016.06.12 Ark. Code R. 029

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 016.06.12-029 - Episode Performance Payments for Ambulatory URL, ADHD and Perinatal Care
Section ll Episodes of Care
200.100 Episode Definition/Scope of Services This section describes, for each episode type, the rules for determining the specific services included in a particular episode.
A.Episode subtypes:Episode types may be divided into two or more subtypes distinguished by more specific diagnostic criteria or other clinical information.
B.Episode triggers:Services or events that may initiate an episode.
C.Episode duration:The time before and after an episode trigger during which medical assistance may be included in an episode.
D.Episode services:.Criteria used to determine which medical assistance is included or excluded in an episode when delivered within the episode duration. Services excluded across all episode types are: nursing home claims, EPSDT claims and managed care claims and fees.
200.200 Principal Accountable Provider

This section specifies, for each episode type, the types of providers eligible to be Principal Accountable Providers (PAPs) for an episode type and the algorithm used to determine the PAP(s) for an individual episode. For each episode of care, providers designated as PAPs hold the main responsibility for ensuring that the episode is delivered with appropriate quality and efficiency.

200.300 Exclusions

This section describes, for each episode type, criteria to exclude an episode from calculation of a PAP's average performance.

Across all episode types, episodes are excluded for dual-eligible Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries and for Third Party Liability (TPL) beneficiaries.

200.400 Adjustments

This section describes,for each episodeitype, adjustments to the reimbursement amount attributable to a PAP forthe purpose of calculating performance and determining supplemental payment incentives.

Across all episode types, the reimbursement amount attributable to a PAP for facility claims for acute inpatient hospitalizations is adjusted to a per diem rate of $850.

200.500 Quality Measures

This section describes, for each episode type, the data and measures which Medicaid will track and evaluate to ensure provision of high-quality care for each episode type,

A.Quality measures "to pass":Measures for which a PAP must meet or exceed a minimum threshold in order to qualify for a full positive supplemental payment for that episode type.
B.Quality measures "to track'':Measures for which a PAP's performance is not linked to supplemental payments. Performance on these measures may result in a program integrity review.

For quality measures "to pass" and quality measures "to track" that require data not available ? from claims, PAPs must submit data through the provider portal in order to qualify for a full positive supplemental payment.

200.600 Reimbursement Thresholds

This section describes, for each episode type, the specific values used to calculate positive or negativesupplemental payments. This Includes an acceptable threshold, a commendable threshold, a gain sharing limit and a risk sharing percentage.

200.700 Minimum Case Volume

This section describes, for each episode type, the minimum case volume required for a PAP to qualify for positive or negativesupplemental payments. PAPs who do not meetthe minimum casevolumefor an episodetype will not be eligible for positive or negative suppjemental payments for that episode type.

210.100 Episode Definition/Scope of Services
A.Episode subtypes:
1. Acute Nonspecific URI
2. Acute Pharyngitis and similar conditions
3. Acute Sinusitis
B.Episode trigger:

Office visits, clinic visits or emergency department visits with a primary diagnosis of an Acute Ambulatory URI ("URI") that do not fall within the time window of a previous URI episode.

C.Episode duration:

Episodes begin on the day of the triggering visit and conclude after 21 days.

D.Episode services:

All services relating to the treatment of a URI within the duration of the episode are included. The following services are excluded:

1. Surgical procedures
2. Transport
3. Immunizations commonly administered for preventative care
4. Non-prescription medications
210.200 Principal Accountable Provider

The Principal Accountable Provider (PAP) for an episode is the first Arkansas Medicaid enrolled and qualified provider to diagnose a beneficiary with an Acute Ambulatory URI during an in-person visit within the time window for the episode.

210.300 Exclusions

Episodes meeting one or more of the following criteria will be excluded:

A. Children younger than 1 year of age
B. Beneficiaries with inpatient stays or hospital monitoring during the episode duration
C. Beneficiaries with surgical procedures related to the URI (tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy)
D. Beneficiaries with the following comorbidities diagnosed at least twice in the one year period before the episode end date:
1) asthma;
2) cancer;
3) chronic URI;
4) end-stage renal disease;
5) HIV and other immunocompromised conditions;
6) post-procedural state for transplants, pulmonary disorders, rare genetic diseases, and sickle cell anemia
E. Beneficiaries with the following comorbid diagnoses during the episode:
1) croup,
2) epiglottitis,
3) URI with obstruction,
4) pneumonia,
5) influenza,
6) otitis media
F. Beneficiaries who do not have continuous Medicaid enrollment for the duration of the episode
210.400 Adjustments

The reimbursement for the initial visit that is attributable to the PAP is normalized across different places of service (eg., "Level 2" visits will count equally toward average reimbursement regardless of place of service). Reimbursements for the facility claim associated with the initial visit are not counted in the total reimbursements attributed to a PAP for calculation of performance,.

Reimbursement attributed tothe calculation of a PAP's performance for beneficiaries 10 and under is adjusted to reflect age-related variations in treatment usjng a multiplier determined by regression.

210.500 Quality Measures
A.Quality measures "to bass":
1. Frequency of strep testing for beneficiaries who receive antibiotics (for Acute Pharyngitis episode only)-must meet minimum threshold of 47%
B.Quality measures "to track":
1. Frequency of antibiotic usage
2. Frequency of multiple courses of antibiotics during one episode
3. Average number of visits per episode
210.600 Thresholds for Incentive Payments
A.Acute Nonspecific URI
1. The acceptable threshold is $67.00.
2. The commendable threshold is $46.00.
3. The gain sharing limit is $14.70.
4. The gain sharing percentage is 50%.
5. The risk sharing percentage is 50%.
B.Acute Pharyngitis and similar conditions
1. The acceptable threshold is $80.00.
2. The commendable threshold Is $60.00.
3. The gain sharing limit is $14.70.
4. The gain sharing percentage is 50%
5. The risk sharing percentage is 50%.
C.Acute Sinusitis
1. The acceptable threshold is $87.00.
2. The commendable threshold is $68,00. -
3. The gain sharing limit is $14.70.
4. The gain sharing percentage is 50%.
5. The risk sharing percentage is 50%,
210.700 Minimum Case Volume

The minimum case volume is 5 total cases for each episode subtype per 12 month period.

211.100 Episode Definition/Scope of Services
A.Episode trigger:

A live birth on a facility claim

B.Episode duration:

Episode begins 40 weeks prior to delivery and ends 60 days after delivery

C.Episode services:

All medical assistance with a pregnancy-related ICD-9 diagnosis code is included. Medical assistance related to neonatal care is not included..

211.200 Principal Accountable Provider

For each episode, the Principal Accountable Provider (PAP) is the provider or provider group that performs the delivery.

