The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
- Abuse - The willful, knowing, or reckless act of mistreatment of a resident through words or physical action which results in physical, emotional, or mental injury to a resident.
- Act - Public Law 100-203 (the Federal Nursing Home Reform Act, Subtitle C of the Omnibus Budget and Reconciliation Act) of 1987 and technical amendments of OBRA 1989 and 1990. Also, may refer to Arkansas Code 20-10-701 et seq.
- Additional Instructor - A RN or LPN who, under the general supervision of the Primary Instructor, may provide classroom and skills training.
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) - A federal agency that oversees programs including Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the state and federal health insurance marketplaces.
- Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) - Individuals trained and certified to help nurses by providing non-medical assistance to patients, such as help with bathing, dressing, and using the bathroom.
- Competency Examination - An examination that includes manual (skills) and written (or oral component for those with limited literacy skills) evaluations.
- Department - The Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS).
- Division - The Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance within the Department of Human Services.
- Educational Institution - An institution that is licensed by the Arkansas State Board of Private Career Education within the Arkansas Division of Higher Education as defined by Act 906 of 1989 (i.e., career colleges, proprietary school).
- Examination - A competency examination that includes manual (skills) and written evaluations.
- Facility - A long term care facility/nursing facility (nursing home) licensed by the Office of Long-Term Care. A nursing facility that provides nursing care and supportive care on a twenty-four (24) hour basis to residents. Facility "premises" include all structures and surrounding property.
- Facility Based Program - A nursing assistant training program offered by or in a long-term care facility.
- General Nursing Experience - Experience which may include, without limitation, employment in a nursing assistant education program or employment in or supervision of nursing students in a long-term care facility or unit, geriatrics department excluding a geriatric psychiatry department, long-term acute care hospital, home healthcare, hospice care, or other long-term care setting. (Arkansas Code Ann. §20.10.702 (2)(C)(ii).
- Guest Speaker - A registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, or other licensed health professionals who conduct specific classroom lectures based upon an expertise in a given subject area, under the direct supervision of the Primary Instructor.
- Instructor Training Program - A train-the-trainer program of instruction in educational teaching techniques and methods for Primary Instructors and Team Instructors approved by the Office of Long-Term Care.
- Licensed Health Professional - A physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, physical, speech, or occupational therapist, physical or occupational assistant, registered professional nurse, licensed practical nurse, or certified social worker.
- Misappropriation of resident property - The taking, secretion, misapplication, deprivation, transfer, or attempted transfer to any person not entitled to receive any property, real or personal, or anything of value belonging to or under the effective control of a resident or other appropriate legal authority, or the taking of any action contrary to any duty imposed by law prescribing conduct relating to the custody or disposition of property of a resident.
- Neglect - An act of omission or an act without due care which causes physical or emotional harm to a resident or adversely affects the resident's health, safety, or welfare in any way.
- Non-facility-based program - A nursing assistant training program not offered by or in a facility (i.e., career college, community college, Vo-Tech school, proprietary school, etc.)
- Nursing Assistant - An unlicensed nursing staff member who assists with basic patient care (such as giving baths, checking vital signs, bed-making, and positioning) to residents in a long-term care facility who has successfully completed a training and/or competency evaluation program and is competent to provide such services but not an individual who is a licensed health professional or who volunteers to provide such services without monetary compensation.
- Orientation Program - A program which provides the nursing assistant with explanations of facility structure, policies, procedures, philosophy of care, description of the resident population and employee rules. This orientation phase is not included as part of the Nursing Assistant Training Program.
- Task Performance Record - A list of the major duties/skills to be learned in the program and the trainee's performance of each.
- Petitioner - A person who appeals a finding that such person has, while acting as a nursing assistant in a facility or while being used by a facility in providing services to a resident, abused or neglected a resident, or has misappropriated a resident's property.
- Primary Instructor (PI) - An individual who is a registered nurse licensed in this state to practice if the registered nurse moves from a state that has joined the Interstate Nurse Licensure Compact, § 17-87-601 et seq., to Arkansas and meets all requirements for licensure in Arkansas does not have any disciplinary action regarding his or her license by the licensing entity or authority; and possesses a minimum of two (2) years' general nursing experience as a registered nurse including at least one (1) year of long-term care nursing services in a long-term care facility setting within the last five (5) years. (Arkansas Code Ann. § 20-10-702). -
- Office - Nursing Assistant Training Program within the Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance.
- Resident - Individuals who reside in long-term care facilities that receive a range of services, including medical and personal care.
- Skills training - Training composed of both skills demonstration in the classroom lab and skills performance in the clinical area with residents in a long-term care facility.
- Supervised Practical Training - Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.152, supervised practical training means training in a laboratory or other setting in which the trainee demonstrates knowledge while performing tasks on an individual under the direct supervision of a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse.
- Trainee - An individual who is enrolled in a nursing assistant training program and who is not permitted to perform nursing services for residents during the training period for which they have not been trained and found to be competent.
- Virtual Instruction/Training - a method of teaching that is taught either entirely online or when elements of face-to-face courses are taught online through learning management systems and other educational tools and platforms.
