005.16.07 Ark. Code R. 003

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 9, September, 2024
Rule 005.16.07-003 - ADE 254: Rules Governing the Addition of Areas of Licensure or Endorsement
1.01 These rules shall be known as the Arkansas Department of Education Rules Governing the Addition of Areas of Licensure or Endorsement.
1.02 These rules are enacted pursuant to the authority of the State Board of Education under Ark. Code Ann. §§ 6-11-105 and 6-17-402.
2.01 The purpose of these rules is to identify the policies governing licensure that deal with adding an area of licensure/endorsement to an existing Arkansas teaching license.
3.00 DEFINITIONS - For the purpose of these rules, the following definitions shall apply:
3.01Additional Licensure Plan (ALP) shall be the recognized process for allowing a licensed teacher to be employed in an out-of-field teaching position while meeting the program of study competency and assessment requirements for said position.
3.02Approved Performance Based Program of Study refers to a program approved by the Arkansas Department of Education and based upon Arkansas licensure standards. The program requires a candidate to demonstrate and document competency in the specific knowledge, skills and dispositions for a particular licensure area.
3.03Endorsement refers to teaching or administrative licensure areas, which require an initial or standard teaching license, prior to the endorsement being added.
3.04Exception Area refers to the specific areas of licensure, which cannot be issued either as an initial license or by testing only. The exception areas include, but are not limited to, the following: Special Education, Counselor, All Other Added Endorsement Areas, Administrative Licenses, Non-Instructional Student Services, and Professional & Technical Permits. Special Education may be issued as an initial license.
3.05Level and Area of Licensure - Level refers to the grade/age level parameters of the teaching license, such as P-4, 4-8, P-8, P-12, 7-12 and PS (post-secondary). Area refers to the particular content field, including but not limited to, Early Childhood, Middle Childhood Science/Mathematics, Social Studies, and Family and Consumer Sciences.
3.06State Board Required Assessments refer to specific performance-based assessments approved by the State Board of Education.
3.07Content/Standard Teaching Area refer to the specific subject areas listed under Integrated Curriculum Humanities, Integrated Science Curriculum, Integrated Visual and Performance Arts, Integrated Vocational Education, Integrated Physical Education and Health and Special Education as listed in the State Board Approved Levels and Areas of Licensure.
3.08Provisional License by Reciprocity a one year teaching license that may or may not be renewed. This license allows a teacher coming from out of state or out of country to be employed as a teacher while completing assessed deficiencies for the Initial or Standard teaching license.
4.01 Teachers/administrators shall have a valid Arkansas initial or standard content area teaching license or provisional licensure through reciprocity in order to add an area of licensure or endorsement.
4.02 Teachers adding an additional licensure/endorsement area(s) to their Arkansas teaching license by meeting the program of study requirements of an Arkansas college/university or when adding a licensure/endorsement area by reciprocity, shall meet the following requirements regarding degrees and coursework.
4.02.1 The coursework/degree required for the area(s) that are being added shall have been completed through a college/university that holds regional/national accreditation that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or Council for Higher Education Accreditation.