211.300 Exclusions

Episodes meeting one or more of the following criteria will be excluded:

A. Limited prenatal care (i.e., pregnancy-related claims) provided between start of episode and 60 days prior to delivery
B. Delivering provider did not provide any prenatal services
C. Episode has no professional claim for delivery
D. Pregnancy-related conditions: amniotic fluid embolism, obstetric blood clot embolism, placenta previa, severe preeclampsia, multiple gestation £3, late effect complications of pregnancy/childbirth, puerperal sepsis, suspected damage to fetus from viral disease in mother
E. Comorbidities: cancer, cystic fibrosis, congenitalcardiovascular disorders, DVT/pulmonary embolism, other phlebitis and thrombosis, end-stage renal disease, sickle cell, Type I diabetes
211.400 Adjustments

For the purposes of determining a PAP's performance, the total reimbursement attributable to the PAP is adjusted to reflect risk and/or severity factors captured in the claims data for each episode in order to be fair to providers with high-risk patients, to avoid any incentive for adverse selection of patients and to encourage high-quality, efficient care. Medicaid, with clinical input from Arkansas providers, will identify risk factors via literature, Arkansas experience and clinical expertise. Using standard statistical techniques and clinical review, risk factors will be tested for statistical and clinical significance to identify a reasonable number of factors that have meaningful explanatory power (p [LESS THAN] 0.01) for predicting total reimbursement per episode. Some factors which have meaningful explanatory power may be excluded from the set of selected risk factors where necessary to avoid potential for manipulation through coding practices. Episode reimbursement attributable to a PAP for calculating average adjusted episode reimbursement are adjusted based on selected risk factors. Over time, Medicaid may add or subtract risk factors in line with new research and/or empirical evidence.

211.500 Quality Measures
A.Quality measures "to pass":
1. HIV screening - must meet minimum threshold of 80% of episodes
2. Group B streptococcus screening (GBS) - must meet minimum threshold of 80% of -..episodes;.
3. Chlamydia screening -must meet minimum threshold of 80%of.episodes.--:':
B.Quality measures "to track":
1. Ultrasound screening
2. Screening for Gestational Diabetes
3. Screening for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
4. Hepatitis B specific antigen screening
5. C-Section Rate
211.600 Thresholds for Incentive Payments
A. The acceptable threshold is $3,906.00.
B. The commendable threshold is $3,394.00.
C. The gain sharingiimit is $2,000.00.
D. The gain sharing percentage is 50%.
E. The risk sharing percentage is 50%.
211.700 Minimum Case Volume

The minimum casevplume is 5 total cases per 12 month period.

212.100 Episode Definition/Scope of Services
A.Episode subtypes:
1. Level I: Episode of care for an ADHD beneficiary with no behavioral health comorbid conditions and for whom no qualifying Severity Certification has been completed.
2. Level II: Episode of care for an ADHD beneficiary with no behavioral health comorbid conditions who has had an inadequate response to medication management. Providers must complete a Severity Certification through the provider portal to qualify beneficiaries for a Level II designation.
B.Episode trigger:

Level I subtype episodes are triggered by either two medical claims with a primary diagnosis of ADHD or a medical claim with a primary diagnosis of ADHD as well as a pharmacy claim for medication used to treat ADHD. Level II subtype episodes are triggered by a completed Severity Certification followed by either two medical claims with a primary diagnosis of ADHD or a medical claim with a primary diagnosis of ADHD as well as a pharmacy claim for medication used to treat ADHD.

C.Episode duration:

The standard episode duration is a 12-month period beginning at the time of the first trigger claim. A Level I episode will conclude at the initiation of a new Level II episode if a Severity Certification is completed during the 12-month period.

D.Episode services:

All claims with a primary diagnosis of ADHD as well as all medications indicated for ADHD or used in the treatment of ADHD.

Notwithstanding any other provisions in the provider manual, medical assistance included in an ADHD episode shall not be subject to prior authorization requirements.

212.200 Principal Accountable Provider

Determination of the Principal Accountable Provider (PAP).is based upon which provider is responsible for the largest number of claims within the episode.

If the provider responsible for the largest number of claims is a physician or an RSPMI provider organization, that provider is designated the PAP. In instances in which two providers are responsible for an equal number of claims within the episode, the provider whose claims accounted for a greater proportion of total reimbursement will be designated PAP.

If the provider responsible for the largest number of claims is a licensed clinical psychologist operating outside of an RSPMI provider organization, that provider is a co-PAP with the physician or RSPMI provider providing the next largest number of claims within the episode. In instances in which two providers are responsible for an equal number of claims within the episode, the provider whose claims accounted for a greater proportion of total reimbursement will be designated co-PAP.

Where there are co-PAPs for an episode, the positive or negative supplemental payments are divided equally between the co-PAPs.

212.300 Exclusions

Episodes meeting one or more of the following criteria will be excluded:

A. Duration of less than 4 months
B. Small number of medical and/or pharmacy claims during the episode
C. Beneficiaries with any behavioral health comorbid condition
D. Beneficiaries age 5 or younger and beneficiaries age 18 or older at the time of the initial claim. '
212.400 Adjustments

Total reimbursement attributable to the PAP for episodes with a duration of less than 12 months will be scaled linearly to determine a reimbursement per 12-months for the purpose of calculating the PAP's performance.

212.500 Quality AHeasures
A.Quality measures "to pass":
1. Percentage of episodes with completion of either Continuing Care or Quality Assessment certification - must meet minimum threshold of 90% of episodes
B.Quality measures "to track":
1. In order to track and evaluate selected quality measures, providers are asked to complete a "Quality Assessment" certification (for beneficiaries new to the provider) or a "Continuing Care" certification (for beneficiaries previously receiving services from the provider)
2.Percentage of episodes classified as Level II
3. Average number of physician visits/episode
4. Percentage of episodes with medication
5. Percentage ofepisodes certified as non-guideline concordant
6. Percentage of episodes certified as non-guidelineconcordant with no rationale
212.600 Thresholds for Incentive Payments
A.ADHD Level I
1. The acceptable threshold is $2,223.
2. The commendable threshold is $1,547.
3. The Gain sharing limit is $700.
4. The gain sharing percentage is 50%.
5. The risk sharing percentage is 50%.
1. The acceptable threshold is $7,112.
2. The commendable threshold is $5,403.
3. The gain sharing limit Is $2,223.
4. The gain sharing percentage is 50%.
5. The risk sharing percentage is 50%.
212.700 Minimum Case Volume

The minimum case volume is 5 total cases per 12 month period.