GENERAL RULE: A facility must not use any individual working in the facility as a nursing assistant for more than four (4) months (120 calendar days) unless that individual has successfully completed a training program and competency examination approved by the Department as required by CMS.
* Tasks performed which includes duties and skills completed
* Satisfactory performance date; and
* The instructor's signature supervising the performance.
- Temperatures conducive to the weather;
- Clean and safe conditions;
- Adequate Lighting;
- Space to accommodate all students; and
All Equipment for simulating resident care and classroom/lecture (See Instructional Equipment under Section X).
See the virtual methodology section.
Suggested training material/resources may include, but is not limited to a blackboard, flipchart, projector/screen, DVD, anatomical chart, mannequin, bed, lavatory/sink, etc.
- The organizational structure of the facility;
- Policies and procedures (including fire/disaster plans, etc.)
- The philosophy of care of the facility;
- The description of the resident population; and
- Employee rules.
Nursing facilities may offer a complete training program and/or may contract with another organization to provide the training unless they are sanctioned. Sanctioned nursing facilities cannot offer the training.
* Extended survey is defined for this provision as a survey which includes a review of facility policy and procedures pertinent to Level A deficiencies in Resident Rights, Resident Behavior and Facility Practices, Quality of Life, or Quality of Care.
* Partial extended survey is defined as a survey conducted as a result of a deficiency in Level A requirements other than those listed above in the extended survey definition.
- Change in training provider
- Change in delivery site (i.e., classroom to virtual);
- Change in clinical site
- Change in instructor; and
- Complete revision of course structure, including change in hours allotted to one (1) or more modules.
- Change in materials (handouts, textbooks, videos, etc.)
- Change in order in which modules are taught
- Addition of modules/tasks not required by rules or guidelines
Nursing experience may include, but is not limited to, employment in:
Additional Instructor Guest Speaker
Instructors may use other qualified resource personnel from the health field as guest instructors or speakers in the program to meet the objectives for a specific unit. Examples are pharmacists, dietitians, social workers, sanitarians, advocates, gerontologists, nursing home administrators, nurse aid program staff, etc. Guest instructors must have a minimum of one (1) year of experience in their respective fields and must not have current disciplinary action by their respective regulatory board.
Additional Instructors such as Registered Nurse (RN) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) may be used to provide instruction, skills training and/or supervision. They must be under the general supervision of the Primary Instructor, currently licensed in Arkansas and shall not be subject to any current disciplinary action by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing. Disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to probation, suspension, revocation or voluntary surrender of license due to disciplinary action and have a minimum of one (1) year of long-term care experience. All final skills check-off reviews must be approved by the Primary Instructor.
The initial implementation of these training and examination requirements have covered three basic phases:
A nursing assistant shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirement of completing a training and competency examination program approved by the State if the nursing assistant:
Individuals will not qualify for these waivers if they have not provided nursing or nursing-related services for a period of twenty-four (24) months or longer since completing training. They will be required to complete a new training program and state examination to obtain current certification.
Facilities who wish to obtain certification for the above-described individuals should submit to the Department Interstate Transfer Form (DMS-798), with attached copies of documents and/or certificates verifying course completion, and the number of hours in a course.
All individuals working as nursing assistants in Arkansas nursing facilities as of July 1, 1989, were allowed to become certified by passing the state examination but were not required to complete the "formal" seventy-four (74) hours classroom training course, as well as sixteen (16) hours of supervised practical training; a total of ninety (90) hours.
This phase was completed by October 1, 1990 and does not apply thereafter. Therefore, all individuals must now complete the ninety (90) hour training requirements to qualify to take the state examination regardless of past employment status on July 1, 1989.
Effective July 1, 1989, a facility must not use any individual working in the facility as a nursing assistant for more than four (4) months (one hundred twenty (120) calendar days) unless they have successfully completed a training program and competency examination, approved by the Department, as described in these rules.
Based on the program rules, these individuals may maintain their employment status if they re-enroll in a new training program. They would be required to follow the program implementation requirements of completing the first sixteen (16) hours (Part I) of training prior to direct resident contact and can only be assigned job duties thereafter in which they have been deemed competent to perform as they complete the remainder of the full ninety (90) hours of training. Upon successful completion of their training, they should be scheduled for the next available competency examination.
The following is a list of qualifications for the state competency exam.
Note: Individuals listed on the LTCF Employment Clearance Registry, with a disqualification status due to a substantiated administrative finding of abuse, neglect, misappropriation of resident property or a disqualifying criminal record in accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 20-38-101 et seq, shall not be eligible to take the competency examination.
All other individuals trained in programs that have not received approval from the Department as a training provider shall not qualify and shall not be allowed to take the examination. Such programs may include hospitals, emergency medical technicians, medical assistant programs, personal care aides, correspondence courses, independent study, on-the-job training, or in-service training, as they are not acceptable in lieu of the approved training program.
