015.01.22 Ark. Code R. 005

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 015.01.22-005 - 2021 Arkansas Fire prevention Code


These Rules are promulgated by the Director of the Department Division of Arkansas State Police, who serves by operation of law as the Arkansas State Fire Marshal under the authority granted by Arkansas Act 254 of 1955, codified at A.C.A. §§ 12-13-101 to A.C.A. § 12-13-116, as amended. The purpose of these Rules is to aid in the implementation, interpretation, and enforcement of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code (AFPC), 2021 Edition.

The International Fire Code, 2021 Edition, the International Building Code, 2021 Edition, and the International Residential Code, 2021 Edition, as published by the International Code Council and the rules, as amended, and adopted by the Arkansas State Fire Marshal, shall constitute the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, 2021 Edition. These Rules shall be effective January 1,2023.

The following shall be defined as:

INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE shall mean the Arkansas State Plumbing Code.

INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL CODE is replaced by "Arkansas Department of Health Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Onsite Wastewater Systems".

INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE shall mean the mechanical code for Arkansas.

INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE shall mean the Arkansas State Gas Code.


INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE shall mean the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume I.

INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE shall mean the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume II.

INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE shall mean the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume III.

NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE shall mean the electric code for the State of Arkansas.

BUILDING OFFICIAL shall mean any governmental official having authority to enforce that aspect of the Code.

Dotted lines in the margin indicate Arkansas revisions.

Solid Stars in the margin indicate Arkansas deletions.

Chapter 1, Administration
[A] 101.1Title. These rules shall be known as the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code.
[A] 101.2.1Appendices. Provisions in the appendices shall not apply unless specifically adopted. Appendices B, C, D, E, F, G, and K arc adopted by the State of Arkansas. Other appendices shall not apply unless adopted by local ordinance. Requests for exceptions to Appendix D may be appealed to the Arkansas State Fire Marshal (State Fire Marshal).
[A] 101.2.2Locally adopted codes. Each district, county, municipality, or other political subdivision of this state shall only adopt and enforce the provisions of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, 2021 Edition. The AFPC 2021 Edition shall be the only foundation document available for modification by local jurisdictions should they choose to adopt more stringent provisions. It shall be the responsibility of local authorities having jurisdiction to bring the proposed specific rule or provision up to the minimum standards of the AFPC 2021 Edition. The State Fire Marshal shall advise local jurisdictions of any requirement that is less stringent than the AFPC 2021 Edition.
[A] 102.4Application of building code. The design and construction of new structures shall comply with the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume II, and any alterations, additions, changes in use or changes in structures required by this code, which are within the scope of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume II, shall be made in accordance therewith.
[A] 102.5Application of residential code. Where structures are designed and constructed in accordance with the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume III, the provisions of this code shall apply as follows:
1. Construction and design provisions of this code pertaining to the exterior of the structure shall apply including, but not limited to, premises identification, fire apparatus access and water supplies. Where interior or exterior systems or devices arc installed, construction permits required by Section 105.6 shall apply.
2. Administrative, operational and maintenance provisions of this code shall apply.

This Memorandum of Understanding will specify and serve as a method to resolve conflicts between the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Rules, 2021 Edition (hereinafter "Arkansas Fire Prevention Code" or "AFPC") adopted and enforced by the Arkansas State Fire Marshal's Office, under the authority of the Director of the Division of the Arkansas State Police, and other federal or state rules governing Arkansas' health care and long-term care facilities, by law regulated by the Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance (DPSQA), among others.

1. The Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance (DPSQA) will have inspectors and/or plan reviewers obtain training related to the implementation and application of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) and the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code.
2. The Arkansas Department of Health will have concurrent authority to do Fire and Life Safety Code inspections in health care facilities regulated by the Arkansas Department of Health. The Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance (DPSQA), will have concurrent authority to do Fire and Life Safety inspections in long-term care facilities regulated by the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance (DPSQA). The Arkansas Department of Health's authority and the authority of the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance (DPSQA) will be concurrent with the current authority of any other relevant federal, state or local government agency having authority to do said inspections.
3. The Arkansas Fire Prevention Code is the fire prevention code for the State of Arkansas.
4. When there is a conflict between the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code and the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code (NFPA 101), New Health Care Occupancies Chapter, Existing Health Care Occupancies Chapter, New Ambulatory Health Care Occupancies Chapter, and Existing Ambulatory Health Care Occupancies Chapter, as adopted by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services, per Title 42 Code of Federal Regulations, the aforementioned chapters in the Life Safety Code shall govern.
5. For new construction, when one of the affected agencies (Arkansas Department of Health, Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance (DPSQA), local fire official, or local building official) determines or perceives that a conflict exists between the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code and the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code (NFPA 101), as it relates to types of construction or allowable area requirements, they shall provide written notification of the perceived conflict to the project architect or engineer and the other affected agencies. The agency alleging the conflict will convene a meeting with the other affected agencies to resolve the conflict. The resolution of the conflict must be unanimous. If the group is unable to resolve the conflict unanimously, the issue will be referred to the Arkansas State Fire Marshal for final resolution.

Agreed to as evidenced by the signatures of the participating Parties for their respective offices or associations below:

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[A] 104.3.2State Fire Marshal jurisdiction.
(a) The State Fire Marshal's Office has statewide jurisdiction to inspect all places in Arkansas insofar as it is necessary for the enforcement of all laws, ordinance and law, or ordinances and lawful orders requiring any place to be safe from fire. The State Fire Marshal or his/her duly authorized representative(s) shall be charged with the enforcement of his Code as granted under the authority of Act 254 of 1955, as amended.
(b) The fire official shall have primary responsibility for the safety of places in his/her own district, city or county. Rules of the State Fire Marshal's Office establishing minimum standards shall not prevent any district, city or county from enacting more stringent regulations; and the State Fire Marshal's Office shall cooperate with the fire official in enforcing all fire safety laws and ordinances of the state or its political subdivisions. Inspections of property in the territory served by the fire department shall be made as often as practicable or as often as the city or county legislative body or other political subdivision fire officials may direct.
(c) A written report of continued violations should be sent to the State Fire Marshal, who will cooperate with local authorities to secure compliance with the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code and other laws, ordinances and rules of the state and its political subdivisions relating to matters within the scope and jurisdiction of the State Fire Marshal's Office.
(d) Town, city or County building Officials: when a jurisdiction establishes a building department and a building official as set out in Volume II. Section 103 of the Code, the primary responsibility for administering and enforcing Volume II (Building Code) of the AFPC shall fall to that established administrative authority.
[A] 104.10.3Performance Based Options. When acceptable to the building official, the most current edition of the ICC Performance Code for Buildings and Facilities or the SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance Based Fire Protection may be followed.
[A] 104.11.2Report of fire fatalities. Fire departments responding to fires resulting in a fatal injury shall report in writing such fatalities to the State Fire Marshal's Office within three (3) business days of the occurrence.
[A] 104.11.3Changes in fire department information. All fire departments shall submit, on or before June 30th of each year, the name of the officer in charge, the mailing address and electronic mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers of the fire department and other information to the State Fire Marshal's Office on a form provided by the State Fire Marshal's Office. Any change in the pertinent information during the year shall be sent to the State Fire Marshal's Office in writing, no later than thirty (30) days after the change occurs.
[A] 104.11.4Reports of fireworks accidents. Accidents involving fireworks resulting in death, serious injury, or major property damage shall be reported immediately to the State Fire Marshal's Office by the responding fire or police department or the holder of a fireworks license or public display permit.
[A] 105.1.1Permits required. Where required by the fire code official, a property owner or owner's authorized agent who intends to conduct an operation or business or install or modify systems and equipment that are regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be performed, shall first make application to the fire code official and obtain the required permit.
[A] Fireworks licenses or public display permits. Permits shall be obtained as required below. Such permits will be issued when the requirements of the State Fire Marshal's office have been met; and they may be suspended or revoked if the requirements are violated. Application for "State Permits" required as follows, shall be made in writing, on forms required, to the State Fire Marshal, Arkansas State Police, 1 State Police Plaza Drive, Little Rock, AR 72209-2971. The State Fire Marshal's Office telephone number is 501-618-8624 until further notice.
1.Fees. No fee is required for a state fireworks license or public display permit except as prescribed for licenses relating to fireworks and except as hereafter otherwise provided by law and these rules.
2.State Permits. A permit or license shall be obtained from the State Fire Marshal for:
(a) Dealing in fireworks as set out in state fireworks laws;
(b) Public fireworks display permit for indoor and outdoor displays; and
(c) Installation of aboveground storage tanks for combustible liquids, flammable liquids, and hazardous chemicals.


1) Tanks that are part of emergency generator systems.
2) Temporary tanks (period of use not to exceed six (6) months).
3) Tanks less than 500 gallons in capacity and not used for retail dispensing.
3.Local Permits. Where provisions are made by a municipality or county or other political subdivision of the state for the issuance of permits, and where such rules are at least as stringent as those of the State Fire Marshal, a permit from an authorized city or county official or other political subdivision official shall be obtained for the construction or substantial remodeling of any:
a) Asylums, hospitals, nursing or convalescent homes, or other health care facilities, regardless of capacity.
b) Schools and educational institutions having a capacity in excess of 50 pupils, and residence buildings, including dormitories, having sleeping accommodations for 50 or more persons.
c) Auditoriums, theaters, indoor stadiums, gymnasiums, churches, or other places of assembly having a capacity in excess of 100 or more persons.
d) Department stores or factories having a capacity in excess of 200 persons or for any other building if located within the city or county fire service jurisdiction or other political subdivision. A city, county, or other political subdivision of the state may, by ordinance, set out other permits that may be required for new or existing structures.
4. Building Permits. Where a jurisdiction has established a building department in accordance with Vol. II, Section 103 of the Code, permits within the corporate limits of the jurisdiction for new construction or remodeling shall be required in accordance with Vol. II, Section 105 of the Code.
[A] 105.2Application. Where required by the fire code official, an application for a permit under this code shall be made to the fire code official in such form and detail as prescribed by the fire code official. Applications for permits shall be accompanied by such plans as prescribed by the fire code official.
[A] 105.5Operational permits. Where required, the fire code official is authorized to issue operational permits for the operations set forth in Sections 105.5.2 through 105.5.52.
[A] 105.6Required construction permits. Where required, the fire code official is authorized to issue construction permits for work as set forth in Sections 105.7.1 through 105.7.25.
[A] 111.1Board of appeals established. Any county or municipality or other political subdivision may establish a local board of adjustments and appeals to review orders given by the local fire code official-, and to consist of five (5) members appointed by the applicable governing body.
[A] 112.4Violation penalties. Persons who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter, repair or do work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the fire code official, or of a permit or certificate used under provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a Class A Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $ 1,000.00 dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding 1 year, or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.
[A] 113.4Failure to comply. Any person who or other legal entity (corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, etc.) which shall continue to work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person or entity is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be subject to penalties imposed by the circuit or district court having jurisdiction.
Chapter 2, Definitions.
201.3Terms defined in other codes. Where terms arc not defined in this code and are defined in the International Mechanical Code. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume II, The Arkansas Fuel Gas Code, or The Arkansas Plumbing Code, such terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them as in those codes.

