A.C.A. § 9-27-303 defines "Family In Need of Services" (FINS) as any family whose juvenile evidences behavior which includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Family services are provided in order to:
The court shall not specify a particular provider for placement or family services, when DHS is the payor or provider. A court may order a child to be placed into a licensed approved placement (i.e., no child shall be-[ placed or remain in a placement in a foster home that has been closed or suspended by a child placement agency) after a hearing where the_court makes a finding that it is in the best interest of the child based on bona fide consideration of evidence and recommendations from all the parties. The court may also order a child to remain in a placement if the court finds the placement is in the best interest of the child after hearing evidence from all parties.
If the health or welfare of a child is in immediate danger while in a court-ordered placement the Division may [
immediately remove the child from the court-ordered placement. If the Division must move a child from a court- |
ordered placement due to the health or welfare of a child being in immediate danger, the Division shall notify all parties within 24 hours of the change in placement. Regarding this type of placement change, a hearing may be requested by a party to the case, and the hearing shall be held within five business days of receiving the request.
The Division of Children and Family Services shall ensure that all necessary medical services are provided to children receiving out-of-home placement services in order to promote their optimal physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being. Foster parents will play an integral role in meeting the child's daily health .and well-being needs.
As the legal custodian for children in out-of-home placements, the Division has the right to obtain the medical records of any child upon presentation of an order of custody. In addition, the Division has the right to obtain medical care for any, child in DHS custody, including giving consent to specific medical, dental, or mental health treatments and procedures as required in the opinion of an authorized or licensed physician, dentist, surgeon, or psychologist, whether or not such care is provided on an emergency, inpatient, or outpatient basis. However, the Division shall not make any of the following decisions without receiving express court approval:
An initial health screening will be held.- If the initial screening indicates that treatment or further evaluation is needed, DCFS shall ensure that such treatment or evaluation is promptly provided.
A Medical Passport will be completed for each child in an out-of-home placement.- The Medical Passport is a brief, readable, and current summary of the child's health history and current health status for use by present and future caretakers of the child.
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The court will review out-of-home placement cases no less than every six months, including children in out-of-home cases who are placed out-of-state.,The first six month review shall be held no later than six months from the date of the original out-of-home placement of the child. However, the court may require a review prior to the sixth month review hearing. In addition, at any time during the life of an out-of-home placement case, any party may request the court to review the case, and the party requesting the hearing shall provide reasonable notice to all parties.
At each sixth month hearing the court will review the case sufficiently to determine the future status of the child based on the child's best interest. The court shall determine and include in its orders the following:
In making its findings, the court shall consider the following:
planning (e.g., adoption, legal guardianship, APPLA, as appropriate).____________________________
The permanency planning hearing (PPH) shall determine the permanency goal for the child that includes, listed
in order of preference, in accordance with the best interest, health, and safety of the child:____________________
Reasonable efforts are not required to reunify the child and family if
6) Registered with a sex offender registry under the Adam Walsh Protection and Safety Act of 2006.
The Division recognizes that- stable placements for children in DHS custody result in a lesser amount of trauma to. and better long-term outcomes for children whomust come into foster care.- Family preservation services or formal respite services shall be utilized if necessary to address issues in the out-of-home placement in order to prevent disruption. ,The requirements do not apply to [planned moves, or planned placements], or to respite care.__________________
When foster parents request a child in foster care be removed from their home, excluding an emergency that-places the child or a family member at risk of harm, the foster parents must attend a staffing within 48 hours of the request to discuss what services or assistance may be needed to stabilize the placement. This staffing does not impact other required staffings and should only be conducted to help stabilize the placement and /or planning for the child's placement.
The child in foster care, the child's attorney ad litem, and a CASA, if appointed to the case, shall be notified so they can attend and participate in the staffing and planning for the child's placement. Other participants may be invited to the staffing as appropriate (e.g., child's therapist, teacher, etc.).
If the placement cannot be stabilized as a result of the staffing, then the foster parents will continue to provide for the child in foster care until an appropriate alternative placement is located, but this shall not be longer than five business days from the day the staffing was held. .Written notifications of any placement changes will be provided to all required parties as described below.
Non-emergency placement changes include a planned transfer to another foster home or residential setting that better meets the child's needs, a trial home placement, and a return to the parent/legal custodian when a child exits care. Changes in placement shall be made only after notification to the age-appropriate child, foster parent, the court, the OCC Attorney, attorney ad litem, and the child's birth parents.- Notices shall be sent in writing two weeks prior to the proposed change. -The notice shall:
The age-appropriate child will be notified of the right to appeal the change and to request assistance from the attorney ad litem. Pre-placement visits shall be conducted when possible before a change in placement.
