005.28.24 Ark. Code R. 014

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 9, September, 2024
Rule 005.28.24-014 - DESE Rule Governing Educator Licensure
1-1.01 These Rules shall be known as Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Educator Licensure.
1-1.02 The State Board of Education enacts these Rules pursuant to its authority as set forth in Ark. Code Ann. §§ 6-11-105, 6-15-1004, 6-15-1703, 6-17-401 et seq., 6-17-422, 6-17-2601 et seq., 6-20-2204, 6-20-2305, 6-41-609, 6-61-133, 25-15201 et seq..
1-1.03 The purposes of these Rules are to:
1-1.03.1 Establish requirements and procedures for the issuance, licensure, re-licensure, and continuance of licensure of educators in the public schools of this state, as required by Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17402;
1-1.03.2 Provide for the acceptance of educator licenses by reciprocity, as required by Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-403;
1-1.03.3 Implement as a prerequisite to licensure the requirement of assessments adopted by the State Board of Education, as required by Ark. Code Ann. §§ 6-17-402, 6-17-601, and 6-15-1004;
1-1.03.4 Implement as a prerequisite to licensure the requirement of college level coursework in Arkansas History for certain educators, as required by Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-418;
1-1.03.5 Provide for the issuance of Provisional Licenses, as required by Ark. Code Ann. §§ 6-17-403 and 6-17-418;
1-1.03.6 Provide for the issuance of provisional and standard licenses through alternative educator preparation programs, under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-409; and
1-1.03.7 Provide for a Lifetime Teaching License, under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-2601 et seq.
1-1.04 Provide the minimum requirements for Division approval of educator preparation programs offered by an institution of higher education in Arkansas and alternative educator preparation programs based on the recommendations of the Professional Licensure Standards Board under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-422.

For the purposes of these Rules:

1-2.01"Accredited College or University" means an institution of higher education that is regionally or nationally accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
1-2.02"Accredited Occupational Therapy Program" means an occupational therapy program that is offered by an accredited college or university, and the program is:
1-2.02.1 Nationally accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) or
1-2.02.2 Nationally accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
1-2.03"Accredited School Psychology Program" means a program of study for school psychology that is offered by an accredited college or university, and the program is:
1-2.03.1 Nationally accredited in school psychology by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association; or
1-2.03.2 Approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP); or
1-2.03.3 Nationally accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
1-2.04"Accredited Speech-Language Pathology Program" means a speech language pathology program that is offered by an accredited college or university, and the program is:
1-2.04.1 Nationally accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; or
1-2.04.2 Nationally accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
1-2.05"Accredited Approved Educator Preparation Program" means an educator preparation program that is:
1-2.05.1 Accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation; and
1-2.05.2 Approved by the licensing authority of a state government.
1-2.06"Additional Licensure Plan (ALP)" means a plan approved by the Office of Educator Licensure that allows an individual holding a License to accept employment or assignment in an out-of-area position.
1-2.07"Administrator License" means an endorsement to a standard five (5)-year renewable license, issued by the State Board, which allows the license holder to serve as an administrator in an educational entity.
1-2.08 "Administrator Licensure Completion Plan (ALCP)" means a plan approved by the Office of Educator Licensure that allows an individual holding a Standard License to accept employment as an administrator.
1-2.09"Alternate Assessment Plan (AAP)" means a plan submitted by a building or district level administrator approved by the Office of Educator Licensure on behalf of an applicant for a standard license in a first-time licensure area who has not demonstrated competency in their subject matter content with a passing score on a State Board approved content area assessment. (See the Division's website for first time licensure areas.)
1-2.10"Alternative Educator Preparation Program" means a program of study approved by the Division for candidates who have a bachelor's degree and are preparing for licensure as teachers and leaders in public schools in this state.
1-2.11"Ancillary License" means a five (5)-year renewable license, issued by the State Board, that does not require prior classroom teaching experience, and which allows the license holder to practice in Arkansas public schools in a licensure area excluding an administrator's endorsement. (See the Division's website for ancillary licensure areas.)
1-2.12"Aspiring Teacher" means an individual enrolled in an approved educator preparation program.
1-2.13"Aspiring Teacher Permit" means up to one year only permit issued to an intern or resident that meets eligibility requirements in a traditional educator preparation program allowing the recipient to assume the role of a Teacher of Record under the supervision of an experienced mentor teacher.
1-2.14"Building-Level Administrator" means a principal, assistant principal, or vice principal in an educational entity.
1-2.15"Candidate" means an individual who has been admitted into an educator licensure program.
1-2.16"Clinical Experiences" means the activities for candidates in educator preparation programs that allow early and ongoing practice opportunities to apply content and pedagogical knowledge, such as observations, tutoring, assisting teachers and administrators, and practicums.
1-2.17"Clinical Internship" means a culminating clinical practice that takes place in an authentic educational setting where teacher candidates engage in the pedagogical work of the profession of teaching, closely integrated with educator preparation instruction and supported by a formal school-educator preparation partnership. Placements must reflect the subject area and grade level of the license being sought.
1-2.18"Core Academic Subject Areas" means:

Elementary Education (K-6);

English Language Arts;



Social Studies;


Music; and

Foreign Language

1-2.19"District-Level Administrator" means a superintendent, assistant/associate superintendent, or deputy superintendent.
1-2.20"Division" means the Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education.
1-2.21"Educational Entity" means a public school district, a charter school, an education service cooperative, or other public entity that is assigned a local education agency number by the Division.
1-2.22"Educator" means any individual holding a license issued by the State Board, specifically including, without limitation, teachers, administrators, library media specialists, and counselors.
1-2.22.1 "Educator" also includes a nonlicensed person employed under the educational entity's waiver of licensure.
1-2.23"Educator Preparation Program" means a planned sequence of academic courses and experiences leading to a recommendation for licensure by the State Board.
1-2.24"Educator Preparation Program Completer" means a person who has completed all coursework/modules and program requirements of a state approved program of study and is eligible for an Arkansas educator's provisional or standard license.
1-2.25"Effective Teacher" means a teacher or leader who demonstrates the concepts outlined in the state approved evaluation framework.
1-2.26"Endorsement" means any licensure area or licensure level that may be added only to an existing Standard License.
1-2.27"Exception Area Endorsement" means an endorsement that is not available by testing out.
1-2.28"Experienced Mentor Teacher" means a teacher with a minimum of three years of teaching experience, has an annual rating of effective or higher, and has received mentor coaching training. It is preferred that the teacher have a Lead or Master designation.
1-2.29"Good standing" means, for the purpose of reciprocity, that:
1-2.29.1 There are no ethics proceedings or proceedings on criminal offenses for which the license would be subject to sanctions in Arkansas pending against a licensee;
1-2.29.2 The licensee has not been sanctioned for an ethics violation or criminal offense for which the license would be subject to sanction in Arkansas during the three (3) most recent years of teaching experience, if any; and
1-2.29.3 The license has not been revoked by or is not currently under suspension in the licensing state or country based on an offense for which the license would be subject to sanction in Arkansas.
1-2.30"Level of Licensure" or "Licensure Level" means the grade/age level parameter of the educator license. (See the Division's website for areas and levels of licensure.)
1-2.31"Licensure Content Area" means a particular content field as recognized by the State Board. (See the Division's website for licensure content areas.)
1-2.32"Licensed Teaching Experience" means teaching in a K-12 public or private school while holding a standard or provisional teaching license, or the equivalent if the applicant is seeking licensure reciprocity. Teaching experience under a licensure exception does not count as licensed teaching experience;
1-2.33"Licensure Exception" is an exception (formerly a 'waiver') from the legal requirement that a position at an educational entity must be filled by a person holding the appropriate license issued by the State Board. Licensure exceptions approved by the State Board are identified in Chapter 7 of these rules.
1-2.34"One Year Supervised Residency" means an experience in a school setting alongside an experienced mentor teacher not to exceed one (1) academic year or two (2) consecutive semesters.
1-2.35 "Out-of-Area Position" means a licensed position requiring a particular license, endorsement, licensure content area, or level of licensure that the employee filling the position does not currently hold.
1-2.36 "Passing Score" for a state-mandated assessment for licensure means the cut score on the assessment approved by the State Board.
1-2.36.1 A passing score on a licensure assessment approved by the State Board before the currently approved version of an assessment will be accepted for five (5) years after the date the State Board discontinued or replaced the assessment provided the passing score was achieved before the date the assessment was discontinued or replaced.
1-2.37 "Primary Partnership" means a partnership that meets all the requirements of a state-recognized partnership while also requiring established and explicit processes for identifying and responding to educational entities areas of need(e.g., ESL or Special Education teachers); collaborative development of candidate selection criteria; collaborative design of high-quality, need-based clinical experiences; and collaborative implementation of high-quality clinical experiences with engagement of both partners throughout the partnership.
1-2.38"Private Credential Evaluation Agency" means an independent agency approved by the Division that:
1-2.38.1 Is located in the United States; and
1-2.38.2 Provides an educational background assessment that:
1- Contains a course-by-course evaluation of the applicant's transcript;
1- Indicates the applicant's major area of study and documents the candidate's cumulative grade point average;
1- Documents whether the applicant's out-of-country degree is equivalent to one that would have been completed at an accredited college or university in the United States;
1- Documents whether the out-of-country professional preparation program is equivalent to one that would have been completed at an approved educator preparation program or accredited speech- language pathology, occupational therapy, or school psychology program;
1- Indicates the areas of licensure represented by the out-of-country license; and
1- Documents which areas of licensure on the out-of-country license are equivalent to the areas of licensure approved by the State Board.
1-2.39"Professional Development" means a coordinated set of planned, learning development activities for teachers that are based on research, are standards- based and that meet the focus areas for professional development required by the Division or law.
1-2.40"Program Administrator" means a school leader who is responsible for program development and administration, and who may be responsible for employment evaluation decisions, in content areas approved by the State Board
1-2.41"Program of Study" means a curriculum that requires a candidate to demonstrate and document competency in the specific knowledge, skills, and dispositions for a particular endorsement to an educator's license, a licensure content area, or level of licensure, and is:
1-2.41.1 Provided by one (1) or more accredited colleges or universities, or an alternative educator preparation program;
1-2.41.2 Aligned with Arkansas Teaching Standards and the appropriate content knowledge and pedagogical competencies for the respective licensure areas; and
1-2.41.3 Approved by the Division.
1-2.42"Provisional License" means a temporary license issued by the State Board that allows the license holder to teach or work in Arkansas schools.
1-2.43"Reciprocity" means the recognition of a teaching license from another state or country based on these Rules or the terms of the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement for Educator Licensure.
1-2.44"Secondary Partnership" means a partnership that meets all the requirements of a state-recognized partnership with educational entities or accredited private schools with which they do not have a primary partnership, but where enrolled candidates are placed for clinical experiences.
1-2.45 "Semester" means the fall or spring of an academic year. If an educational entity uses a different method of academic year scheduling (such as a twelve- month academic year), the Division and the educational entity will identify a semester equivalent.
1-2.46"SPED 101 Academy" means a three (3) credit hour course developed by institutions of higher education based on competencies developed in collaboration with the Division Educator Preparation Unit, Special Education Unit, and public school districts, public charter schools, and education service cooperatives.
1-2.47"Standard License" means a five-year renewable license, issued by the State Board, where a recipient has demonstrated content knowledge and understanding of pedagogical practice required to perform professional education services for the licensure content area and licensure level specified on the license.
1-2.48"Standard License Equivalent" means a current, unrestricted, non-probationary, non-provisional teaching license that allows an individual to work as a teacher, administrator, counselor, or library media specialist in another state's public schools and is in good standing with the licensing state.
1-2.49"State Board" means the Division of Elementary and Secondary State Board of Education.
1-2.50 "State-Recognized Partnership" means a partnership that establishes the roles and responsibilities of educator preparation faculty educational entities or accredited private schools, including clinical educators and supervisors, and establishes clear expectations regarding the delivery of candidate support and evaluation.
1-2.51"Successful completion of background checks" means that the individual cleared both the state and federal criminal history checks and cleared the Child Maltreatment Central Registry check as provided under the DESE Rules Governing Background Checks.
1-2.52"Teacher of Record" means an individual (or individuals in co-teaching assignments) who has been assigned the lead responsibility for a student's learning in a subject/course with aligned performance measures.
2-1.01 A Career-Technical Permit authorizes the permit holder to teach in an identified career or technical content area. An applicant must meet the requirements of the Division of Career and Technical Education for a Career-Technical Permit. Career-Technical Permits are available in the following areas:

Advanced Manufacturing

Foundational Career- Principles of Engineering

Advertising Design

Foundational Career-Intro to Engineering Design

Automotive Collision Repair

Foundational Career-Human Body Systems

Automotive Service Technology

Foundational Career-Principles of Biomedical

Aviation Flight Technology

Furniture Cabinet Making

Aviation Mechanics

Geo Spatial Technology


Graphic Communication

Biomedical Science

Heating Vent A/C

Career Computer Software Engineer


Career-Aerospace Engineer

Industrial Control Technology

Career-Biomedical Engineering

Industrial Cooperative Training

Career-Civil Engineering & Architecture

Industrial Equipment Maintenance

Career-Computer Integrated Manufacturing


Career-Digital Electronics


Career-Energy & the Environment

Junior ROTC

Career-Flight & Space


Career-Green Architecture

Legal Services

Career-Magic of Electrons

Machine Tool Technology

Career-Medical Detectives

Major Tool Technology

Career-Medical Interventions

Major Appliance Repair

Career-Science of Technology

Mandarin Chinese

Cashier/Checker Instruction

Major Tool Technology

Child Care

Major Appliance Repair

Commercial Photography

Mandarin Chinese


Marine Mechanics

Computer Engineering

Meat Processing

Computer Science & Software Engineering

Medical Professions

Construction Technology

Performing Arts


Petroleum Production

Criminal Justice

Piano Tuning

Culinary Arts and Preparation

Power Equipment Tech

Diesel Mechanics

Power Sports

Drafting and Designing


Dry-Cleaning Laundry

Pulp and Paper Science


Radio and Television Broadcasting

Exploratory Trades and Industry

Renewable Energy Technology

Exploring Industrial Technology Education


Food Production Management and Services

Sports Medicine



Foundational Career Design & Modeling

Foundational Career- Automation & Robotics

Television Broadcasting


Truck Driving


Computer Science & Software Engineering

Medical Professions

Construction Technology

Performing Arts


Petroleum Production

Criminal Justice

Piano Tuning

Culinary Arts and Preparation

Power Equipment Tech

Diesel Mechanics

Power Sports

Drafting and Designing


Dry-Cleaning Laundry

Pulp and Paper Science


Radio and Television Broadcasting

Exploratory Trades and Industry

Renewable Energy Technology

Exploring Industrial Technology Education


Food Production Management and Services

Sports Medicine



Foundational Career Design & Modeling

Foundational Career- Automation & Robotics

Television Broadcasting


Truck Driving


2-1.02 A person applying for a Career-Technical Permit shall submit to the Division:
2-1.02.1 A completed application for licensure with payment of the non-refundable application fee;
2-1.02.2 Documentation that the applicant has successfully completed all background checks required by the Division's Rules Governing Background Checks;
2-1.02.3 Verification by the Division of Career and Technical Education that the applicant has completed the Department of Career Education requirements for the career-technical permit area including without exception:
2- Transcript evidencing the awarding of a bachelor's or higher degree in the career or technical area to be taught; or
2- A high school diploma or high school equivalency credential and a minimum of four (4) years of experience in the career or technical area to be taught; and
2-1.03 Documentation of the completion of the professional development identified in Appendix B, which may be obtained from the applicant's educator preparation program, or by another method of delivery approved by the Division under the Rules Governing Professional Development
2-2.01 An Ancillary License is a license to provide specific services to students and does not require prior classroom teaching experience. (See the Division's website for ancillary licensure areas.)
2-2.02 The Division shall issue an Ancillary License in a licensure area identified on the Division's website upon receipt of the following from an applicant, whether or not the applicant is licensed in another state:
2-2.02.1 A completed application for licensure, with payment of the non-refundable application fee;
2-2.02.2 Documentation that the applicant has successfully completed all background checks required by the Division's Rules Governing Background Checks;
2-2.02.3 An official score report reflecting passing scores on the specialty area assessment for licensure area as mandated by the State Board; and
2-2.02.4 For a first-time license, documentation of the completion of the professional development identified in Appendix B.
2-2.02.5 An applicant for an ancillary license in Occupational Therapy shall also submit an official transcript documenting an awarded bachelor's and master's or higher degree, from an accredited college or university, in Occupational Therapy, and:
2- Successful completion of a graduate-level, accredited Occupational Therapy program, or a degree with equivalent competencies; and
2- Licensed to provide occupational therapy services from the American Occupational Therapy Association;
2-2.02.6 An applicant for an ancillary license in Speech-Language Pathology shall also submit an official transcript documenting an awarded bachelor's and master's or higher degree, from an accredited college or university, in Speech Language Pathology, and either:
2- Successful completion of a graduate-level, accredited Speech-Language Pathology program, or a degree with equivalent competencies; or
2- Certification of Clinical Competence in Speech- Language Pathology from the American Speech- Language-Hearing Association; or
2-2.02.7 An applicant for an ancillary license in School Psychology shall also submit an official transcript documenting an awarded master's or higher degree that includes 60 hours of graduate level coursework in the area, from a NASP accredited state-approved college or university, in:
2- School Psychology; or
2- Psychology and documenting the applicant's successful completion of a graduate-level, accredited School Psychology program.
2-2.03 Other licensure areas for an Ancillary License shall require:
2-2.03.1 Either:
(a) a master's degree or higher in the licensure area; or
(b) a bachelor's degree or higher with post-baccalaureate course work or nationally recognized certification for the licensure area; and
2-2.03.2 Successful completion of the licensure content area assessment, if one is approved by the State Board for the licensure content area.
2-2.04 A licensure content area, endorsement, or level of licensure may be added to an existing Ancillary License by completing requirements as referenced in Section 6-4.0 of these rules.
2-3.01 A Provisional License is a temporary license issued in specific circumstances approved by the State Board under which an applicant for a Standard License has not completed all of the requirements for the Standard License. A Provisional License authorizes the license holder to teach in the identified licensure level and content areas during the term of the license.
2-3.02 The Division shall issue a Provisional License for up to three (3) years to an applicant upon submission of the following:
2-3.02.1 A completed application form for the Provisional License and
2-3.02.2 One of the following:
2- Official transcript(s) documenting eighteen (18) credit hours in the specific content area with content GPA of 3.00 or higher on an awarded four-year college bachelor's degree or higher from an institution of higher education that is regionally or nationally accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (See Appendix C); or
2- For out-of-country candidates, an official college transcript evaluation from a private credential evaluation agency recognized by the Division;
2- An official score report evidencing passing scores on the state- required assessments for the licensure content area in which the applicant seeks to teach; or
2- An applicant may also be eligible for the Alternate Assessment Plan for specific areas as referenced in Section 2-
2-3.02.4 An official score report evidencing passing alternate scores on the state-required assessment for the licensure content area in which the applicant seeks to teach.
2-3.02.5 An offer of employment in a position as a teacher of record at an educational entity or approved accredited private school in Arkansas teaching a minimum of three (3) hours per day in the appropriate licensure area(s);
2-3.02.6 Documentation of the completion of the professional development, as identified in Appendix B;
2-3.02.7 Documentation of the successful completion of professional educator ethics training that meets the guidelines established by the Professional Licensure Standards Board.
2- The Division may deny a provisional license to an applicant who has been determined to have an ethics violation under the Division's Rules Governing the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators.
2-3.02.8 Before a candidate may enter a public school classroom, evidence that the applicant successfully completed the background checks required under the Division's Rules Governing Background Checks.
2-3.02.9 An applicant enrolled in a master's degree in teaching program (MAT, M.Ed., or MTLL) in Special Education shall document successful completion of the following before a Provisional License may be issued:
2- SPED 101 Academy or course aligned to the SPED 101 educator competencies;
2- Three (3) credit hours in special education; and
2- The appropriate content area assessments for special education.
2-3.03 A Provisional License under this Section is issued to a participant in one (1) licensure content area based upon the areas and levels of teaching assignment has been approved by the State Board, except as follows:
2-3.03.1 A Middle Childhood (4-8) participant may license in one (1) or more of the four (4) middle childhood licensure content areas of math, science, social studies, and language arts, and may have one (1) or more endorsements at (K-12) or (4-8).
2-3.03.2 A Secondary (7-12) participant must successfully complete one (1) secondary licensure content area and may have one (1) endorsement; (7- 12), (K-12), or (4-12) level.
2-3.03.3 A participant must have a teaching assignment in each licensure content area of the Provisional License;
2-3.04 A provisional license may be extended for up to three (3) years after the applicant completes an educator preparation program if the applicant is working to meet the requirements for a standard license
2-3.05 The Provisional License may be converted to a Standard License upon completion of the remaining requirements for a Standard License.
2-3.05.1 An applicant who has completed the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) program shall provide a recommendation for a Standard License from the applicant's superintendent.
2-4.01 The Division shall issue a Provisional License for three (3) years to an applicant who is seeking licensure through the Professional Provisional Teaching License pathway upon meeting the requirements of section 2-3.0 and submission of the following:
2-4.01.1 Verification of a minimum of three (3) years of working experience in the licensure content area of the class to be taught;
2-4.01.2 Verification of an offer of employment to teach classes in an Arkansas educational entity in any first-time license content area for a standard license except for Special Education, Elementary Education (K-6), and Guidance and Counseling; (See the Division's website for first-time license content areas.)
2-4.01.3 One (1) letter of justification from the applicant expressing the relevance of the applicant's credentials to teach the subject in question; and
2-4.01.4 Two (2) professional letters of recommendation submitted by references to the Division.
2-4.02 The Provisional License will be issued for each licensure content area the applicant is assigned to teach, as verified by the applicant's superintendent.
2-4.03 The applicant shall complete training in pedagogy as determined by the Division.
2-4.03.1 The hours of training in pedagogy are in addition to and not considered a part of the annual professional development requirement.
