 195 of this chapter.

§ 199.101Anti-Drug Plan
(a) Each operator shall maintain and follow a written anti-drug plan that conforms to the requirements of this subpart and the DOT Procedures. The plan must contain:
(1) Methods and procedures for compliance with all the requirements of this subpart, including the employee assistance program;
(2) The name and address of each laboratory that analyzes the specimens collected for drug testing;
(3) The name and address of the operator's Medical Review Officer, and Substance Abuse Professional; and
(4) Procedures for notifying employees of the coverage and provisions of the plan.
(b) The Administrator or the State Agency that has submitted a current certification under the pipeline safety law (49 U.S.C. 60101et seq.) with respect to the pipeline facility governed by an operator's plans and procedures may, after notice and opportunity for hearing as provided in 49 CFR 190.237 or the relevant State procedures, require the operator to amend its plans and procedures as necessary to provide a reasonable level of safety.
§ 199.103Use of Persons Who Fail or Refuse a Drug Test
(a) An operator may not knowingly use as an employee any person who:
(1) Fails a drug test required by this subpart and the medical review officer makes a determination under DOT Procedures; or
(2) Refuses to take a drug test required by this subpart.
(b) Paragraph (a)(1) of this section does not apply to a person who has:
(1) Passed a drug test under DOT Procedures;
(2) Been considered by the medical review officer in accordance with DOT Procedures and been determined by a substance abuse professional to have successfully completed required education or treatment: and
(3) Not failed a drug test required by this subpart after returning to duty.
§ 199.105Drug Tests Required

Each operator shall conduct the following drug tests for the presence of a prohibited drug:

