005.16.06 Ark. Code R. 002

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 9, September, 2024
Rule 005.16.06-002 - Rules Governing the Non-Traditional Licensure Program
1.01 The purpose of these rules is to establish the requirements and procedures for obtaining teacher licensure through the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Non-Traditional Licensure Program.
2.01 These rules shall be known as the Arkansas Department of Education Rules Governing The Non-Traditional Licensure Program.
2.02 These rules are enacted pursuant to the authority of the State Board of Education under Ark. Code Ann.§ 6-11-105, Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-401, Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-409 and Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-204.

For the purpose of these Rules the following terms shall be defined to mean:

3.01 Area of Licensure - a particular content field as identified in Appendix A, Areas and Levels of Licensure/Endorsement.
3.02 Induction - the period of time beginning with a teacher's first employment as the teacher of record in an Arkansas public school, cooperative or agency that requires an Arkansas teaching license. The novice teacher, operating under an Initial License, is provided mentoring support and accelerated professional development during the Initial license period. The induction period concludes with successful completion of the state-mandated performance assessment.
3.03 Initial Teaching License - a three-year teaching license, issued by the State Board of Education, which allows one to teach in Arkansas public schools.
3.03.1 The Initial license is issued only in areas and levels of licensure as approved by the State Board of Education as referenced in Appendix A, Areas and Levels of Licensure/Endorsement, which are hereby incorporated into these rules.
3.03.2 The Initial license may be issued to: Teachers who have completed an approved teacher education program from a regionally and/or National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education accredited college or university (including the appropriate state-mandated assessments). Teachers who have completed the Non-Traditional Licensure Program (including the appropriate state-mandated assessments). Teachers who were prepared out of state but did not license.
3.04 Level of Licensure - the grade/age level parameter of the teaching license as identified in Appendix A, Areas and Levels of Licensure/Endorsement.
3.05 Mentor - a licensed master teacher with a minimum of three years successful teaching experience who is trained in the state-adopted mentoring model. Mentors are assigned in their districts to assist a novice teacher by providing focused feedback with regard to instructional skills, classroom management and professional behaviors.
3.06 Mentoring - the act of a certified mentor providing support and focused feedback to a novice teacher (through the state-adopted mentoring model) with the goal of enhanced instructional skills, competency and professional development.
3.07 Non-Traditional Licensure Program (NTLP) - the program administered by the Arkansas Department of Education, whose participants hold a minimum of a baccalaureate degree (and have passed the appropriate state-mandated assessments) and are allowed to teach in an Arkansas school via a Non-Traditional Provisional license. The program requirements consist of two years of teaching and instructional modules, which must be completed within three years.
3.08 Non-Traditional Provisional License - the provisional teaching license issued to participants in the Non-Traditional Licensure Program.
3.09 Novice Teacher - any licensed teacher-of-record with less than one year of public school, or accredited private school, classroom-teaching experience, not including student internship or substitute teaching.
3.10 Out-of-Country Candidate - a person from a foreign country who holds the equivalent of a four-year degree, and who comes from a foreign country that does not have reciprocity with Arkansas.
3.11 Performance Assessment - an assessment tool used for evaluation of the classroom performance of a novice teacher, conducted by a trained assessor who utilizes a framework of essential teaching skills in which the novice teacher must demonstrate competency in an authentic classroom setting.
3.11.2 Successful completion of the performance assessment is defined as meeting the state-adopted cut-score/minimum passing score.
3.12 Program of Study - a state-approved teacher preparation curriculum offered at an Arkansas college or university, based on the Arkansas Licensure Standards. The program requires a candidate to demonstrate and document competency in the specific knowledge, skills and dispositions for a particular licensure area and level.
3.13 Provisional Teaching License - A temporary teaching license available to candidates who have not completed all requirements for the Initial or Standard Arkansas teaching license.
3.14 Standard Teaching License - a five-year renewable license, issued by the State Board of Education, which allows one to teach in Arkansas public schools. The Standard License is issued to:
3.14.1 Initial License holders who have successfully completed the state required induction for novice teachers and the performance assessment
3.14.2 Non-Traditional Provisional License holders who have successfully completed the Non-Traditional Licensure Program (including all appropriate assessments), the state required induction for novice teachers, and the performance assessment
3.14.3 Teachers who have completed all requirements for standard licensure through reciprocity
3.15 Teacher of Record - an instructional teacher, who is officially responsible for a class and its grades, employed under contract (in a licensed staff position) by a school, school district or other Arkansas agency or organization requiring an Arkansas teaching license.
4.01 The following is required for admission to the NTL program:
4.01.1 A completed Non-Traditional Licensure Program application with all required accompanying documentation
4.01.2 Official transcript(s) documenting an awarded four-year college bachelor's degree or higher from a regionally and/or National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) accredited institution. For out-of-country candidates, an official college transcript evaluation from a private credential evaluation agency documenting that the bachelor's degree is equivalent to a four-year degree from an accredited institution of higher learning in the United States. The degree is to be evaluated by a private credential evaluation agency. This must be a course-by-course-evaluation prepared in English indicating the candidate's major course of study to include documentation of the candidate's cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA).
4.01.3 Documentation of a cumulative undergraduate or graduate grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or a minimum of 2.5 on the last 60 credit hours beginning in the July 2006 session. (GPA) of 2.50 or higher, or a minimum of 2.75 on the last 60 credit hours of coursework beginning August 2006
4.01.4 An official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board of Education, on the following state required assessments: The basic skills assessment (all parts) If a candidate holds a Master's Degree or above,