[BG] Educational Group E. Educational Group E occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, by six or more persons at any one time for educational purposes through the 12th grade. Rooms normally occupied by preschool, kindergarten, or first grade students shall be located on a level of exit discharge. Rooms normally occupied by second grade students shall not be located more than one level above the level of exit discharge unless provided with a dedicated and independent means of egress.

[BG] Accessory to places of religious worship. Religious educational rooms and religious auditoriums, which are accessory to places of religious worship in accordance with Section 303.1.4 of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume // and have occupant loads of less than 100 per room or space shall be classified as Group A-3 occupancies.

[BG] Institutional Group 1-4, day care facilities. Institutional Group 1-4 shall include buildings and structures occupied by more than five persons of any age who receive custodial care for less than 24 hours by persons other than parents or guardians; relatives by blood, marriage, or adoption; and in a place other than the home of the person cared for. Rooms normally occupied by preschool, kindergarten, or first grade students shall be located on a level of exit discharge. Rooms normally occupied by second grade students shall not be located more than one level above the level of exit discharge unless provided with a dedicated and independent means of egress. This group shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

Adult day care

Child day care

Chapter 3, General Requirements
303.10Scan roof for hot spots. At the end of day or work period, the roof work shall be scanned (checked) with a heat source meter or electronic scanner to determine any hot spots on wood curbs, cants or roof projections on the completed roof which could smolder or combust after workers leave the job. An acceptable alternative to scanning the roof is to monitor the roof for a minimum of three (3) hours before workers leave the job site.
307.4.4Construction Warming Fires. Unless prohibited by local or county ordinance or by local burn ban, warming fires shall be allowed when temperatures are below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Warming fires must be contained in a non-combustible container with a spark arrestor. Warming fires shall not be located within twenty-five (25) feet of any combustible structure or within ten (10) feet of a roadway. Only vegetation and non-treated lumber will be allowed to be used for fuel.



Chapter 4, Emergency Planning and Preparedness-No changes
Chapter 5, Fire Service Features
503.2.1Dimensions. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (6096 mm), exclusive of shoulders and curbs, except for approved security gates in accordance with Section 503.6, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (4115 mm).
503.2.1.1Divided Entrance. When guard houses, security stations, medians, or other similar obstructions arc so located as to create a divided entrance or fire lane, each individual lane shall be a minimum of 15 feet clear width on each side of the obstruction. Such divisions arc not permitted adjacent to fire hydrants or fire department connections, or at any location where a fire apparatus vehicle is expected to be positioned for the duration of a fire event.
503.3Marking. Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other approved notices or markings that include the words "NO PARKING-FIRE LANE" shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire lanes are designated shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility. Signs shall be located at each end of a painted curb, and additionally in between so that the maximum separation between the signs is 100 feet (30 mm) as measured along the centerline of the fire apparatus road or as approved by the fire code official or local authority having jurisdiction.
506.1Where required. Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or firefighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL 1037, and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official.

Exception: Occupancies requiring restricted access by specific State statutes or Rule.

507.4Water supply test. The fire code official shall be notified prior to the water supply test. Water supply tests shall be witnessed by the fire code official or approved documentation of the test shall be provided to the fire code official prior to final approval of the water supply system. Water supply tests shall be conducted within six (6) months of hydraulic calculation submittal.
Chapter 6, Building Services And Systems
[M] 606.1General. Commercial kitchen exhaust hoods shall comply with the requirements of the International Mechanical Code.
[M] 606.2Where required. A Type I hood shall be installed at or above all commercial cooking appliances and domestic cooking appliances used for commercial purposes that produce grease vapors. A residential hood is allowed for protection of domestic cooking appliances in day care facilities that meet requirements of Section 904.14, Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume I.
606.2.1Where required-retroactive in existing buildings or structures. A residential hood shall be installed in all day care and 1-4 occupancies serving 16 or more persons.
Chapter 7, Fire And Smoke Protection Features
701.2.2Permanent Marking and Notification in New Construction. All Fire Walls, Fire Barriers, Fire Partitions, and Smoke Partitions shall be effectively and permanently identified with signs or stenciling in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Such identification shall be above any decorative or finish ceiling and in concealed spaces, attics, and crawl spaces.
Chapter 8, Interior Finish, Decorative Materials And Furnishings
803.3.1Interior finish requirements - day care occupancies. Interior finish requirements shall apply to all areas used for day care and that are part of the means of egress in day care facilities serving 10 or fewer clients, located in the care givers home.
Chapter 9, Fire Protection And Life Safety Systems
903.2.8Group R. An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3 shall be provided throughout all buildings with a Group R fire area.

Exception: R-2 Live/work units and R-3 Lodging houses with five (5) or fewer guestrooms.

903.2.9.4 Group S-l upholstered furniture and mattresses. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout a Group S-l fire area where the area used for the storage of upholstered furniture or mattresses exceeds 2,500 square feet (232 m2).

Exception: Self-service storage facilities not greater than one story above grade plane where all storage spaces can be accessed directly from the exterior. Self-service storage facilities with interior only access not greater than 5,000 square feet (464 m2).

903.3.1Standards. Sprinkler systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, unless otherwise permitted by Sections 903.3.1.2 and 903.3.1.3 and other chapters of this code, as applicable. A minimum of 5 psi safety factor shall be provided between the hydraulic calculated system demand and the available water supply.
904.14Domestic cooking facilities. Cooktops and ranges installed in the following occupancies shall be protected in accordance with Section 904.14.1:
1. In Group 1-4 occupancies where domestic cooking facilities are installed in accordance with Section 420.9 of the International Building Code.
2. In Group 1-2 occupancies where domestic cooking facilities are installed in accordance with Section 407.2.7 of the International Building Code.
3. In Group R-2 college dormitories where domestic cooking facilities are installed in accordance with Section 420.11 of the International Building Code.
4. New and existing day care facilities shall be provided with automatic fire-extinguishing systems for cooking appliances utilizing a cooking surface. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems designed for residential use arc allowed for protection of domestic cooking appliances.

Exception: In-home day care licensed for 16 or fewer children and all of (he following requirements arc met:

1. The license holder resides in the home.
2. The licensed care giver resides in the home.
3. A signed agreement to not conduct cooking that produces grease laden vapors during the hours of day care operation is provided.
907.1.2Fire alarm shop drawings. Shop drawings for fire alarm systems shall be prepared in accordance with NFPA 72 and submitted for review and approval prior to system installation. Final as-built drawings shall be submitted as required by the authority having jurisdiction. Shop drawings shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
1. Project name and address. Owner's name address and phone number.
2. Contractor name, address, phone number, license number, license classification, and license limit.
3. Occupancy classification for building and each area including occupant load.
4. Fire alarm circuit classification (power-limited),
5. Class/style designation of all initiating devise circuit (IDC), signaling circuits (SLC), and notification appliance circuits (NAC).
6. Conductor type and size.
7. Sequence of operation input/output matrix as required by NFPA 72.
8. Symbol legend with equipment description (manufacture's name and model number) and mounting description (surface, semi-flush, flush, and exterior).
9. When required by the fire code official symbols used on the shop drawings shall follow NFPA 170.
10. Site plan.
11. Floor plan drawn to an indicated scale (1/8 inch minimum) on sheets of a uniform size showing:
a. Point of compass (north arrow).
b. Key plans.
c. Walls, doors, windows, stairs, elevators, high piled storage racks, etc. as needed to indicate all conditions and requirements.
d. Room use identification labels.
e. Alarm initiating devise, notification appliance, and auxiliary controlled or monitored equipment and systems, control and annunciation equipment location(s).
f. Conductor/conduit routing and size.
g. Location of end-of-linc resistors.
h. Device address.
i. Notification appliance numbering by circuit and devise corresponding to the riser and/or one line diagrams.
j. Power panels and circuits connections.
k. Ceiling heights and construction (i.e., beam, joist, soffit, or projection extending below the ceiling when a ceiling mounted devise device and/or appliance is used).
12. Mounting height detail for wall mounted device and/or appliance.
13. Riser diagram including the following information:
a. General arrangement of the system, in building cross section.
b. Wall/shaft/stairwell and/or cable ratings when survivability or class A requirements apply.
c. Type and number of circuits in each riser.
d. Type and number of fire alarm system components /devices on each circuit, on each floor or level.
14. Standardized calculations:
a. Battery (all panels)
b. Load (all notification appliance and auxiliary circuits).
c. Voltage drop (all notification appliance circuits, including remote annunciators and auxiliary appliances).
15. Project data submittal including a cover index sheet listing products used by make and model number, manufacturer data sheets and listing information for all equipment, devices, materials, wire and cable.
16. Design number and detail of penetration fire stop system where required.
17. Any additional information determined necessary by the Fire Code Official.
907.2.3Group E. A manual fire alarm system that initiates the occupant notification signal utilizing an emergency voice/alarm communication system meeting the requirements of Section 907.5.2.2 and installed in accordance with Section 907.6 shall be installed in Group E occupancies. Where automatic sprinkler systems or smoke detectors are installed, such systems or detectors shall be connected to the building fire alarm system. The provisions of Section 907.2.3.1 through 907.2.3.3 shall apply in rooms normally occupied by preschool or kindergarten students when used for sleeping.


1. A manual fire alarm system shall not be required in Group E occupancies with an occupant load of 50 or less.
2. Emergency voice/alarm communication systems meeting the requirements of Section 907.5.2.2 and installed in accordance with Section 907.6 shall not be required in Group E occupancies with occupant loads of 100 or less, provided that activation of the manual fire alarm system initiates an approved occupant notification signal in accordance with Section 907.5.
3. Manual fire alarm boxes shall not be required in Group E occupancies where all of the following apply:
3.1.1. Interior corridors are protected by smoke detectors.
3.1.2. Auditoriums, cafeterias, gymnasiums, and similar areas are protected by heat detectors or other approved detection devices.
3.1.3. Shops and laboratories involving dusts or vapors are protected by heat detectors or other approved detection devices.
3.1.4. Manual activation is provided from a normally occupied location.
4. Manual fire alarm boxes shall not be required in Group E occupancies where all of the following apply:
4.1. The building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Sections 903.3.1.1.
4.2. The emergency voice/alarm communication system will activate on sprinkler water flow.
4.3. Manual activation is provided from a normally occupied location.
907.2.3.1Day care facilities. Day care facilities with an occupant load of 30 or less shall be protected with single or multiple station smoke alarms in the following places:
1. On the ceiling or wall outside of each room used for sleeping (in the immediate vicinity of the room).
2. In each day care room used for sleeping.
907.2.3.2Interconnection. Where more than one smoke alarm is required to be installed the smoke detectors shall be interconnected in such a manner that the activation of one alarm will activate all of the alarms. Physical interconnection of smoke alarms shall not be required where listed wireless alarms are installed and all alarms sound upon activation of one alarm.
907.2.3.3Power source. In new construction, required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the building wiring where such wiring is served from a commercial source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. Smoke alarms with integral strobes that are not equipped with battery back-up shall be connected to an emergency electrical system. Smoke alarms shall emit a signal when the batteries arc low. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than as required for overcurrent protection.