2-4.04 The Provisional License may be converted to a Standard License upon completion of the requirements for a Standard License and with a recommendation from the superintendent of the employing school district.
2-5.01 The Division shall issue a two-year Provisional License to an applicant who holds an out-of-country license or its equivalent and who meets the requirements of section 2-3.0 and:
2-5.01.1 Submits a completed application for a Provisional License;
2-5.01.2 Is not a United States citizen and provides evidence satisfactory to the Division that the applicant meets the criteria of an exception under 8 U.S.C. § 1621 for the state to issue a professional license;
2-5.01.3 Submits documentation of the successful completion of a Division- approved assessment of English-language skills; or
2- Has completed a master's degree or higher at an accredited college or university in the United States.
2- The Department may waive this requirement for an applicant whose out-of-country Standard License Equivalent is issued by a country whose official language and the language of instruction in higher education is English;
2-5.01.4 Submits an official college transcript evaluation from a private credential evaluation agency recognized by the Division;
2-5.01.5 Submits proof of employment with an Arkansas public school district, charter school, or other agency or organization in a position that requires an educator license;
2-5.01.6 Submits documentation that the applicant has successfully completed all background checks required by the Division's Rules Governing Background Checks;
2-5.01.7 Submits a copy of the out-of-country license(s) held by the applicant;
2-5.01.8 Submits certification from the country that issued the license that the license has been in good standing for the most recent three (3) years.
2-5.02 To convert the Provisional License to a Standard License the applicant shall submit to the Division:
2-5.02.1 An application for a Standard License, including the required nonrefundable application fee;
2-5.02.2 For applicants seeking licensure in Elementary Education (K-6), Middle Childhood Social Studies (4-8), or Secondary Social Studies (7-12), documentation of the successful completion of three (3) college credit-hours in Arkansas History at an accredited college or university or an approved learning pathway.;
2-5.02.3 Submission of an official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate content-area assessments as mandated by the State Board; and
2-5.02.4 For applicants seeking licensure in Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education (K-12), or grade levels within the range of Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education (K-12), an official score report reflecting passing scores on the stand-alone reading assessment, as adopted by the State Board.
2- The Division may extend the Provisional License for an out-of-country applicant who has not completed the stand-alone reading assessment at the time of application for a standard license.
2-5.03 Licensure content areas, levels, and endorsements listed on an out-ofcountry license may be recognized for reciprocity in accordance with the credential evaluation required in Section 2-2.02.4 of these Rules.
2-5.03.1 An applicant whose licensure content area, endorsement, or level is not recognized by Arkansas shall receive the licensure content area, endorsement, or level of licensure that most closely parallels their out-of- state licensure area, endorsement, or level.
2-5.03.2 The Division may license the applicant to teach his or her native language upon the applicant providing an official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate state- mandated content area exam and pedagogy exam.
2-5.04 The Division may recommend to the State Board that a person's Arkansas Standard License issued to an out-of-country applicant be revoked, suspended, or placed on probation if the out-of-country license is revoked, suspended, or placed on probation, as applicable, by the issuing country for any reason that a Standard License may be revoked, suspended, or placed on probation in Arkansas.
2-6.01 A Standard License is a five-year renewable license, issued by the State Board, where a recipient has demonstrated content knowledge and understanding of pedagogical practice required to perform professional education services for the licensure content area and licensure level specified on the license.
2-6.02 A person in-state applying for a first-time Arkansas Standard License who does not hold a current, valid educator license from Arkansas or another state or country shall submit to the Division:
2-6.02.1 A completed application for licensure with payment of the non-refundable application fee.
2-6.02.2 Documentation that the applicant has successfully completed all background checks required by the Division's Rules Governing Background Checks.
2-6.02.3 An official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate content-area assessments as mandated by the State Board.
2- Applicants for an Elementary Education (K-6) or a Special Education (K-12) license shall pass a stand-alone assessment that examines the acquisition of knowledge of essential components of beginning reading instruction based on the science of reading.
2- An applicant may be eligible for an Alternate Assessment Plan if the candidate meets the following criteria:
2- Has a score within minus two (-2) standard error of measurement (SEM) based on the national standard or an approved score by the State Board on the content area assessment or a passing score on a performance-based assessment; and
2- Has Completed an educator preparation program or is enrolled in an approved alternate route program for licensure; and
2- Has verification of employment in an accredited P-12 Arkansas school.
2- To complete the Alternate Assessment Plan the applicant must:
2- Have at least three years of relevant teaching experience in the content area as demonstrated through successful TESS evaluations and the definition of effective teacher found under 1-2.25.
2-6.02.4 An official transcript from an accredited college or university documenting an awarded bachelor's degree or higher;
2- If the applicant's degree is from a non-accredited college or university outside of the United States, the applicant shall have his or her credentials evaluated by a private credential evaluation agency recognized by the Division.
2-6.02.5 Verification by the educator preparation program that the applicant has completed the approved program of study or approved pathway for the licensure level and content area.
2- For purposes of a licensure pathway that is completed at a public school district or charter school, the superintendent or director shall serve as the licensure officer.
2- The verification shall be submitted in the manner and form prescribed by the Division.
2- An applicant who has never been licensed and whose most recent licensure content area degree or educator preparation program was completed more than ten (10) years before the date of application shall be required to complete current licensure assessments.
2-6.02.6 If an applicant does not meet the assessment requirements of this section, as outlined above, the applicant may receive a renewable provisional teaching license provided that the applicant meets the requirements as outlined in section 2-3.0 of these rules.
2-6.02.7 An applicant seeking licensure in Early Childhood (P-4), Elementary Education (K-6), Middle Childhood Social Studies (4- 8), or Secondary Social Studies (7-12) shall provide documentation of the successful completion of:
2- Three (3) college credit-hours in Arkansas History at an accredited institution of higher education; or
2- If the applicant completed an alternative educator preparation program or pathway, either:
2- Three (3) college credit-hours in Arkansas History at an accredited institution of higher education; or
2- An approved learning pathway.
2-6.02.8 Documentation of the completion of the professional development identified in Appendix B.
2-6.02.9 The Division may issue a one-year Provisional License to an applicant for a Standard License who submits proof of employment with an Arkansas educational entity in a position that requires an educator license and has:
2- Met all other requirements except for:
2- Completion of the Arkansas History requirement, if applicable;
2- If applicable, the stand-alone reading test;
2- If applicable, the pedagogy test.
2-6.02.10 To convert a Provisional License issued under 2-6.02.9, an applicant shall complete the missing requirements before the Provisional License expires.
2-6.02.11 If an applicant for first-time licensure or administrator licensure or for the addition of a licensure content area, endorsement, or level of licensure, was enrolled in a program of study prior to the effective date of these rules, and meets all other requirements for licensure, the Division may reference and utilize the licensure content areas, endorsements, or levels of licensure that were recognized by the State Board immediately prior to the effective date of these Rules.
2-6.02.12 A first-time Arkansas standard license issued under this section will be designated as an Early Career Professional Educator Designation, unless the applicant qualifies for a standard license for the Career Professional Educator Designation under Section 6-7.0.
2-6.02.13 The Division shall grant reciprocity to a person who holds a current or expired Standard License (or Standard License Equivalent) from another state upon receipt of the following:
2- A valid, Standard License (or Standard License Equivalent) that:
2- Was issued in another state; and
2- Has been in good standing during the most recent three (3) years of the applicant's teaching experience;
2- If applicable a completed application for licensure with payment of the non-refundable application fee;
2- Documentation that the applicant has successfully completed all background checks required by the Division's Rules Governing Background Checks; and
2- Documentation that the applicant has completed at least three (3) years of teaching under the out-of-state license.
2- An applicant who has not completed three (3) years of teaching under the out-of-state license shall also submit an official score report:
2- Reflecting passing scores on the appropriate content-area assessments required by the licensing state, including for licensure in Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education (K-12) the standalone reading assessment, as adopted by the State Board; or
2- If the licensing state does not require such assessments, reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate content-area assessments as mandated by the State Board, including for licensure in Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education (K-12) the stand-alone reading assessment, as adopted by the State Board;
2- The Division may issue a Provisional License for up to three (3) years for an applicant who has not completed the stand-alone reading assessment;
2- An out-of-state applicant may also be eligible for the Alternate Assessment Plan as referenced in section
2-6.02.14 For an applicant whose out-of-state license is expired, an official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on content-area assessments as mandated by the State Board, including for licensure in Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education (K-12) the stand-alone reading assessment, as adopted by the State Board.
2- The Division may issue a Provisional License for up to three (3) years for an applicant who has not completed the stand-alone reading assessment;
2-6.02.15 An official transcript documenting an awarded bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college or university; Documentation of one (1) of the following:
2- Successful completion of a program of teacher education at a nationally or regionally accredited institution of higher education, but only if the applicant possesses a Standard License Equivalent;
