The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures whereby sign owners may obtain permits from the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) to restore the visibility to their signs from adjacent State Highways controlled pursuant to the Regulations for the Control of Outdoor Advertising.
It is the policy of the AHTD to allow, by Restore Sign Visibility Policy (RSVP) permits, the mowing, "bush hogging", cutting, trimming, pruning, and/or selective removal of vegetation on State Highway rights of way to restore the visibility of signs from State Highways where such visibility has been diminished from the original erection of the signs. This policy applies to the visibility of legal, off-premise signs, both conforming and nonconforming, and not to illegal signs. RSVP permits will not be issued in relation to illegal signs, for signs erected with limited visibility, or to sign owners with other illegal or abandoned signs.
001.00.13 Ark. Code R. 001