(a) Pre-employment testing. No operator may hire or contract for the use of any person as an employee unless that person passes a drug test or is covered by an anti-drug program that conforms to the requirements of this subpart.
(b) Post-accident testing. As soon as possible but no later than 32 hours after an accident, an operator shall drug test each employee whose performance either contributed to the accident or cannot be completely discounted as a contributing factor to the accident. An operator may decide not to test under this paragraph but such a decision must be based on the best information available immediately after the accident that the employee's performance could not have contributed to the accident or that, because of the time between that performance and the accident, it is not likely that a drug test would reveal whether the performance was affected by drug use.
(c) Random testing.
(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (c)(2) through (4) of this section, the minimum annual percentage rate for random drug testing shall be 50 percent of covered employees.
(2) The Administrator's decision to increase or decrease the minimum annual percentage rate for random drug testing is based on the reported positive rate for the entire industry. All information used for this determination is drawn from the drug MIS reports required by this subpart. In order to ensure reliability of the data, the Administrator considers the quality and completeness of the reported data, may obtain additional information or reports from operators, and may make appropriate modifications in calculating the industry positive rate. Each year, the Administrator will publish in the Federal Register the minimum annual percentage rate for random drug testing of covered employees. The new minimum annual percentage rate for random drug testing will be applicable starting January 1 of the calendar year following publication.
(3) When the minimum annual percentage rate for random drug testing is 50 percent, the Administrator may lower this rate to 25 percent of all covered employees if the Administrator determines that the data received under the reporting requirements of § 199.119 for two consecutive calendar years indicate that the reported positive rate is less than 1.0 percent.
(4) When the minimum annual percentage rate for random drug testing is 25 percent, and the data received under the reporting requirements of § 199.119 for any calendar year indicate that the reported positive rate is equal to or greater than 1.0 percent, the Administrator will increase the minimum annual percentage rate for random drug testing to 50 percent of all covered employees.
(5) The selection of employees for random drug testing shall be made by a scientifically valid method, such as a random number table or a computer-based random number generator that is matched with employees' Social Security numbers, payroll identification numbers, or other comparable identifying numbers. Under the selection process used, each covered employee shall have an equal chance of being tested each time selections are made.
(6) The operator shall randomly select a sufficient number of covered employees for testing during each calendar year to equal an annual percentage rate not less than the minimum annual percentage rate for random drug testing determined by the Administrator. If the operator conducts random drug testing through a consortium, the number of employees to be tested may be calculated for each individual operator or may be based on the total number of covered employees covered by the consortium who are subject to random drug testing at the same minimum annual percentage rate under this subpart or any DOT drug testing rule.
(7) Each operator shall ensure that random drug tests conducted under this subpart are unannounced and that the dates for administering random tests are spread reasonably throughout the calendar year.
(8) If a given covered employee is subject to random drug testing under the drug testing rules of more than one DOT agency for the same operator, the employee shall be subject to random drug testing at the percentage rate established for the calendar year by the DOT agency regulating more than 50 percent of the employee's function.
(9) If an operator is required to conduct random drug testing under the drug testing rules of more than one DOT agency, the operator may-
(i) Establish separate pools for random selection, with each pool containing the covered employees who are subject to testing at the same required rate; or
(ii) Randomly select such employees for testing at the highest percentage rate established for the calendar year by any DOT agency to which the operator is subject.
(d) Testing based on reasonable cause. Each operator shall drug test each employee when there is reasonable cause to believe the employee is using a prohibited drug. The decision to test must be based on a reasonable and articulable belief that the employee is using a prohibited drug on the basis of specific, contemporaneous physical, behavioral, or performance indicators of probable drug use. At least two of the employee's supervisors, one of whom is trained in detection of the possible symptoms of drug use, shall substantiate and concur in the decision to test an employee. The concurrence between the two supervisors may be by telephone. However, in the case of operators with 50 or fewer employees subject to testing under this subpart, only one supervisor of the employee trained in detecting possible drug use symptoms shall substantiate the decision to test.
(e) Return-to-duty testing. A covered employee who refuses to take or has a positive drug test may not return to duty in the covered function until the covered employee has complied with applicable provisions of DOT Procedures concerning substance abuse professionals and the return-to-duty process.
(f) Follow-up testing. A covered employee who refuses to take or has a positive drug test shall be subject to unannounced follow-up drug tests administered by the operator following the covered employee's return to duty. The number and frequency of such follow-up testing shall be determined by a substance abuse professional, but shall consist of at least six tests in the first 12 months following the covered employee's return to duty. In addition, follow-up testing may include testing for alcohol as directed by the substance abuse professional, to be performed in accordance with 49 CFR 40 . Follow-up testing shall not exceed 60 months from the date of the covered employee's return to duty. The substance abuse professional may terminate the requirement for follow-up testing at any time after the first six tests have been administered, if the substances abuse professional determines that such testing is no longer necessary.
§ 199.107Drug Testing Laboratory
(a) Each operator shall use for the drug testing required by this subpart only drug testing laboratories certified by the Department of Health and Human Services under the DOT Procedures.
(b) The drug testing laboratory must permit:
(1)I nspections by the operator before the laboratory is awarded a testing contract; and
(2) Unannounced inspections, including examination of records, at any time, by the operator, the Administrator, and if the operator is subject to state agency jurisdiction, a representative of that state agency.
§ 199.109Review of Drug Testing Results
(a) MRO appointment. Each operator shall designate or appoint a medical review officer (MRO). I f an operator does not have a qualified individual on staff to serve as MRO, the operator may contract for the provision of MRO services as part of its anti-drug program.
(b) MRO qualifications. Each MRO must be a licensed physician who has the qualifications required by DOT Procedures.
(c) MRO duties. The MRO must perform functions for the operator as required by DOT Procedures.
(d) MRO reports. The MRO must report all drug test results to the operator in accordance with DOT Procedures.
(e) Evaluation and rehabilitation may be provided by the operator, by a substance abuse professional under contract with the operator, or by a substance abuse professional not affiliated with the operator. The choice of substance abuse professional and assignment of costs shall be made in accordance with the operator/employee policies.
(f) The operator shall ensure that a substance abuse professional, who determines that a covered employee requires assistance in resolving problems with drug abuse, does not refer the covered employee to the substance abuse professional's private practice or to a person or organization from which the substance abuse professional receives remuneration or in which the substance abuse professional has a financial interest. This paragraph does not prohibit a substance abuse professional from referring a covered employee for assistance provided through:
(1) A public agency, such as a State, county, or municipality;
(2) The operator or a person under contract to provide treatment for drug problems on behalf of the operator,
(3) The sole source of therapeutically appropriate treatment under the employee's health insurance program; or
(4) The sole source of therapeutically appropriate treatment reasonably accessible to the employee.
§ 199.111Retention of Samples and Additional Testing.
(a) Samples that yield positive results on confirmation must be retained by the laboratory in properly secured, long-term, frozen storage for at least 365 days as required by the DOT Procedures.

