The following rules for the licensure of residential long term care facilities are duly adopted and promulgated by the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of Medical Services, Office of Long Term Care, pursuant to the authority expressly conferred by the laws of the State of Arkansas in Arkansas Code Annotated § 20-76-201(b)(3), § 20-10-203 and § 20-10-224.
If any provisions of these rules, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications, and to this end the provisions hereof are declared severable.
"The Arkansas Department of Human Services is in compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act and operated, managed and delivers services without regard to age, religion, disability, political affiliation, veteran status, sex, race, color or national origin."
If you need this material in a different format, such as large print, contact our Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator at (501) 682-6240 (voice) or 682-8933 (TDD).
As used in these rules the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly states otherwise. Where these rules refer to an enactment of the General Assembly, such reference shall include subsequent enactments or amendments by the General Assembly on the same subject matter.
Note: Please refer to Appendix C of these rules for a listing of Arkansas Statutes as referenced in the following definitions.
Absence - Circumstances where the resident cannot be located or has left a facility and there is sufficient question as to the whereabouts of the resident. Facilities must comply with all reporting requirements of any special programs in which they participate.
Abuse- Shall have the same meaning as prescribed by Arkansas Code Annotated § 5-28-101.
Administrator - The person designated as being in charge of the daily operation of the facility. "Certified administrator" shall mean an administrator who has completed the certification course offered by the Arkansas Association of Residential Care Facilities.
Basic Charge - The lowest rate charged by a facility to a client for specific services for a set period of time.
Boarding Home - Any place, building or structure, other than a hotel, inn or transient lodging place, which is offered, used, maintained or advertised to the public as a place of residence which, incidental to occupancy, may also offer meals and housekeeping services to the residents, but may not offer or furnish to residents, either directly or in concert with any entities as defined in Arkansas Code Annotated § 20-10-213 - § 20-10-228, oversight, supervision or care.
Caregiver - Shall have the same meaning prescribed by Arkansas Code Annotated § 5-28-101.
Department - The Department of Human Services or its successor as created by Arkansas Code Annotated § 25-10-101.
Direct Care Staff - A caregiver acting on behalf of, employed by or under the control or supervision of a licensed facility.
Direct Threat - A significant risk to the health or safety of others that cannot be eliminated by reasonable accommodation. This term as used in these rules is designed to assure conformity with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in determining whether an individual with a disability poses a "direct (health or safety) threat". This determination must be made on a case-by-case basis, through consideration of the following factors:
This individualized inquiry must be based on the behavior of the particular disabled person, not merely on generalizations about the disability.
Division - The Division of Medical Services within the Department of Human Services and prescribed by Arkansas Code Annotated § 20-10-101.
Emergency Measures - Those measures necessary to respond to a serious situation which may result in death or trauma.
Endangered Adult - Shall have the same meaning as prescribed by Arkansas Code Annotated § 5-28-101.
Exploitation - Shall have the same meaning as prescribed by Arkansas Code Annotated § 5-28-101.
First Aid Measures - Temporary procedures necessary to relieve trauma or injury by applying dressing and/or band-aids.
Imminent Danger to Health and Safety - Shall have the same meaning as prescribed by Arkansas Code Annotated § 5-28-101.
Impaired Adult - Shall have the same meaning as prescribed by Arkansas Code Annotated § 5- 28-101.
Independently Mobile - An individual who is physically and mentally capable of vacating the residential care facility in case of emergency, including the capability to ascend or descend stairs that are present in the exit path. Residents who can use canes, wheelchairs or walkers are considered independently mobile as long as they do not require more than verbal or minimum assistance from another person to vacate and can do so in three (3) minutes or as required by local fire code.
Initial Licensure - License that applies to newly constructed residential care facilities and to all facilities not already licensed as residential care facilities.
Long Term Care Facility - Shall have the same meaning as prescribed by Arkansas Code Annotated § 20-10-213.
Long Term Care Facility License - A time-limited non-transferrable permit required by Arkansas Code Annotated § 20-10-224 issued for a maximum period of twelve (12) months to a licensee who complies with Office of Long Term Care rules. This documentation must list the maximum number of beds for the facility and any limitations thereto.
