5.00Statewide Student Assessment System5.01 The State Board shall approve and the Division shall implement a statewide student assessment system to be administered by Arkansas public schools on a schedule determined by the State Board.5.02 The statewide student assessment system shall include: 5.02.1 Assessments for kindergarten and grades one and two (K-2) as specified in subsection 5.06;5.02.2 High-quality, evidence-based literacy screeners for kindergarten through grade three (K-3) as specified in subsection Assessments for grades three through twelve (3-12) as specified in subsections 5.07 and 5.08;5.02.4 Assessments of English proficiency of all English Learners;5.02.5 Assessments to measure college and career readiness; and5.02.6 Valid and reliable assessments that provide scores available for district use by August 1 of each year. The Division may authorize an extension of time to provide assessment scores as deemed necessary.5.03 All public school districts shall comply with the requirements of the assessment system including field testing and any other requirements needed to establish fully developed assessments. 5.03.1 A public school district that fails to comply with requirements placed on the public school district by the State Board pursuant to these rules is in probationary violation of the Standards for Accreditation of Arkansas Public Schools and School Districts and subject to action by the State Board.5.04 Public school district boards of directors shall not establish school calendars that jeopardize or limit the valid testing and comparison of student learning.5.05 All students enrolled in a public school district shall participate in the statewide student assessment system.Kindergarten and grades one and two (K-2)
5.06 All public school districts shall administer a developmentally appropriate assessment approved by the State Board to all students in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade (K-2) in reading and mathematics.5.06.1 Students with disabilities shall participate in the K-2 assessment unless the student's IEP team determines that the student is unable to participate due to the student's disability. If the student's IEP team determines that the student is unable to participate due to the student's disability, the student's IEP shall include goals and periodic reviews to ensure the student is meeting expected growth and progress.5.06.2 English Learners, including those with less than one year in a U.S. school, shall participate in the K-2 assessment program. English Learners may access state approved accommodations provided such accommodations have been recommended by the student's language proficiency assessment committee (LPAC) and are used regularly in classroom instruction and assessment. Only those accommodations that do not interfere with the validity of the test may be used on the assessment.Grades three through twelve (3-12)
5.07 All students in grades three through twelve (3-12) in which statewide assessments are administered, shall take the assessment(s) required for the student's respective grade on the date or within the testing window established by the Division. 5.07.1 Assessments may measure, without limitation, English language arts, mathematics, and science.5.07.2 Required assessments may include field testing and any other requirements needed to establish fully developed assessments.5.07.3 Statewide student assessment data may be used for statewide accountability and reporting purposes.5.08 All public school districts shall administer state required assessments to students in accordance with procedures established by the Division and specified in the applicable assessment administration manuals, materials, and training. 5.08.1 The Division may provide manuals, materials, and trainings that are delivered electronically or in-person.Students with Disabilities
5.09 Each student in the specified grades shall participate in the assessments according to the procedures established by the Division. A student shall participate in the Arkansas Alternate Assessment Program only upon the formal determination of the student's IEP team, as documented in the student's IEP. 5.09.1 The IEP team shall determine whether participation in the standard state assessment program is appropriate for students with IEPs. Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who cannot participate in the standard state assessments with the established accommodations and accessibility features shall participate in the Arkansas Alternate Assessment Program following the guidelines established by the Division.5.09.2 Students with disabilities may access state approved accommodations provided such accommodations have been determined necessary by the IEP team and are used regularly in classroom instruction and assessment. Only accommodations that do not interfere with the validity of the test may be used on the assessment.5.09.3 A student who participates in the Arkansas Alternate Assessment program will take each of the required alternate assessments including English Language Arts, mathematics, and science.English Learners
5.10 English Learners, including those with less than one year in a U.S. school, shall participate in the statewide student assessment system.5.10.1 English Learners may access state approved accommodations provided such accommodations have been recommended by the student's language proficiency assessment committee (LPAC) and are used regularly in classroom instruction and assessment. Only those accommodations that do not interfere with the validity of the test may be used on the assessment.5.11 An assessment of English Language Proficiency which measures the English Language Proficiency standards shall be administered annually. 5.11.1 All English Learners in grades kindergarten through twelve (K-12) shall participate in the English Language Proficiency assessment.5.11.2 The Division shall establish student performance levels that indicate the English Learners level of English Language Proficiency.College and Career Readiness (CCR)