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b. Rural Health Clinic Services

Rural health clinic services are limited to twelve (12) visits a year for beneficiaries age 21 and older. This yearly limit is based on the State Fiscal Year (July I through June 30). The benefit limit will be considered in conjunction with the benefit limit established for physicians' services, medical services furnished by a dentist, office medical services furnished by an optometrist and certified nurse midwife services. Beneficiaries will be allowed twelve (12) visits per State Fiscal Year for rural health clinic services, physicians' services, medical services furnished by a dentist, office medical services furnished by an optometrist, certified nurse midwife services or a combination of the five. For physicians' services, medical services provided by a dentist, office medical services furnished by an optometrist certified nurse midwife services or rural health clinic core services beyond the 12 visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary. Certain services, specified in the appropriate provider manual, are not counted toward the 12 visit limit. Beneficiaries under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.

Rural Health Clinic core services are defined as follows:

1. Physicians'services including required physician supervisory services of nurse practitioners and physician assistants;
2. Services and supplies furnished as an incident to a physician's professional services;

Services and supplies "incident to" the professional services of physicians, physician assistants and/or nurse practitioners are those which are commonly furnished in connection with these professional services, are generally furnished in the physician's office and are ordinarily rendered without charge or included in the clinic's bills; e.g., laboratory services, ordinary medications and other services and supplies used in patient primary care services.

3. Clinical psychologist services',
4. Clinical social worker services;
5. Services of physician assistants* nurse practitioners; nurse midwives and specialized nurse practitioners;
6. Services and supplies furnished as an incident to a nurse practitioner's or physician assistant's services; and
7. Visiting nurse services on a part-time or intermittent basis to home-bound patients) limited to areas in which there is a shortage of home health agencies).

Rural health clinic ambulatory services are defined as any other ambulatory service included in the Medicaid State Plan if the Rural Health Clinic offers such a service (e.g. dental, visual, etc.). The "other ambulatory services" that are provided by the Rural Health Clinic will count against the limit established in the plan for that service.

c. Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) services and other ambulatory services that are covered under the plan and furnished by a FQHC in accordance with Section 4231 of the State Medicaid Manual)NCFA - Pub. 45-4).

Effective for claims with dates of service on or after July 1,1995, federally qualified health center (FQHC) services are limited to twelve (12) encounters per beneficiary, per State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30) for beneficiaries age 21 and older. For federally qualified health center core services beyond the 12 visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary. Beneficiaries under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.

FQHC hospital visits are limited to one day of care for inpatient hospital covered days regardless of the number of hospital visits rendered. The hospital visits do not count against the FQHC encounter benefit limit.

13. Other diagnostic, screening, preventive and rehabilitative services, i.e., other than those provided elsewhere in this plan.
d. Rehabilitative Services
2. Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Physical Disabilities (RSPD)
a. Extended Rehabilitative Hospital Services

Extended Rehabilitative Hospital Services are services for the rehabilitation of patients with various neurological, musculo-skeletal, orthopedic and other medical conditions following stabilization of their acute medical conditions. Extended Rehabilitative Hospital Services are a global service, covering all rehabilitative, psychological and/or social services required of the admitting facility for licensure, certification and/or accreditation.

The following services are included in the global coverage of an Extended Rehabilitative Hospital:

1) Restorative Therapies
2) Behavioral Rehabilitation
3) Life Skills Training
4) Individual and Group Counseling
5) Assessment Services
6) Nursing Care

Persons eligible for admission must have at least one of the following neurological conditions: Post acute traumatic or acquired brain injury. This includes and is limited to viral encephalitis, meningitis, aneurysms, cerebral vascular accident/stroke, post-operative tumors, anoxia, hypoxias, toxic encephalopathies, refractory seizure disorders and congenital neurological brain disorders. These conditions can be with or without moderate to severe behavioral disorders secondary to a brain injury.

An Extended Rehabilitative Hospital must be licensed by the Division of Health as a Rehabilitative Hospital. An Extended Rehabilitative Hospital must also be certified as a Title XVIII (Medicare) Rehabilitative Hospital provider. Extended Rehabilitative Hospital services are provided by a licensed practitioner who is directly related to the beneficiary's rehabilitative adjustment.

Extended Rehabilitative Hospital services provided are limited to thirty (30) days per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, for ages 21 and older. No extensions will be considered. However, beneficiaries who are under the age of 21 years and in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not limited to the thirty (30) day annual benefit limit. The thirty (30) day annual benefit limit only applies to services provided in an RSPD facility and does not include days counted toward any other Medicaid Program benefit limit, e.g., hospital, nursing home, etc.

Service delivery is delivery is the same as inpatient hospital services described in Attachment 3.1-A, Page la, Item 1, minus the room and board component.

Extended Rehabilitative Hospital Services are available to eligible Medicaid recipients of all ages when medically necessary as determined by the PRO. Services are limited to 30 days per State Fiscal Year for beneficiaries age 21 and older. Recipients under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.

b. Rural Health Clinic Services

Rural health clinic services are limited to twelve (12) visits a year for beneficiaries age 21 and older. This yearly limit is based on the State Fiscal Year (July I through June 30). The benefit limit will be considered in conjunction with the benefit limit established for physicians' services, medical services furnished by a dentist, office medical services furnished by an optometrist and certified nurse midwife services. Beneficiaries will be allowed twelve (12) visits per State Fiscal Year for rural health clinic services, physicians* services, medical services furnished by a dentist, office medical services furnished by an optometrist, certified nurse midwife services or a combination of the five. For physicians' services, medical services provided by a dentist, office medical services furnished by an optometrist certified nurse midwife services or rural health clinic core services beyond the 12 visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary. Certain services, specified in the appropriate provider manual, are not counted toward the 12 visit limit. Beneficiaries under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.

Rural Health Clinic core services are defined as follows:

1. Physicians'services including required physician supervisory services of nurse practitioners and physician assistants;
2. Services and supplies furnished as an incident to a physician's professional services;

Services and supplies "incident to" the professional services of physicians, physician assistants and/or nurse practitioners are those which are commonly furnished in connection with these professional services, are generally furnished in the physician's office and are ordinarily rendered without charge or included in the clinic's bills; e.g., laboratory services, ordinary medications and other services and supplies used in patient primary care services.

3. Clinical psychologist services;
4. Clinical social worker services;
5. Services of physician assistants, nurse practitioners; nurse midwives and specialized nurse practitioners;
6. Services and supplies furnished as an incident to a nurse practitioner's or physician assistant's services; and
7. Visiting nurse services on a part-time or intermittent basis to home-bound patients) limited to areas in which there is a shortage of home health agencies).