Exception: Smoke alarms arc not required to be equipped with battery backup where they are connected to an emergency electrical system.

907.2.11Single and multiple-station smoke alarms.Listed single- and multiple-station smoke alarms complying with UL 217 shall be installed in accordance with Sections 907.2.11.1 through 907.2.11.7 and NFPA 72. Every new and existing dwelling, including one and two family dwellings, and every new and existing dwelling unit within an apartment house, condominium, or townhouse, and every guest and sleeping room in a motel, hotel, or dormitory shall be provided with an approved listed smoke alarm.
907. use areas and common use areas. Visible alarm notification appliances shall be provided in public use areas and common use areas. Areas considered public and common by the NFPA, ADAAG, and The Arkansas School Facilities Manual shall be included.
907.6.6Monitoring. Fire alarm systems required by this chapter or by the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume II shall be monitored by an approved supervising station in accordance with NFPA 72.

Exception: Monitoring by a supervising station is not required for:

1. Single and multiplc-station smoke alarms required by Section 907.2.11.
2. Smoke detectors in Group 1-3 occupancies.
3.Automatic sprinkler systems in one- and two-family dwellings.
4. Manual fire alarm systems.
913.6Supervisory conditions. The following conditions shall be supervised by the fire alarm system as appropriate for the type of pump supervised:
1. Pump room temperature;
2. Phase loss;
3. Phase reversal;
4. Pump in manual mode.
Chapter 10, Means Of Egress-No changes
Chapter 11, Construction Requirements For Existing Buildings
1103.5.1Group A-2. Effective January 1,2027, where alcoholic beverages are consumed in a Group A-2 occupancy having an occupant load of 300 or more, the fire area containing the Group A-2 occupancy shall be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
Chapter 12, Energy Systems-No changes
Chapters 13 through 19RESERVED-No changes
Chapter 20, Aviation Facilities-No changes
Chapter 21, Dry Cleaning-No changes
Chapter 22, Combustible Dust-Producing Operations-No changes
Chapter 23, Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities And Repair Garages
2301.1Scope. Automotive motor fuel-dispensing facilities, marine motor fuel-dispensing facilities, fleet vehicle motor fuel-dispensing facilities, aircraft motor-vehicle fuel-dispensing facilities and repair garages shall be in accordance with this chapter and the International Mechanical Code, Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume II, and the Arkansas Gas Code. Such facilities shall include both those that are open to the public and private operations.
2304.3.6Communications. Deleted in its entirety.
2304.3.7Quantity limits. Dispensing equipment used at unsupervised locations shall comply with one of the following:
1. Dispensing devices shall be programmed or set to limit uninterrupted fuel delivery to 35 gallons (133 Liters) for cars, pickups, vans, and similar small vehicles: and 100 gallons per transaction at facilities serving large trucks and requiring a manual action to resume delivery.
2. The amount of fuel being dispensed shall be limited in quantity by a preprogrammed card as approved.
2306.2.3Above-ground tanks located outdoors, above grade. Above-ground tanks shall not be used for the storage of Class I, II, or III liquid motor fuels, except as provided by this section.
1. Above-ground tanks used for outdoor, above-grade storage of Class I liquids shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in accordance with 1 or more of the following nationally recognized engineering standards and shall be in accordance with Chapter 57. Such tanks shall be located in accordance with Table 2306.2.3.
4.1. Atmospheric tanks: API Standard 650, API Specifications 12B, 12D, or 12F, UL 80, UL 142, UL 2080, or UL 2085.
4.2. Low-pressure tanks: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII or API Standard 620.
4.3. Pressure Vessels: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
2. Above-ground tanks used for above-grade storage of Class II or III A liquids are allowed to be protected above-ground tanks or, when approved by the fire code official, other above-ground tanks that comply with Chapter 57. Tank locations shall be in accordance with Table 2306.2.3.

Exception: Other above-ground tanks that comply with Chapter 57 where approved by the fire code official.

3. Tanks containing fuels shall not exceed 12,000 (45 420 L) in individual capacity or 48,000 gallons (181 680 L) in aggregate capacity. Installations with the maximum allowable aggregate capacity shall be separated from other such installations by not less than 100 feet (30 480 mm).
4. Tanks located at farms, construction projects, or rural areas shall comply with Section 5706.2.
5. Above-ground tanks used for outdoor, above-grade storage of Class IIIB liquid motor fuel shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 142 or listed and labeled as protected above-ground tanks in accordance with UL 2085 and shall be installed in accordance with Chapter 57. Tank locations shall be in accordance with Table 2306.2.3.
Chapter 24, Flammable Finishes-No changes
Chapter 25, Fruit and Crop Ripening-No changes
Chapter 26, Fumigation and Insecticidal Fogging-No changes
Chapter 27, Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities-No changes
Chapter 28, Lumber Yards and Agro-industrial, Solid Biomass and Woodworking Facilities-No changes.
Chapter 29, Manufacture of Organic Coatings-No changes
Chapter 30, Industrial Ovens-No changes
Chapter 31, Tents, Temporary Structures and Other Membrane Structures-No changes
Chapter 32, High-piled Combustible Storage-No changes
Chapter 33, Fire Safety during Construction and Demolition-No changes
Chapter 34, Tire Rebuilding and Tire Storage-No changes
Chapter 35, Welding and Other Hot Work-No changes
Chapter 36, Marinas-No changes
Chapter 37, Combustible Fibers-No changes
Chapter 38, Higher Education Laboratories-No changes
Chapter 39, Processing and Extraction Facilities-No changes
Chapter 40, Storage of Distilled Spirits and Wines-No change
Chapter 50, Hazardous Materials-General Provisions-No changes
Chapter 51, Aerosols-No changes
Chapter 53, Compressed Gasses-No changes
Chapter 54, Corrosive Materials-No changes
Chapter 55, Cryogenic Fluids-No changes
Chapter 56, Explosives and Fireworks-No changes
Chapter 57, Flammable And Combustible Liquids
5704.2.12.2Testing of underground tanks. Before being covered or placed in use, tanks and piping connected to underground tanks shall be tested for tightness. Piping shall be tested in accordance with Section 5702.6.3. The system shall not be covered until it has been approved.
5704. of service for 90 days. Above-ground tanks not used for a period of 90 days shall be safeguarded in accordance with Section 5704. or removed in accordance with Section 5704.2.14.


1. Tanks and containers connected to oil burners that are not in use during the warm season of the year or are used as a backup heating system to gas.
2. In-place, active fire protection (foam) system lines.
3. Farm tanks used for irrigation wells or other farm uses.
Chapter 58, Flammable Gases and Flammable Cryogenic Fluids-No changes
Chapter 59, Flammable Solids-No changes
Chapter 60, Highly Toxic and Toxic Materials-No changes
Chapter 61, Liquefied Petroleum Gases-Delete this chapter in its entirety. Refer instead to the Arkansas Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code.
Chapter 62, Organic Peroxides-No changes
Chapter 63, Oxidizers, Oxidizing Gases and Oxidizing Cryogenic Fluids-No changes
Chapter 64, Pyrophoric Materials-No changes
Chapter 65, Pyroxylin (Cellulose Nitrate) Plastics-No changes
Chapter 66, Unstable (Reactive) Materials-No changes
Chapter 67, Water-reactive Solids and Liquids-No changes
Chapter 80, Referenced Standards-No changes

Appendix A, Board of Appeals-Delete in its entirety

Appendix B, Fire-flow Requirements for Buildings-No changes

Appendix C, Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution-No changes

Appendix D, Fire Apparatus Access Roads

D10L1Scope. Fire apparatus access roads shall be in accordance with this appendix and all other applicable requirements of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Requests for exceptions to Appendix D may be appealed to the State Fire Marshal.
D103.6Signs. Where required by the fire code official, fire apparatus access roads shall be marked with permanent "NO PARKING-FIRE LANE" signs complying with Figure DI03.6. Signs shall have a minimum dimension of 12 inches (305 mm) wide by 18 inches (457 mm) high and have red letters on a white reflective background. Signs shall be located at each end of a painted curb and additionally in between so that the maximum separation between the signs is 100 feet (30 m) as measured along the centerline of the fire apparatus access road, or as approved by the fire code official or the authority having jurisdiction. Signs shall be posted on one or both sides of the fire apparatus road as required by Section D103.6.1 or D103.6.2.

Appendix E, Hazard Categories-No changes

Appendix F, Hazard Ranking-No changes

Appendix G, Cryogenic Fluids-Weight and Volume Equivalents-No Change

Appendix H, Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) and Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) Instructions-No change

Appendix I, Fire Protection Systems-Noncompliant Conditions-No changes

Appendix J, Building Information Sign-No change

Appendix K, Construction Requirements for Existing Ambulatory Care Facilities-No changes

Appendix L, Requirements for Fire Fighter Air Replenishment Systems-No changes

Appendix M, High-Rise Buildings-Retroactive Automatic Sprinkler Requirement-No changes

Appendix N, Indoor Trade Shows and Exhibitions-No changes

Appendix O, Day Care Facilities Compilation


0101.1General. This appendix is a compilation of sections from Volumes I and II of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, They have been brought together here as a reference guide. Every effort was made to ensure a complete reference; however, this section exists as an aid and is not intended as a substitute for the applicable provisions of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volumes I, II, and III.
0101.2Paragraph notation. All of the following sections will retain their original paragraph designation in order to provide their location within the code and avoid any confusion associated with renumbering these requirements.
0101.3Applicability. This is a summarized portion of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code covering the basic requirements for Day Care Facilities. It should be understood that some systems, components, structures, and/or conditions may need to be specifically evaluated for their compliance to the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code and/or its referenced standards. There are conditions that warrant evaluation on a case-by-case basis for code compliance.
[B] IBC 305.1Educational Group E. Educational Group E occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, by six or more persons at any one time for educational purposes through the 12th grade. Rooms normally occupied by preschool, kindergarten or first-grade students shall be located on a level of exit discharge. Rooms normally occupied by second-grade students shall not be located more than one level above the level of exit discharge unless provided with a dedicated and independent means of egress.
[B] IBC 305.1.1Accessory to places of religious worship. Religious educational rooms and religious auditoriums, which are accessory to places of religious worship in accordance with Section 303.1.4 and have occupant loads of less than 100 per room or space, shall be classified as Group A-3 occupancies.
[B] IBC 305.2Group E, day care facilities. This group includes buildings and structures, or portions thereof occupied by more than five children older than 2 1/2 years of age who receive educational, supervision or personal care services for fewer than 24 hours per day.
[B] IBC 305.2.1Within places of religious worship. Rooms and spaces within places of religious worship providing such day care during religious functions shall be classified as part of the primary occupancy.
[B] IBC 305.2.2Five or fewer children. A facility having five or fewer children receiving such day care shall be classified as part of the primary occupancy.
[B] IBC 305.2.3Five or fewer children in a dwelling unit. A facility such as the above within a dwelling unit and having five or fewer children receiving such day care shall be classified as a Group R-3 occupancy or shall comply with the International Residential Code.
[B] IBC 305.3Storm shelters in Group E occupancies. Storm shelters shall be provided for Group E occupancies where required by Section 423.5.
[B] IBC 308.5Institutional Group 1-4, day care facilities. Institutional Group 1-4 occupancy shall include buildings and structures occupied by more than five persons of any age who receive custodial care for fewer than 24 hours per day by persons other than parents or guardians; relatives by blood, marriage or adoption; and in a place other than the home of the person cared for. Rooms normally occupied by preschool, kindergarten or first-grade students shall be located on a level of exit discharge. Rooms normally occupied by second-grade students shall not be located more than one level above the level of exit discharge unless provided with a dedicated and independent means of egress. This group shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