2- Successful completion of an educator preparation program that is nationally accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the United States Department of Education, the Council for Higher Education,
2- If the applicant is a National Board Certified Teacher, documentation of current certification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards.
2-6.02.17 For applicants seeking licensure in Early Childhood (P-4), Elementary Education (K-6) or for any elementary licensure level that includes a grade within K-6, Middle Childhood Social Studies (4-8), or Secondary Social Studies (7-12), documentation of the successful completion of three (3) college credit-hours in Arkansas History at an accredited college or university or an approved learning pathway;
2- The Division may issue a one-year Provisional License for an applicant who has not completed the Arkansas History requirements of Section 2-5.02.2;
2-6.02.18 Documentation of the completion of the professional development, identified in Appendix B.
2-6.02.19 The Division may issue a Provisional License for an applicant who has not completed the professional development under Section 25.02.2.
2-6.03 An out-of-state license that is provisional or less than a Standard License Equivalent in the issuing state will not be accepted for reciprocity.
2-6.04 Licensure content areas, levels, and endorsements listed on an out-of-state license shall be recognized for licensure through reciprocity, as follows:
2-6.04.1 Only the licensure content areas, levels, or endorsements specifically listed on an out-of-state license shall be recognized for a first-time Arkansas Standard License through reciprocity;
2-6.04.2 An out-of-state applicant shall receive the Arkansas-equivalent licensure content areas, endorsements, or levels of licensure provided all other licensure requirements have been met;
2-6.04.3 An applicant whose licensure content area, endorsement, or level is not recognized by Arkansas shall receive the licensure content area, endorsement, or level of licensure that most closely parallels their out-ofstate licensure area, endorsement, or level; and
2-6.04.4 For the purpose of reciprocity, the Division may reference and utilize any licensure content area, endorsement, or level of licensure that has ever been recognized by the State Board in the past, regardless of whether the area, endorsement, or level is current.
2-6.05 The Division may recommend to the State Board that a person's Arkansas Standard License issued by reciprocity be revoked, suspended, surrendered or placed on probation if the out-of-state license is revoked, suspended, or placed on probation, as applicable, by the issuing state for any reason that a Standard License may be revoked, suspended, or placed on probation in Arkansas.
2-6.06 The Division may rescind a license issued by reciprocity that was no longer in good standing at the time the Arkansas license was issued.
2-6.07 A first-time Arkansas license issued under this section will carry the Educator Career Continuum designation for which the applicant is qualified under Section 2-6.02.12.
2-7.01 A Standard Lifetime Teaching License is issued to an applicant based on age or retirement eligibility requirements as set forth in these rules and entitles the license holder to a release from annual professional development requirements (subject to employment requirements) and from license renewal requirements.
2-7.02 Applicants for the Standard Lifetime Teaching License shall meet the following eligibility requirements:
2-7.02.1 Hold a current or expired Arkansas Standard License;
2-7.02.2 Be at least sixty-two (62) years of age or retired from active teaching under Ark. Code Ann. §§ 24-7-701, 24-7-702, or 24-7- 704; and
2-7.02.3 Document that the applicant has either:
2- While maintaining an Arkansas teaching license, worked in an educational setting, including without limitation a public school, a private school, an institution of higher education, an education service cooperative, the Division, an adult education setting or for another agency/ organization that employs licensed teachers for educational purposes; or
2- Made significant contributions to education, educational research, or the profession of teaching through scholarly endeavors, teaching experience, excellence in teaching, or educational innovation.
2-7.02.4 The Division shall issue a Lifetime Teaching License upon:
2- The applicant submitting to the Division a completed application requesting the Lifetime Teaching License;
2- Documentation from the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System of retirement (if 62 years of age, no verification is needed) under Ark. Code Ann. §§ 24-7-701, 24-7702, or 24-7- 704; and
2- Documentation that the applicant has successfully completed all background checks required by the Division's Rules Governing Background Checks.
2-7.02.5 The required background check or Child Maltreatment Central Registry check cannot be older than one (1) year at the time of application.
2-7.03 The Lifetime Teaching License shall reflect the applicant's licensure areas at the time of the application.
2-7.04 A teacher holding a Lifetime Teaching License is not required to renew his or her teaching license.
2-7.05 A Lifetime Teaching License is subject to the same laws for revocation as any Arkansas teaching license.
2-7.06 A Lifetime Teaching License holder is not subject to the requirements for annual professional development; however, if the license holder is employed at an educational entity in a position that requires a license issued by the State Board (including a position for which licensure was waived by the State Board), the license holder shall comply with the requirements for a professional growth plan and the educational entity's professional development requirements.
2-7.07 The Lifetime Teaching License shall terminate upon the death or legal incapacity of the license holder.
2-8.01 The Division shall issue a Standard License to an applicant who is seeking licensure in a first time licensure area listed on the Division's website through the Highly Qualified Professor (HQP) pathway upon submission of the following:
2-8.01.1 A completed application form for the Standard License.
2-8.01.2 Official transcript(s) documenting an awarded masters degree or higher from an institution of higher education that is regionally or nationally accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
2- For out-of-country candidates, an official college transcript evaluation from a private credential evaluation agency recognized by the Division.
2-8.01.3 Verification of a minimum of three (3) years of teaching experience in the licensure content area at an accredited institution of higher education.
2-8.01.4 Evidence of pedagogical competence through one of the following:
2- Documentation of successful teaching experience teaching in the grade level to be licensed; or
2- Pedagogical competence by completion of twelve (12) hours of pedagogy professional development per Appendix B or the DESE Rules Governing Professional Development; or
2- An official report evidencing passing scores on a current Principles of Learning and Teaching exam.
2-8.01.5 If seeking licensure in Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education (K-12), evidence of an official score report reflecting passing scores on the stand-alone reading assessment for licensure in Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education (K-12) as adopted by the State Board.
2-8.01.6 Evidence that the applicant has successfully completed background checks required under the Division's Rules Governing Background Checks;
2-8.01.7 Documentation of the completion of professional development per Appendix B or the DESE Rules Governing Professional Development.
2- A one-year provisional license may be issued while the applicant is completing the required professional development.
2-9.0Special Education Personnel Qualifications and Alternate Certifications
2-9.1 The Department is responsible for establishing and maintaining qualifications to ensure that special education educators are appropriately and adequately prepared and trained. Qualifications may be demonstrated by a candidate that holds at least a bachelor's degree and:
2-9.1.1 Has obtained a state license as a special education teacher; or
2-9.1.2 Is in the process of completing an approved alternate route for licensure with emphasis in special education. Alternate program candidate must:
2- Receive high quality professional development that is sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused in order to have a positive and lasting impact on classroom instruction, before and while teaching;
2- Participate in a program of intensive supervision that consists of structured guidance and regular ongoing support for the teacher (mentoring);
2- Assume the function as a teacher not to exceed three (3) years; and
2- Demonstrate satisfactory progress towards full certification
2-9.1.3 Holds a teaching license in another area and has demonstrated knowledge and skills by passing the state special education licensing exam (testing out).
2- The district must follow the first year special education mentoring plan (see protocol);
2- The educator must complete Special Education 101 modules provided by the Office of Special Education.
2- The educator must demonstrate awareness in Science of Reading in year 1 and proficiency within 3 years if applicable to job.
2-9.1.4 An educator who is licensed and actively participating in an additional licensure plan through course work in higher education.
2-9.1.5 Holds an ancillary license in a field of work directly related to providing educational services identified by the Division (e.g. speech pathology, dyslexia, school psych., OT)
2- District must follow first year special education mentoring per protocol.
2- Educator must complete Special Education 101.
2- Educator must demonstrate awareness in Science of Reading year 1 and proficiency within three (3) years if applicable to job; and
2- Educator must pass content assessments as identified by the Division; or
2-9.1.6 Holds a Bachelor's degree in a field of work directly related to providing educational services approved by the Division (Counseling, Occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired, Math, English/Literature for Special Education K-12; Early Childhood Education for PreK Special Education)
2- District must follow first year special education mentoring per protocol;
2- Educator must complete Special Education 101 modules provided by the Office of Special Education.
2- Educator must demonstrate awareness in Science of Reading in year 1 and proficiency within 3 years if applicable to job; and
2- Educator must pass content assessment approved by the Division; or
2-9.1.7 Holds a literacy or math specialist license position with advanced degree
2- District must follow first year special education mentoring plan;
2- Educator must complete Special Education 101.
2- Educator must demonstrate proficiency in Science of Reading within 3 years if applicable to job.
2-9.2 A Special Education Teaching Apprentice must:
2-9.3.1 Hold a bachelor's degree;
2-9.3.2 Complete Special Education 101; and
2-9.3.3 Complete customized training protocol (see Division website).
2-9.3 A Special Education Teaching Apprentice may work under the direction of a journeyman (licensed special educator) who has at least three (3) years experience and has earned a master or lead designation. Journeymen may apply for incentive funding from the Division. The licensed educator is responsible for oversight of instruction, due process, and Individualized Education Plans required for students to receive FAPE.
2-9.3.1 The Journeyman may have no more than two (2) apprentices as outlined in protocol. Each apprentice may allow for an increased caseload above what is specified in the Division's rules regarding Special Education, Section, for the Journeyman. The following chart illustrates the maximum increase allowable:

