3.03 Value points assigned to each selection criterion are weighted as follows: American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score, National Merit Finalist, or National Achievement Finalist ------------ forty-five percent 45%
High school grade point average ------------------------------ thirty-five percent 35%
Rank in high school class ----------------------------------------------- ten percent 10%
Leadership in school, community, and employment ---------------- ten percent 10% The division shall ensure that the weight assigned to each individual criterion under 3.02.6 does not place a homeschooled, public school, or private school student at a disadvantage. After determining qualified recipients based on the qualifications under 3.02.5 of this section, the division shall ensure that at least one (1) recipient is selected from each of the seventy-five (75) counties in Arkansas. If any of the seventy-five (75) counties is not represented, the division shall select a student from each nonrepresented county with the highest qualifications under 3.02.5 of this section who was not initially qualified. The scholarship shall be weighed on the factors of: Achievement; Ability; and3. Demonstrated leadership capabilities. Students who are selected as Arkansas Governor's Scholars who also exhibit extraordinary academic ability as defined in the definitions section of this rule shall be designated as Arkansas Governor's Distinguished Scholars. Preference will be given to students who plan to enter college at the beginning of the academic year directly following their last year of high school attendance.