Adult day care

Child day care

[B] IBC 308.5.1Classification as Group E. A child day care facility that provides care for more than five but not more than 100 children 2 1/2 years or less of age, where the rooms in which the children are cared for arc located on a level of exit discharge serving such rooms and each of these child care rooms has an exit door directly to the exterior, shall be classified as Group E.
[B] IBC 308.5.2Within a place of religious worship. Rooms and spaces within places of religious worship providing such care during religious functions shall be classified as part of the primary occupancy.
[B] IBC 308.5.3Five or fewer persons receiving care. A facility having five or fewer persons receiving custodial care shall be classified as part of the primary occupancy.
[B] IBC 308.5.4Five or fewer persons receiving care in a dwelling unit. A facility such as the above within a dwelling unit and having five or fewer persons receiving custodial care shall be classified as a Group R-3 occupancy or shall comply with the International Residential Code.


903.2.3Group E. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group E occupancies as follows:
1. Throughout all Group E fire areas greater than 12,000 square feet (1115 m2) in area.
2. The Group E lire area is located on a floor other than a level of exit discharge serving such occupancies.

Exception: In buildings where every classroom has not fewer than one exterior exit door at ground level, an automatic sprinkler system is not required in any area below the lowest level of exit discharge serving that area.

3. The Group E fire area has an occupant load of 300 or more.
903.2.6Group I. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings with a Group I fire area.


1. An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2 shall be permitted in Group 1-1, Condition 1 facilities.
2. An automatic sprinkler system is not required where Group I-4-day care facilities arc at the level of exit discharge and where every room where care is provided has not fewer than one exterior exit door.
3. In buildings where Group 1-4 day care is provided on levels other than the level of exit discharge, an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 shall be installed on the entire floor where care is provided, all floors between the level of care and the level of exit discharge and all floors below the level of exit discharge other than areas classified as an open parking garage.


907.2.3Group E. A manual fire alarm system that initiates the occupant notification signal utilizing an emergency voice/alarm communication system meeting the requirements of Section 907.5.2.2 and installed in accordance with Section 907.6 shall be installed in Group E occupancies. Where automatic sprinkler systems or smoke detectors are installed, such systems or detectors shall be connected to the building fire alarm system. The provisions of Section 907.2.3.1 shall apply in rooms normally occupied by preschool or kindergarten students when used for sleeping.


1. A manual fire alarm system shall not be required in Group E occupancies with an occupant load of 50 or less.
2. Emergency voice/alarm communication systems meeting the requirements of Section 907.5.2.2 and installed in accordance with Section 907.6 shall not be required in Group E occupancies with occupant loads of 100 or less, provided that activation of the manual fire alarm system initiates an approved occupant notification signal in accordance with Section 907.5.
3. Manual fire alarm boxes shall not be required in Group E occupancies where all of the following apply:
3.1. Interior corridors are protected by smoke detectors.
3.2. Auditoriums, cafeterias, gymnasiums and similar areas are protected by heat detectors or other approved detection devices.
3.3. Shops and laboratories involving dusts or vapors are protected by heat detectors or other approved detection devices.
3.4. Manual activation is provided from a normally occupied location.
4. Manual fire alarm boxes shall not be required in Group E occupancies where all of the following apply:
4.1. The building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
4.2. The emergency voice/alarm communication system will activate on sprinkler water flow.
4.3. Manual activation is provided from a normally occupied location.
907.2.3.1Day care facilities. Day care facilities with an occupant load of 30 or less shall be protected with single or multiple station smoke alarms in the following places:
1. On the ceiling or wall outside of each day care room used for sleeping (in the immediate vicinity of the room).
2. In each day care room used for sleeping.
907.2.3.2Interconnection. Where more than one smoke alarm is required to be installed, the smoke detectors shall be interconnected in such a manner that the activation of one alarm will activate all of the alarms. Physical interconnection of smoke alarms shall not be required where listed wireless alarms are installed and all alarms sound upon activation of one alarm.
907.2.3.3Power source. In new construction, required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the building wiring where such wiring is served from a commercial source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. Smoke alarms with integral strobes that are not equipped with battery back-up shall be connected to an emergency electrical system. Smoke alarms shall emit a signal when the batteries are low. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch, other than as required for overcurrent protection.

Exception: Smoke alarms are not required to be equipped with battery backup where they arc connected to an emergency electrical system.

907.2.6Group I. A manual fire alarm system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in Group I occupancies. An automatic smoke detection system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.5 shall be provided in accordance with Sections 907.2.6.1..6.2 and 907.


1. Manual fire alarm boxes in sleeping units of Group 1-1 and 1-2 occupancies shall not be required at exits if located at all care providers' control stations or other constantly attended staff locations, provided that such manual fire alarm boxes arc visible and provided with ready access, and the distances of travel required in Section 907.4.2.1 are not exceeded.
2. Occupant notification systems arc not required to be activated where private mode signaling installed in accordance with NFPA 72 is approved by the fire code official and staff evacuation responsibilities are included in the fire safety and evacuation plan required by Section 404.


907.2.3.1Day care facilities. Day care facilities with an occupant load of 30 or less shall be protected with single or multiple station smoke alarms in the following places:
1. On the ceiling or wall outside of each day care room used for sleeping (in the immediate vicinity of the room).
2. In each day care room used for sleeping.
907.2.3.2Interconnection. Where more than one smoke alarm is required to be installed, the smoke detectors shall be interconnected in such a manner that the activation of one alarm will activate all of the alarms. Physical interconnection of smoke alarms shall not be required where listed wireless alarms arc installed and all alarms sound upon activation of one alarm.
907.2.3.3Power source. In new construction, required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the building wiring where such wiring is served from a commercial source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. Smoke alarms with integral strobes that are not equipped with battery back-up shall be connected to an emergency electrical system. Smoke alarms shall emit a signal when the batteries are low. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch, other than as required for overcurrent protection.

Exception: Smoke alarms are not required to be equipped with battery backup where they arc connected to an emergency electrical system.


907.6.6Monitoring. Fire alarm systems required by this chapter or by the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Volume II shall be monitored by an approved supervising station in accordance with NFPA 72.

Exception: Monitoring by a supervising station is not required for:

1. Single- and multiple-station smoke alarms required by Section 907.2.11.
2. Smoke detectors in Group 1-3 occupancies.
3. Automatic sprinkler systems in one- and two-family dwellings.


[M] 606.1General. Commercial kitchen exhaust hoods shall comply with the requirements of the International Mechanical Code.
[M] 606.2Where required. A Type 1 hood shall be installed at or above all commercial cooking appliances and domestic cooking appliances used for commercial purposes that produce grease vapors. A residential hood is allowed for protection of domestic cooking appliances in day care facilities that meet requirements of AFPC 904.14.


1. Factory-built commercial exhaust hoods that are listed and labeled in accordance with UL 710, and installed in accordance with Section 304.1 of the International Mechanical Code, shall not be required to comply with Sections 507.1.5, 507.2.3, 507.2.5, 507.2.8, 507.3.1, 507.3.3, 507.4 and 507.5 of the International Mechanical Code.
2. Factory-built commercial cooking recirculating systems that are listed and labeled in accordance with UL 710B, and installed in accordance with Section 304.1 of the International Mechanical Code, shall not be required to comply with Sections 507.1.5, 507.2.3, 507.2.5, 507.2.8, 507.3.1, 507.3.3, 507.4 and 507.5 of the International Mechanical Code. Spaces in which such systems arc located shall be considered to be kitchens and shall be ventilated in accordance with Table 403.3.1.1 of the International Mechanical Code. For the purpose of determining the floor area required to be ventilated, each individual appliance shall be considered as occupying not less than 100 square feet (9.3 m2).
3. Where cooking appliances are equipped with integral down-draft exhaust systems and such appliances and exhaust systems are listed and labeled for the application in accordance with NFPA 96, a hood shall not be required at or above them.
4. A Type I hood shall not be required for an electric cooking appliance where an approved testing agency provides documentation that the appliance effluent contains 5 mg/m3 or less of grease when tested at an exhaust flow rate of 500 cfm (0.236m3/s) in accordance with UL 710B.
606.2.1Where required-retroactive in existing buildings or structures. A residential hood shall be installed in all day care and 1-4 occupancies serving 16 or more persons.
606.3Operations and maintenance. Commercial cooking systems shall be operated and maintained in accordance with Sections 606.3.1 through 606.3.4.
606.3.1Ventilation system. The ventilation system in connection with hoods shall be operated at the required rate of air movement, and grease filters listed and labeled in accordance with UL 1046 shall be in place where equipment under a kitchen grease hood is used.
904.2.2Commercial hood and duct systems. Each required commercial kitchen exhaust hood and duct system required by Section 606 to have a Type I hood shall be protected with an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system installed in accordance with this code.
904.13Commercial cooking systems. The automatic fire-extinguishing system for commercial cooking systems shall be of a type recognized for protection of commercial cooking equipment and exhaust systems of the type and arrangement protected. Pre-engineered automatic dry- and wet-chemical extinguishing systems shall be tested in accordance with UL 300 and listed and labeled for the intended application. Other types of automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be listed and labeled for specific use as protection for commercial cooking operations. The system shall be installed in accordance with this code, NFPA 96, its listing and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Automatic fire extinguishing systems of the following types shall be installed in accordance with the referenced standard indicated, as follows:
1. Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems, NFPA 12.
2. Automatic sprinkler systems, NFPA 13.
3. Automatic water mist systems, NFPA 750.
4. Foam-water sprinkler system or foam-water spray systems, NFPA 16.
5. Dry-chemical extinguishing systems, NFPA 17.
6. Wet-chemical extinguishing systems, NFPA 17A.

Exception: Factory-built commercial cooking recirculating systems that are tested in accordance with UL 71 OB and listed, labeled and installed in accordance with Section 304.1 of the International Mechanical Code.

904.13.1Manual system operation. A manual actuation device shall be located at or near a means of egress from the cooking area not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) and not more than 20 feet (6096 mm) from the kitchen exhaust system. The manual actuation device shall be installed not more than 48 inches (1200 mm) nor less than 42 inches (1067 mm) above the floor and shall clearly identify the hazard protected. The manual actuation shall require a maximum force of 40 pounds (178 N) and a maximum movement of 14 inches (356 mm) to actuate the fire suppression system.