Rural health clinic ambulatory services are defined as any other ambulatory service included in the Medicaid State Plan if the Rural Health Clinic offers such a service (e.g. dental, visual, etc.). The "other ambulatory services" that are provided by the Rural Health Clinic will count against the limit established in the plan for that service.

c. Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) services and other ambulatory services that are covered under the plan and furnished by a FQHC in accordance with Section 4231 of the State Medicaid Manual)NCFA - Pub. 45-4).

Effective for claims with dates of service on or after July 1, 1995, federally qualified health center (FQHC) services are limited to twelve (12) encounters per beneficiary, per State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30) for beneficiaries age 21 and older. For federally qualified health center core services beyond the 12 visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary. Beneficiaries under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.

FQHC hospital visits are limited to one day of care for inpatient hospital covered days regardless of the number of hospital visits rendered. The hospital visits do not count against the FQHC encounter benefit limit.

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1. Inpatient Hospital Services
I. PURPOSE: In order to assure that Medicaid funds are used to purchase medical assistance efficiently and economically (quality services of the right kind and mix), Medicaid has established a payment improvement initiative ("Payment Improvement Program," or "Program"). The Program:
1. Establishes Principle Accountable Providers ("PAPs") for defined episodes of care;
2. Uses episode-based data to evaluate the quality, efficiency and economy of care delivered in the course of the episode of care, and to apply incentive adjustments;
3. Incentivizes improved care quality, efficiency and economy by rewarding high-quality care and outcomes;
4. Encourages clinical effectiveness;
5. Promotes early intervention and coordination to reduce complications and associated costs; and
6. When provider referrals are necessary, encourages referral to efficient and economic providers who furnish high-quality care.

Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available inthe Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/PrOvider/docs/docs.aspxand also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

II. NOTICE and AMENDMENTS: The Program and Program amendments are subject to review and approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Rules establishing the Program are adopted in compliance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204. Except in cases of emergency as defined in Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204(e)(2)(A), providers will receive at least 30-days written notice of any and all changes to the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual and State Plan pages.
III. MEDICAID PAYMENTS: Subject to the incentive adjustments described below, providers, including PAPs, furnish medically necessary care to eligible beneficiaries and are paid in accordance with the published Medicaid reimbursement methodology in effect on the date of service.
IV. INCENTIVE ADJUSTMENTS: The Program promotes efficient and economic care utilization by making incentive adjustments based on the aggregate valid and paid claims ("paid claims") across a PAP's episodes of care ending during the twelve (12) month performance period specified for the episode. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, incentive adjustments are made annually in the form of gain sharing (positive incentive adjustments) or provider risk sharing payments to Medicaid (negative incentive adjustments), and equal 50% of the difference between the average adjusted episode expenditures and the applicable threshold as described below. Incentive adjustments will occur no later than ninety (90) days after the end of the performance period. Because the incentive adjustments are based on aggregated and averaged claims data for a particular performance period, adjustments cannot be apportioned to specific provider claims.
1.Positive Incentive Adjustments: If the PAP's average adjusted episode paid claims are lower than the commendable threshold and the PAP meets the quality requirements established by Medicaid for each episode type, Medicaid will remit an incentive adjustment to the PAP equal to the difference between the average adjusted episode reimbursement and the commendable threshold, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the gain sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. To avoid incentivizing underutilization, Medicaid may establish a gain sharing limit. PAPs with average adjusted episode expenditures lower than the gain sharing limit will receive an incentive adjustment calculated as though the PAP's average adjusted episode of care paid claims equal the gain sharing limit.
2.Negative Incentive Adjustments: If the average adjusted episode of care paid claims are higher than the acceptable threshold, the PAP will remit to Medicaid the difference between the acceptable threshold and the average adjusted episode reimbursement, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the risk sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, a provider's net negative incentive adjustment (total positive adjustments minus total negative adjustments) for all episodes of care during any performance period shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the provider's gross Medicaid reimbursements during that performance period.
V. APPLICATION: Cornplete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspxand also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

Effective for dates of service on or after October 1, 2012, the defined scope of services within the following episode(s) of care are subject to incentive adjustments:

(1) Perinatal Care Episodes
I. PURPOSE: In order to assure that Medicaid funds are used to purchase medical assistance efficiently and economically (quality services of the right kind and mix), Medicaid has established a payment improvement initiative ("Payment Improvement Program," or "Program"). The Program:
1. Establishes Principle Accountable Providers ("PAPs") for defined episodes of care;
2. Uses episode-based data to evaluate the quality, 'efficiency and economy of care delivered in the course of the episode of care, and to apply incentive adjustments;
3. Incentivizes unproved care quality, efficiency and economy by rewarding high-quality care and outcomes;
4. Encourages clinical effectiveness;
5. Promotes early intervention and coordination to reduce complications and associated costs; and
6. When provider referrals are necessary, encourages referral to efficient and economic providers who furnish high-quality care.

Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspx and also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

II. NOTICE and AMENDMENTS: The Program and Program amendments are subject to review and approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Rules establishing the Program are adopted in compliance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204. Except in cases of emergency as defined in Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204(e)(2)(A), providers will receive at least 30-days written notice of any and all changes to the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual and State Plan pages.
III. MEDICAID PAYMENTS: Subject to the incentive adjustments described below, providers, including PAPs, furnish medically necessary care to eligible beneficiaries and are paid in accordance with the published Medicaid reimbursement methodology in effect on the date of service.
IV. INCENTIVE ADJUSTMENTS: The Program promotes efficient and economic care utilization by making incentive adjustments based on the aggregate valid and paid claims ("paid claims") across a PAP's episodes of care ending during the twelve (12) month performance period specified for the episode. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, incentive adjustments are made annually in the form of gain sharing (positive incentive adjustments) or provider risk sharing payments to Medicaid (negative incentive adjustments), and equal 50% of the difference between the average adjusted episode expenditures and the applicable threshold as described below. Incentive adjustments will occur no later than ninety (90) days after the end of the performance period. Because the incentive adjustments are based on aggregated and averaged claims data for a particular performance period, adjustments cannot be apportioned to specific provider claims.
1.Positive Incentive Adjustments: If the PAP's average adjusted episode paid claims are lower than the commendable threshold and the PAP meets the quality requirements established by Medicaid for each episode type, Medicaid will remit an incentive adjustment to the PAP equal to the difference between the average adjusted episode reimbursement and the commendable threshold, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the gain sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. To avoid incentivizing underutilization, Medicaid may establish a gain sharing limit. PAPs with average adjusted episode expenditures lower than the gain sharing limit will receive an incentive adjustment calculated as though the PAP's average adjusted episode of care paid claims equal the gain sharing limit.
2.Negative Incentive Adjustments: If the average adjusted episode of care paid claims are higher than the acceptable threshold, the PAP will remit to Medicaid the difference between the acceptable threshold and the average adjusted episode reimbursement, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the risk sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, a provider's net negative incentive adjustment (total positive adjustments minus total negative adjustments) for all episodes of care during any performance period shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the provider's gross Medicaid reimbursements during that performance period.
V. APPLICATION: Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspx and also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.pa\nnentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