Mental Illness - A primary impairment of brain function such as psychosis, neurosis or behavior reaction resulting in difficulty in adapting to the environment.
Mental Retardation - Subnormal intellectual functioning often present since birth or apparent in early life, the degree of which may be indicated by the IQ of 70 (+ or - 5) or below.
Neglect - Shall have the same meaning as prescribed by Arkansas Code Annotated § 5-28-101.
Office of Long Term Care - The Office in the Division of Medical Services of the Department of Human Services that has responsibility for the licensure, certification and regulation of long term care facilities, herein referred to as the Office.
Personnel - Any person who, under the direction, control or supervision of facility administration, provides services for compensation or who provides services voluntarily, and includes the owner, operator, professional, management and individuals, firms or entities providing goods or services pursuant to a contract or agreement.
Proprietor/Licensee - Any person, firm, corporation, governmental agency or other legal entity issued a residential care facility license and who is responsible for maintaining approved standards. Facilities owned and operated by entities exempted from state licensure by state or federal law shall be excluded from these rules.
Protective Services - Shall have the same meaning as prescribed by Arkansas Code Annotated § 5-28-101.
Provisional Licensure is a temporary grant of authority to the purchaser to operate an existing long-term care facility upon application for licensure to the Office of Long Term Care.
Residential and Adult Day Care Section - The unit within the Office of Long Term Care charged with survey, licensure and complaint investigations for residential care facilities and adult day care facilities.
Residential Care Facility (RCF) - Shall have the same meaning as prescribed by Arkansas Code Annotated § 20-10-101(14).
Residential Care Facility Services - Services provided, in accordance with these rules, to independently mobile adult residents whose functional capabilities may have been impaired but who do not require hospital or nursing home care on a daily basis but could require other assistance in activities of daily living. A residential care facility does not provide nursing or medical services and shall not offer, attempt to provide or provide services to an individual in need of hospitalization, substance abuse treatment, or nursing services. Residential care facility personnel may not administer or attempt to administer medications.
Supportive Services - Occasional or intermittent direction or monitoring of an individual resident as he/she carries out activities of daily living and social activities. Supportive services do not include continuous monitoring or delivery of actual hands-on or physical assistance to a resident in the performance of the activities of daily living.
Transfer - The movement of a resident from one facility to another facility. Transfer does not include room changes within the same facility.
Undue Burden - This term as used in these rules is designed to assure conformity with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in a determination that an individual's service needs are greater than what the facility is licensed to provide and to that end shall be liberally construed to effectuate the intent of the ADA. Before a facility may deny admission or discontinue care based on a disability, meeting the individual's needs must be shown to place an undue burden on the facility or to fundamentally alter the program to the point where residential services are no longer being provided.
In order to determine if an alteration would be an undue burden, the following factors are to be considered:
The Department is empowered to deny, suspend or revoke a license on any of the following grounds:
Procedures for appeal to the Long Term Care Facility Advisory Board are incorporated in these rules as Appendix A.
Any applicant or licensee who considers himself/herself injured in his/her person, business or property by final Department administrative adjudication shall be entitled to judicial review thereof as provided for by law. Proceedings for review shall be initiated by filing a petition in the Circuit Court of any county in which the petitioner does business or in the Circuit Court of Pulaski County within 30 days after service upon the petitioner of the Department's final decision. All petitions for judicial review shall be in accordance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act as codified at Arkansas Code Annotated § 25-15-201 et seq.
An initial license will not be issued until an owner has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Department that the facility is in compliance with the licensing standards set forth in these rules.
When non-compliance with licensing standards is detected during survey inspection or investigation, the licensee will be notified of the violations. A plan of correction will be requested. The plan of correction must be submitted to the Department within 10 days of receipt of the notice and must establish the means by which the violation will be corrected and a timetable for implementation of the corrections. If an item of non-compliance that affects the health and safety of residents is not promptly corrected, the Office of Long Term Care shall have the option to sanction or initiate action to suspend or revoke the facility's license.
Any residential care facility that notifies the Office of Long Term Care that it has or will close or cease operation, or surrenders or fails to timely renew its license must meet the rules then in effect for new construction and licensure to be eligible for licensure.