Exception: Automatic sprinkler systems shall not be required to be equipped with manual actuation means.

904.13.2System interconnection. The actuation of the fire extinguishing system shall automatically shut down the fuel or electrical power supply to the cooking equipment. The fuel and electrical supply reset shall be manual.
904.14Domestic cooking facilities. Cooktops and ranges installed in the following occupancies shall be protected in accordance with Section 904.14.1:
1. In Group 1-1 occupancies where domestic cooking facilities are installed in accordance with Section 420.9 of the International Building Code.
2. In Group 1-2 occupancies where domestic cooking facilities are installed in accordance with Section 407.2.7 of the International Building Code.
3. In Group R-2 college dormitories where domestic cooking facilities are installed in accordance with Section 420.11 of the International Building Code.
4. New and existing day care facilities shall be provided with automatic fire-extinguishing systems for cooking appliances utilizing a cooking surface. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems designed for residential use are allowed for protection of domestic cooking appliances.

Exception: In-home day care licensed for 16 or fewer children and all the following requirements are met.

1. The licensed holder resides in the home
2. The licensed care giver resides in the home
3. Provides a signed agreement to not produce grease laden vapors during hours of operation.


[BE] 1010.1Doors. Doors in the means of egress shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1010.1.1 through 1010.3.4. Exterior exit doors shall also comply with the requirements of Section 1022.2. Gates in the means of egress shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1010.4 and 1010.4.1. Turnstiles in the means of egress shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1010.5 through 1010.5.4. Doors, gates and turnstiles provided for egress purposes in numbers greater than required by this code shall comply with the requirements of this section. Doors in the means of egress shall be readily distinguishable from the adjacent construction and finishes such that the doors are easily recognizable as doors. Mirrors or similar reflecting materials shall not be used on means of egress doors. Means of egress doors shall not be concealed by curtains, drapes, decorations or similar materials.
[BE] 1010.1.1Size of doors. The required capacity of each door opening shall be sufficient for the occupant load thereof and shall provide a minimum clear opening width of 32 inches (813 mm), The clear opening width of doorways with swinging doors shall be measured between the face of the door and the stop, with the door open 90 degrees (1.57 rad). Where this section requires a minimum clear opening width of 32 inches (813 mm) and a door opening includes two door leaves without a mullion, one leaf shall provide a minimum clear opening width of 32 inches (813 mm). In Group 1-2, doors serving as means of egress doors where used for the movement of beds shall provide a minimum clear opening width of 41 1/2 inches (1054 mm). The minimum clear opening height of doors shall be not less than 80 inches (2032 mm).


1. In Group R-2 and R-3 dwelling and sleeping units that are not required to be an Accessible unit, Type A unit or Type B unit, the minimum width shall not apply to door openings that are not part of the required means of egress.
2. Group 1-3 door openings to resident sleeping units that are not required to be an Accessible unit shall have a minimum clear opening width of 28 inches (711 mm).
3. Door openings to storage closets less than 10 square feet (0.93m2) in area shall not be limited by the minimum clear opening width.
4. The maximum width of door leaves in revolving doors that comply with Section 1010.3.1 shall not be limited.
5. The maximum width of door leaves in power-operated doors that comply with Section 1010.3.2 shall not be limited.
6. Door openings within a dwelling unit or sleeping unit shall have a minimum clear opening height of 78 inches (1981 mm).
7. In dwelling and sleeping units that arc not required to be Accessible, Type A or Type B units, exterior door openings, other than the required exit door, shall have a minimum clear opening height of 76 inches (1930 mm).
8. In Groups 1-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4, in dwelling and sleeping units that are not required to be Accessible, Type A or Type B units, the mini-mum clear opening widths shall not apply to interior egress doors.
9. Door openings required to be accessible within Type B units intended for user passage shall have a minimum clear opening width of 31.75 inches (806 mm).
10. Doors to walk-in freezers and coolers less than 1.000 square feet (93m2) in area shall have a maximum width of 60 inches (1524 mm) nominal.
11. Doors serving non-accessible single-user shower or sauna compartments; toilet stalls; or dressing, fitting or changing rooms shall have a minimum clear opening width of 20 inches (508 mm).
[BE] 1010.1.1.1Projections into clear opening. There shall not be projections into the required clear opening width lower than 34 inches (864 mm) above the floor or ground. Projections into the clear opening width between 34 inches (864 mm) and 80 inches (2032 mm) above the floor or ground shall not exceed 4 inches (102 mm).

Exception: Door closers, overhead door stops, power door operators, and electromagnetic door locks shall be permitted to be 78 inches (1980 mm) minimum above the floor.

[BE] 1010.1.2Egress door types. Egress doors shall be of the side-hinged swinging door, pivoted door or balanced door types.


1. Private garages, office areas, factory and storage areas with an occupant load of 10 or less.
2. Group 1-3 occupancies used as a place of detention.
3. Critical or intensive care patient rooms within suites of health care facilities.
4. Doors within or serving a single dwelling unit in Groups R-2 and R-3.
5. In other than Group H occupancies, revolving doors complying with Section 1010.3.1.
6. In other than Group H occupancies, special purpose horizontal sliding, accordion or folding door assemblies complying with Section 1010.3.3.
7. Power-operated doors in accordance with Section 1010.3.2.
8. Doors serving a bathroom within an individual sleeping unit in Group R-l.
9. In other than Group H occupancies, manually operated horizontal sliding doors are permitted in a means of egress from spaces with an occupant load of 10 or less.
[BE] 1010.1.2.1Direction of swing. Side-hinged swinging doors, pivoted doors and balanced doors shall swing in the direction of egress travel where serving a room or area containing an occupant load of 50 or more persons or a Group H occupancy.
[BE] 1010.1.3Forces to unlatch and open doors. The forces to unlatch doors shall comply with the following:
1. Where door hardware operates by push or pull, the operational force to unlatch the door shall not exceed 15 pounds (66.7 N).
2. Where door hardware operates by rotation, the operational force to unlatch the door shall not exceed 28 inch-pounds (315 N-cm).

The force to open doors shall comply with the following:

1. For interior swinging egress doors that are manually operated, other than doors required to be fire rated, the force for pushing or pulling open the door shall not exceed 5 pounds (22 N).
2. For other swinging doors, sliding doors or folding doors, and doors required to be fire rated, the door shall require not more than a 30-pound (133 N) force to be set in motion and shall move to a full-open position when subjected to not more than a 15-pound (67 N) force.
[BE] 1010.1.3.1Location of applied forces. Forces shall be applied to the latch side of the door.
[BE] 1010.1.3.2Manual horizontal sliding doors. Where a manual horizontal sliding door is required to latch, the latch or other mechanism shall prevent the door from rebounding into a partially open position when the door is closed.
[BE] 1010.2.12Sensor release of electrically locked egress doors. Sensor release of electric locking systems shall be permitted on doors located in the means of egress in any occupancy except Group H where installed and operated in accordance with all of the following criteria:
1. The sensor shall be installed on the egress side, arranged to detect an occupant approaching the doors and shall cause the electric locking system to unlock.
2. The electric locks shall be arranged to unlock by a signal from or loss of power to the sensor.
3. Loss of power to the lock or locking system shall automatically unlock the electric locks.
4. The doors shall be arranged to unlock from a manual unlocking device located 40 inches to 48 inches (1016 mm to 1219 mm) vertically above the floor and within 5 feet (1524 mm) of the secured doors. Ready access shall be provided to the manual unlocking device and the device shall be clearly identified by a sign that reads "PUSH TO EXIT." When operated, the manual unlocking device shall result in direct interruption of power to the electric lock-independent of other electronics-and the electric lock shall remain unlocked for not less than 30 seconds.
5. Activation of the building fire alarm system, where provided, shall automatically unlock the electric lock, and the electric lock shall remain unlocked until the fire alarm system has been reset.
6. Activation of the building automatic sprinkler system or fire detection system, where provided, shall automatically unlock the electric lock. The electric lock shall remain unlocked until the fire alarm system has been reset.
7. Emergency lighting shall be provided on the egress side of the door.
8. The door locking system units shall be listed in accordance with UL 294.
[BE] 1010.2.13Delayed egress. Delayed egress locking systems shall be permitted to be installed on doors serving the following occupancies in buildings that are equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or an approved automatic smoke or heat detection system installed in accordance with Section 907:
1. Group B, F, 1, M, R, S and U occupancies.
2. Group E classrooms with an occupant load of less than 50.
3. In courtrooms in Group A-3 and B occupancies, delayed egress locking systems shall be permitted to be installed on exit or exit access doors, other than the main exit or exit access door, in buildings that are equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
[BE] 1010.2.13.1Delayed egress locking system. The delayed egress locking system shall be installed and operated in accordance with all of the following:
1. The delay electronics of the delayed egress locking system shall deactivate upon actuation of the automatic sprinkler system or automatic fire detection system, allowing immediate, free egress.
2. The delay electronics of the delayed egress locking system shall deactivate upon loss of power controlling the lock or lock mechanism, allowing immediate free egress.
3. The delayed egress locking system shall have the capability of being deactivated at the fire command center and other approved locations.
4. An attempt to egress shall initiate an irreversible process that shall allow such egress in not more than 15 seconds when a physical effort to exit is applied to the egress side door hardware for not more than 3 seconds. Initiation of the irreversible process shall activate an audible signal in the vicinity of the door. Once the delay electronics have been deactivated, rearming the delay electronics shall be by manual means only.

Exception: Where approved, a delay of not more than 30 seconds is permitted on a delayed egress door.

5. The egress path from any point shall not pass through more than one delayed egress locking system.


1. In Group 1-1, Condition 2, Group 1-2 or 1-3 occupancies, the egress path from any point in the building shall pass through not more than two delayed egress locking systems provided that the combined delay docs not exceed 30 seconds.
2. In Group 1-1, Condition 1 or Group 1-4 occupancies, the egress path from any point in the building shall pass through not more than two delayed egress locking systems provided that the combined delay does not exceed 30 seconds and the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
6. A sign shall be provided on the door and shall be located above and within 12 inches (305 mm) of the door exit hardware:

Exception: Where approved, in Group I occupancies, the installation of a sign is not required where care recipients who, because of clinical needs, require restraint or containment as part of the function of the treatment area.

6.1. For doors that swing in the direction of egress, the sign shall read: "PUSH UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS. DOOR CAN BE OPENED IN 15 [30] SECONDS."
6.2. For doors that swing in the opposite direction of egress, the sign shall read: "PULL UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS. DOOR CAN BE OPENED IN 15 [30] SECONDS."
6.3. The sign shall comply with the visual character requirements in ICC Al 17.1.
7. Emergency lighting shall be provided on the egress side of the door.
8. The delayed egress locking system units shall be listed in accordance with UL 294
[BE] 1010.2.9Panic and fire exit hardware. Swinging doors serving a Group H occupancy and swinging doors serving rooms or spaces with an occupant load of 50 or more in a Group A or E occupancy shall not be provided with a latch or lock other than panic hardware or fire exit hardware.