Arkansas Code § 17-4-106 Certified Nursing Assistant Licensures of Uniformed Service Members, Veterans, and Spouses
To comply with Arkansas Occupational Licensing of Uniformed Service Members, Veterans, and Spouses Act of 2021, the following rules apply to uniformed service members, uniformed service veterans, and their spouses for licensure as defined below:
It is the intent of the Department to prevent removal of occupational licensure barriers for CNA licensures that may impede the launch and sustainability of civilian occupational careers and employment faced by uniformed service members, uniformed service veterans, and their spouses due to frequent uniformed service assignment by providing;
The Department may require evidence of completion of continuing education before granting a subsequent CNA licensure or authorizing the renewal of a CNA licensure to allow full or partial exemption from continuing education requirements.
Uniformed service members, veterans and spouses who successfully meet the criteria and standards within the provisions shall be placed on the CNA registry and issued a state certificate. Information regarding Military Member Licensure can be found on the DHS-Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance website at:
* Individual's full name;
* Date of birth;
* Name and date of the State approved training program successfully completed;
* Certification number and date of issuance;
* Current active or inactive status; and
* Most recent re-certification date.
Some of these individuals may qualify for registration under certain criteria; some may be required to take the Arkansas state test, and some may be required to complete both training and testing.
The initial certification period is valid for twenty-four (24) months. Each certificate contains an expiration date. The Department will develop a plan and procedure to renew each nursing assistant certification listed in the registry on a biennial basis (every two years). The renewal process will require the nursing assistant to document having worked as a nursing assistant for monetary compensation during the prior two years. This provision shall be defined by at least one documented day (e.g., eight (8) hours) of employment providing nursing or nursing-related services for monetary compensation in any setting.
CNAs who provide services for private pay clients must include a check stub and a notarized letter from the employer, which should include CNA duties performed within the twenty-four (24) month period, to verify current employment or employment within the last twenty-four (24) month period.
Pursuant to federal law 42 U.S.C. § 1395i-3(g)(1)(D), in the case of a finding of neglect under Subsection A of Section VIII of these rules, the Department shall establish a procedure that permits a certified nursing assistant to petition for the removal of a substantiated finding of neglect.
* The neglect that resulted in a finding was a singular occurrence as identified in the incident investigation file.
* The Petitioner does not have a criminal conviction related to neglect, abusive behavior, or physical violence.
* The Petitioner's name does not appear on the Adult and Long-Term Care Facility Resident Maltreatment Central Registry or the DHS/Division of Children and Family Services' Child Abuse Registry.
* Whether a pattern of abusive behavior or neglect is discovered through reference checks with prior employers or other parties.
* Character references as provided by the Petitioner.
Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance Nursing Assistant Training
Mail Slot S-405, P.O. Box 8059
Little Rock, AR 72203-8059
* Full name and current mailing address;
* Day-time phone number;
* Social Security Number;
* Date of birth;
* Name and day-time phone number of at least two (2) personal character references;
* Letters of reference from any employment within the previous year from the date of the Petition. This letter must include a statement attesting to the Petitioner's work performance in relation to the lack of any incidents involving abusive or negligent behavior;
* A current criminal record report from the Arkansas State Police. If the Petitioner is currently or has recently (within the previous twelve (12) months) lived in another state, a criminal record report must be provided from that state. All criminal record reports must be an original document and copies will not be accepted.
The Department of Human Services, Office of Chief Counsel, will issue the subpoenas, pursuant to the terms and authority of Ark. Code Ann. § 20-76-103.
* Activities to correct deficiencies;
* Person responsible for correcting the deficiencies;
* Implementation date; and
* Signature of the primary instructor.
Failure to respond or inadequate corrective actions may cause suspension of the Department's approval of the program.
- Names of enrollees;
- Names of those who successfully complete the program
- Begin and end dates of each class; Curriculum and/or revisions of curriculum, with approval from the Department;
- Tests, grades, course documents, skills checklist;
- Credentials of instructors;
- Documentation of all state approvals; and
- Record of complaints (i.e., nature of complaint, date of complaint, investigation summary and outcome).
Success Rate - The graduates' success rate of both virtual and in-person trainees on the state competency examination will be monitored by the Department and shall be utilized as a criterion for revoking program approval.
The criteria required for reimbursements under the "letter of intent" arrangement must meet the following:
The following costs are allowable for nursing assistant training:
Facilities should not include the time spent proctoring the skills test as a training activity for reimbursement. Information reported to DHS on the DMS-755 is strictly for training, not testing activity.
All content taught to students remains the same whether the program offers in-person or virtual instruction. If the program chooses to offer virtual instruction, the expectation of delivery of information remains the same as in-person. V irtual instruction must be indicated on the application and a virtual plan must be submitted to the Department for approval. If the program fails to meet the guidelines, it will result in temporary suspension and/or a deficiency. In addition to complying with rules, the following requirements must be met.
Nursing Assistant Training Cost Reimbursement Claim Form
The Nursing Assistant Training Cost Reimbursement Claim Form (DMS-755) is specific to each facility.
To obtain a form DMS-755, or email or visit Arkansas Department of Human Services - DPSQA.
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