016.20.95 Ark. Code R. 021

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 016.20.95-021 - FSC - Changes in Standard Deductions

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6210Farm Loss Deduction

The losses from a farming enterprise operated by a household member may be deducted from the household's other countable income. FSC 5640.1 contains instructions for applying the Farm Loss deduction.

6300The Standard Deduction

A uniform standard deduction is applied to all households regardless of size, type of income or household composition. See Appendix D for the current standard deduction.

The standard deduction is applied in the following manner on the Food Stamp Authorization document, DC0-233, when there is both earned and unearned income in the household.

1.Calculate the net earned income (field 37) by applying the earned income/deduction as described in FSC 6200 above.
2.Total all unearned income. Enter this figure in field 49.
3.Calculate gross income by adding together net earned income and total unearned income. Enter this figure in field 51.
4.Subtract the standard deduction in field 52 from the gross income (field 51). The figure obtained will be adjusted gross income. Enter this figure in field 53.

Example - The household has one member with gross earnings of $795. Two members each receive an AFDC grant of $142. The calculations which follow are based on deduction amounts in effect 12-1-95.

1.Calculate net earned income (field 37). Gross earned income $795 x 20% = $159 earned income deduction. $795 gross earned income - $159 earned -$636 net earned income.
2.Calculate total unearned income (field 49). $142 AFDC + $142 AFDC « $284
3.Calculate total gross income (field 51). $636 net earned income + $284 total unearned income * $920 gross income.
4.* Subtract the standard deduction (field 52). $920 total gross income - $134 standard deduction = $786 adjusted gross income. **

When there is only earned income in the food stamp budget, the gross income (field 51) will consist of the amount calculated as the net earned income in field 37.

** Effective 12-1-95, the standard deduction is reduced to $134 as mandated by P.L. 104-37.

*Example: The household reports only earned income of $795. The

caseworker calculates the earned income deduction as $159 and $636 as the net earned income in field 37. $636 will be entered as the total income in field 51 and the $134 standard deduction will be subtracted from this figure ($636 - $134 * $502) to obtain the adjusted gross income in field 53.

When there is only unearned income in the food stamp budget, the gross Income (field 51) will consist of the amount calculated as the total unearned income in field 49.

*Example: The household reports only unearned income of two AFDC

checks. They total $284. $284 will be entered as the gross income in field 51 and the $134 standard deduction will be subtracted from this figure ($284 - $134 - $150) to obtain the adjusted gross income in field 53.

6400The Dependent Care Deduction

Dependent care costs are payments for the actual care of a child or other dependent person (e.g. an incapacitated adult). Payments are deductible only when necessary for a household member to:

1.Accept or continue employment; or
2.Pursue education preparatory for employment; or
3.Comply with the Project SUCCESS Employment and Training (E & T) Program requirements; or
4.For those individuals not subject to the E & T requirements, an equivalent effort to seek employment. (An individual's statement that they are seeking employment will be adequate to establish an equivalent effort.)

The dependent care deduction will include costs such as baby sitter or day care fees or the cost of an attendant for an incapacitated adult.

Dependent care costs may not exceed a maximum al1owable amount determined by Federal law. See Appendix D to this manual for the current maximum allowable amount.

Example - (Based upon the maximum allowable amount of $175 per dependent effective 9/1/94.) A household reports that a member is employed. This member has two children aged 2 and older. The member pays $45 per week per child to a day care center.

Calculated prospectively, dependent care costs would be $45 x 4.334 « $195 per child reduced to the maximum allowable amount of $175 per dependent. ($175 X 2 *= $350 total dependent care costs.)



Current Standard Deductions

TvDe of Deduction


Effective Date

1. Earned Income



2. Standard



3. Utility Standard



4. Homeless Household Shelter




5. Maximum Shelter


10-01-95 - 12-31-96

6. Maximum Dependent Care

Per Dependent - Under Age




Per Dependent - Age Two

and Older



Current SSI Maximum Payments

TvDe of Payment


Effective Date

SSI Only - Individual



SSI Only - Couple



SSA/SSI - Individual



SSA/SSI - Couple



SSI Only - Individual - Reduced



SSI Only - Couple - Reduced



SSA/SSI - Individual - Reduced



SSA/SSI - CouDle - Reduced



Current Medicare Premium - $46.10 (Part B only)

016.20.95 Ark. Code R. 021