4.02.2 All teacher education coursework shall have been completed through a college/university teacher education program that holds national accreditation that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, Council for Higher Education Accreditation or that is state approved.
4.03 The Additional Licensure Plan (ALP) shall be the recognized process for allowing a licensed teacher to be employed in an out-of-area teaching position while completing the competency and assessment requirements for the new employment position.
4.03.1 Teachers who hold an initial or standard license are eligible to file an ALP in order to be employed in an out-of-area assignment.
4.03.2 Teachers who hold a provisional Arkansas teaching license, which was granted through reciprocity as a result of holding an initial/standard out-of-state license, are also eligible to file an ALP in order to be employed in an out-of-area assignment.
4.04 Teachers working in an out-of-area teaching assignment shall file a completed ALP with their school district and with the Office of Professional Licensure within thirty (30) days of beginning the out-of-field assignment.
4.04.1 Teachers working under an ALP shall have three (3) years from the beginning of the out-of-area assignment to complete all competency and assessment requirements for the new employment position.
4.04.2 When a school district requests a waiver to employ a teacher out-of-area and a program of study is required: The teacher shall successfully complete a minimum of three (3) hours of course work toward the program of study requirements during the first year employed out-of-area, and a minimum of six (6) hours of coursework each of the following two years, when employed out-of-area, in order for the waiver to be approved for the following year. The Specialty Area Assessment(s) required to be designated as a highly qualified teacher in the core academic area shall be successfully completed the first year the teacher is employed out-of-area on an approved waiver. A waiver will not be approved for the following year at such time that the teacher fails to successfully complete the required coursework or testing within the timelines specified above.
4.04.3 When a school district has requested a waiver for a teacher being employed out-of-area and the additional area can be added by testing out: The teacher shall have successfully completed the content knowledge portion(s) of the required specialty area assessment (s) required to be highly qualified during the first year employed out-of-area on an approved waiver. The remaining part(s) of the specialty area assessment required for licensure in the out-of-area assignment shall be successfully completed by the end of the third year working under an approved waiver. Teachers failing to successfully complete the content knowledge portion of the specialty area assessment required to be highly qualified during the first year employed out-of-area under an approved waiver, shall document a minimum of six (6) hours of coursework in the content area. Teachers failing to successfully complete either the required assessment to be highly qualified or the six (6) hours of coursework in the content area during the first year working under an approved waiver shall not be approved to be employed out-of-area under the same ALP the following year.
4.05 The requirements contained in an individual's ALP are subject to any changes made by the State Board of Education which would necessitate a change in the licensure requirements for that ALP.
4.06 The Office of Professional Licensure shall add a licensure/endorsement area(s) to a valid Arkansas initial or standard teaching license upon receiving the following:
4.06.1 An application requesting the licensure/endorsement area(s);
4.06.2 Documentation that all program of study requirements (including Arkansas History when required); and
4.06.3 Evidence that all State Board required assessments have been successfully completed.
4.07 Teachers or administrators may add an additional licensure area (s) by testing out, only when they hold a content/standard licensure area at the same level as the area being added.
4.07.1 Added endorsements such as reading, library media, counselor,

journalism, grade 5-6 endorsements, English as a Second Language, educational examiner, coaching, gifted and talented and administrative areas may not be used as a platform for adding other licensure areas by testing out.

4.08 Teachers or administrators seeking to add exception areas shall complete an approved performance-based program of study and pass the State Board required assessment(s).
4.09 Teachers or administrators seeking to add additional areas of licensure outside their level of licensure shall complete an approved performance-based program of study and pass the State Board required assessment(s).
4.10 To add an area of licensure or endorsement for which there is not a State Board required specialty area assessment, a candidate shall successfully complete an approved performance-based program of study and the State Board required pedagogical assessment.
4.11 In order to add an area of licensure/endorsement to a license in School Psychology Specialist, Speech Pathology, Adult Education or a Professional Technical Permit area only, the teacher shall complete a program of study to include a practicum/internship and the State Board required specialty area assessment(s), pedagogical assessment and basic skill assessments.
4.12 Teachers or administrators adding Early Childhood P-4, Middle Childhood Math/Science and Language Arts/Social Studies 4-8 or Secondary Social Studies 7-12 to their valid Arkansas initial or standard teaching license shall have completed a three-credit-hour course in Arkansas History in addition to the required testing and program of study when applicable.
4.13 The Office of Professional Licensure reserves the right to amend and/or rescind an additional area of licensure that is issued in error.
4.14 Additional areas/levels of licensure or endorsement shall be added to a valid Arkansas initial or standard teaching license upon receiving documentation that all requirements have been met and upon receiving an application requesting the additional licensure area or endorsement.
4.15 A content/standard area teaching license, as identified in the areas and levels of licensure and approved by the State Board of Education, shall be required in order to add licensure areas, endorsements or areas of educational administration.
4.16 The Office of Professional Licensure has the authority to assist individual teachers seeking additional licensure areas for which there are no approved programs of study at any of Arkansas' Institute of Higher Education. Examples of such licensure areas to be include but not limited to are: Visual Specialist and Hearing Specialist.
4.17 Beginning May 1, 2007, teachers that are adding P.E./Wellness/Leisure to a current Arkansas teaching license, shall receive the new licensure code numbers 235 for (P-8) and 236 for (7-12).
4.17.1 Teachers holding the new licensure code numbers 235 and/or 236 shall not be automatically approved to be employed as a coach in the public schools of Arkansas.
4.17.2 Teachers holding the new licensure code numbers 235 and/or 236 shall work under the ALP (Additional Licensure Plan) for the coaching endorsement (7-12) when employed as a coach.

005.16.07 Ark. Code R. 003