Within this 365-day period, the employee or the employee's representative, the operator, the Administrator, or, if the operator is subject to the jurisdiction of a state agency, the state agency may request that the laboratory retain the sample for an additional period. I f, within the 365-day period, the laboratory has not received a proper written request to retain the sample for a further reasonable period specified in the request, the sample may be discarded following the end of the 365-day period.

(b)I f the medical review officer (MRO) determines there is no legitimate medical explanation for a confirmed positive test result other than the unauthorized use of a prohibited drug, and if timely additional testing is requested by the employee according to DOT Procedures, the split specimen must be tested. The employee may specify testing by the original laboratory or by a second laboratory that is certified by the Department of Health and Human Services. The operator may require the employee to pay in advance the cost of shipment (if any) and reanalysis of the sample, but the employee must be reimbursed for such expense if the additional test is negative.
(c)I f the employee specifies testing by a second laboratory, the original laboratory must follow approved chain-of-custody procedures in transferring a portion of the sample.
(d) Since some analytes may deteriorate during storage, detected levels of the drug below the detection limits established in the DOT Procedures, but equal to or greater than the established sensitivity of the assay, must, as technically appropriate, be reported and considered corroborative of the original positive results.
§ 199.1 13Employee Assistance Program.
(a) Each operator shall provide an employee assistance program (EAP) for its employees and supervisory personnel who will determine whether an employee must be drug tested based on reasonable cause. The operator may establish the EAP as a part of its internal personnel services or the operator may contract with an entity that provides EAP services. Each EAP must include education and training on drug use. At the discretion of the operator, the EAP may include an opportunity for employee rehabilitation.
(b) Education under each EAP must include at least the following elements: display and distribution of informational material; display and distribution of a community service hot-line telephone number for employee assistance; and display and distribution of the employer's policy regarding the use of prohibited drugs.
(c) Training under each EAP for supervisory personnel who will determine whether an employee must be drug tested based on reasonable cause must include one 60-minute period of training on the specific, contemporaneous physical, behavioral, and performance indicators of probable drug use.
§ 199.115Contractor Employees.

With respect to those employees who are contractors or employed by a contractor, an operator may provide by contract that the drug testing, education, and training required by this subpart be carried out by the contractor provided:

(a) The operator remains responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this subpart are complied with; and
(b) The contractor allows access to property and records by the operator, the Administrator, and if the operator is subject to the jurisdiction of a state agency, a representative of the state agency for the purpose of monitoring the operator's compliance with the requirements of this subpart.
§ 199.117Record Keeping.
(a) Each operator shall keep the following records for the periods specified and permit access to the records as provided by paragraph (b) of this section:
(1) Records that demonstrate the collection process conforms to this subpart must be kept for at least 3 years.
(2) Records of employee drug test that indicate a verified positive result, records that demonstrate compliance with the recommendations of a substance abuse professional, and MIS annual report data shall be maintained for a minimum of five years.
(3) Records of employee drug test results that show employees passed a drug test must be kept for at least 1 year.
(4) Records confirming that supervisors and employees have been trained as required by this part must be kept for at least 3 years.
(b) Information regarding an individual's drug testing results or rehabilitation must be released upon the written consent of the individual and as provided by DOT Procedures.
§ 199.119Reporting of Anti-Drug Testing Results
(a) Each large operator (having more than 50 covered employees) shall submit an annual MIS report to PHMSA of its anti-drug testing using the Management Information System (MIS) form and instructions as required by 49 CFR Part 40 (at § 40.25 and appendix H to Part 40), not later than March 15 of each year for the prior calendar year (January 1 through December 31). The Administrator shall require by written notice that small operators (50 or fewer covered employees) not otherwise required to submit annual MIS reports to prepare and submit such reports to PHMSA.
(b) Each report required under this section shall be submitted to the Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, PHP-60, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.
(c) To calculate the total number of covered employees eligible for random testing throughout the year, as an operator, you must add the total number of covered employees eligible for testing during each random testing period for the year and divide that total by the number of random testing periods. Covered employees, and only covered employees, are to be in an employer's random testing pool, and ail covered employees must be in the random pool. If you are an employer conducting random testing more often than once per month (e.g., you select daily, weekly, bi-weekly), you do not need to compute this total number of covered employees rate more than on a once per month basis.
(d) As an employer, you may use a service agent (e.g., C/TPA) to perform random selections for you; and your covered employees may be part of a larger random testing pool of covered employees. However, you must ensure that the service agent you use is testing at the appropriate percentage established for your industry and that only covered employees are in the random testing pool.
(e) Each operator that has a covered employee who performs multi-DOT agency functions (e.g., an employee performs pipeline maintenance duties and drives a commercial motor vehicle), count the employee only on the MIS report for the DOT agency under which he or she is randomly tested. Normally, this will be the DOT agency under which the employee performs more than 50% of his or her duties. Operators may have to explain the testing data for these employees in the event of a DOT agency inspection or audit.
(f) A service agent (e.g., Consortia/Third Party Administrator as defined in 49 CFR Part 40) may prepare the MIS report on behalf of an operator. However, each report shall be certified by the operator's anti-drug manager or designated representative for accuracy and completeness.
Subpart CAIcohol Misuse Prevention Program
§ 199.200 Purpose