The Office of Long Term Care, working with assistance from the Department of Human Services, Office of Chief Counsel, may bring action for a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction, or permanent injunction against the owner/administrator/licensee of a residential long term care facility to enjoin one or more of the following:
The Office of Long Term Care may relocate residents from a residential long term care facility if any of the following conditions exists:
Subject to the requirements below, a provisional license shall be issued to the Applicant and new operator of the long-term care facility when the Office of Long Term Care has received the Application for Licensure to Conduct a Long Term Care Facility. A provisional license shall be effective from the date the Office of Long-Term Care provides notice to the Applicant and new operator, until the date the long-term care license is issued. With the exception of Medicaid or Medicare provider status, a provisional license confers upon the holder all the rights and duties of licensure.
Prior to the issuance of a provisional license:
A provisional license holder may operate the facility under a new name, whether fictitious or otherwise. For purposes of this section, the term new name means a name that is different than the name under which the facility was operated by the prior owner, and the term "operate" means that the provisional license holder may hold the facility out to the public using the new name. Examples include, but are not limited to, signage, letterhead, brochures or advertising (regardless of media) that bears the new name.
In the event that the provisional license holder operates the facility under a new name, the facility shall utilize the prior name in all communications with the Office of Long Term Care until such time as the license is issued. Such communications include, but are not limited to, incident reports, notices, Plans of Correction, and MDS submissions. Upon the issuance of the license, the facility shall utilize the new name in all communications with the Office of Long Term Care.
Each residential long term care facility must have a governing body that has ultimate authority for:
Each person or legal entity issued a license to operate a residential long term care facility shall provide an organized, continuous 24-hour-per-day program of supervision, care and services which:
The facility must develop, maintain and make available for public inspection the following policies and procedures:
The facility must have written resident policies and procedures that shall include, as a minimum, the following:
# Residents | Direct Care Staff Required Per Shift | ||
Day | Evening | Night | |
1-16 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
17-32 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
33-49 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
50-66 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
67-83 | 4 | 2 | 2 |
84-above | 5 | 3 | 2 |
Fire and tornado drills.
The facility must not admit or continue to care for residents whose needs are greater than the facility is licensed to provide. If necessary services cannot be obtained in or by the facility, the resident and/or responsible party will be notified to seek alternate placement immediately. The facility administrator should assist in helping to locate a facility that can provide the appropriate level of care.
The facility will interview and document all prospective residents and/or sponsors prior to admission in order to determine the needs of the prospective resident and whether the facility can meet these needs.
* alleged or suspected abuse or neglect of residents;
* accidents, including accidents resulting in death;
* unusual deaths or deaths from violence;
* unusual occurrences; and,
* exploitation of residents or any misappropriation of resident property, are prohibited, reported, investigated and documented as required by these rules.
A facility is not required under this rule to report death by natural causes. However, nothing in this rule negates, waives or alters the reporting requirements of a facility under other regulations or statutes.
Facility policies and procedures regarding reporting, as addressed in these rules, must be included in orientation training for all new employees, and must be addressed at least annually during in-service training for all facility staff.
The following events shall be reported to the Office of Long Term Care by facsimile transmission to telephone number 501-682-8551 of the completed Incident & Accident Intake Form (Form DMS-7734) no later than 11:00 a.m. on the next business day following discovery by the facility.
In addition to the requirement of a facsimile report by the next business day on Form DMS-7734, the facility shall complete a Form DMS-762 in accordance with Section 310.2.
The following incidents or occurrences shall require the facility to prepare an internal report only and does not require a facsimile report, or form DMS-762 to be made to the Office of Long Term Care. The internal report shall include all content specified in Section 310.3, as applicable. Facilities must maintain these incident record files in a manner that allows verification of compliance with this provision.
Written reports of all incidents and accidents included in section 310.2 shall be completed within five (5) days after discovery. The written incident and accident reports shall be comprised of all information specified in forms DMS-7734 and 762 as applicable.
All written reports will be reviewed, initialed and dated by the facility administrator or designee within five (5) days after discovery.
Reports of incidents specified in Section 310.2 will be maintained in the facility only and are not required to be submitted to the Office of Long Term Care.
All written incident and accident reports shall be maintained on file in the facility for a period of three (3) years.