5.12 A public school that serves a student in grades ten through twelve (10-12) shall administer college and career readiness assessments, including a career readiness assessment that leads to a nationally recognized work readiness certificate, as determined by the State Board to each student who chooses to take the assessment before he or she graduates from high school. 5.12.1 "College and career readiness assessment" means a set of nationally recognized measurements of a student's acquisition of the knowledge and skills that the student needs to: Be successful in credit-bearing, first-year courses at an institution of higher education; or5.12.1.2 Earn other postsecondary credentials including, but not limited to, industry recognized credentials or technical certifications that allow a student to embark on a career.5.12.2 Students with disabilities should be encouraged to participate in the college and career readiness assessment.5.12.3 A career readiness assessment under subsection 5.12 may include, without limitation, the ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC).5.12.4 State or federal funds may be used to administer college and career readiness assessments in addition to the required statewide high school assessment. A Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze credential through the ACT WorkKeys (NCRC) shall be used by an institution of higher education as transcribable credit toward the attainment of a postsecondary technical degree.5.13 Public schools shall use the results from the college and career readiness assessment to: 5.13.1 Inform student success plans;5.13.2 Assist students with course selection; and5.13.3 Assist with academic achievement and college and career readiness skills.5.14 Districts may assess academic achievement and growth by other means in addition to the statewide required assessments at the district's expense.5.15 To provide a foundation for the development of a student success plan, a public school district shall: 5.15.1 Provide career awareness and exploration activities to all public school students in grades six through eight (6-8) that create links between what a student does in school and what a student wants to achieve in life, as described in Arkansas Code § 6-16-1802(a); and Hold an informational meeting for parents, legal guardians, or persons standing in loco parentis to students enrolled in grades six through twelve (6-12) within the public school district to provide information regarding graduation requirements and curriculum choices. The informational meeting required under subsection shall be held in conjunction with the scheduling of courses for the next academic year. Notice of the informational meeting required under subsection shall be provided through existing means of communication.The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
5.16 Selected public schools shall participate in any and all components of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).5.16.1 Any public school that fails to participate in the administration of any NAEP assessment shall be reported to the State Board and may be found in violation of the Standards for Accreditation of Arkansas Public Schools and School Districts and subject to action by the State Board.Statewide Student Assessment System Administration
5.17 The Division shall establish and publish each school year, an assessment calendar that shall be strictly followed by public school districts unless a school district has received a written waiver from the Division due to a catastrophic occurrence.5.18 The superintendent of each public school district shall designate a District Test Coordinator. 5.18.1 The District Test Coordinator, serving as the designee of the superintendent, is responsible for ensuring that the provisions of applicable law and these Rules are followed.5.18.2 To ensure understanding of the administration of the State required assessments, district test coordinators and other appropriate public school personnel shall attend training sessions established by the Division.5.19 The District Test Coordinator of each public school district is responsible for coordinating all state assessment activities at a local level, including without limitation: 5.19.1 Scheduling testing times of all affected grades and campuses according to the testing calendar developed by the Division;5.19.2 Ensuring that security is maintained as specified in the appropriate test administration materials and Division training;5.19.3 Ensuring that all district personnel involved in the testing have been properly trained as specified by the Division;5.19.4 Ensuring that all tests are administered to all students according to the procedures established by the Division and specified in the applicable assessment administration materials;5.19.5 Ensuring that all assessment documents and student identification information are properly and accurately coded;5.19.6 Attesting whether all students have participated in the appropriate gradelevel assessment(s); and5.19.7 Ensuring that students participating in the administration of standard state assessments receive the appropriate, allowable accommodations documented in their IEP and have access to the needed accessibility features;5.19.8 Ensuring that all students enrolled in a state-tested grade are accounted for in the statewide student assessment system; and5.19.9 Ensuring that all personnel involved in testing and the use of test data are trained on the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA, 34 CFR Part 99 ), the Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA, Ark. Code Ann. § 6-18-109), any other state or federal laws governing confidentiality of student data, and maintain the privacy of student data.5.20 The superintendent of each public school district is responsible for the proper administration of the statewide student assessment system pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-2901 et seq. and these rules including any failure of the District Test Coordinator to fulfill all legal requirements and responsibilities.5.20.1 To the extent that a public school district is determined to have knowingly failed to administer the provisions of applicable law or these Rules, the superintendent's license is subject to probation, suspension, or revocation under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-410.Test Security and Confidentiality
