016.20.09 Ark. Code R. 004

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 016.20.09-004 - Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) State Plan FY 2010


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Modified LIHEAP FY 2009 Application

Please list all changes made from your most recent detailed plan. PageSubjectModification

Please specify whether you are using calendar year 2009 poverty level or FY 2010 median income estimates in determining eligibility:

2009 poverty level ________150%


FY 2010 median income___________%

Please describe how you obtained public participation in the development of your 2010 plan. (For States, please also provide information on your public hearings.):

July 13, 2009 - De Queen. Arkansas

July 14, 2009 - Jonesboro, Arkansas i

July 15, 2009 - Bentonville, Arkansas

July 16, 2009 - Lonoke Arkansas

Date Carryover and Reallotment report submitted: July 30. 2009________________

Submit Continuation Pages as Necessary


Attached are additional certifications required as follows:

* Lohhviriti certiUcation, which must be filed by all States and territories. If appiicahle. Form LLL, which discloses lobbying payments, must be submitted. (Tribes and tribal organizations are EXEMPT.)

* Dchanncnt ;ind susDciisioii certification, which must be filed by all grantees.

* Drug-free \vork|)lace rcduircmciit certification, which must be filed by all grantees, unless the grantee has filed a statewide certification with, the Department of Health and Human Services. STATES ONLY: If you have filed a statewide certification for the drug-free workplace requirement, please check here:______

* One of the requirements included in the 1994 reauthorization of the statute is that grantees must include in their annual application for ftinds a report on the number and income levels of households applying for and receiving LIHEAP assistance, and on the number of recipient households that have members who are elderly, disabled, or young children.

All Tribes and those territories with allotments of less than $200,000 need only submit data on the number of households served by each component (heating, cooling, weatherization and crisis). The approval for the collection of information contained in the LIHEAP Household Report is covered by 0MB approval number 0970-0060.

* Though not a part of this application, the report on funds to be carried over or available for reallotment as required by section 2607(a) for the preceding year must be submitted by August 1 of each year. A grant award for the current fiscal year may not be made until the carryover/reallotment report is received. The approval for the collection of information contained in the LIHEAP Carryover and Reallotment Report is covered by OMB approval number 0970-0106.

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016.20.09 Ark. Code R. 004