The purpose of this subpart is to establish programs designed to help prevent accidents and injuries resulting from the misuse of alcohol by employees who perform covered functions for operators of certain pipeline facilities subject to part 192 of this code.

§ 199.201[Reserved]
§ 199.202Alcohol Misuse Plan

Each operator must maintain and follow a written alcohol misuse plan that conforms to the requirements of this part and DOT Procedures concerning alcohol testing programs. The plan shall contain methods and procedures for compliance with all the requirements of this subpart, including required testing, record keeping, reporting, education and training elements.

§§ 199.203 - 199.205[Reserved]
§ 199.209Other Requirements Imposed by Operators
(a) Except as expressly provided in this subpart, nothing in this subpart shall be construed to affect the authority of operators, or the rights of employees, with respect to the use or possession of alcohol, including authority and rights with respect to alcohol testing and rehabilitation.
(b) Operators may, but are not required to, conduct pre-employment alcohol testing under this subpart. Each operator that conducts pre-employment alcohol testing must-
(1) Conduct a pre-employment alcohol test before the first performance of covered functions by every covered employee (whether a new employee or someone who has transferred to a position involving the performance of covered functions);
(2) Treat all covered employees the same for the purpose of pre-employment alcohol testing (i.e., you must not test some covered employees and not others);
(3) Conduct the pre-employment tests after making a contingent offer of employment or transfer, subject to the employee passing the pre-employment alcohol test;
(4) Conduct all pre-employment alcohol tests using the alcohol testing procedures in DOT Procedures; and
(5) Not allow any covered employee to begin performing covered functions unless the result of the employee's test indicates an alcohol concentration of less than 0.04.
§ 199.211Requirements for Notice

Before performing an alcohol test under this subpart, each operator shall notify a covered employee that the alcohol test Is required by this subpart. No operator shall falsely represent that a test is administered under this subpart.

§ 199.213[Reserved]
§ 199.215Alcohol Concentration

Each operator shall prohibit a covered employee from reporting for duty or remaining on duty requiring the performance of covered functions while having an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater. No operator having actual knowledge that a covered employee has an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater shall permit the employee to perform or continue to perform covered functions.

§ 199.217On-duty Use

Each operator shall prohibit a covered employee from using alcohol while performing covered functions. No operator having actual knowledge that a covered employee is using alcohol while performing covered functions shall permit the employee to perform or continue to perform covered functions.

§ 199.219Pre-duty Use

Each operator shall prohibit a covered employee from using alcohol within four hours prior to performing covered functions, or, if an employee is called to duty to respond to an emergency, within the time period after the employee has been notified to report for duty. No operator having actual knowledge that a covered employee has used alcohol within four hours prior to performing covered functions or within the time period after the employee has been notified to report for duty shall permit that covered employee to perform or continue to perform covered functions.

§ 199.221Use following an Accident

Each operator shall prohibit a covered employee who has actual knowledge of an accident in which his or her performance of covered functions has not been discounted by the operator as a contributing factor to the accident from using alcohol for eight hours following the accident, unless he or she has been given a post-accident test under § 199.225(a), or the operator has determined that the employee's performance could not have contributed to the accident.

