008.01.18 Ark. Code R. 001

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 9, September, 2024
Rule 008.01.18-001 - University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College


Every person who owns or operates a motorized vehicle on campus is required to register that vehicle and display the parking decal as instructed.


The Parking and Traffic Regulations have been designed to best utilize the facilities and maintain orderly parking and safe traffic flow. Please feel free to call upon the Office of Police and Public Safety if you need assistance.

In accordance with Act 328 of the 1967 General Assembly, the Board of Visitors of UA -Pulaski Technical College established the following rules and regulations for the registration and operation of motor vehicles on UA - Pulaski Technical College's facilities. These rules and regulations are binding on all members of the faculty, staff and student body.


All students, faculty and staff members who operate vehicles and park on any facility of or at events sponsored by UA - Pulaski Technical College are required to register their vehicle.

Registration for students is required before the first day of classes. Each student may register up to two vehicles by providing the make, model, year, color and license plate number of each vehicle. Registration at events sponsored by the college will be at the discretion of campus police officers and/or the college administration. Students and employees who operate vehicles on campus must be registered.

When a vehicle is sold and another vehicle is brought onto campus, the new vehicle must be registered and a new decal obtained. If a parking decal becomes unreadable, a new decal must be obtained. Parking decals are not transferable to other students, non-students, faculty or staff.


Students may be issued up to two parking decals once they have completed the vehicle registration process. If a person chooses to register only one vehicle, they may only receive one decal. Students may obtain their decal, after they have registered their vehicle(s), from the Cashier's Window on the second floor of the Campus Center Building. The decal must be displayed on the outside, lower left of the driver's side back window.

All decals must be displayed clearly without obstruction of permit information. People who are permitted to park in donor spaces must also have a valid parking decal displayed on their vehicle to be considered in compliance with parking regulations.


Students and employees of UA-PTC may operate a motor vehicle on the college campus provided:

1. The operator has a valid driver's license.
2. The vehicle being operated on the campus meets state safety inspection standards, is legally licensed, and maintains vehicle insurance as required by the state law.
3. The vehicle is registered using the UA-PTC vehicle registration system.
4. The operator of the vehicle abides by the Parking and Traffic Regulations of the college.
5. The operator of the vehicle abides by motor vehicle and traffic laws as mandated by state law. All campus vehicle accidents must be reported to the Office of Police and Public Safety. It is understood that registration neither obligates the college to set aside a parking space for every vehicle registered nor permits the driver to violate parking and traffic regulations or Arkansas State Motor Vehicle Laws. All vehicle operators will observe and obey the orders of the Police and Public Safety officers in the performance of their duties. This includes rendering and producing identification and proper registration when requested. UA - Pulaski Technical College assumes no responsibility for any vehicle or its contents. Please lock your vehicle. A traffic ticket or other communication on the vehicle from the college is an official notice. A recipient who does not comply with such communications will subject himself/herself to disciplinary action and/or arrest when applicable.

The college reserves the right to restrict or deny the use of any vehicle on the college campus if an operator violates Parking and Traffic Regulations or otherwise abuses the privilege of operating and parking a vehicle on the UA-PTC campus.

Vehicles may be towed from the campus at the owner's expense when:

1. The vehicle is parked on the UA-PTC campus after privileges have been revoked.
2. The vehicle is parked in a handicapped space (without proper tag or misuse of a permit), is blocking or partially blocking a street or driveway, is blocking or partially blocking sidewalks or crosswalks, is parked on the lawn, or is otherwise hindering the flow of traffic and/or parking.
3. Vehicles are abandoned and left parked in one location for a period of two weeks.
4. The operator ignores communications from the college concerning improper parking of his/her vehicle.
5. The vehicle is deemed unsafe by the Office of Police and Public Safety.

Students who owe a fee for a violation will have a hold placed on their student account, and they will be ineligible to receive an official transcript or register for classes until the obligation has been paid. Violation payments must be paid to the UA-PTC Cashier's Office, Monday through Friday, during normal business hours.

Student registered vehicles must park in all non-designated parking spaces. Faculty- and staff- registered vehicles may park in all spaces designated for faculty/staff parking when available.

Handicapped parking is exclusively reserved for vehicles legally and properly displaying a Handicapped Parking Permit issued by the State of Arkansas. Vehicles using the handicapped parking space (regardless of permit) must be transporting the handicapped individual that the permit was issued to assist and are subject to applicable state and federal laws.

The college reserves and marks with signage a limited number of parking spaces near the entrance of the Administration building and/or in designated areas. Visitor spaces are restricted to visitors of UA-PTC, not registered students, faculty or staff. Traffic cones are occasionally used to reserve visitor spaces for events. Individuals parking their vehicles and failing to observe the Visitor Parking areas will subject themselves to a parking violation.