Possible Caseload Increase

Special Class

All Other Areas

Journeyman w/one apprentice



Journeyman w/two apprentice



Special Education Teaching Apprentice

2-9.4 Due to the requirements to develop and maintain appropriately and adequately licensed special education teachers through alternate pathways, school districts should provide compensation that reflects the job responsibility of an apprentice. Special Education Teaching Apprentices should receive a competitive progressive salary and 190-day contract.
2-9.5 Satisfactory performance for three (3) years as a special education paraprofessional would qualify the aspiring educator for a Professional Provisional Special Education Apprenticeship. The educator must also:
2-9.5.1 Pass content assessments approved by the Division.
2-9.5.2 Continue Customized Training Protocol (see Division website).
3-1.01 All applicants for licensure shall complete an approved educator preparation program or an approved pathway for a licensure level and content area.
3-1.02 An applicant should consult the Division's website for the most recently approved program or pathway requirements for each permit or license available.
3-1.03 An educator preparation provider shall apply to the Division for approval based on these rules and the Division's protocols for program approval.
3-1.03.1 Programs shall include curriculum that addresses the licensure requirements in these rules, and requirements established by Arkansas statutes governing educator preparation and these rules. At a minimum, educator preparation programs for a first-time Arkansas standard license shall provide instruction in:
3- Coursework aligned to the Arkansas Educator Competencies for the licensure areas offered; and
3- The state-approved Arkansas Teaching Standards (ATS) and The Teacher Excellence and Support System (TESS);
3- Scientific Reading Instruction.
3- Completers of first-time educator preparation programs leading to Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education (K-12) licensure cannot receive a standard license if a prescribed pathway for proficiency credential has not been completed. Completers of first- time educator preparation providers leading to all other licensure areas cannot receive a standard license if a Prescribed Pathway for Awareness Credential has not been completed.
3- An educator preparation provider shall publish on its website information describing its program to prepare teachers in applicable licensure areas to teach reading using scientific reading instruction;
3- Child maltreatment, under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-61-133;
3- Family and Community Engagement, under Ark. Code Ann. § 615-1703;
3- Teen suicide and bullying awareness and prevention, under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-708 and 6-17-711;
3- Dyslexia professional awareness of the characteristics of dyslexia and evidence-based interventions and accommodations for dyslexia, under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-609;
3- Human trafficking awareness under Ark. Code Ann.§ 6-17-710;
3- Code of Ethics training; and
3- All other state initiatives.
3-1.03.2 All first-time licensure programs must include a method used to demonstrate pedagogical competence.
3-1.03.3 All Educator Preparation Programs must establish:
3- State-Recognized Partnerships.
3- All educator preparation providers must establish at least one primary partnership with the educational entity or accredited private school of their choice where teacher candidates are placed for any portion of their clinical experience.
3- Secondary Partnerships should be established anywhere for any portion of their placement of clinical experience.
3-1.03.4 Programs shall engage candidates in substantial, quality participation in field experiences (such as observations and practicums) and supervised clinical practice (such as student teaching, residency, apprenticeships and internships), as applicable in the licensure content area.
3- First-time licensure programs must include a clinical internship of no less than one university semester or equivalent. Candidates completing first-time licensure programs in May 2027 and thereafter must have completed a one-year supervised residency alongside an experienced mentor teacher in a school setting.
3- A candidate in a traditional first-time educator preparation program with an Aspiring Teacher permit may satisfy their residency requirement by serving as a teacher of record at an education entity or accredited private school.
3- A candidate in an alternative first-time educator preparation program with a provisional license may satisfy their clinical internship or residency requirement by serving as a teacher of record at an education entity or accredited private school.
3- Clinical experiences for teacher licensure areas for grades K-12 or for other non-teaching licensure areas, shall be completed in:
3- Public K-12 school settings that are accredited by the Division;
3- Accredited private or other public school settings where candidates experience educator effectiveness and district support for teacher or leader professional growth and development;
3- Clinical experiences in a B-K licensure program shall be completed in:
3- An early childhood education setting accredited by the Division as a Better Beginnings Level 3 or higher program; or
3- Other early childhood education setting having state accreditation similar to the Arkansas accreditation for a Better Beginnings Level 3 or higher program.
3-2.01 An IHE based traditional educator preparation program that leads to licensure in Arkansas must meet the following requirements:
3-2.01.1 Prior to implementation of an educator preparation program, a public institution of higher education in Arkansas and an out-of- state institution of higher education offering programs (including programs with online coursework) to candidates in Arkansas shall be approved by the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board (AHECB) to offer certificate and degree programs leading to educator licensure in Arkansas;
3-2.01.2 An institution of higher education that offers programs in Arkansas leading to educator licensure shall be accredited by a national or regional accrediting agency that is recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA);
3-2.01.3 IHE-based EPP is considered eligible by the Division to provide professional education programs leading to educator licensure in Arkansas if it meets standards and requirements set forth in the Institutions of Higher Education Protocol for the Review and Approval of Programs of Study Leading to Educator Licensure in Arkansas.
3-3.01 An alternative provider educator preparation program that leads to first-time licensure in Arkansas at the post-baccalaureate level must meet the following requirements:
3-3.01.1 IHE-based EPP is considered eligible by the Division to provide professional education programs leading to educator licensure in Arkansas if it meets standards and requirements set forth in the Institutions of Higher Education Protocol for the Review and Approval of Programs of Study Leading to Educator Licensure in Arkansas.
3-3.01.2 Non-IHE-based EPP is considered eligible by the Division to provide professional education programs leading to educator licensure in Arkansas if it meets standards and requirements set forth in the Alternative Preparation Provider Protocol for the Review and Approval of Programs of Study Leading to Educator Licensure in Arkansas.
3-4.01 Approved educator preparation programs shall regularly undergo a review process to determine if programs are meeting continuous improvement indicators that are aligned with Arkansas education workforce needs.
3-4.01.1 The State Review shall, at a minimum, include:
3- An annual audit of educator preparation providers;
3- An Science of Reading audit every three years in accordance with the Right to Read Act and the Arkansas LEARNS Act.
3- Onsite review of Educator preparation provider;
3- Onsite reviews will be conducted by teams consisting of peer reviewers and content and pedagogical specialists and scheduled every 6 years. Onsite reviews may be conducted more frequently if areas for improvement require more frequent examination.
3- A process for the educator preparation providers to address areas needing improvement;
3-4.01.2 The framework for the review process will consist of domains that include, but are not limited to, the evaluation of: candidate recruitment, program experience, candidate assessment, employment, and completer effectiveness and preparedness.
3-4.01.3 Common data measures will be established by a committee of practitioners for the evaluation of the domains.
3-4.01.4 Annual reporting of progress will be shared with education preparation providers and stakeholders.
3-5.01 State approval of an educator preparation provider is immediately suspended if:
3-5.01.1 The institution fails to obtain approval by the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer certificate and degree programs leading to educator licensure in Arkansas, or the AHECB approval is discontinued;
3-5.01.2 The institution fails to obtain national or regional accreditation, or the national or regional accreditation is discontinued; or
3-5.01.3 The educator preparation provider fails to address areas needing improvement as identified through the state review process.
3-5.02 If state approval is immediately suspended, the PLSB shall submit a recommendation to the State Board for discontinuance of the authority of the institution to offer a program of study for educator licensure.
3-5.02.1 Within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of any of the events under Section 3-4.01 an educator preparation provider shall inform current students in its programs and shall post on its website the institution's or the provider's state approval status.
3-5.02.2 The institution may request a hearing before the State Board on the recommendation by providing a written request to the PLSB within thirty (30) days of receiving the notice from the PLSB.
3-5.02.3 The written request for a hearing shall be accompanied by the institution's written objections to the recommendation and any evidence the institution will present to the State Board.
3-5.02.4 Hearings shall be conducted pursuant to rules of the State Board and the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. §§ 25-15-201 et seq.
3-5.02.5 After an educator preparation program's approval is discontinued by the State Board, the program shall not admit any new student into the program. However, the Division may allow candidates already enrolled to complete the program.
4-1.01 All applicants for licensure endorsements shall complete an approved educator preparation program or an approved pathway for a licensure level and content area.
4-1.02 An applicant should consult the Division's website for the most recently-approved program or pathway requirements for each permit or license available.
4-1.03 An educator preparation provider shall apply to the Division for approval based on these rules and the Division's protocol for program approval.
4-1.03.1 Programs shall include curriculum that addresses the licensure requirements in these rules, and requirements established by Arkansas statutes governing educator preparation and these rules. At a minimum, educator preparation programs for a licensure endorsement shall provide instruction in:
4- Coursework aligned to the Arkansas Educator Competencies for the licensure areas offered.
4- Scientific Reading Instruction.
4- Completers of endorsement educator preparation programs leading to Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education (K-12) licensure cannot receive an endorsement to a standard license if a prescribed pathway for proficiency credential has not been completed. Completers of endorsement educator preparation providers leading to all other licensure areas cannot receive an endorsement to a standard license if a Prescribed Pathway for Awareness Credential has not been completed.
4-1.03.2 Exception area endorsement programs must include a clinical internship if required by the Arkansas Educator Competencies for the licensure area.
4-1.03.3 IHE-based EPP is considered eligible by the Division to provide professional education programs leading to educator licensure in Arkansas if it meets standards and requirements set forth in the Institutions of Higher Education Protocol for the Review and Approval of Programs of Study Leading to Educator Licensure in Arkansas.
4-1.03.4 Non-IHE-based EPP is considered eligible by the Division to provide professional education programs leading to educator licensure in Arkansas if it meets standards and requirements set forth in the Alternative Preparation Provider Protocol for the Review and Approval of Programs of Study Leading to Educator Licensure in Arkansas.
4-2.01 An educational leadership preparation program that leads to an administrator's license shall demonstrate in its program proposal and revisions for approval the program's methods of preparing candidates for competency in the educational leadership standards adopted by the State Board.
4-2.02 To obtain and maintain state approval, principal leadership programs must document in the program's application for approval:
4-2.02.1 Rigorous admission requirements for candidates;
4-2.02.2 Primary partnerships with one (1) or more educational entities; and
4-2.02.3 A clinical internship, residency, or apprenticeship requirement that includes site-based and in-person interaction among school supervisors, program faculty, and candidates.
4-2.03 Programs shall include meaningful leadership interactions throughout the program with school personnel, students, and community members, with the support of program faculty.
5-1.01 A Standard License, Ancillary License, or Technical Permit is a renewable license, valid for a period of five (5) years.
5-1.02 A first-time license is effective from the first date issued through December 31 of the fourth full calendar year following the year of the issue date.
5-1.02.1 The first year of a first-time license issued after January 1 of the calendar year shall expire on December 31 even if the first year is not a full calendar year.
5-1.03 The addition of an endorsement, including an Administrator's License, licensure content area, or level of licensure to a license shall reflect the actual date of the addition and the same expiration date as the licensee's Standard License.
5-1.04 The renewal of a license, including all endorsements, licensure content areas, and levels of licensure for the license is effective:
5-1.04.1 For a currently valid license, January 1 of the following year through December 31 of the fifth year from the expiration date of the existing license; or
5-1.04.2 For licenses that are expired at the time of renewal, the date the expired license was renewed through December 31 of the fourth year from the year of renewal.
5-1.05 A Provisional License term is based on a school year and is effective on the date of issuance stated on the license and expires on the last day of the Provisional License period.
5-2.01 Applications for license renewal may be submitted to the Division no earlier than January 1 of the year of expiration of the license.
5-2.02 An applicant for renewal of a license shall submit the following to the Division:
5-2.02.1 A completed online application for renewal with payment of the non-refundable application fee;
5-2.02.2 Documentation that the applicant has successfully completed all background checks required by the Division's Rules Governing Background Checks within the twelve-month period before the date of the application for renewal;
5-2.02.3 Documentation of the completion of professional development requirements as identified in Appendix B.
5- The Division may issue a one-year non-renewable Provisional License to any applicant who has not completed all professional development requirements for renewal.
5-2.03 The Division may issue a Provisional License to an employed applicant who has not completed the required awareness credential.
5-2.04 Every standard Arkansas educator's license will be renewed with an Educator Career Continuum designation for which the applicant qualifies under Section 6-6.0.
5-2.04.1 A standard Arkansas educator's license will be renewed with a Career Professional Educator designation unless the applicant qualifies for the Lead Professional Educator or Master Professional Educator designation.
5-3.01 A licensee whose license is suspended shall apply for reinstatement of the license by providing the following:
5-3.01.1 Approval from the Professional Licensure Standards Board of the reinstatement from suspension based on its determination that the applicant has completed all conditions of the suspension and has paid the assessed fine.
5-3.01.2 For reinstatement from suspension requested before the year of renewal for the license, the applicant shall submit an application for reinstatement.
5-4.01 The State Board may reinstate a revoked license if:
5-4.01.1 Ten (10) years have passed since the date of revocation if the revocation was based on a felony disqualifying offense under § 6-17-410 or an ethics violation under § 6-17-428; or
5-4.01.2 Five (5) years have passed since the date the license was revoked if the revocation was for any reason other than those set forth in Section 5 4.01.1 of these Rules.
5-4.02 The State Board shall not reinstate a revoked license when the reasons for the revocation concerned the:
5-4.02.1 Physical or sexual injury of another person;
5-4.02.2 Physical or sexual abuse of another person;
5-4.02.3 Physical mistreatment of another person resulting in death; or
5-4.02.4 Sexual mistreatment of another person.
5-4.03 The State Board may reinstate a revoked license with or without a hearing if the applicant provides evidence from the Department of Human Services that the Department has removed the applicant's name from the Child Maltreatment Central Registry.