§ 199.223Refusal to Submit to a Required Alcohol Test

Each operator shall require a covered employee to submit to a post-accident alcohol test required under § 199.225(a), a reasonable suspicion alcohol test required under § 199.225(b), or a follow-up alcohol test required under § 199.225(d). No operator shall permit an employee who refuses to submit to such a test to perform or continue to perform covered functions.

§ 199.225Alcohol Tests Required

Each operator shall conduct the following types of alcohol tests for the presence of alcohol:

(a) Post-accident.
(1) As soon as practicable following an accident, each operator shall test each surviving covered employee for alcohol if that employee's performance of a covered function either contributed to the accident or cannot be completely discounted as a contributing factor to the accident. The decision not to administer a test under this paragraph shall be based on the operator's determination, using the best available information at the time of the determination, that the covered employee's performance could not have contributed to the accident.
(i) If a test required by this section is not administered within two hours following the accident, the operator shall prepare and maintain on file a record stating the reasons the test was not promptly administered. If a test required by paragraph (a) is not administered within eight hours following the accident, the operator shall cease attempts to administer an alcohol test and shall state in the record the reasons for not administering the test.
(ii) Removed and reserved.
(3) A covered employee who is subject to post-accident testing who fails to remain readily available for such testing, including notifying the operator or operator representative of his/her location if he/she [eaves the scene of the accident prior to submission to such test, may be deemed by the operator to have refused to submit to testing. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the delay of necessary medical attention for injured people following an accident or to prohibit a covered employee from leaving the scene of an accident for the period necessary to obtain assistance in responding to the accident or to obtain necessary emergency medical care.
(b) Reasonable suspicion testing.
(1) Each operator shall require a covered employee to submit to an alcohol test when the operator has reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee has violated the prohibitions in this subpart.
(2) The operator's determination that reasonable suspicion exists to require the covered employee to undergo an alcohol test shall be based on specific, contemporaneous, articulable observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech, or body odors of the employee. The required observations shall be made by a supervisor who is trained in detecting the symptoms of alcohol misuse. The supervisor who makes the determination that reasonable suspicion exists shall not conduct the breath alcohol test on that employee.
(3) Alcohol testing is authorized by this section only if the observations required by subparagraph (b)(2) of this paragraph are made during, just preceding, or just after the period of the work day that the employee is required to be in compliance with this subpart. A covered employee may be directed by the operator to undergo reasonable suspicion testing for alcohol only while the employee is performing covered functions; just before the employee is to perform covered functions; or just after the employee has ceased performing covered functions.
(i) If a test required by this paragraph is not administered within two hours following the determination under subparagraph (b)(2) of this paragraph, the operator shall prepare and maintain on file a record stating the reasons the test was not promptly administered. If a test required by this paragraph is not administered within eight hours following the determination under subparagraph (b)(2) of this paragraph, the operator shall cease attempts to administer an alcohol test and shall state in the record the reasons for not administering the test. Records shall be submitted to PHMSA upon request of the Administrator.
(ii) Removed and reserved.
(iii) Notwithstanding the absence of a reasonable suspicion alcohol test under this paragraph, an operator shall not permit a covered employee to report for duty or remain on duty requiring the performance of covered functions while the employee is under the influence of or impaired by alcohol, as shown by the behavioral, speech, or performance indicators of alcohol misuse, nor shall an operator permit the covered employee to perform or continue to perform covered functions, until:
(A) An alcohol test is administered and the employee's alcohol concentration measures less than 0.02; or
(B) The start of the employee's next regularly scheduled duty period, but not less than 8 hours following the determination under subparagraph (b)(2) of this paragraph that there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee has violated the prohibitions in this subpart.
(iv) Except as provided in subparagraph (b)(4)(ii), no operator shall take any action under this subpart against a covered employee based solely on the employee's behavior and appearance in the absence of an alcohol test. This does not prohibit an operator with the authority independent of this subpart from taking any action otherwise consistent with law.
(c) Return-to-duty testing. Each operator shall ensure that before a covered employee returns to duty requiring the performance of a covered function after engaging in conduct prohibited by §§ 199.215 through 199.223, the employee shall undergo a return-to-duty alcohol test with a result indicating an alcohol concentration of less than 0.02.
(d) Follow-up testing.
(1) Following a determination under § 199.243(b) that a covered employee is in need of assistance in resolving problems associated with alcohol misuse, each operator shall ensure that the employee is subject to unannounced follow-up alcohol testing as directed by a substance abuse professional in accordance with the provisions of § 199.243(c)(2)(ii).
(2) Follow-up testing shall be conducted when the covered employee is performing covered functions; just before the employee is to perform covered functions; or just after the employee has ceased performing such functions.
(e) Retesting of covered employees with an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater but less than 0.04. Each operator shall retest a covered employee to ensure compliance with the provisions of § 199.237, if an operator chooses to permit the employee to perform a covered function within eight hours following the administration of an alcohol test indicating an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater but less than 0.04.
§ 199.227Retention of Records