and has taken a graduate level assessment, and has scored at or above the State Board established cut-score/minimum passing score, that assessment may, upon review, be accepted in lieu of the basic skills assessment s). The state required subject-content-area assessments) for the specific licensure area(s) sought
4.01.5 Documentation of passing the required background checks by the

Arkansas State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation as required by Ark. Code Ann.§ 6-17-410

4.01.6 Payment of the Non-Traditional Licensure Program Fee which is established annually by the Arkansas Department of Education
4.01.7 Applicable college/university coursework (in advance) from a regionally and/or National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) accredited institution Three college-credit-hours of Arkansas History for the following license areas: Early Childhood Education (P-4), Middle Childhood Education (4-8), and Social Studies (7-12). Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-418 Beginning with the 2007-08 school year, all candidates seeking Early Childhood Education (P-4) and/or Middle Childhood Education (4-8) must successfully complete six college-credit-hours in Methods of Teaching Reading.
5.01 To obtain a Non-Traditional Provisional Teaching License a candidate must:
5.01.1 Be admitted into the Arkansas Department of Education's Non-Traditional Teacher Licensure Program (NTLP)
5.01.2 Successfully complete the summer instructional modules
5.01.3 Document appropriate employment as teacher-of-record, teaching a minimum of five hours per day in the appropriate licensure area(s), with a certified mentor approved by the ADE in an Arkansas public school or a private school within the state of Arkansas accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting association during the provisional licensure period If employment is not secured by September 1, of the year of admission into the NTLP, the participant shall accept teaching employment (if offered) working in conjunction with the ADE Office of Teacher Recruitment. If the candidate does not accept said employment, he or she may be administratively withdrawn from the program. If appropriate employment is not found by the candidate or the Office of Teacher Recruitment, the candidate shall be maintained on "hold" (one year only), until the following year. A candidate on "hold" shall not be issued a license and shall be required to teach the following year. (The candidate shall still be required to complete two years of teaching within a three-year period.)
5.02 A one-year Non-Traditional Provisional teaching license is:
5.02.1 Issued to NTL participants at the beginning of each year of the program
5.02.2 Is effective as of August first of the year of issue
5.02.3 Is active for one year
5.03 NTL Provisional licenses are issued to participants based upon the areas and levels of teaching assignment as according to Appendix A, NTL Teaching Areas and Levels of Licensure/Endorsement.
5.03.1 Only NTLP participants teaching in the secondary content licensure areas of Mathematics, English, Science, Social Studies, Speech/ Drama or any Foreign Language may be issued a license in two (2) of these areas. Participants may be licensed in both areas if they have successfully completed all non-pedagogical licensure Praxis exams for both licensure areas.
5.03.2 A Journalism endorsement may be added, as the second area of licensure, to any of these five areas if the required program of study for Journalism is successfully completed.
6.01 There are two tracks in the NTLP, a one-year program or a two-year program.
6.01.1 Candidates with a four-year degree who have completed a program of study in the field of Education must complete a one-year program if their degree was awarded within five years of the date of application.
6.01.2 Candidates with a four-year degree, who have not completed a program of study in the field of Education, or those whose Education degree was awarded more than five years before the date of application, must complete a two-year program.
6.02 Participants in the Non-Traditional Licensure Program shall:
6.02.1 Be employed as the teacher of record in an Arkansas school
6.02.2 Teach a minimum of five hours per day in their licensure area(s) Teach for one year, if in the one-year program Teach for two years, if in the two-year program
6.02.3 Be assigned to, and attend a Non-Traditional Licensure Program satellite site for instructional modules
6.02.4 Be mentored according to the Arkansas Department of Education Teacher Induction Guidelines
6.02.5 Complete all instructional modules prescribed by the Arkansas Department of Education
6.02.6 Pass the appropriate state mandated pedagogical assessment(s)
6.02.7 Become eligible to participate in the state-mandated performance assessment in their final semester in the program, after the pedagogical assessment has been successfully completed
6.02.8 Adhere to and abide by all the policies and procedures as outlined in the published NTL Handbook for the year of admission
6.03 The required NTL program prescribed by the Arkansas Department of Education includes:
6.03.1 Required Instructional Modules during the summer
6.03.2 Required Instructional Modules during the school year
6.03.3 Development of a professional portfolio
6.03.4 Novice Teacher Induction (which includes Mentoring by a trained and certified mentor)
6.03.5 Teaching a minimum of five hours per day (or the equivalent) in the licensure area(s)