1. A main exit of a Group A occupancy shall be permitted to have locking devices in accordance with Section 1010.2.4, Item 3.
2. Doors provided with panic hardware or fire exit hardware and serving a Group A or E occupancy shall be permitted to be electrically locked in accordance with Section 1010.2.12 or 1010.2.11.
3. Exit access doors serving occupied exterior areas shall be permitted to be locked in accordance with Section 1010.2.4, Item 8.
4. Courtrooms shall be permitted to be locked in accordance with Section 1010.2.13, Item 3.
[BE] 1010.2.9.3Installation. Where panic or fire exit hardware is installed, it shall comply with the following:
1. Panic hardware shall be listed in accordance with UL 305.
2. Fire exit hardware shall be listed in accordance with UL 10C and UL 305.
3. 1 he actuating portion of the releasing device shall extend not less than one-half of the door leaf width.
4. The maximum unlatching force shall not exceed 15 pounds (67 N).


[BE] 1008.2Illumination required. The means of egress serving a room or space shall be illuminated at all times that the room or space is occupied.


1. Occupancies in Group U.
2. Aisle access ways in Group A.
3. Dwelling units and sleeping units in Groups R-l, R-2 and R-3.
4. Sleeping units of Group I occupancies.
[BE] 1008.2.1Illumination level under normal power. The means of egress illumination level shall be not less than 1 footcandle (11 lux) at the walking surface. Along exit access stairways, exit stairways and at their required landings, the illumination level shall be not less than 10 footcandles (108 lux) at the walking surface when the stairway is in use.

Exception: For auditoriums, theaters, concert or opera halls and similar assembly occupancies, the illumination at the walking surface is permitted to be reduced during performances by one of the following methods provided that the required illumination is automatically restored upon activation of a premises' fire alarm system:

1. Externally illuminated walking surfaces shall be permitted to be illuminated to not less than 0.2 footcandle (2.15 lux).
2. Steps, landings and the sides of ramps shall be permitted to be marked with self-luminous materials in accordance with Sections 1025.2.1, 1025.2.2 and 1025.2.4 by systems listed in accordance with UL 1994.
[BE] 1008.3Emergency power for illumination. The power supply for means of egress illumination shall normally be provided by the premises' electrical supply.
[BE] 1008.3.1General. In the event of power supply failure in rooms and spaces that require two or more exits or access to exits, an emergency electrical system shall automatically illuminate all of the following areas:
1. Aisles.
2. Corridors.
3. Exit access stairways and ramps.
[BE] 1008.3.2Buildings. In the event of power supply failure, in buildings that require two or more exits or access to exits, an emergency electrical system shall automatically illuminate all of the following areas:
1. Interior exit access stairways and ramps.
2. Interior and exterior exit stairways and ramps.
3. Exit passageways.
4. Vestibules and areas on the level of discharge used for exit discharge in accordance with Section 1028.2.
5. Exterior landings as required by Section 1010.1.5 for exit doorways that lead directly to the exit discharge.
[BE] 1008.3.3Rooms and spaces. In the event of power supply failure, an emergency electrical system shall automatically illuminate all of the following areas:
1. Electrical equipment rooms.
2. Fire command centers.
3. Fire pump rooms.
4. Generator rooms.
5. Public restrooms with an area greater than 300 square feet (27.87 m2).
[BE] 1008.3.4Duration. The emergency power system shall provide power for a duration of not less than 90 minutes and shall consist of storage batteries, unit equipment or an on-site generator. The installation of the emergency power system shall be in accordance with Section 2702 of the International Building Code.
[BE] 1008.3.5Illumination level under emergency power. Emergency lighting facilities shall be arranged to provide initial illumination that is not less than an average of 1 footcandle (11 lux) and a minimum at any point of 0.1 footcandle (1 lux) measured along the path of egress at floor level. Illumination levels shall be permitted to decline to 0.6 footcandle (6 lux) average and a minimum at any point of 0.06 footcandle (0.6 lux) at the end of the emergency lighting time duration. A maximum-to-mini-mum illumination uniformity ratio of 40 to 1 shall not be exceeded. In Group 1-2 occupancies, failure of a single lamp in a luminaire shall not reduce the illumination level to less than 0.2 footcandle (2.2 lux).


[BE] 1013.1Where required. Exits and exit access doors shall be marked by an approved exit sign readily visible from any direction of egress travel. The path of egress travel to exits and within exits shall be marked by readily visible exit signs to clearly indicate the direction of egress travel in cases where the exit or the path of egress travel is not immediately visible to the occupants. Intervening means of egress doors within exits shall be marked by exit signs. Exit sign placement shall be such that any point in an exit access corridor or exit passageway is within 100 feet (30 480 mm) or the listed viewing distance of the sign, whichever is less, from the nearest visible exit sign.


1. Exit signs are not required in rooms or areas that require only one exit or exit access.
2. Main exterior exit doors or gates that are obviously and clearly identifiable as exits need not have exit signs where approved by the fire code official.
3. Exit signs are not required in occupancies in Group U and individual sleeping units or dwelling units in Group R-l, R-2 or R-3.
4. Exit signs arc not required in day rooms, sleeping rooms or dormitories in occupancies in Group 1-3.
5. In occupancies in Groups A-4 and A-5, exit signs are not required on the seating side of vomitories or openings into seating areas where exit signs are provided in the concourse that are readily apparent from the vomitories. Egress lighting is provided to identify each vomitory or opening within the seating area in an emergency.
[BE] 1006.1General. The number of exits or exit access doorways required within the means of egress system shall comply with the provisions of Section 1006.2 for spaces, including mezzanines, and Section 1006.3 for stories or occupied roofs.
[BE] 1006.2Egress from spaces. Rooms, areas or spaces, including mezzanines, within a story or basement shall be provided with the number of exits or access to exits in accordance with this section.
[BE] 1006.2.1Egress based on occupant load and common path of egress travel distance, Two exits or exit access doorways from any space shall be provided where the design occupant load or the common path of egress travel distance exceeds the values listed in Table 1006.2.1. The cumulative occupant load from adjacent rooms, areas or spaces shall be determined in accordance with Section 1004.2.


1. The number of exits from foyers, lobbies, vestibules or similar spaces need not be based on cumulative occupant loads for areas discharging through such spaces, but the capacity of the exits from such spaces shall be based on applicable cumulative occupant loads.
2. Care suites in Group 1-2 occupancies complying with Section 407.4 of the International Building Code.
3. Unoccupied mechanical rooms and penthouses are not required to comply with the common path of egress travel distance measurement.
[BE] 1006.2.1.1Three or more exits or exit access doorways. Three exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load of 501 to 1,000. Four exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load greater than 1,000.

[BE] TABLE 1006.2.1





Without Sprinkler System (feet)

With Sprinkler System (feet)

Occupant Load


OL > 30

Ac, E, M















H-l, H-2, H-3





H-4, H-5





I-1, I-2d, 1-4








































For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm.

NP = Not Permitted.

For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm.

NP = Not Permitted.

a. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. See Section 903 for occupancies where automatic sprinkler systems are permitted in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2

b. Group U occupancies equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.2.5.

c. For a room or space used for assembly purposes having fixed seating, see Section 1030.8.

d. For the travel distance limitations in Group 1-2, see Section 407.4 of the International Building Code.

e. The common path of egress travel distance shall apply only in a Group R-3 occupancy located in a mixed occupancy building.

f. The length of common path of egress travel distance in a Group S-2 open parking garage shall be not more than 100 feet.

g. For the travel distance limitations in Groups R-3 and R-4 equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3, see Section 1006.2.2.6.

[BE] TABLE 1006.3.4(2)






First story above or below grade plane

A, Bb, E, Fb, M, U



H-2, H-3



H-4, H-5,1, R-l, R-2a, c



Sb, d



Second story above grade plane

B, F, M, Sd



Third story above grade plane and higher




For SI: I foot = 304.8 mm.

NP = Not Permitted.

NA = Not Applicable.

a. Buildings classified as Group R-2 equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and provided with emergency escape and rescue openings in accordance with Section 1031.

b. Group B, F and S occupancies in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 shall have a maximum exit access travel distance of 100 feet.

c. This table is used for R-2 occupancies consisting of sleeping units. For R-2 occupancies consisting of dwelling units, use Table 1006.3.4(1).

d. The length of exit access travel distance in a Group S-2 open parking garage shall be not more than 100 feet.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

915.1General. Carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in new buildings in accordance with Sections 915.1.1 through 915.6. Carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in existing buildings in accordance with Section 1103.9. Carbon Monoxide Detector
915.1.1Where required. Carbon monoxide detection shall be provided in Group 1-1,1-2, 1-4 and R occupancies and in classrooms in Group E occupancies in the locations specified in Section 915.2 where any of the conditions in Sections 915.1.2 through 915.1.6 exist.
915.1.2Fuel-burning appliances and fuel-burning fireplaces. Carbon monoxide detection shall be provided in dwelling units, sleeping units and classrooms that contain a fuel-burning appliance or a fuel-burning fireplace.
915.1.3Fuel-burning forced-air furnaces. Carbon monoxide detection shall be provided in dwelling units, sleeping units and classrooms served by a fuel-burning, forced-air furnace.

Exception: Carbon monoxide detection shall not be required in dwelling units, sleeping units and classrooms where a carbon monoxide detector is provided in the first room or area served by each main duct leaving the furnace, and the carbon monoxide alarm signals are automatically transmitted to an approved location.

915.1.4Fuel-burning appliances outside of dwelling units, sleeping units and classrooms. Carbon monoxide detection shall be provided in dwelling units, sleeping units and classrooms located in buildings that contain fuel-burning appliances or fuel-burning fireplaces.


1. Carbon monoxide detection shall not be required in dwelling units, sleeping units and classrooms without communicating openings between the fuel-burning appliance or fuelburning fireplace and the dwelling unit, sleeping unit or classroom.
2. Carbon monoxide detection shall not be required in dwelling units, sleeping units and classrooms where a carbon monoxide detector is provided in one of the following locations:
2.1. In an approved location between the fuel-burning appliance or fuel-burning fireplace and the dwelling unit, sleeping unit or classroom.
2.2. On the ceiling of the room containing the fuel-burning appliance or fuelburning fireplace.
915.2Locations. Where required by Section 915.1.1, carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in the locations specified in Sections 915.2.1 through 915.2.3.
915.2.1Dwelling units. Carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in dwelling units outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. Where a fuel-burning appliance is located within a bedroom or its attached bathroom, carbon monoxide detection shall be installed within the bedroom.
915.2.2Sleeping units. Carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in sleeping units.

Exception: Carbon monoxide detection shall be allowed to be installed outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping unit where the sleeping unit or its attached bathroom does not contain a fuel-burning appliance and is not served by a forced-air furnace.

915.2.3Group E occupancies. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in classrooms in Group E occupancies. Carbon monoxide alarm signals shall be automatically transmitted to an on-site location that is staffed by school personnel.

Exception: Carbon monoxide alarm signals shall not be required to be automatically transmitted to an on-site location that is staffed by school personnel in Group E occupancies with an occupant load of 30 or less.