Effective for dates of service on or after October 1, 2012, the defined scope of services within the following episode(s) of care are subject to incentive adjustments:

(1) Perinatal Care Episodes
b. Rural Health Clinic Services and other ambulatory services that are covered under the plan and furnished by a rural health clinic
I. PURPOSE: In order to assure that Medicaid funds are used to purchase medical assistance efficiently and economically (quality services of the right kind and mix), Medicaid has established a payment improvement initiative ("Payment Improvement Program," or "Program"). The Program:
1. Establishes Principle Accountable Providers ("PAPs") for defined episodes of care;
2. Uses episode-based data to evaluate the quality, efficiency and economy of care delivered in the course of the episode of care, and to apply incentive adjustments;
3. Incentivizes improved care quality, efficiency and economy by rewarding high-quality care and outcomes;
4. Encourages clinical effectiveness;
5. Promotes early intervention and coordination to reduce complications and associated costs; and
6. When provider referrals are necessary, encourages referral to efficient and economic providers who furnish high-quality care.

Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspxand also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.pavmentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

II. NOTICE and AMENDMENTS: The Program and Program amendments are subject to review and approval by the Centers for Medicare arid Medicaid Services (CMS). Rules establishing the Program are adopted in compliance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204. Except in cases of emergency as defined in Ark. Code Ann. §- 25-15-204(e)(2)(A), providers will receive at least 30-days written notice of any and all changes to the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual and State Plan pages.
III MEDICAID PAYMENTS: Subject to the incentive adjustments described below, providers, including PAPs, furnish medically necessary care to eligible beneficiaries and are paid in accordance with the published Medicaid reimbursement methodology in effect on the date of service.
IV. INCENTIVE ADJUSTMENTS: The Program promotes efficient and economic care utilization by making incentive adjustments based on the aggregate valid and paid claims ("paid claims") across a PAP's episodes of care ending during the twelve (12) month performance period specified for the episode. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, incentive adjustments are made annually in the form of gain sharing (positive incentive adjustments) or provider risk sharing payments to Medicaid (negative incentive adjustments), and equal 50% of the difference between the average adjusted episode expenditures and the applicable threshold as described below. Incentive adjustments will occur no later than ninety (90) days after the end of the performance period. Because the incentive adjustments are based on aggregated and averaged claims data for a particular performance period, adjustments cannot be apportioned to specific provider claims.
1.Positive Incentive Adjustments: If the PAP's average adjusted episode paid claims are lower than the commendable threshold and the PAP meets the quality requirements established by Medicaid for each episode type, Medicaid will remit an incentive adjustment to the PAP equal to the difference between the average adjusted episode reimbursement and the commendable threshold, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the gain sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. To avoid incentivizing underutilization, Medicaid may establish a gain sharing limit. PAPs with average adjusted episode expenditures lower than the gain sharing limit will receive an incentive adjustment calculated as though the PAP's average adjusted episode of care paid claims equal the gain sharing limit.
2.Negative Incentive Adjustments: If the average adjusted episode of care paid claims are higher than the acceptable threshold, the PAP will remit to Medicaid the difference between the acceptable threshold and the average adjusted episode reimbursement, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the risk sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, a provider's net negative incentive adjustment (total positive adjustments minus total negative adjustments) for all episodes of care during any performance period shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the provider's gross Medicaid reimbursements during that performance period.
V. APPLICATION: Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolutiori/Provider/docs/docs.aspx and also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

Effective for dates of service on or after October 1, 2012, the defined scope of services within the following episode(s) of care are subject to incentive adjustments:

(1) Perinatal Care Episodes
b. Early and Periodic Screening and Diagnosis of Individuals Under 21 Years of Age and Treatment of Conditions Found
(17) Psychology Services
I. PURPOSE: In order to assure that Medicaid funds are used to purchase medical assistance efficiently and economically (quality services of the right kind and mix), Medicaid has established a payment improvement initiative ("Payment Improvement Program," or "Program"). The Program:
1. Establishes Principle Accountable Providers ("PAPs") for defined episodes of care;
2. Uses episode-based data to evaluate the quality, efficiency and economy of care delivered in the course of the episode of care, and to apply incentive adjustments;
3. Incenrivizes improved care quality, efficiency and economy by rewarding high-quality care and outcomes;
4. Encourages clinical effectiveness;
5. Promotes early intervention and coordination to reduce complications and associated costs; and
6. When provider referrals are necessary, encourages referral to efficient and economic providers who furnish high-quality care.

Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspxand also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at hrtp://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

II. NOTICE and AMENDMENTS: The Program and Program amendments are subject to review and approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Rules establishing the Program are adopted in compliance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204. Except in cases of emergency as defined in Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204(e)(2)(A), providers will receive at least 30-days written notice of any and all changes to the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual and State Plan pages.
III. MEDICAID PAYMENTS: Subject to the incentive adjustments described below, providers, including PAPs, furnish medically necessary care to eligible beneficiaries and are paid in accordance with the published Medicaid reimbursement methodology in effect on the date of service.
IV. INCENTIVE ADJUSTMENTS: The Program promotes efficient and economic care utilization by making incentive adjustments based on the aggregate valid and paid claims ("paid claims") across a PAP's episodes of care ending during the twelve (12) month performance period specified for the episode. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, incentive adjustments are made annually in the form of gain sharing (positive incentive adjustments) or provider risk sharing payments to Medicaid (negative incentive adjustments), and equal 50% of the difference between the average adjusted episode expenditures and the applicable threshold as described below. Incentive adjustments will occur no later than ninety (90) days after the end of the performance period. Because the incentive adjustments are based on aggregated and averaged claims data for a particular performance period, adjustments cannot be apportioned to specific provider claims.
1.Positive Incentive Adjustments: If the PAP's average adjusted episode paid claims are lower than the commendable threshold and the PAP meets the quality requirements established by Medicaid for each episode type, Medicaid will remit an incentive adjustment to the PAP equal to the difference between the average adjusted episode reimbursement and the commendable threshold, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the gain sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. To avoid incentivizing underutilization, Medicaid may establish a gain sharing limit. PAPs with average adjusted episode expenditures lower than the gain sharing limit will receive an incentive adjustment calculated as though the PAP's average adjusted episode of care paid claims equal me gam sharing limit.
2.Negative Incentive Adjustments: If the average adjusted episode of care paid claims are higher than the acceptable threshold, the PAP will remit to Medicaid the difference between the acceptable threshold and the average adjusted episode reimbursement, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the risk sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, a provider's net negative incentive adjustment (total positive adjustments minus total negative adjustments) for all episodes of care during any performance period shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the provider' s gross Medicaid reimbursements during that performance period.
V. APPLICATION: Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at ht(ps://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspx and also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.pavmentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