If a placement change is occurring because the child is exiting foster care, then as with all closures of out-of-home placement cases, discharge planning must be conducted to ensure the health and safety of the child at case closure. The health and safety assessment and risk assessment are tools to be used in determining case closure. Discharge planning must be done at the staffing to close the case.
Minimum licensing standards require that a discharge summary be completed on each child and a copy given to the child's parents if the Division has not been granted TPR (Termination of Parental Rights) by the court. A copy of the discharge summary must become a part of the child's case file.
Exceptions to the advance notice requirement will be made if the health or welfare of the child would be endangered by delaying a change in placement (including court-ordered placements) or the child is placed in a placement intended to be temporary until a stable placement can be located for the child.
Within 24 hours of the emergency change in placement, DHS shall notify the birth parent(s), the OCC Attorney and the child's attorney ad litem of the change . Within 72 hours of the emergency change in placement, DHS shall provide written notice to the OCC Attorney and attorney ad litem with the name and address of the new out-of-home placement provider and the specific reasons justifying the change of placement without advance notice.
If an agent, employee, or contractor of DHS fails to comply with the emergency notice of change in placement requirements, then an action for violation of the requirement may be filed by any party to the action against the person who failed to comply with the requirement. -The court will determine the assessment of punishment with the most probable punishment being cited as contempt of court.
In addition, if the court finds the agent, employee, or contractor of DHS failed to comply with the requirement, then the court may order DHS or the agent, employee, or contractor to pay all of the costs of the proceedings brought under this requirement.
The DCFS Eligibility Unit will be notified automatically via CHRIS when placement changes that are entered into CHRIS affect the child's Medicaid eligibility. -This includes when the child moves to an out-of-state placement, is placed at a DYS facility or in a juvenile detention center, is on runaway status, is on a trial home visit, returns home, is adopted, or otherwise exits foster care. The child's Medicaid case will close the date the child's foster care case is closed.
Procedure VII-K1: Foster Parent Request for Placement Change
If a request for removal is made by the foster parent, the Family Service Worker will:
The FSW Supervisor will:
PROCEDURE VII-K2: Non-Emergency Changes in Out-of-Home Placement
The Family Service Worker will:
Inform age-appropriate child of the right to appeal a change in placement.
The FSW Supervisor will:
Procedure VII-K3: Emergency Changes in Out-of-Home Placement
The Family Service Worker will:
The FSW Supervisor will:
All children have a right to a safe, permanent family. The Division of Children and Family Services shall develop and implement permanency plans for children. One option is to terminate parental rights to a child for adoptive placement, when it has been determined that reunification with the family is not a viable option. The court may consider a petition to terminate parental rights (TPR) if the court finds that there is an appropriate permanency placement plan for the child. A court may terminate the rights of one parent and not the other parent if the court finds that it is in the best interest of the child.
It is not required that a permanency planning hearing be held as a prerequisite to the filing of a petition to terminate parental rights, or as a prerequisite to the court considering a petition to terminate parental rights.
The Division will file a petition to terminate parental rights under the following circumstances:
C77).Have abandoned an infant, as defined at A.C.A. § 9-27-303(2) (the petition to TPR will be made[LESS THAN]A
within 30 days of the judicial determination that the child is an abandoned infant);________________
The petition to terminate parental rights will be made within 30 days of a judicial determination that reasonable efforts to reunify the child and parent are not required.
The Division may elect not to file or join a petition to terminate parental rights if:
, and TPR is not in the best interest of the child;
the best interest of the child and the court approves the compelling reason as documented in the case
plan; or,D. The Division has not provided to the family of the child, consistent with the time period in the case
plan, such services as the Division deemed necessary for the safe return of the child to the child's home
if reunification services were required to be made to the family.
If a juvenile is the subject of an open case filed under the Arkansas Juvenile Code, OCC will file all subsequent petitions (i.e., TPR, adoption, guardianship) in that same circuit court and case.
If the court adopts the goal of termination of parental rights, the Division shall file a petition to terminate parental rights within 30 days from the date of the entry of the order establishing such goal.
If the court finds that the child should remain in an out-of-home placement, either long-term or otherwise, the child's case shall be reviewed every six months, with an annual permanency planning hearing. Additionally, if the child has been in an out-of-home placement 15 of the last 22 months, and a termination petition has been filed by another party, the Division will seek to join the petition.- Concurrent with the filing of a termination petition, the Division will identify, recruit, process and approve a qualified family for adoption.
The Department of Human Services has designated the Area Director or designee as having the authority to give consent for major decisions for children whose parental rights have been terminated.
PROCEDURE VIII-E1: Decisions Involving Children in DHS Custody with Parental Rights Terminated
The Area Director or must:
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