6.04 Successful completion of the Non-Traditional Licensure Program may yield either an Initial or a Standard Teaching license:
6.04.1 To receive an Initial teaching license, the participant shall: Complete all NTL program requirements_prescribed by the Arkansas Department of Education, and Pass the appropriate state mandated pedagogical assessment(s).
6.04.2 To receive a Standard teaching license, the participant shall: Complete all NTL program requirements prescribed by the Arkansas Department of Education Pass the appropriate state mandated pedagogical assessment(s) Successfully complete Induction and the state required performance assessment
6.04.3 If the pedagogical assessment is not successfully completed within the NTLP program period, a subsequent license will not be issued. The participant will be allowed to attend ADE-scheduled remedial sessions for one year, during which time the participant may attempt to pass the assessment and, if successful, will be issued an Initial license.
6.04.4 If the pedagogical assessment is not successfully completed within the remedial year, the participant will be administratively withdrawn from the program.
6.05 Annual enrollment in the NTL program may be limited by:
6.05.1 Licensure requirements
6.05.2 Licensure area and level of candidates (shortage areas may predominate)
6.05.3 Program capacity
7.01 All Arkansas School Districts shall implement, support, and monitor the quality of mentoring as outlined in ADE Induction Guidelines and the district's approved plan for mentoring.
7.01.1 Implementation of the district mentoring plan shall include: Selecting mentor candidates according to the Arkansas Mentor Qualifications form Providing a trained mentor for each NTL enrollee
7.01.2 Support includes: Providing a minimum of two (2) hours every two weeks of released time (on average) during the contract day for the mentor and novice teacher to work together Assisting the novice and mentor to schedule focused observations and professional development activities Providing activities for mentors and novice teachers, which engage them in collaborative dialogue, problem solving, and professional development
7.01.3 Monitoring of the quality of the district program is achieved by review of the Mentor/Novice Teacher Mentoring Log and the Novice Teacher's Professional Growth and Development Plan by the district Project Director.
7.01.4 All other mentoring documents shall become the sole possession of the novice teacher and shall not be utilized for employment decisions or employment evaluation decisions.
7.02 Mentoring observational information shall not be shared with the novice teacher's employer or utilized in any way to make employment decisions unless students are at risk, either physically or emotionally.
8.01 NTL participants will be issued the Provisional License in level(s)/area(s) of licensure that is based on having passed the assessments) in that licensure level(s)/area(s) and secure appropriate employment in that level(s)/area(s) in accordance with the published NTL Handbook for the year of admission.
8.02 NTL participants will be issued either the Initial or Standard License in level(s)/area(s) of licensure that is based on having passed the assessment(s) in that licensure level(s)/area(s) and completed successful employment in that level(s)/area(s) for two years (one year for Education program-of-study candidates) in accordance with the published NTL Handbook for the year of admission.
8.03 Teachers who need a duplicate Arkansas teaching license must submit a completed application form (indicating "duplicate") to the Office of Professional Licensure. 8.03.1 A duplicate license will be issued only for a license that is current.
8.04 All information and documentation submitted for an Arkansas Teacher License must be timely, accurate, authentic and unaltered in any way.
8.04.1 Any license issued as a result of information submitted that is not in compliance with section 8.04 will be null and void and shall be rescinded by the Office of Professional Licensure, as authorized by the State Board of Education.
8.05 The Office of Professional Licensure, as authorized by the State Board of Education, reserves the right to amend and/or rescind any Arkansas Teacher License that has been issued in error.
8.06 The Office of Professional Licensure, as authorized by the State Board of Education, reserves the right to non-renew a Non-Traditional Provisional License if the licensee does not successfully complete the required preparation modules, and non-renewal is recommended by the Non-Traditional Licensure Office. The Office of Professional Licensure shall not convert a provisional license to an initial license if the candidate fails to meet all criteria of the NTL program.

Appendix A Arkansas Department of Education NTL Teaching Areas and Levels of Licensure/Endorsement

Areas of Licensure

Grade Levels*

Early Childhood


Middle Childhood: Math/Science


Middle Childhood: English-Lang Arts/Social Studies






Social Studies


Physical/Earth Science


Life/Earth Science




P.E. Wellness & Leisure








Music, Vocal, & Instrumental
















Family & Consumer Science








Industrial Technology




Business Technology




Marketing Technology




Adult Education


Areas of Endorsement



* Level of licensure issued is determined based on grade level(s) taught in the NTL program.

005.16.06 Ark. Code R. 002