5-4.03.1 The item will be placed on the Consent agenda for the State Board's next regularly scheduled monthly meeting following the submission of a completed application and relevant evidence.
5-4.03.2 The State Board may remove the item from the consent agenda for further review as follows:
5- The State Board may move to request that the item be placed on the action agenda for its next available regularly scheduled monthly board meeting for review.
5- If the State Board removes the item from the consent agenda, the Division shall notify the educator of the following:
5- The State Board elected to hold a hearing to review the educator's application;
5- The date, time, and location for the hearing;
5- The educator may appear in person, with or without an attorney, to present the educator's case to the State Board and answer questions.
5- A representative from the Division shall introduce the item at the review hearing.
5- The educator or his/her attorney may elect to:
5- Appear at the subsequent review meeting and have ten (10) minutes to present his or her case to the State Board. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the board chair. The board members may ask questions of the educator or his/her attorney or the representative of the Division.
5- If the educator does not appear for the subsequent review or send his or her attorney to appear on behalf of the educator, the State Board shall conduct the subsequent review without the educator or his/her attorney and make a final decision.
5-4.04 An application for reinstatement of revoked license must include the following:
5-4.04.1 A written request notifying the Office of Educator Effectiveness and PLSB of intent to seek the reinstatement of a revoked license;
5-4.04.2 An updated criminal records background check. All associated costs are the responsibility of the applicant;
5-4.04.3 A minimum of three (3) reference letters from educational ' professionals attesting to the applicant's character and fitness to serve as an educator. Each individual providing a reference must submit the letter directly to the Office of Educator Effectiveness and PLSB. The letter must include the notarized signature of the individual providing the reference and his or her contact information including email address, mailing address, and telephone number; and
5-4.04.4 Documentation of having completed any and all requirements of any criminal sentence, made restitution if applicable, paid any fine issued by the State Board of Education for ethics violations and, does not pose a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of public school students and public school employees.
5-4.04.5 The applicant must meet all current certification requirements in place at the time of application for an initial certification, including current testing requirements.
5-4.04.6 After receipt of a complete application for reinstatement of a revoked license, the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education shall send notice to the applicant that he or she may request a hearing before the State Board. The applicant must request a hearing within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice of a completed application.
5-4.04.7 Reinstatement of a Revoked License Hearing Procedures.
5- An individual whose teaching license was revoked following an ethics complaint under 6- 17-428 shall release to the State Board any confidential information regarding an ethics complaint made against the individual upon the individual's application for reinstatement of his or her revoked license. Any confidential information concerning student information regardless of the format of the information, which may include, but is not limited to, communications (physical and electronic); photographs (physical and electronic); audio or video recordings (analog and digital) shall be redacted and or edited to protect the identity of the person(s) that is currently or was a student at the time of the incident.
5- Each party shall exchange exhibits and witness lists not less than ten (10) calendar days before the scheduled hearing date, unless both parties agree to a shorter period of time.
5- Requests for subpoenas must be received in the Office of Legal Counsel not less than ten (10) calendar days before the hearing date.
5- Each party will have the opportunity to present an opening statement of no longer than five (5) minutes, beginning with the representative of the Division. The Chairperson of the State Board may, only for good cause shown and upon the request of either party, allow either party additional time to present their opening statements.
5- Each party will have ten (10) minutes to present their cases, beginning with the representative of the Division. The Chairperson of the State Board may, only for good cause shown and upon the request of either party, allow either party additional time to present their cases.
5- Every witness giving oral testimony must be sworn under oath by the Chair of the State Board and shall be subject to direct examination, cross examination, and questioning by the State Board.
5- For the purposes of the record, documents offered during the hearing by the Division shall be clearly marked "DESE' and numbered in sequential, numeric order (for example: DESE-1).
5- For the purposes of the record, documents offered during the hearing by the Educator shall be clearly marked "Educator" and numbered in sequential, numeric order (for example: Educator-1).
5- While the scope of each party's presentation ultimately lies within the State Board Chairperson's discretion, case presentation should be arranged in such a way as to avoid redundant testimony.
5- After both parties have presented their cases, the State Board may allow each party to present limited rebuttal testimony.
5- Each party will be given five (5) minutes to present a closing argument, ending with the Division.
5-4.05 After a hearing, the State Board may take one (1) or more of the following actions:
5-4.05.1 Place or grant a license on probationary status for a terminable period of time with the license to be revoked or suspended if the probationary period is not successfully completed;
5-4.05.2 Require a licensee to complete appropriate professional development programs, education courses, or both;
5-4.05.3 Impose conditions or restrictions on the teaching or educational activities of the applicant;
5-4.05.4 Impose any other requirement or penalty as may be appropriate under the circumstances of the case and which would achieve the State Board's desired disciplinary purposes; or
5-4.05.5 Take no action against a license.
5-4.05.6 After making its decision, the State Board shall reduce its decision to writing and shall mail copies of the decision to each party and each party's attorney.
5-5.01 A Standard or Ancillary License may reflect the highest earned degree awarded to the licensee in:
5-5.01.1 Education, if the degree was awarded by an accredited teacher education program;
5-5.01.2 Educational Leadership, if the degree was awarded by an accredited college or university;
5-5-01.3 Occupational Therapy, if the degree was awarded by an accredited occupational therapy program;
5-5.01.4 Speech-Language Pathology, if the degree was awarded by an accredited speech-language pathology program;
5-5.01.5 School Psychology, Psychology, or Counseling, if the degree was awarded by an accredited school psychology program; or
5-5.01.6 A licensure content area, if the degree was awarded by an accredited college or university.
5-5.02 When a licensure content area assessment is not available for a specific licensure area, the Division may use a current Principles of Learning and Teaching exam or the Division may request that the State Board approve an alternative method of demonstrating subject matter content competency.
5-5.03 An applicant who is not a U.S. citizen shall provide evidence satisfactory to the Division that the applicant meets the criteria of an exception under 8 U.S.C. § 1621 for the state to issue a professional license.
5-5.04 The Division shall grant active duty service members, returning military veterans, and their spouses automatic licensure pursuant to Act 135 of 2021.
5-5.05 The Division may issue a duplicate of a current license upon application of a current license holder, with payment of the non-refundable application fee.
5-5.06 All information and documentation submitted for an Arkansas teaching license must be accurate, authentic, and unaltered. Any license issued as a result of a violation of this Section, per Section 5-5.07, will be null and void.
5-5.07 The Division, as authorized by the State Board, reserves the right to amend or rescind any license that has been issued in error.
5-5.08 If an applicant for first-time licensure or administrator licensure or for the addition of a licensure content area, endorsement, or level of licensure, was enrolled in a program of study prior to July 1, 2015, and meets all other requirements for licensure, the Office of Educator Licensure may reference and utilize the licensure content areas, tests, endorsements, or levels of licensure that were recognized by the State Board prior to the effective date of these Rules.
5-5.09 The Division shall not remove a licensure content area, or level of licensure, or designation once a license is issued, unless issued in error.
5-5.10 Any license issued by the Division is subject to disciplinary action as provided by law, up to and including revocation by the State Board.
5-5.10.1 The Division may deny a license to an applicant who has been determined to have an ethics violation under the Division's Rules Governing the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators that is at a level equivalent to:
5- Suspension, for the period of the sanction; or
5- Revocation.
6-1.0Building-Level Administrator Endorsement
6-1.01 The Division shall issue a Building-Level Administrator endorsement to a Standard License, and as specifically limited in these rules to a standard License or Career- Technical Permit that requires a bachelor's degree, as provided in these rules upon receipt of the following:
6-1.01.1 A completed application for licensure;
6-1.01.2 An official transcript documenting an awarded master's or higher degree from an accredited college or university in:
6- Educational Leadership from a Division approved program; or 6-6-6- In education or a licensure area, with the addition of a Division approved program of study that includes coursework in Educational Leadership and an internship;
6- An awarded degree or an approved program of study from an institution inside of Arkansas shall be recognized for licensure only if the institution's Licensure Officer signs and verifies the application for licensure.
6- An applicant who has never received an administrator license and whose program of study in Educational Leadership was completed more than ten (10) years before the date of application shall be required to meet all current licensure requirements as determined by either the Division or an accredited educational leadership program;
6-1.01.3 An official score report refiecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate administrative licensure assessment as mandated by the State Board, at the time of application;
6-1.01.4 Documentation of at least three (3) years of P-12 experience as an educator.
6- One (1) year of experience is defined as a minimum of one hundred sixty (160) days of full-time work in a single school year, either:
6- With a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of each day directly engaged in instruction with students in a classroom setting; or
6- As a guidance and school counselor or a library media specialist.
6- The experience requirement may be satisfied by equivalent working experience, including without limitation employment with an education service cooperative or the Division or postsecondary institution.
6- Teaching experience in a career and technical education area as recognized by the State Board may satisfy this requirement only if the educator has obtained a bachelor's degree or higher in:
6- The career and technical education area taught by the educator; or
6- Another licensure area that is related to the career and technical education area taught by the educator; and
6-1.01.5 Verification from the applicant's superintendent that the applicant is performing at the level of an Effective Teacher, or an equivalent measure of effective performance as demonstrated on a performance evaluation if the applicant is not employed by an Arkansas public school.
6-2.0Program Administrator Endorsement
6-2.01 The Division shall issue Program Administrator endorsement to the licenses specified below upon receipt of the following from the applicant:
6-2.01.1 A completed application for licensure.
6-2.01.2 An official transcript documenting an awarded master's or higher degree from an accredited college or university in:
6- Educational Leadership from a DESE approved program;
6- Education;
6- In education or licensure area with the addition of a Division approved program of study that includes coursework in Educational Leadership and an internship;
6- A Career and Technical Education area recognized by the Arkansas Division of Career and Technical education with the addition of a Division approved program of study that includes coursework in Educational Leadership and an internship;
6- An applicant with an older Building-Level Administrator license that is for less than all levels K- 12 who is seeking to add a licensure level shall complete a current internship for the licensure levels missing from the existing license;
6- An awarded degree or an approved program of study from an Arkansas institution shall be recognized for licensure only if the institution's Licensure Officer signs and verifies the application for licensure.
6- For applicants who entered a program of study for an administrator's license on and after the Fall of 2021, the program of study must meet the requirements of Section 3-4.02 of these rules;
6- An applicant who has never received an administrator license and whose program of study for curriculum/program administrator licensure was completed more than ten (10) years before the date of application shall be required to meet all current assessment requirements.
6-2.01.3 An official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate administrative licensure assessment as mandated by the State Board, at the time of application;
6-2.01.4 Documentation of at least three (3) years of licensed experience in the relevant licensure area as follows:
6- Education - Classroom teaching experience in special education, or experience in speech language pathology, occupational therapy, or school psychology, while employed by a public or private school.
6- and Talented Education - Classroom teaching experience in the area of gifted and talented education;
6- and Technical Education - Classroom teaching experience in one or more career and technical education areas as recognized by the State Board, if the educator has obtained a bachelor's degree or higher in:
6- The career and technical education area taught by the educator; or
6- Another licensure area that is related to the career and technical education area taught by the educator, as determined by the Division.
6- Administrator - Experience as a school counselor, library media specialist, or classroom teacher in any licensure area or level of licensure; or
6- Education - Classroom teaching experience in the area of adult education.
6- The experience requirement may be satisfied by equivalent working experience, including without limitation employment with an education service cooperative or the Division or a postsecondary institution.
6-3.0District-Level Administrator Endorsement
6-3.01 The Division shall issue a District-Level Administrator endorsement to a Standard License upon receipt of the following from an applicant holding a Building-Level or Program Administrator License:
6-3.01.1 A completed application for licensure.
6-3.01.2 An official transcript documenting an awarded master's or higher degree from an accredited college or university in education, educational leadership, or a licensure area;
6- An awarded degree or an approved program of study from an Arkansas institution shall be recognized for licensure only if the institution's Licensure Officer sign and verifies the application for licensure.
6-3.01.3 An official transcript documenting successful completion of a Division-approved, graduate-level program of study, above and beyond a master's degree, reflective of the standards for district-level administrator licensure, to include an internship.
6- For applicants who entered a program of study for an administrator's license on and after the Fall of 2021, the program of study must meet the requirements of Section 3-4.02 of these rules;
6- An applicant who has never received a district-level administrator license and whose program of study for district-level administrator licensure was completed more than ten (10) years before the date of application shall be required to meet all current licensure requirements as determined by either the Division or an accredited educational leadership program;
6-3.01.4 An official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate administrative licensure assessment as mandated by the State Board, at the time of application; and
6-3.01.5 Documentation of at least one (1) year of experience under the terms of an approved administrator employment contract as a building level or program administrator.
6-3.01.6 This one-year experience requirement may be satisfied by experience with an education service cooperative or the Division if the Division determines that the experience is substantially equivalent to building-level administration experience.