(a) General requirement. Each operator shall maintain records of its alcohol misuse prevention program as provided in this paragraph. The records shall be maintained in a secure location with controlled access.
(b) Period of retention. Each operator shall maintain the records in accordance with the following schedule:
(1) Five years. Records of employee alcohol test results with results indicating an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater, documentation of refusals to take required alcohol tests, calibration documentation, employee evaluation and referrals, and MIS annual report data shall be maintained for a minimum of five years.
(2) Two years. Records related to the collection process (except calibration of evidential breath testing devices), and training shall be maintained for a minimum of two years.
(3) One year. Records of all test results below 0.02 (as defined in 49 CFR Part 40) shall be maintained for a minimum of one year.
(c) Types of records. The following specific records shall be maintained:
(1) Records related to the collection process:
(i) Collection log books, if used.
(ii) Calibration documentation for evidential breath testing devices.
(iii) Documentation of breath alcohol technician training.
(iv) Documents generated in connection with decisions to administer reasonable suspicion alcohol tests.
(v) Documents generated in connection with decisions on post-accident tests.
(vi) Documents verifying existence of a medical explanation of the inability of a covered employee to provide adequate breath for testing.
(2) Records related to test results:
(i) The operator's copy of the alcohol test form, including the results of the test
(ii) Documents related to the refusal of any covered employee to submit to an alcohol test required by this subpart.
(iii) Documents presented by a covered employee to dispute the result of an alcohol test administered under this subpart.
(3) Records related to other violations of this subpart.
(4) Records related to evaluations:
(i) Records pertaining to a determination by a substance abuse professional concerning a covered employee's need for assistance.
(ii) Records concerning a covered employee's compliance with the recommendations of the substance abuse professional.
(5) Record(s) related to the operator's MIS annual testing data.
(6) Records related to education and training:
(i) Materials on alcohol misuse awareness, including a copy of the operator's policy on alcohol misuse.
(ii) Documentation of compliance with the requirements of § 199.231.
(iii) Documentation of training provided to supervisors for the purpose of qualifying the supervisors to make a determination concerning the need for alcohol testing based on reasonable suspicion.
(iv) Certification that any training conducted under this subpart complies with the requirements for such training.
§ 199.229Reporting of Alcohol Testing Results.
(a) Each large operator (having more than 50 covered employees) shall submit an annual MIS report to PHMSA of its alcohol testing results using the Management Information System (MIS) form and instructions as required by 49 CFR Part 40 (at § 40.25 and appendix H to Part 40), not later than March 15 of each year for the previous calendar year (January 1 through December 31). The Administrator may require by written notice that small operators (50 or fewer covered employees) not otherwise required to submit annual MIS reports to prepare and submit such reports to PHMSA.
(b) Each operator that has a covered employee who performs multi-DOT agency functions (e.g., an employee performs pipeline maintenance duties and drives a commercial motor vehicle), count the employee only on the MIS report for the DOT agency under which he or she is tested. Normally, this will be the DOT agency under which the employee performs more than 50% of his or her duties. Operators may have to explain the testing data for these employees in the event of a DOT agency inspection or audit.
(c) Each report required under this section shall be submitted to the Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, PHP-60, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.
(d) A service agent (e.g., Consortia/Third Party Administrator as defined in Part 40) may prepare the MIS report on behalf of an operator. However, each report shall be certified by the operator's antidrug manager or designated representative for accuracy and completeness.
§ 199.231Access to Facilities and Records.
(a) Except as required by law or expressly authorized or required in this subpart, no employer shall release covered employee information that is contained in records required to be maintained in § 199.227.
(b) A covered employee is entitled, upon written request, to obtain copies of any records pertaining to the employee's use of alcohol, including any records pertaining to his or her alcohol tests. The operator shall promptly provide the records requested by the employee. Access to an employee's records shall not be contingent upon payment for records other than those specifically requested.
(c) Each operator shall permit access to all facilities utilized in complying with the requirements of this subpart to the Secretary of Transportation, any DOT agency, or a representative of a state agency with regulatory authority over the operator.
(d) Each operator shall make available copies of all results for employer alcohol testing conducted under this subpart and any other information pertaining to the operator's alcohol misuse prevention program, when requested by the Secretary of Transportation, any DOT agency with regulatory authority over the operator, or a representative of a state agency with regulatory authority over the operator. The information shall include name-specific alcohol test results, records, and reports.
(e) When requested by the National Transportation Safety Board as part of an accident investigation, an operator shall disclose information related to the operator's administration of any post-accident alcohol tests administered following the accident under investigation.
(f) An operator shall make records available to a subsequent employer upon receipt of the written request from the covered employee. Disclosure by the subsequent employer is permitted only as expressly authorized by the terms of the employee's written request.
(g) An operator may disclose information without employee consent as provided by DOT Procedures concerning certain legal proceedings.
(h) An operator shall release information regarding a covered employee's records as directed by the specific, written consent of the employee authorizing release of the information to an identified person. Release of such information by the person receiving the information is permitted only in accordance with the terms of the employee's consent.
§ 199.233Removal from Covered Function.