The facility's administrator is also required to make any other reports of incidents, accidents, suspected abuse or neglect, actual or suspected criminal conduct, etc. as required by state and federal laws and regulations.
The facility must ensure that all alleged or suspected incidents involving resident abuse, exploitation, neglect or misappropriations of resident property are thoroughly investigated. The facility's investigation must be in conformance with the process and documentation requirements specified on the form designated by the Office of Long Term Care, Form DMS-762, and must prevent further potential incidents while the investigation is in progress.
The results of all investigations must be reported to the facility's administrator, or designated representative, and to other officials in accordance with state law, including the Office of Long Term Care. Reports to the Office of Long Term Care shall be made via facsimile transmission by 11:00 a.m. the next business day following discovery by the facility, on form DMS-7734. The follow-up investigation report, made on form DMS-762, shall be submitted to the Office of Long Term Care within 5 working days of the date of the submission of the DMS-7734 to the Office of Long Term Care. If the alleged violation is verified, appropriate corrective action must be taken.
The DMS-762 may be amended and re-submitted at any time circumstances require.
The facility's written policies and procedures shall include, at a minimum, requirements specified in this section.
Incident & Accident Next Day Reporting Form Purpose/Process
This form is designed to standardize and facilitate the process for the reporting allegations of resident abuse, neglect, misappropriation of property or injuries of an unknown source by individuals providing services to residents in Arkansas long term care facilities for next day reporting pursuant to LTC 310.2.
The purpose of this process is for the facility to compile the information required in the form DMS-7734, so that next day reporting of the incident or accident can be made to the Office of Long Term Care.
This form, with the exception of hand written witness statements, MUST BE TYPED!
The following sections are not to be completed by the facility; the Office of Long Term Care completes them:
All remaining spaces must be completed. If the information can not be obtained, please provide an explanation, such as "moved/address unknown", "unlisted phone", etc.
If a requested attachment can not be provided please provide an explanation why it can not be furnished or when it will be forwarded to OLTC.
The original of this form must be faxed to the Office of Long Term Care the next business day following discover by the facility. Any material submitted as copies or attachments must be legible and of such quality to allow recopying.
Facility Investigation Report for Resident Abuse, Neglect, Misappropriation of Property, & Exploitation of Residents in Long Term Care Facilities
This form is designed to standardize and facilitate the process for the reporting allegations of resident abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of property or exploitation of residents by individuals providing services to residents in Arkansas long term care facilities. This investigative format complies with the current rules requiring an internal investigation of such incidents and submittal of the written findings to the Office of Long Term Care (OLTC) within five (5) working days.
The purpose of this process is for the facility to compile a substantial body of credible information to enable the Office of Long Term Care to determine if additional information is required by the facility, or if an allegation against an individual(s) can be validated based on the contents of the report.
This form, with the exception of hand written witness statements, MUST BE TYPED!
Complete all spaces! If the information can not be obtained, please provide an explanation, such as "moved/address unknown", "unlisted phone", etc. Required information includes the actions taken to prevent continued abuse or neglect during the investigation.
If a requested attachment can not be provided please provide an explanation why it can not be furnished or when it will be forwarded to OLTC.
This form, and all witness and accused party statements, must be originals. Other material submitted as copies must be legible and of such quality to allow re-copying.
The facility's investigation and this form must be completed and submitted to OLTC within five (5) working days from when the incident became known to the facility.
Upon completion, send the form by certified mail to:
Office of Long Term Care, P.O. Box 8059, Slot S408, Little Rock, AR 72203-8059.
Any other routing or disclosure of the contents of this report, except as provided for in LTC 310.3 and 310.4, may violate state and federal law.
Facility Investigation Report for Resident Abuse, Neglect, Misappropriation of Property, & Exploitation of Residents in Long Term Care Facilities
Please include Resident's current medical condition
Administrator/Written Designee Must Be Notified!
Attach the following information to the back of this form. If you do not have one of the specified attachments, please provide an explanation why it can not be obtained or if it will be forwarded in the future.
Nothing in these rules, in this part or any other, shall be construed to require a residential care facility to provide services at no charge that are not included in the basic daily rate or monthly charge listed in the admission agreement/ contract.