Effective for dates of service on or after October 1, 2012, the defined scope of services within the following episode(s) of care are subject to incentive adjustments:

(1) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Episodes
5. Physicians' Services
I. PURPOSE: In order to assure that Medicaid funds are used to purchase medical assistance efficiently and economically (quality services of the right kind and mix), Medicaid has established a payment improvement initiative ("Payment Improvement Program," or "Program"). The Program:
1. Establishes Principle Accountable Providers ("PAPs") for defined episodes of care;
2. Uses episode-based data to evaluate the quality, efficiency and economy of care delivered in the course of the episode of care, and to apply incentive adjustments;
3. Incentivizes improved care quality, efficiency and economy by rewarding high-quality care and outcomes;
4. Encourages clinical effectiveness;
5. Promotes early intervention and coordination to reduce complications and associated costs; and
6. When provider referrals are necessary, encourages referral to efficient and economic providers who furnish high-quality care.

Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at hrtps://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspx and also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at htlp://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

II. NOTICE and AMENDMENTS: The Program and Program amendments are subject to review and approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Rules establishing the Program are adopted in compliance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204. Except in cases of emergency as defined in Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204(e)(2)(A), providers will receive at least 30-days written notice of any and all changes to the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual and State Plan pages.
III MEDICAID PAYMENTS: Subject to the incentive adjustments described below, providers, including PAPs, furnish medically necessary care to eligible beneficiaries and are paid in accordance with the published Medicaid reimbursement methodology in effect on the date of service.
IV. INCENTIVE ADJUSTMENTS: The Program promotes efficient and economic care utilization by making incentive adjustments based on the aggregate valid and paid claims ("paid claims") across a PAP's episodes of care ending during the twelve (12) month performance period specified for the episode. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, incentive adjustments are made annually in the form of gain sharing (positive incentive adjustments) or provider risk sharing payments to Medicaid (negative incentive adjustments), and equal 50% of the difference between the average adjusted episode expenditures and the applicable threshold as described below. Incentive adjustments will occur no later than ninety (90) days after the end of the performance period. Because the incentive adjustments are based on aggregated and averaged claims data for a particular performance period, adjustments cannot be apportioned to specific provider claims.
1.Positive Incentive Adjustments: If the PAP's average adjusted episode paid claims are lower than the commendable threshold and the PAP meets the quality requirements established by Medicaid for each episode type, Medicaid will remit an incentive adjustment to the PAP equal to the difference between the average adjusted episode reimbursement and the commendable threshold, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the gain sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. To avoid incentivizing underutilization, Medicaid may establish a gain sharing limit. PAPs with average adjusted episode expenditures lower than the gain sharing limit will receive an incentive adjustment calculated as though the PAP' s average adjusted episode of care paid claims equal the gain sharing limit.
2.Negative Incentive Adjustments: If the average adjusted episode of care paid claims are higher than the acceptable threshold, the PAP will remit to Medicaid the difference between the acceptable threshold and the average adjusted episode reimbursement, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the risk sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, a provider's net negative incentive adjustment (total positive adjustments minus total negative adjustments) for all episodes of care during any performance period shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the provider's gross Medicaid reimbursements during that performance period.
V. APPLICATION: Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspx and also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.pavmentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

Effective for dates of service on or after October 1,2012, the defined scope of services within the following episode(s) of care are subject to incentive adjustments:

(1) Acute Ambulatory Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) Episodes
(2) Perinatal Care Episodes
(3) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Episodes
12. Prescribed drugs, dentures, and prosthetic devices; and eyeglasses prescribed by a physician skilled in diseases of the eye or by an optometrist
d. Eyeglasses

Negotiated statewide contract bid.

13. Other diagnostic, screening, preventive and rehabilitative services, i.e., other than those provided elsewhere in this plan
a. Diagnostic Services - Not provided.
b. Screening Services - Not provided.
c. Preventive Services - Not provided.
d. Rehabilitative Services
1. Rehabilitative Services for Persons with Mental Illness (RSPMI)

Reimbursement is based on the lower of the amount billed or the Title XIX (Medicaid) maximum allowable. Except as otherwise noted in the state plan, state developed fee schedule rates are the same for both governmental and private providers of RSPMI services. The agency's fee schedule rates were set as of April 1, 1988 and are effective for services provided on or after that date. All rates are published on the agency's website at www.medicaid.state.ar.us.

Effective for dates of service on or after April 1, 2004, reimbursement rates (payments) for inpatient visits in acute care hospitals by board certified psychiatrists shall be as ordered by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas in the case of Arkansas Medical Society v. Reynolds. Refer to Attachment 4.19-B, Item 5, for physician reimbursement.

The State shall not claim FFP for any non institutional service provided to individuals who are residents of facilities that meet the Federal definition of an institution for mental diseases or a psychiatric residential treatment facility as described in Federal regulations at 42 CFR 1440 and 14460 and 42 CFR 441 Subparts C and D. Reimbursement of RSPMI services that are provided in HMD's will be discontinued for services provided on or after September 1, 2011.

For RSPMI services provided in clinics operated by State operated teaching hospitals.

Effective for claims with dates of service on or after March 1, 2002, Arkansas State Operated Teaching Hospital psychiatric clinics that are not part of a hospital outpatient department shall be reimbursed based on reasonable costs with interim payments at the RSPMI fee schedule rates and a year-end cost settlement. The provider will be paid the lesser of actual costs identified using a CMS approved cost report or customary charges. Each Arkansas State Operated Teaching Hospital with qualifying psychiatric clinics shall submit an annual cost report. Said cost report shall be submitted within five (5) months after the close of the hospital's fiscal year. Failure to file the cost report within the prescribed period, except as expressly extended by the State Medicaid Agency, may result in suspension of reimbursement until the cost report is filed. The State Medicaid Agency will review the submitted cost report and make a tentative settlement within 60 days of the receipt of the cost report and will make final settlement in the following year after all Medicaid charges and payments have been processed. The final settlement will be calculated and made at the same time as the next year's tentative settlement is calculated and made.

Medical professionals affiliated with Arkansas State Operated Teaching Hospitals are not eligible for additional reimbursement for services provided in these clinics.