5.21 A violation of the security or confidential integrity of any test or assessment is prohibited. 5.21.1 Procedures for maintaining the security and confidential integrity of testing and assessment instruments and procedures shall be specified in the appropriate test or assessment administration instructions and training from the Division. Conduct that violates the security or confidential integrity of a test or assessment is defined as any departure from either the requirements established by the Division for the administration of the assessment or from the procedures specified in the applicable test administration materials or training.5.21.2 A person who violates the security or confidential integrity of any test or assessment, or a public school or school district in which prohibited conduct occurs, may be sanctioned by the State Board in accordance with the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Test Security, Testing Violations, and Testing Improprieties and the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators, as appropriate.5.22 District test coordinators, staff involved in test administration including technology support staff, test administrators, and test proctors of the state required assessments shall abide by the requirements of the security agreement developed by the Division. Public schools shall maintain signed copies of the agreement for three (3) years.5.23 The superintendent or district test coordinator of each public school district shall develop procedures to ensure the security and confidential integrity of all assessment instruments and test items. The superintendent or district test coordinator is responsible for immediately notifying the Division in writing of conduct that violates the security or confidential integrity of an examination or assessment as outlined in the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Test Security, Testing Violations, and Testing Improprieties.Assessment Data
5.24 Public school districts shall utilize multiple measures of student learning, including but not limited to state and vendor provided reports from the statewide student assessment system, to inform the cycle of inquiry regarding school improvement. 5.24.1 Public school districts shall report district and school performance data to appropriate stakeholders and as otherwise required by law or rule.5.24.2 Public schools shall provide individual student reports to parents or guardians no later than the first quarter of the school year following administration of the assessment.5.25 All federal and state data privacy rules and regulations will be adhered to.5.26 The scores for students attending the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts (ASMSA) shall be included in the data reports to the public school district the student attended immediately prior to transferring to the ASMSA.5.27 Annually, the Division shall establish and post on the Division's website, the process and timeline providing no less than ten (10) days, for a public school district to review data for accountability purposes.Technical Advisory Committee
5.28 A Technical Advisory Committee composed of nationally-recognized experts and psychometricians shall be selected by the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education and shall advise the Division in technical matters pertaining to the validity, reliability, accuracy and fairness of their assessment and accountability system.Student Performance Levels
5.29 The Division shall recommend and the State Board shall approve performance levels for each state required assessment administered to meet federal reporting requirements. The performance levels shall include skills and competencies necessary for a student to be college and career ready by the completion of high school. 5.29.1 The Division shall recommend and the State Board shall approve performance levels for English language arts, mathematics, and science.5.29.2 The Division shall recommend and the State Board shall approve performance levels for the Arkansas Alternate Assessment Program for students with disabilities as part of the statewide student assessment system.5.29.3 The Division shall recommend and the State Board shall approve performance levels to indicate the level of English language proficiency of all English Learners.5.30 The Division shall identify the literacy screeners required under subsection 5.02.2 which shall meet the requirements of Ark. Code Ann. 6-41-603 and may be the same screener used for dyslexia screening.5.30.1 The Literacy screeners required under subsection 5.02.2 shall be utilized to determine student progression in reading in kindergarten through grade three (K-3) and shall be: Given during the first thirty (30) days of the school year; Repeated, if indicated, midyear; and5.30.1.3 Given at the end of the school year.5.30.4 The division shall collect and publish aggregated public school district, open-enrollment public charter school, and overall state literacy assessment results annually by October 1.