The facility must provide, as part of services included in the basic daily rate or monthly charge, supportive services appropriate to maintain and promote the well-being of each resident. The facility must encourage and permit the resident to maintain and develop skills that enable the resident to function self-sufficiently and independently.
Supportive services shall be defined as giving occasional or intermittent guidance, direction or monitoring of an individual resident as he/she carries out activities of daily living and social activities. Supportive services do not include monitoring or delivery of physical assistance to a resident delivered in accordance with a physician's order.
As part of the basic charge each facility must provide food for three (3) balanced meals (as specified in Section 502) and make between meal snacks available. Fluids shall be available at all times. Meals shall be served at approximately the same time each day. There shall be no more than five (5) hours between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and the evening meal. There shall be no more than 14 hours between the evening meal and breakfast.
As part of the basic charge the facility must provide supportive services to residents in consumption of meals served. If the resident requires more than supportive services in consumption of meals, an additional charge may be levied.
In the event that a resident is unable or willing to consume regular meals served to him/her for more than two (2) consecutive days, the facility shall immediately notify the resident's personal physician and take appropriate action to assure the physician's instructions are implemented.
A supply of food must be maintained on the premises at all times. This shall include at least a 24 hour supply of perishable food and a three (3) days supply of non-perishable food. The food supply must come from a source approved by the State Department of Health. Residential care facilities attached to other licensed long term care facilities may utilize the kitchen facilities of the attached long term care facility; however, the residential care facility must assure that the kitchen facilities so utilized are adequate to meet the needs of the residents of the residential care facility, and that such kitchen facilities meet the requirements imposed by these rules.
Dietary employees must wear clean clothing and hair coverings as appropriate.
Each facility must comply with rules relating to food service for sanitation, safety and health as set forth by state, county and local health departments.
Food service employees must insure that all food is prepared, cooked, served and stored in such a manner that protects against contamination and spoilage.
The kitchen and dining area must be cleaned after each meal.
An adequate supply of eating utensils (i.e., cups, saucers, plates, glasses and flatware) shall be provided each resident. An adequate number of pots and pans shall be provided for preparing meals. Eating utensils shall be free of chips and cracks.
Each residential long term care facility must have adequate refrigeration and storage space. The refrigerator temperature shall not exceed 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Left over foods placed in the refrigerator must be sealed, dated and used within 48 hours. Thermometers will be placed in each refrigerator and freezer. Freezer temperatures should be zero degree Fahrenheit or below.
An all purpose five (5) lbs. ABC fire extinguisher must be provided in the kitchen.
Food scraps shall be placed in garbage cans with tight fitting lids and bag liners and emptied as necessary or no less than daily.
Each residential long term care facility must meet the following recommended daily dietary allowance:
Each residential long term care facility must have written policies and procedures to assure residents receive medications as appropriate. In-service training on facility medications policies and procedures (see Section 308.4) shall be provided at least annually for all facility employees supervising medications.
Facilities must comply with applicable state laws and rules governing the dispensing of medications and restrictions applicable to non-licensed personnel. The facility owner(s), employees or others acting on behalf of the facility are prohibited from administering, repackaging or relabeling any resident medication.
The facility shall document in the resident's record whether the resident or the facility is responsible for storing the resident's medication.
Residents must be familiar with their medications and comprehend administration instructions. Facility staff shall provide assistance to enable residents to self-administer medications. For clarification, examples of acceptable practices are listed below:
Changes in dosage or schedule of the medication shall be made only upon the written authorization of the resident's attending physician.
Facility personnel may perform emergency or first-aid procedures as specified below:
Medication stored for residents by the facility must be stored in a locked area in individual compartments or bins labeled with the resident's name.
Medications may be kept in the resident's room. Residents who keep medications in their rooms must demonstrate to facility staff that they are capable of understanding and following instructions on the prescription and/or label.
Medications must be stored in an environment that is clean, dry and not exposed to extreme temperature ranges.
Prescriptive medications must be properly labeled in accordance with current applicable laws and rules pertaining to the practice of pharmacy.
Expiration dates must be checked monthly on all medications (prescriptive and over-the- counter).
