When interest coupons have matured and are payable but have not been cashed, such interest, though not collected when due and payable, shall be included in gross income for the year during which the coupons mature, unless it can be shown that there are no funds available for payment of the interest during such year. The interest shall be included in gross income even though the coupons are exchanged for other property instead of eventually being cashed. Defaulted coupons are income for the year in which paid. Dividends on corporate stock are subject to tax when unqualifiedly made subject to the demand of the shareholder. As for the distributive share of the profits in a partnership, see 2. 26-51-405(a). Interest credited on savings bank deposits, even though the bank has a rule, seldom or never enforced, that it may require so many days notice before withdrawals are permitted is income to the depositor when credited. An amount credited to shareholders of a building and loan association, when such credit passes without restriction to the shareholder, shall be included in taxable income for the year of the credit. Where the amount of such accumulations does not become available to the shareholder until the maturity of a share, the amount of any share in excess of the aggregate amount paid in by the shareholder is income for the year of the maturity of the share.
16.26 Ark. Code R. 51-404(a)(1)