I. PURPOSE: In order to assure that Medicaid funds are used to purchase medical assistance efficiently and economically (quality services of the right kind and mix), Medicaid has established a payment improvement initiative ("Payment Improvement Program," or "Program"). The Program:
1. Establishes Principle Accountable Providers ("PAPs") for defined episodes of care;
2. Uses episode-based data to evaluate the quality, efficiency and economy of care delivered in the course of the episode of care, and to apply incentive adjustments;
3. Ihcentivizes improved care quality, efficiency and economy by rewarding high-quality care and outcomes;
4. Encourages clinical effectiveness;
5. Promotes early intervention and coordination to reduce complications and associated costs; and
6. When provider referrals are necessary, encourages referral to efficient and economic providers who furnish high-quality care.

Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www:medicaid.state.ar.us/mternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspx and also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

II. NOTICE and AMENDMENTS: The Program and Program amendments are subject to review and approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Rules establishing the Program are adopted in compliance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204. Except in cases of emergency as defined in Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204(e)(2)(A), providers will receive at least 30-days written notice of any and all changes to the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual and State Plan pages.
III. MEDICAID PAYMENTS: Subject to the incentive adjustments described below, providers, including PAPs, furnish medically necessary care to eligible beneficiaries and are paid in accordance with the published Medicaid reimbursement methodology in effect on the date of service.
IV. INCENTIVE ADJUSTMENTS: The Program promotes efficient and. economic care utilization by making incentive adjustments based on the aggregate valid and paid claims ("paid claims") across a PAP's episodes of care ending during the twelve (12) month performance period specified for the episode. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, incentive adjustments are made annually in the form of gain sharing (positive incentive adjustments) or provider risk sharing payments to Medicaid (negative incentive adjustments), and equal 50% of the difference between the average adjusted episode expenditures and the applicable threshold as described below. Incentive adjustments will occur no later than ninety (90) days after the end of the performance period. Because the incentive adjustments are based on aggregated and averaged claims data for a particular performance period, adjustments cannot be apportioned to specific provider claims.
1.Positive Incentive Adjustments: If the PAP's average adjusted episode paid claims are lower than the commendable threshold and the PAP meets the quality requirements established by Medicaid for each episode type, Medicaid will remit an incentive adjustment to the PAP equal to the difference between the average adjusted episode reimbursement and the commendable threshold, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the gain sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. To avoid incentivizing underutilization, Medicaid may establish a gain sharing limit. PAPs with average adjusted episode expenditures lower than the gain sharing limit will receive an incentive adjustment calculated as though the PAP's average adjusted episode of care paid claims equal the gain sharing limit.
2.Negative Incentive Adjustments: If the average adjusted episode of care paid claims are higher than the acceptable threshold, the PAP will remit to Medicaid the difference between the acceptable threshold and the average adjusted episode reimbursement, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the risk sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, a provider's net negative incentive adjustment (total positive adjustments minus total negative adjustments) for all episodes of care during any performance period shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the provider's gross Medicaid reimbursements during that performance period.
V. APPLICATION: Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.af.us/InternetSolutiori/Provider/docs/docs.aspxand also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

Effective for dates of service on or after October 1, 2012, the defined scope of services within the following episode(s) of care are subject to incentive adjustments:

(1) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Episodes
23. Any other medical care and any other type of remedial care recognized under State law, specified by the Secretary.
e. Emergency Hospital Services
I. PURPOSE: In order to assure that Medicaid funds are used to purchase medical assistance efficiently and economically (quality services of the right kind and mix), Medicaid has established a payment improvement initiative ("Payment Improvement Program," or "Program"). The Program:
1. Establishes Principle Accountable Providers ("PAPs")for defined episodes of care;
2. Uses episode-based data to evaluate the quality, efficiency and economy of care delivered in the course of the episode of care, and to apply incentive adjustments;
3. Incentivizes improved care quality, efficiency and economy by rewarding high-quality care and outcomes;
4. Encourages clinical effectiveness;
5. Promotes early intervention and coordination to reduce complications and associated costs; and
6. When provider referrals are necessary, encourages referral to efficient and economic providers who furnish high-quality care.

Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspx and also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at hrtp://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

II. NOTICE and AMENDMENTS: The Program and Program amendments are subject to review and approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Rules establishing the Program are adopted in compliance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204. Except in cases of emergency as defined in Ark. Code Ann, § 25-15-204(e)(2)(A), providers will receive at least 30-days written notice of any and all changes to the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual and State Plan pages.
III. MEDICAED PAYMENTS: Subject to the incentive adjustments described below, providers, including PAPs, furnish medically necessary care to eligible beneficiaries and are paid in accordance with the published Medicaid reimbursement methodology in effect on the date of service.
IV. INCENTIVE ADJUSTMENTS: The Program promotes efficient and economic care utilization by making incentive adjustments based on the aggregate valid and paid claims ("paid claims") across a PAP's episodes of care ending during the twelve (12) month performance period specified for the episode. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, incentive adjustments are made annually in the form of gain sharing (positive incentive adjustments) or provider risk sharing payments to Medicaid (negative incentive adjustments), and equal 50% of the difference between the average adjusted episode expenditures and the applicable threshold as described below. Incentive adjustments will occur no later than ninety (90) days after the end of the performance period. Because the incentive adjustments are based on aggregated and averaged claims data for a particular performance period, adjustments cannot be apportioned to specific provider claims.
1. Positive Incentive Adjustments: If the PAP's average adjusted episode paid claims are lower than the commendable threshold and the PAP meets the quality requirements established by Medicaid for each episode type, Medicaid will remit an incentive adjustment to the PAP equal to the difference between the average adjusted episode reimbursement and the commendable threshold, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the gain sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. To avoid incentivizing underutilization, Medicaid may establish a gain sharing limit. PAPs with average adjusted episode expenditures lower than the gain sharing limit will receive an incentive adjustment calculated as though the PAP's average adjusted episode of care paid claims equal the gain sharing limit.
2. Negative Incentive Adjustments: If the average adjusted episode of care paid claims are higher than the acceptable threshold, the PAP will remit to Medicaid the difference between the acceptable threshold and the average adjusted episode reimbursement, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the risk sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, a provider's net negative incentive adjustment (total positive adjustments minus total negative adjustments) for all episodes of care during any performance period shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the provider's gross Medicaid reimbursements during that performance period.
V. APPLICATION: Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/)rovider/docs/docs.aspxand also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

Effective for dates of service on or after October 1, 2012, the defined scope of services within the following episode(s) of care are subject to incentive adjustments:

(1) Perinatal Care Episodes
f. Critical Access Hospitals ( CAH)
I. PURPOSE: In order to assure that Medicaid funds are used to purchase medical assistance efficiently and economically (quality services of the right kind and mix), Medicaid has established a payment improvement initiative ("Payment Improvement Program," or "Program"). The Program:
1. Establishes Principle Accountable Providers ("PAPs") for defined episodes of care;
2. Uses episode-based data to evaluate the quality, efficiency and economy of care delivered in the course of the episode of care, and to apply incentive adjustments;
3. Incentivizes improved care quality, efficiency and economy by rewarding high-quality care and outcomes;
4. Encourages clinical effectiveness;
5. Promotes early intervention and coordination to reduce complications and associated costs; and
6. When provider referrals are necessary, encourages referral to efficient and economic providers who furnish high-quality care.

Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/rnternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspx and also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

II. NOTICE and AMENDMENTS: The Program and Program amendments are subject to review and approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Rules establishing the Program are adopted in compliance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204. Except in cases of emergency as defined in Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204(e)(2)(A), providers will receive at least 30-days written notice of any and all changes to the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual and State Plan pages.
IV. INCENTIVE ADJUSTMENTS: The Program promotes efficient and economic care utilization by making incentive adjustments based on the aggregate valid and paid claims ("paid claims") across a PAP's episodes of care ending during the twelve (12) month performance period specified for the episode. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, incentive adjustments are made annually in the form of gain sharing (positive incentive adjustments) or provider risk sharing payments to Medicaid (negative incentive adjustments), and equal 50% of the difference between the average adjusted episode expenditures and the applicable threshold as described below. Incentive adjustments will occur no later than ninety (90) days after the end of the performance period. Because the incentive adjustments are based on aggregated and averaged claims data for a particular performance period, adjustments cannot be apportioned to specific provider claims.
1. Positive Incentive Adjustments: If the PAP's average adjusted episode paid claims are lower than the commendable threshold and the PAP meets the quality requirements established by Medicaid for each episode type, Medicaid will remit an incentive adjustment to the PAP equal to the difference between the average adjusted episode reimbursement and the commendable threshold, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the gain sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. To avoid incentivizing underutilization, Medicaid may establish a gain sharing limit. PAPs with average adjusted episode expenditures lower than the gain sharing limit will receive an incentive adjustment calculated as though the PAP's average adjusted episode of care paid claims equal the gain sharing limit.
2. Negative Incentive Adjustments: If the average adjusted episode of care paid claims are higher than the acceptable threshold, the PAP will remit to Medicaid the difference between the acceptable threshold and the average adjusted episode reimbursement, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the risk sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, a provider's net negative incentive adjustment (total positive adjustments minus total negative adjustments) for all episodes of care during any performance period shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the provider's gross Medicaid reimbursements during that performance period.
V. APPLICATION: Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolutiori/Provider/docs/docs.aspxand also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.pavmentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

Effective for dates of service on or after October 1, 2012, the defined scope of services within the following episode(s) of care are subject to incentive adjustments:

(1) Perinatal Care Episodes
27. Advanced Practice Nurse and Registered Nurse Practitioner licensed as such by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing.
I. PURPOSE: In order to assure that Medicaid funds are used to purchase medical assistance efficiently and economically (quality services of the right kind and mix), Medicaid has established a payment improvement initiative ("Payment Improvement Program," or "Program"). The Program:
1. Establishes Principle Accountable Providers ("PAPs") for defined episodes of care;
2. Uses episode-based data to evaluate the quality, efficiency and economy of care delivered in the course of me episode of care, and to apply incentive adjustments;
3. Incentivizes improved care quality, efficiency and economy by rewarding high-quality care and outcomes;
4. Encourages clinical effectiveness;
5. Promotes early intervention and coordination to reduce complications and associated costs; and
6. When provider referrals are necessary, encourages referral to efficient and economic providers who furnish high-quality care.

DX MEDICATD PAYMENTS: Subject to the incentive adjustments described below, providers, including PAPs, furnish medically necessary care to eligible beneficiaries and are paid in accordance with the published Medicaid reimbursement methodology in effect on the date of service.

Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSolution/Provider/docs/docs.aspx and also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

II. NOTICE and AMENDMENTS: The Program and Program amendments are subject to review and approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Rules establishing the Program are adopted in compliance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204. Except in cases of emergency as defined in Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204(e)(2)(A), providers will receive at least 30-days written notice of any and all changes to the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual and State Plan pages.
III. MEDICAID PAYMENTS: Subject to the incentive adjustments described below, providers, including PAPs, furnish medically necessary care to eligible beneficiaries and are paid in accordance with the published Medicaid reimbursement methodology in effect on the date of service.
IV. INCENTIVE ADJUSTMENTS: The Program promotes efficient and economic care utilization by making incentive adjustments based on the aggregate valid and paid claims ("paid claims") across a PAP's episodes of care ending during the twelve (12) month performance period specified for the episode. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, incentive adjustments are made annually in the form of gain sharing (positive incentive adjustments) or provider risk sharing payments to Medicaid (negative incentive adjustments), and equal 50% of the difference between the average adjusted episode expenditures and the applicable threshold as described below. Incentive adjustments will occur no later than ninety (90) days after the end of the performance period. Because the incentive adjustments are based on aggregated and averaged claims data for a particular performance period, adjustments cannot be apportioned to specific provider claims.
1.Positive Incentive Adjustments: If the PAP's average adjusted episode paid claims are lower than the commendable threshold and the PAP meets the quality requirements established by Medicaid for each episode type, Medicaid will remit an incentive adjustment to the PAP equal to the difference between the average adjusted episode reimbursement and the commendable threshold, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the gain sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. To avoid incentivizing underutilization, Medicaid may establish a gain sharing limit. P APs with average adjusted episode expenditures lower than the gain sharing limit will receive an incentive adjustment calculated as though the PAP's average adjusted episode of care paid claims equal the gain sharing limit.
2.Negative Incentive Adjustments: If the average adjusted episode of care paid claims are higher than the acceptable threshold, the PAP will remit to Medicaid the difference between the acceptable threshold and the average adjusted episode reimbursement, multiplied by the number of episodes included in the calculation, multiplied by 50% or the risk sharing percentage specified for the episode of care. Unless provided otherwise for a specific episode of care, a provider's net negative incentive adjustment (total positive adjustments minus total negative adjustments) for all episodes of care during any performance period shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the provider's gross Medicaid reimbursements during that performance period.
V. APPLICATION: Complete details including technical information regarding specific quality and reporting metrics, performance thresholds and incentive adjustments are available in the Episodes of Care Medicaid Manual available at https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/InternetSoluti6h/Provider/docs/docs.aspxand also at the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative website at http://www.paymentinitiative.org/Pages/default.aspx.

Effective for dates of service on or after October 1, 2012, the defined scope of services within the following episode(s) of care are subject to incentive adjustments:

(1) Acute Ambulatory Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) Episodes
(2) Perinatal Care Episodes

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