Medications must be individually labeled with the resident's name and kept in the original container unless the resident or responsible party transfers the medication into individual dosage containers. Under no circumstances may an owner or employee of the facility repackage medication.
Stock supplies of any medication are prohibited.
Any medication which has been prescribed for but is no longer in use by a resident must be destroyed or disposed of in accordance with state law if stored by the facility, or may be given to the resident's family.
Under no circumstances will one resident's medication that is under the facility's control be shared with another resident.
If a facility stores a resident's medications, the facility shall maintain a list of medications which must be maintained on file.
If the facility stores and supervises a resident's medication, a notation must be made on the individual record for each resident who refuses or is unable to self-administer his/her medications. The notation shall include the date, time and dosage of medication that was not taken, including a notation that the resident's attending physician was notified, as required by physician's orders.
If medications are prescribed to be taken as needed (PRN) by the resident, documentation in the resident's file should list the medication and the date and time received by the resident.
The following are general provisions concerning furnishings and equipment that each residential long term care facility must meet:
Each residential long term care facility must meet the following requirements concerning bath and toilet facilities:
Each residential long term care facility must meet the following requirements concerning resident bedrooms:
Each residential long term care facility must meet the following requirements concerning safety standards:
An adequate supply of water, under pressure, must be provided at all times. When a public water system is available, a connection must be made thereto. If water from a source other than a public water supply is used, the supply must meet the requirements set forth under rules of the State Board of Health.
All sewage must be disposed of by means of either:
Facilities must comply with all provisions of the state plumbing and gas code and amendments thereto prescribing minimum requirements for design, materials, appliances, workmanship and methods of installation.
Electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances, motors and other electrical equipment must be installed in accordance with the national electrical code National Fire Prevention Association's Pamphlet #70 and comply with local regulations and/or codes where they exist.
Each residential long term care facility must be operated in areas permitted by local codes. Each owner must provide the Office of Long Term Care with documentation that the facility is in compliance with zoning requirements.
Conditions of soil, ground water level, drainage and topography must not create hazards to the property as to the health and safety of the occupants. The site shall not be subject to unpredictable and/or sudden flooding and shall be large enough to provide an exercise area for residents.
The following civil penalties pertaining to classified violations may be assessed by the Director of the Office of Long Term Care against long term care facilities.
In the case of Class A violations, the following civil penalties shall be assessed at the amount outlined in these rules.
In the case of Class B, C or D violations, the Director, in his/her discretion, may elect to assess the civil penalties as outlined in these rules or may allow a specified period of time for correction of said violation(s).
Class A violations are:
Class A violations and the points assigned to each are listed below in Sections 112.1 through 112.3.9 and are subject to the conditions set out in Section 111.
Class B violations involve conduct, acts or omissions which, while not resulting in death or serious physical harm or the substantial probability thereof to a resident, create a condition or occurrence relating to the operation and maintenance of a long term care facility which directly threatens the health, safety or welfare of a resident.
Class B violations and the points assigned to each are listed below in Sections 113.1 through 113.13 and are subject to the conditions set out in Section 111.
Class C violations are related to administrative and reporting requirements that do not directly threaten the health, safety, or welfare of a resident.
Examples of Class C violations and the points assigned to each are listed below in Sections 114.1 through 114.7 for illustrative purposes and are subject to the conditions set out in Section 111.
Class D violations involve the failure of any long term care facility to submit in a timely manner a statistical or financial report as required by rule.
The failure to submit the required reports shall be considered a separate Class D violation during any month or part of a month of noncompliance.
In addition to any civil penalty which may be imposed, the Director is authorized, after the first month of a Class D violation, to withhold any further reimbursement to the long term care facility until the statistical or financial report is received by the Office of Long Term Care.
All Class D violations shall be assigned two hundred fifty (250) points and are subject to the conditions set out in Section 111.
This Appendix is provided as a convenience to users of these rules. Any omission is unintentional and, in the event this entry conflicts with the statutes as codified in the Arkansas Code Annotated-Official Edition and this Appendix, the Official Edition shall govern. The user hereof should refer to the Official Edition prior to taking any action. The user's failure to refer to the Official Edition shall be at the user's peril.
Note: This Appendix does not contain page numbers.
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