6-4.0General Provisions
6-4.01 Endorsements may be added to a license through a program of study or by testing out, as provided in these rules. Endorsements that are not available by testing out are known as exception area endorsements. A list of Division approved endorsements is published on the Division's website.
6-4.02 The Division shall add an endorsement, licensure t area, or level of license to a Standard License upon receipt of the following from an applicant:
6-4.02.1 A completed application for addition of area or level;
6-4.02.2 Eighteen (18) hours in the content area with a GPA of 3.0 or higher completed within the previous ten (10) years or an official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate licensure area assessment and other applicable assessments mandated by the State Board; and
6-4.02.3 If an endorsement requires a program of study (see Division's website), an official transcript documenting successful completion of a program of study at an accredited approved educator preparation program, to include an internship if applicable in the licensure area to be taught and an official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate licensure area assessment and other applicable assessments mandated by the State Board
6- The successful completion of a program of study shall be recognized for licensure only if the institution's Licensure Officer signs and verifies the application for licensure.
6-4.03 An applicant whose program of study was completed more than ten (10) years before the date of application shall be required to meet all current assessment requirements as determined by either the Division or an accredited educational program; For applicants seeking an endorsement for Elementary Education (K-6), Middle Childhood Social Studies (4-8), or Secondary Social Studies (7- 12), documentation of the successful completion of three (3) college credit-hours in Arkansas History; and
6-4.04 For applicants seeking an endorsement for Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education (K-12), or Special Education Resource (K-6) for those entering a program after Fall 2023 and thereafter, an official score report reflecting passing scores on the stand- alone reading assessment, as adopted by the State Board, unless already proficient through an approved, prescribed pathway.
6-4.05 To add an Elementary Education (K-6), (7-12) English Language Arts, Mathematics, or Science, (7-12) Special Education Resource endorsement by program of study, an applicant shall:
6-4.05.1 Hold a standard Elementary Education (K-6) or 4-8 license, or a standard 7-12 license in the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, or Science;
6-4.05.2 Document successful completion of an approved program of study in special education, to include:
6- SPED 101 Academy or course aligned to the SPED 101 educator competencies.
6-4.05.3 Document successful completion of the special education content area assessments approved by the State Board.
6-4.05.4 The training or coursework, or in combination, under Section 6-4.05.2 shall include at a minimum multi-sensory reading instruction and classroom management for special education.
6-4.05.5 The successful completion of a program of study shall be recognized for licensure only if the institution's Licensure Officer signs and verifies the application for licensure.
6-5.0Addition of Areas and Endorsements to an Arkansas Standard License by Reciprocity
6-5.01 The following applies to an applicant for an endorsement area who holds an Arkansas Standard License:
6-5.01.1 An applicant who completes coursework and testing out- of-state for the purpose of adding a licensure area to the Arkansas Standard License by reciprocity shall first have the areas added to the applicant's out-of-state license and then may apply for reciprocity to add the areas to the Arkansas license; and
6-5.01.2 An endorsement area that is identified by these rules as an exception area endorsement will not be added by testing out through reciprocity, unless the applicant provides documentation that the applicant has been employed in the area sought to be added for at least three (3) years in the reciprocal state.
6-5.02 Applicants holding an Arkansas license who apply for an administrator endorsement by reciprocity, the program of study must meet substantially the same requirements as set forth these rules.
6-5.03 The Division may seek a review of the program of study by the Professional Licensure Standards Board to determine the qualifications.
6-6.0Application for an Educator Career Continuum Designation on a Standard License
6-6.01 The Division will issue a Standard License based on recommendations for licensure requirements from the Professional Licensure Standards Board as follows:
6-6.01.1 Early Career Professional Educator Designation: The Early Career Professional Educator Designation is a first-time standard or traditional license. The licensee may renew the license or seek a Career Professional Educator Designation after meeting the requirements for the Career Professional Educator Designation.
6-6.01.2 Career Professional Educator Designation: The educator holding this standard license will be recognized as a career professional with a strong commitment to the teaching profession. The requirements for a Career Professional Educator Designation will include at a minimum that the applicant meets the requirements for an Early Career Professional Educator Designation, has completed a minimum of three (3) years of teaching experience, and provides verification that the educator has performed at the level of an Effective Teacher as outlined in the state-approved evaluation framework, or an equivalent measure if the applicant is not employed by an Arkansas public school at the time of application.
6-7.0Application for Career Professional Educator Designation
6-7.01 An applicant holding an Arkansas Early Career Professional Educator Designation in good standing may apply for the designation of Career Professional Educator by completing the appropriate online application in AELS, and providing the following with the online application:
6-7.01.1 Documentation of three (3) years of licensed teaching experience, which may include teaching with a provisional license that is in good standing; and
6-7.01.2 Verification that the applicant has performed at the level of an Effective Teacher as evidenced by the applicant's most recent summative evaluation completed before applying for the license.
6-8.0Lead Professional Educator Designation
6-8.01 The Lead Professional Educator Designation provides opportunities for educators to assume leadership roles without leaving the classroom and provides opportunities for an educator who aspires to be in a leadership role can do so without leaving the classroom.
6-8.02 The requirements for a Lead Professional Educator Designation will include the requirements of the Career Professional Educator Designation, and the applicant will also meet the additional requirements for demonstrating competency in teacher leadership by successfully completing an approved leadership pathway aligned with Learning Forward's Teacher Leader Model Standards.
6-9.0Application for Lead Professional Educator Designation - In-State or By Reciprocity
6-9.1 An applicant may add the designation of Lead Professional Educator to an Arkansas standard license in good standing by completing the appropriate online application, and providing the following with the online application: Documentation of three (3) years of licensed teaching experience; and Verification that the applicant has performed at the level of an Effective Teacher as evidenced by the most recent summative evaluation, or equivalent completed in the last four (4) years before applying for the license; and
6-9.1.3 Documentation of official score report demonstrating passing score, as set by the State Board, on a performance assessment approved by the State Board for the Lead Professional Educator Designation or a Division-approved program.
6-10.0Master Professional Educator Designation
6-10.01 The Master Professional Educator Designation provides opportunities for educators to assume leadership roles without leaving the classroom and provides opportunities for an educator who aspires to be in a leadership role can do so without leaving the classroom.
6-10.02 The requirements for a Professional Educator Designation will include the requirements of the Career Professional Educator Designation, and the applicant will also meet the additional requirements for demonstrating competency in teacher leadership by successfully completing an approved leadership pathway aligned with Learning Forward's Teacher Leader Model Standards.
6-11.0Application for Master Professional Educator Designation - In-State or By Reciprocity:
6-.11.1 An applicant may add the designation of Master Professional Educator to an Arkansas standard license in good standing by completing the appropriate online application, and providing the following with the online application:
6-11.1.1 Documentation of three (3) years of licensed teaching experience; and
6-11.1.2 Verification that the applicant has performed at the level of an Effective Teacher as evidenced by the applicant's most recent summative evaluation completed before applying for the license; and
6-11.1.3 Documentation of one of the following:
6- Receipt of one of the following awards:
6- Arkansas Teacher of the Year;
6- National Teacher of the Year;
6- Out of state Teacher of the Year;
6- Milken Educator Award;
6- Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching;
6- Nationally approved award recognized by the State Board;
6- Board certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards that is a current certification at the time of application; or
6- Successful completion of:
6- A master's degree or higher in the content area, or a Master's Degree or higher and eighteen (18) graduate hours in the teacher's content area; and successful completion of a DESE- approved program; or
6- Completion of an approved competency-based pathway aligned with standards adopted by the State Board program.
7-1.01 Except as specifically allowed by law, rule, or regulation, no person shall be employed by a public school in an out-of-area position for more than sixty (60) instructional days unless the person meets one of the licensure exceptions of this Chapter 7.
7-1.02 The available licensure exceptions are:

Emergency Teaching Permit (ETP)

Effective Teacher Licensure Exception (ETL)

Additional Licensure Plan (ALP)

Administrator Licensure Completion Plan (ALCP)

Long-term Substitute Teacher (LTS)

Waivers from Licensure Rules or Laws

Aspiring Teacher Permit (ATP)

7-1.03 Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Chapter 7, if the State Board or the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education orders the suspension or removal of a superintendent or school board under authority granted under Title 6 of the Arkansas Code, the State Board or Commissioner may appoint, subject to state law, one (1) or more individuals in out-of-area positions as district-level administrators for that public school district.
7-2.01 An emergency teaching permit authorizes the permit holder to be hired to fill a vacant teaching position without a license as teacher of record.
7-2.02 Upon submission by an educational entity of the application required by the Division, the Division may issue an Emergency Teaching Permit to a non-licensed person hired to fill a teaching, school counseling, and library media vacancy under the following conditions:
7-2.02.1 An emergency teaching permit will expire upon the earlier of:
7- The date the permit holder leaves the employ of the educational entity that requested the permit; or
7- At the end of the school year for which the emergency teaching permit was issued, but may be extended for one (1) additional school year for extenuating circumstances upon the Division's approval of the school district's application for the extension. The school district's application must demonstrate that the individual employed under the emergency teaching permit made progress in acquiring licensure for the area covered by the emergency teaching permit.
7- The emergency teaching permit will end automatically if the individual employed under the permit becomes licensed in the area covered by the emergency teaching permit.
7-2.02.2 A person hired under an emergency teaching permit must have relevant work experience in the content area, a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university, and one of the following requirements:
7- The bachelor's degree or advanced degree is in the content area in which the educator will teach;
7- The bachelor's degree or advanced degree contains a minimum of eighteen (18) college credit hours in the content area in which the educator will teach;
7- The educator has successfully completed a content area assessment approved by the State Board of Education for the content area in which the educator will teach;
7- The educator is a National Board Certified Teacher for the content area in which the educator will teach.
7-2.02.3 The permit holder shall successfully complete the state and federal criminal records checks and the Child Maltreatment Central Registry check in accordance with the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Background Checks.
7-2.02.4 The educational entity shall report the Emergency Teaching Permit as a licensure exception in the Division's data reporting system. The emergency teaching permit cannot be issued for Special Education.
7-3.01 An educational entity may allow a teacher who meets the definition of an Effective Teacher to teach a content area related to the teacher's current licensure area but for which the teacher is not currently licensed, under the following conditions:
7-3.01.1 The grade level seeking to be taught shall not be more than one (1) grade above or one (1) grade below the grade level that the teacher is currently licensed in and has received an Effective Teacher in summative rating.
7-3.01.2 The Effective Teacher Licensure Exception shall not be used for teaching special education.
7-3.01.3 The educational entity has determined that the teacher meets the definition of Effective Teacher;
7-3.01.4 The teacher continues to meet the definition of Effective Teacher for each school year the teacher teaches in an out-of-area assignment and for each content area taught, as reported by the educational entity to the Division; and
7-3.01.5 The licensure exception is valid until the educational entity determines that the teacher no longer meets the definition of Effective Teacher.
7-3.01.6 The educational entity is not required to obtain Division approval for this licensure exception but shall:
7- Report the Effective Teacher Licensure Exception in the Division's data reporting system; and
7- Maintain its records, under the educational entity's records retention policy, on the determination for meeting the requirements of this section 7-3.0, which shall be subject to Division monitoring.
7-4.01 The Division shall issue an ALP to an individual holding a Standard or Provisional License and employed in an out-of-area position, upon the submission of a completed application for an ALP, Plan of Study, and Justification required by the Division.
7-4.02 An ALP is valid for a maximum of six (6) consecutive semesters and is not renewable.
7-4.02.1 An ALP requiring a Division-approved program of study shall remain valid only so long as the applicant successfully completes:
7- A minimum of three (3) hours of program-of-study coursework in the first year of the ALP; and
7- A minimum of six (6) hours of Division-approved program- of-study coursework in both the second and third years.
7-4.03 An ALP for testing out of a content area shall be completed as follows:
7-4.03.1 In the first year of the ALP, the teacher must attempt the content area assessment mandated by the State Board.
7-4.03.2 If the applicant does not successfully complete the attempted content area assessment within the first year, the educational entity may request an additional four (4) consecutive semesters.
7- Until the applicant successfully completes the content area assessment, the applicant shall complete a minimum of six (6) hours of Division-approved program-of-study coursework for each two-semester period remaining in the ALP.
7- By the end of the third year of the ALP, the educator must successfully complete the content area assessment.
7-4.04 An ALP that requires a program of study shall be completed within six (6) consecutive semesters.
7-4.05 If the person does not make the progress required under 7-4.02.1 to complete the ALP within six (6) consecutive semesters, he or she is not eligible for another ALP in the same licensure content area.
7-4.06 If the person in the position for which the ALP was approved leaves the school district:
7-4.06.1 The ALP may transfer with the person as long as the person has complied with the terms of the ALP under these rules; and
7-4.06.2 The school district may request an ALP for another person to fill the position.
7-4.07 The Division may extend the ALP for up to two (2) additional consecutive semesters for extenuating circumstances, as approved by the State Board.
7-4.08 Except as provided below, a person holding a Provisional License shall not be granted an ALP.
7-4.08.1 An individual holding a Provisional License issued by reciprocity is eligible for an ALP subject to the remaining requirements for the ALP.
7-5.01 The Division shall issue an Administrator Licensure Completion Plan (ALCP) to an individual employed in an out-of-area administrator position who:
7-5.01.1 Submits a completed application for an ALCP, Plan of Study, and Justification required by the Division, verified by the Educational Leadership Chair of the accredited college or university where the degree or program of study is offered;
7-5.01.2 Submits proof of employment with an Arkansas educational entity in a position that requires an Administrator License.
7- Employment must be verified by an authorized representative of the educational entity; and
7-5.01.3 Meets all of the requirements of these Rules for a Building-Level Administrator License, a Curriculum/Program Administrator License, or a District-Level Administrator License, except for:
7- Successful completion of an awarded master's or higher degree as required for the appropriate administrator license under rules;
7- Successful completion of a graduate-level program of study as required for the appropriate administrator license under these rules; or
7- Submission of an official score report reflecting passing scores on the appropriate administrator's license assessment under these rules.
7-5.02 An ALCP is valid for a maximum of six (6) consecutive semesters, is not renewable, and shall remain valid so long as the applicant:
7-5.02.1 Remains employed with an Arkansas educational entity in a position that requires an Administrator License;
7-5.02.2 Holds the degree required for the appropriate administrator license, or remains enrolled and actively participates in the appropriate degree program; and
7-5.02.3 Has completed or remains enrolled and actively participates in the appropriate program of study required for the appropriate administrator license.
7-5.02.4 Active participation in a degree program or program of study means continuous enrollment in the program during the term of the ALCP.
7-5.03 The Division may extend the ALCP for up to two (2) additional consecutive semesters for extenuating circumstances, as approved by the State Board.
7-5.04 An educator who holds a Provisional License issued by the Division for reciprocity is eligible for placement under an Administrator Licensure Completion Plan (ALCP).
7-6.01 A person employed as a temporary substitute for a licensed teacher in an educational entity shall:
7-6.01.1 Be a high school graduate; or
7-6.01.2 Hold a high school equivalency test certificate.
7-6.02 No class of students in any public school shall be under the instruction of a substitute teacher for more than sixty (60) consecutive instructional days in the same class during a school year unless the substitute teacher instructing the class has:
7-6.02.1 A bachelor's or higher degree awarded by an accredited college or university; or
7-6.02.2 A license issued by the State Board of Education.
7-6.03 An educational entity shall request a long-term substitute waiver for each semester, not to exceed two (2) consecutive semesters to employ a substitute teacher whenever a class of students will be receiving instructions from the substitute teacher for longer than (60) consecutive instructional days unless the substitute is fully licensed in Arkansas for areas in which the substitute is employed.
7-6.03.1 A substitute teacher may not provide instruction to any student for longer than two semesters.
7-6.04 The district superintendent or charter school director shall send written notice of the assignment of a substitute teacher to an out-of-area position to the parent or guardian of each student in the teacher's classroom no later than sixty (60) consecutive instructional days after the date of the assignment.
7-6.05 Before the long-term substitute (LTS) begins employment, he or she shall successfully complete the state and federal criminal records checks and the Child Maltreatment Central Registry check in accordance with the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Background Checks. Prior to employment, a long-term substitute must also provide proof that he or she has obtained a bachelor's degree. Proof of the bachelor's degree must accompany the request sent to the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education for approval of employment of a long-term substitute.

Source: Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-309

7-7.01 The following waivers from state law or rules governing licensure granted to an educational entity under the applicable statute shall be reported by an educational entity as a licensure exception in the Division's reporting system:
7-7.01.1 Waivers granted in the original or amended charter of a public charter school under the Arkansas Quality Charter Schools Act of 2013, Ark. Code Ann. § 6-23-101 et seq.;
7-7.01.2 Waivers granted to a School of Innovation under the District of Innovation Program, § 6-15-2801 et seq.; or
7-7.01.3 Waivers granted to a school district under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-103 (Act 1240 of 2015, as amended).
7-7.02 Persons employed in positions under one of these waivers shall meet the requirements under the Division Rules Governing Arkansas Qualified Teacher Requirements if teaching in a core subject area.
7-7.03 The district superintendent or charter school director shall send written notice of the assignment of a teacher on an ALP, LTS, or emergency teaching permit to the parent or guardian of each student in the teacher's classroom no later than sixty (60) consecutive instructional days after the date of the assignment.
7-8.01 An aspiring teacher permit authorizes an aspiring teacher to be hired as a teacher of record for a teaching vacancy but not as a temporary or long-term substitute.
7-8.02 Upon submission by an educational entity of the application required by the Division, the aspiring teacher can be hired under the following conditions:
7-8.02.1 The permit holder must be enrolled in a traditional educator preparation program for the licensure area in which they will be teacher of record;
7-8.02.2 The permit holder must have met all requirements for internship/residency at the IHE and can complete the internship/residency while employed as teacher of record;
7-8.02.3 A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of support between the IHE and the school district has been established and submitted to the Division;
7-8.02.3 Met all first-time licensure requirements as referenced in 3-1.03.1
7-8.02.4 Passing scores on all content area assessments required (including the stand-alone reading assessment for elementary education K-6 and special education K-12)
7-8.02.3 The permit holder must have a district-assigned experienced mentor teacher that meets the following requirements:
7- A minimum of three (3) years of licensed teaching experience;
7- Current effective teacher summative evaluation;
7- Trained or enrolled in DESE approved mentor coaching; and
7- It is required that the experienced mentor teacher have a Master or Lead teacher designation.


The fees for the following applications are nonrefundable and must be paid at the time of application.

If multiple requests are submitted on one application the educator is only required to pay one fee.



First-time Five-Year Standard Educator's License (including by reciprocity)

$ 75.00

First-time Five-Year Ancillary License

$ 75.00

First-time Five-Year Career-Technical Permit

$ 75.00

Duplicate License

$ 25.00

Renewal of License

$ 75.00


Provisional License


Lifetime Teaching License


Adding Degree, Adding Area, Adding Level to Existing License, Adding a Designation


Name Change



* Child Maltreatment/Mandated Reporting per Ark. Code Ann. § 6-61-133

* Family and Community Engagement per Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-1703

* Mental Health Awareness and Teen Suicide Awareness and Prevention per Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-708

* Bullying Prevention per Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-711

* Dyslexia per Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-609

* Human Trafficking per Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-710

* Arkansas History per Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17- 418

Please also see Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-709 and the DESE Rules Governing Professional Development.


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005.28.24 Ark. Code R. 014

Adopted by Arkansas Register Volume 49, Number 09, Effective 9/2/2024