The Board adopts by specific reference the distance provisions established by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Pamphlet 58 as it existed on December 31, 2020. All references to "NFPA 58" in this rule shall mean NFPA 58 as it existed on December 31, 2020. Nothing in these sections or subchapters shall prevent the Board from adopting additional requirements, whether more or less stringent, to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public. Any documents or language incorporated by reference into these rules shall be a part of these rules.
"Important Building" - Definition adopted by reference NFPA58 Annex A; A. with the following additional language.
(The words "Storage Containers" shall be construed to mean all vessels used for bulk storage and commercial storage of liquefied petroleum gases.)
See Diagrams on page 96.
Where portability of containers is necessary, making their location outside the building or structure impracticable, DOT Cylinders having a capacity not in excess of 30 water gallons may be located for use but not for storage inside the building or structure under the following conditions
Each individual container shall be located with respect to the nearest important building or group of buildings, or line of adjoining property which may be built on in accordance with, by reference, NFPA58 Table
Table adopted by reference NFPA58
Figure adopted by reference NFPA58 A.
Figure adopted by reference NFPA58 I.1 (a)
Figure adopted by reference NFPA58 I.1 (b)
Figure adopted by reference NFPA58 I.1 (c)
The distance between liquefied petroleum gas containers and any anhydrous ammonia container shall be not less than 25 feet.
No liquefied petroleum gas container in excess of 30,000 water gallon capacity shall be installed prior to approval by the Board.
Containers that have been in use for the storage of anhydrous ammonia shall not be used for the storage of liquefied petroleum gases unless that container has been completely emptied and made free of all anhydrous ammonia. The container shall be completely refitted in accordance with the rules and regulations of this Code.
Figure adopted by reference NFPA58 A.6.4.3 (4) (a)
Figure adopted by reference NFPA58 A.6.4.3 (4) (b)
Bursting Pressure
Manufacturer's name or trade mark
Year of manufacture
The reinstallation of any underground Butane container that has been removed from the ground for resale, change of user or ownership is prohibited.
Underground piping systems shall be installed with at least 18 inches of cover. The cover may be reduced to 12 inches if external damage to the pipe is not likely to result. If a minimum of 12 inches of cover cannot be maintained, the pipe shall be installed in conduit or bridged (shielded). The pipe shall be graded at least one (1) inch in ten (10) feet and a drip shall be provided at any point in the line of pipe where condensation may collect. All drips shall be installed only in such location that they will be readily accessible to permit cleaning or emptying. All piping under houses shall be graded at least two (2) inches in ten (10) feet with proper drips at low points where condensate may collect and shall be supported with hangers as outlined in paragraph DD of this Section.
A Report of Installation on an approved type form, obtainable from the Department, shall be completed at the time of installation, and forwarded to the Board, by the dealer on the same date; separate and apart from any and all other reports that may be required.
Upon receipt of the Report of Installation, a representative of the Board shall, within a period of time not to exceed one hundred twenty (120) days, make an inspection of the installation to determine that the container, visible piping, and appliances are properly installed.
Any extension, change, or alteration in the system shall be performed in accordance with the above procedure.
Containers shall be set upon firm foundations or otherwise firmly secured; the possible effect on outlet piping from settling of the container shall be guarded against by a flexible connection or special fitting.
Note: This provision is not to be construed as requiring an automatic change-over device.
**Interruption of service means systems which require repair, replacement, or addition to the piping system as well as out of gas systems*
There shall be no gain or loss of pressure during these tests.
CAUTION: Since some leak test solutions, including soap and water, may cause corrosion or stress cracking, the piping shall be rinsed with water after testing, unless it has been determined the leak test solution is noncorrosive.
118.01.24 Ark. Code R. 003