Except as provided in §§ 199.239 through 199.243, no operator shall permit any covered employee to perform covered functions if the employee has engaged in conduct prohibited by §§ 199.215 through 199.223 or an alcohol misuse rule of another DOT agency.

§ 199.235Required Evaluation and Testing.

No operator shall permit a covered employee who has engaged in conduct prohibited by §§ 199.215 through 199.223 to perform covered functions unless the employee has met the requirements of § 199.243.

§ 199.237Other Alcohol-related Conduct.
(a) No operator shall permit a covered employee tested under the provisions of § 199.225, who is found to have an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater but less than 0.04, to perform or continue to perform covered functions, until:
(1) The employee's alcohol concentration measures less than 0.02 in accordance with a test administered under § 199.225(e); or
(2) The start of the employee's next regularly scheduled duty period, but not less than eight hours following administration of the test.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, no operator shall take any action under this subpart against an employee based solely on test results showing an alcohol concentration less than 0.04. This does not prohibit an operator with authority independent of this subpart from taking any action otherwise consistent with law.
§ 199.239Operator Obligation to Promulgate a Policy on the Misuse of Alcohol.
(a) General requirement. Each operator shall provide educational materials that explain these alcohol misuse requirements and the operator's policies and procedures with respect to meeting those requirements.
(1) The operator shall ensure that a copy of these materials is distributed to each covered employee prior to the start of alcohol testing under this subpart, and to each person subsequently hired for or transferred to a covered position.
(2) Each operator shall provide written notice to representatives of employee organizations of the availability of this information.
(b) Required content. The materials to be made available to covered employees shall include detailed discussion of at least the following:
(1) The identity of the person designated by the operator to answer covered employee's questions about the materials.
(2) The categories of employees who are subject to the provisions of this subpart.
(3) Sufficient information about the covered functions performed by those employees to make clear what period of the work day the covered employee is required to be in compliance with this subpart.
(4) Specific information concerning covered employee conduct that is prohibited by this subpart.
(5) The circumstances under which a covered employee will be tested for alcohol under this subpart.
(6) The procedures that will be used to test for the presence of alcohol, protect the covered employee and the integrity of the breath testing process, safeguard the validity of the test results, and ensure that those results are attributed to the correct employee.
(7) The requirement that a covered employee submit to alcohol tests administered in accordance with this subpart.
(8) An explanation of what constitutes a refusal to submit to an alcohol test and the attendant consequences.
(9) The consequences for covered employees found to have violated the prohibitions under this subpart, including the requirement that the employee be removed immediately from covered functions, and the procedures under § 199.243.
(10) The consequences for covered employees found to have an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater but less than 0.04.
(11) Information concerning the effects of alcohol misuse on an individual's health, work, and personal life; signs and symptoms of an alcohol problem (the employee's or a coworker's); and including intervening evaluating and resolving problems associated with the misuse of alcohol including intervening when an alcohol problem is suspected, confrontation, referral to any available EAP, and/or referral to management.
(c) Optional provisions. The materials supplied to covered employees may also include information on additional operator policies with respect to the use or possession of alcohol, including any consequences for an employee found to have a specified alcohol level, that are based on the operator's authority independent of this subpart. Any such additional policies or consequences shall be clearly described as being based on independent authority.
§ 199.241Training for Supervisors.