The college reserves and marks with signage a designated number of parking spaces for faculty and staff. Unauthorized individuals parking their vehicles and failing to observe the Faculty/staff Parking areas will subject themselves to a parking violation.

Donor parking is reserved exclusively for persons who have obtained that privilege from the UA-PTC Foundation Office. A donor hang tag is required to park in donor parking. The UA-PTC Foundation Office assigns donor spaces.


A. The campus speed limit is 10 mph except when conditions indicate a slower speed is necessary.
B. All regulatory signs, pavement markings and/or traffic cones and barricades must be observed.
C. Yield to pedestrians at all times.


A. Vehicles must be parked within the boundaries of a single marked parking space.
B. No parking is permitted on the lawn, in driveways, loading zones and open areas not marked for parking.
C. Double parking and parking on the wrong side of the street are violations at all times.
D. If a vehicle is improperly parked, whether attended or unattended, the driver is in violation.
E. Vehicles in violation of parking regulations are subject to being towed at the owner's expense.


A. Individuals charged with violations of the UA-PTC Parking and Traffic Regulations will be issued the following violations:
1. Reckless/unsafe driving * $25
2. Invalid or no proof of license or vehicle insurance * $25
3. Failure to observe sign, cone, barricade or officer * $25
4. Speeding /too fast for conditions * $25
5. Loud and raucous noise * $25
6. Parking in a reserved area for faculty and staff, donor or visitors * $10
7. No parking decal or invalid display on vehicle * $10
8. Double parking/blocking street or restricted area * $10
9. Parking in a no parking area or fire lane * $10
10. Driving and/or parking on grass * $10
11. Driving/parking wrong direction on one-way street * $10
12. Parking over the marked line * $10
13. Falsifying registration information * $10

Lack of space is not a valid excuse for violating parking regulations. Parking in violation of handicap regulations is also a citable offense at all UA-PTC sites. Officers may use discretion when issuing citations for handicap violations, and fines may vary. The amount of the fine will depend on whether the ticket issued is a campus or municipal citation.

A person receiving notice of a Parking or Traffic Violation is required to report to the Cashier's Office within 10 school days to pay the fees levied against him/her. Tickets not paid within 10 school days are subject to an additional penalty equal to the amount of the ticket. Students and employees are responsible for all traffic violations made by a vehicle displaying a decal issued to the student or employee. If you lend your car, proper operation of the vehicle is still your responsibility. If you transfer ownership of your car, remove the parking decal or you will be responsible for violations committed by the new owner.

UA - Pulaski Technical College Police and Public Safety officers maintain the right, as prescribed by law, to issue uniform traffic citations for any operator or vehicle violation committed within their jurisdiction. APPEALS Any person who feels that his or her vehicle has been unjustly ticketed may appeal. Appeals must be received within 10 business days after the issuance of the ticket or the right to appeal is forfeited. All appeals of parking violations will be considered with respect to the current UA-PTC parking policy. To file an appeal, obtain an appeal form from Student Services or the Office of Police and Public Safety, and complete the form in detail. The form may also be found on the Office of Police and Public Safety website at www.uaptc.edu. The appeal form should be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records. The Non Academic Appeals Committee reviews the parking appeals once a month. The following are not accepted as valid extenuating circumstances for parking in violation of parking regulations, and an appeal will typically not be granted in these cases:

* An appeal based on how long the driver was parked in violation. Police/Public Safety Officers will issue a citation to any vehicle parked in violation of regulations. A parking restriction holds for parking for any period of time.

* An appeal based on the driver's need to get to class/work/an appointment on time. It typically requires a few minutes to locate a parking spot within the campus parking system. Drivers are urged to plan their schedules to allow sufficient time to find and park in a legal space.

* An appeal based on lack of parking space near a specific destination. Parking spaces near a specific entrance or building may be limited. The campus parking system does not guarantee a space in a specific lot. Drivers must park in a legal space within a valid lot.

* An appeal based on the assertion that class was not in session. Parking regulations are enforced throughout the entire calendar year and are not directly associated with the class schedule.

* An appeal of a restricted/prohibited violation during evening or weekend hours. All parking restrictions and prohibitions are enforced during normal college hours, including weekends, seven days per week.

* An appeal based on the assertion that the driver did not see the sign or line markings. It is the driver's responsibility to note and comply with all posted signage, notices and line markings.

* An appeal based on the assertion that the driver was unaware that a parking decal was needed. Drivers must display a decal in order to park legally on UA-PTC premises.

* An appeal based on vehicle malfunction. Drivers who experience a vehicle malfunction and cannot move their vehicle should contact the Office of Police and Public Safety for assistance. Short-term authorization to remain parked may be received by the Office of Police and Public Safety. Four-way flashers are designed to warn other motorists that a vehicle may be a hazard. Use of four-way flashers does not allow a driver to park illegally for any period of time.

You may proceed to implement this action.

008.01.18 Ark. Code R. 001