Interior Finish

803.3Interior finish requirements based on occupancy. Interior wall and ceiling finish shall have a flame spread index not greater than that specified in Table 803.3 for the group and location designated. Interior wall and ceiling finish materials tested in accordance with NFPA 286, and meeting the acceptance criteria of Section 803.1.1.1, shall be used where a Class A classification in accordance with ASTM E84 or UL 723 is required.

TABLE 803.3





Interior exit stairways and ramps and exit passagewaysa, b

Corridors and enclosure for exit access stairways and ramps

Rooms and enclose d spaces0

Interior exit stairways and ramps and exit passageways3'b

Corridors and enclosure for exit access stairways and ramps

Rooms and enclosed spaces0

A-l and A-2







A-3f, A-4, A-5







B, E, M, R-l, R-4













































Bh, i


























No Restrictions

No Restrictions

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 square foot = 0.0929 m2.

a. Class C interior finish materials shall be allowed for wainscoting or paneling of not more than 1,000 square feet of applied surface area in the grade lobby where applied directly to a noncombustible base or over furring strips applied to a noncombustible base and fireblocked as required by Section 803.11 of the International Building Code.

b. In exit enclosures of buildings less than three stories in height of other than Group 1-3, Class B interior finish for nonsprinklered buildings and Class C for sprinklered buildings shall be permitted.

c. Requirements for rooms and enclosed spaces shall be based on spaces enclosed by partitions. Where a fire-resistance rating is required for structural elements, the enclosing partitions shall extend from the floor to the ceiling. Partitions that do not comply with this shall be considered as enclosing spaces and the rooms or spaces on both sides shall be considered as one. In determining the applicable requirements for rooms and enclosed spaces, the specific occupancy thereof shall be the governing factor, regardless of the group classification of the building or structure.

d. Lobby areas in Group A-1, A-2 and A-3 occupancies shall be not less than Class B materials.

e. Class C interior finish materials shall be allowed in Group A occupancies with an occupant load of 300 persons or less.

f. In places of religious worship, wood used for ornamental purposes, trusses, paneling or chancel furnishing shall be allowed.

g. Class B material is required where the building exceeds two stories.

h. Class C interior finish materials shall be allowed in administrative spaces.

i. Class C interior finish materials shall be allowed in rooms with a capacity of four persons or less.

j. Class B materials shall be allowed as wainscoting extending not more than 48 inches above the finished floor in corridors.

k. Finish materials as provided for in other sections of this code.

l. Applies where the vertical exits, exit passageways, corridors or rooms and spaces are protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.

m. Corridors in ambulatory care facilities shall have a Class B or better interior finish material.

803.3.1Interior finish requirements-child card occupancies. Interior finish requirements shall apply to all areas used for day care and that are part of the means of egress in day care facilities serving 10 or fewer clients, located in the care givers home.
803.4Fire-retardant coatings. The required flame spread or smoke-developed index of surfaces in existing buildings shall be allowed to be achieved by application of approved fire-retardant coatings, paints or solutions to surfaces having a flame spread index exceeding that allowed.

Such applications shall comply with NFPA 703 and the required fire-retardant properties shall be maintained or renewed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The fire-retardant paint, coating or solution shall have been assessed by testing over the same substrate to be used in the application.

807.2Combustible decorative materials. In Groups A, B, E, I, M and R-l and in dormitories in Group R-2, curtains, draperies, fabric hangings and other similar combustible decorative materials suspended from walls or ceilings shall comply with Section 807.3 and shall not exceed 10 percent of the specific wall or ceiling area to which such materials are attached.

Fixed or movable walls and partitions, paneling, wall pads and crash pads applied structurally or for decoration, acoustical correction, surface insulation or other purposes shall be considered to be interior finish, shall comply with Section 803 and shall not be considered decorative materials or furnishings.


1. In auditoriums in Group A, the permissible amount of curtains, draperies, fabric hangings and similar combustible decorative material suspended from walls or ceilings shall not exceed 75 percent of the aggregate wall area where the building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, and where the material is installed in accordance with Section 803.15 of the International Building Code.
2. In Group R-2 dormitories, within sleeping units and dwelling units, the permissible amount of curtains, draperies, fabric hangings and similar decorative materials suspended from walls or ceilings shall not exceed 50 percent of the aggregate wall areas where the building is equipped through-out with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.
3. In Group B and M occupancies, the amount of combustible fabric partitions suspended from the ceiling and not supported by the floor shall comply with Section 807.3 and shall not be limited.
4. The 10-percent limit shall not apply to curtains, draperies, fabric hangings and similar combustible decorative materials used as window coverings.
807.5.2Group E. Group E occupancies shall comply with Sections 807.5.2.1 through 807.5.2.3. 807.5.2.1 Storage in corridors and lobbies. Clothing and personal effects shall not be stored in corridors and lobbies.


1. Corridors protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
2. Corridors protected by an approved fire alarm system installed in accordance with Section 907.
3. Storage in metal lockers, provided the minimum required egress width is maintained.
807.5.2.2Artwork in corridors. Artwork and teaching materials shall be limited on the walls of corridors to not more than 20 percent of the wall area.
807.5.2.3Artwork in classrooms. Artwork and teaching materials shall be limited on walls of classrooms to not more than 50 percent of the specific wall area to which they are attached.
807.5.5Group 1-4. Group 1-4 occupancies shall comply with the requirements in Sections 807.5.5.1 through 807.5.5.3.
807.5.5.1Storage in corridors and lobbies. Clothing and personal effects shall not be stored in corridors and lobbies.


1. Corridors protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
2. Corridors protected by an approved fire alarm system installed in accordance with Section 907.
3. Storage in metal lockers, provided the minimum required egress width is maintained.
807.5.5.2Artwork in corridors. Artwork and teaching materials shall be limited on walls of corridors to not more than 20 percent of the wall area.
807.5.5.3Artwork in classrooms. Artwork and teaching materials shall be limited on walls of classrooms to not more than 50 percent of the specific wall area to which they are attached.


[BE] 1020.2Construction. Corridors shall be fire-resistance rated in accordance with Table 1020.2. The corridor walls required to be fire-resistance rated shall comply with Section 708 of the International Building Code for fire partitions.


1. A fire-resistance rating is not required for corridors in an occupancy in Group E where each room that is used for instruction has not less than one door opening directly to the exterior and rooms for assembly purposes have not less than one-half of the required means of egress doors opening directly to the exterior. Exterior doors specified in this exception arc required to be at ground level.
2. A fire-resistance rating is not required for corridors contained within a dwelling unit or sleeping unit in an occupancy in Groups 1-1 and R.
3. A fire-resistance rating is not required for corridors in open parking garages.
4. A fire-resistance rating is not required for corridors in an occupancy in Group B that is a space requiring only a single means of egress complying with Section 1006.2.
5. Corridors adjacent to the exterior walls of buildings shall be permitted to have unprotected openings on unrated exterior walls where unrated walls are permitted by Table 705.5 of the International Building Code and unprotected openings are permitted by Table 705.8 of the International Building Code.

[BE] TABLE 1020.2





Without sprinkler system

With sprinkler system

H-l, H-2, H-3


Not Permitted


H-4, H-5

Greater than 30

Not Permitted


A, B, E, F, M, S, U

Greater than 30




Greater than 10

Not Permitted




Not Permitted


1-1, 1-3


Not Permitted

1 b, c





a. For requirements for occupancies in Group I-2, see Sections 407.2 and 407.3 of the International Building Code.

b. For a reduction in the fire-resistance rating for occupancies in Group 1-3, see Section 408.8 of the International Building Code.

c. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 where allowed.

d. Group R-3 and R-4 buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3. See Section 903.2.8 for occupancies where automatic sprinkler systems are permitted in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3.




Any facility not listed below


Access to and utilization of mechanical, plumbing or electrical systems or equipment


With an occupant load of less than 50


Within a dwelling unit


In Group E with a corridor having a occupant load of 100 or more


In corridors and areas serving stretcher traffic in ambulatory care facilities


Group 1-2 in areas where required for bed movement


For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm.

[BE] 1020.4Obstruction. The minimum width or required capacity of corridors shall be unobstructed.

Exception: Encroachments complying with Section 1005.7.

[BE] 1020.5Dead ends. Where more than one exit or exit access doorway is required, the exit access shall be arranged such that dead-end corridors do not exceed 20 feet (6096mm) in length.


1. In Group 1-3, Condition 2, 3 or 4 occupancies, the dead end in a corridor shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm).
2. In occupancies in Groups B, E, F, 1-1, M, R-l, R-2, S and U, where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, the length of the dead-end corridors shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm).
3. A dead-end corridor shall not be limited in length where the length of the dead end corridor is less than 2.5 times the least width of the dead-end corridor.
4. In Group 1-2, Condition 2 occupancies, the length of dead-end corridors that do not serve patient rooms or patient treatment spaces shall not exceed 30 feet (9144 mm).


[BE] 1017.1General. Travel distance within the exit access portion of the means of egress system shall be in accordance with this section.
[BE] 1017.2Limitations. Exit access travel distance shall not exceed the values given in Table 1017.2.
[BE] 1017.2.1Exterior egress balcony increase. Exit access travel distances specified in Fable 1017.2 shall be increased up to an additional 100 feet (30 480 mm) provided that the last portion of the exit access leading to the exit occurs on an exterior egress balcony constructed in accordance with Section 1021. The length of such balcony shall be not less than the amount of the increase taken.
[BE] 1017.3Measurement. Exit access travel distance shall be measured from the most remote point of each room, area or space along the natural and unobstructed path of horizontal and vertical egress travel to the entrance to an exit. Where more than one exit is required, exit access travel distance shall be measured to the nearest exit.


1. In open parking garages, exit access travel distance is permitted to be measured to the closest riser of an exit access stairway or the closest slope of an exit access ramp.
2. In smoke-protected seating and open-air assembly seating, exit access travel distance shall be measured in accordance with Section 1030.7.

[BE] TABLE 1017.2





A, E, F-l, M, R, S-l


250b, e


Not Permitted





F-2, S-2, U




Not Permitted



Not Permitted



Not Permitted



Not Permitted



Not Permitted


1-2, 1-3

Not Permitted





For SI: I foot = 304.8 mm.

a. See the following sections for modifications to exit access travel distance requirements:

Section 402.8 of the International Building Code: For the distance limitation in malls.

Section 407.4 of the International Budding Code: For the distance limitation in Group 1-2.

Sections 408.6.1 and 408.8.1 of the International Building Code: For the distance limitations in Group 1-3.

Section 411.2 of the International Building Code: For the distance limitation in special amusement areas.

Section 412.6 of the International Building Code: For the distance limitations in aircraft manufacturing facilities.

Section 1006.2.2.2: For the distance limitation in refrigeration machinery rooms.

Section 1006.2.2.3: For the distance limitation in refrigerated rooms and spaces.

Section 1006.3.4: For buildings with one exit.

Section 1017.2.2: For increased distance limitation in Groups F-l and S-l.

Section 1030.7: For increased limitation in assembly seating.

Section 3103.4 of the International Budding Code: For temporary structures.