Each operator shall ensure that persons designated to determine whether reasonable suspicion exists to require a covered employee to undergo alcohol testing under § 199.225(b) receive at least 60 minutes of training on the physical, behavioral, speech, and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse.

§ 199.243Referral, Evaluation, and Treatment
(a) Each covered employee who has engaged in conduct prohibited by §§ 199.215 through 199.223 of this subpart shall be advised of the resources available to the covered employee in evaluating and resolving problems associated with the misuse of alcohol, including the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of substance abuse professionals and counseling and treatment programs.
(b) Each covered employee who engages in conduct prohibited under §§ 199.215 through 199.223 shall be evaluated by a substance abuse professional who shall determine what assistance, if any, the employee needs in resolving problems associated with alcohol misuse.
(1) Before a covered employee returns to duty requiring the performance of a covered function after engaging in conduct prohibited by §§ 199.215 through 199.223 of this subpart, the employee shall undergo a return-to-duty alcohol test with a result indicating an alcohol concentration of less than 0.02.
(2) In addition, each covered employee identified as needing assistance in resolving problems associated with alcohol misuse:
(i) Shall be evaluated by a substance abuse professional to determine that the employee has properly followed any rehabilitation program prescribed under paragraph (b) of this section.
(ii) Shall be subject to unannounced follow-up alcohol tests administered by the operator following the employee's return to duty. The number and frequency of such follow-up testing shall be determined by a substance abuse professional, but shall consist of at least six tests in the first 12 months following the employee's return to duty. In addition, follow-up testing may include testing for drugs, as directed by the substance abuse professional, to be performed in accordance with 49 CFR Part 40 . Follow-up testing shall not exceed 60 months from the date of the employee's return to duty. The substance abuse professional may terminate the requirement for follow-up testing at any time after the first six tests have been administered, if the substance abuse professional determines that such testing is no longer necessary.
(d) Evaluation and rehabilitation may be provided by the operator, by a substance abuse professional under contract with the operator, or by a substance abuse professional not affiliated with the operator. The choice of substance abuse professional and assignment of costs shall be made in accordance with the operator/employee agreements and operator/employee policies.
(e) The operator shall ensure that a substance abuse professional who determines that a covered employee requires assistance in resolving problems with alcohol misuse does not refer the employee to the substance abuse professional's private practice or to a person or organization from which the substance abuse professional receives remuneration or in which the substance abuse professional has a financial interest. This paragraph does not prohibit a substance abuse professional from referring an employee for assistance provided through:
(1) A public agency, such as a State, county, or municipality;
(2) The operator or a person under contract to provide treatment for alcohol problems on behalf of the operator;
(3) The sole source of therapeutically appropriate treatment under the employee's health insurance program; or
(4) The sole source of therapeutically appropriate treatment reasonably accessible to the employee.
§ 199.245Contractor Employees.
(a) With respect to those covered employees who are contractors or employed by a contractor, an operator may provide by contract that the alcohol testing, training and education required by this subpart be carried out by the contractor provided:
(b) The operator remains responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this subpart and 49 CFR Part 40 are complied with; and
(c) The contractor allows access to property and records by the operator, the Administrator, any DOT agency with regulatory authority over the operator or covered employee, and if the operator is subject to the jurisdiction of a state agency, a representative of the state agency for the purposes of monitoring the operator's compliance with the requirements of this subpart and 49 CFR Part 40.

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