The intent of this policy is to allow publications furnished by the tourism industry to be displayed, taking into account the differences in display space available, storage areas, and the number of qualifying tourism businesses near the various state parks.
Set forth in this policy are criteria for the display of non-department brochures, circulars, booklets, etc. (collectively known as "publications") limited to state park visitor centers, lodges, museums and other designated park facilities. The following standards establish regulations for all state park visitor centers:
I.GENERAL POLICY - Contingent on space availability, the Division authorizes the display of Division concessionaries' and non-department publications from state and federal recreation, cultural and natural resources (ex: AGFC Hunting and Fishing Guides, etc.), conservation and education partners, state park friends organizations [501 (c) (3)], and related entities.II.APPROVAL - The Director of Arkansas State Parks shall approve in advance the display of all non-department brochures and publications provided by the tourism industry. The tourism entity must qualify as an "Attraction, Lodging, or Dining" (ALD) facility by the Tourism Division (as amended). Due to space limitations in state park visitor centers and the varying number of ALDs near state parks, the Director of State Parks will set a maximum radius from each state park for consideration of ALD brochures in visitor centers. Requests shall be sent first to the applicable park superintendent for review, on a first come, first serve basis. Subject to space availability and prior approval of the Director of Arkansas State Parks, contract brochure distribution companies (BDC) may be allowed to place small brochure racks in visitor centers. BDCs may provide brochures for ALDs outside of the established radius for each state park. Requests shall be directed to the park superintendent, with contracts approved by the Manager of Marketing and Revenue.III.SIZE - Brochure size shall be appropriately 3.5" to 4" wide by 8.5" to 9" tall (no business cards or postcards); digest size approximately 5.5" x 8.5"; magazine size approximately 8.5" x 11".IV.PAPER STOCK - Publications shall be printed on paper of sufficient weight to stand upright in the racks.V.TOPICSA. Publications must contain or promote Arkansas tourist related Attractions, Lodging, Dining or events.B. Publications promoting Arkansas and other states must have 75% or more of the contents dedicated to Arkansas ALDs or events. The front cover must also have a 75% or greater Arkansas content.C. Publications on facilities such as real estate agencies, automobile repair and RV repair, etc. are not allowed for display, but businesses operators may place ads in regional or city guides (contact the Tourism Division for more information).D. ALDs being promoted must be open to the general public.E. Publications must be attractively designed and printed.F. No "Open by Appointment" operations will be considered.G. No political publications or publications containing political advertisements will be accepted.H. No publications containing offensive language or pictures that could be defined as being in bad taste by a park superintendent will be allowed.I. Only coupon books officially sanctioned by the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism are approved for placement.VI.PUBLICATIONS AND INSERTS - ALDs will not be allowed to display an assortment of different pieces advertising their facility/attraction. One publication per business may be approved, subject to space availability.VII.CHANGES - ALDs placing publications in state park visitor centers are responsible for notifying the park superintendent of all changes in the material listed in their publications. Examples include: prices, closing business, changing locations, hours of operation, seasons, etc.VIII.SEASONAL PUBLICATIONS - Subject to space availability, publications promoting seasonal ALDs may be approved and placed 30 days prior to opening and removed the following day after the final day of operation.IX.METHOD OF SHIPPING - ALDs shall be responsible for delivering and keeping publications supplied to the park. The park superintendent will determine available storage space and quantities. APPROVED BY THE ARKANSAS STATE PARKS, RECREATION AND TRAVEL COMMISSION AT THE OCTOBER 17, 2013 MEETING AND FAVORABLY REVIEWED BY THE ARKANSAS ADMINISTRATIVE RULES AND REGULATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE AT THE DECEMBER 11, 2013 MEETING.
Replaces Pilot Study dated May 20, 2010
013.05.13 Ark. Code R. 004