Section 3104.9 of the International Budding Code: For pedestrian walkways.

b. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. See Section 903 for occupancies where automatic sprinkler systems are permitted in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2.

c. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.

d. Group H occupancies equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.2.5.1.

e. Group R-3 and R-4 buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3. See Section 903.2.8 for occupancies where automatic sprinkler systems are permitted in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3.

Fire Extinguishers

906.1Where required. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in all of the following locations:
1. In new and existing Group A, B. E, F, II, I, M. R-l, R-2, R-4 and S occupancies.


1. In Group R-2 occupancies, portable fire extinguishers shall be required only in locations specified in Items 2 through 6 where each dwelling unit is provided with a portable fire extinguisher having a minimum rating of 1-A:10-B:C.
2. In Group E occupancies, portable fire extinguishers shall be required only in locations specified in Items 2 through 6 where each classroom is provided with a portable fire extinguisher having a mini-mum rating of 2-A:20-B:C.
3. In storage areas of Group S occupancies where forklift, powered industrial truck or powered cart operators arc the primary occupants, fixed extinguishers, as specified in NFPA 10, shall not be required where in accordance with all of the following:
3.1. Use of vehicle-mounted extinguishers shall be approved by the fire code official.
3.2. Each vehicle shall be equipped with a 10-pound, 40A:80B:C extinguisher affixed to the vehicle using a mounting bracket approved by the extinguisher manufacturer or the fire code official for vehicular use.
3.3. Not less than two spare extinguishers of equal or greater rating shall be available on-site to replace a discharged extinguisher.
3.4. Vehicle operators shall be trained in the proper operation, use and inspection of extinguishers.
3.5. Inspections of vehicle-mounted extinguishers shall be performed daily.
2. Within 30 feet (9144 mm) distance of travel from commercial cooking equipment and from domestic cooking equipment in Group 1-1; 1-2, Condition 1; and R-2 college dormitory occupancies.
3. In areas where flammable or combustible liquids arc stored, used or dispensed.
4. On each floor of structures under construction, except Group R-3 occupancies, in accordance with Section 3316.1.
5. Where required by the sections indicated in Table 906.1.
6. Special-hazard areas, including but not limited to laboratories, computer rooms and generator rooms, where required by the fire code official.

Exception: Portable fire extinguishers are not required at normally unmanned Group U occupancy buildings or structures where a portable fire extinguisher suitable to the hazard of the location is provided on the vehicle of visiting personnel.

906.2General requirements. Portable fire extinguishers shall be selected, installed and maintained in accordance with this section and NFPA 10.


1. The distance of travel to reach an extinguisher shall not apply to the spectator seating portions of Group A-5 occupancies.
2. Thirty-day inspections shall not be required and maintenance shall be allowed to be once every 3 years for dry-chemical or halogenated agent portable fire extinguishers that arc supervised by a listed and approved electronic monitoring device, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
2.1. Electronic monitoring shall confirm that extinguishers are properly positioned, properly charged and unobstructed.
2.2. Loss of power or circuit continuity to the electronic monitoring device shall initiate a trouble signal.
2.3. The extinguishers shall be installed inside of a building or cabinet in a noncorrosive environment.
2.4. Electronic monitoring devices and supervisory circuits shall be tested every 3 years when extinguisher maintenance is performed.
2.5. A written log of required hydrostatic test dates for extinguishers shall be maintained by the owner to verify that hydrostatic tests are conducted at the frequency required by NFPA 10.
3. In Group 1-3, portable fire extinguishers shall be permitted to be located at staff locations.

Day Care Facility Code Reference Guide

Note: This is a summarized portion of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code covering the basic requirements for Day Care Facilities. It should be understood that some systems, components, structures, and/or conditions may need to be specifically evaluated for their compliance to the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code and/or its referenced standards. There are conditions that warrant evaluation on a case by case basis for code compliance.


305.1Educational Group E. Educational Group E occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, by six or more persons at any one time for educational purposes through the 12th grade.
305.1.1Accessory to places of religious worship. Religious educational rooms and religious auditoriums, which are accessory to places of religious worship in accordance with Section 303.1.4 and have occupant loads of less than 100 per room or space, shall be classified as Group A-3 occupancies.
305.2Group E, day care facilities. This group includes buildings and structures, or portions thereof occupied by more than five children older than 2 1/2 years of age who receive educational, supervision or personal care services for fewer than 24 hours per day.
305.2.1Within places of religious worship. Rooms and spaces within places of religious worship providing such day care during religious functions shall be classified as part of the primary occupancy.
305.2.2Five or fewer children. A facility having five or fewer children receiving such day care shall be classified as part of the primary occupancy.
305.2.3Five or fewer children in a dwelling unit. A facility such as the above within a dwelling unit and having five or fewer children receiving such day care shall be classified as a Group R-3 occupancy or shall comply with the International Residential Code.
305.3Storm shelters in Group E occupancies. Storm shelters shall be provided for Group E occupancies where required by Section 423.5.
308.1Institutional Group I. Institutional Group I occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, in which care or supervision is provided to persons who are or arc incapable of self-preservation without physical assistance or in which persons are detained for penal or correctional purposes or in which the liberty of the occupants is restricted. Institutional occupancies shall be classified as Group 1-1,1-2,1-3 or 1-4.
308.5Institutional Group 1-4, day care facilities. Institutional Group 1-4 occupancy shall include buildings and structures occupied by more than five persons of any age who receive custodial care for fewer than 24 hours per day by persons other than parents or guardians; relatives by blood, marriage or adoption; and in a place other than the home of the person cared for. This group shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

Adult day care

Child day care

308.5.1Classification as Group E. A child day care facility that provides care for more than five but not more than 100 children 2 1/2 years or less of age, where the rooms in which the children are cared for are located on a level of exit discharge serving such rooms and each of these child care rooms has an exit door directly to the exterior, shall be classified as Group E.
308.5.2Within a place of religious worship. Rooms and spaces within places of religious worship providing such care during religious functions shall be classified as part of the primary occupancy.
308.5.3Five or fewer persons receiving care. A facility having five or fewer persons receiving custodial care shall be classified as part of the primary occupancy.
308.5.4Five or fewer persons receiving care in a dwelling unit. A facility such as the above within a dwelling unit and having five or fewer persons receiving custodial care shall be classified as a Group R-3 occupancy or shall comply with the International Residential Code.


IBC/IFC Chapter 10

_______(B) Table 1004 Occupant Load

______(B) 1006 Number of Exits

_________(B) 1008 Means of Egress Illumination

______(B) 1009 Accessible Means of Egress

______(B) 1010 Doors and Gates

___(B) 1010.1.2.1 Door Swing

__(B) 1010.1.3 Door Opening Force

______(B) 1010.2 Door Operation

______(B) 1010.2.5 Bolt Locks

___(B) 1010.2.1 Unlatching

______(B) 1010.2.13 Delayed Egress Locks

______(B) 1010.2.14 Access-controlled Egress Locks

______(B) 1010.2.9 Panic Hardware

____(B) 1012 Ramps

_______(B) 1013 Exit Signs

______(B) 1016 Exit Access

_______(B) 1017 Exit Access Travel Distance (sec Table 1017.2)

_______(B) 1020 Corridor Fire-resistance Rating

______(B) 1020.3 Minimum Corridor Width

__(B) 1026 Horizontal Exit (separations)

______(B) 1028 Exit Discharge

______(B) 1031 Emergency Escape and Rescue

Sprinkler Requirements

IBC/IFC Chapter 9

_______(F) 901 General Requirements

__(F) 901.6 Inspection Testing and Maintenance

____(F) 901.6.1 Fire Protection Maintenance Standards

Sprinkler System:

______(F) 903.2.3 Group E

_____(F) 903.2.6 Group I

____(F) 903.2.8 Group R

______(F) 903.4 Sprinkler System Supervision and Alarms

_______(F) 903.4.1 Monitoring

__(F) 903.4.2 Alarms

__(F) 903.5 Testing and Maintenance

______(F) 912 Fire Department Connections

Cooking Operations:

______(F) 606 Commercial Kitchen Hoods

_____(F) 904.2.2 Commercial Hood and Duct Systems

______(F) 904.14 Residential Cooking Appliances

Fire Extinguishers:

______(F) 906 Where Required

_______(F) 906.3 Size and Distribution

______(F) 906.5 Conspicuous Location

_________(F) 906.6 Unobstructed and Unobscured

___(F) 906.7 Hangers and Brackets

_______(F) 906.8 Cabinets

___________(F) 906.9 Extinguisher Installation (height)

Fire Alarm System:

__(F) 907 General Requirements

______(F) 907.2.3 Group E (30 or more)

________(F) 907.2.6 Group I

___(F) 907.2.3.1 Smoke Detection (Day Care Facilities)

_______(F) 907.6.6 Monitoring

______(F) 907.8 Inspection Testing and Maintenance

_______(F) 1103.9 Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Emergency Planning

IFC Chapter 4

______(F) 401.7 Unplanned Evacuation

______(F) 405 Evacuation Drill Frequency

______(F) 404 Fire Safety, Eockdown and Evacuation Plans

_____(F) 406 Employee Training and Response Procedures

________(F) 403.4 Group E Evacuation Drill Frequency

__(F) 403.7 Group I

Fire Service Features

IFC Chapter 5

______(F) 503 Fire Apparatus Access Roads

_______(F) 505 Premises Identification

______(F) 506 Key Boxes

_____(F) 507 Fire Protection Water Supplies

__________(F) Appendix B Fire-flow Requirements

______(F) Appendix C Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution

______(F) Appendix D Fire Apparatus Access Roads

Building Services and Systems

IFC Chapter 6

____(F) 603.9 Portable Unvented Heaters

_______(F) 605.5 Fuel Fired Heating Appliances

_______(F) 603.4 Electrical Service Equipment Clearance

_______(F) 603.4.1 Electrical Room Doors Labeling

______(F) 603.5 Relocatable Power Taps

______(F) 603.6 Extension Cords

______(F) 603.2 Unapproved Conditions (open wiring/splices/boxes)

Interior Finish, Decorative Materials and Furnishings

IFC Chapter 8

_______(F) 803.1.1 Classification of Materials

______(F) Table 803.3 Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish Requirements by Occupancy

__(F) 803.5 Textiles

______(F) 803.6 Newly Introduced Textile Wall and Ceiling Coverings

______(F) 806 Natural Decorative Vegetation, New and Existing Buildings

_______(F) 807 Decorative Materials and Artificial Decorative Vegetation New and Existing Buildings

______(F) 807.5.2 Occupancy Based Requirements (Decorative Materials)

______(F) 807.5.2.2 Group E Storage in Corridors and Lobbies/Artwork

______(F) 807.5.2.3 Group E Storage in Classrooms/Artwork

_______(F) 807.5.5.2 Group 1 Storage in Corridors and Lobbies/Artwork

______(F) 807.5.5.3 Group I Storage in Classrooms/Artwork

______(F) 808.4 Combustible Lockers

015.01.22 Ark. Code R. 005

Adopted by Arkansas Register Volume 47 Number 07, Effective 7/1/2022